What does VS Code indicate in the bottom left corner?
how many changes on remote repository to pull down and the number of changes to push up
Where will any change in the code made on VS be indicated upon save?
in the branch icon
What file must be at the top level for hosting a webpage on GitHub
What does initializing a file as index.html in GitHub do?
initiate the process of loading all other files
What is Git used for?
keeping track of revisions and allowing a developer or dev team to work together on a project through branches
What will the synchronize option in the bottom left corner of VS Code do?
will both pull down and push up
Why is the use of * in the git add command useful?
will make sure that all files in the directory you are in will be tracked
What does a "U" in the VS branch mode indicate?
code is untracked (new file)
What is the Git command for checking the status of a Git repository?
git status
What do you type to open up a project in VS Code?
"code ."
How do you add and commit all at once?
type in message, click checmark
What does an "M" in the VS branch mode indicate?
code has been modified
What is Git?
a version control system (VCS) for code
What does VS give the option of doing all at once?
adding and committing all at once
What can still be done after saving?
can still remove changes by using minus sign so that they are not staged
How do you compare the original code with the changed code in VS Code?
click on the "M" under changes
What does the commit command do?
commits a snapshot of the app locally
What comes after staging chances?
What is the next step after adding files for tracking?
committing the files
What does a "D" in the VS branch mode indicate?
What three choices do you have after saving change sin VS Code?
discarding the changes (dumping them and reverting back to previous version) or opening file to edit or clicking the plus button to stage the changes (which is the same as tracking changes)
What is the Git command for tracking files?
git add
What is the Git command for committing tracked files?
git commit
What is the command for committing and adding a message?
git commit -m "message you want"
What is the Git command for configuring Git?
git config
What is the syntax for configuring Git email?
git config --global [email protected]
What is the syntax for configuring your global Git account?
git config --global "name"
What is the Git command for initializing the Git repository?
git init
What is the command for initializing a local repository?
git init
What is the Git command for downloading files?
git pull
What is the Git command for uploading files?
git push
What is the syntax for pushing up changes through the command line after the first push?
git push
What is the push command syntax for the first push?
git push -u origin master
What is the syntax for linking local directory with the repository made at
git remote add origin
How do you link local repository to remote Github repository?
paste into the prompt the command and address for pushing existing repository from command line
What is an option for pushing up changes in VS Code through a menu?
select "push" from the three-dot pull-down menu in the branch icon
What does the master branch option in GitHub Pages settings do?
tells GitHub to use the top file as index.html
What is the number of changes to push up equivalent to?
the number of local commits that the remote repository doesn't have
What command allows for comparison of remote (Github) with local file?
the push command
What will "git status" output?
the state that the application is in (what step you're on for git)
Where should the git init command be applied?
to the top level of the project you intend to track in