Global Cold War and Decolonization

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What was the relationship between the Cold War and Decolonization?/How did the Cold War affect decolonization?

(Capitalism vs. Socialism) Cold War is happening at the same time of decolonization. -big communist nations like russia and big capitalist nation like the United States took advantage of the new nations and wanted to take on their form of government. -The United states thought that the vietnamese liked communism and fought against them because of this

Know post-independence and how India was split into 2 countries

(India and Pakistan - had to do with religion - majority Hindi in India and Pakistan is a Muslim country

nationalism- negotiated independence


Violent decolonization/Marxism/Civil War

(Korea, vietnam)

Incomplete decolonization

(South Africa)

Who was Mao Zedong? Why did the US oppose him?

-He was the marxist communsit party leader in china. The US opposed him because he supported communism The US and the Soviet Union

. What were the consequences of violating the pass laws?

-Many Africans were stripped of their citizenship as a result of their violation of the pass laws.

What benefits did the Western imperialist nations get from their colonies and spheres of influence?

-The benefits the Western Imperialist nations got from their colonies and sphere of influence was they were able to use the colonies and sphere of influences raw materials to fuel western factories, the raw materials also fueled the western markets. The imperialists became extremely wealthy.

How did the principles of the Atlantic charter conflict with imperialism?

-The charter said that the English and Americans would not take over any more territory and they would not mess with any countries' self-determination. This meant that these imperialism nations wouldn't be able to set up colonies or spheres of influence any longer

What was the difference between a colony and a sphere of influence?

-The difference between a colony and a sphere of influence of influence is a sphere of influence is when a countries in the spheres of influence had their own governments, but their economies were dominated by the imperialists. A colony is when an imperialist would take over and input their own government.

What were the immediate effects of the Partition?

-The immediate effects of Partition was violence/burning of building, looting trains -some people were not happy with the new decisions and resorted to violence -4 and a half million Hindu and Sikhs have to migrate to India out of Pakistan -6 million muslims must move towards pakistan -a lot of violence erupted because people did not allow people of the other religion to stay in india and the other way around -l million were killed, by 1948 most english have left

What did the Western nations assume about the new nations?

-They assumed that the new nations would continue to follow the leadership of the west. They also assumed the colonized should form nation-states like the European and American model, and allow Western businesses and people to continue to own their property in the new nations.

What does self-determination mean?

-all people have the right to to decide for themselves what their government should be.

How did political and economic challenges affect newly independent African Countries?

1962-1970 - lots of violence Challenges of state-building Lots of power struggles Militiamen overwhelmed newly formed governments with rebel uprisings Former of British colonies were torn apart Politics became very divided - and ethnicized Kenyian wanted kenyian policies Nigerians wanted nigerian policies There was unbalance of the elites and the poor The building of churches and schools caused disparity between rich and poor Unbalanced economies Not able to grow its own business class French never really left Africa French control went underground The frenchmen still signed the checks Ever since independence, Africa never recovered economically The battle over natural resources continues e The political & economic progress was slowed down The economy was left abandoned and without structure

vietnam war

A prolonged war (1954-1975) between the communist armies of North Vietnam who were supported by the Chinese and the non-communist armies of South Vietnam who were supported by the United States. Really a war of independence of the people -US aided the South (non-communist); led to sizeable, passionate, and sometimes violent protests, especially as the war went on, us aided south because they thought the other side was communist

What role did Pan Africanism/US Civil Rights Movement play in the growth of anticolonial nationalism?

Anticolonial nationalism grew after WWII People living in Africa became strong nationalists Pan Africanism is the idea that all people in Africa should be free People of the common descent should have freedom Spurred Africans to fight for self-sovereignty Ghana in 1957- the first country to become independent Power is in the union of independent nations A notion of United States of Africa US Civil Rights Movement - the idea of Black rights spurred anticolonial nationalism The rate of decolonization increased - by 1960 - African countries gained independence without conflict - "freed without bloodshed"

Who was present at the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885? Whose views were not represented?

At the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 were, European imperialist powers Act of Berlin - establish free trade and eliminate slavery Rearranged the borders of Africa 6k-10k different political units were impacted (ethnic groups) African views were not represented and were not aware of the Berlin Conference The Africans only saw the consequences of the Berlin Conference Justified that they were bringing Christianity and improved living conditions to African The "dark" continent needed "enlightenment"

What was the relationship between decolonization and was happening during the cold war

Cold war - Russia and the US fighting over newly independent countries which led to fighting in these countries (example - Vietnam, Korea..) countries ripped apart as the US and Russia fight over these countries

How did colonial economic policies affect Africans?

Colonial economic policies affected Africans in a very negative way. In South Africa, Apartheid was a political system where minority whites overpowered the majority blacks The Africans did not benefit economically when Europeans imperialized Africa. Africans remained poor as they served "new masters." Africans were forced to learn new languages - called cultural assimilation France was a country that tried to change the culture of African society Inequality - Africans were stripped of their culture and civilization Most British colonies did not strip Africans of their culture British took indirect control of their colonies as they learned the African language and appointed a tribal leader to be a liaison Ruling by proxy (British) Exploited Africans for the removal of the natural resources King Leopold II- of Belgium - got Congo at the Berlin Conference - was a brutal leader, pure looting of a country Atrocities where the population in Congo was cut in half in the 23 years he ruled Taxation Forced labor in getting rubber Hand amputation if the workers were not productive or refused to work Colonization was a system of high planning and was not a democratic process Sucking African wealth out of the continent Getting the natural resources out At the outbreak of WWI Africans were forced to fight

How do the legacies of colonialism affect Africa today?

Continued exploitation of resources Africa receives more humanitarian support than any other continent For every dollar that comes into Africa in support, more than that flows out of the country illegally High taxation Private busineses from other countries take advantage of the tax advantages and still profit from the cheap labor and poorly set up economic system Unequal trade Corruption of business practices and politicians System of elitism Africa remains Underdeveloped Poor infrastructure Weak education system Poor people widespread Poor health care system Foreign banks don't pay taxes There are some success stories Botswana - diamonds revenues have financed capital improvements Senegal - democracy has been successful More country in Africa are becoming more democratic There are some new professional classes in Africa Not the elites who have robbed Africa of growth Need to be positive

How did World War II lead to decolonization?(Economic cost)

During World War II, Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, Italy, and Japan all lost control of their colonies. They also emerged from the war greatly weakened in power. The Western colonizers faced increasing national resistance in the colonies in the decades after 1945, and their leaders realized that maintaining control with larger and larger armies was too expensive. In some imperialist nations, many people had come to believe that the colonies should become independent. *After WWII, it would be hypocritical to colonize countries after defeating Hitler bc he was an imperialist. Hitler's mission was to develop his own empire Plus the economic costs

Post-Independence issues

Ethnic disputes Dependent economies Growing debt Cultural dependence on west→religious revivalism as backlash Widespread social unrest Military responses to restore order Population growth Resource depletion Lack of middle class in some locales Education deficit and later, brain-drain/lack of experienced leaders Neo-colonialism through economic debt -nation-state model created big problems for the new Nations were created out of many different ethnic and religious groups who had no shared past. Much of the best aland and important resources were owned by foreign imperialists. producers of raw materials in the Western-dominated world market left the new nations with nothing..

Challenges of Independence and the Colonial Legacy

Ethnic disputes Dependent economies Growing debt Cultural dependence on west→religious revivalism as backlash Widespread social unrest Military responses to restore order Population growth Resource depletion Lack of middle class in some locales Education deficit and later, brain-drain/lack of experienced leaders Neo-colonialism through economic debt.

What motivated European powers to take control of Africa in the late nineteenth century?

European imperialism was fueled by the Industrial Revolution as the development of new machines that required natural resources - raw materials Africa became a strategic trade location as mass trade between nations increased and Africa was exploited for its resources Natural resources - Diamonds, cocoa, oil, gold, copper, platinum, ivory, rubber, cotton "untold riches bound for the docks of Europe"

How was power gain, maintained, and consolidated by the white minority under the system of Apartheid in South Africa?

Example 1: Pass Laws Example 2: Bantu Homelands Example 3: Forced Removals

Why might Mandela choose to make this public speech before he went to prison for 27 years?

He wanted to leave a mark on the people and give them hope for the future and to show that no matter how many years in jail he will never stop fighting

proxy wars

Korean War Vietnam War Afghanistan

What is Pan-Africanism?

Movement to unite all Africans

"This then is what the ANC is fighting. Their struggle is a truly national one. It is a struggle of the African people, inspired by their own suffering and their own experience. It is a struggle for the right to live. During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to this struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die." statement from the dock at the opening of the defense case in the Rivonia trial (excerpt), 1964 who said this?

Nelson M

Why do you think P.W. Botha declared a state of emergency?

P.W Botha declared a state of emergency because people were being physically beaten and more than 500 people were killed because of the segregation laws.

Indian Independence (An example of negotiated independence)

Partition into India and Pakistan Gandhi and nonviolence movement

process and laws of apartheid SA

Pass laws and apartheid policies prohibited Black people from entering urban areas without immediately finding a job. It was illegal for a Black person not to carry a passbook. Black people could not marry white people. They could not set up businesses in white areas. In 1910 the South African Union was formed under the South Africa Act of 1909. Under this union, most black South African rights are taken away. The Afrikaner National Party of 1948 rises to power and officially created the policy of apartheid or legalized racial segregation. The Bantu Authorities Act of 1951 creates homelands for Blacks and strips them of their South African citizenship. They are required to carry passports to enter white areas of South Africa. education was mainly for whites - Whites from age seven to sixteen, -Blacks from age seven to thirteen

Who was P.W. Botha and Steve Biko

Steve Biko, the leader of the Black Consciousness Movement he was beaten, arrested and died in police custody inciting more urgency to end apartheid. former prime minister of SA

Separation and Supremacy

The Apartheid government forcibly moved 3.5 million black South Africans between 1960 and 1986. This helped the white minority gain, maintain, and consolidate power in apartheid, South Africa, by helping them economically and politically. They wanted control over the communities. It helped the white government reach its goal of no Africans in South Africa. -The forced removals moved over 3.5 million black South Africans between 1960 and 1989. The government did this to implement the group areas and communities and it helped them reach their goal of stripping all-black south Africans of citizenship. This helped the white minority gain, maintain, and consolidate power in apartheid, South Africa, by stripping them of their political and economical right in society.

How did the Cold War affect countries post-independence?

The Cold War affected post-independent Africa as the US and Soviet Union wanted to spread their political ideologies - Capitalism vs communism African Independence coincided with the Cold War Depended on who the African leader was aligned with (US or USSR) Example - The Communist leader of Congo was backed by the Soviet Union (Lubumba) The US and France supported rebels (coup) who were against communist leaders African decolonization was accelerated no matter the Cold War - the notion of PanAfricanism was widespread

What impact did the end of World War II have on African colonies under European rule?

The end of WWII showed the growth of African colonies - it was the rise of African nationalism WWII was a turning point in the colonies throughout the world as the war destroyed the "Invincibility" of European powers Many Africans fought in WWII for France and England but did not support the imperialist powers The creation of the United Nations spread the idea of self-sovereignty (or self-rule) - the global platform - The colonies in Africa became too expensive for European imperialism to maintain Europe's poor economy led to a decrease in the value of the natural resources coming from Africa

3. What have been the long term effects of the Partition on the relationship between Pakistan and India?

The long term effects of the Partition on the relationship between Pakistan and India was it paved the way for a military takeover of in 1958 and a civil war in 1978, the separation of separate states like Bangladesh occurred, ethnic and religious tensions grew, Indian politicas ratified a constitution, Major tensions between the Muslims and Sikh grew, the conflict between India and Pakistan wasted thousands of lives. War over Kashmir unclaimed territory left by the british was fought over by India and Pakistan.

Why were photographs of Mandela banned after his incarceration? Why was quoting him an offense?

The photographs and quotes of Mandela were banned after his incarceration because he was sent to prison and he was given attention for what he was advocating for which is what they did not want.

What did both the US and the Soviet Union want from the new nations? What did they want differently?

They wanted to influence the new nations, They wanted to block each other's influence. The soviet union gave economic aid to asia and africa and wanted to spread communism. The US wanted to protect is business and economy

How did many urban Africans respond to the passed laws?

They would burn passes at police stations, the defiance campaign, and a massive women's protest.

What were the effects of this state of emergency?

Thousands of black were detained or killed.

The apartheid system in South Africa

blacks separated and viewed as inferior to whites, African National Congress sought to end Apartheid led by Nelson Mandela


focus on world and black rights around the world

"We are not conducting a struggle against individual whites."-Nelson M What does Mandela say he was fighting against?

he is fighting the principle and white domination

. Why was the colony of India divided into India and Pakistan in 1947?

inna was the muslim leader Neru was the indian national congress(hindu) Goal was a non religious government

The time for the healing of the wounds has come. The time to build is upon us. We have, at last, achieved our political emancipation. We pledge ourselves to liberate all our people from the continuing bondage of poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender and other discrimination. We have triumphed in the effort to implant hope in the breasts of the millions of our people. We enter into a covenant that we shall build the society in which all South Africans, both black and white, will be able to walk tall, without any fear in their hearts, assured of their inalienable right to human dignity - a rainbow nation at peace with itself and the world... We understand it still that there is no easy road to freedom. We know it well that none of us acting alone can achieve success. We must therefore act together as a united people, for national reconciliation, for nation building, for the birth of a new world. Let there be justice for all. Let there be peace for all. Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all... The sun shall never set on so glorious a human achievement!

mandela speech

The three patterns of decolonization:

nationalism- negotiated independence (India), Violent decolonization/Marxism/Civil War (Korea, vietnam), Incomplete decolonization (South Africa).

what is decolonization, why did it happen

process by which colonies become independent of the colonizing country.

Nelson Mandela

was the first President of South Africa to be elected in fully representative democratic elections. Before his presidency, he was a prominent anti-apartheid radical and leader of the African National Congress, who had spent 27 years in prison for his involvement in underground armed resistance activities and sabotage. Through his long imprisonment, much of it spent in a cell on Robben Island, Mandela became the most widely known figure in the struggle against South African apartheid.

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