Global Issues: Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Test

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What did the UN Partition Plan propose?

to separate the land into 2 countries into Israel (Jewish state) and and Palestine (Arab state) 55% of land goes to Jews (a lot of desert) 45% of land goes to Arabs Jerusalem = international city governed by UN

What was the Black September event?

when Yassir Arafat (PLO) ordered the overthrow of King Hussein

Is the barrier successful in terms of stopping terrorism?


Why does Israel win the Israeli-Arab war in 1948?

1. American and Canadian volunteers 2. highly trained military (IDF) 3. support of the international Jewish community 4. home-field advantage 5. motivation (death or victory)

What were the Zionists' 3 main arguments to the UN?

1. Biblical land rights 2. Safety - centuries of anti-semitism 3. Modernization

What were the Palestinians' 3 main arguments to the UN?

1. Possession of land for centuries 2. Majority of population 3. Innocent of Jewish persecution

What are some of the negatives to the barrier?

1. prevents education and hospital access 2. cuts into some of Palestine's land

Why were Jews stereotyped as being greedy?

1.) In the Bible 2.) They were forced to have jobs no one else wanted so they ended up being money lenders or tax collectors

Who was Leon Pinsker?

A Zionist pioneer

How did the Jews have land once they got to Palestine (during Aliyahs)?

A rich Jewish banking family, the Rothschilds, bought land for them to live on.

Who did most of the large land tracts that the Jews bought belong to?

Absentee owners

What was the state of England after WWII?

Although England won the war, they were pulverized

Who does Israel call to help them defend themselves from the Arab countries?

American and Canadian Jews

What was the Oslo Agreement?

An attempt to resolve issues between Israel and PLO

What is the difference between anti-semitism and anti-Judaism?

Anti-semitism is the hatred of Jews for what they believe in Anti-Judaism is the hatred of Jews for who they are

Who was the president of Egypt during the Camp David Accords?

Anwar Sadat

How were the US, England, and other countries affected after the Yom-Kippur War?

Arabic countries stopped selling oil to Western countries for helping Israel

What happens in 1988?

Arafat promises to recognize Israel

What was the cause of the Second Intifada (2000-2008)?

Ariel Sharon travels to the Temple Mount

What was Operation "Wrath of God"?

Assassination squads killing PLO leaders

What is the problem with the Balfour Declaration and the letter from Sir Henry McMahon to Ali ibn Husain?

Britain promised the same land to both peoples

What did Israel do in response to each terrorist attack?


What happened at Camp David 2000?

Ehud Barak (Israeli Prime Minister) offers Arafat all of Gaza & 97% of the West Bank

What was the Road Map to Peace and who created it?

George Mitchell plan to end Palestinian violence was never implimented

What happens when the UN creates a vote for a government for Palestine?

Hamas (a terrorist group wins)

Who was the 2007-2011 civil war between?

Hamas vs. Fatah (PLO)

What three groups were involved in the Second Intifada?

Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade

During the 2007-2011 civil war, where is Hamas controlling and where is Fatah controlling?

Hamas-Gaza Fatah-West Bank

What is Arafat's response to the Camp David 2000 terms and why?

He refuses Arafat wanted the immediate withdrawal of the Israelis from the occupied territories right of return-a belief that Palestinian refugees have a right to return to their original homes in Israel

Who was Emile Zola and why was he significant to the Dreyfus Affair?

He was a famous author and wrote an article about the Dreyfus Affair titled "J'accuse"

What happened to Anwar Sadat after he made peace with Israel?

He was assassinated by his own people

Where did the PLO set up bases?

In Jordan

What happened in 1987-1993?


What happened in 1946?

Irgun terrorist attack on the King David Hotel killing 91 people including British Military members

Who wins the Israeli-Arab war in 1948?


What agreement was made between Egypt and Israel during the Camp David Accords?

Israel gave the Sinai Penninsula back to Egypt in return for being recognized as a country "land for peace"

What happened in 1982?

Israel invaded Lebanon

What happens the day after Israel becomes a nation?

Israel is attacked by 5 Arab nations (Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Egypt)

Who was the 2006 Lebanon War between?

Israel vs. Hezbollah (terrorist group)

Who won the Six Day War and what was the result?

Israel won the Six Day War, and gained West Bank, Gaza, Golon Heights, and the Sinai Penninsula (1967)

What happened in 1994?

Israel-Jordan treaty

Who are the current leaders of Israel and Palestine?

Israel: Benjamin Netanyahu Palestine: Mahmoud Abbas

What is the Israeli and Palestinian reaction to the UN Partition Plan of 1947?

Israelis say yes Palestinians say no

What is Iron Dome?

Israels machine to shoot rockets being launched at them down

What is Operation Protective Edge?

Israels plans of stopping the missiles being shot at them by Hamas

What did the letter from Sir Henry McMahon say to Ali ibn Husain?

It promised the Arabs that if they supported the British in the war, the British government would support the establishment of an independent Arab state including Palestine (1915)

Why was the Yom-Kippur War (1973) a strategic move?

It started on Yom Kippur, Jews most holy day of the year, so no Arab would be expecting them to attack

What was wrong with most of the land that the Jews purchased?

It was uncultivable

Who moved into Palestine in 1914?

Jews coming through the first Aliyah

How were Jews treated after Enlightenment?

Jews were now treated as a race (world interested in eugenics), and were allowed out of the ghettos where they had been living

What type of land were the Jews living on after the Aliyahs?

Land bought from poor Palestinian farmers forcing them to leave

Who committed the Sabra and Shatlia Massacre?

Lebanese Christian Militia

What happened in 1945?

Liberation - end of WWII

What was the difference between the PLO and Hamas?

PLO: Palestinian movement, calls for end of Zionism Hamas: Islamic movement, calls for death of all Jews Hamas=religious group

What happened between 1936-1939?

Palestine Arab Revolt

What was the PLO?

Palestine Liberation Organization terrorist group

What was different between the ways that Palestine and Israel tried to convince people to be on their side?

Palestinians used dramatic pictures Israelis used long writings in response Palestinian method more effective

Who instated the pogroms which ordered the killings of Jews in the 1900s?


What happens in 2005?

Sharon evacuates all Jews from Gaza

Why did Israel have to build the barrier - why couldn't they ask the Palestinian government to make the terrorism stop?

Some of the terrorist groups were directly related to the Palestinian government

What was the Arab's new strategy after the Six Day War?


What happened in 1922?

The British created their mandate for Palestine

Who did the British favor while controlling Palestine?

The British favored the Israelis, most likely because they were white, by supporting the Jews' education and not the Arabs' education

What took place from June 5-10, 1967?

The Six Day War

What happened in 1947?

The UN Partition Plan was proposed

Who was Theodore Herzi and what did he do?

The reporter for the Dreyfus Affair, wrote a book called "The Jewish State" about Zionism

What were the Aliyahs?

The series of immigrations of Zionists into Palestine

Why are Holocaust survivors forced to stay in camps after WWII is over?

There is no where for survivors to go

How does England attempt to keep out Holocaust survivors from Palestine?

They build a blockade around the shore of Palestine

Where do Arabs go to after they lose the war against Israel in 1948?

They either go to West Bank or they flee

What does Israel gain after the war in 1948?

They end up with almost double the land they would have gotten through the UN Partition

What does England do with Palestine after not being able to decide what to do?

They give the issue to the UN to decide and give up Palestine

What was the Israelis beginning strategy during the Six Day War?

They launched a successful pre-emptive attack, which wipes out all planes in military

What did the British do with Palestinian documents once they gained control of Palestine?

They made documents in Hebrew, English, and Arabic to welcome many different people

What language did the Jews choose to speak after the Aliyah (while living in Israel)

They spoke Hebrew because they felt if they were back in their homeland, they should be speaking their language

Why did Russians believe that Jews had to be killed?

They thought that the Jews had a secret plan to take over all the banks and then the world

What types of arguments did Zionists make about their case?

They tried to convince the world leaders by using historical arguments, not religious arguments

Where do WWII survivors want to go?

They want to live in Palestine

What was interesting about the Zionists' faith?

They were not very religious

What does the IDF do?

They were trained by England for WWII Becomes helpful for the Arab-Israeli war to have skilled fighters

Why did the Israelis attack the Arabs before the Six Day War started?

This was in response to the Egyptian army lining up on the border

Why did the Arabs believe they had to try a new strategy after the Six Day War?

Twice they had lost wars to Israel so they knew they couldn't beat them through war

Why does the US not want Palestine to become an official country yet?

We want Palestine to make peace with Israel before they become an official state

What two territories does Palestine consist of today?

West Bank and Gaza Strip

What three questions are the main reason why Palestine is not yet a country?

When, where, and how?

Who was the leader of the PLO?

Yassir Arafat

Who was the Israeli prime minister at the time of the Oslo Agreement and Israel-Jordan treaty?

Yitzhak Rabin

What has the UN decided to refer to Palestine as?

a "non-member observer state"

What was the Elders of Zion?

a book that said that Jews are trying to take over the world

What was the Balfour Declaration?

a letter from the British government encouraging Zionism Promised the Jews that if they supported the British in the war, the British government would support the establishment of an independent Israeli state including Palestine (1917)

Who was the Hamas group?

a terrorist group

What was the Black September group?

a terrorist group assassinated Jordan prime minister responsible for Munich Olympic Games attack

What was Israels new strategy to reduce terrorist after counterattacks didn't work?

assassinating PLO leaders

What was the Israelis final decision on how to end suicide bombings and terrorism?

build a barrier

Who was Ariel Sharon?

defense minister most hated man to Palestinians called "the butcher" soon to be Israeli prime minister

Where were Holocaust survivors taken to by the English government?

detention camps on the island of Cyprus

What happened to Yitzhak Rabin after he agreed to give away some of their land in exchange for recognition?

he was assassinated by an Israeli

What are pograms?

identification of Jews

What was the result of the Yom-Kippur War?

no territory was gained or lost

What is the green line?

the "pre 67 borders"

When war first starts between Jews and Arabs, who had better weapons?

the Arabs have much better & many more weapons

What happened in 1917?

the Balfour Declaration

What is the IDF?

the Israel Defense Forces

What was the name of the system of how the Jews were living after the Aliyah?

the Kibbutz System

What was the Kibbutz System?

the Kibbutz System was a form of socialism no one makes any money, profits go back into the system

What empire controlled Palestine from the 1500s to 1917?

the Ottoman empire

What happened in 1973?

the Yom-Kippur War

What happened on May 14, 1948

the day England pulled out (no longer controlling Palestine) Israel becomes a nation

What did the PLO charter call for?

the destruction of Zionism (not Isreal, would not knowledge that it existed)

What was the Dreyfus Affair?

the event where French military documents were found in the waste basket of the German embassy blamed it on Dreyfus, an innocent Jew

What started the 2006 Lebanon War?

the kidnapping of two soldiers

What were the Camp David Accords?

the meetings to make peace between Egypt and Israel led by Bill Clinton

Define Zionism

the movement to reestablish a Jewish state in Palestine

What happened when Holocaust survivors returned to Poland a year later?

there was a terrorist attack on them, killing 1200 Jews

What is interesting about the planes that the Jews have to use to fight the Arabs?

they were created for the Nazis to use

What were the goals of the Palestine Arab Revolt?

to end Jewish immigration to Palestine to end transfers of land to Jewish owners a new "general representative government"

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