Gov unit 3

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What are the two major parties in Great Britain?

- conservative - labor

In absentee voting, a person marks the ballot and then swears before a ____ that he is a registered and qualified voter. He then sends his ballot to the county _____.

- notary public - clerk

How are committee members chosen in most states?

- primaries -conventions

Select the true statements about the Democratic Party.

-It is the oldest political party in the United States. -The Democrats won the Presidency in the 90s but lost control of the Congress.

The Democrats fought bitterly at times over:

-banking policies -slavery issues -tariff rates

What are four duties of the national chairman?

-campaign manager and fund-raiser -campaign fund spending and fund management -public relationships -assisting the President in awarding loyal party -workers

What is the function of political parties?

-electing the candidate -designing the platform -conducting the campaign -campaign financing

What is the advantage for the use of voting machines?

-fraud is nearly impossible -assure absolute secrecy -do away with the need for numerous officials to count ballots

How can a Republican state chairman become a member of his party's national committee?

-if most members in the Congress from his states are Republican -if his state has a Republican governor -his state cast electoral votes in the last election for the Republican candidate

The basic units of each party at each level are:

-mass meeting -committee

Examples of left-wing protest groups include:

-socialist party -american communist party -socialist labor party -communist party USA -socialist party USA

List four distinctive features of the Australian ballot.

1. The ballot is a secret ballot. 2. The ballot includes all the names of all the candidates from every party. 3. The ballot is prepared by the state or county and is printed for public use. 4. It is distributed by the elected officials and can be found at polling places.

Approximately how many election precincts are there around the United States?


The Democratic National Committee sends ___ representatives from the Panama Canal Zone.


The Republican party was formed in response to what issue?

Anti-slavery views, the oppositions to the extension of slavery

What do political parties depend largely on for their campaign funding?

Private donations

The Prohibition Party is considered to be what type of third party?

Those that have only one goal they are working towards

representative democracy

a democracy where the people elect representatives to act as their agents


a designation to serve, based upon ability and other qualifications

voting booth

a device used in elections; it's privacy curtain or shield ensures the citizen of secrecy while voting


a group that may not be in agreement with the general direction of the larger population


a person who currently holds an office


a person who doesn't hold an office but who is trying to unseat an incumbent


a plan of action


a political party's assembly, usually for the purpose of presenting a candidate


a political plan of action

What is a coalition?

a temporary alliance of political parties.

short ballot

a ticket for voting that shows only the names of the candidates for the highest offices


a type of person who will staunchly campaign or vote for only one political party.


a unified and organized effort with a goal in mind

secretary of the treasury ?

alexander hamilton

loose construction

allowing the federal government powers not denied it within the Constitution


an early election in which delegates select and nominate candidates for office


an election region or section of a community


an issue upon which the campaign may build; each represents a principle or point of view

oral voting

an older, less private form of voting where the voters would call out their vote


appointing individuals to political offices

Which political party function involves parties seeking out "leaders" that will reflect their views?

choosing a candidate

What party do the large cities tend to support?


Which political party controlled the South from 1861 to the early 1960s?


Election officers are chosen by the:

election board

"Watchdog" groups see to an election's ____


How often is the party platform written?

every four years

Nearly all states disqualify from voting those who are disabled or absent on business. T/F


With the long ballot system all less important state offices would be filled on the basis of patronage. T/F


Dictatorships have been most common in communist and ______ countries.


Alien and Sedition Act

gave the President power to deport any alien he deemed dangerous

first president ?

george washington


having the larger number in the house of Congress, assuring strong voting power in decisions of legislation

A person who currently holds an office is a(n)


second president ?

john adams

"The ________ way is a logically consistent approach to politics based on the moral principle of self-ownership."


strict construction

limit the Federal government strictly to the powers which the Constitution specifically delegated to it

Who was the first elected Republican president?


landslide defeat

losing by a sizable margin in an election

A duty of the "____" is to take a firm stand on the program of the administration and publicize its views.

loyal opposition

war chest

money designated for the purpose of conducting a winning campaign

party column method

names of the parties appear at the tops of the columns; titles of various offices are shown at the sides

What committee sends political leaders to certain states to campaign for their party's candidate?

national committee

local level

on a smaller, non-widespread scale

anti-federalist party

one of the first two American political parties; they wanted a weak central government


one who is nominated or designated to a position


one who is responsible for the proper conduct of the election

Many times a political party is accused of ____ if it appears they put their party's agenda ahead of the good of the people.

partisan politics


people of a certain region who elected a representative to whom the representative is answerable

A ____ watcher is a citizen who is paid by the parties to keep a watchful eye on the voters and the officials.


Your county is divided up into ________, which each have a few hundred people assigned to each polling place. The purpose is to avoid too many voters at one voting area.


absentee voting

process made for those who cannot be present at their polling place because of health or obligation

A contested election means that the losing candidate is demanding a ____


Which political party function involves parties writing slogans, distributing bumper stickers, and encouraging people to vote on election day?

running a campaign

On the ________ only the names of the candidates for the highest office appears on the ballot.

short ballot

polling place

specific voting area; each voter is assigned a particular place within the district where he lives

The long ballot encouraged ____ voting.

straight ticket

Third parties play a highly important role in the:

strengthening the two major parties

specific leader

the chairman of the national committee and the presidential candidate


the declared policy of a political group


the executive branch of the American government; particularly used in relation to the office-holder

central government

the federal power of the country


the group of leaders who make the major decisions in the political party's election strategy

The Anti-Federalist would limit the Federal government strictly to:

the powers the constitution delegated to it

electoral vote

the vote each state is given to cast for a national candidate for President of the United States

The third U.S. President was ___

thomas jefferson

third president?

thomas jefferson

office bloc arrangement

titles of the offices appear across the ballot, candidates of parties for each office are below the titles

A criticism of elections is that national, state, and local elections come on the same day. T/F


Inspectors and judges are responsible for the proper conduct of the election. T/F


The Democrats blamed the Republicans for the Stock Market crash of 1929. T/F


The Republican Party appealed to groups such as farmers, industrialists, and merchants. T/F


The Republicans won fourteen of the eighteen Presidential elections held between 1860 and 1928. T/F


The national convention meets every 4 years to nominate candidates for president and vice-president. T/F


We use the short ballot to elect the President, Vice-President, and members of Congress. T/F


One way to cut down on the number of elections is to not have an election when all the persons running are ____, which happens frequently.


straight ticket

voting by marking an "X" at the top of the ballot beside the name of the party of his choice

split ticket

voting for the best candidates for each office regardless of party

The headquarters for both major parties are located in ____

washington dc

Which statement below is characteristic of political parties in the United States?

we have a two - party system

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