Government: Chapter 5 Notecards
Total members of the Senate?
Average salary of the House?
174,000 per year
Average salary of the Senate?
174,000 per year
Salary of the Leader of the House?
193,400 per year
Salary of the Leader of the Senate?
193,400 per year
Senators per state?
2 per state.
Term of office of the House?
2 years
Age requirement of the House?
25 years old
House members and Senators that do not hold a college degree?
27 Representatives and 1 Senator
Age requirement of the Senate
30 years old
Total members of the House?
Average age of Representative?
57 years old
Term of office of the Senate?
6 years
Average age of Senators?
61 years old
Citizenship requirement of the House?
7 years
Citizenship requirement of the Senate?
9 years
The average length of service for House members?
9.4 years
Primary professions of Senators and Representatives?
Business and Law, Professional Politicians, Software Engineers, Physicians
How many members of Congress have served in the military?
Currently, 80 members are serving in the armed forces.
This person is usually the most senior member of the majority party in the House of Representatives.
Dean of the House
This person is usually the most senior member of the Senate, and again, is more of a title than an actual job.
Dean of the Senate
House members per state?
Determined by population.
Who has served the longest House term?
John Dingell served 59 years.
Residency requirement of the House?
Live in the state in which they want to represent.
Residency requirement of the Senate?
Live in the state in which they want to represent.
If there is any butt that needs kissing in the Senate, it 's this person. He/she is the first person who can be heard on the Senate floor and is also the head of Committee assignments; meaning if he/she decides if a Senator goes on the committee for National Defense or the Committee on the lead content in toys from China.
Majority Leader
The top member of the loser party...acts as a spokesperson for his/her party.
Minority Leader
This person is supposed to preside over the Senate when the Vice President is absent, however, it's normally too boring a job for either of them so they usually make one of the less liked members of the Senate do it (usually the new guys).
President Pro Tempore of the Senate.
This person most closely represents you in Congress.
What is the predominant religion in Congress?
Roman Catholic
This person is the more prestigious member of Congress from your state and is voted on by the whole state to represent their interests.
This person presides over the House in the speaker's absence.
Speaker Pro Tempore
This person presides over the House of Representatives. He/she gets the nicest chair, sitting above everyone else, and he/she gets a little gable to make sure everyone is following Robert's Rules.
Speaker of the House
The hardest working person in Congress; this person is in charge of making sure all members of their party are present for important votes.