Government Exam

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Making mass transportation available is one of the ways a local government can assist a citizen. The state government is involved in licensing businesses.


Most one-part systems are associated with _____________.

Final Solution

Nazi government's killing of European Jews.


Nazi secret police


Nazism and fascism have some similarities. Hitler ruled as a dictator and encouraged the people to maintain a "pure race." In a fascist government, worker strikes are never allowed.


Officials in the House of Representatives serve ___________ terms.


One of the prime examples of a fascist government is that of ___________ during World War II.

Roman Senate

One of the two houses of the early Roman republic.

are appointed for life

One similarity between the United States Supreme Court and the British House of Lords is that they both _____________.

The Senate leaders is the President pro temproe and House leader is the Speaker of the House. If both President and Vice President should die, the Speaker of the House becomes President. The Senate confirms cabinet secretaries, justices and ambassadors.

The Senate differs from the House of Representatives by _______________.

Supreme Court

The _________ reviews laws and decides whether they are within the guidelines of the Constitution.


The beginnings of democracy were seen in ____________ around 400 B.C. Main strength was its navy.

The German government could not keep up with the huge debt repayment imposed from World War I. Rampant unemployment demoralized many Germans and they needed to regain a national self-esteem. The prevailing political parties offered no hope an no solutions to the abysmal state of German identity. Because the allies blamed Germany for World War I, the Germans suffered a deep sense of national guilt and needed someone to instill a sense of national pride.

The rise of Nazism happened because of what factors?


The system of cooperation known as feudalism ended around the 15th century.

House of Commons and House of Lords

The two houses of British Parliament are the ____________ and the ___________.

Government to be morally responsible to divine laws. Government to help people live rightly.

Thomas Aquinas was a medieval philosopher and theologian who wrote extensively on the need for which of the following?

cultural, religion and travel

Three personal liberties restricted under fascism include __________________.


Tyrants were power-hungary militants who grabbed absolute control by popular vote.

Leadership is needed. Production and sustenance must be provided daily. Safety is a priority. Law and order should be maintained. The government should have a goal.

What are five essential requirements for creating a government?

In Rome, only men with money and property could vote. In the Rome Senate, the most powerful part of the government, all Senators were patricians.

What are the differences between the Roman republic and the Greek democracy?

Samnites, Celts, Etruscans and Carthaginians

What are the four enemies that the ancient Romans battled against?

The right to a speedy trial

What is incorporated in the term Habeas Corpus?


Which form of government shares goods and services equally, and the political power is distributed among the people?

A defense of the newly written Constitution. Written by Alexander Hamilton and James Madison.

Which of the following are true of the Federalist Papers?

Senators are elected for a six-year term. The leader of the House of Representatives is called the speaker of House.

Which of the following are true of the United States legislature?

A committee reviews the bill and marks it up to make it. More viable and to reflect interests of committee members. The chairman of a committee instructs her/his staff to prepare a written report on the bill describing its intent and effect. An idea for a law is drafted by someone interested in seeings a law made who then finds a Congressional sponsor to back it.

Which of the following describes the bill-making process?

Had its origins in the work of an elected official Solon in 594 B.C. was, as a direct democracy one man one vote, the precursor to the American governmental system. Didn't allow women and slaves to participate in any way.

Which of the following illustrate the law making assembly of ancient Greece?

The Tenure of kings and Magistrates

Which of the following is John Milton's work that speaks of the peoples' right to select and remove rulers?


agreement by which a knight agrees to be a sub-vassal to a vassal in exchange for land.


an assigned period of time for an elected official


being answerable to others.


ceremony where me become vassals in a lord's manor


civilization that fell due to what many believe was due to a lack of goals.


dangerous mob self rule

Concentration Camps

detainment centers for many of Hitler's "undesirable" citizens.


divine right to rule

Constitutional republic

election of representatives


example of a city which was founded as a fort with safety in mind.

Sam Houston

example of a leader kept a government strong and active.

A.D. 700

feudalism started

"direct democracy"

first name given to the Greek democracy.


first word of the German title for the political National Socialist Worker's Party.


food and drink; necessary foods in order to stay alive.

New York City

grew due to the goals of increasing its international trade.

Nazi government

had control of communications, military power, and social life.


leader works his own benefit.


leaders within the Concillum Piebus


members of Rome's richest and most important families.

freedom to travel

not allowed under fascism

Citizen Assembly

one of the two houses of the Roman republic, which consisted of regular middle-class male citizens of Rome.


over ruler over all

King John

ruled England in the early 1200's.


set the rules and maintained authority within the city-state.

Sinagua tribe

settlement that relocated due to lack of resources and sustenance.


succession of king or queen. Leader works for the good of the people.

450 B.C.

the Roman's first code of law was established.


the ancient power structures which were cities that were fortified into independent units of strength.

Greek culture

the birth of democracy.

Direct Democracy

the force of government for the City-States of ancient Greece and the Rome republic.


the head of state in some forms of government.

Prime Minister

the leader of the majority party in the House of Commons is usually Britain's ____________.


the rule of many for the benefit of all

Concillum Piebus

to obtain political rights, plebeians formed their own assembly, the _____________.

Fascist government

usually controlled by a dictator


voted in a parliamentary democracy in 1991, headed by a prime minister.


which type of government passes law to protect the rights of its citizens?

Great Depression

worldwide result of the Stock Market panic of the late 1920's.


wrote the proposal that opened up the voting rights to all free adult men in 508 B.C.


Fascists usually gain power after a country's economic collapse.

They each developed their own military forces making Greek a military powerhouse. The rivalry between city-states meant more political interest among citizens. In their political engagement were the roots of democracy.

For which of the following reasons did Greece benefit from its city-states?

High inflation and unemployment nation wide poverty and the democratic government seemed powerless to stop it. People were desperate for change and Hitler seemed like the best hope.

Form your understanding, why was Nazism popular among Germans, especially in the beginning?

Enforce rules that control conduct within a population

Government are important because they ______________.

A Lord would be given land by the king in return for homage or a promise to serve the king when called upon. A knight would be given a fiefdom by a vassal and act a part of a standing army for the vassal. A vassal depended on the agricultural production of serfs to feed the whole system.

How did Feudalism work?


Human thought and lifestyle within a certain time period or place.

Automatically put into law.

If the president doesn't want to deal with a bill and lets it sit for ten days while Congress is in session, the bill is _____________.


In 594 B.C. he was chosen as an Athenian statesman with reformation powers.

the wealthy and landed gently were appointed to the Senate for life and had the real power.

In the Roman republic _____________.


Main strength was its army.


A __________ has complete control of the affairs of a country, and is unrestrained by law.


A bill that doesn't progress "sits" in committee.


A dominating nation with extensive territories and a powerful ruler, such as Rome, is known as an empire.


A fief is the troop of knights granted to the vassal.

standing army

A group of soldiers ready to do battle.


A vassal was given the rights to control the fief and to have ownership of it. A knight may serve a serf in exchange for horses.

great personal fulfillment is achieved when a person is given the freedoms to pursue his dreams.

Aristotle's theory of a person's "function" said that ____________.


Children were required to attend educational programs about Nazism.


China has a ___________ government.

Two or more parties often have to join together to form a coalition government.

Choose the statement that best describes multi-party political systems.

Depended on serfs to work the land. Left knights to manage their fiefdom properly. Meant kings allowed some of his direct authority to be delegated to others. Ensured vassals to pay homage to the king.

Which of the following is true of Feudalism?

A Prime Minister is elected as party leader in a parliament an democracy.

Which of the following statements is most accurate?

They decided all laws and settled disputes among citizens

Which of the following was NOT a role of the assemblies of the Greek City-States?

The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital

Which of the following works were written by Karl Marx?

Aaron Burr

Which of these men did NOT help write the Federalist Papers?

Aristotle and Machiavelli

_________ is known as the father of political science, and __________ is considered to be the father of modern political science.


a call to appear in court.


a few working for the good of the people. Is system of government by privileged citizens or the upper class.


a few working for their own benefit. Small group of aristocratic-type men in leadership.


a group of people settled in a particular area who carry the same interests.


a leader of the empire who collected the taxes and sent the money back to Rome.


a system of cooperation among peoples which was basically an exchange of land for protection

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