Group 4 (Updated 12/26)

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gift (n)

1 : a notable capacity, talent, or endowment 2 : something voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation 3 : the act, right, or power of giving

mandarin (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or typical of a mandarin mandarin graces 2 : marked by polished ornate complexity of language mandarin prose

malefactor (n)

1 : one who commits an offense against the law especially : FELON He favors harsh punishment for chronic malefactors. 2 : one who does ill toward another a sinister malefactor abusing his power — Iron Age

chilling (adj)

: gravely disturbing or frightening a chilling case of abuse

money market (n)

: the trade in short-term negotiable instruments (such as certificates of deposit or U.S. Treasury securities)

veracious (adj)

1 : TRUTHFUL, HONEST 2 : marked by truth : ACCURATE

lucubration (n)

laborious or intensive study; also : the product of such study —usually used in plural

sans (prep)

WITHOUT my love to thee is sound, sans crack or flaw —William Shakespeare

matchbox (n)

a box for matches

grimace (n)

a facial expression usually of disgust, disapproval, or pain a grimace of hate and rage — grimacer noun

finite (adj)

a finite amount (of resources). 1 a : having definite or definable limits a finite number of possibilities b : having a limited nature or existence finite beings 2 : completely determinable in theory or in fact by counting, measurement, or thought the finite velocity of light 3 a : less than an arbitrary positive integer and greater than the negative of that integer b : having a finite number of elements a finite set 4 : of, relating to, or being a verb or verb form that can function as a predicate or as the initial element of one and that is limited (as in tense, person, and number) finite verbs such as is and are — finite noun — finitely adverb — finiteness noun

glacial (adj)

a glacial pace. 1 : suggestive of ice: such as a : extremely cold : frigid a glacial wind b : devoid of warmth and cordiality a glacial handshake c : coldly imperturbable maintained a glacial calm 2 : of a purity marked by the tendency to readily solidify in the form of ice-like crystals glacial acetic acid 3 a (1) : of, relating to, or being any of those parts of geologic time from Precambrian onward when a much larger portion of the earth was covered by glaciers than at present (2) capitalized : pleistocene b : of, relating to, or produced by glaciers c : suggestive of the very slow movement of glaciers progress on the bill has been glacial — glacially

glancing (adj)

a glancing smile. 1 : hitting so as to glance off a glancing blow 2 : INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT made glancing allusions to her past

deed (n)

a good deed. 1 : something that is done evil deeds did my good deed for the day 2 : a usually illustrious act or action : FEAT, EXPLOIT a hero's daring deeds 3 : the act of performing : ACTION righteous in word and in deed 4 : a signed and usually sealed instrument (see INSTRUMENT entry 1 sense 4) containing some legal transfer, bargain, or contract gave them the deed to the house

glottochronology (n)

a linguistic method that uses the rate of vocabulary replacement to estimate the date of divergence for distinct but genetically related languages — glottochronological

medium (n)

a medium of exchange. plural mediums or media play \ˈmē-dē-ə\ 1 a : something in a middle position These shirts are all mediums. b : a middle condition or degree : mean Look for a happy medium. 2 : a means of effecting or conveying something: such as a (1) : a substance regarded as the means of transmission (see transmission 1) of a force or effect air is the medium that conveys sound (2) : a surrounding or enveloping substance (3) : the tenuous material (such as gas and dust) in space that exists outside large agglomerations (see agglomeration 2) of matter (such as stars) interstellar medium b plural usually media (1) : a channel or system of communication, information, or entertainment — compare mass medium (2) : a publication or broadcast that carries advertising (3) : a mode of artistic expression or communication as his literary medium he has chosen a biographical form —Ernest Newman (4) : something (such as a magnetic disk) on which information may be stored c media plural : digital audio or video files available for playback or streaming ... the free video broadcasts can be downloaded to portable media players from a number of popular pod[cast] and vodcast Web sites. —Steve Miller Apple's current keyboards can use the function keys ... for alternate functions such as controlling volume, screen brightness, media playback ... —Dan Frakes d : go-between, intermediary the medium of introduction was no doubt ... the publisher —Richard Garnett d plural mediums : an individual held to be a channel of communication between the earthly world and a world of spirits e : material or technical means of artistic expression (such as paint and canvas, sculptural stone, or literary or musical form) 3 a : a condition or environment in which something may function or flourish Ocean fish live in a medium of salt water. b plural media (1) : a nutrient system for the artificial cultivation of cells or organisms and especially bacteria (2) : a fluid or solid in which organic (see 1organic 3) structures are placed (as for preservation or mounting) c : a liquid with which pigment is mixed by a painter

microcosm (n)

a microcosm of... 1 : a little world; especially : the human race or human nature seen as an epitome (see epitome 1) of the world or the universe 2 : a community or other unity that is an epitome (see epitome 2) of a larger unity The suburb has been the microcosm of the city. — microcosmic adjective — microcosmically adverb — in microcosm : in a greatly diminished size, form, or scale

model (n)

a model for success. 1 obsolete : a set of plans for a building 2 dialectal British : copy, image 3 : structural design a home on the model of an old farmhouse 4 : a usually miniature representation of something a plastic model of the human heart; also : a pattern of something to be made 5 : an example for imitation or emulation his written addresses are models of clearness, logical order, and style —A. B. Noble 6 : a person or thing that serves as a pattern for an artist; especially : one who poses for an artist His wife served as the model for many of his paintings. 7 : archetype 8 : an organism whose appearance a mimic imitates 9 : one who is employed to display clothes or other merchandise has appeared as a model in ads for swimsuits 10 a : a type or design of clothing girls, self-conscious in their Paris models —Paul Bowles b : a type or design of product (such as a car) offers eight new models for next year, including a completely restyled convertible 11 : a description or analogy used to help visualize something (such as an atom) that cannot be directly observed 12 : a system of postulates, data, and inferences presented as a mathematical description of an entity or state of affairs; also : a computer simulation (see simulation 3a) based on such a system climate models 13 : version 2 an experimental model of a bionic arm 14 : animal model

moderate (adj)

a moderate amount; all in moderation. 1 a : avoiding extremes of behavior or expression : observing reasonable limits a moderate drinker b : calm, temperate Though very much in favor of the measure, he expressed himself in moderate language. 2 a : tending toward the mean or average amount or dimension a family of moderate income b : having average or less than average quality : mediocre wrote moderate poetry to the end of his life —Carl Van Doren 3 : not violent, severe, or intense a moderate climate moderate winters cook over moderate heat 4 : professing or characterized by political or social beliefs that are not extreme had left-wing, moderate, and right-wing candidates vying for the nomination 5 : limited in scope or effect His new wealth had only a moderate effect on his way of life. 6 : not expensive : reasonable or low in price a moderate price for a new house 7 of a color : of medium lightness and medium chroma a moderate red — moderately adverb — moderateness noun

formula (n)

a winning formula. plural formulas or formulae play \ˈfȯr-myə-ˌlē, -ˌlī\ 1 a : a set form of words for use in a ceremony or ritual b : a conventionalized statement intended to express some fundamental truth or principle especially as a basis for negotiation or action 2 a (1) : recipe The product is made using a secret formula that the company refuses to reveal. (2) : prescription b : a milk mixture or substitute for feeding an infant 3 a : a general fact, rule, or principle expressed in usually mathematical symbols b : a symbolic expression of the chemical composition or constitution of a substance c : a group of symbols (such as letters and numbers) associated to express facts or data (such as the number and kinds of teeth in the jaw) concisely d : a combination of signs in a logical calculus 4 : a customary or set form or method allowing little room for originality All her books were written according to a familiar formula. — formulaic play \ˌfȯr-myə-ˈlā-ik\ adjective — formulaically

flux (n)

a(n) (in)flux of..; in flux 1 : a flowing of fluid from the body: such as a : diarrhea b : dysentery 2 : a continuous moving on or passing by (as of a stream) 3 : a continued flow : flood a flux of words 4 a : influx b : change, fluctuation in a state of flux the flux following the death of the emperor 5 : a substance used to promote fusion (as of metals or minerals); especially : one (such as rosin) applied to surfaces to be joined by soldering, brazing, or welding to clean and free them from oxide and promote their union 6 : the rate of transfer of fluid, particles, or energy across a given surface

madhouse (n)

becoming a madhouse. 1 informal : an institution providing care to mentally ill individuals 2 : a place of uproar or confusion

misspeak (v)

being careful to avoid misspeaking. misspoke play \-ˈspōk\; misspoken play \-ˈspō-kən\; misspeaking transitive verb 1 : to speak (something, such as a word) incorrectly 2 : to express (oneself) imperfectly or incorrectly claims now that he misspoke himself intransitive verb : to speak incorrectly : misspeak oneself

hypercritical (adj)

being hypercritical of... meticulously or excessively critical — hypercritically

believe (v)

believe in your abilities. believed; believing transitive verb 1 a : to consider to be true or honest believe the reports you wouldn't believe how long it took b : to accept the word or evidence of I believe you couldn't believe my ears 2 : to hold as an opinion : suppose I believe it will rain soon intransitive verb 1 a : to accept something as true, genuine, or real ideals we believe in believes in ghosts b : to have a firm or wholehearted religious conviction or persuasion : to regard the existence of God as a fact Do you believe? —usually used with in believe in the Scriptures 2 : to have a firm conviction as to the goodness, efficacy, or ability of something believe in exercise 3 : to hold an opinion : think I believe so — believer noun — not believe : to be astounded at I couldn't believe my luck

capitulate (v)

capitulating on some deal-breaking points. 1 archaic : parley, negotiate 2 a : to surrender often after negotiation of terms The enemy was forced to capitulate unconditionally. b : to cease resisting : acquiesce The company capitulated to the labor union to avoid a strike.

high-spirited (adj)

characterized by a bold or energetic spirit — high-spiritedly adverb — high-spiritedness noun

mail (n)

chiefly Scotland : payment, rent 1 chiefly Scotland : bag, wallet 2a : material (such as letters and packages) sent or carried in a postal system sorting through the mail also : similar material distributed within an organization interoffice mail b : a conveyance that transports mail c : e-mail sense 2a 3 : a nation's postal system a letter sent through the mail —often used in plural packages sent through the mails

knowledge (n)

deep knowledge of... 1 a (1) : the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association (2) : acquaintance with or understanding of a science, art, or technique b (1) : the fact or condition of being aware of something (2) : the range of one's information or understanding answered to the best of my knowledge c : the circumstance or condition of apprehending truth or fact through reasoning : cognition d : the fact or condition of having information or of being learned a person of unusual knowledge 2 a : the sum of what is known : the body of truth, information, and principles acquired by humankind b archaic : a branch of learning 3 archaic : sexual intercourse 4 obsolete : cognizance

erupt (v)

erupt in laughter. erupted; erupting; erupts intransitive verb 1 a (1) : to burst from limits or restraint (2) of a tooth : to emerge through the gum b : to force out or release suddenly and often violently something (such as lava or steam) that is pent up c : to become active or violent especially suddenly : break forth war could erupt at any moment the audience erupted in applause 2 : to break out with or as if with a skin eruption transitive verb : to force out or release usually suddenly and violently a volcano erupting lava and ash — eruptible play \i-ˈrəp-tə-bəl\ adjective — eruptive play \i-ˈrəp-tiv\ adjective — eruptively adverb

running start (n)

get a running start on... flying start

hold off (v)

hold off on... 1 : to block from an objective : DELAY 2 : to defer action on : POSTPONE hold off a decision 3 : to fight to a standoff : WITHSTAND intransitive verb : to defer or temporarily stop doing something

hollandaise (n)

hollandaise sauce. : a rich sauce made basically of butter, egg yolks, and lemon juice or vinegar

host (v)

hosted; hosting; hosts 1 : to receive or entertain guests at or for host a dinner : to serve as host (see HOST entry 3 sense 1a) to host friends 2 : EMCEE hosted a series of TV programs

league (n)

in a league of their own. 1 : any of various units of distance from about 2.4 to 4.6 statute miles (3.9 to 7.4 kilometers) 2 : a square league

addition (n)

in addition to... 1 : a part added (as to a building or residential section) The addition expanded the kitchen. 2 : anything or anyone added : increase The clerk was a recent addition to the staff. 3 : the act or process of adding a recipe enhanced by the addition of freshly ground pepper; especially : the operation of combining numbers so as to obtain an equivalent simple quantity schoolchildren learning about addition and subtraction 4 : direct chemical combination of substances into a single product — in addition : 2besides, also The job requires a college degree and, in addition, at least two years of experience. — in addition to : combined or associated with : 1besides 2 In addition to soup, several salads were served.

faculty (n)

in full possession of your faculties. plural faculties 1 : ability, power: such as a : innate or acquired ability to act or do man ... how infinite in faculty —William Shakespeare b : an inherent capability, power, or function the faculty of hearing c : any of the powers of the mind (such as will, reason, or instinct) formerly held by psychologists to form a basis for the explanation of all mental phenomena d : natural aptitude has a faculty for saying the right things 2 a : a branch of teaching or learning (such as law, medicine, or liberal arts) in an educational institution b archaic : something in which one is trained or qualified 3 a : the members of a profession b : the teaching and administrative staff and those members of the administration having academic rank in an educational institution an excellent mathematics faculty c faculty plural : faculty members many faculty were present 4 : power, authority, or prerogative given or conferred The state has the faculty to define treason.

kill (v)

killed; killing; kills transitive verb 1 a : to deprive of life : cause the death of a disease that has killed thousands He threatened to kill them. b (1) : to slaughter (an animal) for food (2) : to convert a food animal into (a kind of meat) by slaughtering 2 a : to put an end to kill competition a change that could kill our chances for success b : defeat, veto killed the amendment c : to mark for omission; also : delete kill a quote d : annihilate, destroy kill an enemy 3 a : to destroy the vital or essential quality of killed the pain with drugs b : to cause to stop kill the motor c : to check the flow of current through kill the lights 4 : to make a markedly favorable impression on she killed the audience 5 : to get through uneventfully kill time; also : to get through (the time of a penalty) without being scored on kill a penalty 6 a : to cause extreme pain to My back is killing me. b : to tire almost to the point of collapse has been killing herself to get the project done on time 7 : to hit (a shot) so hard in various games that a return is impossible killed a backhand down the line 8 : to consume (something, such as a drink) totally ... killed his drink and held out the glass. —W. L. Gresham killed two bottles of wine over dinner intransitive verb 1 : to cause the death of a person, animal, or plant a murderer who may kill again an herbicide that kills on contact if looks could kill 2 : to make a markedly favorable impression was dressed to kill — killable adjective

meticulous (adj)

meticulous attention to detail. marked by extreme or excessive care in the consideration or treatment of details a meticulous researcher — meticulosity play \-ˌti-kyə-ˈlä-sə-tē\ noun — meticulously play \-ˈti-kyə-ləs-lē\ adverb — meticulousness

factor (n)

one factor of many. 1 : one who acts or transacts business for another: such as a : broker 1b b : one that lends money to producers and dealers (as on the security of accounts receivable) 2 a (1) : one that actively contributes to the production of a result : ingredient price wasn't a factor in the decision (2) : a substance that functions in or promotes the function of a particular physiological process or bodily system a clotting factor that facilitates blood coagulation b : a good or service (such as land, labor, or capital) used in the process of production 3 : gene 4 a : any of the numbers or symbols in mathematics that when multiplied together form a product (see product 1); also : a number or symbol that divides another number or symbol b : a quantity by which a given quantity is multiplied or divided in order to indicate a difference in measurement costs increased by a factor of 10 — factorship

overengineer (v)

overengineering an ice cube tray. overengineered; overengineering transitive + intransitive : to engineer (something, such as a product) to have more functions, capabilities, etc. than are necessary or desirable The pressure to overreact to feedback ... will lead many companies to overengineer their products, until common sense kicks back in. —Guy Kawasaki It was advertised to last 50 years, and overengineered so it might last 100. —Stephen Flynn Our research steered us away from trying to design pockets and compartments for specific uses. We didn't want to overengineer. —Eric Rothenhaus

card (n)

playing the ____ card. keeping your cards close to the chest. 1 : PLAYING CARD 2 cards plural in form but singular or plural in construction a : a game played with cards b : card playing 3a : something (such as an advantage) compared to a valuable playing card in one's hand holding all the cards in negotiations b : an issue especially with emotional appeal that is brought into play to achieve a desired end (such as winning a political campaign) played the race card 4 : a usually clownishly amusing person : WAG he's such a card 5 : COMPASS CARD 6a : a flat stiff usually small and rectangular piece of material (such as paper, cardboard, or plastic) usually bearing information: such as (1) : POSTCARD (2) : VISITING CARD (3) : BUSINESS CARD (4) : CREDIT CARD (5) : one bearing a picture (as of a baseball player) on one side and usually statistical data on the other (6) : one on which computer information is stored (as in the form of punched holes or magnetic encoding) (7) : one bearing electronic circuit components for insertion into a larger electronic device (such as a computer) b : PROGRAM especially : a sports program three fights on the card c(1) : a wine list (2) : MENU d : GREETING CARD a birthday card in the cards or less commonly on the cards : INEVITABLE success just wasn't in the cards for her

agitation (n)

plural agitations 1 : the act or an instance of agitating something : a moving back and forth or with an irregular, rapid, or violent action In candy making, this agitation usually consists of working the chocolate back and forth on a marble surface with a large scraper. —Rose Levy Beranbaum The technology is based on the controlled agitation of concentrated ore particles with precisely determined amounts of acid. —Corale L. Brierley 2 : a state or feeling of being agitated and restless nervous agitation Holmes was for the moment as startled as I. His hand closed like a vice upon my wrist in his agitation. —Arthur Conan Doyle She sat some time in a good deal of agitation, listening, trembling, and fearing to be sent for every moment ... —Jane Austen : a state of excessive psychomotor activity accompanied by increased tension and irritability ... characterized by prominent agitation, irritability, and delusions ... —Oliver Freudenreich et al. Propranolol and other beta-blockers suppress physical symptoms of agitation and anxiety by slowing down the sympathetic nervous system. —The Harvard Mental Health Letter 3 : a persistent and sustained attempt to arouse public feeling or influence public opinion (as by appeals, discussions, or demonstrations) political agitation ... makes it clear that this assertive attitude of black women was essential during the agitation for civil rights. —Gloria Naylor

laboratory (n)

plural laboratories 1 a : a place equipped for experimental study in a science or for testing and analysis a research laboratory; broadly : a place providing opportunity for experimentation, observation, or practice in a field of study b : a place like a laboratory for testing, experimentation, or practice That area is a laboratory for cultivating the germ of terrorism. 2 : an academic period set aside for laboratory work a course of study requiring two lectures and one laboratory per week

miasma (n)

plural miasmas also miasmata play \-mə-tə\ 1 : a vaporous exhalation formerly believed to cause disease; also : a heavy vaporous emanation (see emanation 2) or atmosphere a miasma of tobacco smoke 2 : an influence or atmosphere that tends to deplete or corrupt freed from the miasma of poverty —Sir Arthur Bryant the enervating miasma of fear —The Times Literary Supplement (London) also : an atmosphere that obscures : fog — miasmal play \-məl\ adjective — miasmatic play \ˌmī-əz-ˈma-tik\ adjective — miasmic play \mī-ˈaz-mik, mē-\ adjective — miasmically

rankle (v)

rankled; rankling play \ˈraŋ-k(ə-)liŋ\ intransitive verb 1 : to cause anger, irritation, or deep bitterness 2 : to feel anger and irritation transitive verb : to cause irritation or bitterness in

reload (v)

reloaded; reloading verb, transitive + intransitive : to load again: such as a : to put a charge or load into a weapon again reloaded a pistol ... most competitive shooters reload their own ammunition. —Craig Vaughn This firearm will continuously load, fire, eject, reload, and fire again ... —William R. Dietrick b : to load or be loaded into a computer's memory or storage again recorded the time the computer's operating system took to reload The files are stored locally, so that whenever you access a Web site that you have accessed previously, the browser doesn't have to reload the entire page; it simply reads it from the cache. —Terrance A. Rooney c : to put a renewed supply of funds or resources into an account However, the new tickets can not be reloaded with credit like a standard smartcard. —Benedict Brook — reloadable

capital (n)

spending capital. 1a(1) : a stock of accumulated goods especially at a specified time and in contrast to income received during a specified period also : the value of these accumulated goods (2) : accumulated goods devoted to the production of other goods (3) : accumulated possessions calculated to bring in income set capital and land and labor to work —G. B. Shaw b(1) : net worth : excess of assets over liabilities (2) : STOCK sense 7c(1) c : persons holding capital : capitalists considered as a group d : ADVANTAGE, GAIN make capital of the situation e : a store of useful assets or advantages wasted their political capital on an unpopular cause wrote from the capital of his emotionally desolate boyhood —E. L. Doctorow 2 [ 1capital ] a : a letter that conforms to the series A, B, C, etc. rather than a, b, c, etc. : a capital letter especially : an initial capital letter b : a letter belonging to a style of alphabet modeled on the style customarily used in inscriptions 3 [ 1capital ] a : a city serving as a seat of government b : a city preeminent in some special activity the fashion capital

hydrate (v)

stay hydrated. 1 : to cause to take up or combine with water or the elements of water 2 : to supply with ample fluid or moisture hydrates and softens the skin intransitive verb : to become a hydrate

gingerly (adj)

stepping gingerly. very cautious or careful ... loose, exfoliated rock, into which he hammered pitons with the gingerly care of a carpenter finishing cabinets. —David Roberts His questions were gingerly and puzzled. —John Skow — gingerliness noun

moment (n)

take a moment 1a : a minute portion or point of time : INSTANT a moment of dreadful suspense — Graham Greene b : a comparatively brief period of time moments of solitude 2a : present time at the moment she is at work on her fourth novel — Holiday b : a time of excellence or conspicuousness there's ... some deliciously funny moments, but most of it is numbingly subtle — Jess Cagle 3 : importance in influence or effect decisions of moment must be made by our government — L. H. Evans 4 obsolete : a cause or motive of action 5 : a stage in historical or logical development a document of one moment in the history of thought and sensibility in the nineteenth century — T. S. Eliot 6a : tendency or measure of tendency to produce motion especially about a point or axis b : the product of quantity (such as a force) and the distance to a particular axis or point 7a : the mean (see MEAN entry 4 sense 1b) of the nth powers of the deviations (see DEVIATION sense b) of the observed values in a set of statistical data from a fixed value b : the expected value of a power of the deviation (see DEVIATION sense b) of a random variable from a fixed value

action (n)

taking action. plural actions 1 a : a thing done : deed b : the accomplishment of a thing usually over a period of time, in stages, or with the possibility of repetition c actions plural : behavior, conduct unscrupulous actions d : initiative, enterprise a man of action 2 : an act of will an emergency requiring action 3 : the bringing about of an alteration by force or through a natural agency the action of water on rocks 4 : the manner or method of performing: a : an actor's or speaker's deportment or expression by means of attitude, voice, and gesture An actor's words and actions should agree. b : the style of movement of the feet and legs (as of a horse) c : a function of the body or one of its parts 5 : the initiating of a proceeding in a court of justice by which one demands or enforces one's right; also : the proceeding itself 6 a (1) : an engagement between troops or ships (2) : combat in war gallantry in action b (1) : an event or series of events forming a literary composition Most of the play's action takes place in a courtroom. (2) : the unfolding of the events of a drama or work of fiction : plot As the action unfolds, we learn more about the hero's family. (3) : the movement of incidents in a plot a movie that is two hours of nonstop action c : the combination of circumstances that constitute the subject matter of a painting or sculpture 7 a : an operating mechanism b : the manner in which a mechanism or instrument operates a drill's twisting action 8 a : the price movement and trading volume of a commodity, security, or market b : the process of betting including the offering and acceptance of a bet and determination of a winner c : financial gain or an opportunity for financial gain a piece of the action 9 : sexual activity 10 : the most vigorous, productive, or exciting activity in a particular field, area, or group wants to be where the action is 11 —used as a director's command to start filming part of a movie or television show Lights, camera, action! 12 : spin or rotation given to a ball or puck by throwing or hitting it in a particular way If I am hitting into the wind on the 7th at Pebble Beach, ... rather than taking an eight or a nine [iron] and hitting it hard, I'll choose a little eight or even a seven and almost chip the ball, putting as little action on it as possible so it lands softly and doesn't do a lot of spinning. —Jack Nicklaus

kurtosis (n)

the peakedness or flatness of the graph of a frequency distribution especially with respect to the concentration of values near the mean as compared with the normal distribution

scope (n)

the scope and scale of... 1 : INTENTION, OBJECT 2 : space or opportunity for unhampered motion, activity, or thought 3 : extent of treatment, activity, or influence 4 : range of operation: such as a : the range of a logical operator : a string in predicate calculus that is governed by a quantifier b : a grammatical constituent that determines the interpretation of a predicate or quantifier

lens (n)

through the lens of... 1 a : a piece of transparent material (such as glass) that has two opposite regular surfaces either both curved or one curved and the other plane and that is used either singly or combined in an optical instrument for forming an image by focusing rays of light b : a combination of two or more simple lenses c : a piece of glass or plastic used (as in safety goggles or sunglasses) to protect the eye 2 : a device for directing or focusing radiation other than light (such as sound waves, radio microwaves, or electrons) 3 : something shaped like a biconvex optical lens lens of sandstone 4 : a highly transparent biconvex lens-shaped or nearly spherical body in the eye that focuses light rays (as upon the retina) — see eye illustration 5 : something that facilitates and influences perception, comprehension, or evaluation viewing the current legal battle ... through partisan lenses —New Republic 6 : gravitational lens — lensed play \ˈlenzd\ adjective — lensless

treadmill (n)

treadmill desk. 1a : a device having an endless belt on which an individual walks or runs in place for exercise or physiological testing b : a mill worked by an animal treading an endless belt c : a mill worked by persons treading on steps on the periphery of a wide wheel having a horizontal axis and used formerly in prison punishment 2 : a wearisome or monotonous routine resembling continued activity on a treadmill the office treadmill

wallow (v)

wallowing in... 1 : to roll oneself about in a lazy, relaxed, or ungainly manner hogs wallowing in the mud 2 : to billow forth : SURGE 3 : to devote oneself entirely especially : to take unrestrained pleasure : DELIGHT 4a : to become abundantly supplied : LUXURIATE a family that wallows in money b : to indulge oneself immoderately wallowing in self-pity 5 : to become or remain helpless allowed them to wallow in their ignorance

honor (n)

with honor and respect. 1 a : good name or public esteem : reputation b : a showing of usually merited respect : recognition pay honor to our founder 2 : privilege had the honor of joining the captain for dinner 3 : a person of superior standing —now used especially as a title for a holder of high office if Your Honor please 4 : one whose worth brings respect or fame : credit an honor to the profession 5 : the center point of the upper half of an armorial escutcheon 6 : an evidence or symbol of distinction: such as a : an exalted title or rank b (1) : badge, decoration (2) : a ceremonial rite or observance buried with full military honors c : an award in a contest or field of competition d archaic : a gesture of deference : bow e honors plural (1) : an academic distinction conferred on a superior student (2) : a course of study for superior students supplementing or replacing a regular course 7 : chastity, purity fought fiercely for her honor and her life —Barton Black 8 a : a keen sense of ethical conduct : integrity a man of honor b : one's word given as a guarantee of performance on my honor, I will be there 9 honors plural : social courtesies or civilities extended by a host asked her to do the honors 10 a (1) : an ace, king, queen, jack, or ten especially of the trump suit in bridge (2) : the scoring value of honors held in bridge —usually used in plural b : the privilege of playing first from the tee in golf

trace (n)

without leaving a trace. 1a : a minute and often barely detectable amount or indication a trace of a smile b : an amount of a chemical constituent not always quantitatively determinable because of minuteness 2a : a mark or line left by something that has passed also : FOOTPRINT b : a path, trail, or road made by the passage of animals, people, or vehicles 3a : a sign or evidence of some past thing : VESTIGE b : ENGRAM 4 : something (such as a line) traced or drawn: such as a : the marking made by a recording instrument (such as a seismograph or kymograph) b : the ground plan of a military installation or position either on a map or on the ground 5a : the intersection of a line or plane with a plane b : the usually bright line or spot that moves across the screen of a cathode-ray tube also : the path taken by such a line or spot 6 archaic : a course or path that one follows

apparition (n)

1 : a building that serves as living quarters for one or a few families : home invited them to her house for dinner a two-family house 2a(1) : a shelter or refuge (such as a nest or den) of a wild animal (2) : a natural covering (such as a test or shell) that encloses and protects an animal or a colony of zooids b : a building in which something is sheltered or stored a carriage house 3a astrology : one of the 12 equal sectors (see sector entry 1 sense 1a) in which the celestial sphere is divided b astrology : a sign of the zodiac that is the seat of a planet's greatest influence the house occupied by Jupiter 4a : household woke up the whole house b : a family including ancestors, descendants, and kindred the house of Tudor 5a : a residence for a religious community or for students a fraternity house b : the community or students living in such a residence 6a government : a legislative, deliberative, or consultative assembly especially : one constituting a division of a bicameral body a bill approved by both houses of Congress b : the building or chamber where such an assembly meets c : a quorum of such an assembly 7a : a place of business or entertainment a movie house the local fish house a house of prostitution b(1) : a business organization a publishing house (2) : a gambling establishment c : the audience in a theater or concert hall a full house on opening night 8 curling : the circular area 12 feet in diameter surrounding the tee and within which a curling stone must rest in order to count 9 [ from The Warehouse, Chicago dance club that pioneered the style ] : a type of dance music mixed by a disc jockey that features overdubbing with a heavy repetitive drumbeat and repeated electronic melody lines houses

doomsday (n)

1 : a day of final judgment 2 : a time of catastrophic destruction and death

ceremony (n)

1 : a formal act or series of acts prescribed by ritual, protocol, or convention the marriage ceremony 2a : a conventional act of politeness or etiquette the ceremony of introduction b : an action performed only formally with no deep significance the custom had probably been long a mere ceremony— C. Thirlwall c : a routine action performed with elaborate pomp the weekly ceremony of giving out the wages to the help 3a : prescribed procedures : usages the ceremony attending an inauguration b : observance of an established code of civility or politeness opened the door without ceremony and strode in ceremonies

dozen (n)

1 : a group of 12 2 : an indefinitely large number dozens of times 3 dozens plural in form but singular in construction : a ritualized word game that consists of exchanging insults usually about the members of the opponent's family —used with the dozens or dozen

megalomania (n)

1 : a mania (see mania 2a) for great or grandiose performance an outburst of wildly extravagant commercial megalomania —The Times Literary Supplement (London) 2 : a delusional mental illness that is marked by feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur — megalomaniac play \-ˈmā-nē-ˌak\ adjective or noun — megalomaniacal play \-mə-ˈnī-ə-kəl\ or less commonly megalomanic play \-ˈma-nik\ adjective — megalomaniacally

limpet (n)

1 : a marine gastropod mollusk (especially families Acmaeidae and Patellidae) that has a low conical shell broadly open beneath, browses over rocks or timbers in the littoral area, and clings very tightly when disturbed 2 : one that clings tenaciously to someone or something 3 : an explosive device designed to cling magnetically to a metallic surface (such as the hull of a ship)

ramrod (adj)

1 : a rod for ramming home the charge in a muzzle-loading firearm 2 : a cleaning rod for small arms 3 : boss, overseer

motto (n)

1 : a sentence, phrase, or word inscribed on something as appropriate to or indicative of its character or use The Crossroads of America is the motto of the state of Indiana. 2 : a short expression of a guiding principle Hope for the best and prepare for the worst is my motto. mottoes also mottos

dot (n)

1 : a small spot : SPECK 2 : a small round mark: such as a(1) : a small point made with a pointed instrument a dot on the chart marked the ship's position (2) : a small round mark used in orthography or punctuation put a dot over the i b : a centered point used as a multiplication sign (as in 6 · 5 = 30) c(1) : a point after a note or rest in music indicating augmentation of the time value by one half (2) : a point over or under a note indicating that it is to be played staccato 3 : a precise point especially in time arrived at six on the dot 4 : a short click or buzz forming a letter or part of a letter (as in the Morse code) 5 : a point used to separate components of an address on the Internet : DOWRY sense 2

mischief (n)

1 : a specific injury or damage attributed to a particular agent the polished floor ... often causes mischiefs — bruises, sprains, dislocations — Herbert Spencer 2 : a cause or source of harm, evil, or irritation especially : a person who causes mischief He's a real mischief to his family. 3a : action that annoys or irritates Halloween mischiefs b : the quality or state of being mischievous : MISCHIEVOUSNESS had mischief in his eyes

poise (n)

1 : a stably balanced state : EQUILIBRIUM a poise between widely divergent impulses — F. R. Leavis 2a : easy self-possessed assurance of manner : gracious tact in coping or handling also : the pleasantly tranquil interaction between persons of poise no angry outbursts marred the poise of the meeting b : a particular way of carrying oneself : BEARING, CARRIAGE

morphophonemics (n)

1 : a study of the phonemic differences between allomorphs of the same morpheme 2 : the distribution of allomorphs in one morpheme 3 : the structure of a language in terms of morphophonemics

minimalism (n)

1 : a style or technique (as in music, literature, or design) that is characterized by extreme spareness and simplicity 2 : MINIMAL ART

catalyst (n)

1 : a substance that enables a chemical reaction to proceed at a usually faster rate or under different conditions (as at a lower temperature) than otherwise possible 2 : an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action That waterway became the catalyst of the area's industrialization. He was the catalyst in the native uprising.

competence (n)

1 : a sufficiency of means for the necessities and conveniences of life ... money can only give happiness where there is nothing else to give it. Beyond a competence, it can afford no real satisfaction ... —Jane Austen 2 : the quality or state of being competent: such as a : the properties of an embryonic field that enable it to respond in a characteristic manner to an organizer b : readiness of bacteria to undergo genetic transformation 3 : the knowledge that enables a person to speak and understand a language has demonstrated competence in conversational Arabic — compare PERFORMANCE sense 6

phenomenalism (n)

1 : a theory that limits knowledge to phenomena only 2 : a theory that all knowledge is of phenomena and that what is construed to be perception of material objects is simply perception of sense-data phenomenalist \fi-ˈnä-mə-nə-list \ noun or adjective phenomenalistic \fi-ˌnä-mə-nə-ˈli-stik \ adjective phenomenalistically \fi-ˌnä-mə-nə-ˈli-sti-k(ə-)lē \ adverb

motif (n)

1 : a usually recurring salient thematic element (as in the arts) especially : a dominant idea or central theme Ms. Cisneros doesn't present too many nice guys here, and the perfidy of men is a motif in several of the stories. — Bebe Moore Campbell 2 : a single or repeated design or color a decorative motif Animals and flowers as well as trees decorate sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Chinese panels, and each motif had its own meaning.— Nancy Berliner 3 biochemistry : a distinctive, usually recurrent, molecular sequence (as of amino acids or base pairs) or structural element (as of secondary protein structures) These RNA molecules have an intriguing structural motif, absent in normal RNA, that recognizes an amino acid and chemically binds to it, forming a novel type of RNA enzyme, or ribozyme.— Jessa Netting Only about half these genes have recognizable motifs, or DNA-sequence patterns, that suggest possible functions.— Alan E. Guttmacher and Francis S. Collins

charade (v)

1 : a word represented in riddling verse or by picture, tableau, or dramatic action (such as intrusion represented by depiction of inn, true, and shun) 2 charades plural : a game in which some of the players try to guess a word or phrase from the actions of another player who may not speak 3 : an empty or deceptive act or pretense his concern was a charade

missing link (n)

1 : an absent member needed to complete a series or resolve a problem 2a : a hypothetical intermediate evolutionary form between humans and their presumed simian progenitors b : a hypothetical intermediate evolutionary form between one animal species or group and its presumed ancestors a missing link between reptiles and birds

chamberlain (n)

1 : an attendant on a sovereign or lord in his bedchamber 2a : a chief officer in the household of a king or nobleman b : TREASURER 3 : an often honorary papal attendant specifically : a priest having a rank of honor below domestic prelate

superstate (n)

1 : an extremely powerful nation or governing body having power over subordinate states ... Orwell's protagonist, Winston Smith, ... starts keeping a forbidden diary in response to draconian rule in the fictional superstate of Oceania. — Steve Barnes The destiny of the European Union looms large in Britain's debate about its future in the organisation. Is the EU developing into a federal superstate along the lines of the United States? — Paul Gillespie 2 : a union or federation of nations under a supergovernment Ukrainians themselves are split over the sacrifices involved in giving up Russian markets and financial aid to gamble on moving into the European Union's modern economic superstate. — Jim Hoagland superstates

mumbo jumbo (n)

1 : an object of superstitious homage and fear 2a : a complicated often ritualistic observance with elaborate trappings b : complicated activity or language usually intended to obscure and confuse 3 : unnecessarily involved and incomprehensible language : GIBBERISH 4 : language, behavior, or beliefs based on superstition

protocol (n)

1 : an original draft, minute, or record of a document or transaction 2a : a preliminary memorandum often formulated and signed by diplomatic negotiators as a basis for a final convention or treaty b : the records or minutes of a diplomatic conference or congress that show officially the agreements arrived at by the negotiators 3a : a code prescribing strict adherence to correct etiquette and precedence (as in diplomatic exchange and in the military services) a breach of protocol b : a set of conventions governing the treatment and especially the formatting of data in an electronic communications system network protocols c : CONVENTION sense 3a,b 4 : a detailed plan of a scientific or medical experiment, treatment, or procedure

glyph (n)

1 : an ornamental vertical groove especially in a Doric frieze 2 : a symbolic figure or a character (as in the Mayan system of writing) usually incised or carved in relief 3 : a symbol (such as a curved arrow on a road sign) that conveys information nonverbally — glyphic adjective

prehuman (adj)

1 : antedating the appearance of human beings 2 : of, relating to, or being an extinct primate and especially an extinct hominid that resembles or is ancestral to humans

lotus-eater (n)

1 : any of a people in Homer's Odyssey subsisting on the lotus and living in the dreamy indolence it induces 2 : an indolent person

flexible (adj)

1 : capable of being flexed : pliant flexible branches swaying in the breeze 2 : yielding to influence : tractable a flexible person without strong convictions 3 : characterized by a ready capability to adapt to new, different, or changing requirements a flexible foreign policy a flexible schedule — flexibility play \ˌflek-sə-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun — flexibly

lilting (adj)

1 : characterized by a rhythmical swing or cadence a lilting stride 2 : cheerful, buoyant a lilting comedy

luxurious (adj)

1 : characterized by opulence, sumptuousness, or rich abundance : of, relating to, or marked by luxury luxurious accommodations 2 : pleasure loving : fond of luxury or self-indulgence luxurious tastes luxurious feeling 3 : of the finest and richest kind luxurious cashmeres a luxurious chocolate sauce 4 : LECHEROUS

shaky (adj)

1 : characterized by shakes shaky timber 2a : lacking stability : PRECARIOUS a shaky economy performed well after a shaky start b : lacking in firmness (as of beliefs or principles) c : lacking in authority or reliability : QUESTIONABLE shaky experimental procedures shaky data 3a : somewhat unsound in health b : characterized by shaking 4 : likely to give way or break down shakier; shakiest

lucidity (n)

1 : clearness of thought or style the lucidity of the explanation 2 : a presumed capacity to perceive the truth directly and instantaneously : clairvoyance when the spirit is drawn to lucidity by the immediacy of death —Graham Greene

magpie (adj)

1 : collected indiscriminately : MISCELLANEOUS magpie compilations of unrelated tidbits — Helen R. Cross 2 : given to indiscriminate collecting : ACQUISITIVE what possible magpie instinct had impelled me to retain them — S. J. Perelman

leading (adj)

1 : coming or ranking first : foremost 2 : exercising leadership 3 : providing direction or guidance a leading question 4 : given most prominent display the leading story

chimerical (adj)

1 : existing only as the product of unchecked imagination : fantastically visionary (see 1visionary 2) or improbable chimerical dreams of economic stability 2 : given to fantastic schemes She's a chimerical optimist infused with utopian visions. 3 usually chimeric a : relating to, derived from, or being a genetic chimera : containing tissue with two or more genetically distinct populations of cells Chimeric mice are generated by mixing cells from two embryos, generating a mouse with four parental contributions. —Nancy L. Nadon b : composed of material (such as DNA or polypeptide) from more than one organism He combined this gene material with safer human DNA and created what's known as a chimeric gene—a gene of antibody instructions that is part man, part mouse. —Eric Hand

long-lived (adj)

1 : having a long life : living a long time long-lived siblings a long-lived perennial also : characterized by long life a long-lived family 2 : lasting a long time : ENDURING a long-lived fad also : existing, functioning, or active for a period of time that is longer than usual or expected a long-lived car long-lived nuclear waste

pronged (adj)

1 : having a usually specified number of prongs —usually used in combination a 3-pronged fork 2 : having a usually specified number of parts or approaches a 2-pronged strategy

muscle-bound (adj)

1 : having some of the muscles tense and enlarged and of impaired elasticity sometimes as a result of excessive exercise 2 : lacking in flexibility : RIGID

diffident (adj)

1 : hesitant in acting or speaking through lack of self-confidence 2 : reserved, unassertive 3 archaic : distrustful

heartily (adv)

1 : in a hearty manner 2a : with all sincerity : WHOLEHEARTEDLY b : with zest or gusto 3 : WHOLLY, THOROUGHLY heartily sick of all this talk

likewise (adv.)

1 : in like manner : SIMILARLY go and do likewise 2 : in addition a painter who is likewise a sculptor 3 : similarly so with me answered likewise to Pleased to meet you

conceited (adj)

1 : ingeniously contrived : FANCIFUL ... a person may hold to conceited fantasies which falsify a discouraging reality. — Derek Russell Davis 2 : having or showing an excessively high opinion of oneself a brilliant but conceited musician

denizen (n)

1 : inhabitant denizens of the forest 2 government : a person admitted to residence in a foreign country; especially : an alien (see 2alien 2) admitted to rights of citizenship 3 : one that frequents a place nightclub denizens

discontinuity (n)

1 : lack of continuity or cohesion 2 : GAP sense 5 3a : the property of being not mathematically continuous a point of discontinuity b : an instance of being not mathematically continuous especially : a value of an independent variable at which a function is not continuous

mean (adj)

1 : lacking distinction or eminence : HUMBLE 2 : lacking in mental discrimination : DULL 3a : of poor, shabby, or inferior quality or status mean city streets b : worthy of little regard : CONTEMPTIBLE —often used in negative constructions as a term of praise no mean feat 4 : lacking dignity or honor : BASE a mean motive 5a : PENURIOUS, STINGY He's very mean with his money. b : characterized by petty selfishness or malice a mean surly man c : causing trouble or bother : VEXATIOUS a mean soil to work d : EXCELLENT, EFFECTIVE plays a mean trumpet a lean, mean athlete 6 : ASHAMED sense 1b His ready cooperation made me feel mean for what I had said.1 : occupying a middle position : intermediate in space, order, time, kind, or degree 2 : occupying a position about midway between extremes especially : being the mean of a set of values : AVERAGE the mean temperature 3 : serving as a means : INTERMEDIARY

messy (adj)

1 : marked by confusion, disorder, or dirt : UNTIDY a messy room 2 : lacking neatness or precision : CARELESS, SLOVENLY messy thinking 3 : extremely unpleasant or trying messy lawsuits a messy divorce

chiefly (adv)

1 : most importantly : PRINCIPALLY, ESPECIALLY 2 : for the most part : MOSTLY, MAINLY

ethical (adj)

1 : of or relating to ethics ethical theories 2 : involving or expressing moral approval or disapproval ethical judgments 3 : conforming to accepted standards of conduct ethical behavior 4 of a drug : restricted to sale only on a doctor's prescription — ethicality play \ˌe-thə-ˈka-lə-tē\ noun — ethically play \ˈe-thi-k(ə-)lē\ adverb — ethicalness

subjective (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or constituting a subject: such as a obsolete : of, relating to, or characteristic of one that is a subject especially in lack of freedom of action or in submissiveness b : being or relating to a grammatical subject especially : NOMINATIVE 2 : of or relating to the essential being of that which has substance, qualities, attributes, or relations 3a : characteristic of or belonging to reality as perceived rather than as independent of mind : PHENOMENAL — compare OBJECTIVE sense 1b b : relating to or being experience or knowledge as conditioned by personal mental characteristics or states 4a(1) : peculiar to a particular individual : PERSONAL subjective judgments (2) : modified or affected by personal views, experience, or background a subjective account of the incident b : arising from conditions within the brain or sense organs and not directly caused by external stimuli subjective sensations c : arising out of or identified by means of one's perception of one's own states and processes a subjective symptom of disease — compare OBJECTIVE sense 1c 5 : lacking in reality or substance : ILLUSORY

colossal (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or resembling a colossus colossal statues 2 : of a bulk, extent, power, or effect approaching or suggesting the stupendous or incredible colossal rock formations colossal stellar explosions 3 : of an exceptional or astonishing degree a colossal failure a colossal bore colossal ambition

martial (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or suited for war or a warrior martial music a martial tone of voice — Tim Appelo martial prowess 2 : relating to an army or to military life martial discipline stories of martial tradition — Ewen Macaskill 3 : experienced in or inclined to war : WARLIKE its martial people fought the British to a standstill — Mary Anne Weaver

comatose (adj)

1 : of, resembling, or affected with coma The patient lay comatose, sustained by respirators. 2 : characterized by lethargic inertness : TORPID a comatose economy Broadway was theatrically comatose that summer.

moldy (adj)

1 : of, resembling, or covered with mold 2a : being old and moldering : CRUMBLING b : ANTIQUATED, FUSTY moldy tradition moldier; moldiest

marvel (n)

1 : one that causes wonder or astonishment her talent is a marvel to behold ... with that marvel of architecture before our eyes ... — Martha Kean 2 : intense surprise or interest : ASTONISHMENT ... his voice filled with marvel ... — Mordecai Richler

Antichrist (n)

1 : one who denies or opposes Christ specifically : a great antagonist expected to fill the world with wickedness but to be conquered forever by Christ at his second coming 2 —used in an exaggerated way to describe a person regarded as a powerful and malevolent adversary —usually used with the With time this contrast hardened into hacker iconography. Gates was the anti-Christ, a man whose corporate stranglehold on the software industry had left it awash in ugly products. — Robert Wright

mighty (adj)

1 : possessing might : POWERFUL 2 : accomplished or characterized by might a mighty thrust 3 : great or imposing in size or extent : EXTRAORDINARY mightier; mightiest

descriptive (adj)

1 : presenting observations about the characteristics of someone or something : serving to describe a descriptive account 2a : referring to, constituting, or grounded in matters of observation or experience the descriptive basis of science b : factually grounded or informative rather than normative, prescriptive, or emotive descriptive cultural studies 3 of a modifier a : expressing the quality, kind, or condition of what is denoted by the modified term hot in hot water is a descriptive adjective b : nonrestrictive 4 linguistics : of, relating to, or dealing with the structure of a language at a particular time usually with exclusion of historical and comparative data descriptive linguistics

highfalutin (adj)

1 : pretentious, fancy highfalutin people 2 : expressed in or marked by the use of language that is elaborated or heightened by artificial or empty means : pompous giving a highfalutin speech

primitivism (n)

1 : primitive practices or procedures also : a primitive quality or state 2a : belief in the superiority of a simple way of life close to nature b : belief in the superiority of nonindustrial society to that of the present 3 : the style of art of primitive peoples or primitive artists

probative (adj)

1 : serving to test or try : EXPLORATORY 2 : serving to prove : SUBSTANTIATING

mini (adj)

1 : small in relation to others of the same kind 2 : of short length or duration : BRIEF

plausible (adj)

1 : superficially fair, reasonable, or valuable but often specious a plausible pretext 2 : superficially pleasing or persuasive a swindler ... , then a quack, then a smooth, plausible gentleman — R. W. Emerson 3 : appearing worthy of belief the argument was both powerful and plausible

slash (n)

1 : the act of slashing also : a long cut or stroke made by or as if by slashing 2 : an ornamental slit in a garment 3a : an open tract in a forest strewn with debris (as from logging) b : the debris in such a tract 4 : a mark / used typically to denote or (as in and/or), and or (as in straggler/deserter), or per (as in feet/second) — called also diagonal, slant, solidus, virgule 5 or slash fiction : a genre of fan fiction which features a romantic pairing of two usually male fictional characters who are not romantically connected in the original work of fiction If women are the prime producers of the stuff, one would imagine that slash would be as full of male-female fantasies as male-male fantasies, but that's not the case. — Owen Smith Here's a sampling of Harry Potter slash, taken from a novella called Irresistible Poison, about a budding romance between Harry and his archenemy Draco Malfoy. — Christopher Noxon I don't know whether Moody has read Kirk/Spock slash fiction, either, but I bet he's heard of it ... — Elizabeth Hand

documentation (n)

1 : the act or an instance of furnishing or authenticating with documents 2a : the provision of documents in substantiation also : documentary evidence b(1) : the use of historical documents (2) : conformity to historical or objective facts (3) : the provision of footnotes, appendices, or addenda referring to or containing documentary evidence 3 : INFORMATION SCIENCE 4 : the usually printed instructions, comments, and information for using a particular piece or system of computer software or hardware

learning (n)

1 : the act or experience of one that learns a computer program that makes learning fun 2 : knowledge or skill acquired by instruction or study people of good education and considerable learning 3 : modification of a behavioral tendency by experience (such as exposure to conditioning)

differentiation (n)

1 : the act or process of differentiating 2 : development from the one to the many, the simple to the complex, or the homogeneous to the heterogeneous differentiation of Latin into vernaculars 3 biology a : modification of body parts for performance of particular functions b : the sum of the processes whereby apparently indifferent (see indifferent sense 7) or unspecialized cells, tissues, and structures attain their adult form and function 4 geology : the processes by which various rock types are produced from a common magma

making (n)

1 : the act or process of forming, causing, doing, or coming into being spots problems in the making 2 : a process or means of advancement or success 3 : something made especially : a quantity produced at one time : BATCH 4a : POTENTIALITY —often used in plural had the makings of a great artist b makings plural : the material from which something is to be made especially \usually ˈmā-​kənz \ : paper and tobacco for rolling cigarettes by hand

mutualism (n)

1 : the doctrine or practice of mutual dependence as the condition of individual and social welfare 2 : mutually beneficial association between different kinds of organisms

madness (n)

1 : the quality or state of being mad: such as a : a state of severe mental illness —not used technically ... fortifications against an inner darkness, the threat of madness that crouched above him throughout his life.— Robert F. Moss b : behavior or thinking that is very foolish or dangerous : extreme folly an idea that is pure/sheer madness c : ecstasy, enthusiasm d : intense anger : rage 2 : any of several ailments of animals marked by frenzied behavior specifically : rabies

mutuality (n)

1 : the quality or state of being mutual 2 : a sharing of sentiments : INTIMACY

plasticity (n)

1 : the quality or state of being plastic especially : capacity for being molded or altered 2 : the ability to retain a shape attained by pressure deformation 3 : the capacity of organisms with the same genotype to vary in developmental pattern, in phenotype, or in behavior according to varying environmental conditions 4 : the capacity for continuous alteration of the neural pathways and synapses of the living brain and nervous system in response to experience or injury

reluctance (n)

1 : the quality or state of being reluctant 2 : the opposition offered in a magnetic circuit to magnetic flux specifically : the ratio of the magnetic potential difference to the corresponding flux

subtlety (n)

1 : the quality or state of being subtle 2 : something subtle subtleties

verity (n)

1 : the quality or state of being true or real 2 : something (such as a statement) that is true especially : a fundamental and inevitably true value such eternal verities as honor, love, and patriotism 3 : the quality or state of being truthful or honest the king-becoming graces, as justice, verity — William Shakespeare

weakness (n)

1 : the quality or state of being weak also : an instance or period of being weak backed down in a moment of weakness 2 : FAULT, DEFECT 3a : a special desire or fondness has a weakness for sweets b : an object of special desire or fondness pizza is my weakness

variety (n)

1 : the quality or state of having different forms or types : MULTIFARIOUSNESS 2 : a number or collection of different things especially of a particular class : ASSORTMENT 3a : something differing from others of the same general kind : SORT b : any of various groups of plants or animals ranking below a species : SUBSPECIES 4 : VARIETY SHOW

lexicalization (n)

1 : the realization of a meaning in a single word or morpheme rather than in a grammatical construction 2 : the treatment of a formerly freely composed, grammatically regular, and semantically transparent phrase or inflected form as a formally or semantically idiomatic expression

metrology (n)

1 : the science of weights and measures or of measurement 2 : a system of weights and measures

life cycle (n)

1 : the series of stages in form and functional activity through which an organism passes between successive recurrences of a specified primary stage 2 : LIFE HISTORY sense 2 3 : a series of stages through which something (such as an individual, culture, or manufactured product) passes during its lifetime

simplicity (n)

1 : the state of being simple, uncomplicated, or uncompounded 2a : lack of subtlety or penetration : INNOCENCE, NAIVETÉ b : FOLLY, SILLINESS 3 : freedom from pretense or guile : CANDOR 4a : directness of expression : CLARITY b : restraint in ornamentation : AUSTERITY

area (n)

1 : the surface included within a set of lines specifically : the number of unit squares equal in measure to the surface — see Metric System Table, Weights and Measures Table 2 : the scope of a concept, operation, or activity : field the whole area of foreign policy 3 : areaway 4 : a particular extent of space or surface or one serving a special function: such as a : a part of the surface of the body b : a geographic region 5 : a level piece of ground 6 : a part of the cerebral cortex having a particular function

revenue (n)

1 : the total income produced by a given source a property expected to yield a large annual revenue 2 : the gross income returned by an investment 3 : the yield of sources of income (such as taxes) that a political unit (such as a nation or state) collects and receives into the treasury for public use 4 : a government department concerned with the collection of the national revenue

press (v)

1 : to act upon through steady pushing or thrusting force exerted in contact : SQUEEZE 2a : ASSAIL, HARASS b : AFFLICT, OPPRESS 3a : to squeeze out the juice or contents of b : to squeeze with apparatus or instruments to a desired density, smoothness, or shape press [=iron] a shirt ... the drained curds are generally pressed together into solid blocks of cheese. — Caroline Campion 4a : to exert influence on : CONSTRAIN b : to try hard to persuade : BESEECH, ENTREAT 5 : to move by means of pressure 6a : to lay stress or emphasis on b : to insist on or request urgently 7 : to follow through (a course of action) 8 : to clasp in affection or courtesy 9 : to make (a phonograph record) from a matrix (see MATRIX sense 2d) also : to make (another kind of disk, such as a CD) by a similar process 1 : to crowd closely : MASS 2 : to force or push one's way 3 : to seek urgently : CONTEND 4 : to require haste or speed in action 5 : to exert pressure 6 : to take or hold a press 7 : to employ a press in basketball press the flesh : to greet and shake hands with people especially while campaigning for political office pressed; pressing; presses

alienate (v)

1 : to cause to be estranged : to make unfriendly, hostile, or indifferent especially where attachment formerly existed He alienated most of his colleagues with his bad temper. Her position on this issue has alienated many former supporters. 2 : to convey or transfer (something, such as property or a right) usually by a specific act rather than the due course of law 3 : to cause to be withdrawn or diverted alienate capital from its natural channels alienated; alienating

propagate (v)

1 : to cause to continue or increase by sexual or asexual reproduction 2 : to pass along to offspring 3a : to cause to spread out and affect a greater number or greater area : EXTEND b : to foster growing knowledge of, familiarity with, or acceptance of (something, such as an idea or belief) : PUBLICIZE c : to transmit (something, such as sound or light) through a medium 1 : to multiply sexually or asexually 2 : INCREASE, EXTEND 3 : to travel through space or a material —used of wave energy (such as light, sound, or radio waves) propagated; propagating

network (v)

1 : to cover with or as if with a network a continent ... so networked with navigable rivers and canals —Lamp 2 chiefly British : to distribute for broadcast on a television network; also : broadcast 3 3 : to join (things, such as computers) in a network intransitive verb : to engage in networking — networker noun

annul (v)

1 : to declare or make legally invalid or void wants the marriage annulled His title to the estate was annulled. 2 : to reduce to nothing : OBLITERATE 3 : to make ineffective or inoperative : NEUTRALIZE annul a drug's effect annulled; annulling

wane (v)

1 : to decrease in size, extent, or degree : DWINDLE: such as a : to diminish in phase or intensity —used chiefly of the moon, other satellites, and inferior planets b : to become less brilliant or powerful : DIM c : to flow out : EBB 2 : to fall gradually from power, prosperity, or influence waned; waning

annoy (v)

1 : to disturb or irritate especially by repeated acts annoyed the neighbors with their loud arguments 2 : to harass especially by quick brief attacks : to cause annoyance annoyed; annoying; annoys

battle (v)

1 : to engage in combat between individuals or armed forces : to engage in battle : FIGHT battling for control of the bridge 2 : to contend with full strength, vigor, skill, or resources : STRUGGLE They battled to keep their son out of jail. battling over how to spend the money transitive verb 1 : to fight or struggle against battling cancer two teams set to battle each other for the championship battling it out in the courtroom 2 : to force, thrust, or drive by battling battling his way through the crowd battle it out : to engage in a prolonged fight, argument, or struggle The two sides battled it out in court. ... predicting that she and her 15-year-old sister, Serena, would soon be battling it out for No. 1. — S. L. Price battled; battling

anticipate (v)

1 : to give advance thought, discussion, or treatment to 2 : to meet (an obligation) before a due date 3 : to foresee and deal with in advance : FORESTALL 4 : to use or expend in advance of actual possession 5 : to act before (another) often so as to check or counter 6 : to look forward to as certain : EXPECT We don't anticipate any problems during the construction. : to speak or write in knowledge or expectation of later matter anticipated; anticipating

designate (v)

1 : to indicate and set apart for a specific purpose, office, or duty designate a group to prepare a plan 2a : to point out the location of a marker designating the battle b : to distinguish as to class (see CLASS entry 1 sense 3) the area we designate as that of spiritual values — J. B. Conant c : SPECIFY, STIPULATE to be sent by a designated shipper 3 : DENOTE associate names with the people they designate 4 : to call by a distinctive title, term, or expression a particle designated the neutron designated; designating

descend (v)

1 : to pass from a higher place or level to a lower one descended from the platform 2 : to pass in discussion from what is logically prior or more comprehensive descends from the general to the specific 3a : to originate or come from an ancestral stock or source : DERIVE descends from an old merchant family b : to pass by inheritance a desk that has descended in the family c : to pass by transmission songs descended from old ballads 4a : to incline, lead, or extend downward the road descends to the river b physiology : to conduct nerve impulses away from the brain ... lesions that interrupt the descending pathways from the cortex or brain stem produce weakness in voluntary movements ... — Claude Ghez and John Krakauer 5a : to swoop or pounce down (as in a sudden attack) a hawk descending upon its prey b : to appear suddenly and often disconcertingly as if from above reporters descended on the candidate 6 : to proceed in a sequence or gradation from higher to lower or from more remote to nearer or more recent Their scores were listed in descending order. 7a : to lower oneself in status or dignity : STOOP b : to worsen and sink in condition or estimation He descended into a deep depression. descended to poverty descend into chaos c : to pass from higher to lower musical notes The harmony descends chromatically. 1 : to pass, move, or climb down or down along descending the staircase 2 : to extend down along a narrow scar descended her arm

die (v)

1 : to pass from physical life : EXPIRE died at the age of 56 die young died from his injuries a dying tree 2a : to pass out of existence : CEASE their anger died at these words b : to disappear or subside gradually —often used with away, down, or out the storm died down 3a : SINK, LANGUISH dying from fatigue b : to long keenly or desperately dying to go c : to be overwhelmed by emotion die of embarrassment 4a : to cease functioning : STOP the motor died b : to end in failure the bill died in committee 5 : to become indifferent die to worldly things die hard 1 : to be long in dying such rumors die hard 2 : to continue resistance against hopeless odds that kind of determination dies hard died; dying

hug (v)

1 : to press tightly especially in the arms 2a : CONGRATULATE b : to hold fast : CHERISH hugged his miseries like a sulky child — John Buchan 3 : to stay close to the road hugs the river hugged; hugging

submerge (v)

1 : to put under water 2 : to cover or overflow with water 3 : to make obscure or subordinate : SUPPRESS personal lives submerged by professional responsibilities : to go under water submerged; submerging

riddle (v)

1 : to separate (something, such as grain from chaff) with a riddle : SCREEN 2 : to pierce with many holes riddled the car with bullets 3 : to spread through : PERMEATE a book riddled with errors riddled; riddling

exemplify (v)

1 : to show or illustrate by example anecdotes exemplifying those virtues 2 : to make an attested copy or transcript of (a document) under seal 3a : to be an instance of or serve as an example : EMBODY she exemplifies the qualities of a good leader b : to be typical of a dish that exemplifies French cuisine exemplified; exemplifying

squander (v)

1 : to spend extravagantly or foolishly : DISSIPATE, WASTE squandered a fortune 2 : to cause to disperse : SCATTER 3 : to lose (something, such as an advantage or opportunity) through negligence or inaction : DISPERSE, SCATTER squandered; squandering

stress (v)

1 : to subject to physical or psychological stress stressing the equipment this traffic is stressing me out 2 : to subject to phonetic stress : ACCENT 3 : to lay stress on : EMPHASIZE stressed the importance of teamwork : to feel stress stressing about the big exam —often used with out stressed; stressing; stresses

disconcert (v)

1 : to throw into confusion disconcerting their plans 2 : to disturb the composure of were disconcerted by his tone of voice

misuse (v)

1 : to use incorrectly : MISAPPLY misused his talents a word that is frequently misused 2 : ABUSE, MISTREAT misused his servants misused; misusing; misuses

cry (v)

1 : to utter loudly : SHOUT He cried Wait! but it was too late. 2 archaic : BEG, BESEECH 3 : to proclaim publicly : ADVERTISE cry their wares 1 : to call loudly : SHOUT She cried out for help. 2 : to shed tears often noisily : WEEP, SOB The child began to cry after she dropped her ice-cream cone. 3 : to utter a characteristic sound or call heard the seagulls crying 4 : to require or suggest strongly a remedy or disposition (see DISPOSITION sense 2b) ... there are a hundred things which cry out for planning ... — Roger Burlingame cried; crying

waver (v)

1 : to vacillate irresolutely between choices : fluctuate in opinion, allegiance, or direction 2a : to weave or sway unsteadily to and fro : REEL, TOTTER b : QUIVER, FLICKER wavering flames c : to hesitate as if about to give way : FALTER 3 : to give an unsteady sound : QUAVER wavered; wavering

plod (v)

1 : to work laboriously and monotonously : DRUDGE 2a : to walk heavily or slowly : TRUDGE b : to proceed slowly or tediously the movie's plot just plods along transitive verb : to tread slowly or heavily along or over plodded; plodding

slatternly (adj)

1 : untidy and dirty through habitual neglect also : CARELESS, DISORDERLY 2 : of, relating to, or characteristic of a slut or prostitute

cumbersome (adj)

1 : unwieldy because of heaviness and bulk a cumbersome package 2 : slow-moving : PONDEROUS cumbersome administrative procedures 3 dialect : BURDENSOME, TROUBLESOME

discourse (n)

1 : verbal interchange of ideas especially : CONVERSATION 2a : formal and orderly and usually extended expression of thought on a subject b : connected speech or writing c : a linguistic unit (such as a conversation or a story) larger than a sentence 3 : a mode of organizing knowledge, ideas, or experience that is rooted in language and its concrete contexts (such as history or institutions) critical discourse 4 archaic : the capacity of orderly thought or procedure : RATIONALITY 5 obsolete : social familiarity

monition (n)

1 : warning, caution 2 : an intimation of danger

fun (n)

1 : what provides amusement or enjoyment specifically : playful often boisterous action or speech full of fun 2 : a mood for finding or making amusement all in fun 3a : AMUSEMENT, ENJOYMENT sickness takes all the fun out of life play games for fun b : derisive jest : SPORT, RIDICULE a figure of fun They made fun of the way he talked. 4 : violent or excited activity or argument Insults were exchanged and then the fun began.

arsenal (n)

1 a : an establishment for the manufacture or storage of arms and military equipment The city is home to a federal arsenal. b : a collection of weapons 2 : store, repertoire the team's arsenal of veteran players

lurid (adj)

1 a : causing horror or revulsion : gruesome The tabloids gave all the lurid details of floating wreckage and dismembered bodies. b : melodramatic, sensational; also : shocking paperbacks in the usual lurid covers —T. R. Fyvel 2 a : wan and ghastly pale in appearance frightened to death by the lurid waxworks —Sara H. Hay b : of any of several light or medium grayish colors ranging in hue from yellow to orange 3 : shining with the red glow of fire seen through smoke or cloud lurid flames — luridly adverb — luridness noun

normal (adj)

1 a : conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern normal working hours He had a normal childhood. the effect of normal aging b : according with, constituting, or not deviating from a norm, rule, or principle The normal way to pluralize a noun is by adding -s. 2 : occurring naturally normal immunity 3 a : of, relating to, or characterized by average intelligence or development IQs within the normal range b : free from mental illness : mentally sound symptoms of paranoia in otherwise normal persons 4 a of a solution : having a concentration of one gram equivalent of solute per liter b : containing neither basic hydroxyl nor acid hydrogen normal silver phosphate c : not associated normal molecules d : having a straight-chain structure normal butyl alcohol 5 : perpendicular; especially : perpendicular to a tangent (see 1tangent 3) at a point of tangency 6 of a subgroup : having the property that every coset produced by operating on the left by a given element is equal to the coset produced by operating on the right by the same element 7 : relating to, involving, or being a normal curve or normal distribution normal approximation to the binomial distribution 8 of a matrix : having the property of commutativity under multiplication by the transpose of the matrix (see matrix 5a) each of whose elements is a conjugate (see 1conjugate 2b) complex number with respect to the corresponding element of the given matrix — normality noun — normally adverb

goad (v)

1 a : something that pains as if by pricking : thorn b : something that urges or stimulates into action : spur The accident has been a goad to the company to improve its safety record. 2 : a pointed rod used to urge on an animal

glint (n)

1 a archaic : to glance off an object b of rays of light : to be reflected at an angle from a surface 2 : to give off reflection in brilliant flashes; also : gleam 3 : to look quickly or briefly : glance 4 : to appear briefly or faintly : to cause to glint

centaur (n)

1 also Centaur : any of a race of creatures fabled to be half human and half horse and to live in the mountains of Thessaly 2 Centaur, astronomy : any of a class of asteroids with elliptical orbits that typically lie between the orbits of Jupiter and Neptune The Centaurs are distinguished dynamically as a group of objects whose orbits cross those of the Jovian planets and whose perihelions lie outside the orbit of Jupiter. — Robert H. Brown et al.

riot (n)

1 archaic a : profligate behavior : DEBAUCHERY b : unrestrained revelry c : noise, uproar, or disturbance made by revelers 2a : public violence, tumult, or disorder b : a violent public disorder specifically : a tumultuous disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons assembled together and acting with a common intent 3 : a random or disorderly profusion the woods were a riot of color 4 : one that is wildly amusing the new comedy is a riot

mound (n)

1 archaic : HEDGE, FENCE 2a(1) : an artificial bank or hill of earth or stones especially : one constructed over a burial or ceremonial site (2) : the slightly elevated ground on which a baseball pitcher stands b : a rounded hill or natural formation 3a : HEAP, PILE mounds of work b : a small rounded mass a mound of mashed potatoes

medley (n)

1 archaic : MELEE 2 : a diverse assortment or mixture especially : HODGEPODGE a medley of sounds a medley of desserts was arrested on a medley of charges 3 : a musical composition made up of a series of songs or short pieces a medley of show tunes medleys

yield (v)

1 archaic : RECOMPENSE, REWARD 2 : to give or render as fitting, rightfully owed, or required 3 : to give up possession of on claim or demand: such as a : to give up (one's breath, life, or spirit) and so die b : to surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another : hand over possession of c : to surrender or submit (oneself) to another d : to give (oneself) up to an inclination, temptation, or habit e : to relinquish one's possession of (something, such as a position of advantage or point of superiority) yield precedence 4a : to bear or bring forth as a natural product especially as a result of cultivation the tree always yields good fruit b : to produce or furnish as return this soil should yield good crops c(1) : to produce as return from an expenditure or investment : furnish as profit or interest a bond that yields 12 percent (2) : to produce as revenue : BRING IN the tax is expected to yield millions 5 : to give up (a hit or run) in baseball yielded two runs in the third inning 1 : to be fruitful or productive : BEAR, PRODUCE 2 : to give up and cease resistance or contention : SUBMIT, SUCCUMB facing an enemy who would not yield yielding to temptation 3 : to give way to pressure or influence : submit to urging, persuasion, or entreaty 4 : to give way under physical force (such as bending, stretching, or breaking) 5a : to give place or precedence : acknowledge the superiority of someone else b : to be inferior our dictionary yields to none c : to give way to or become succeeded by someone or something else 6 : to relinquish the floor of a legislative assembly yielded; yielding; yields

prove (v)

1 archaic : to learn or find out by experience 2a : to test the truth, validity, or genuineness of the exception proves the rule prove a will at probate b : to test the worth or quality of specifically : to compare against a standard —sometimes used with up or out c : to check the correctness of (something, such as an arithmetic result) 3a : to establish the existence, truth, or validity of (as by evidence or logic) prove a theorem the charges were never proved in court b : to demonstrate as having a particular quality or worth the vaccine has been proven effective after years of tests proved herself a great actress 4 : to show (oneself) to be worthy or capable eager to prove myself in the new job : to turn out especially after trial or test the new drug proved effective proved; proved or proven proving

deprave (v)

1 archaic : to speak ill of : malign 2 : to make bad : corrupt; especially : to corrupt morally — depravation noun — depravement noun — depraver

medusa (n)

1 capitalized [ Latin, from Greek Medousa ] : a mortal Gorgon who is slain when decapitated by Perseus 2 plural medusae\-​ˌsē, -​ˌzē, -​ˌsī, -​ˌzī\ also medusas [ New Latin, from Latin ] : JELLYFISH sense 1a

marquee (adj)

1 chiefly British : a large tent set up for an outdoor party, reception, or exhibition 2a : a permanent canopy often of metal and glass projecting over an entrance (as of a hotel or theater) The hotel doorman was stationed under the marquee. b : a sign usually over the entrance of a theater or arena that displays the names of featured attractions and principal performers The brightly lighted marquee displayed the title of the movie currently featured.

handsome (adj)

1 chiefly dialectal : APPROPRIATE, SUITABLE 2 : moderately large : SIZABLE a painting that commanded a handsome price 3 : marked by skill or cleverness : ADROIT 4 : marked by graciousness or generosity : LIBERAL handsome contributions to charity 5 : having a pleasing and usually impressive or dignified appearance handsomer; handsomest

mission (n)

1 obsolete : the act or an instance of sending 2a : a ministry commissioned by a religious organization to propagate (see PROPAGATE sense 3b) its faith or carry on humanitarian work organized a mission to the heathen natives b : assignment to or work in a field of missionary enterprise c(1) : a mission establishment (2) : a local church or parish dependent on a larger religious organization for direction or financial support Spanish missions in California d missions plural : organized missionary work e : a course of sermons and services given to convert the unchurched or quicken Christian faith a preaching mission 3 : a body of persons sent to perform a service or carry on an activity: such as a : a group sent to a foreign country to conduct diplomatic or political negotiations a member of a trade mission b : a permanent embassy or legation c : a team of specialists or cultural leaders sent to a foreign country served on a mission to improve agricultural methods 4a : a specific task with which a person or a group is charged Their mission was to help victims of the disaster. b(1) : a definite military, naval, or aerospace task a bombing mission a space mission (2) : a flight operation of an aircraft or spacecraft in the performance of a mission a mission to Mars c : a preestablished and often self-imposed objective or purpose statement of the company's mission 5 : CALLING, VOCATION Her mission was to be a teacher.

dog (n)

1a : CANID wolves, foxes, and other dogs especially : a highly variable domestic mammal (Canis familiaris) closely related to the gray wolf the family's pet dog b : a male dog dogs and bitches also : a male usually carnivorous mammal 2a : a worthless or contemptible person b : FELLOW, CHAP a lazy dog you lucky dog 3a : any of various usually simple mechanical devices for holding, gripping, or fastening that consist of a spike, bar, or hook b : ANDIRON 4 : uncharacteristic or affected stylishness or dignity put on the dog 5 capitalized, astronomy : either of the constellations Canis Major or Canis Minor 6 dogs plural, anatomy : FEET rest his tired dogs 7 dogs plural : RUIN going to the dogs 8 : one inferior of its kind the movie was a dog : such as a : an investment not worth its price b : an undesirable piece of merchandise 9 : an unattractive person especially : an unattractive girl or woman 10 : HOT DOG sense 1 bought two dogs and a beer

aptitude (n)

1a : INCLINATION, TENDENCY an aptitude for hard work b : a natural ability : TALENT an aptitude for gymnastics 2 : capacity for learning an aptitude for languages 3 : general suitability : APTNESS

generation (n)

1a : a body of living beings constituting a single step in the line of descent from an ancestor b : a group of individuals born and living contemporaneously the younger generation c : a group of individuals having contemporaneously a status (such as that of students in a school) which each one holds only for a limited period d : a type or class of objects usually developed from an earlier type first of the ... new generation of powerful supersonic fighters —Kenneth Koyen 2a : the action or process of producing offspring : PROCREATION b : the process of coming or bringing into being generation of income c : origination by a generating process : PRODUCTION especially : formation of a geometric figure by motion of another 3 : the average span of time between the birth of parents and that of their offspring

spectrum (n)

1a : a continuum of color formed when a beam of white light is dispersed (as by passage through a prism) so that its component wavelengths are arranged in order b : any of various continua that resemble a color spectrum in consisting of an ordered arrangement by a particular characteristic (such as frequency or energy): such as (1) : ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM (2) : RADIO SPECTRUM (3) : the range of frequencies of sound waves (4) : MASS SPECTRUM c : the representation (such as a plot) of a spectrum 2a : a continuous sequence or range a wide spectrum of interests opposite ends of the political spectrum b : kinds of organisms associated with a particular situation (such as an environment) c : a range of effectiveness against pathogenic organisms an antibiotic with a broad spectrum on the spectrum : exhibiting traits associated with autism spectrum disorder ... quiet areas and sensory bags with headphones ... and other ways to help kids who are on the spectrum cope with unfamiliar, noisy surroundings. — Rachel Molenda ... Stephanie Adams, cofounder of the Autism and Asperger's Society, said: We started the society because we wanted to make a place where people on the spectrum can spend their time and not feel isolated. ... — Kelsey Maxwell spectra;spectrums

heart (n)

1a : a hollow muscular organ of vertebrate animals that by its rhythmic contraction acts as a force pump maintaining the circulation of the blood could feel her heart pounding b : a structure in an invertebrate animal functionally analogous to the vertebrate heart c : BREAST, BOSOM placed his hand on his heart d : something resembling a heart in shape specifically : a stylized representation of a heart a card decorated with hearts and flowers 2a : a playing card marked with a stylized figure of a red heart b hearts plural : the suit comprising cards marked with hearts the five of hearts c hearts plural in form but singular or plural in construction : a game in which the object is to avoid taking tricks (see TRICK entry 1 sense 4) containing hearts 3a : PERSONALITY, DISPOSITION a cold heart b obsolete : INTELLECT 4 : the emotional or moral nature as distinguished from the intellectual nature: such as a : generous disposition : COMPASSION a leader with heart b : LOVE, AFFECTION won her heart c : courage or enthusiasm especially when maintained during a diffiicult situation never lost heart 5 : one's innermost character, feelings, or inclinations knew it in his heart a man after my own heart 6a : the central or innermost part : CENTER a cabin in the heart of the forest b : the essential or most vital part of something the heart of the city get to the heart of the matter c : the younger central compact part of a leafy rosette (such as a head of lettuce or stalk of celery)

veil (n)

1a : a length of cloth worn by women as a covering for the head and shoulders and often especially in Eastern countries for the face specifically : the outer covering of a nun's headdress b : a length of veiling or netting worn over the head or face or attached for protection or ornament to a hat or headdress a bridal veil c : any of various liturgical cloths especially : a cloth used to cover the chalice 2 : the life of a nun —often used in the phrase take the veil 3 : a concealing curtain or cover of cloth 4 : something that resembles a veil a veil of stars especially : something that hides or obscures like a veil lift the veil of secrecy 5 : a covering body part or membrane: such as a : VELUM b : CAUL

gentleman (n)

1a : a man of noble or gentle (see GENTLE entry 1 sense 1a) birth b : a man belonging to the landed gentry c(1) : a man who combines gentle (see GENTLE entry 1 sense 1a) birth or rank with chivalrous qualities (2) : a man whose conduct conforms to a high standard of propriety or correct behavior d(1) : a man of independent means who does not engage in any occupation or profession for gain (2) : a man who does not engage in a menial occupation or in manual labor for gain 2 : VALET sense 1b —often used in the phrase gentleman's gentleman 3 : a man of any social class or condition —often used in a courteous reference show this gentleman to a seat or usually in the plural in address ladies and gentlemen

matron (n)

1a : a married woman usually marked by dignified maturity or social distinction (see DISTINCTION sense 5a) b : a woman who supervises women or children (as in a school or police station) c : the chief officer in a women's organization 2 : a female animal kept for breeding

wave (n)

1a : a moving ridge or swell on the surface of a liquid (as of the sea) b : open water 2a : a shape or outline having successive curves b : a waviness of the hair c : an undulating line or streak or a pattern formed by such lines 3 : something that swells and dies away: such as a : a surge of sensation or emotion a wave of anger swept over her b : a movement sweeping large numbers in a common direction waves of protest c : a peak or climax of activity a wave of buying 4 : a sweep of hand or arm or of some object held in the hand used as a signal or greeting 5 : a rolling or undulatory movement or one of a series of such movements passing along a surface or through the air 6 : a movement like that of an ocean wave: such as a : a surging movement of a group a big new wave of women politicians b : one of a succession of influxes of people migrating into a region c(1) : a moving group of animals of one kind (2) : a sudden rapid increase in a population d : a line of attacking or advancing troops or airplanes e : a display of people in a large crowd (as at a sports event) successively rising, lifting their arms overhead, and quickly sitting so as to form a swell moving through the crowd 7a : a disturbance or variation that transfers energy progressively from point to point in a medium and that may take the form of an elastic deformation or of a variation of pressure, electric or magnetic intensity, electric potential, or temperature b : one complete cycle of such a disturbance 8 : a marked change in temperature : a period of hot or cold weather 9 : an undulating or jagged line constituting a graphic representation of an action

wash (n)

1a : a piece of ground washed by the sea or river b : BOG, MARSH c(1) : a shallow body of water (2) : a shallow creek d Western US : the dry bed of a stream — called also dry wash 2a : the act or process or an instance of washing or being washed b : articles to be washed, being washed, or having been washed 3 : the surging action or sound of waves also : something resembling this action or sound the warm wash of applause that followed her ... introduction — John Updike 4a : worthless especially liquid waste : REFUSE b : an insipid beverage c : vapid writing or speech 5a : a sweep or splash especially of color made by or as if by a long stroke of a brush in the gray wash of early morning b : a thin coat of paint (such as watercolor) c : a thin liquid used for coating a surface (such as a wall) 6 : LOTION 7 : loose or eroded surface material of the earth (such as rock debris) transported and deposited by running water 8a : BACKWASH sense 1 b : a disturbance in a fluid (such as water or the air) produced by the passage of an airfoil or propeller 9 : a situation in which losses and gains or advantages and disadvantages balance each other washed; washing; washes

spur (n)

1a : a pointed device secured to a rider's heel and used to urge on the horse b spurs plural [ from the acquisition of spurs by a person achieving knighthood ] : recognition and reward for achievement won his academic spurs as the holder of a chair in a university — James Mountford 2 : a goad to action : STIMULUS 3 : something projecting like or suggesting a spur: such as a : a projecting root or branch of a tree, shrub, or vine b(1) : a stiff sharp spine (as on the wings or legs of a bird or insect) especially : one on a cock's leg (2) : a gaff for a gamecock c : a hollow projecting appendage of a corolla or calyx (as in larkspur or columbine) d : BONE SPUR e : CLIMBING IRON 4a : an angular projection, offshoot, or branch extending out beyond or away from a main body or formation especially : a ridge or lesser elevation that extends laterally from a mountain or mountain range b : a railroad track that branches off from a main line 5 : a reinforcing buttress of masonry in a fortification on the spur of the moment : on impulse : SUDDENLY

location (n)

1a : a position or site occupied or available for occupancy or marked by some distinguishing feature : SITUATION Much of the charm of the house is in its location. b(1) : a tract of land designated for a purpose the location for a mining claim (2) Australia : FARM, STATION c : a place outside a motion-picture studio where a picture or part of it is filmed —usually used in the phrase on location Parts of the movie were filmed on location in the desert. 2 : the act or process of locating Fog made the location of the harbor difficult. 3 : the placement of baseball pitches in a particular area of the strike zone also : the ability to control the placement of pitches

chaos (n)

1a : a state of utter confusion the blackout caused chaos throughout the city b : a confused mass or mixture a chaos of television antennas 2a often capitalized : a state of things in which chance is supreme especially : the confused unorganized state of primordial matter before the creation of distinct forms — compare COSMOS b : the inherent unpredictability in the behavior of a complex natural system (such as the atmosphere, boiling water, or the beating heart) 3 obsolete : CHASM, ABYSS

legend (n)

1a : a story coming down from the past especially : one popularly regarded as historical although not verifiable the legend of a lost continent Arthurian legends b : a body of such stories a place in the legend of the frontier c : a popular myth of recent origin the legend of the Loch Ness monster d : a person or thing that inspires legends a baseball legend e : the subject of a legend its violence was legend even in its own time— William Broyles Jr. 2a : an inscription or title on an object (such as a coin) The quarter bore the legend In God We Trust. b : caption sense 2b The legend identifies the various parts of the illustrated anatomy. c : an explanatory list of the symbols on a map or chart

carriage (n)

1a : a wheeled vehicle especially : a horse-drawn vehicle designed for private use and comfort b British : a railway passenger coach 2 : a wheeled support carrying a burden 3a : manner of bearing the body : POSTURE that slender unrigid erectness and the fine carriage of head — Willa Cather b archaic : DEPORTMENT 4 : the act of carrying 5 : a movable part of a machine for supporting some other movable object or part a typewriter carriage 6 chiefly British : the price or expense of carrying 7 medical : the condition of harboring a pathogen within the body Clinical manifestations of enterovirus infections are protean, ranging from asymptomatic carriage to life-threatening illness. — Journal of the American Medical Association Hospitals commonly screen patients in the ICU for nasal carriage of MRSA and use contact precautions with carriers. — Susan S. Huang et al. 8 archaic : MANAGEMENT 9 obsolete : BURDEN, LOAD 10 obsolete : IMPORT, SENSE 11 obsolete : a hanger for a sword

rhythm (n)

1a : an ordered recurrent alternation of strong and weak elements in the flow of sound and silence in speech b : a particular example or form of rhythm iambic rhythm 2a : the aspect of music comprising all the elements (such as accent, meter, and tempo) that relate to forward movement b : a characteristic rhythmic pattern rumba rhythm also : METER entry 1 sense 2 c : the group of instruments in a band supplying the rhythm — called also rhythm section 3a : movement, fluctuation, or variation marked by the regular recurrence or natural flow of related elements the rhythms of country life b : the repetition in a literary work of phrase, incident, character type, or symbol 4 : a regularly recurrent quantitative change in a variable biological process a circadian rhythm — compare BIORHYTHM 5 : the effect created by the elements in a play, movie, or novel that relate to the temporal development of the action 6 : RHYTHM METHOD

muted (adj)

1a : being mute : silent b : toned down : low-key, subdued 2 : provided with or produced or modified by the use of a mute

wise (adj)

1a : characterized by wisdom : marked by deep understanding, keen discernment, and a capacity for sound judgment b : exercising or showing sound judgment : PRUDENT a wise investor 2a : evidencing or hinting at the possession of inside information : KNOWING b : possessing inside information the police got wise to his whereabouts c : CRAFTY, SHREWD d : aware of or informed about a particular matter —usually used in the comparative in negative constructions with the was none the wiser about their plans 3 : INSOLENT, SMART-ALECKY, FRESH a tough kid with a wise mouth 4 archaic : skilled in magic or divination

exemplary (adj)

1a : deserving imitation : COMMENDABLE his courage was exemplary also : deserving imitation because of excellence they serve exemplary pastries — G. V. Higgins b : serving as a pattern 2 : serving as an example, instance, or illustration this story is exemplary of her style 3 : serving as a warning : MONITORY given an exemplary punishment

lazy (adj)

1a : disinclined to activity or exertion : not energetic or vigorous The lazy child tried to avoid household chores. b : encouraging inactivity or indolence a lazy summer day 2 : moving slowly : sluggish a lazy river 3 : droopy, lax a rabbit with lazy ears 4 : placed on its side lazy E livestock brand 5 : not rigorous or strict lazy scholarship lazier; laziest

appearance (n)

1a : external show : SEMBLANCE Although hostile, he preserved an appearance of neutrality. b : outward aspect : LOOK had a fierce appearance c appearances plural : outward indication trying to keep up appearances 2a : a sense impression or aspect of a thing The blue of distant hills is only an appearance. b : the world of sensible phenomena 3a : the act, action, or process of appearing the first appearance of that word in English b law : the presentation of oneself in court as a party to an action often through the representation of an attorney 4a : something that appears : PHENOMENON b : an instance of appearing : OCCURRENCE her first public appearance since winning the award

corporate (adj)

1a : formed into an association and endowed by law with the rights and liabilities of an individual : INCORPORATED b : of or relating to a corporation a plan to reorganize the corporate structure c : of, relating to, or being the large corporations of a country or region considered as a unit the latest trend in corporate America d : having qualities (such as commercialism or lack of originality) associated with large corporations or attributed to their influence or control corporate rock music corporate art 2 : of, relating to, or formed into a unified body of individuals Human law arises by the corporate action of a people ... — George H. Sabine 3 : CORPORATIVE sense 2

leafy (adj)

1a : furnished with or abounding in leaves leafy woodlands b : having broad-bladed leaves mosses, grasses, and leafy plants c : consisting chiefly of leaves leafy vegetables 2 : resembling a leaf specifically : LAMINATE leafier; leafiest

lush (adj)

1a : growing vigorously especially with luxuriant foliage lush grass b : lavishly productive: such as (1) : FERTILE lush farmland (2) : THRIVING the lush idealism of the prewar period — F. B. Millett (3) : characterized by abundance : PLENTIFUL lush campaign contributions — Fulton Lewis (4) : PROSPEROUS, PROFITABLE firms with lush contracts 2a : SAVORY, DELICIOUS a lush apple pie b : appealing to the senses the lush sounds of the orchestra c : OPULENT, SUMPTUOUS lush accommodations

monochromatic (adj)

1a : having or consisting of one color or hue a monochromatic winter scene b : MONOCHROME sense 2 monochromatic photogaphs 2 : consisting of radiation of a single wavelength (see WAVELENGTH sense 1) or of a very small range of wavelengths 3 : of, relating to, or exhibiting monochromatism 4 : lacking variety, creativity, or excitement : COLORLESS

ambitious (adj)

1a : having or controlled by ambition : having a desire to be successful, powerful, or famous an ambitious young executive b : having a desire to achieve a particular goal : ASPIRING ambitious for power 2 : resulting from, characterized by, or showing ambition an ambitious film

how (adv)

1a : in what manner or way How did you two meet each other? How did he die? How do you know that? b : for what reason : WHY How would I know if it's going to rain or not? c : with what meaning : to what effect How are we to interpret such behavior? d : by what name or title How art thou called? — William Shakespeare 2 : to what degree or extent How much longer do we have to wait? I don't know how old she is. 3 : in what state or condition How are you? How do you feel? 4 : at what price how a score of ewes now — Shakespeare

diamond (n)

1a : native crystalline carbon that is the hardest known mineral, that is usually nearly colorless, that when transparent and free from flaws is highly valued as a precious stone, and that is used industrially especially as an abrasive also : a piece of this substance b : crystallized carbon produced artificially 2 : something that resembles a diamond (as in brilliance, value, or fine quality) 3 : a square or rhombus-shaped figure usually oriented with the long diagonal vertical 4a : a playing card marked with a stylized figure of a red diamond b diamonds plural in form but singular or plural in construction : the suit comprising cards marked with diamonds 5 : a baseball infield also : the entire playing field

tautology (n)

1a : needless repetition of an idea, statement, or word b : an instance of tautology 2 : a tautological statement "A beginner who has just started" is a tautology.

hostile (adj)

1a : of or relating to an enemy hostile fire b : marked by malevolence : having or showing unfriendly feelings a hostile act c : openly opposed or resisting a hostile critic hostile to new ideas d(1) : not hospitable plants growing in a hostile environment (2) : having an intimidating, antagonistic, or offensive nature a hostile workplace 2a : of or relating to the opposing party in a legal controversy a hostile witness b : adverse to the interests of a property owner or corporation management a hostile takeover

hard-core (adj)

1a : of, relating to, or being part of a hard core hard-core poverty the hard-core unemployed b : CONFIRMED, DIE-HARD hard-core rock fans a hard-core liberal 2 of pornography : containing explicit descriptions of sex acts or scenes of actual sex acts — compare SOFT-CORE 3 : characterized by or being the purest or most basic form of something : FUNDAMENTAL a room gussied up in hard-core French provincial style — John Canaday

muscular (adj)

1a : of, relating to, or constituting muscle b : of, relating to, or performed by the muscles 2 : having well-developed musculature 3a : of or relating to physical strength : brawny b : having strength of expression or character : vigorous muscular prose c : characterized by forcefulness or resolve muscular foreign policy d : full-bodied muscular wines

mysterious (adj)

1a : of, relating to, or constituting mystery the mysterious ways of God b : exciting wonder, curiosity, or surprise while baffling efforts to comprehend or identify : MYSTIFYING heard a mysterious noise a mysterious stranger a mysterious plane crash a mysterious illness 2 : stirred by or attracted to the inexplicable ... to help a mysterious wizard ... ward off the end of the world with blood sacrifices. — Robert Houston

mesentery (n)

1a : one or more vertebrate membranes that consist of a double fold of the peritoneum and invest the intestines and their appendages and connect them with the dorsal wall of the abdominal cavity b : a fold of membrane comparable to a mesentery and supporting a viscus (such as the heart) that is not a part of the digestive tract 2 : a support or partition in an invertebrate like the vertebrate mesentery mesenteries

hallucination (n)

1a : perception of objects with no reality usually arising from disorder of the nervous system or in response to drugs (such as LSD) was having hallucinations b : the object so perceived wasn't sure if the rain was real or a hallucination 2 : an unfounded or mistaken impression or notion : DELUSION

diligence (n)

1a : steady, earnest, and energetic effort : persevering application : ASSIDUITY showed great diligence in tracking down the story working with diligence to scrub off the paint b obsolete : SPEED, HASTE Go, hence with diligence! — Shakespeare 2 : the attention and care legally expected or required of a person (such as a party to a contract) : STAGECOACH

melancholy (adj)

1a : suggestive or expressive of sadness or depression of mind or spirit sang in a melancholy voice b : causing or tending to cause sadness or depression of mind or spirit : DISMAL a melancholy thought 2a : depressed in spirits : DEJECTED, SAD b : PENSIVE

water (n)

1a : the liquid that descends from the clouds as rain, forms streams, lakes, and seas, and is a major constituent of all living matter and that when pure is an odorless, tasteless, very slightly compressible liquid oxide of hydrogen H2O which appears bluish in thick layers, freezes at 0° C and boils at 100° C, has a maximum density at 4° C and a high specific heat, is feebly ionized to hydrogen and hydroxyl ions, and is a poor conductor of electricity and a good solvent b : a natural mineral water —usually used in plural 2 : a particular quantity or body of water: such as a(1) waters plural : the water occupying or flowing in a particular bed (2) chiefly British : LAKE, POND b : a quantity or depth of water adequate for some purpose (such as navigation) c waters plural (1) : a band of seawater abutting on the land of a particular sovereignty and under the control of that sovereignty (2) : the sea of a particular part of the earth d : WATER SUPPLY threatened to turn off the water 3 : travel or transportation on water we went by water 4 : the level of water at a particular state of the tide : TIDE 5 : liquid containing or resembling water: such as a(1) : a pharmaceutical or cosmetic preparation made with water (2) : a watery solution of a gaseous or readily volatile substance — compare AMMONIA WATER b archaic : a distilled fluid (as an essence) especially : a distilled alcoholic liquor c : a watery fluid (such as tears, urine, or sap) formed or circulating in a living body d : AMNIOTIC FLUID also : BAG OF WATERS 6a : the degree of clarity and luster of a precious stone b : degree of excellence a scholar of the first water 7 : WATERCOLOR 8a : stock not representing assets of the issuing company and not backed by earning power b : fictitious or exaggerated asset entries that give a stock an unrealistic book value above water : out of difficulty

batter (v)

1a : to beat with successive blows so as to bruise, shatter, or demolish battered down the door women who have been battered by their husbands b : BOMBARD battering targets with artillery fire battering the lawyer with questions c law : to commit battery against (someone) : to offensively touch or use force on (a person) without the person's consent ... was battered and cut badly enough to be hospitalized overnight. — N. R. Kleinfield ... studies showing that a woman is at greatest risk of being battered, and even murdered, by her partner when he suspects her of sexual infidelity. — Sharon Begley 2 : to subject to strong, overwhelming, or repeated attack battered by forces of change Their confidence was battered by a series of losses. 3 : to wear or damage by hard usage or blows a battered old hat intransitive verb 1 : to strike something heavily and repeatedly : BEAT, POUND flies battered against ... the electric-light bulbs — D. B. Chidsey 2 law : to commit battery against another : to offensively touch or use force on a person without the person's consent ... the personality characteristics and life histories that lead men to batter and kill. — Erica Goode battered; battering; batters

lose (v)

1a : to bring to destruction —used chiefly in passive construction the ship was lost on the reef b : DAMN if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul — Matthew 16:26 (King James Version) 2 : to miss from one's possession or from a customary or supposed place lost his glove 3 : to suffer deprivation of : part with especially in an unforeseen or accidental manner lost his leg in an auto accident 4a : to suffer loss through the death or removal of or final separation from (a person) lost a son in the war b : to fail to keep control of orallegiance (see ALLEGIANCE sense 2) of lose votes lost his temper 5a : to fail to use : let slip by : WASTE no time to lose b(1) : to fail to win, gain, or obtain lose a prize lose a contest (2) : to undergo defeat in lost every battle c : to fail to catch with the senses or the mind lost what she said 6 : to cause the loss of 7 : to fail to keep, sustain, or maintain lost my balance 8a : to cause to miss one's way or bearings lost himself in the maze of streets b : to make (oneself) withdrawn from immediate reality lost herself in daydreaming 9a : to wander or go astray from lost his way b : to draw away from : OUTSTRIP lost his pursuers 10 : to fail to keep in sight or in mind lost the thief in the crowded street 11 : to free oneself from : get rid of dieting to lose weight 12 slang : REGURGITATE, VOMIT —often used in such phrases as lose one's lunch 1 : to undergo deprivation of something of value investors lost heavily 2 : to undergo defeat lose with good grace 3 of a timepiece : to run slow lost losing

change (v)

1a : to make different in some particular : ALTER never bothered to change the will b : to make radically different : TRANSFORM can't change human nature c : to give a different position, course, or direction to changed his residence from Ohio to California 2a : to replace with another let's change the subject b : to make a shift from one to another : SWITCH always changes sides in an argument c : to exchange for an equivalent sum of money (as in smaller denominations or in a foreign currency) change a 20-dollar bill d : to undergo a modification of foliage changing color e : to put fresh clothes or covering on change a bed 1 : to become different some things never change 2 : to undergo transformation, transition, or substitution winter changed to spring 3 : EXCHANGE, SWITCH neither liked his seat so they changed with each other 4 : to put on different clothes need a few minutes to change for dinner 5 : to shift one's means of conveyance : TRANSFER on the bus trip he had to change twice 6 of the voice : to shift to lower register : BREAK His voice started to change when he turned 13. 7 of the moon : to pass from one phase (see PHASE entry 1 sense 1) to another changed; changing

bloom (v)

1a : to produce or yield flowers b : to support abundant plant life make the desert bloom 2a(1) : to mature into achievement of one's potential (2) : to flourish in youthful beauty, freshness, or excellence b : to shine out : GLOW c : to become more apparent or fully expressed (as in flavor or aroma) In all classic sauces and dressings, good oil is the base from which delectable flavors bloom. — Renée Loux Underkoffler 3 : to appear or occur unexpectedly or in remarkable quantity or degree 4 : to become densely populated with microorganisms and especially plankton —used of bodies of water transitive verb 1 obsolete : to cause to bloom 2 : to give bloom to bloomed; blooming; blooms

mash (v)

1a : to reduce to a soft pulpy state by beating or pressure b : CRUSH, SMASH mash a finger 2 : to subject (a substance, such as crushed malt) to the action of water with heating and stirring in preparing wort : to flirt with or seek the affection of mashed; mashing; mashes

develop (v)

1a : to set forth or make clear by degrees or in detail : EXPOUND develop a thesis b : to make visible or manifest developed the scene in her mind c dyeing : to treat with an agent to cause the appearance of color d photography : to subject (exposed material) especially to chemicals in order to produce a visible image develop film also : to make visible by such a method develop pictures e : to elaborate (a musical idea) by the working out of rhythmic and harmonic changes in the theme (see THEME sense 4) 2a : to work out the possibilities of develop an idea b : to create or produce especially by deliberate effort over time develop new ways of doing business develop software 3a : to make active or promote the growth of developed his muscles developing your mental abilities b(1) : to make available or usable develop natural resources (2) : to make suitable for commercial or residential purposes develop land c games : to move (a chess piece) from the original position to one providing more opportunity for effective use develop the rook 4a : to cause to evolve or unfold gradually : to lead or conduct (something) through a succession of states or changes each of which is preparatory for the next developed his argument b : to expand by a process of growth working to develop the company further c biology : to cause to grow and differentiate along lines natural to its kind more rain will be needed to develop the plants properly d : to become infected or affected by developed pneumonia 5 : to acquire gradually develop an appreciation for ballet 1 biology a : to go through a process of natural growth, differentiation (see DIFFERENTIATION sense 3), or evolution by successive changes A blossom develops from a bud. b : to acquire secondary sex characteristics the year that her breasts fully developed 2 : to become gradually manifest the facts that developed over the next few days 3 : to come into being gradually the situation developing in eastern Europe also : TURN OUT sense 2a it developed that no one had paid the bill

master (n)

1a(1) : a male teacher (2) : a person holding an academic degree higher than a bachelor's but lower than a doctor's also : the degree itself b often capitalized : a revered religious leader c : a worker or artisan qualified to teach apprentices — compare APPRENTICE entry 1 sense 1b, JOURNEYMAN sense 1 d(1) : an artist, performer, or player of consummate (see CONSUMMATE entry 1 sense 1) skill (2) : a great figure of the past (as in science or art) whose work serves as a model or ideal 2a : one having authority over another : RULER, GOVERNOR This decisive battle left him master of Europe. b : one that conquers or masters : VICTOR, SUPERIOR in the new challenger the champion found his master c : a person licensed to command a merchant ship d(1) : one having control proved himself master of the situation (2) : an owner especially of a slave or animal e : the employer especially of a servant f(1) dialect : HUSBAND (2) : the male head of a household 3a(1) archaic : MR. (2) : a youth or boy too young to be called mister —used as a title b : the eldest son of a Scottish viscount or baron (see BARON sense 2a) 4a : a presiding (see PRESIDE sense 2) officer in an institution or society (such as a college) b : any of several officers of court appointed to assist (as by hearing and reporting) a judge 5a : a master mechanism (see MECHANISM sense 1) or device b : an original from which copies can be made especially : a master recording (such as a magnetic tape)

measure (n)

1a(1) : an adequate or due portion all too few of the British actresses ... have received their measure of remembrance — Saturday Review (2) : a moderate degree also : MODERATION, TEMPERANCE (3) : a fixed or suitable limit : BOUNDS rich beyond measure b : the dimensions, capacity, or amount of something ascertained by measuring took his measure for a coat c : an estimate of what is to be expected (as of a person or situation) the measure of their tragedy is now beyond our imagination — G. F. Kennan d(1) : a measured quantity (2) : AMOUNT, DEGREE giving children a greater measure of freedom 2a : an instrument (such as a yardstick) or utensil (such as a graduated cup) for measuring b(1) : a standard or unit of measurement — see WEIGHTS AND MEASURES TABLE (2) : a system of standard units of measure metric measure 3 : the act or process of measuring settled by a measure made by a surveyor 4a(1) : MELODY, TUNE (2) : DANCE especially : a slow and stately dance b : rhythmic structure or movement : CADENCE: such as (1) : poetic rhythm measured by temporal (see TEMPORAL entry 1 sense 3) quantity or accent specifically : METER (2) : musical time c(1) : a grouping of a specified number of musical beats located between two consecutive vertical lines on a staff (2) : a metrical unit : FOOT 5 : an exact divisor of a number 6 being the greatest common measure of 42 and 12 6 : a basis or standard of comparison wealth is not a measure of happiness 7 : a step planned or taken as a means to an end took strong measures against the rebels specifically : a proposed legislative act sponsored an anti-inflation measure in the senate

dinkum (adj)

: AUTHENTIC, GENUINE —often used with fair I was fair dinkum about my interest in their culture — Percy Trezise

mourning cloak (n)

: a blackish-brown nymphalid butterfly (Nymphalis antiopa) that has a broad yellow border on the wings and is found in temperate parts of Europe, Asia, and North America

trade-last (n)

: a complimentary remark by a third person that a hearer offers to repeat to the person complimented if he or she will first report a compliment made about the hearer

microcephaly (n)

: a condition of abnormal smallness of the circumference of the head that is present at birth or develops within the first few years of life and is often associated with developmental delays, impaired cognitive development, poor coordination and balance, deficits in hearing and vision, and seizures

marabout (n)

: a dervish in Muslim Africa believed to have supernatural power

mistruth (n)

: a false or misleading statement : FALSEHOOD The general drift of the thoughtful, worried essays was that the reported instances of deliberate mistruth on the part of scientists seem to be on the increase ... — Lewis Thomas

tragic flaw (n)

: a flaw in character that brings about the downfall of the hero of a tragedy

longbow (n)

: a hand-drawn wooden bow held vertically and used especially by medieval English archers

double helix (n)

: a helix or spiral consisting of two strands in the surface of a cylinder that coil around its axis especially : the structural arrangement of DNA in space that consists of paired polynucleotide strands stabilized by cross-links between purine and pyrimidine bases — compare ALPHA-HELIX, WATSON-CRICK MODEL

light show (n)

: a kaleidoscopic display of colored lights, slides, and film loops

medicinal leech (n)

: a large European freshwater leech (Hirudo medicinalis) that is a source of hirudin, is sometimes used to drain blood (as from newly grafted tissue), and was formerly used to bleed patients thought to have excess blood

mud puppy (n)

: a large North American salamander (Necturus maculosus) that has external gills and is gray to rusty brown usually with bluish-black spots

motor home (n)

: a large motor vehicle equipped as living quarters — compare MOBILE HOME

slit trench (n)

: a narrow trench especially for shelter in battle from bomb and shell fragments

Rip van Winkle (n)

: a ne'er-do-well in a story in Washington Irving's Sketch Book who sleeps for 20 years

double negative (n)

: a now nonstandard syntactic construction containing two negatives and having a negative meaning I didn't hear nothing is a double negative

hyperparasite (n)

: a parasite that is parasitic upon another parasite

profit center (n)

: a part of a corporation or its product line that is an important source of profits

bon vivant (n)

: a person having cultivated, refined, and sociable tastes especially with respect to food and drink has become a bon vivant since moving to the city

valetudinarian (n)

: a person of a weak or sickly constitution especially : one whose chief concern is his or her ill health

munchkin (n)

: a person who is notably small and often endearing

hypochondriac (n)

: a person who is often or always worried about his or her own health : a person affected by hypochondria or hypochondriasis ... comparing America's addiction to polls to a hypochondriac's obsessive monitoring of his pulse rate. — Erica Goode Although a self-avowed hypochondriac, he actually did suffer from a variety of ailments ... — Eugenia Zukerman

motile (n)

: a person whose prevailing mental imagery takes the form of inner feelings of action

laicism (n)

: a political system characterized by the exclusion of ecclesiastical control and influence

lie detector (n)

: a polygraph for detecting physiological evidence (such as change in heart rate) of the tension that accompanies lying

anhedonia (n)

: a psychological condition characterized by inability to experience pleasure in normally pleasurable acts

catch-up (n)

: a seasoned pureed condiment usually made from tomatoes : the act or fact of catching up or trying to catch up (as with a norm or competitor) had to play catch-up also : an increase intended to achieve catch-up

LSD (n)

: a semisynthetic illicit organic compound C20H25N3O derived from ergot that induces extreme sensory distortions, altered perceptions of reality, and intense emotional states, that may also produce delusions or paranoia, and that may sometimes cause panic reactions in response to the effects experienced — called also lysergic acid diethylamide

chain of command (phrase)

: a series of executive positions in order of authority a military chain of command

all clear (n)

: a signal that a danger has passed

macro (n)

: a single computer instruction that stands for a sequence of operations macros

square of opposition (phrase)

: a square figure on which may be demonstrated the logical relationships of contraries, contradictories, subcontraries, and subalterns and superalterns

muse (n)

: a state of deep thought or dreamy abstraction thrown into a muse by the book she was reading 1 capitalized : any of the nine sister goddesses in Greek mythology presiding over song and poetry and the arts and sciences Clio is the Greek Muse of history. 2 : a source of inspiration especially : a guiding genius The writer's beloved wife was his muse. 3 : POET

slough of despond (phrase)

: a state of extreme depression

retronym (n)

: a term (such as analog watch, film camera, or snail mail) that is newly created and adopted to distinguish the original or older version, form, or example of something (such as a product) from other, more recent versions, forms, or examples Consider reduplicated retronyms: first came paperback book, differentiated from a book with a cloth or leather binding, provoking the retronym hardcover book. — William Safire Most retronyms are gleaned from high-technology and scientific advances that bring about a modification of an original item. Think of it as a backward glance that signifies progress (film camera, broadcast network, propeller airplane). — Lyrysa Smith

spot test (n)

: a test limited to a few key or sample points or a relatively small percentage of random spots 2 : a test conducted on the spot to yield immediate results

man-day (n)

: a unit of one day's work by one person

man-hour (n)

: a unit of one hour's work by one person that is used especially as a basis for cost accounting and wages

lenitive (adj)

: alleviating pain or harshness : soothing

misclassification (n)

: an act or instance of wrongly assigning someone or something to a group or category : incorrect classification Cracking down on the misclassification of workers so that those mislabeled as independent contractors can become unionizable employees. — Harold Meyerson misclassifications

leukemia (n)

: an acute or chronic disease in humans and other warm-blooded animals characterized by an abnormal increase in the number of white blood cells in the tissues and often in the blood

manual alphabet (n)

: an alphabet especially for the deaf in which the letters are represented by finger positions

benign neglect (n)

: an attitude or policy of ignoring an often delicate or undesirable situation that one is held to be responsible for dealing with

megaton (n)

: an explosive force equivalent to that of one million tons of TNT

consciousness-raising (n)

: an increasing of concerned awareness especially of some social or political issue

mail order (adj)

: an order for goods that is received and filled by mail

low blow (n)

: an unprincipled attack gossip column that landed one low blow after another — James Fallows

muon (n)

: an unstable lepton that is common in the cosmic radiation near the earth's surface, has a mass about 207 times the mass of the electron, and exists in negative and positive forms

millipede (n)

: any of a class (Diplopoda) of myriapod arthropods having usually a cylindrical segmented body covered with hard integument, two pairs of legs on most apparent segments, and unlike centipedes no poison fangs

lark (n)

: any of a family (Alaudidae) of chiefly Old World ground-dwelling songbirds that are usually brownish in color especially : SKYLARK — compare MEADOWLARK : a source of or quest for amusement or adventure thought life was a lark entered the race on a lark

martial art (n)

: any of several arts of combat and self-defense (such as karate and judo) that are widely practiced as sport

marlin (n)

: any of several large marine billfishes (genera Makaira and Tetrapturus) that are notable sport fishes

lemur (n)

: any of various arboreal diurnal or nocturnal, chiefly arboreal primates (superfamily Lemuroidea) of Madagascar and the Comoros Islands that usually have a longish muzzle, large eyes, very soft woolly fur, and a long furry tail and that feed on fruit and plant parts (such as leaves, flowers, and seeds) and sometimes insects and small animals NOTE: Unlike most other primates, lemurs have a well-developed sense of smell. Physical and genetic characteristics indicate that all lemurs descended from a common prosimian ancestor that arrived in Madagascar approximately 55 to 60 million years ago. Though matriarchy is rare in primates, female dominance is the norm for most lemur species. — Patricia Edmonds As a consequence of these activities and others, such as illicit hunting, most of the larger extant lemurs of Madagascar have very restricted ranges, — David A. Burney and Ross D. E. MacPhee ... chimpanzees and sifakas, a species of lemur from Madagascar, are more active and show less stereotypical behavior when shifted from indoor to outdoor enclosures. — Jeffrey P. Cohn

manic-depressive (adj)

: characterized by or affected with either mania or depression or alternating mania and depression (as in bipolar disorder)

predefine (v)

: defined in advance predefined criteria predefined policies/procedures following a predefined path/route On the maturity date of the bond, a predefined amount of money is returned to the investor. — Larry Sarbit ... a highly traditional culture with predefined roles of gender ... — Mary Motian-Meadows

Morse code (n)

: either of two codes consisting of variously spaced dots and dashes or long and short sounds used for transmitting messages by audible or visual signals

tantamount (adj)

: equivalent in value, significance, or effect a relationship tantamount to marriage

standard operating procedure (n)

: established or prescribed methods to be followed routinely for the performance of designated operations or in designated situations — called also standing operating procedure

hubris (n)

: exaggerated pride or self-confidence

uxorious (adj)

: excessively fond of or submissive to a wife

antebellum (adj)

: existing before a war especially : existing before the American Civil War antebellum houses the antebellum South

self-explanatory (adj)

: explaining itself : capable of being understood without explanation

long-drawn-out (adj)

: extended to a great length

loathing (n)

: extreme disgust : detestation She regarded his hypocrisy with loathing.

huevos rancheros (n)

: fried or poached eggs served on a tortilla and topped with a usually tomato-based sauce

hyperhidrosis (n)

: generalized or local excessive sweating

soft-spoken (adj)

: having a mild or gentle voice also : SUAVE

downwind (adv or adj)

: in the direction that the wind is blowing

anagoge (n)

: interpretation of a word, passage, or text (as of Scripture or poetry) that finds beyond the literal, allegorical, and moral senses a fourth and ultimate spiritual or mystical sense anagoges or anagogies

vapid (adj)

: lacking flavor, zest, interest, animation, or spirit : FLAT, DULL a gossipy, vapid woman, obsessed by her own elegance — R. F. Delderfield London was not all vapid dissipation — V. S. Pritchett

arenicolous (adj)

: living, burrowing, or growing in sand

aphasia (n)

: loss or impairment of the power to use or comprehend words usually resulting from brain damage

headwork (n)

: mental labor especially : clever thinking

washed-up (adj)

: no longer successful, skillful, popular, or needed washed-up athletes a washed-up actor

postprandial (adj)

: occurring after a meal

Mithraic (adj)

: of or relating to a mystery cult for men of Iranian origin that flourished in the late Roman empire

linguistic (adj)

: of or relating to language or linguistics linguistic scholars linguistic changes

lonely hearts (adj)

: of or relating to lonely persons who are seeking companions or spouses

prompt (adj)

: of or relating to prompting actors

picaresque (adj)

: of or relating to rogues or rascals also : of, relating to, suggesting, or being a type of fiction dealing with the episodic adventures of a usually roguish protagonist a picaresque novel

multispectral (adj)

: of or relating to two or more ranges of frequencies or wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum

spectacular (adj)

: of, relating to, or being a spectacle : STRIKING, SENSATIONAL a spectacular display of fireworks

locum tenens (n)

: one filling an office for a time or temporarily taking the place of another —used especially of a doctor or clergyman locum tenentes

sloven (n)

: one habitually negligent of neatness or cleanliness especially in personal appearance

mudra (n)

: one of the symbolic hand gestures used in religious ceremonies and dances of India and in yoga

barn burner (n)

: one that arouses much interest or excitement the game should be a real barn burner

lollapalooza (n)

: one that is extraordinarily impressive also : an outstanding example

mover (n)

: one that moves or sets something in motion especially : one whose business or occupation is the moving of household goods from one residence to another

executioner (n)

: one who executes especially : one who puts to death

apart from (prep)

: other than : BESIDES, EXCEPT FOR

maladjustment (n)

: poor, faulty, or inadequate adjustment

lose-lose (adj)

: presenting two options both of which put one at a disadvantage a lose-lose proposition

relucent (adj)

: reflecting light : SHINING

hunger strike (n)

: refusal (as by a prisoner) to eat enough to sustain life

self-regulating (adj)

: regulating oneself or itself especially : AUTOMATIC a self-regulating mechanism

rough-and-tumble (adj)

: rough disorderly unrestrained fighting or struggling also : INFIGHTING

legroom (n)

: space in which to extend the legs while seated

magniloquent (adj)

: speaking in or characterized by a high-flown often bombastic style or manner magniloquent boasts

pronounced (adj)

: strongly marked : DECIDED a pronounced dislike

furtherance (n)

: the act of furthering : ADVANCEMENT

self-torment (n)

: the act or an instance of tormenting oneself especially psychologically years of self-torment ... he had an unfortunate taste for gambling; and ... he always lost thrice where he gained once. That's a mode of self-torment I never was much addicted to. —Anne Brontë I have not yet looked at the newspaper. Generally I leave it till I come back tired from my walk; it amuses me then to see what the noisy world is doing, what new self-torments men have discovered ... —Henry Ryecroft

self-improvement (n)

: the act or process of improving oneself by one's own actions individuals interested in self-improvement opportunities for self-improvement also : an instance or result of such improvement You don't need to wait to ring in the new year to start making self-improvements, because it's always a good time. —Nicole Yi —often used before another noun self-improvement efforts a self-improvement blog

LD50 (n)

: the amount of a toxic agent (such as a poison, virus, or radiation) that is sufficient to kill 50 percent of a population of animals usually within a certain time

lunatic fringe (n)

: the members of a usually political or social movement espousing extreme, eccentric, or fanatical views

Hegelianism (n)

: the philosophy of Hegel that places ultimate reality in ideas rather than in things and that uses dialectic to comprehend an absolute idea behind phenomena

Marxism (n)

: the political, economic, and social principles and policies advocated by Marx especially : a theory and practice of socialism (see SOCIALISM sense 3) including the labor theory of value, dialectical materialism, the class struggle, and dictatorship of the proletariat until the establishment of a classless society

surrealism (n)

: the principles, ideals, or practice of producing fantastic or incongruous imagery or effects in art, literature, film, or theater by means of unnatural or irrational juxtapositions and combinations

level of significance (term)

: the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis in a statistical test when it is true — called also significance level

shock therapy (n)

: the treatment of mental illness by the artificial induction of coma or convulsions through use of drugs or electric current — called also shock treatment

handcuff (v)

: to apply handcuffs to : manacle 2 : to hold in check : make ineffective or powerless handcuffed by strict regulations handcuffed; handcuffing; handcuffs

double-team (v)

: to block or guard (an opponent) with two players at one time

ricochet (v)

: to bounce or skip with or as if with a glancing rebound The bullet that hit President Reagan had ricocheted off the presidential limousine. — David Fisher The ball ricochets at a right angle, falling with force into the first baseman's glove ... — Bob Drury The chute snaps open, the sound ricocheting through the gorge like a gunshot, and McGuire is soaring, carving S turns into the air, swooping over a winding creek. — Karl Taro Greenfeld ricocheted\ˈri-kə-ˌshād \ also ricochetted\ˈri-kə-ˌshe-təd \; ricocheting\ˈri-kə-ˌshā-iŋ \ also ricochetting

eclipse (v)

: to cause an eclipse of: such as a : OBSCURE, DARKEN b : to reduce in importance or repute c : SURPASS her score eclipsed the old record

transmigrate (v)

: to cause to go from one state of existence or place to another intransitive verb 1 of the soul : to pass at death from one body or being to another 2 : MIGRATE transmigrated; ing; es

morph (v)

: to change the form or character of : TRANSFORM : to undergo transformation especially : to undergo transformation from an image of one object into that of another especially by means of computer-generated animation morphed; morphing; morphs

phase out (v)

: to discontinue the practice, production, or use of by phases intransitive verb : to stop production or operation by phases

allure (v)

: to entice by charm or attraction ... I had been fool enough to allow myself to be so quickly allured by her charms ... — Anthony Trollope allured; alluring

censor (v)

: to examine in order to suppress (see SUPPRESS sense 2) or delete anything considered objectionable censor the news also : to suppress or delete as objectionable censor out indecent passages

preconceive (v)

: to form (an opinion) prior to actual knowledge or experience preconceived notions preconceived; preconceiving; preconceives

concatenate (v)

: to link together in a series or chain ... a theory is useful to concatenate facts ... — John Pinkerton concatenated; concatenating

manifest (v)

: to make evident or certain by showing or displaying manifested; manifesting; manifests

hypothecate (v)

: to pledge as security without delivery of title or possession hypothecated; hypothecating

major (v)

: to pursue an academic major majored in English majored; majoring; majors

Midas (n)

A Midas touch... a legendary Phrygian king who is given the power of turning everything he touches to gold

lifestyle (n)

: the typical way of life of an individual, group, or culture

moonroof (n)

: a glass sunroof

sapience (n)


nonissue (n)

makes ___ a nonissue. an issue of little importance, validity, or concern

Buck Rogers (n)

marked by futuristic and high-tech qualities : suggestive of science fiction

germane (adj)

1 obsolete : closely akin 2 : being at once relevant and appropriate : fitting omit details that are not germane to the discussion — germanely adverb

melt (n)

1a : material in the molten state b : the mass melted at a single operation or the quantity melted during a specified period 2a : the action or process of melting or the period during which it occurs the spring melt b : the condition of being melted 3 : a sandwich with melted cheese a tuna melt : spleen especially : spleen of slaughtered animals for use as feed or food

sure enough (adv)

: as one might expect : CERTAINLY

tonetics (n)

: the use or study of linguistic tones

off and on (adv)

dating off and on for... : with periodic cessation : INTERMITTENTLY rained off and on all day

day one (n)

day one friend. the first day or very beginning of something

indocile (adj)

indocile teenager. unwilling or indisposed to be taught or disciplined : intractable — indocility

chump change (n)

isn't chump change. a relatively small or insignificant amount of money

LOL (abbr)

laugh out loud; laughing out loud

main chance (n)

life has many main chances. the best chance for personal or financial gain kept an eye on the main chance

gymnastic (n)

mental gymnastics. of or relating to gymnastics : athletic — gymnastically

fleeting (adj)

passing swiftly : transitory ... the often fleeting nature of fame and fortune ... —Tom Sinclair — fleetingly play \ˈflē-tiŋ-lē\ adverb — fleetingness

homebody (n)

tend to be a homebody. one whose life centers on home

Penelope (n)

the wife of Odysseus who waits faithfully for him during his 20 years' absence

demystify (v)

to eliminate the mystifying features of

inamorata (n)

woman with whom one is in love or has intimate relations

Malayalam (n)

: the Dravidian language of Kerala, southwest India, closely related to Tamil

hilltop (n)

the highest part of a hill

midstream (n)

1 : the middle of a stream 2 : an intermediate stage in an act or process the tone changes in midstream

self-preservation (n)

1 : preservation of oneself from destruction or harm 2 : a natural or instinctive tendency to act so as to preserve one's own existence

cripple (v)

1 : to deprive of the use of a limb and especially a leg the accident left him crippled 2 : to deprive of capability for service or of strength, efficiency, or wholeness an economy crippled by inflation crippled; crippling

lyricist (n)

: a writer of lyrics

Munda (n)

: a branch of the Austroasiatic language family spoken by tribal peoples of central and eastern India

mare (n)

: a female horse or other equine animal especially when fully mature or of breeding age

Bushido (n)

: a feudal-military Japanese code of behavior valuing honor above life

diplomat (n)

: one employed or skilled in diplomacy a foreign diplomat

trailhead (n)

: the point at which a trail begins

growth company (n)

a company that grows at a greater rate than the economy as a whole and that usually directs a relatively high proportion of income back into the business

lioness (n)

a female lion

fortress (n)

a fortified place : stronghold; especially : a large and permanent fortification sometimes including a town — fortresslike

flaw (n)

a fundamental flaw. 1 a : a defect in physical structure or form a diamond with a flaw b : an imperfection or weakness and especially one that detracts from the whole or hinders effectiveness vanity was the flaw in his character a flaw in the book's plot 2 obsolete : fragment

horoscope (n)

a horoscopic analysis. 1 : a diagram of the relative positions of planets and signs of the zodiac at a specific time (as at one's birth) for use by astrologers in inferring individual character and personality traits and in foretelling events of a person's life 2 : an astrological forecast

affix (v)

affixed with... affixed; affixing; affixes transitive verb 1 : to attach physically affix a stamp to a letter 2 : to attach in any way : add, append affix a signature to a document 3 : impress affixed my seal — affixable adjective — affixation noun — affixment

upheaval (n)

cultural and political upheaval. 1 : the action or an instance of upheaving especially of part of the earth's crust 2 : extreme agitation or disorder : radical change; also : an instance of this

empower (v)

empowering people. empowered; empowering; empowers transitive verb 1 : to give official authority or legal power to empowered her attorney to act on her behalf 2 : enable 1a 3 : to promote the self-actualization or influence of women's movement has been inspiring and empowering women —Ron Hansen — empowerment

abinitio (adv)

from the beginning

hombre (n)

guy, fellow

hi (interj)

hi! —used especially as a greeting just called to say hi

loyalty (n)

having loyalty to... plural loyalties : the quality or state or an instance of being loyal the loyalty of the team's fans

majorly (adv)

in a major way a : primarily 1 was majorly a poet b : extremely 1 was majorly annoyed

transparency (n)

more transparency. 1 : the quality or state of being transparent 2 : something transparent especially : a picture (as on film) viewed by light shining through it or by projection

outpace (v)

outpaced; outpacing; outpaces transitive verb 1 : to surpass in speed 2 : outdo

argot (n)

: the language used by a particular type or group of people : an often more or less secret vocabulary and idiom peculiar to a particular group He has been bombarded by thousands of scathing messages—known as being flamed in the argot of cyberspace. — Peter H. Lewis

rapacious (adj)

1 : excessively grasping or covetous 2 : living on prey 3 : ravenous a rapacious appetite — rapaciously adverb — rapaciousness noun

extraneous (adj)

1 : existing on or coming from the outside extraneous light 2a : not forming an essential or vital part extraneous ornamentation b : having no relevance an extraneous digression 3 : being a number obtained in solving an equation that is not a solution of the equation extraneous roots

skimp (v)

: to give insufficient or barely sufficient attention or effort to or funds for intransitive verb : to save by or as if by skimping

binge (v)

: to go on a binge bingeing on beer and pretzels binged and purged during her teen years binged; bingeing or binging

further (v)

: to help forward : PROMOTE furthered; furthering

ridicule (v)

: to make fun of ridiculed; ridiculing

pons asinorum (n)

: a critical test of ability or understanding also : STUMBLING BLOCK

manic (adj)

: affected with, relating to, characterized by, or resulting from mania had a manic personality his manic work pace

Lupercalia (n)

: an ancient Roman festival celebrated February 15 to ensure fertility for the people, fields, and flocks

has-been (n)

: one that has passed the peak of effectiveness or popularity

verge (n)

1a : BRINK, THRESHOLD a country on the verge of destruction — Archibald MacLeish b : something that borders, limits, or bounds: such as (1) : an outer margin of an object or structural part (2) : the edge of roof covering (such as tiling) projecting over the gable of a roof (3) British : a paved or planted strip of land at the edge of a road : SHOULDER 2a(1) : a rod or staff carried as an emblem of authority or symbol of office (2) obsolete : a stick or wand held by a person being admitted to tenancy while he swears fealty b : the spindle of a watch balance especially : a spindle with pallets in an old vertical escapement c : the male copulatory organ of any of various invertebrates

sufficient (adj)

1a : enough to meet the needs of a situation or a proposed end sufficient provisions for a month b : being a sufficient condition 2 archaic : qualified, competent

alcohol (n)

1a : ethanol especially when considered as the intoxicating agent in fermented and distilled liquors b : drink (such as whiskey or beer) containing ethanol c : a mixture of ethanol and water that is usually 95 percent ethanol 2 : any of a class of organic (see ORGANIC entry 1 sense 3b(1)) compounds that are analogous to ethanol and that are hydroxyl derivatives of hydrocarbons

hearing (n)

1a : the process, function, or power of perceiving sound specifically : the special sense by which noises and tones are received as stimuli b : EARSHOT 2a : opportunity to be heard, to present one's side of a case, or to be generally known or appreciated b(1) : a listening to arguments (2) : a preliminary examination in criminal procedure c : a session (as of a legislative committee) in which testimony is taken from witnesses 3 chiefly dialectal : a piece of news

dossier (n)

: a file containing detailed records on a particular person or subject the patient's medical dossier Police began compiling a dossier on him.

man's man (n)

: a man noted or admired for traditionally masculine interests and activities

macaroni penguin (n)

: a small penguin (Eudyptes chrysolophus) that has an orange, yellow, and black crest on the head and a black chin and that breeds on subantarctic islands

litmus test (n)

: a test in which a single factor (such as an attitude, event, or fact) is decisive

applicable (adj)

: capable of or suitable for being applied : APPROPRIATE statutes applicable to the case A fee is applicable when a scheduled payment is late.

hypercautious (adj)

: extremely or excessively cautious With all the polls closed and most of the results in, it's down to Florida. ... Having been burned once by prematurely calling the state, the networks are now hypercautious. — Michelle Cottle In theory, at least, a hypercautious individual should be able to avoid almost all illness by not doing certain things. — George M. Foster

hyperenergetic (adj)

: extremely or excessively energetic The set has been decorated in a futuristic, high-tech mode, heavy with music-video overtones, including fake smoke and a bevy of attractive, hyperenergetic dancers, ...— Elaine Warren hyperenergetic molecules a hyper-energetic child hyper-energetic music

supersecret (adj)

: extremely secret, private, or confidential a supersecret government agency

amusingly (adv)

: giving amusement : DIVERTING amusing twists to the story amusing gadgets to play with an amusing performance

how-to (adj)

: giving practical instruction and advice (as on a craft) how-to books on all sorts of hobbies — Harry Milt

laid-back (adj)

: having a relaxed style or character laid-back music

mesarch (adj)

: having metaxylem developed both internal and external to the protoxylem

polysemous (adj)

: having multiple meanings

hypothetical (adj)

: involving or being based on a suggested idea or theory : being or involving a hypothesis : CONJECTURAL hypothetical arguments a hypothetical situation

toddler (n)

: one that toddles especially : a young child

mentee (n)

: one who is being mentored : PROTÉGÉ nearly all the mentees opted to remain in the sciences — Sally Rubenstone

human trafficking (n)

: organized criminal activity in which human beings are treated as possessions to be controlled and exploited (as by being forced into prostitution or involuntary labor)

hot ticket (n)

: someone or something very popular : RAGE

yonder (pron)

: something that is or is in an indicated more or less distant place

beware (v)

: to be on one's guard beware of the dog transitive verb 1 : to take care of beware your wallet 2 : to be wary of we must ... beware the exceedingly tenuous generalization — Matthew Lipman

stymie (v)

: to present an obstacle to : stand in the way of stymied by red tape stymied; stymieing

animal kingdom (n)

: a basic group of natural objects that includes all living and extinct animals — compare MINERAL KINGDOM, PLANT KINGDOM

miss out (v)

British : to leave out : OMIT

hooligan (n)


medievalist (n)

1 : a specialist in medieval history and culture 2 : a connoisseur or devotee of medieval arts and culture

headspace (n)

1 : the volume above a liquid or solid in a closed container The demonstrator suggests that the slow leakage of hydrogen from the balloons ... allowed for the accumulation of hydrogen and oxygen in the bag's headspace. — Chemical and Engineering News To process sauce, immediately ladle hot sauce into hot, clean half-pint canning jars, leaving 1/4-inch headspace. — Better Homes and Gardens 2 : vertical space in which to stand, sit, or move : HEADROOM The sleeping area [of a tiny house] looks restful and thanks to the curved roof, probably has more headspace than most ... — Kimberly Mok 3 informal : MIND-SET, FRAME OF MIND It's difficult to tell how people have changed, says Radiohead guitarist Ed O'Brien. But Thom's been in a better headspace for quite a few years. — Brian Raftery

carry away (v)

1 : to arouse to a high and often excessive degree of emotion or enthusiasm The girl was carried away by her pity. — Winston Churchill 2 : CARRY OFF sense 1

stand by (v)

1 : to be present also : to remain apart or aloof 2 : to be or to get ready to act an ambulance was standing by : to remain loyal or faithful to : DEFEND stood by his decision

set-to (n)

1 : to begin actively and earnestly 2 : to begin fighting

mistake (v)

1 : to blunder in the choice of mistook her way in the dark 2a : to misunderstand the meaning or intention of : MISINTERPRET don't mistake me, I mean exactly what I said b : to make a wrong judgment of the character or ability of The army's leaders mistook the strength of the enemy. 3 : to identify wrongly : confuse with another I mistook him for his brother : to be wrong you mistook when you thought I laughed at you — Thomas Hardy mistook;mistaken;mistaking

carry out (v)

1 : to bring to a successful issue : COMPLETE, ACCOMPLISH carried out the assignment 2 : to put into execution carry out a plan 3 : to continue to an end or stopping point

complete (v)

1 : to bring to an end and especially into a perfected state complete a painting 2 a : to make whole or perfect Its song completes the charm of the bird. Her latest purchase completes her collection. b : to mark the end of A rousing chorus completes the show. c : execute, fulfill complete a contract 3 : to carry out (a forward pass) successfully The quarterback completed 12 out of 18 passes.

bewilder (v)

1 : to cause to lose one's bearings (see BEARING sense 6c) bewildered by the city's maze of roads 2 : to perplex or confuse especially by a complexity, variety, or multitude of objects or considerations His decision bewildered her. utterly bewildered by the instructions bewildered; bewildering

definite (adj)

1 a : free of all ambiguity, uncertainty, or obscurity demanded a definite answer Her position on the issue was definite. b : unquestionable, decided the quarterback was a definite hero today a definite masterpiece saw a definite improvement in her grades 2 grammar : typically designating an identified or immediately identifiable person or thing the definite article the 3 : having distinct or certain limits set definite standards for pupils to meet ... the side striking the new coin is flattened and less definite. —Jed Stevenson 4 a of floral organs : being constant in number, usually less than 20, and occurring in multiples of the petal number stamens definite b : cymose a definite inflorescence — definitely adverb — definiteness noun

lodestar (n)

1 archaic : a star that leads or guides especially : NORTH STAR 2 : one that serves as an inspiration, model, or guide

cherub (n)

1 cherubim plural : an order of angels — see CELESTIAL HIERARCHY 2 plural usually cherubs a : a beautiful usually winged child in painting and sculpture b : an innocent-looking usually chubby and rosy person This torrent of arcane football lingo spewed from the lips of a red-haired, freckle-faced cherub ... —Tim Layden

miss (n)

1 chiefly dialectal : disadvantage or regret resulting from loss we know the miss of you, and even hunger ... to see you — Samuel Richardson 2a : a failure to hit b : a failure to attain a desired result 3 : MISFIRE 1 capitalized a —used as a title prefixed to the name of an unmarried woman or girl b —used before the name of a place or of a line of activity or before some epithet to form a title for a usually young unmarried female who is representative of the thing indicated Miss America 2 : young lady —used without a name as a conventional term of address to a young woman 3 : a young unmarried woman or girl 4 misses plural : a clothing size for women of average height and build

chore (n)

1 chores plural : the regular or daily light work of a household or farm 2 : a routine task or job The children were each assigned household chores. 3 : a difficult or disagreeable task doing taxes can be a real chore

Garrison finish (n)

a finish in which the winner comes from behind at the end

meteoric (adj)

a meteoric rise. 1 a : of or relating to a meteor b : resembling a meteor in speed or in sudden and temporary brilliance a meteoric rise to fame 2 : of, relating to, or derived from the earth's atmosphere meteoric water — meteorically

aggrandize (v)

aggrandizing their importance. 1 : to make great or greater : increase, enlarge aggrandize an estate 2 : to make appear great or greater : praise highly 3 : to enhance the power, wealth, position, or reputation of exploited the situation to aggrandize himself

dead horse (n)

beat a dead horse. an exhausted or profitless topic or issue —usually used in the phrases beat a dead horse and flog a dead horse

bulletproof (adj)

bulletproof argument. 1 : impenetrable to bullets bulletproof glass 2 : not subject to correction, alteration, or modification a bulletproof argument 3 : INVINCIBLE

maths (n)

chiefly British : MATHEMATICS

guilt (n)

feeling guilt. 1 : the fact of having committed a breach of conduct especially violating law and involving a penalty A jury will determine the defendant's guilt or innocence.; broadly : guilty conduct 2 a : the state of one who has committed an offense especially consciously His guilt was written in his face. b : feelings of deserving blame especially for imagined offenses or from a sense of inadequacy : self-reproach 3 : a feeling of deserving blame for offenses Wracked by guilt, he confessed his affairs.

scornful (adj)

full of scorn : CONTEMPTUOUS

hire (v)

hiring qualified employees. hired; hiring transitive verb 1 a : to engage the personal services of for a set sum hire a crew b : to engage the temporary use of for a fixed sum hire a hall 2 : to grant the personal services of or temporary use of for a fixed sum hire themselves out 3 : to get done for pay hire the mowing done intransitive verb : to take employment hire out as a guide during the tourist season — hirer noun

ordeal (n)

it was an ordeal. 1 : a primitive means used to determine guilt or innocence by submitting the accused to dangerous or painful tests believed to be under supernatural control ordeal by fire ordeal by water 2 : a severe trial or experience Being trapped in an elevator was a harrowing ordeal for the shoppers.

murky (adj)

murkier; murkiest 1 : characterized by a heavy dimness or obscurity caused by or like that caused by overhanging fog or smoke the murky bottom of the lake 2 : characterized by thickness and heaviness of air : foggy, misty rain poured down from murky skies —Newsweek 3 : darkly vague or obscure murky official rhetoric He offered a murky explanation. — murkily play \-kə-lē\ adverb — murkiness

higher-up (n)

need to clear it with the higher-ups. a superior officer or official

objectify (v)

objectify women. 1 : to treat as an object or cause to have objective reality They believe that beauty pageants objectify women. 2 : to give expression to (something, such as an abstract notion, feeling, or ideal) in a form that can be experienced by others It is the essence of the fairy tale to objectify differing facets of the child's emotional experience ... —John Updike — objectification

blueprint (n)

put together the blueprint for... 1 : a photographic print in white on a bright blue ground or blue on a white ground used especially for copying maps, mechanical drawings, and architects' plans 2 : something resembling a blueprint (as in serving as a model or providing guidance) especially : a detailed plan or program of action a blueprint for victory

radiant (adj)

radiant smile. 1 a : radiating rays or reflecting beams of light b : vividly bright and shining : glowing 2 : marked by or expressive of love, confidence, or happiness a radiant smile 3 a : emitted or transmitted by radiation b : emitting or relating to radiant heat — radiantly adverb

maieutic (adj)

relating to or resembling the Socratic method of eliciting new ideas from another

riffle (v)

riffled; riffling intransitive verb 1 : to form, flow over, or move in riffles 2 : to flip cursorily : thumb riffle through the catalog transitive verb 1 : to ruffle slightly : ripple 2 a : to leaf through hastily; specifically : to leaf by sliding a thumb along the edge of the leaves riffle a stack of paper b : to shuffle (playing cards) by separating the deck into two parts and riffling with the thumbs so the cards intermix 3 : to manipulate (small objects) idly between the fingers

lampoon (v)

satire 1; specifically : a harsh satire usually directed against an individual He said such ridiculous things that he was often the target of lampoons in the press.

meeting (n)

schedule a meeting. 1 : an act or process of coming together: such as a : an assembly for a common purpose (such as worship) b : a session of horse or dog racing 2 : a permanent organizational unit of the Society of Friends 3 : INTERSECTION, JUNCTION

schmooze (v)

schmoozing with... : to converse informally : CHAT also : to chat in a friendly and persuasive manner especially so as to gain favor, business, or connections transitive verb : to engage in schmoozing with she schmoozed her professors

care package (n)

sending a care package. : a package of useful or pleasurable items that is sent or given as a gift to another (such as a college student)

name of the game (phrase)

that's the NOTG. 1 : the essential quality or matter patience is the name of the game in coastal duck hunting —Dick Beals 2 : the fundamental goal of an activity

self-centered (adj)

too self-centered. 1 : independent of outside force or influence : SELF-SUFFICIENT 2 : concerned solely with one's own desires, needs, or interests

vale (n)

1 : VALLEY, DALE 2 : WORLD this vale of tears

mutualize (v)

: to make mutual mutualized; mutualizing

disagreement (n)

1 : the act of disagreeing 2a : the state of being at variance : DISPARITY b : QUARREL

repletion (n)

1 : the act of eating to excess : the state of being fed to excess : SURFEIT 2 : the condition of being filled up or overcrowded 3 : fulfillment of a need or desire : SATISFACTION

lie down (v)

1 : to submit meekly or abjectly to defeat, disappointment, or insult won't take that criticism lying down 2 : to fail to perform or to neglect one's part deliberately lying down on the job

metanalysis (n)

: a reanalysis of the division between sounds or words resulting in different constituents (as in the development of an apron from a napron)

self-analysis (n)

: a systematic attempt by an individual to understand his or her own personality without the aid of another person

dolorous (adj)

: causing, marked by, or expressing misery or grief

diaristic (adj)

: of, relating to, or characteristic of a diary her diaristic tone

metempsychosis (n)

: the passing of the soul at death into another body either human or animal

aliteracy (n)

: the quality or state of being able to read but uninterested in doing so

Mother's Day (n)

: the second Sunday in May appointed for the honoring of mothers

price-fixing (n)

: the setting of prices artificially (as by producers or government) contrary to free market operations

wayside (n)

: the side of or land adjacent to a road or path by the wayside : out of consideration : into a condition of neglect or disuse —usually used with fall

self-doubt (n)

plagued with self-doubt. : a lack of faith in oneself : a feeling of doubt or uncertainty about one's abilities, actions, etc. plagued with/by self-doubt overcame her self-doubts The man who comes through the pages of this straightforwardly written autobiography is eminently human, full of self-doubt about his personal life and his career ... —Walter Goodman

unyielding (adj)

unyielding faith/loyalty. 1 : characterized by firmness or obduracy 2 : characterized by lack of softness or flexibility

zany (adj)

1 : being or having the characteristics of a zany 2 : fantastically or absurdly ludicrous a zany movie zanier; zaniest

disclose (v)

1 obsolete : to open up 2a : to expose to view b archaic : HATCH c : to make known or public would not disclose his salary disclosed; disclosing; discloses

disaster (n)

1 obsolete, occult : an unfavorable aspect (see aspect sense 2a) of a planet or star 2 : a sudden calamitous event bringing great damage, loss, or destruction natural disasters broadly : a sudden or great misfortune or failure The party was a disaster.

swan (n)

1 plural also swan : any of various large heavy-bodied long-necked mostly pure white aquatic birds (family Anatidae, especially genus Cygnus) that have webbed feet and are related to but larger than the geese 2 : one that resembles or is likened to a swan 3 capitalized : the constellation Cygnus swans

sponge (v)

1: to cleanse, wipe, or moisten with or as if with a sponge 2: to erase or destroy with or as if with a sponge —often used with out 3: to get by sponging on another 4: to absorb with or as if with or in the manner of a sponge 1: to absorb, soak up, or imbibe like a sponge 2: to get something from or live on another by imposing on hospitality or good nature sponged off of her sister 3: to dive or dredge for sponges sponged sponging

mutinous (adj)

1a : disposed to or being in a state of mutiny : REBELLIOUS a mutinous crew b : TURBULENT, UNRULY 2 : of, relating to, or constituting mutiny mutinous threats

Alaskan malamute (n)

Taj. any of a breed of powerful heavy-coated deep-chested dogs of Alaskan origin that have erect ears, heavily cushioned feet, and a bushy tail

escalate (v)

a quickly escalating situation/dynamic. escalated; escalating intransitive verb : to increase in extent, volume, number, amount, intensity, or scope a little war threatens to escalate into a huge ugly one —Arnold Abrams transitive verb : expand 2 — escalation play \ˌe-skə-ˈlā-shən, nonstandard -skyə-\ noun — escalatory

depressant (n)

alcohol is a depressant. : one that depresses specifically : an agent that reduces a bodily functional activity or an instinctive desire (such as appetite)

lifeblood (n)

an organization's lifeblood. 1 : blood regarded as the seat of vitality 2 : a vital or life-giving force or component freedom of inquiry is the lifeblood of a university

trade-off (n)

considering trade-offs. 1 : a balancing of factors all of which are not attainable at the same time the education versus experience trade-off which governs personnel practices —H. S. White 2 : a giving up of one thing in return for another : EXCHANGE

bricolage (n)

construction (as of a sculpture or a structure of ideas) achieved by using whatever comes to hand; also : something constructed in this way

deontology (n)

deontological perspective. the theory or study of moral obligation — deontological adjective — deontologist

depart (v)

departing from the status quo. 1a : to go away : LEAVE b : DIE 2 : to turn aside : DEVIATE transitive verb : to go away from : LEAVE

anguish (n)

emotional anguish. extreme pain, distress, or anxiety cries of anguish mental anguish

estrange (v)

estranged spouse. estranged; estranging transitive verb 1 : to arouse especially mutual enmity or indifference in (someone) where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness : alienate John's excesses gradually estranged him from his mother ... —Philip Norman She became estranged from her family. 2 : to remove from customary environment or associations The first words spoken were not those of one becoming estranged from this world, and already permitted to stray at times into realms foreign to the living. —Charlotte Brontë — estrangement play \i-ˈstrānj-mənt\ noun her estrangement from her family — estranger noun

god-awful (adj)

extremely unpleasant or disagreeable : abominable god-awful weather

forgettable (adj)

fit or likely to be forgotten a forgettable movie

kowtow (v)

kowtowed; kowtowing; kowtows intransitive verb 1 : to show obsequious deference : fawn kowtows to the boss 2 : to kneel and touch the forehead to the ground in token of homage, worship, or deep respect

callow (adj)

lacking adult sophistication : immature callow youth callow newcomers

sanity (n)

maintaining one's own sanity. : the quality or state of being sane especially : soundness or health of mind

match (v)

matched; matching; matches transitive verb 1 a : to encounter successfully as an antagonist b (1) : to set in competition or opposition (2) : to provide with a worthy competitor c : to set in comparison 2 : to join or give in marriage 3 a (1) : to put in a set possessing equal or harmonizing attributes (2) : to cause to correspond : suit matched programs to local needs b (1) : to be the counterpart of; also : to compare favorably with (2) : to harmonize with the jacket matched the pants c : to provide with a counterpart d : to provide funds complementary to employers may match the employee contribution —D. J. Miller 4 : to fit together or make suitable for fitting together 5 a : to flip or toss (coins) and compare exposed faces b : to toss coins with intransitive verb : to be a counterpart — matchable play \ˈma-chə-bəl\ adjective — matcher noun

aficionado (n)

plural aficionados also afficionados : a person who likes, knows about, and appreciates a usually fervently pursued interest or activity : devotee aficionados of the bullfight movie aficionados

seductive (adj)

seductive qualities. : tending to seduce : having alluring or tempting qualities a seductive, sometimes disingenuous man —Thatcher Freund a seductive aroma

girl (n)

she's my girl. 1a : a female child from birth to adulthood b : DAUGHTER c : a young unmarried woman d sometimes offensive : a single or married woman of any age 2a : SWEETHEART b often offensive : a female servant or employee 3 US, informal a : a female friend I love going to a spa and dinner with my girls. —Karen Clifton b —used as a friendly way of addressing a woman or girl Hey girl, I like your taste in Christmas gifts. —Miranda Crace Girl, you need to give yourself some credit. —John Van Meter

intangible (adj)

the intangibles. not tangible : impalpable education's intangible benefits — intangibility noun — intangibleness noun — intangibly adverb

graveyard shift (n)

working the graveyard shift. a work shift beginning late at night (such as 11 o'clock) also : the workers on such a shift

midnight blue (n)

: a deep blackish blue

highness (n)

your highness. 1 : the quality or state of being high 2 —used as a title for a person of exalted rank (such as a king or prince)

amen (interj)

—used to express solemn ratification (as of an expression of faith) or hearty approval (as of an assertion)

alright (adv or adj)


shut-eye (n)

: SLEEP get some shut-eye

developing (adj)

: UNDERDEVELOPED sense 2 developing nations

double date (n)

: a date participated in by two couples

super-duper (adj)

: of the greatest excellence, size, effectiveness, or impressiveness

gunboat diplomacy (n)

diplomacy backed by the use or threat of military force

insolent (adj)

1 : insultingly contemptuous in speech or conduct : overbearing 2 : exhibiting boldness or effrontery : impudent — insolent noun — insolently adverb

intension (n)

1 : intensity 2 : connotation 3 — intensional adjective — intensionality noun — intensionally

houseboat (n)

: a boat fitted for use as a dwelling especially : a pleasure craft with a broad beam, a usually shallow draft, and a large superstructure resembling a house

mythopoeia (n)

: a creating of myth : a giving rise to myths

painstaking (adj)

a painstaking process. taking pains : expending, showing, or involving diligent care and effort painstaking research painstaking tasks painstaking accuracy — painstakingly

perfidious (adj)

a perfidious act. of, relating to, or characterized by perfidy (the quality or state of being faithless or disloyal) — perfidiously adverb — perfidiousness noun

tempting (adj)

a tempting offer. : having an appeal : ENTICING a tempting offer

tentative (adj)

a tentative plan. 1 : not fully worked out or developed tentative plans 2 : HESITANT, UNCERTAIN a tentative smile

licit (adj)

conforming to the requirements of the law : not forbidden by law : permissible — licitly adverb

sculpturesque (adj)

done in the manner of or resembling sculpture

handily (adv)

handily defeated. 1 : in a dexterous manner 2 : EASILY defeated the other candidate handily 3 : conveniently nearby

in excelsis (adv)

in the highest degree

LLC (abbr)

limited liability company

hem (n)

1 : a border of a cloth article doubled back and stitched down 2 : RIM, MARGIN bright green hem of reeds about the ponds — R. M. Lockley

mare's nest (n)

1 : a false discovery, illusion, or deliberate hoax 2 : a place, condition, or situation of great disorder or confusion a mare's nest of intrigue and troubles with the money men — William Cole mare's nests or mares' nests

comparable (adj)

1 : capable of or suitable for comparison The situations are not at all comparable. 2 : SIMILAR, LIKE fabrics of comparable quality The two houses are comparable in size.

harmonious (adj)

1 : having agreement among musical components : musically concordant harmonious voices 2 : having the parts agreeably related : CONGRUOUS blended into a harmonious whole harmonious medley of small vaulted chambers — Norman Douglas 3 : marked by accord in sentiment or action harmonious relationship between church and state — H. D. Hazeltine

prolific (adj)

1 : producing young or fruit especially freely : FRUITFUL 2 archaic : causing abundant growth, generation, or reproduction 3 : marked by abundant inventiveness or productivity a prolific composer

cat's cradle (n)

1 : a game in which a string looped in a pattern like a cradle on the fingers of one person's hands is transferred to the hands of another so as to form a different figure 2 : something that is intricate, complicated, or elaborate a cat's cradle of red tape

road map (n)

1 : a map showing roads especially for automobile travel 2a : a detailed plan to guide progress toward a goal b : a detailed explanation

primer (n)

1 : a small book for teaching children to read 2 : a small introductory book on a subject 3 : a short informative piece of writing

on a dime (phrase)

1 : in a very small area these cars can turn on a dime 2 : INSTANTLY

century (n)

1 : a subdivision of the Roman legion 2 : a group, sequence, or series of 100 like things 3 : a period of 100 years especially of the Christian era or of the preceding period of human history the third century A.D. 4 : a race over a hundred units (such as yards, miles, or meters) centuries

subgroup (n)

1 : a subordinate group whose members usually share some common differential quality 2 : a subset of a mathematical group that is itself a group

preponderance (n)

1 : a superiority in weight, power, importance, or strength 2a : a superiority or excess in number or quantity b : MAJORITY

folderol (n)

1 : a useless ornament or accessory : trifle 2 : nonsense

cesspool (n)

1 : an underground reservoir for liquid waste (such as household sewage) 2 : a filthy, evil, or corrupt place or state a cesspool of corruption

mademoiselle (n)

1 : an unmarried French girl or woman —used as a title equivalent to Miss for an unmarried woman not of English-speaking nationality 2 : a French governess 3 : SILVER PERCH sense a mademoiselles; mesdemoiselles

jade (n)

1 : either of two tough compact typically green gemstones that take a high polish: a : jadeite b : nephrite 2 : a sculpture or artifact of jade 3 : jade green

vacuous (adj)

1 : emptied of or lacking content 2 : marked by lack of ideas or intelligence : STUPID, INANE a vacuous mind a vacuous movie 3 : devoid of serious occupation : IDLE

arid (adj)

1 : excessively dry specifically : having insufficient rainfall to support agriculture an arid region 2 : lacking in interest and life : JEJUNE arid textbooks

deficient (adj)

1 : lacking in some necessary quality or element deficient in judgment bones deficient in calcium 2 : not up to a normal standard or complement (see COMPLEMENT entry 1 sense 1b(1)) : DEFECTIVE deficient strength ... rusted and aging pipes ... abetted by deficient maintenance and sabotage. —Adam Nossiter

metamorphic (adj)

1 : of or relating to metamorphosis 2 of a rock : of, relating to, or produced by metamorphism

misfit (n)

1 : something that fits badly 2 : a person who is poorly adapted to a situation or environment social misfits

commend (v)

1 : to entrust for care or preservation To Thee I do commend my watchful soul / Ere I let fall the windows of mine eyes. —William Shakespeare 2 : to recommend as worthy of confidence or notice Your proposal has much to commend it. 3 : to mention with approbation : PRAISE We commend you for your continuing dedication to excellence. commended; commending; commends

felicitous (adj)

1 : very well suited or expressed : apt a felicitous remark handled the delicate matter in a most felicitous manner 2 : pleasant, delightful felicitous weather The ride through the countryside is a felicitous journey for city people. — felicitously adverb — felicitousness noun

carry on (v)

1 British : CARRYING-ON 2 : a piece of luggage suitable for being carried aboard an airplane by a passenger

moss (n)

1 chiefly Scotland : BOG, SWAMP especially : a peat bog 2a : any of a class (Musci) of bryophytic plants characterized by a gametophyte having a small leafy often tufted stem bearing sex organs at its tip also : a clump or sward of these plants b : any of various plants resembling moss in appearance or habit of growth 3 : a mossy covering

loggerhead (n)

1 chiefly dialectal a : BLOCKHEAD b : HEAD especially : a disproportionately large head 2a : a very large chiefly carnivorous sea turtle (Caretta caretta) of subtropical and temperate waters b : ALLIGATOR SNAPPING TURTLE 3 : an iron tool consisting of a long handle terminating in a ball or bulb that is heated and used to melt tar or to heat liquids at loggerheads : in or into a state of quarrelsome disagreement

hickey (n)

1a : PIMPLE b : a temporary red mark or bruise on the skin (such as one produced by biting and sucking) 2 plural also hickies : a small imperfection in printing

helm (n)

1a : a lever or wheel controlling the rudder of a ship for steering broadly : the entire apparatus for steering a ship b : position of the helm with respect to the amidships position turn the helm hard alee 2 : a position of control : HEAD a new dean is at the helm of the medical school

precipitate (v)

1a : to throw violently : HURL the quandaries into which the release of nuclear energy has precipitated mankind — A. B. Arons b : to throw down 2 : to bring about especially abruptly precipitate a scandal that would end with his expulsion — John Cheever 3a : to cause to separate from solution or suspension b : to cause (vapor) to condense and fall or deposit intransitive verb 1a : to fall headlong b : to fall or come suddenly into some condition 2 : to move or act with violent or unwise speed 3a : to separate from solution or suspension b : to condense from a vapor and fall as rain or snow precipitated; precipitating

mystic (n)

: a follower of a mystical way of life 2 : an advocate of a theory of mysticism

laden (adj)

: carrying a load or burden

dominance (n)

exerting dominance. 1 : the fact or state of being dominant: such as a sociology : controlling, prevailing, or powerful position especially in a social hierarchy (see HIERARCHY sense 4) male dominance political dominance companies competing for dominance in the market dominance over their rivals b genetics : the property of one of a pair of alleles or traits that suppresses expression (see EXPRESSION sense 1b(4)) of the other in the heterozygous condition c ecology : the influence or control over ecological communities exerted by a dominant (see DOMINANT entry 2 sense 2b) 2 biology : functional (see FUNCTIONAL sense 1b) asymmetry between a pair of bodily structures (such as the right and left hands) right brain dominance

gendered (adj)

gendered comment. reflecting the experience, prejudices, or orientations of one sex more than the other gendered language; also : reflecting or involving gender differences or stereotypical gender roles

lag (v)

lagging behind the rest. lagged; lagging intransitive verb 1 a : to stay or fall behind : linger, loiter b : to move, function, or develop with comparative slowness c : to become retarded in attaining maximum value 2 : to slacken or weaken gradually : flag 3 : to toss or roll a marble toward a line or a cue ball toward the head cushion to determine order of play 4 golf : to hit a lag putt (see 1lag 4) transitive verb 1 : to lag behind current that lags the voltage 2 : to pitch or shoot (a coin, a marble, etc.) at a mark 3 golf : to hit (a golf ball or putt) with the aim of having the ball stop near the hole Woods lagged his first putt to within four feet and then sank his second one to win. —Tim Crothers — lagger noun

overwhelm (v)

overwhelmed; overwhelming; overwhelms transitive verb 1 : upset, overthrow The tornado overwhelmed many mobile homes. 2 a : to cover over completely : submerge The city was overwhelmed by the flooding caused by the hurricane. b : to overcome by superior force or numbers The city was overwhelmed by the invading army. c : to overpower in thought or feeling overwhelmed with grief overwhelmed by terror A sense of inadequacy overwhelmed me. overwhelmed with guilt

oracy (n)

proficiency in oral expression and comprehension

monger (n)

1 : BROKER, DEALER —usually used in combination alemonger 2 : a person who attempts to stir up or spread something that is usually petty or discreditable —usually used in combination warmonger

moonset (n)

1 : the descent of the moon below the horizon 2 : the time of the moon's setting

pore (v)

1 : to gaze intently 2 : to read or study attentively —usually used with over 3 : to reflect or meditate steadily pored; poring

retreat (v)

1 : to make a retreat : WITHDRAW 2 : to slope backward transitive verb : to draw or lead back : REMOVE specifically : to move (a piece) back in chess retreated; retreating; retreats

meed (n)

1 archaic : an earned reward or wage 2 : a fitting return or recompense

moiling (adj)

1a : requiring hard work b : INDUSTRIOUS 2 : violently agitated : TURBULENT

pocket (v)

1a : to put or enclose in or as if in one's pocket pocketed the change b : to appropriate to one's own use : STEAL c : to refuse assent to (a bill) by a pocket veto 2 : to put up with : ACCEPT 3 : to set aside : SUPPRESS pocketed his pride 4a : to hem in b : to drive (a ball) into a pocket of a pool table 5 : to cover or supply with pockets pocketed; pocketing; pockets

humanize (v)

1a : to represent as human : attribute human qualities to b : to adapt to human nature or use 2 : to make humane humanized; humanizing

multifold (adj)


MC (n)


mind-bending (adj)


mixed-media (adj)


microgravity (n)

: a condition in space in which only minuscule forces are experienced : virtual absence of gravity broadly : a condition of weightlessness

mulligan (n)

: a free shot sometimes given a golfer in informal play when the previous shot was poorly played

musical chairs (n)

: a game in which players march to music around a row of chairs numbering one less than the players and scramble for seats when the music stops also : a situation or series of events suggesting the game of musical chairs (as in rapid change or confusing activity)

miscegenation (n)

: a mixture of races especially : marriage, cohabitation, or sexual intercourse between a white person and a member of another race

squinting modifier (n)

: a modifier (such as often in getting dressed often is a nuisance) so placed in a sentence that it can be interpreted as modifying either what precedes or what follows

hog heaven (n)

: an extremely satisfying state or situation

monocle (n)

: an eyeglass for one eye

propensity (n)

: an often intense natural inclination or preference propensities

anyhow (adv)

: in any manner whatever b : in a haphazard manner 2a : at any rate b : in any event

changeless (adj)

: never changing : constant changeless truths

long-suffering (adj)

: patiently enduring lasting offense or hardship

moral hazard (n)

: the possibility of loss to an insurance company arising from the character or circumstances of the insured

warm up (v)

: to engage in exercise or practice especially before entering a game or contest broadly : to get ready

dethrone (v)

: to remove from a throne or place of power or prominence dethrone a king trying to dethrone the champion

ordinary-language philosophy (n)

a trend in philosophical analysis that seeks to resolve philosophical perplexity by revealing sources of puzzlement in the misunderstanding of ordinary language

hibernate (v)

hibernated; hibernating intransitive verb 1 : to pass the winter in a torpid or resting state bears hibernating in their dens 2 : to be or become inactive or dormant let the computer hibernate — hibernation play \ˌhī-bər-ˈnā-shən\ noun — hibernator

lit (past and past part)

past tense and past participle of LIGHT

certitude (n)

plural certitudes 1 : the state of being or feeling certain 2 : certainty of act or event 3 : something that is certain : certainty In the United States, death is feared ... . Though it is a certitude that we all must deal with someday ... —Anne M. Johnson

idée fixe (n)

plural idées fixes : an idea that dominates one's mind especially for a prolonged period : obsession

high command (n)

reporting to high command. 1 : the supreme headquarters of a military force 2 : the highest leaders in an organization

gander (n)

what's good for the goose is good for the gander. 1 : an adult male goose 2 : simpleton

gut check (n)

: a test or assessment of courage, character, or determination

Marxism-Leninism (n)

: a theory and practice of communism developed by Lenin from doctrines of Marx

big bang theory (n)

: a theory in astronomy: the universe originated billions of years ago in an explosion from a single point of nearly infinite energy density — compare STEADY STATE THEORY

moonstone (n)

: a transparent or translucent feldspar of pearly or opaline luster used as a gem

metric ton (n)

: a unit of mass equal to 1000 kilograms — see METRIC SYSTEM TABLE

melatonin (n)

: a vertebrate hormone that is derived from serotonin, is secreted by the pineal gland especially in response to darkness, and has been linked to the regulation of circadian rhythms

fudge factor (n)

: an arbitrary mathematical term inserted into a calculation in order to arrive at an expected solution or to allow for errors especially of underestimation broadly : any arbitrary unspecified factor

chiasmus (n)

: an inverted relationship between the syntactic elements of parallel phrases (as in Goldsmith's to stop too fearful, and too faint to go)

Melpomene (n)

: the Greek Muse of tragedy

Mnemosyne (n)

: the Greek goddess of memory and mother of the Muses by Zeus

shelf life (n)

: the period of time during which a material may be stored and remain suitable for use broadly : the period of time during which something lasts or remains popular

mojito (n)

: a cocktail made of rum, sugar, mint, lime juice, and soda water

la-la land (n)

: a euphoric dreamlike mental state detached from the harsher realities of life

misoneism (n)

a hatred, fear, or intolerance of innovation or change

full stop (n)

chiefly British : PERIOD sense 5a

acquiesce (v)

acquiesced; acquiescing intransitive verb : to accept, comply, or submit tacitly or passively —often used with in or to

self-control (n)

exibiting self-control : restraint exercised over one's own impulses, emotions, or desires

adversarial (adj)

involving two people or two sides who oppose each other : of, relating to, or characteristic of an adversary or adversary procedures (see 2adversary 2) an adversarial relationship an adversarial system of justice with prosecution and defense opposing each other

graceful (adj)

a graceful entrance. : displaying grace (see GRACE entry 1 sense 3) in form or action : pleasing or attractive in line, proportion, or movement a graceful dancer

provisional (adj)

: serving for the time being : TEMPORARY a provisional government

multipurpose (adj)

: serving or able to serve more than one purpose a multipurpose tool multipurpose rooms a multi-purpose cleaner

stone-faced (adj)

: showing no emotion : EXPRESSIONLESS

mash-up (n)

: something created by combining elements from two or more sources: such as a : a piece of music created by digitally overlaying an instrumental track with a vocal track from a different recording b : a movie or video having characters or situations from other sources c : a Web service or application that integrates data and functionalities from various online sources

motherland (n)

1 : MOTHER COUNTRY sense 1 2 : a country regarded as a place of origin (as of an idea or a movement)

profound (adj)

1a : having intellectual depth and insight b : difficult to fathom or understand 2a : extending far below the surface b : coming from, reaching to, or situated at a depth : DEEP-SEATED a profound sigh 3a : characterized by intensity of feeling or quality b : all encompassing : COMPLETE profound sleep profound deafness

exoteric (adj)

1a : suitable to be imparted to the public the exoteric doctrine — compare ESOTERIC b : belonging to the outer or less initiate circle 2 : relating to the outside : EXTERNAL

smoulder (v)

1a : to burn sluggishly, without flame, and often with much smoke b : to be consumed by smoldering —often used with out 2 : to exist in a state of suppressed activity hostilities smoldered for years 3 : to show suppressed anger, hate, or jealousy eyes smoldering with hate smoldered or smouldered; smoldering

running start (n)


low (adj)

: MOO in barns cows lowed to be milked — Esther Forbes lowed; lowing; lows

doyenne (n)

: a woman who is a doyen

metabolic (adj)

: of, relating to, or based on metabolism

Hypnos (n)

: the Greek god of sleep

distrust (n)

: the lack or absence of trust

miniaturize (v)

: to design or construct in small size miniaturized; miniaturizing

kitsch (n)

Dane Cook was often considered to be a kitschy comic. 1 : something that appeals to popular or lowbrow taste and is often of poor quality 2 : a tacky or lowbrow quality or condition teetering on the brink of kitsch —Ron Miller — kitschy

huge (adj)

Definition of huge : very large or extensive: such as a : of great size or area huge buildings b : great in scale or degree a huge deficit a huge undertaking They're having a huge sale tomorrow. The crowds were huge. Your help made a huge difference. c : great in scope or character a dancer of huge talent huger; hugest

few (adj)

a select few. 1 : consisting of or amounting to only a small number one of our few pleasures 2 : at least some but indeterminately small in number —used with a caught a few fish — fewness noun — few and far between : few in number and infrequently met : rare

curveball (n)

throwing (you) a curveball. : a slow or moderately fast baseball pitch thrown with spin to make it swerve downward and usually to the left when thrown from the right hand or to the right when thrown from the left hand — curveball verb

predatory (adj)

1a : of, relating to, or practicing plunder, pillage, or rapine b : inclined or intended to injure or exploit others for personal gain or profit predatory pricing practices 2 : living by predation : PREDACEOUS also : adapted to predation

verboten (adj)

: FORBIDDEN especially : prohibited by dictate

magnum (n)

: a large wine bottle holding about 1.5 liters

soiree (n)

: a party or reception held in the evening

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (n)

: a rare progressive degenerative fatal disease affecting the motor neurons, usually beginning in middle age, and characterized especially by increasing and spreading muscular weakness and atrophy —abbreviation ALS — called also Lou Gehrig's disease

house rule (n)

: a rule (as in a game) that applies only among a certain group or in a certain place

microphage (n)

: a small phagocyte and especially a neutrophil or eosinophil 1887, in the meaning defined above International Scientific Vocabulary

modicum (n)

: a small portion : a limited quantity had only a modicum of mathematical skills

ripple effect (n)

: a spreading, pervasive, and usually unintentional effect or influence the automotive industry has a ripple effect on many other industries — compare DOMINO EFFECT

sciolism (n)

: a superficial show of learning

anytime (adv)

: at any time whatever The bus should be here anytime now.

Chapter 11 (n)

: bankruptcy as provided under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code which governs corporate reorganization filed for Chapter 11

monocarpic (adj)

: bearing fruit but once and then dying

goofy (adj)

: being crazy, ridiculous, or mildly ludicrous : SILLY a goofy sense of humor that hat looks goofy

pseudorandom (adj)

: being or involving entities (such as numbers) that are selected by a definite computational process but that satisfy one or more standard tests for statistical randomness

miniature (adj)

: being or represented on a small scale

liquescent (adj)

: being or tending to become liquid : MELTING

rock-bottom (adj)

: being the very lowest rock-bottom prices also : FUNDAMENTAL the rock-bottom question

spot-on (adj)

: exactly correct a spot-on impersonation

weak-minded (adj)

: having or indicating a weak mind: a : lacking in judgment or good sense : FOOLISH b : FEEBLEMINDED

front and center (adv)

: in or to the forefront of activity or consideration

punitive (adj)

: inflicting, involving, or aiming at punishment severe punitive measures

arm-twisting (n)

: the use of direct personal pressure in order to achieve a desired end for all the arm-twisting, the ... vote on the measure was unexpectedly tight — Newsweek

literalize (v)

: to make literal literalized; literalizing

Mirandize (v)

: to recite the Miranda warnings to (a person under arrest) Mirandized; Mirandizing

amputate (v)

: to remove by or as if by cutting especially : to cut (a part, such as a limb) from the body amputated; amputating

misrule (v)

: to rule incompetently : MISGOVERN misruled; misruling; misrules

berate (v)

: to scold or condemn vehemently and at length being berated by her parents when she came home late berated; berating; berates

lilt (v)

: to sing or play in a lively cheerful manner 1 : to sing or speak rhythmically and with fluctuating pitch 2 : to move in a lively springy manner lilted; lilting; lilts

metastasize (v)

: to spread or grow by or as if by metastasis died of lung cancer which had metastasized throughout his body — G. P. Elliott metastasized; metastasizing

countless (adj)

: too numerous to be counted : MYRIAD, MANY

misguided (adj)

a misguided venture. led or prompted by wrong or inappropriate motives or ideals well-meaning but misguided do-gooders — misguidedly play \-lē\ adverb — misguidedness

sedentary (adj)

a sedentary lifestyle. 1 : not migratory : SETTLED sedentary birds sedentary civilizations 2a : doing or requiring much sitting a sedentary job b : not physically active a sedentary lifestyle 3 : permanently attached sedentary barnacles

untenable (adj)

an untenable argument. 1 : not able to be defended an untenable position 2 : not able to be occupied untenable apartments

arguably (adv)

arguably the best. as may be argued or shown by argument an arguably effective strategy —used to say that a statement is very possibly true even if it is not certainly true He was arguably the greatest writer of his era.

legacy (n)

building a legacy. plural legacies 1 : a gift by will especially of money or other personal property : bequest She left us a legacy of a million dollars. 2 : something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past the legacy of the ancient philosophers The war left a legacy of pain and suffering. 3 : a candidate for membership in an organization (such as a school or fraternal order) who is given special status because of a familial relationship to a member Legacies, or children of alumni, are three times more likely to be accepted to Harvard than other high school graduates with the same (sometimes better) scores ... —Michael Lind

hit-or-miss (adj)

can be pretty hit-or-miss. marked by a lack of care, forethought, system, or plan; also : hit-and-miss

candescent (adj)

candescent light/personality. glowing or dazzling from or as if from great heat

caravan (v)

caravan together. : to travel in a caravan

daze (v)

dazed and confused. 1 : to stupefy especially by a blow : STUN The first punch dazed him. were dazed by his response 2 : to dazzle with light dazed by the bright sun

grisly (adj)

grislier; grisliest 1 : inspiring horror or intense fear houses that were dark and grisly under the blank, cold sky —D. H. Lawrence 2 : inspiring disgust or distaste a grisly account of the fire — grisliness noun

man cave (n)

hanging out in the man cave. a room or space (as in a basement) designed according to the taste of the man of the house to be used as his personal area for hobbies and leisure activities

herald (v)

heralding in (a new era). 1 a : an official at a tournament of arms (see 3arm 1a) with duties including the making of announcements and the marshaling of combatants b : an officer with the status of ambassador acting as official messenger between leaders especially in war c (1) : officer of arms (2) : an officer of arms ranking above a pursuivant and below a king of arms 2 : an official crier or messenger Mercury was the gods' herald. 3 a : one that precedes or foreshadows heralds of a coming storm b : one that conveys news or proclaims : announcer it was the lark, the herald of the morn —William Shakespeare c : one who actively promotes or advocates : exponent

highlight (v)

highlight your strengths. 1 : the lightest spot or area (as in a painting) added highlights to the painting has light brown hair with blond highlights : any of several spots in a drawing or painting that receives the greatest amount of illumination 2 : something (such as an event or detail) that is of major significance or special interest talked about the highlights of his trip to Europe

interject (v)

if I could interject... interjected; interjecting; interjects transitive verb : to throw in between or among other things : interpolate interject a remark — interjector play \ˌin-tər-ˈjek-tər\ noun — interjectory

every which way (adv)

in every which way. 1 : in every direction 2 : in a disorderly manner : irregularly toys scattered about every which way

tandem (adj)

in tandem with... 1 : consisting of things or having parts arranged one behind the other 2 : working or occurring in conjunction with each other

lighten (v)

lighten the mood. lightened; lightening play \ˈlīt-niŋ, ˈlī-tᵊn-iŋ\ transitive verb 1 : to make light or clear : illuminate 2 archaic : enlighten 3 : to make (something, such as a color) lighter intransitive verb 1 a archaic : to shine brightly b : to grow lighter : brighten 2 : to give out flashes of lightning — lightener

limn (v)

limned; limning play \ˈli-miŋ, ˈlim-niŋ\ transitive verb 1 : to draw or paint on a surface The artist limned a portrait. 2 : to outline in clear sharp detail : delineate he was limned by a streetlight —Stephen Coonts 3 : describe the novel limns the frontier life of the settlers — limner

needless (adj)

needless to say. : not needed : UNNECESSARY needless waste needless to say : as is self-evident or to be expected

de haut en bas (adj or adv)

of superiority : of or with condescension

etiquette (n)

proper/bad etiquette. the conduct or procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life

mountainy (adj)

1 : MOUNTAINOUS 2 : of, relating to, or living in mountains

pitfall (n)

1 : TRAP, SNARE specifically : a pit flimsily covered or camouflaged and used to capture and hold animals or men 2 : a hidden or not easily recognized danger or difficulty

caution (n)

1 : WARNING, ADMONISHMENT Her comments were intended as a caution to us to protect our property. 2 : PRECAUTION a surgeon taking the caution of sterilizing his instruments 3 : prudent forethought to minimize risk Use caution when operating a chain saw. 4 : one that astonishes or commands attention some shoes you see ... these days are a caution — Esquire

moneybags (n)

1 : WEALTH 2 : a wealthy person

phalanx (n)

1 : a body of heavily armed infantry in ancient Greece formed in close deep ranks and files broadly : a body of troops in close array 2 plural phalanges : one of the digital bones of the hand or foot of a vertebrate 3 plural usually phalanxes a : a massed arrangement of persons, animals, or things a phalanx of armed guards b : an organized body of persons a phalanx of lawyers

Babel (n)

1 : a city in Shinar where the building of a tower is held in Genesis to have been halted by the confusion of tongues 2 or babel a : a confusion of sounds or voices b : a scene of noise or confusion

lassitude (n)

1 : a condition of weariness or debility : FATIGUE The patient complained of headache, nausea, and lassitude. 2 : a condition characterized by lack of interest, energy, or spirit : LANGUOR surrendered to an overpowering lassitude, an extreme desire to sit and dream — Alan Moorehead

chasm (n)

1 : a deep cleft in the surface of a planet (such as the earth) : GORGE built a bridge over the chasm 2 : a marked division, separation, or difference the chasm between the rich and the poor

revenge (n)

1 : a desire for vengeance or retribution motivated by revenge 2 : an act or instance of retaliating in order to get even plotted her revenge 3 : an opportunity for getting satisfaction sought revenge through a rematch

spade (n)

1 : a digging implement adapted for being pushed into the ground with the foot 2 : a spade-shaped instrument

matriarchy (n)

1 : a family, group, or state governed by a matriarch 2 : a system of social organization in which descent and inheritance are traced through the female line matriarchies

umbrage (n)

1 : a feeling of pique or resentment at some often fancied slight or insult took umbrage at the speaker's remarks 2 : shady branches : FOLIAGE 3 : SHADE, SHADOW 4a : an indistinct indication : vague suggestion : HINT b : a reason for doubt : SUSPICION

oasis (n)

1 : a fertile or green area in an arid region (such as a desert) The caravan stopped to rest at an oasis. 2 : something that provides refuge, relief, or pleasant contrast The small park is a welcome oasis amid the city's many factories.

choke hold (n)

1 : a hold that involves strong choking pressure applied to the neck of another 2 : absolute dominance or control had a choke hold on the city's finances

disarray (n)

1 : a lack of order or sequence : CONFUSION, DISORDER the room was in disarray ... the disarray of paper in the In-Out basket ... — Jackie Weger 2 : disorderly dress : DISHABILLE

mob (n)

1 : a large and disorderly crowd of people especially : one bent on riotous or destructive action 2 informal : a large number of people a mob of shoppers clogged the aisles a team greeted by mobs of fans 3 : a criminal set : GANG especially, often capitalized : MAFIA sense 1 a member of the Mob a mob informant 4 old-fashioned : the common people : MASSES 5 chiefly Australia : a flock, drove, or herd of animals

mausoleum (n)

1 : a large tomb especially : a usually stone building with places for entombment of the dead above ground 2 : a large gloomy building or room she invited him out of the mausoleum of a parlour into the kitchen — D. H. Lawrence

silhouette (n)

1 : a likeness cut from dark material and mounted on a light ground or one sketched in outline and solidly colored in 2 : the outline of a body viewed as circumscribing a mass the silhouette of a bird

Goth (n)

1 : a member of a Germanic people that overran the Roman Empire in the early centuries of the Christian era 2 often not capitalized a : rock music marked by dark and morbid lyrics b : a fan or performer of goth 3 : a person who wears mostly black clothing, uses dark dramatic makeup, and often has dyed black hair

catastrophe (n)

1 : a momentous tragic event ranging from extreme misfortune to utter overthrow or ruin Deforestation and erosion can lead to an ecological catastrophe. 2 : utter failure : FIASCO the party was a catastrophe 3a : a violent and sudden change in a feature of the earth b : a violent usually destructive natural event (such as a supernova) 4 : the final event of the dramatic action especially of a tragedy catastrophes

animal magnetism (n)

1 : a mysterious force claimed by Mesmer to enable him to hypnotize patients 2 : a magnetic charm or appeal especially : SEX APPEAL

monsoon (n)

1 : a periodic wind especially in the Indian Ocean and southern Asia 2 : the season of the southwest monsoon in India and adjacent areas that is characterized by very heavy rainfall 3 : rainfall that is associated with the monsoon

diner (n)

1 : a person who dines (as in a restaurant) or who is dining 2a : DINING CAR b chiefly US : a typically small, informal, and inexpensive restaurant that has an extensive menu and that is often made from or designed to resemble a modified railroad dining car had lunch at a roadside diner

mountebank (n)

1 : a person who sells quack medicines from a platform 2 : a boastful unscrupulous pretender : CHARLATAN

guru (n)

1 : a personal religious teacher and spiritual guide in Hinduism 2a : a teacher and especially intellectual guide in matters of fundamental concern has been a guru to many young writers b : one who is an acknowledged leader or chief proponent became the guru of the movement c : a person with knowledge or expertise : EXPERT a computer guru

archive (n)

1 : a place in which public records or historical materials (such as documents) are preserved an archive of historical manuscripts a film archive also : the material preserved —often used in plural reading through the archives 2 : a repository or collection especially of information

handout (n)

1 : a portion of food, clothing, or money given to or as if to a beggar 2 : a folder or circular of information for free distribution 3 : a prepared statement released to the news media

bastion (n)

1 : a projecting part of a fortification a bastion at each of the fort's five corners 2 : a fortified area or position bombing island bastions 3 : STRONGHOLD sense 2 the last bastion of academic standards — Amer. Scientist

homecoming (n)

1 : a return home a soldier's homecoming 2 : the return of a group of people usually on a special occasion to a place formerly frequented or regarded as home especially : an annual celebration for alumni at a high school, college, or university —often used before another noun a homecoming rally homecoming weekend the annual homecoming game/dance was elected the homecoming queen

alter ego (n)

1 : a second self or different version of oneself: such as a : a trusted friend b : the opposite side of a personality Clark Kent and his alter ego Superman c : COUNTERPART sense 3 a fictional character that is the author's alter ego 2 law : a person or entity vicariously liable for another (such as an agent) ... because the Cuban bank had not physically participated in the expropriation, it could not be considered an alter ego of the Government in the context of the Citibank case. — The New York Times alter egos

mason (n)

1 : a skilled worker who builds by laying units of substantial material (such as stone or brick) 2 capitalized : FREEMASON

toll (n)

1 : a tax or fee paid for some liberty or privilege (as of passing over a highway or bridge) 2 : compensation for services rendered: such as a : a charge for transportation b : a charge for a long-distance telephone call 3 : a grievous or ruinous price inflation has taken its toll especially : cost in life or health the death toll from the hurricane

aquamarine (n)

1 : a transparent blue, blue-green, or green variety of beryl used as a gem 2 : a pale blue to light greenish blue

mistake (n)

1 : a wrong judgment : MISUNDERSTANDING 2 : a wrong action or statement proceeding from faulty judgment, inadequate knowledge, or inattention

hypertension (n)

1 : abnormally high blood pressure and especially arterial blood pressure 2 : the systemic condition accompanying high blood pressure

stipulation (n)

1 : an act of stipulating 2 : something stipulated especially : a condition, requirement, or item specified in a legal instrument

slight (n)

1 : an act or an instance of slighting 2 : an instance of being slighted : a humiliating discourtesy

blame (n)

1 : an expression of disapproval or reproach : CENSURE ... saying nothing ... either in the way of blame or praise. — R. L. Stevenson 2a : a state of being blameworthy : CULPABILITY ... acknowledge the world as a world of common blame, — Muriel Rukeyser b archaic : FAULT, SIN 3 : responsibility for something believed to deserve censure they must share the blame

moulage (n)

1 : an impression or cast made for use especially as evidence in a criminal investigation 2 : the taking of an impression for use as evidence in a criminal investigation

metal (n)

1 : any of various opaque, fusible, ductile, and typically lustrous substances that are good conductors of electricity and heat, form cations by loss of electrons, and yield basic oxides and hydroxides especially : one that is a chemical element as distinguished from an alloy 2a : METTLE sense 1a b : the substance out of which a person or thing is made 3 : glass in its molten state 4a : printing type metal b : matter set in metal type 5 : ROAD METAL 6 : HEAVY METAL sense 2

snake oil (n)

1 : any of various substances or mixtures sold (as by a traveling medicine show) as medicine usually without regard to their medical worth or properties 2 : POPPYCOCK, BUNKUM

handful (n)

1 : as much or as many as the hand will grasp 2 : a small quantity or number a handful of people 3 : as much as one can manage the kids are quite a handful handfuls handsful

rudimentary (adj)

1 : consisting in first principles : FUNDAMENTAL had only a rudimentary formal education — D. J. Boorstin 2 : of a primitive kind the equipment of these past empire-builders was rudimentary — A. J. Toynbee 3 : very imperfectly developed or represented only by a vestige the rudimentary tail of a hyrax

pithy (adj)

1 : consisting of or abounding in pith 2 : having substance and point : tersely cogent pithier; pithiest

discrete (adj)

1 : constituting a separate entity : individually distinct several discrete sections 2a : consisting of distinct or unconnected elements : NONCONTINUOUS b : taking on or having a finite or countably infinite number of values discrete probabilities a discrete random variable

modularized (adj)

1 : containing or consisting of modules 2 : produced in the form of modules

changeover (n)

1 : conversion, transition 2 : a pause in a tennis match during which the players change sides of the court

armor (n)

1 : defensive covering for the body especially : covering (as of metal) used in combat 2 : a quality or circumstance that affords protection the armor of prosperity 3 : a protective outer layer (as of a ship, a plant or animal, or a cable) 4 : armored forces and vehicles (such as tanks)

verbicide (n)

1 : deliberate distortion of the sense of a word (as in punning) 2 : one who distorts the sense of a word

safe (adj)

1 : free from harm or risk : UNHURT 2a : secure from threat of danger, harm, or loss b : successful at getting to a base in baseball without being put out 3 : affording safety or security from danger, risk, or difficulty 4 obsolete, of mental or moral faculties : HEALTHY, SOUND 5a : not threatening danger : HARMLESS b : unlikely to produce controversy or contradiction 6a : not likely to take risks : CAUTIOUS b : TRUSTWORTHY, RELIABLE

spineless (adj)

1 : free from spines, thorns, or prickles 2a : having no spinal column : invertebrate b : lacking strength of character

full-fledged (adj)

1 : fully developed : total, complete a full-fledged biography 2 : having attained complete status full-fledged lawyer 3 : full-blown sense 2 a full-fledged reunion

top-heavy (adj)

1 : having the top part too heavy for the lower part 2 : having too high a proportion of administrators a top-heavy bureaucracy 3 : oversupplied with one element at the expense of others : lacking balance a novel top-heavy with description

gutless (adj)

1 : lacking courage : COWARDLY 2 : lacking significance or vitality

helpless (adj)

1 : lacking protection or support : DEFENSELESS as helpless as a flock of shepherdless sheep — W. H. Mallock 2a : marked by an inability to act or react the crowd looked on in helpless horror — Current Biography b : not able to be controlled or restrained helpless laughter

gutsy (adj)

1 : marked by courage, pluck, or determination a gutsy little fighter a gutsy decision 2a : expressing or characterized by basic physical senses or passions gutsy macho talk gutsy country blues b : rough or plain in style : not bland or sophisticated a gutsy soup

go-ahead (adj)

1 : marked by energy and enterprise : progressive a vigorous go-ahead company 2 : indicating that one may proceed go-ahead signal 3 : being a score that gives a team the lead in a game drove in the go-ahead run

high-flying (adj)

1 : marked by extravagance, pretension, or excessive ambition 2 : rising to considerable height

agile (adj)

1 : marked by ready ability to move with quick easy grace an agile dancer 2 : having a quick resourceful and adaptable character an agile mind

headstrong (adj)

1 : not easily restrained : impatient of control, advice, or suggestions a headstrong businessman 2 : directed by ungovernable will violent headstrong actions

conspicuous (adj)

1 : obvious to the eye or mind conspicuous changes The bird has a conspicuous red head. 2 : attracting attention : STRIKING a conspicuous success His absence was conspicuous. 3 : marked by a noticeable violation of good taste

somnolent (adj)

1 : of a kind likely to induce sleep a somnolent sermon 2a : inclined to or heavy with sleep : DROWSY b : SLEEPY sense 2 somnolent rivers

kinetic (adj)

1 : of or relating to the motion of material bodies and the forces and energy associated therewith 2 a : active, lively b : dynamic, energizing a kinetic performer 3 : of or relating to kinetic art — kinetically

high-grade (adj)

1 : of superior grade or quality high-grade bonds 2 a : being near the upper or most favorable extreme of a specified range b : medically serious or life-threatening a high-grade tumor

full-blooded (adj)

1 : of unmixed ancestry : PUREBRED 2 : FLORID, RUDDY of full-blooded face 3 : FORCEFUL full-blooded prose style 4a : lacking no particulars : GENUINE b : containing fullness of substance : RICH

provincial (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or coming from a province 2a : limited in outlook : NARROW b : lacking the polish of urban society : UNSOPHISTICATED 3 : of or relating to a decorative style (as in furniture) marked by simplicity, informality, and relative plainness especially : FRENCH PROVINCIAL

monochrome (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or made with a single color or hue 2 : involving or producing visual images in a single color or in varying tones of a single color (such as gray) monochrome film

proverbial (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or resembling a proverb 2 : that has become a proverb or byword : commonly spoken of the proverbial smoking gun

catty (adj)

1 : resembling a cat especially : slyly spiteful : MALICIOUS made several catty comments 2 : of or relating to a cat cattier; cattiest

weather-wise (adj)

1 : skillful in forecasting changes in the weather 2 : skillful in forecasting changes in opinion or feeling a weather-wise politician

distraction (n)

1 : something that distracts : an object that directs one's attention away from something else turned off her phone to limit distractions One created a distraction while the other grabbed the money. especially : AMUSEMENT a harmless distraction a book of word puzzles and other distractions 2 : the act of distracting or the state of being distracted especially : mental confusion driven to distraction by their endless chatter

happening (adj)

1 : something that happens : OCCURRENCE 2 : an event or series of events designed to evoke a spontaneous reaction to sensory, emotional, or spiritual stimuli 3 : something (such as an event) that is particularly interesting, entertaining, or important

apprehension (n)

1 : suspicion or fear especially of future evil : FOREBODING an atmosphere of nervous apprehension 2 : seizure by legal process : ARREST apprehension of a criminal 3a : the act or power of perceiving or comprehending something a person of dull apprehension b : the result of apprehending something mentally : CONCEPTION according to popular apprehension

rumor (n)

1 : talk or opinion widely disseminated with no discernible source 2 : a statement or report current without known authority for its truth 3 archaic : talk or report of a notable person or event 4 : a soft low indistinct sound : murmur

stale (adj)

1 : tasteless or unpalatable from age stale bread 2 : tedious from familiarity a stale routine 3 : impaired in legal force or effect by reason of being allowed to rest without timely use, action, or demand a stale affidavit a stale debt 4 : impaired in vigor or effectiveness staler; stalest

meltdown (n)

1 : the accidental melting of the core of a nuclear reactor 2 : a rapid or disastrous decline or collapse 3 : a breakdown of self-control (as from fatigue or overstimulation)

detection (n)

1 : the act of detecting : the state or fact of being detected 2 : the process of demodulating

waiver (n)

1 : the act of intentionally relinquishing or abandoning a known right, claim, or privilege also : the legal instrument evidencing such an act 2 : the act of a club's waiving the right to claim a professional ball player who is being removed from another club's roster —often used in the phrase on waivers denoting the process by which a player to be removed from a roster is made available to other clubs

relish (v)

1 : to add relish to 2 : to be pleased or gratified by : ENJOY 3 : to eat or drink with pleasure 4 : to appreciate with taste and discernment intransitive verb : to have a characteristic or pleasing taste relished; relishing; relishes

mandate (v)

1 : to administer or assign (something, such as a territory) under a mandate 2 : to officially require (something) : make (something) mandatory : ORDER a law mandating recycling also : to direct or require (someone) to do something a commission mandated to investigate corruption mandated; mandating

howl (v)

1 : to emit a loud sustained doleful sound characteristic of members of the dog family 2 : to cry out loudly and without restraint under strong impulse (such as pain, grief, or amusement) 3 : to go on a spree or rampage 1 : to utter with unrestrained outcry 2 : to drown out or cause to fail by adverse outcry —used especially with down howled; howling; howls

bicker (v)

1 : to engage in a petulant or petty quarrel bickering over money 2a : to move with a rapidly repeated noise a bickering stream b : QUIVER, FLICKER bickered; bickering

traduce (v)

1 : to expose to shame or blame by means of falsehood and misrepresentation 2 : VIOLATE, BETRAY traduce a principle of law

wedge (v)

1 : to fasten or tighten by driving in a wedge 2a : to force or press (something) into a narrow space : CRAM b : to force (one's way) into or through 3 : to separate or force apart with or as if with a wedge intransitive verb : to become wedgedwedged; wedging

hunger (v)

1 : to feel or suffer hunger (see HUNGER entry 1) feasting while the poor hunger 2 : to have an eager desire The nation hungers for a strong leader. : to make hungry hungered; hungering

specious (adj)

1 obsolete : SHOWY 2 : having deceptive attraction or allure 3 : having a false look of truth or genuineness : SOPHISTIC specious reasoning

hazardous (adj)

1 : depending on the effect of unpredictable and unanalyzable forces in determining events : depending on hazard (see HAZARD entry 1 sense 3a) or chance hazardous outcomes 2 : involving or exposing one to risk (as of loss or harm) a hazardous occupation disposing of hazardous waste

anthropomorphic (adj)

1 : described or thought of as having a human form or human attributes anthropomorphic deities stories involving anthropomorphic animals 2 : ascribing human characteristics to nonhuman things anthropomorphic supernaturalism anthropomorphic beliefs about nature

livid (adj)

1 : discolored by bruising : BLACK-AND-BLUE the livid traces of the sharp scourges — Abraham Cowley 2 : ASHEN, PALLID this cross, thy livid face, thy pierced hands and feet — Walt Whitman 3 : REDDISH a fan of gladiolas blushed livid under the electric letters — Truman Capote 4 : very angry : ENRAGED was livid at his son's disobedience

maudlin (adj)

1 : drunk enough to be emotionally silly a mob of maudlin rummies ... sing hymns —Joseph Mitchell would crack open another beer and become maudlin —Patrick Moore 2 : weakly and effusively sentimental maudlin expressions of regret

tergiversation (n)

1 : evasion of straightforward action or clear-cut statement : EQUIVOCATION 2 : desertion of a cause, position, party, or faith

wayward (adj)

1 : following one's own capricious, wanton, or depraved inclinations : UNGOVERNABLE a wayward child 2 : following no clear principle or law : UNPREDICTABLE 3 : opposite to what is desired or expected : UNTOWARD wayward fate

risk (n)

1 : possibility of loss or injury : PERIL 2 : someone or something that creates or suggests a hazard 3a : the chance of loss or the perils to the subject matter of an insurance contract also : the degree of probability of such loss b : a person or thing that is a specified hazard to an insurer c : an insurance hazard from a specified cause or source war risk 4 : the chance that an investment (such as a stock or commodity) will lose value at risk : in a state or condition marked by a high level of risk or susceptibility patients at risk of infection

heritage (n)

1 : property that descends to an heir 2a : something transmitted by or acquired from a predecessor : LEGACY, INHERITANCE proud of her Chinese heritage a rich heritage of folklore The battlefields are part of our heritage and should be preserved. b : TRADITION the party's heritage of secularism 3 : something possessed as a result of one's natural situation or birth : BIRTHRIGHT the heritage of natural freedom was long since cast away —V. L. Parrington

haptic (adj)

1 : relating to or based on the sense of touch 2 : characterized by a predilection for the sense of touch a haptic person

manage (v)

1 : to handle or direct with a degree of skill: such as a : to make and keep compliant can't manage their child b : to treat with care : HUSBAND managed his resources carefully c : to exercise executive, administrative, and supervisory direction of manage a business manage a bond issue manages a baseball team 2 : to work upon or try to alter for a purpose manage the press manage stress 3 : to succeed in accomplishing : CONTRIVE managed to escape from prison 4 : to direct the professional career of an agency that manages entertainers 1a : to direct or carry on business or affairs also : to direct a baseball team b : to admit of being carried on 2 : to achieve one's purpose He managed only by careful planning. managed; managing

catechize (v)

1 : to instruct systematically especially by questions, answers, and explanations and corrections specifically : to give religious instruction in such a manner 2 : to question systematically or searchingly catechized; catechizing

debrief (v)

1 : to interrogate (someone, such as a pilot) usually upon return (as from a mission) in order to obtain useful information The hostages were later debriefed by police. 2 : to carefully review upon completion debrief the flight

doubtless (adv)

1 : without doubt 2 : PROBABLY

surplus (n)

1a : the amount that remains when use or need is satisfied b : an excess of receipts over disbursements 2 : the excess of a corporation's net worth over the par or stated value of its stock

list (v)

1a : to make a list of : ENUMERATE b : to include on a list : REGISTER 2 : to place (oneself) in a specified category lists himself as a political liberal 3 archaic : RECRUIT 1 : to become entered in a catalog with a selling price a car that lists for $12,000 2 archaic : ENLIST: to tilt to one side especially, of a boat or ship : to tilt to one side in a state of equilibrium (as from an unbalanced load) — compare HEEL : to cause to list The shifting cargo listed the ship.listed; listing; lists

progress (n)

1a(1) : a royal journey marked by pomp and pageant (2) : a state procession b : a tour or circuit made by an official (such as a judge) c : an expedition, journey, or march through a region 2 : a forward or onward movement (as to an objective or to a goal) : ADVANCE 3 : gradual betterment especially : the progressive development of humankind in progress : going on : OCCURRING

point person (n)

: POINT MAN sense 2

vatic (adj)


mathematician (n)

: a specialist or expert in mathematics

minatory (adj)

: having a menacing quality

Achilles' heel (n)

My Achilles' heel. a vulnerable point

believable (adj)

a believable story. capable of being believed especially as within the range of known possibility or probability — believability noun — believably adverb

cornerstone (n)

a cornerstone of society. 1 : a stone forming a part of a corner or angle in a wall specifically : such a stone laid at a formal ceremony 2 : a basic element : FOUNDATION a cornerstone of foreign policy

depressing (adj)

a depressing outlook. that depresses; especially : causing emotional depression a depressing story — depressingly adverb

dull (adj)

a dull affair. 1 : tedious, uninteresting dull lectures 2 : lacking sharpness of edge or point a dull knife 3 a : not resonant or ringing a dull booming sound b : lacking in force, intensity, or sharpness a dull ache 4 : lacking brilliance or luster a dull finish 5 : cloudy dull weather 6 of a color : low in saturation (see saturation 4a) and low in lightness a dull green 7 : mentally slow : stupid 8 a : slow in perception or sensibility : insensible somewhat dull of hearing dull to what went on about her —Willa Cather b : lacking zest (see zest 2) or vivacity : listless a dull performance 9 : slow in action : sluggish dull markets — dullness or less commonly dulness noun — dully

litany (n)

a litany of... plural litanies 1 : a prayer consisting of a series of invocations and supplications by the leader with alternate responses by the congregation the Litany of the Saints 2 a : a resonant or repetitive chant a litany of cheering phrases —Herman Wouk b : a usually lengthy recitation or enumeration a familiar litany of complaints c : a sizable series or set a litany of problems The drug has a litany of possible side effects.

here and there (adv)

a little bit here and there. 1 : in one place and another 2 : from time to time

livable (adj)

a livable wage. 1 : suitable for living in, on, or with a livable house livable wages 2 : endurable — livableness noun

measurable (adj)

a measurable difference. 1 : capable of being measured : measurable 2 : mensural 1 — mensurability play \ˌmen(t)s-rə-ˈbi-lə-tē, ˌmen(t)sh-; ˌmen(t)-sə-rə-, -shə-\ noun

loss leader (n)

a product as a loss leader. something (such as merchandise) sold at a loss in order to draw customers — loss-leader

refulgence (n)

a radiant or resplendent quality or state : brilliance — refulgent adjective

thought-out (adj)

a well thought-out argument. : produced or arrived at through mental effort and especially through careful and thorough consideration a thought-out plan

a la carte (adv or adj)

according to a menu or list that prices items separately

adolescent (adj)

adolescent behavior. a young person who is developing into an adult : one who is in the state of adolescence

cohesive (adj)

exhibiting or producing cohesion or coherence a cohesive social unit cohesive soils the cohesive property of clay — cohesively adverb — cohesiveness noun

orthodox (adj)

orthodox views/traditions. 1 a : conforming to established doctrine especially in religion orthodox principles the orthodox interpretation b : conventional took an orthodox approach to the problem orthodox medicine 2 capitalized : of, relating to, or constituting any of various conservative religious or political groups: such as a : eastern orthodox Greek Orthodox rituals b : of or relating to Orthodox Judaism Orthodox Jews in their black suits and hats and modest dresses — orthodoxly adverb

nuts and bolts (n)

the nuts and bolts of... 1 : the working parts or elements 2 : the practical workings of a machine or enterprise as opposed to theoretical considerations or speculative possibilities

high-grading (n)

the practice of selecting only the most healthy or valuable individuals in harvesting a natural resource (such as timber or fish)

gentrification (n)

the process of renewal and rebuilding accompanying the influx of middle-class or affluent people into deteriorating areas that often displaces poorer residents

wear out (v)

1 : TIRE, EXHAUST 2 : to make useless especially by long or hard usage 3 : ERASE, EFFACE 4 : to endure through : OUTLAST wear out a storm 5 : to consume (time) tediously wear out idle days intransitive verb : to become useless from long or excessive wear or use

multicar (adj)

: having or involving two or more cars multicar trains a multicar accident

disconnect (n)

: a lack of or a break in connection, consistency, or agreement a huge disconnect ... between the nation's capital and the rest of the country— R. J. Samuelson

carpetbagger (n)

1 : a Northerner in the South after the American Civil War usually seeking private gain under the reconstruction governments 2 : OUTSIDER especially : a nonresident or new resident who seeks private gain from an area often by meddling in its business or politics

manhood (n)

1 : the condition of being a human being 2 : qualities associated with men : MANLINESS 3 : the condition of being an adult male as distinguished from a child or female 4 : adult males : MEN 5 : PENIS

monolingual (adj)

: having or using only one language

hamstring (v)

1 : to make ineffective or powerless : CRIPPLE hamstrung by guilt 2 : to cripple by cutting the leg tendons hamstrung;hamstringing

metalanguage (n)

: a language used to talk about language

ceteris paribus (adv)

: if all other relevant things, factors, or elements remain unaltered

double standard (n)

1 : BIMETALLISM 2 : a set of principles that applies differently and usually more rigorously to one group of people or circumstances than to another especially : a code of morals that applies more severe standards of sexual behavior to women than to men She argued that society applies a double standard in dealing with women who commit adultery.

lovemaking (n)

1 : COURTSHIP 2 : sexual activity especially : COPULATION

multivariable (adj)


horseshit (n)


provenience (n)


logion (n)

: SAYING especially : a saying attributed to Jesus logia logions

hush-hush (adj)


whatsoever (adj)


M1 rifle (n)

: a .30 caliber gas-operated clip-fed semiautomatic rifle used by U.S. troops in World War II

missionary position (n)

: a coital position in which the female lies on her back with the male on top and with his face opposite hers

horse power (n)

a lot of horse power. 1 : the power that a horse exerts in pulling 2 : a unit of power equal in the U.S. to 746 watts and nearly equivalent to the English gravitational unit of the same name that equals 550 foot-pounds of work per second 3 : effective power intellectual horsepower computing horsepower

capitalism (n)

an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market

free market (n)

an economy operating by free competition

eventful (adj)

an eventful weekend. 1 : full of or rich in events 2 : momentous — eventfully play \i-ˈvent-fə-lē\ adverb — eventfulness noun

death instinct (n)

an innate and unconscious tendency toward self-destruction postulated in psychoanalytic theory to explain aggressive and destructive behavior not satisfactorily explained by the pleasure principle — called also Thanatos; compare eros 2

around-the-clock (adj)

around-the-clock coverage. being in effect, continuing, or lasting 24 hours a day : CONSTANT around-the-clock surveillance

hale (adj)

free from defect, disease, or infirmity : SOUND also : retaining exceptional health and vigor a hale and hearty old man

galvanize (v)

galvanize morale. 1 a : to subject to the action of an electric current especially for the purpose of stimulating physiologically galvanize a muscle b : to stimulate or excite as if by an electric shock an issue that would galvanize public opinion 2 : to coat (iron or steel) with zinc; especially : to immerse in molten zinc to produce a coating of zinc-iron alloy intransitive verb : to react as if stimulated by an electric shock they galvanized into action — galvanization noun — galvanizer

gestation (n)

gestation period. 1 : the carrying of young in the uterus (see uterus 1) : pregnancy 2 : conception (see conception 3) and development especially in the mind

swoop (v)

swoop in. to move with a sweep transitive verb : to gain or carry off in or as if in a swoop —usually used with up — swooper noun

cardiac arrest (n)

temporary or permanent cessation of the heartbeat

given (prep)

that's a given. : in view of : CONSIDERING given what she knew about others' lives, how could she complain about her own? —Marilyn French

grand finale (n)

the grand finale. : a climactic finale (as of an opera)

ingenuity (n)

using cunning and ingenuity to solve a problem. 1 obsolete : candor, ingenuousness 2 a : skill or cleverness in devising or combining : inventiveness b : cleverness or aptness of design or contrivance 3 : an ingenious device or contrivance

revamp (v)

1 : REMAKE, REVISE 2 : RENOVATE, RECONSTRUCTrevamped; revamping; revamps

low-key (adj)

1 : having or producing dark tones only with little contrast 2 : of low intensity : restrained

persuasive (adj)

: tending to persuade

downstairs (n)

: the lower floor of a building

denuclearize (v)

a denuclearized North Korea. : to remove nuclear arms from : prohibit the use of nuclear arms in

eudaemonism (n)

a theory that the highest ethical goal is happiness and personal well-being — eudaemonist noun — eudaemonistic adjective

metanoia (n)

a transformative change of heart; especially : a spiritual conversion

affiliate (v)

affiliated with. affiliated; affiliating transitive verb 1 a : to bring or receive into close connection as a member or branch The medical school is affiliated with a hospital. b : to associate as a member affiliates herself with the local club 2 : to trace the origin of affiliated Shakespeare's Hamlet to earlier plays intransitive verb : to connect or associate oneself : combine refused to affiliate with any political party — affiliation

regret (n)

having no regrets. 1 : sorrow aroused by circumstances beyond one's control or power to repair 2a : an expression of distressing emotion (such as sorrow) b regrets plural : a note politely declining an invitation

inundate (v)

inundated with .... 1 : to cover with a flood : OVERFLOW 2 : OVERWHELM was inundated with phone calls

notable (adj)

notable changes. 1a : worthy of note : REMARKABLE a notable improvement b : DISTINGUISHED, PROMINENT a notable author 2 archaic : efficient or capable in performance of housewifely duties

sign off (v)

sign off on. intransitive verb 1 : to announce the end of something (such as a message or broadcast) 2 : to approve or acknowledge something by or as if by a signature sign off on a memo — sign-off

geologic time (n)

the long period of time occupied by the earth's geologic history Geologic Time Table

Grecism (n)

1 : a Greek idiom 2 : a quality or style imitative of Greek art or culture

Manasseh (n)

1 : a son of Joseph and the traditional eponymous ancestor of one of the tribes of Israel 2 : a king of Judah reigning in the seventh century b.c. and noted for his attempt to establish polytheism

flash in the pan (phrase)

1 : a sudden spasmodic effort that accomplishes nothing 2 : one that appears promising but turns out to be disappointing or worthless

affable (adj)

1 : being pleasant and at ease in talking to others an affable host 2 : characterized by ease and friendliness an affable manner

grievous (adj)

1 : causing or characterized by severe pain, suffering, or sorrow a grievous wound a grievous loss 2 : oppressive, onerous grievous costs of war 3 : serious, grave grievous fault — grievously adverb — grievousness noun

centered (adj)

1 : having a center —often used in combination a dark-centered coneflower 2 : having a center of curvature —often used in combination a 3-centered arch 3 : emotionally stable and secure

variegated (adj)

1 : having discrete markings of different colors variegated leaves 2 : VARIED sense 1

complaisant (adj)

1 : marked by an inclination to please or oblige 2 : tending to consent to others' wishes

wavy (adj)

1 : rising or swelling in waves also : abounding in waves wavy hair 2 : moving with an undulating motion : FLUCTUATING also : marked by wavering wavy lines 3 : marked by undulation : ROLLING wavier; waviest

alone (adj)

1 : separated from others : ISOLATED was alone in the office 2 : exclusive of anyone or anything else : ONLY She alone knows what happened. 3a : considered without reference to any other The children alone would eat that much. b : INCOMPARABLE, UNIQUE They are alone among their contemporaries in this respect.

monumental (adj)

1 : serving as or resembling a monument : MASSIVE monumental sculptures also : highly significant : OUTSTANDING a monumental painting that stunned the American public 2 : of or relating to a monument modern monumental architecture 3 : very great a monumental misunderstanding

suave (adj)

1 : smoothly though often superficially gracious and sophisticated 2 : smooth in texture, performance, or style

mention (n)

1 : the act or an instance of citing or calling attention to someone or something especially in a casual or incidental manner There was hardly a mention of the plan's possible dangers. 2 : formal citation (see CITATION sense 3) for outstanding achievement The journalist received special mention for her reportage on the recent advances in cancer research.

mapping (n)

1 : the act or process of making a map 2 : FUNCTION sense 5a a one-to-one continuous mapping

rhetoric (n)

1 : the art of speaking or writing effectively: such as a : the study of principles and rules of composition formulated by critics of ancient times b : the study of writing or speaking as a means of communication or persuasion 2a : skill in the effective use of speech b : a type or mode of language or speech also : insincere or grandiloquent language 3 : verbal communication : DISCOURSE

life span (n)

1 : the average length of life of a kind of organism or of a material object especially in a particular environment or under specified circumstances 2 : the duration of existence of an individual

resilience (n)

1 : the capability of a strained body to recover its size and shape after deformation caused especially by compressive stress 2 : an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change

cottage (n)

1 : the dwelling of a farm laborer or small farmer 2 : a usually small frame one-family house 3 : a small detached dwelling unit at an institution 4 : a usually small house for vacation use

suspense (n)

1 : the state of being suspended : SUSPENSION 2a : mental uncertainty : ANXIETY b : pleasant excitement as to a decision or outcome a novel of suspense 3 : the state or character of being undecided or doubtful : INDECISIVENESS

psychedelia (n)

1 : the world of people, phenomena, or items associated with psychedelic drugs 2 : psychedelic music

manicure (v)

1 : to do manicure work on especially : to trim and polish the fingernails of 2a : to trim closely and evenly manicured lawns b : GROOM sense 2 manicured flower beds manicured; manicuring

yearn (v)

1 : to long persistently, wistfully, or sadly yearns to make a difference 2 : to feel tenderness or compassion yearned; yearning; yearns

advertise (v)

1 : to make something known to : NOTIFY 2a : to make publicly and generally known advertising their readiness to make concessions b : to announce publicly especially by a printed notice or a broadcast a poster advertising forthcoming events c : to call public attention to especially by emphasizing desirable qualities so as to arouse a desire to buy or patronize : PROMOTE a company advertising its newest products intransitive verb : to issue or sponsor advertising advertise for a secretary

lash (v)

1 : to move violently or suddenly : dash 2 : to thrash or beat violently rain lashed at the windowpanes 3 : to make a verbal attack or retort —usually used with out 1a : to whip or fling about violently the big cat lashed its tail about threateningly b : to strike or beat with or as if with a whip waves lashed the shore 2a : to assail with stinging words b : drive, whip lashed them into a fury with his fiery speech lashed; lashing; lashes

voluminous (adj)

1 a : having or marked by great volume or bulk : large long voluminous tresses; also : full a voluminous skirt b : numerous trying to keep track of voluminous slips of paper 2 a : filling or capable of filling a large volume or several volumes a voluminous literature on the subject b : writing or speaking much or at great length a voluminous correspondent 3 : consisting of many folds, coils, or convolutions : winding — voluminously adverb — voluminousness noun

leprous (adj)

1 a : infected with leprosy b : of, relating to, or resembling leprosy or a leper 2 : scaly, scurfy — leprously adverb

lettered (adj)

1 a : learned, educated b : of, relating to, or characterized by learning : cultured 2 : inscribed with or as if with letters

flank (v)

1 a : to be situated at the side of; especially : to be situated on both sides of a road flanked with linden trees b : to place something on each side of 2 : to protect a flank of 3 : to attack or threaten the flank of (as a body of troops)

cause (n)

1a : a reason for an action or condition : MOTIVE b : something that brings about an effect or a result trying to find the cause of the accident c : a person or thing that is the occasion of an action or state a cause for celebration especially : an agent that brings something about She is the cause of your troubles. d : sufficient reason discharged for cause 2a : a ground of legal action b : CASE They are paid by the cause for their expert opinions. 3 : a matter or question to be decided The city council is involved with school department causes. 4a : a principle or movement militantly defended or supported the insurgents' cause b : a charitable undertaking for a good cause

dim (adj)

1a : emitting or having a limited or insufficient amount of light dim stars a dim lamp a dim hallway b : DULL, LUSTERLESS dim colors c : lacking pronounced, clear-cut, or vigorous quality or character a dim echo of the past 2a : seen indistinctly a dim outline b : perceived by the senses or mind indistinctly or weakly : FAINT had only a dim notion of what was going on c : having little prospect of favorable result or outcome a dim future d : characterized by an unfavorable, skeptical, or pessimistic attitude —usually used in the phrase take a dim view of takes a dim view of human nature 3 : not perceiving clearly and distinctly dim eyes 4 : DIM-WITTED too dim to understand the joke dimmer; dimmest

lumpy (adj)

1a : filled or covered with lumps b : characterized by choppy waves 2 : having a heavy clumsy appearance 3 : uneven and often crude in style

musty (adj)

1a : impaired by damp or mildew : MOLDY old musty books musty hay b : tasting of mold musty wine c : smelling of damp and decay : FUSTY The cellar was musty. 2a : TRITE, STALE musty prose b(1) : ANTIQUATED musty customs (2) : SUPERANNUATED musty slang

lifetime (n)

1a : the duration of the existence of a living being (such as a person or an animal) or a thing (such as a star or a subatomic particle) b : LIFE sense 12 2 : an amount accumulated or experienced in a lifetime a lifetime of regrets

resemblance (n)

1a : the quality or state of resembling especially : correspondence in appearance or superficial qualities b : a point of likeness : SIMILARITY 2 : REPRESENTATION, IMAGE 3 archaic : characteristic appearance 4 obsolete : PROBABILITY

llama (n)

: any of a genus (Lama) of wild or domesticated long-necked South American ruminants related to the camels but smaller and without a hump especially : a domesticated llama (L. glama) descended from the guanaco and used especially in the Andes as a pack animal and a source of wool

meson (n)

: any of a group of fundamental particles (such as the pion and kaon) made up of a quark and an antiquark that are subject to the strong force and have zero or an integer number of quantum units of spin

lovebird (n)

: any of various small usually gray or green parrots (especially genus Agapornis of Africa) that show great affection for their mates

tongue-in-cheek (adj)

: characterized by insincerity, irony, or whimsical exaggeration

frugal (adj)

: characterized by or reflecting economy in the use of resources

mastectomy (n)

: surgical removal of all or part of the breast and sometimes associated lymph nodes and muscles mastectomies

soothing (adj)

: tending to soothe also : having a sedative effect soothing syrup

yore (n)

: time past and especially long past —usually used in the phrase of yore

downriver (adv or adj)

: toward or at a point nearer the mouth of a river

stasis (n)

1 : a slowing or stoppage of the normal flow of a bodily fluid or semifluid: such as a : slowing of the current of circulating blood b : reduced motility of the intestines with retention of feces 2a : a state of static balance or equilibrium : STAGNATION b : a state or period of stability during which little or no evolutionary change in a lineage occurs stases

chink (n)

1 : a small cleft, slit, or fissure a chink in the fence 2 : a weak spot that may leave one vulnerable his lawyers found a chink in the law 3 : a narrow beam of light shining through a chink

mosaic (n)

1 : a surface decoration made by inlaying small pieces of variously colored material to form pictures or patterns also : the process of making it 2 : a picture or design made in mosaic 3 : something resembling a mosaic a mosaic of visions and daydreams and memories — Lawrence Shainberg 4 : an organism or one of its parts composed of cells of more than one genotype : CHIMERA sense 3 5 : any of numerous virus diseases of plants characterized by diffuse light and dark green or yellow and green mottling of the foliage — compare TOBACCO MOSAIC VIRUS 6 : a composite map made of photographs taken by an aircraft or spacecraft 7 : the part of a television camera tube consisting of many minute photoelectric particles that convert light to an electric charge

legible (adj)

1 : capable of being read or deciphered : PLAIN legible handwriting 2 : capable of being discovered or understood murder sweltered in his heart and was legible upon his face — Thomas Wolfe

glossy (adj)

1 : having a surface luster or brightness rich glossy leather glossy paper 2 : attractive in an artificially opulent, sophisticated, or smoothly captivating manner : slick lots of glossy and phony chatter — glossily adverb — glossiness

thick-skinned (adj)

1 : having a thick skin : PACHYDERMATOUS 2a : CALLOUS, INSENSITIVE b : impervious to criticism became thick-skinned about his own work

loopy (adj)

1 : having or characterized by loops 2 : CRAZY, BIZARRE loopier; loopiest

centrifugal (adj)

1 : proceeding or acting in a direction away from a center or axis centrifugal acceleration of a body 2 : using or acting by centrifugal force a centrifugal pump 3 : efferent centrifugal nerves of the heart 4 : tending away from centralization : separatist centrifugal tendencies in modern society

stealthy (adj)

1 : slow, deliberate, and secret in action or character 2a : intended to escape observation : FURTIVE b : designed to produce a very weak radar return a stealthy airplane stealthier; stealthiest

ancient history (n)

1 : the history of ancient times 2 : something from the past dismissed as no longer important or relevant to the present regarding their former dispute as ancient history

monetize (v)

1 : to coin into money also : to establish as legal tender 2 : to purchase (public or private debt) and thereby free for other uses moneys that would have been devoted to debt service 3 : to utilize (something of value) as a source of profit monetized; monetizing

disappear (v)

1 : to pass from view The moon disappeared behind a cloud. 2 : to cease to be : pass out of existence or notice dinosaurs disappeared from the earth My keys seem to have disappeared again. : to cause the disappearance of

chalk (v)

1 : to write or draw with chalk 2 : to rub or mark with chalk 3a : to delineate roughly : SKETCH b : to set down or add up with or as if with chalk : RECORD —usually used with up chalk up the totals : to become chalky the paint had begun to chalk chalked; chalking; chalks

dilate (v)

1 archaic : to describe or set forth at length or in detail dilate at full what hath befallen of them — Shakespeare 2 : to enlarge or expand in bulk or extent : DISTEND, WIDEN dilate our cultural knowledge ... long after Italian women used drops of belladonna to artificially dilate their pupils. — Michael H. Robinson 1 : to comment at length : DISCOURSE —usually used with on or upon dilating upon themes of love and death 2 : to become wide : SWELL the pupil of the eye dilates and contracts dilated; dilating

stoicism (n)

1 capitalized : the philosophy of the Stoics 2 : indifference to pleasure or pain : IMPASSIVENESS

warren (n)

1 chiefly British a : a place legally authorized for keeping small game (such as hare or pheasant) b : the privilege of hunting game in such a warren 2a(1) : an area (as of uncultivated ground) where rabbits breed (2) : a structure where rabbits are kept or bred b : the rabbits of a warren 3a : a crowded tenement or district b : a maze of passageways or small rooms

ware (n)

1a : manufactured articles, products of art or craft, or farm produce : GOODS —often used in combination tinware b : an article of merchandise 2 : articles (such as pottery or dishes) of fired clay earthenware 3 : an intangible item (such as a service or ability) that is a marketable commodity

youth (n)

1a : the time of life when one is young especially : the period between childhood and maturity b : the early period of existence, growth, or development 2a : a young person especially : a young male between adolescence and maturity b : young persons or creatures —usually plural in construction 3 : the quality or state of being youthful : YOUTHFULNESS youths

haul (v)

1a : to cause (something) to move by pulling or drawing : to exert traction on haul a wagon b : to obtain or move by or as if by hauling was hauled to parties night after night by his wife c : to transport in a vehicle : CART The cattle were hauled to market. trucks hauling freight 2 : to change the course of (a ship) especially so as to sail closer to the wind 3 : to bring before an authority for interrogation or judgment : HALE haul traffic violators into court 1 : to exert traction : PULL haul back on the reins 2 : to move along : PROCEED about three o'clock we hauled into Moonridge — Kenneth Clark the bull hauled back for another lunge — F. B. Gipson 3 : to furnish transportation a nominal charge for hauling 4 of the wind : SHIFT hauled; hauling; hauls

fumble (v)

1a : to grope for or handle something clumsily or aimlessly b : to make awkward attempts to do or find something fumbled in his pocket for a coin c : to search by trial and error d : BLUNDER 2 : to feel one's way or move awkwardly 3a : to drop or juggle or fail to play cleanly a grounder b : to lose hold of a football while handling or running with it 1 : to bring about by clumsy manipulation 2a : to feel or handle clumsily b : to deal with in a blundering way : BUNGLE 3 : to make (one's way) in a clumsy manner 4a : MISPLAY fumble a grounder b : to lose hold of (a football) while handling or running fumbled; fumbling

bait (v)

1a : to persecute or exasperate with unjust, malicious, or persistent attacks bait minority groups : to try to make angry with criticism or insults baiting a politician during a debate b : TEASE 2a : to harass (a chained animal, such as a bear) with dogs usually for sport b : to attack by biting and tearing dogs baiting a fox 3a : to furnish with bait (see BAIT entry 2) bait a fishing line bait a trap b : ENTICE, LURE baiting prospective buyers 4 : to give food and drink to (an animal) especially on the road intransitive verb archaic : to stop for food and rest when traveling baited; baiting; baits

snowboard (n)

: a board like a wide ski ridden in a surfing position downhill over snow

music box (n)

: a container enclosing an apparatus that reproduces music mechanically when activated by a clockwork

cat's meow (n)

: a highly admired person or thing

mortal (n)

: a human being

resourceful (adj)

: able to meet situations : capable of devising ways and means a resourceful leader

premeditation (n)

: an act or instance of premeditating specifically : consideration or planning of an act beforehand that shows intent to commit that act

motel (n)

: an establishment which provides lodging and parking and in which the rooms are usually accessible from an outdoor parking area

chakra (n)

: any of several points of physical or spiritual energy in the human body according to yoga philosophy

mascon (n)

: any of the high-density regions below the surface of lunar maria that are held to perturb the motion of spacecraft in lunar orbit

verism (n)

: artistic use of contemporary everyday material in preference to the heroic or legendary especially in grand opera

beholden (adj)

: being under obligation for a favor or gift : INDEBTED I'm beholden to you

mortal (adj)

: causing or having caused death : FATAL a mortal injury 2a : subject to death mortal man Every living creature is mortal. b : POSSIBLE, CONCEIVABLE have done every mortal thing c : DEADLY sense 3 waited three mortal hours 3 : marked by unrelenting hostility a mortal enemy 4 : marked by great intensity or severity mortal fear 5 : HUMAN mortal limits a nobody with an all too mortal longing to be a somebody — Time 6 : of, relating to, or connected with death mortal agony

devoted (adj)

: characterized by loyalty and devotion a devoted fan he is devoted to her

machine-gun (adj)

: characterized by rapidity and sharpness : RAPID-FIRE a comic's machine-gun delivery

prudent (adj)

: characterized by, arising from, or showing prudence: such as a : marked by wisdom or judiciousness prudent advice b : shrewd in the management of practical affairs prudent investors c : marked by circumspection : DISCREET d : PROVIDENT, FRUGAL

telepathy (n)

: communication from one mind to another by extrasensory means

amends (n)

: compensation for a loss or injury : RECOMPENSE trying to make amends for his bad behavior

ultracareful (adj)

: extremely or extraordinarily careful ultracareful about safety

Momus (n)

: the Greek god of censure and mockery

CEO (n)

: the executive with the chief decision-making authority in an organization or business

top banana (n)

: the leading comedian in a burlesque show broadly : KINGPIN sense 1

maffick (v)

: to celebrate with boisterous rejoicing and hilarious behavior mafficked; mafficking; mafficks

bizarre (adj)

a bizarre outcome. strikingly out of the ordinary: such as a : odd, extravagant, or eccentric in style or mode His behavior was bizarre. bizarre stories a bizarre outfit b : involving sensational contrasts or incongruities the bizarre timidity of a tall, strapping young man — bizarrely adverb — bizarreness noun

fair market value (n)

a price at which buyers and sellers with a reasonable knowledge of pertinent facts and not acting under any compulsion are willing to do business

alive (adj)

alive and well. 1 : having life : not dead or inanimate 2a : still in existence, force, or operation : ACTIVE kept hope alive b : still active in competition with a chance of victory must win to stay alive in the playoffs 3 : knowing or realizing the existence of something : SENSITIVE alive to the danger 4 : marked by alertness, energy, or briskness his face came alive at the mention of food 5 : marked by much life, animation, or activity : SWARMING streets alive with traffic 6 —used as an intensive following the noun the proudest boy alive

intimate (adj)

an intimate setting. 1a : marked by a warm friendship developing through long association intimate friends b : suggesting informal warmth or privacy intimate clubs c : engaged in, involving, or marked by sex or sexual relations It must have been a shock for the author to realize—somewhere between contract and completed manuscript—that while Ms. Brickman was intimate with dozens of mobsters, she was close to none of them. —Amy Pagnozzi The father of three children by three women doesn't have a girlfriend and says he hasn't been intimate with anyone in two months. —Michael Silver 2 : of a very personal or private nature intimate secrets 3 : marked by very close association, contact, or familiarity intimate knowledge of the law 4a : INTRINSIC, ESSENTIAL b : belonging to or characterizing one's deepest nature

outspoken (adj)

an outspoken critic of... 1 : direct and open in speech or expression : frank outspoken in his criticism —Current Biography 2 : spoken or expressed without reserve his outspoken advocacy of gun control — outspokenly adverb — outspokenness

antagonize (v)

antagonizing your siblings. 1 : to incur or provoke the hostility of His criticism antagonized his friends. 2 : to act in opposition to : COUNTERACT The drug is antagonized by methylxanthines, such as caffeine and theophylline ... —Scientific American Medicine

versant (adj)


magdalen (n)

1 : a reformed prostitute 2 : a house of refuge or reformatory for prostitutes magdalene

category (n)

1 : any of several fundamental and distinct classes to which entities or concepts belong Taxpayers fall into one of several categories. 2 : a division within a system of classification She competed for the award in her age category. categories

tolerable (adj)

1 : capable of being borne or endured tolerable pain 2 : moderately good or agreeable : PASSABLE a tolerable singing voice

Mycenaean (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of Mycenae, its people, or the period (1400 to 1100 b.c.) of Mycenae's political ascendancy 2 : characteristic of the Bronze Age Mycenaean culture of the eastern Mediterranean area

medieval (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of the Middle Ages medieval history medieval architecture 2 : having a quality (such as cruelty) associated with the Middle Ages 3 : extremely outmoded or antiquated has medieval ideas about the role of women in our society mediaeval

misunderstand (v)

1 : to fail to understand 2 : to interpret incorrectly misunderstood, misunderstanding

christen (v)

1 a : baptize 1 was christened when he was three months old b : to name at baptism They christened the baby Anne. 2 : to name or dedicate (something, such as a ship) by a ceremony that often involves breaking a bottle of champagne 3 : name 1 The newspaper christened her as the reigning Queen of Tennis. 4 : to use for the first time They christened the new ballpark with a win.

orphic (adj)

1 capitalized : of or relating to Orpheus or the rites or doctrines ascribed to him 2 : mystic, oracular 3 : fascinating, entrancing — orphically

lése-majesté (n)

1a : a crime (such as treason) committed against a sovereign power b : an offense violating the dignity of a ruler as the representative of a sovereign power 2 : a detraction from or affront to dignity or importance

lottery (n)

1a : a drawing of lots in which prizes are distributed to the winners among persons buying a chance b : a drawing of lots used to decide something 2 : an event or affair whose outcome is or seems to be determined by chance lotteries

dense (adj)

1a : marked by compactness or crowding together of parts dense vegetation dense traffic b chemistry : having a high mass (see MASS entry 2 sense 1c) per unit volume (see VOLUME entry 1 sense 2) Carbon dioxide is a dense gas. The cake was overly sweet and dense. 2a : slow to understand : STUPID, THICKHEADED was too dense to get the joke b : EXTREME dense ignorance 3 mathematics : having between any two elements at least one element The set of rational numbers is dense. 4 : demanding concentration to follow or comprehend dense prose 5 : having high or relatively high opacity (see OPACITY sense 2) a dense fog a dense photographic negative

retention (n)

1a : the act of retaining : the state of being retained b : abnormal retaining of a fluid or secretion in a body cavity 2a : power of retaining : RETENTIVENESS b : an ability to retain things in mind specifically : a preservation of the aftereffects of experience and learning that makes recall or recognition possible 3 : something retained

doyen (n)

1a : the senior member of a body or group b : a person considered to be knowledgeable or uniquely skilled as a result of long experience in some field of endeavor 2 : the oldest example of a category

suffer (v)

1a : to submit to or be forced to endure suffer martyrdom b : to feel keenly : labor under suffer thirst 2 : UNDERGO, EXPERIENCE 3 : to put up with especially as inevitable or unavoidable 4 : to allow especially by reason of indifference the eagle suffers little birds to sing — William Shakespeare 1 : to endure death, pain, or distress 2 : to sustain loss or damage 3 : to be subject to disability or handicap suffered; suffering

strenuous (adj)

1a : vigorously active : ENERGETIC b : FERVENT, ZEALOUS his most strenuous supporters 2 : marked by or calling for energy or stamina : ARDUOUS a strenuous hike

lend (v)

1a(1) : to give for temporary use on condition that the same or its equivalent be returned lend me your pen (2) : to put at another's temporary disposal lent us their services b : to let out (money) for temporary use on condition of repayment with interest The bank lent him the money for home improvements. 2a : to give the assistance or support of : AFFORD, FURNISH a dispassionate and scholarly manner which lends great force to his criticisms — The Times Literary Supplement (London) b : to adapt or apply (oneself) readily : ACCOMMODATE a topic that lends itself admirably to class discussion : to make a loan lent lending

hole in one (phrase)

: ACE entry 1 sense 4

life science (n)

: a branch of science (such as biology, medicine, and sometimes anthropology or sociology) that deals with living organisms and life processes —usually used in plural

Amphion (n)

: a musician of Greek mythology who builds the walls of Thebes by charming the stones into place with his lyre

mace (n)

: an aromatic spice consisting of the dried external fibrous covering of a nutmeg 1a : a heavy often spiked staff or club used especially in the Middle Ages for breaking armor b : a club used as a weapon 2a : an ornamental staff borne as a symbol of authority before a public official (such as a magistrate) or a legislative body b : one who carries a mace

closed loop (n)

: an automatic control system in which an operation, process, or mechanism is regulated by feedback

market economy (n)

: an economy in which most goods and services are produced and distributed through free markets

mellotron (n)

: an electronic keyboard instrument programmed to produce the tape-recorded sounds usually of orchestral instruments

philosopher's stone (n)

: an imaginary stone, substance, or chemical preparation believed to have the power of transmuting baser metals into gold and sought by alchemists broadly : an elusive or imaginary key to success — called also philosophers' stone

military-industrial complex (n)

: an informal alliance of the military and related government departments with defense industries that is held to influence government policy

supersmart (adj)

: extremely smart special classes for supersmart kids

bellicose (adj)

: favoring or inclined to start quarrels or wars

makeready (n)

: final preparation (as of a form on a printing press) for running makereadies

anechoic (adj)

: free from echoes and reverberations an anechoic chamber

hellfire (n)

: the eternal fire of hell that tortures sinners

aposiopesis (n)

: the leaving of a thought incomplete usually by a sudden breaking off (as in his behavior was—but I blush to mention that)

M phase (n)

: the period in the cell cycle during which cell division takes place — compare g1 phase, g2 phase, s phase

price point (n)

: the standard price set by the manufacturer for a product

straight and narrow (n)

: the way of propriety and rectitude —used with the

lockout (n)

: the withholding of employment by an employer and the whole or partial closing of the business establishment in order to gain concessions from or resist demands of employees

riches (n)

: things that make one rich : WEALTH

laze (v)

: to act or lie lazily : IDLE : to pass (time) in idleness or relaxation lazed; lazing

caution (v)

: to advise caution to : WARN She cautioned him not to act rashly. cautioned; cautioning

annualize (v)

: to calculate or adjust to reflect a rate based on a full year quarterly returns yielding at an annualized rate of seven percent annualized; annualizing

scrutinize (v)

: to examine closely and minutely intransitive verb : to make a scrutiny

centralize (v)

: to form a center : cluster around a center 1 : to bring to a center : CONSOLIDATE centralize all the data in one file 2 : to concentrate by placing power and authority in a center or central organization centralized several functions in a single agency centralized; centralizing

theorize (v)

: to form a theory : SPECULATE transitive verb 1 : to form a theory about 2 : to propose as a theory theorized; theorizing

hazard (v)

: to offer or present at a risk : VENTURE hazard a guess as to the outcome hazarded; hazarding; hazards

plaster (v)

: to overlay or cover with plaster : COAT 2 : to apply a plaster to 3a : to cover over or conceal as if with a coat of plaster b : to apply as a coating or incrustation c : to smooth down with a sticky or shiny substance plastered his hair down 4 : to fasten or apply tightly to another surface 5 : to treat with plaster of paris 6 : to affix to or place on especially conspicuously or in quantity 7 : to inflict heavy damage or loss on especially by a concentrated or unremitting attack intransitive verb : to apply plaster plastered; plastering

heed (v)

: to pay attention : to give consideration or attention to : MIND heed what he says heed the call heeded; heeding; heeds

focus (v)

focus in on. 1 : to cause to be concentrated focused their attention on the most urgent problems 2a : to adjust the focus of (the eye, a lens, etc.) focus the telescope b : to bring into focus The results of that research were focused for classroom presentation. 3 : to bring (something, such as light rays) to a focus : CONCENTRATE intransitive verb 1 : to concentrate attention or effort focus on the most pressing needs 2 : to adjust one's eye or a camera to a particular range Newborn babies cannot focus for several months. 3 : to come to a focus : CONVERGE

telling (adj)

it's telling that... : carrying great weight and producing a marked effect : EFFECTIVE, EXPRESSIVE the most telling evidence

agony (n)

living in agony. 1a : intense pain of mind or body : ANGUISH, TORTURE the agony of rejection the agony of defeat b : the struggle that precedes death 2 : a violent struggle or contest the agonies of battle 3 : a strong sudden display (as of joy or delight) : OUTBURST an agony of mirth

hieroglyphic (n)

reads like hieroglyphics. 1 : hieroglyph 2 : a system of hieroglyphic writing; specifically : the picture script of the ancient Egyptian priesthood —often used in plural but singular or plural in construction 3 : something that resembles a hieroglyph especially in difficulty of decipherment

sacrifice (v)

sacrificing integrity. 1 : to offer as a sacrifice 2 : to suffer loss of, give up, renounce, injure, or destroy especially for an ideal, belief, or end 3 : to sell at a loss 4 : to advance (a base runner) by means of a sacrifice hit 5 : to kill (an animal) as part of a scientific experiment intransitive verb 1 : to make or perform the rites of a sacrifice 2 : to make a sacrifice hit in baseball — sacrificer noun

guard rail (n)

up against the guard rail. a railing guarding usually against danger; especially : a barrier placed along the edge of a highway at dangerous points

radius (n)

within a radius. plural radii play \ˈrā-dē-ˌī\ also radiuses 1 : a line segment extending from the center of a circle or sphere to the circumference or bounding surface 2 a : the bone on the thumb side of the human forearm; also : a corresponding part of vertebrates above fishes b : the third and usually largest vein of an insect's wing 3 a : the length of a radius a truck with a short turning radius b : the circular area defined by a stated radius c : a bounded or circumscribed area 4 : a radial part 5 : the distance from a center line or point to an axis of rotation

hypergamy (n)

: marriage into an equal or higher caste or social group hypergamies

running hand (n)

1 : PRIVATION, SUFFERING 2 : something that causes or entails suffering or privation

hash (v)

1a : to chop (food, such as meat and potatoes) into small pieces b : CONFUSE, MUDDLE 2 : to talk about : REVIEW —often used with over or out hash over a problem hashing out their differences hashed; hashing; hashes

Medicaid (n)

: a program of medical aid designed for those unable to afford regular medical service and financed by the state and federal governments

double bind (n)

: a psychological predicament in which a person receives from a single source conflicting messages that allow no appropriate response to be made broadly : DILEMMA sense 1

clinical (adj)

clinical precision. 1 : of, relating to, or conducted in or as if in a clinic: such as a : involving direct observation of the patient clinical diagnosis b : based on or characterized by observable and diagnosable symptoms clinical treatment clinical tuberculosis — see also clinical psychologist 2 : analytical or coolly dispassionate describing the situation with clinical detachment 3 US, informal : done or performed with excellence and precision : exemplary In the meantime Bryant ... continued his clinical shooting, which has allowed him to more than double his scoring average ... —Alexander Wolff — clinically

delegate (v)

delegate responsibilities. 1 : to entrust to another delegate authority delegated the task to her assistant 2 : to appoint as one's representative intransitive verb : to assign responsibility or authority a good manager knows how to delegate

grandeur (n)

delusions of grandeur. 1 : the quality or state of being grand : magnificence the glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome —E. A. Poe 2 : an instance or example of grandeur visited the awesome grandeurs of the American West

lurch (v)

dialectal, chiefly England : to loiter about a place furtively : prowl 1 obsolete : steal 2 archaic : chea lurched; lurching; lurches

emit (v)

emitting light. emitted; emitting transitive verb 1 a : to throw or give off or out emit light/heat b : to send out : eject 2 a : to issue with authority; especially : to put (something, such as money) into circulation b obsolete : publish 3 : to give utterance or voice to emitted a groan — emitter noun

trauma (n)

experiencing a trauma. 1a : an injury (such as a wound) to living tissue caused by an extrinsic agent b : a disordered psychic or behavioral state resulting from severe mental or emotional stress or physical injury c : an emotional upset the personal trauma of an executive who is not living up to his own expectations —Karen W. Arenson 2 : an agent, force, or mechanism that causes trauma

extraordinary (adj)

extraordinary person. 1a : going beyond what is usual, regular, or customary extraordinary powers b : exceptional to a very marked extent extraordinary beauty c of a financial transaction : NONRECURRING 2 : employed for or sent on a special function or service an ambassador extraordinary

fascinating (adj)

extremely interesting or charming : captivating a fascinating documentary gave a fascinating account of the expedition — fascinatingly adverb

fly (adj)

flew; flown flying intransitive verb 1 a : to move in or pass through the air with wings bees flying around the hive b : to move through the air or before the wind or through outer space bullets flying in all directions c : to float, wave, or soar in the air flags flying at half-mast 2 a : to take flight : flee was forced to fly for his life when his enemies came into power b : to fade and disappear : vanish mists flying before the morning sun 3 a : to move, pass, or spread quickly rumors were flying b : to be moved with sudden extreme emotion flew into a rage c : to seem to pass quickly the time simply flew 4 : to become expended or dissipated rapidly After he became established in the town, his inheritance flew. 5 : to operate or travel in an airplane or spacecraft They flew to Florida for their vacation. 6 : to work successfully : win popular acceptance knew ... a pure human-rights approach would not fly —Charles Brydon transitive verb 1 a : to cause to fly, float, or hang in the air flying a kite b : to operate (something, such as a balloon, aircraft, rocket, or spacecraft) in flight c : to journey over or through by flying flew the Atlantic 2 a : to flee or escape from The bird had flown its cage. b : avoid, shun fly such a talkative woman 3 : to transport by aircraft or spacecraft Supplies were flown to the disaster area. — fly at : to assail suddenly and violently He flew at me in a rage. — fly blind : to fly an airplane solely by instruments — fly high : to be elated She was flying high after winning the contest. — fly in the face of or fly in the teeth of : to stand or act forthrightly or brazenly in defiance or contradiction of His explanation flies in the face of the evidence.

feedback (n)

giving feedback. 1 a : the transmission of evaluative or corrective information about an action, event, or process to the original or controlling source; also : the information so transmitted b : the partial reversion (see reversion 3a) of the effects of a process to its source or to a preceding stage 2 : the return to the input of a part of the output of a machine, system, or process (as for producing changes in an electronic circuit that improve performance or in an automatic control device that provide self-corrective action) 3 : a rumbling, whining, or whistling sound resulting from an amplified or broadcast signal (such as music or speech) that has been returned as input and retransmitted

glorify (v)

glorifying war. 1 a : to make glorious by bestowing honor, praise, or admiration b : to elevate to celestial glory 2 : to light up brilliantly Chandeliers glorified the entire room. 3 a : to represent as glorious : extol a song glorifying romantic love b : to cause to be or seem to be better than the actual condition the new position is just a glorified version of the old stockroom job 4 : to give glory to (as in worship) — glorification noun — glorifier

hiatus (n)

going on a hiatus. 1 a : a break in or as if in a material object : gap the weedy hiatus between the town and the railroad —Willa Cather the hiatus between the theory and the practice of the party —J. G. Colton b biology : a gap or passage in an anatomical part or organ 2 a : an interruption in time or continuity : break; especially : a period when something (such as a program or activity) is suspended or interrupted after a 5-year hiatus from writing a summer hiatus b : the occurrence of two vowel sounds without pause or intervening consonantal sound

tendency (n)

having the tendency to... 1a : a proneness to a particular kind of thought or action b : direction or approach toward a place, object, effect, or limit 2a : the purposeful trend of something written or said : AIM b : deliberate but indirect advocacy

feel (v)

it feels like... felt; feeling transitive verb 1 a : to handle or touch in order to examine, test, or explore some quality She felt the fabric to see if it was wool. b : to perceive by a physical sensation coming from discrete end organs (as of the skin or muscles) He felt a sudden pain in his leg. 2 a : to undergo passive experience of continually felt the resentment of his competitors b : to have one's sensibilities markedly affected by felt the insult deeply 3 : to ascertain by cautious trial —usually used with out feeling out the sentiments of their neighbors on the subject of school improvements 4 a : to be aware of by instinct or inference feel trouble brewing b : believe, think say what you really feel intransitive verb 1 a : to receive or be able to receive a tactile sensation lost the ability to feel in his fingertips b : to search for something by using the sense of touch She felt in her purse for her keys. 2 a : to be conscious of an inward impression, state of mind, or physical condition I feel sick. b : to have a marked sentiment or opinion feels strongly about it 3 : seem it feels like spring today 4 : to have sympathy or pity I feel for you — feel like : to have an inclination for feel like a walk?

groundwork (n)

laying the groundwork for. foundation, basis laid the groundwork for a new program; also : preparation made beforehand the groundwork was done before the winter tour —Susan Reiter

marinate (v)

let it marinate. marinated; marinating transitive verb : to steep (meat, fish, or vegetables) in a marinade intransitive verb : to become marinated — marination

big picture (n)

looking at the bigger picture. the entire perspective on a situation or issue —used with the

lowbrow (adj)

lowbrow comedy. of, relating to, or suitable for a person with little taste or intellectual interest a lowbrow horror movie — lowbrow noun

mitigate (v)

mitigating risk. mitigated; mitigating transitive verb 1 : to cause to become less harsh or hostile : mollify aggressiveness may be mitigated or ... channeled —Ashley Montagu 2 a : to make less severe or painful : alleviate mitigate a patient's suffering b : extenuate attempted to mitigate the offense — mitigation noun — mitigative adjective — mitigator noun — mitigatory

gimmick (n)

more of a gimmick than an innovation. 1a : a mechanical device for secretly and dishonestly controlling gambling apparatus b : an ingenious or novel mechanical device : GADGET 2a : an important feature that is not immediately apparent : CATCH ... few readers would look for a gimmick in an advertisement featuring airline schedules, but few would fail to look for the fine print in an ad announcing New Low-Price Fares. —Robert L. Heilbroner b : an ingenious and usually new scheme or angle Even in professional careers, mere competence and craftsmanship is no substitute for a gimmick. —James Poniewozik c : a trick or device used to attract business or attention a marketing gimmick

overplay (v)

overplay one's hand. overplayed; overplaying; overplays transitive verb 1 a : to present (a dramatic role) extravagantly : exaggerate b : to place too much emphasis on 2 : to rely too much on the strength of —usually used in the phrase overplay one's hand 3 : to strike a golf ball beyond (a putting green) intransitive verb : to exaggerate a part or effect

overrun (v)

overran play \ˌō-vər-ˈran, ˌō-və-\; overrun; overrunning transitive verb 1 a (1) : to defeat decisively and occupy the positions of (2) : to invade and occupy or ravage b : to spread or swarm over : infest 2 a : to run or go beyond or past the plane overran the runway b : exceed overrun a budget c : to readjust (set type) by shifting letters or words from one line into another 3 : to flow over the river overran its banks

pagan (n)

pagan traditions. 1 : heathen 1; especially : a follower of a polytheistic religion (as in ancient Rome) 2 : one who has little or no religion and who delights in sensual pleasures and material goods : an irreligious or hedonistic person 3 : neo-pagan witches, druids, goddess worshippers, and other pagans in America today —Alice Dowd — paganish adjective

osprey (n)

plural ospreys 1 : a large fish-eating hawk (Pandion haliaetus) with long wings that is dark brown above and mostly pure white below 2 : a feather trimming used for millinery

oxymoron (n)

plural oxymora play \ˌäk-si-ˈmȯr-ə, -sē-\ : a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (such as cruel kindness); broadly : something (such as a concept) that is made up of contradictory or incongruous elements — oxymoronic play \ˌäk-si-mə-ˈrä-nik, -mȯ-, -sē-\ adjective — oxymoronically

ponder (v)

pondered; pondering transitive verb 1 : to weigh in the mind : appraise pondered their chances of success 2 : to think about : reflect on pondered the events of the day intransitive verb : to think or consider especially quietly, soberly, and deeply — ponderer noun

speculation (n)

pure speculation. : an act or instance of speculating: such as a : assumption of unusual business risk in hopes of obtaining commensurate gain b : a transaction involving such speculation

ramble (v)

rambling on about... rambled; rambling play \ˈram-b(ə-)liŋ\ intransitive verb 1 a : to move aimlessly from place to place rambled through the little town b : to explore idly After one rambles through the maps for a time ... some overall impressions begin to emerge. —John Noble Wilford 2 a : to talk or write in an aimless, erratic, and often long-winded fashion The hunk starts to ramble on and on, and the women seem quite annoyed. —Monk Magazine b : to be related or written in a long-winded or wandering fashion a story that rambles 3 : to grow or extend irregularly To me, pea greens are the culinary equivalent of morning glories, sprouting overnight, rambling here and there, turning the grower into a shepherd, at least for the duration. —Molly O'Neill transitive verb : to wander over : roam — ramblingly

taper (v)

tapering off alcohol, caffeine, sugar, etc. 1 : to become progressively smaller toward one end 2 : to diminish gradually transitive verb : to cause to taper tapered; tapering

tattered (adj)

tattered with... 1 : torn into shreds : RAGGED a tattered flag 2a : broken down : DILAPIDATED decaying houses along tattered paved streets —P. B. Martin b : being in a shattered condition led their tattered party to victory 3 : wearing ragged clothes a tattered barefoot boy

scenic (adj)

the scenic route. 1 : of or relating to the stage, a stage setting, or stage representation 2 : of or relating to natural scenery a scenic view 3 : representing an action, event, or episode a scenic bas-relief

labelmate (n)

: a singer or musician who records for the same company as another

anime (n)

: a style of animation originating in Japan that is characterized by stark colorful graphics depicting vibrant characters in action-filled plots often with fantastic or futuristic themes

Dewey decimal classification (n)

: a system of classifying books and other publications whereby main classes are designated by a 3-digit number and subdivisions are shown by numbers after a decimal point — called also Dewey decimal system

pseudoscience (n)

: a system of theories, assumptions, and methods erroneously regarded as scientific

minaret (n)

: a tall slender tower of a mosque having one or more balconies from which the summons to prayer is cried by the muezzin

mnemonics (n)

: a technique of improving the memory

self-restraint (n)

exercising self-restraint. : restraint exercised over one's own impulses, emotions, or desires : SELF-CONTROL A bitter answer leaped to his tongue, but he was learning self-restraint. —Somerset Maugham

monograph (n)

: a learned treatise on a small area of learning his concise monograph on The Authorship of Shakespeare's Plays — Brian Vickers also : a written account of a single thing wrote a monograph on the art of origami

local (n)

: a local person or thing: such as a : a local public conveyance (such as a train or an elevator) b : a local or particular branch, lodge, or chapter of an organization (such as a labor union) c British : a nearby or neighborhood pub

billet-doux (n)

: a love letter

mass medium (n)

: a medium of communication (such as newspapers, radio, or television) that is designed to reach the mass of the people —usually used in plural mass media

hunt-and-peck (n)

: a method of typing in which one looks at the keyboard and types using usually the index fingers

leprechaun (n)

: a mischievous elf (see ELF sense 1) of Irish folklore usually believed to reveal the hiding place of treasure if caught

potion (n)

: a mixture of liquids (such as liquor or medicine)

moly (n)

: a mythical herb with a black root, white blossoms, and magical powers

armada (n)

1 : a fleet of warships 2 : a large force or group usually of moving things

miracle play (n)

1 : a medieval drama based on episodes from the life of a saint or martyr 2 : mystery play

moon shot (n)

1 : a spacecraft mission to the moon 2 : a hit or thrown ball with a very high trajectory

erroneous (adj)

1 : containing or characterized by error : mistaken erroneous assumptions gave an erroneous impression 2 archaic : wandering — erroneously adverb — erroneousness noun

beyond (prep)

1 : on or to the farther side of : at a greater distance than beyond the horizon 2a : out of the reach or sphere (see SPHERE entry 1 sense 4b) of a task beyond his strength b : in a degree or amount surpassing beautiful beyond measure c : out of the comprehension of his reasoning is beyond me 3 : in addition to : BESIDES doing work beyond his regular duties

lookout (n)

1 : one engaged in keeping watch : WATCHMAN 2 : an elevated place or structure affording a wide view for observation 3 : a careful looking or watching on the lookout 4 : VIEW, OUTLOOK 5 : a matter of care or concern

munition (n)


siren (n)

1 often capitalized : any of a group of female and partly human creatures in Greek mythology that lured mariners to destruction by their singing 2a : a woman who sings with enchanting sweetness b : TEMPTRESS c : TEMPTATION sense 2 3a : an apparatus producing musical tones especially in acoustical studies by the rapid interruption of a current of air, steam, or fluid by a perforated rotating disk b : a device often electrically operated for producing a penetrating warning sound an ambulance siren an air-raid siren 4 [ New Latin, from Latin ] : either of two North American eel-shaped amphibians that constitute a genus (Siren) and have small forelimbs but neither hind legs nor pelvis and have permanent external gills as well as lungs

armory (n)

1a : a supply of arms for defense or attack b : a collection of available resources 2 : a place where arms and military equipment are stored especially : one used for training reserve military personnel 3 : a place where arms are manufactured armories

precedence (n)

1a obsolete : ANTECEDENT b : the fact of coming or occurring earlier in time 2a : the right to superior honor on a ceremonial or formal occasion b : the order of ceremonial or formal preference c : priority of importance your safety takes precedence

liquidate (v)

1a(1) : to determine by agreement or by litigation the precise amount of (indebtedness, damages, or accounts) (2) : to determine the liabilities (see LIABILITY sense 2) and apportion assets toward discharging the indebtedness of b : to settle (a debt) by payment or other settlement liquidate a loan 2 archaic : to make clear 3 : to do away with especially by killing was hired to liquidate a certain businessman 4 : to convert (assets) into cash liquidated his securities 1 : to liquidate debts, damages, or accounts 2 : to determine liabilities (see LIABILITY sense 2) and apportion assets toward discharging indebtedness liquidated; liquidating

Prometheus (n)

: a Titan who is chained and tortured by Zeus for stealing fire from heaven and giving it to humankind

Walter Mitty (n)

: a commonplace unadventurous person who seeks escape from reality through daydreaming

Mercator projection (n)

: a conformal map projection of which the meridians are usually drawn parallel to each other and the parallels of latitude are straight lines whose distance from each other increases with their distance from the equator

magnetic flux (n)

: a measure of magnetic induction represented by lines of force

manned (adj)

: carrying or performed by a human being manned spaceflight

luthier (n)

: one who makes stringed musical instruments (such as violins or guitars)

max out (v)

: to reach an upper limit or a peak the car maxed out at 85 mph : to push to a limit or an extreme also : to use up all available credit on maxed out the credit cards

lie by (v)

: to remain inactive : REST

comprehensive (adj)

a comprehensive undertaking. 1 : covering completely or broadly : inclusive comprehensive examinations comprehensive insurance 2 : having or exhibiting wide mental grasp comprehensive knowledge — comprehensively adverb — comprehensiveness noun

grim (adj)

a grim outlook. 1 : fierce in disposition or action : SAVAGE grim wolves 2a : stern or forbidding in action or appearance a grim taskmaster b : SOMBER, GLOOMY grim news of the disaster 3 : ghastly, repellent, or sinister in character a grim tale 4 : UNFLINCHING, UNYIELDING grim determination

season (v)

a seasoned veteran. 1a : to give (food) more flavor or zest by adding seasoning or savory ingredients b : to give a distinctive quality to as if by seasoning especially : to make more agreeable advice seasoned with wit c archaic : to qualify by admixture : TEMPER 2a : to treat (something, such as wood or a skillet) so as to prepare for use b : to make fit by experience a seasoned veteran intransitive verb : to become seasoned

militate (v)

bad communication militates against a succesful relationship. militated; militating intransitive verb : to have weight or effect his boyish appearance militated against his getting an early promotion

footprint (n)

carbon footprint. 1 : an impression of the foot on a surface 2 a : the area on a surface covered by something a tire with a wide footprint the footprint of a laser beam b : range of operation (as of a service) a global footprint 3 : a marked effect, impression, or impact left a footprint in the field of research 4 : something that identifies a genetic footprint

clarity (n)

expanding on a subject for clarity's sake. : the quality or state of being clear : LUCIDITY There is a lack of clarity in many legal documents.

forego (v)

forego a raise. forewent play \fȯr-ˈwent\; foregone play \fȯr-ˈgȯn also -ˈgän\; foregoing play \fȯr-ˈgō-iŋ, -ˈgȯ(-)iŋ\ transitive verb : to go before : precede The story of his mishap forewent him. — foregoer play \fȯr-ˈgō-ər\ noun also transitive verb 1 : to give up the enjoyment or advantage of : do without never forwent an opportunity of honest profit —R. L. Stevenson decided to forgo dessert for a few days 2 archaic : forsake

frantic (adj)

frantically searching for... 1 a archaic : mentally deranged b : emotionally out of control 2 : marked by fast and nervous, disordered, or anxiety-driven activity made a frantic search for the lost child frantic cries for help — frantically play \ˈfran-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb — franticness

savory (adj)

having savor: such as a : piquantly pleasant to the mind a savory triumph b : morally exemplary : EDIFYING ... scandals don't make very savory reading. —Green Peyton c : pleasing to the sense of taste especially by reason of effective seasoning d : having a spicy or salty quality without sweetness an assortment of both sweet and savory appetizers

self-confidence (n)

having self-confidence. : confidence in oneself and in one's powers and abilities

pelagic (adj)

of, relating to, or living or occurring in the open sea : oceanic pelagic sediment pelagic birds — pelagic noun

Kafkaesque (adj)

of, relating to, or suggestive of Franz Kafka or his writings; especially : having a nightmarishly complex, bizarre, or illogical quality Kafkaesque bureaucratic delays

Logos (n)

plural Logoi play \ˈlō-ˌgȯi\ 1 : the divine wisdom manifest in the creation, government, and redemption of the world and often identified with the second person of the Trinity 2 : reason that in ancient Greek philosophy is the controlling principle in the universe

kwashiorkor (n)

severe malnutrition in infants and children especially of impoverished regions caused by a diet low in protein

market share (n)

significant market share. the percentage of the market for a product or service that a company supplies

je ne sais quoi (n)

something (such as an appealing quality) that cannot be adequately described or expressed a young actress who has a certain je ne sais quoi

silver bullet (n)

something that acts as a magical weapon; especially : one that instantly solves a long-standing problem

libidinal (adj)


jumping-off place (n)

that's a good jumping-off place. 1 : a place or point from which an enterprise, investigation, or discussion is launched — called also jumping-off point 2 : a remote or isolated place

hone (v)

hone your skills. 1 : to sharpen or smooth with a whetstone 2 : to make more acute, intense, or effective : whet helped her hone her comic timing —Patricia Bosworth — honer noun

portal (n)

1 : DOOR, ENTRANCE especially : a grand or imposing one 2 : the whole architectural composition surrounding and including the doorways and porches of a church 3 : the approach or entrance to a bridge or tunnel 4 : a communicating part or area of an organism specifically : the point at which something (such as a pathogen) enters the body 5 : a website serving as a guide or point of entry to the World Wide Web and usually including a search engine or a collection of links to other sites arranged especially by topic

venomous (adj)

1 : producing venom in a specialized gland and capable of inflicting injury or death venomous snakes 2 : full of venom: such as a : POISONOUS, ENVENOMED b : NOXIOUS, PERNICIOUS expose a venomous dope ring — Don Porter c : SPITEFUL, MALEVOLENT venomous criticism

hands-on (adj)

1 : relating to, being, or providing direct practical experience in the operation or functioning of something hands-on training also : involving or allowing use of or touching with the hands a hands-on museum display 2 : characterized by active personal involvement a hands-on manager

way (n)

1a : a thoroughfare for travel or transportation from place to place b : an opening for passage this door is the only way out of the room 2 : the course traveled from one place to another : ROUTE asked the way to the museum 3a : a course (such as a series of actions or sequence of events) leading in a direction or toward an objective led the way to eventual open heart operations — Current Biography b(1) : a course of action took the easy way out (2) : opportunity, capability, or fact of doing as one pleases always manages to get her own way c : a possible decision, action, or outcome : POSSIBILITY they were rude—no two ways about it 4a : manner or method of doing or happening admired her way of thinking also : method of accomplishing : MEANS that's the way to do it b : FEATURE, RESPECT in no way resembles her mother c : a usually specified degree of participation in an activity or enterprise active in real estate in a small way 5a : characteristic, regular, or habitual manner or mode of being, behaving, or happening knows nothing of the ways of women b : ability to get along well or perform well she has a way with kids a way with words 6 : the length of a course : DISTANCE has come a long way in her studies still have a way to go 7 : movement or progress along a course worked her way up the corporate ladder 8a : DIRECTION is coming this way b : PARTICIPANT —usually used in combination three-way discussion 9 : state of affairs : CONDITION, STATE that's the way things are 10a ways plural in form but sometimes singular in construction : an inclined structure upon which a ship is built or supported in launching b ways plural : the guiding surfaces on the bed of a machine along which a table or carriage moves 11 : CATEGORY, KIND —usually used in the phrase in the way of doesn't require much in the way of expensive equipment — Forbes 12 : motion or speed of a ship or boat through the water all the way : to the full or entire extent : as far as possible ran all the way home seated all the way in the back by the way : by way of interjection or digression : INCIDENTALLY by way of 1 : for the purpose of 2 : by the route through : VIA in a way 1 : within limits : with reservations 2 : from one point of view in one's way or less commonly in the way 1 : in a position to be encountered by one : in or along one's course an opportunity had been put in my way — Ellen Glasgow 2 : in a position to hinder or obstruct on the way or on one's way : moving along in one's course : in progress out of the way 1 : WRONG, IMPROPER didn't know I'd said anything out of the way 2a : in or to a secluded place b : UNUSUAL, REMARKABLE there's nothing out of the way about the plan 3 : DONE, COMPLETED got his homework out of the way the way 1 : in view of the manner in which you'd think she was rich, the way she spends money 2 : LIKE, AS we have cats the way other people have mice — James Thurber

ardor (n)

1a : an often restless or transitory warmth of feeling the sudden ardors of youth b : extreme vigor or energy : INTENSITY the ardor of a true believer c : ZEAL d : LOYALTY 2 : sexual excitement

certifiable (adj)

1a : capable of being certified certifiable teachers b chiefly US : genuine, authentic a certifiable liar a certifiable movie star 2 : fit to be certified as insane : crazy downright certifiable behavior

dock (v)

1a : to cut off the end of a body part of specifically : to remove part of the tail of b : to cut (part of an animal, such as the ears or a tail) short 2a : to take away a part of : abridge b : to subject to a deduction dock someone's wages c : to penalize by depriving of a benefit ordinarily due especially : to fine by a deduction of wages docked him for tardiness

liven (v)

: ENLIVEN —often used with up he ... livened up the editorial page — Current Biography : to become lively livened; livening

megaphone (n)

: a cone-shaped device used to intensify or direct the voice

macropterous (adj)

: having long or large wings macropterous insects

hold out (n)

a hold out. : one that holds out (as in negotiations) also : an instance of holding out

mush (v)

chiefly dialectal : to reduce to a crumbly mass of an airplane : to fly in a partly or nearly stalled condition mushed; mushing; mushes

self-love (n)

importance of self-love. : love of self: a : CONCEIT b : regard for one's own happiness or advantage

declinist (n)

one who theorizes that a nation or society is in or is headed for a state of economic, political, or social decline

seabed (n)

the floor of a sea or ocean

garbology (n)

the study of modern culture through the analysis of what is thrown away as garbage — garbologist

self-discovery (n)

underging self-discovery. : the act or process of achieving self-knowledge

legal (adj)

1 : of or relating to law She has many legal problems. 2a : deriving authority from or founded on law : DE JURE a legal government b : having a formal status derived from law often without a basis in actual fact : TITULAR a corporation is a legal but not a real person c : established by law especially : STATUTORY the legal test of mental capacity — K. C. Masteller 3 : conforming to or permitted by law or established rules The referee said it was a legal play. Fishing in this lake is legal. 4 : recognized or made effective by a court of law as distinguished from a court of equity 5 : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of the profession of law or of one of its members a bottle ... that some legal friend had sent him — J. G. Cozzens 6 : created by the constructions of the law A legal fiction is something assumed in law to be a fact regardless of the truth of that assumption.

populace (n)

1 : the common people : MASSES 2 : POPULATION

desecrate (v)

1 : to violate the sanctity of : PROFANE desecrate a shrine a cemetery desecrated by vandals 2 : to treat disrespectfully, irreverently, or outrageously ... the kind of shore development ... that has desecrated so many waterfronts ... — John Fischer desecrated; desecrating

gregarious (adj)

1 a : tending to associate with others of one's kind : social gregarious animals b : marked by or indicating a liking for companionship : sociable is friendly, outgoing, and gregarious c : of or relating to a social group 2 a of a plant : growing in a cluster or a colony b : living in contiguous nests but not forming a true colony —used especially of wasps and bees — gregariously adverb — gregariousness noun

dodgy (adj)

1 chiefly British : EVASIVE, TRICKY 2 chiefly British a : not sound, good, or reliable b : QUESTIONABLE, SUSPICIOUS 3 chiefly British : requiring skill or care in handling or coping with

mystique (n)

1: an air or attitude of mystery (see mystery entry 1 sense 2) and reverence developing around something or someone the legendary singer's mystique the mystique of the liturgy 2: the special esoteric skill essential in a calling or activity the mystique of yoga the mystique of hang gliding

arithmetic (n)

1a : a branch of mathematics that deals usually with the nonnegative real numbers including sometimes the transfinite cardinals and with the application of the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to them b : a treatise on arithmetic 2 : COMPUTATION, CALCULATION

vector (n)

1a : a quantity that has magnitude and direction and that is commonly represented by a directed line segment whose length represents the magnitude and whose orientation in space represents the direction broadly : an element of a vector space b : a course or compass direction especially of an airplane 2a : an organism (such as an insect) that transmits a pathogen b : POLLINATOR sense a 3 : an agent (such as a plasmid or virus) that contains or carries modified genetic material (such as recombinant DNA) and can be used to introduce exogenous genes into the genome of an organism

dirty (adj)

1a : not clean or pure dirty clothes dirty fingernails b : likely to befoul or defile with a soiling substance (such as mud, dust, or grime) dirty jobs c : contaminated with infecting organisms dirty wounds d : containing impurities dirty coal 2a : morally unclean or corrupt: such as (1) : INDECENT, VULGAR dirty jokes a dirty movie (2) : DISHONORABLE, BASE a dirty trick (3) : UNSPORTSMANLIKE dirty players b : acquired by disreputable or illegal means : ILL-GOTTEN dirty money c : disagreeable, distasteful, or objectionable but usually necessary (as in achieving a desired result) hired a thug to do their dirty work 3a : ABOMINABLE, HATEFUL war is a dirty business b : highly regrettable a dirty shame c : likely to cause disgrace or scandal dirty little secrets 4 : FOGGY, STORMY dirty weather 5a of color : not clear and bright : DULLISH dirty blond b music : characterized by a husky, rasping, or raw tonal quality dirty trumpet tones 6 : conveying ill-natured resentment gave him a dirty look

provoke (v)

1a : to call forth (a feeling, an action, etc.) : EVOKE provoke laughter b : to stir up purposely provoke a fight c : to provide the needed stimulus for will provoke a lot of discussion 2a : to incite to anger b archaic : to arouse to a feeling or action provoked; provoking

hydrocephalus (n)

: an abnormal increase in the amount of cerebrospinal fluid within the cranial cavity (as from obstructed flow, excess production, or defective absorption) that is accompanied by expansion of the cerebral ventricles and often increased intracranial pressure, skull enlargement, and cognitive decline hydrocephaly

doozy (n)

: an extraordinary one of its kind a real doozy of a snowstorm doozie ;doozer ; doozies or doozers

tenderhearted (adj)

: easily moved to love, pity, or sorrow : COMPASSIONATE, IMPRESSIONABLE

medicolegal (adj)

: of or relating to both medicine and law

congruent (adj)

1 : CONGRUOUS ... establish incentives and rewards congruent with professional standing. — Timothy S. Healy 2 : superposable so as to be coincident throughout congruent triangles 3 : having the difference divisible by a given modulus 12 is congruent to 2 (modulo 5) since 12−2=2·5.

feature (n)

1 a : the structure, form, or appearance especially of a person a man of large feature b obsolete : physical beauty 2 a : the makeup or appearance of the face or its parts stern of feature even when he smiled b : a part of the face : lineament a person with Asian features 3 a : a prominent part or characteristic Pine trees were a feature of the landscape. b : any of the properties (such as voice or gender) that are characteristic of a grammatical element (such as a phoneme or morpheme); especially : one that is distinctive 4 : a special attraction: such as a : a featured motion picture b : a featured article, story, or department in a newspaper or magazine An account of the fire was the feature in the Sunday newspaper. c : something offered to the public or advertised as particularly attractive one of the car's most popular features — featureless

know-nothingism (n)

1 capitalized K&N : the principles and policies of the Know-Nothings 2 : the condition of knowing nothing or desiring to know nothing or the conviction that nothing can be known with certainty especially in religion or morality 3 often capitalized K&N : a mid-20th century political attitude characterized by anti-intellectualism, exaggerated patriotism, and fear of foreign subversive influences

meter (n)

1a : systematically arranged and measured rhythm (see RHYTHM sense 1) in verse: (1) : rhythm that continuously repeats a single basic pattern iambic meter (2) : rhythm characterized by regular recurrence of a systematic arrangement of basic patterns in larger figures ballad meter b : a measure or unit of metrical verse —usually used in combination pentameter — compare FOOT sense 4 c : a fixed metrical pattern : verse form 2 : the basic recurrent rhythmical pattern of note values, accents, and beats per measure in music : one that measures especially : an official measurer of commodities : the base unit of length in the International System of Units that is equal to the distance traveled by light in a vacuum in ¹/₂₉₉,₇₉₂,₄₅₈ second or to about 39.37 inches — see METRIC SYSTEM TABLE : an instrument for measuring and sometimes recording the time or amount of something a parking meter a gas meter 2 : POSTAGE METER also : a marking printed by a postage meter

misplace (v)

1a : to put in a wrong or inappropriate place misplace a comma b : MISLAY misplaced the keys 2 : to set on a wrong object or eventuality his trust had been misplaced misplaced; misplacing; misplaces

champ (n)


manyfold (adv)

: by many times aid to research has increased manyfold

fire (n)

a fire inside. 1 a : having definite or definable limits a finite number of possibilities b : having a limited nature or existence finite beings 2 : completely determinable in theory or in fact by counting, measurement, or thought the finite velocity of light 3 a : less than an arbitrary positive integer and greater than the negative of that integer b : having a finite number of elements a finite set 4 : of, relating to, or being a verb or verb form that can function as a predicate or as the initial element of one and that is limited (as in tense, person, and number) finite verbs such as is and are — finite noun — finitely adverb — finiteness noun

grudging (adj)

a grudging acceptance of some hard facts. 1 : unwilling, reluctant a grudging supporter of the reform movement a grudging admirer 2 : done, given, or allowed unwillingly, reluctantly, or sparingly grudging compliance — grudgingly adverb

nauseating (adj)

a nauseating experience. causing nausea or especially disgust — nauseatingly adverb

credo (n)

a personal credo. creed The CEO's credo was If you don't go forward, you go backward.

tidy (adj)

a tidy apartment. 1a : neat and orderly in appearance or habits : well ordered and cared for b : METHODICAL, PRECISE a tidy mind 2 : LARGE, SUBSTANTIAL a tidy profit 3 : adequately satisfactory : ACCEPTABLE, FAIR a tidy solution to their problem 4 : properly filled out : PLUMP

indeterminate (adj)

an indeterminate amount of... 1 a : not definitely or precisely determined or fixed : vague b : not known in advance c : not leading to a definite end or result 2 : having an infinite number of solutions a system of indeterminate equations 3 : being one of the seven undefined mathematical expressions {latex}\frac{0}{0}, \frac{\infty}{\infty}, \infty \cdot 0, 1^{\infty}, 0^{0}, \infty^{0}, \infty - \infty{/latex} 4 : characterized by sequential flowering from the lateral or basal buds to the central or uppermost buds; also : characterized by growth in which the main stem continues to elongate indefinitely without being limited by a terminal inflorescence — compare determinate 4 — indeterminately adverb — indeterminateness noun — indetermination

define (v)

defining characteristic. defined; defining transitive verb 1 a : to determine or identify the essential qualities or meaning of whatever defines us as human b : to discover and set forth the meaning of (something, such as a word) how the dictionary defines grotesque c computing : to create with established rules or parameters define a window define a procedure 2 a : to fix or mark the limits of : demarcate rigidly defined property lines b : to make distinct, clear, or detailed especially in outline the issues aren't too well defined eyes defined by mascara 3 : characterize, distinguish you define yourself by the choices you make —Denison Univ. Bull. the moment that defined the campaign intransitive verb : to make a definition (see definition 1a) — definement play \-ˈfīn-mənt\ noun — definer

delinquent (adj)

delinquent payment. 1 : offending by neglect or violation of duty or of law ... were clearly delinquent in not immediately alerting Western Europe to the accident ... —Richard Wilson 2 : being overdue in payment a delinquent charge account ... efforts to crack down on parents delinquent in child-support payments ... —Todd S. Purdum 3 : of, relating to, or characteristic of people who regularly perform illegal or immoral acts : marked by delinquency (see delinquency 1b) delinquent behavior — delinquently adverb

here (n)

here and there. 1 a : in or at this place turn here —often used interjectionally especially in answering a roll call b : now here it's morning already c : in an arbitrary location a book here, a paper there 2 : at or in this point, particular, or case here we agree 3 : in the present life or state : on earth 4 : to this place : hither come here 5 —used interjectionally in rebuke or encouragement here now, that's enough — here goes —used interjectionally to express resolution or resignation especially at the beginning of a difficult or unpleasant undertaking — neither here nor there : having no interest or relevance : of no consequence comfort is neither here nor there to a real sailor

grand slam (n)

hitting a grand slam. 1 baseball : a home run hit with the bases loaded ... the Dodgers' Eric Karros has a shot to become the first player in history to get 200 career home runs without a grand slam. —Tim Kurkjian 2 a usually Grand Slam (1) : the winning of all four of the most significant championships in a particular sport in the same year —used especially in tennis and golf ... with ... Nadal spoiling Federer's bid for the Grand Slam by beating him on the clay at the French Open. —Sean Gregory And so to St. Andrews to begin the quest for the Grand Slam, he [Bobby Jones] wrote. —Dave Anderson ; also : the winning of all four such championships during the course of one's career Woods ... could become the youngest player to win the career Grand Slam, at age 24. —Clifton Brown (2) : one of the championships that comprise a Grand Slam : 2major 6 Last year she was a little hungrier, says Davenport's coach, Robert Van't Hof. She hadn't won a Grand Slam yet. —Diane K. Shah —often used before another noun a Grand Slam event/tournament Graf was 17 when she won the first of her 21 Grand Slam titles here in 1987 ... —Robin Finn b : a clean sweep or total success 3 : the winning of all the tricks in one hand of a card game (such as bridge) Once, looking over Grace's shoulder, I saw her make a grand slam in clubs when the highest trump card in her hand was the nine. —William Maxwell

about (adj)

it's not about.... 1 a : reasonably close to about a year ago b : almost about starved just about finished c : on the verge of —usually used with be and a following infinitive is about to join the army —used with a negative to express intention or determination not about to quit 2 : on all sides : around looked about for a place to park 3 a : in rotation They go about in circles. b : around the outside 4 : in many different directions : here and there walked about for hours 5 : in the vicinity : near He spoke to the people standing about. 6 : in the opposite direction face about the other way about

rarefy (v)

rarefied; rarefying transitive verb 1 : to make rare, thin, porous, or less dense : to expand without the addition of matter 2 : to make more spiritual, refined, or abstruse intransitive verb : to become less dense

metadata (n)

strong metadata. data that provides information about other data

grandchild (n)

the child of one's son or daughter

gravity (n)

the gravity of the situation. 1a : dignity or sobriety of bearing a person of gravity and learning b : IMPORTANCE, SIGNIFICANCE especially : SERIOUSNESS the gravity of the offense c : a serious situation or problem 2 : WEIGHT 3a(1) : the gravitational attraction of the mass of the earth, the moon, or a planet for bodies at or near its surface (2) : a fundamental physical force that is responsible for interactions which occur because of mass between particles, between aggregations of matter (such as stars and planets), and between particles (such as photons) and aggregations of matter, that is 10-39 times the strength of the strong force, and that extends over infinite distances but is dominant over macroscopic distances especially between aggregations of matter — called also gravitation, gravitational force — compare ELECTROMAGNETISM sense 2a, STRONG FORCE, WEAK FORCE b : ACCELERATION OF GRAVITY c : SPECIFIC GRAVITY

handiwork (n)

the handiwork of... 1a : work done by the hands b : work done personally recognized her handiwork 2 : the product of handiwork

negative feedback (n)

the negative-feedback loop of self-consciousness. feedback that tends to dampen a process by applying the output against the initial conditions

great year (n)

the period of about 25,800 years required for one complete cycle of the equinoxes around the ecliptic

love (n)

to be in love. 1 a (1) : strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties maternal love for a child (2) : attraction based on sexual desire : affection and tenderness felt by lovers After all these years, they are still very much in love. (3) : affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests love for his old schoolmates b : an assurance of affection give her my love 2 : warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion love of the sea 3 a : the object of attachment, devotion, or admiration baseball was his first love b (1) : a beloved person : darling —often used as a term of endearment (2) British —used as an informal term of address 4 a : unselfish loyal and benevolent (see benevolent 1a) concern for the good of another: such as (1) : the fatherly concern of God for humankind (2) : brotherly concern for others b : a person's adoration of God 5 : a god (such as Cupid or Eros) or personification of love 6 : an amorous episode : love affair 7 : the sexual embrace : copulation 8 : a score of zero (as in tennis) 9 capitalized, Christian Science : god — at love : holding one's opponent scoreless in tennis — in love : inspired by affection

liberty (n)

at liberty to say. plural liberties 1 : the quality or state of being free: a : the power to do as one pleases b : freedom from physical restraint c : freedom from arbitrary or despotic (see despot 1) control d : the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges e : the power of choice 2 a : a right or immunity enjoyed by prescription or by grant : privilege b : permission especially to go freely within specified limits was given the liberty of the house 3 : an action going beyond normal limits: such as a : a breach of etiquette or propriety : familiarity took undue liberties with a stranger b : risk, chance took foolish liberties with his health c : a violation of rules or a deviation from standard practice took liberties in the way he played the game d : a distortion of fact The movie takes many liberties with the actual events. 4 : a short authorized absence from naval duty usually for less than 48 hours — at liberty 1 : free 2 : at leisure : unoccupied

henna (n)

henna tattoo. 1 : a reddish-brown dye obtained from leaves of the henna plant and used especially on hair and in temporary tattoos 2 : an Old World tropical shrub or small tree (Lawsonia inermis) of the loosestrife family with small opposite leaves and panicles of fragrant usually white flowers

incessant (adj)

incessant nagging. continuing or following without interruption : unceasing — incessantly adverb

certain (adj)

1 : FIXED, SETTLED a certain percentage of the profit 2 : of a specific but unspecified character, quantity, or degree the house has a certain charm 3a : DEPENDABLE, RELIABLE a certain remedy for the disease b : known or proved to be true : INDISPUTABLE it is certain that we exist 4a : INEVITABLE the certain advance of age b : incapable of failing : DESTINED —used with a following infinitive she is certain to do well 5 : assured in mind or action I am certain they are right for certain : as a certainty : ASSUREDLY the cause is not known for certain of a certain age : of a somewhat advanced age : no longer young remembered by people of a certain age

hospice (n)

1 : a lodging for travelers, young persons, or the underprivileged especially when maintained by a religious order 2 : a program designed to provide palliative care and emotional support to the terminally ill in a home or homelike setting so that quality of life is maintained and family members may be active participants in care also : a facility that provides such a program

loft (n)

1 : an upper room or floor : attic 2a : a gallery in a church or hall b : one of the upper floors of a warehouse or business building especially when not partitioned living in a converted loft c : hayloft 3a : the backward slant of the face of a golf-club head b : the act of lofting 4 : the thickness of a fabric or insulating material (such as goose down)

mint (n)

1 : any of a family (Lamiaceae synonym Labiatae, the mint family) of aromatic plants with a square stem and a 4-lobed ovary which produces four one-seeded nutlets in fruit especially : any of a genus (Mentha) of mints that have white, purple, or pink verticillate flowers with a nearly regular corolla and four equal stamens and that include some used in flavoring and cookery 2 : a confection flavored with mint 1 : a place where coins, medals, or tokens are made 2 : a place where something is manufactured 3 : a vast sum or amount worth a mint

mile (n)

1 : any of various units of distance: such as a : a unit equal to 5280 feet — see Weights and Measures Table b : nautical mile 2 : a race of a mile 3 : a relatively great distance, degree, or interval —used chiefly adverbially in plural was miles ahead of them in education

maximal (adj)

1 : being an upper limit : highest 2 : most comprehensive : complete

difficult (adj)

1 : hard to do, make, or carry out : arduous a difficult climb 2a : hard to deal with, manage, or overcome a difficult child having a difficult time coping with her death b : hard to understand : puzzling difficult reading found calculus too difficult

malodorous (adj)

1 : having a bad odor a malodorous mixture of chemicals 2 : highly improper malodorous practices and chicanery in high financial places — New Republic

ancient (adj)

1 : having had an existence of many years ancient customs 2 : of or relating to a remote period, to a time early in history, or to those living in such a period or time ancient Egyptians especially : of or relating to the historical period beginning with the earliest known civilizations and extending to the fall of the western Roman Empire in a.d. 476 studied both ancient and modern history 3 : having the qualities of age or long existence: such as a : VENERABLE b : OLD-FASHIONED, ANTIQUE

conscious (adj)

1 : having mental faculties not dulled by sleep, faintness, or stupor : AWAKE became conscious after the anesthesia wore off 2 : perceiving, apprehending, or noticing with a degree of controlled thought or observation conscious of having succeeded was conscious that someone was watching 3 : personally felt conscious guilt 4a : likely to notice, consider, or appraise a bargain-conscious shopper b : being concerned or interested a budget-conscious businessman c : marked by strong feelings or notions a race-conscious society 5 : done or acting with critical awareness a conscious effort to do better 6 : capable of or marked by thought, will, design, or perception 7 : SELF-CONSCIOUS 8 archaic : sharing another's knowledge or awareness of an inward state or outward fact

allied (adj)

1 : having or being in close association : CONNECTED two families allied by marriage 2 : joined in alliance by compact or treaty specifically, capitalized : of or relating to the nations united against Germany and its allies in World War I or those united against the Axis powers in World War II 3a : related especially by common properties or qualities heraldry and allied subjects b : related genetically

misconduct (n)

1 : mismanagement especially of governmental or military responsibilities 2 : intentional wrongdoing specifically : deliberate violation of a law or standard especially by a government official : malfeasance 3a : improper behavior b : adultery 4 : a penalty (as in ice hockey) for improper behavior or abusive language (as toward an official)

amiss (adj)

1 : not being in accordance with right order 2 : faulty, imperfect There's nothing/something amiss with the engine. 3 : out of place in given circumstances —usually used with a negative A few remarks may not be amiss here.

meat-and-potatoes (adj)

1 : of fundamental importance : BASIC also : concerned with or emphasizing the basic aspects of something 2 : UNPRETENTIOUS, SIMPLE a real meat-and-potatoes guy 3 : providing or preferring simple food (such as meat and potatoes)

household (adj)

1 : of or relating to a household : DOMESTIC cooking and other household arts 2 : FAMILIAR, COMMON a household name

fly-by-night (adj)

1 : one that seeks to evade responsibilities and especially creditors by flight 2 : one without established reputation or standing; especially : a shaky business enterprise

verbalist (n)

1 : one who stresses words above substance or reality 2 : a person who uses words skillfully

gaudy (adj)

1 : ostentatiously or tastelessly ornamented gaudy costumes 2 : marked by extravagance or sometimes tasteless showiness : outlandish gaudy lies gaudy claims; also : exceptional a gaudy batting average — gaudily adverb — gaudiness

animate (adj)

1 : possessing or characterized by life : alive 2 : full of life : animated 3 : of or relating to animal life as opposed to plant life 4 : referring to a living thing an animate noun

fusion (n)

1 : the act or process of liquefying or rendering plastic by heat 2 : a union by or as if by melting: such as a : a merging of diverse, distinct, or separate elements into a unified whole Opera is a fusion of several arts. b : a political partnership : COALITION a fusion of Democrats and independent Republicans — N. Y. Times c : popular music combining different styles (such as jazz and rock) d : food prepared using techniques and ingredients of two or more ethnic or regional cuisines a restaurant that specializes in Indian-Chinese fusion — called also fusion cuisine 3 : the union of atomic nuclei to form heavier nuclei resulting in the release of enormous quantities of energy when certain light elements unite nuclear fusion

metropolis (n)

1 : the chief or capital city of a country, state, or region 2 : the city or state of origin of a colony (as of ancient Greece) 3 a : a city regarded as a center of a specified activity an industrial metropolis a cattle metropolis b : a large important city one of Europe's great metropolises

murder (n)

1 : the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought was convicted of murder 2a : something very difficult or dangerous the traffic was murder carrying the luggage was murder on my back b : something outrageous or blameworthy getting away with murder 3 : a flock of crows There's a reason the proper term for a flock of them is a murder of crows, and it's not because we like having them around.— Jeffrey Kluger

hedonism (n)

1 : the doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the sole or chief good in life 2 : a way of life based on or suggesting the principles of hedonism she was a perfect specimen of selfish hedonism— Donald Armstrong

downbeat (n)

1 : the downward stroke of a conductor indicating the principally accented note of a measure of music also : the first beat of a measure 2 : a decline in activity or prosperity

last word (n)

1 : the final remark in a verbal exchange 2a : the power of final decision b : a definitive statement or treatment this study will surely be the last word on the subject for many years 3 : the most advanced, up-to-date, or fashionable exemplar of its kind the last word in sports cars

lithology (n)

1 : the study of rocks 2 : the character of a rock formation also : a rock formation having a particular set of characteristics lithologies

hypnosis (n)

1 : the study or act of inducing hypnosis — compare MESMERISM 2 : HYPNOSIS sense 1

high tide (n)

1 : the tide when the water is at its greatest elevation 2 : culminating point : climax the hide tide of the war effort

destine (v)

1 : to decree beforehand : PREDETERMINE was not destined to attain the throne 2a : to designate, assign, or dedicate in advance believed their son was destined for the priesthood destined to succeed a flaw that destines them to fail b : to direct, devise, or set apart for a specific purpose or place freight destined for European ports destined; destining

commission (v)

1 : to furnish with a commission: such as a : to confer a formal commission on was commissioned lieutenant b : to appoint or assign to a task or function was commissioned to do the biography 2 : to order to be made commissioned a portrait 3 : to put (a ship) in commission The ship was commissioned in 2004. commissioned; commissioning

shelve (v)

1 : to furnish with shelves 2 : to place on a shelf shelve books 3a : to remove from active service b : to put off or aside shelve a project intransitive verb : to slope in a formation like a shelf shelved; shelving

pile (v)

1 : to lay or place in a pile : STACK 2a : to heap in abundance : LOAD piled potatoes on his plate b : to collect little by little into a mass —usually used with up intransitive verb 1 : to form a pile or accumulation —usually used with up 2 : to move or press forward in or as if in a mass : CROWD piled into a car piled;piling

ramification (n)

1 a : branch, offshoot b : a branched structure 2 a : the act or process of branching b : arrangement of branches (as on a plant) 3 : consequence, outgrowth the ramifications of the decision

derivative (n)

1 linguistics : a word formed from another word or base : a word formed by derivation pointy, pointed, and other derivatives of point 2 : something derived ... the sonata form (itself a derivative of opera) ... — Kingsley Martin the name Mia is a derivative of Maria 3 mathematics : the limit of the ratio of the change in a function to the corresponding change in its independent variable as the latter change approaches zero 4 chemistry a : a chemical substance related structurally to another substance and theoretically derivable from it b : a substance that can be made from another substance Petroleum is a derivative of coal tar. soybean derivatives 5 : a contract or security (see SECURITY sense 3) that derives its value from that of an underlying asset (such as another security) or from the value of a rate (as of interest or currency exchange) or index (see INDEX entry 1 sense 1b) of asset value (such as a stock index)

monument (n)

1 obsolete : a burial vault : SEPULCHRE 2 : a written legal document or record : TREATISE 3a(1) : a lasting evidence, reminder, or example of someone or something notable or great (2) : a distinguished person b : a memorial stone or a building erected in remembrance of a person or event 4 archaic : an identifying mark : EVIDENCE also : PORTENT, SIGN 5 obsolete : a carved statue : EFFIGY 6 : a boundary or position marker (such as a stone) 7 : NATIONAL MONUMENT 8 : a written tribute

mule (n)

1a : a hybrid between a horse and a donkey especially : the offspring of a male donkey and a mare b : a self-sterile plant whether hybrid or not c : a usually sterile hybrid 2 : a very stubborn person 3 : a machine for simultaneously drawing and twisting fiber into yarn or thread and winding it into cops 4 slang : a person who smuggles or delivers illicit substances (such as drugs)

hue and cry (n)

1a : a loud outcry formerly used in the pursuit of one who is suspected of a crime b : the pursuit of a suspect or a written proclamation for the capture of a suspect 2 : a clamor of alarm or protest 3 : HUBBUB Synonyms

morality (n)

1a : a moral discourse, statement, or lesson ended his lecture with a trite morality b : a literary or other imaginative work teaching a moral lesson Aesop's Fables is famous as a morality. 2a : a doctrine or system of moral conduct the basic law which an adequate morality ought to state — Marjorie Grene b moralities plural : particular moral principles or rules of conduct we were all brought up on one of these moralities — Psychiatry 3 : conformity to ideals of right human conduct admitted the expediency of the law but questioned its morality 4 : moral conduct : VIRTUE morality today involves a responsible relationship toward the laws of the natural world — P. B. Sears moralities

hostage (n)

1a : a person held by one party in a conflict as a pledge pending the fulfillment of an agreement b : a person taken by force to secure the taker's demands 2 : one that is involuntarily controlled by an outside influence

prodigy (n)

1a : a portentous event : OMEN b : something extraordinary or inexplicable 2a : an extraordinary, marvelous, or unusual accomplishment, deed, or event b : a highly talented child or youth

starry (adj)

1a : adorned with stars especially : STAR-STUDDED b : of, relating to, or consisting of stars : STELLAR c : shining like stars : SPARKLING d : having parts arranged like the rays of a star : STELLATE 2 : as high as or seemingly as high as the stars starry speculations 3 : STARRY-EYED starrier; starriest

valley (n)

1a : an elongate depression of the earth's surface usually between ranges of hills or mountains b : an area drained by a river and its tributaries 2 : a low point or condition 3a : HOLLOW, DEPRESSION b : the place of meeting of two slopes of a roof that form on the plan a reentrant angle

like (conj)

1a : as if middle-aged men who looked like they might be out for their one night of the year— Norman Mailer b —used in intensive phrases drove like madhurts like crazy 2 : in the same way that : as they raven down scenery like children do sweetmeats— John Keats 3a : in the way or manner that the violin sounds like an old masterpiece should did it like you told me b —used interjectionally in informal speech often with the verb be to introduce a quotation, paraphrase, or thought expressed by or imputed to the subject of the verb, or with it's to report a generally held opinion so I'm like, Give me a breakit's like, Who cares what he thinks? 4 : such as a bag like a doctor carries when your car has trouble — like when it won't start —used interjectionally in informal speech often stays up late, until like three in the morning

borderline (adj)

1a : being in an intermediate position or state : not fully classifiable as one thing or its opposite a borderline state between waking and sleeping b : not quite up to, typical of, or as severe as what is usual, standard, or expected borderline intelligence borderline hypertension c : characterized by psychological instability in several areas (such as interpersonal relations, behavior, and identity) but only with brief or no psychotic episodes a borderline personality disorder 2 : situated at or near a border a borderline town

possible (adj)

1a : being within the limits of ability, capacity, or realization a possible but difficult task b : being what may be conceived, be done, or occur according to nature, custom, or manners the best possible care the worst possible circumstance 2a : being something that may or may not occur a possible surprise visit b : being something that may or may not be true or actual possible explanation 3 : having an indicated potential a possible housing site

lonely (adj)

1a : being without company : lone too many lonely nights at home b : cut off from others : solitary the train stopped frequently at lonely little stations— Robert Hichens 2 : not frequented by human beings : desolate a lonely spot in the woods 3 : sad from being alone : lonesome He was feeling lonely without his wife and children. 4 : producing a feeling of bleakness or desolation it's a lonely thing to be a champion— G. B. Shaw lonelier; loneliest

experience (n)

1a : direct observation of or participation in events as a basis of knowledge b : the fact or state of having been affected by or gained knowledge through direct observation or participation 2a : practical knowledge, skill, or practice derived from direct observation of or participation in events or in a particular activity b : the length of such participation has 10 years' experience in the job 3 : something personally encountered, undergone, or lived through 4a : the conscious events that make up an individual life b : the events that make up the conscious past of a community or nation or humankind generally 5 : the act or process of directly perceiving events or reality

amorphous (adj)

1a : having no definite form : SHAPELESS an amorphous cloud mass b : being without definite character or nature : UNCLASSIFIABLE an amorphous segment of society c : lacking organization or unity an amorphous style of writing 2 : having no real or apparent crystalline form an amorphous mineral

headway (n)

1a : motion or rate of motion in a forward direction b : ADVANCE, PROGRESS 2 : headroom (as under an arch) sufficient to allow passage 3 : the time interval between two vehicles traveling in the same direction on the same route

millenarian (adj)

1a : of or relating to belief in a millennium b : APOCALYPTIC sense 2 2 : of or relating to 1000 years

sulfurous (adj)

1a : of, relating to, or containing sulfur especially with a lower valence than sulfuric compounds sulfurous esters b : resembling or emanating from sulfur and especially burning sulfur 2a : of, relating to, or dealing with the fire of hell : INFERNAL b : SCATHING, VIRULENT sulfurous denunciations c : PROFANE, BLASPHEMOUS sulfurous language

practical (adj)

1a : of, relating to, or manifested in practice or action : not theoretical or ideal a practical question for all practical purposes b : being such in practice or effect : VIRTUAL a practical failure 2 : actively engaged in some course of action or occupation a practical farmer 3 : capable of being put to use or account : USEFUL he had a practical knowledge of French 4a : disposed to action as opposed to speculation or abstraction b(1) : qualified by practice or practical training a good practical mechanic (2) : designed to supplement theoretical training by experience 5 : concerned with voluntary action and ethical decisions practical reason

sleek (adj)

1a : smooth and glossy as if polished sleek dark hair b : having a smooth well-groomed look sleek cattle c : healthy-looking 2 : smooth in speech or manner also : UNCTUOUS 3a : having a prosperous air sleek luxury condominiums b : having trim graceful lines a sleek car c : ELEGANT, STYLISH a sleek wardrobe

suspicion (n)

1a : the act or an instance of suspecting something wrong without proof or on slight evidence : MISTRUST b : a state of mental uneasiness and uncertainty : DOUBT 2 : a barely detectable amount : TRACE just a suspicion of garlic

motivation (n)

1a : the act or process of motivating Some students need motivation to help them through school. b : the condition of being motivated employees who lack motivation 2 : a motivating force, stimulus, or influence : INCENTIVE, DRIVE the Old Testament heroes added religious motivation to the waging of war — Richard Humble The fear of failure was the motivation for his achievements.

manifestation (n)

1a : the act, process, or an instance of manifesting demanded some manifestation of repentance b(1) : something that manifests or is manifest (2) : a perceptible, outward, or visible expression external manifestations of gender c : one of the forms in which an individual is manifested Hate in all its manifestations is wrong. d : an occult phenomenon specifically : MATERIALIZATION 2 : a public demonstration of power and purpose meetings, parades, and other such manifestations — H. M. Parshley

marine (n)

1a : the mercantile and naval shipping of a country b : seagoing ships especially in relation to nationality or class 2 : one of a class of armed services personnel serving on shipboard or in close association with a naval force specifically : a member of the U.S. Marine Corps 3 : an executive department (as in France) having charge of naval affairs 4 : a marine picture : SEASCAPE

ceiling (n)

1a : the overhead inside lining of a room The room has a high ceiling. b : material used to ceil a wall or roof of a room 2 : something thought of as an overhanging shelter or a lofty canopy a ceiling of stars 3a : the height above the ground from which prominent objects on the ground can be seen and identified b : the height above the ground of the base of the lowest layer of clouds when over half of the sky is obscured 4a : ABSOLUTE CEILING b : SERVICE CEILING 5 : an upper usually prescribed limit a ceiling on prices, rents, and wages

solicitude (n)

1a : the state of being concerned and anxious b : attentive care and protectiveness also : an attitude of earnest concern or attention expressed solicitude for his health 2 : a cause of care or concern —usually used in plural

excess (n)

1a : the state or an instance of surpassing usual, proper, or specified limits : SUPERFLUITY b : the amount or degree by which one thing or quantity exceeds another an excess of 10 bushels 2 : undue or immoderate indulgence : INTEMPERANCE also : an act or instance of intemperance prevent excesses and abuses by newly created local powers — Albert Shanker in excess of : to an amount or degree beyond : OVER

sport (v)

1a : to amuse oneself : FROLIC lambs sporting in the meadow b : to engage in a sport 2a : to mock or ridicule something b : to speak or act in jest : TRIFLE 3 [ 2sport ] : to deviate or vary abruptly from type (as by bud variation) : MUTATE 1 : to display or wear usually ostentatiously : BOAST sporting expensive new shoes 2 [ 2sport ] : to put forth as a sport or bud variation sported; sporting; sports

mine (v)

1a : to dig under to gain access or cause the collapse of (an enemy position) b : UNDERMINE 2a : to get (something, such as ore) from the earth b : to extract from a source information mined from the files 3 : to burrow beneath the surface of larva that mines leaves 4 : to place military mines in, on, or under mine a harbor 5a : to dig into for ore or metal b : to process for obtaining a natural constituent mine the air for nitrogen c : to seek valuable material in mine old records for more details 6 : to create or obtain more units of (a cryptocurrency) through a cryptographic process But bitcoins also need to be generated in the first place. Bitcoins are mined when you set your Bitcoin client to a mode that has it compete to update the public log of transactions. All the clients set to this mode race to solve a cryptographic puzzle by completing the next block of the shared transaction log. Winning the race to complete the next block wins you a 50-Bitcoin prize. — Tom Simonite : to dig a mine mined; mining

huff (v)

1a : to emit puffs (as of breath or steam) b : to proceed with labored breathing huffed up to the peak 2a : to make empty threats : BLUSTER b : to react or behave indignantly 1 archaic : to treat with contempt 2 : to make angry 3 : to utter with indignation or scorn 4 : to inhale (noxious fumes) through the mouth for the euphoric effect produced by the inhalant huffed; huffing; huffs

weave (v)

1a : to form (cloth) by interlacing strands (as of yarn) specifically : to make (cloth) on a loom by interlacing warp and filling threads b : to interlace (threads) into cloth c : to make (something, such as a basket) by intertwining 2 : SPIN sense 2 —used of spiders and insects 3 : to interlace especially to form a texture, fabric, or design 4a : to produce by elaborately combining elements : CONTRIVE b : to unite in a coherent whole c : to introduce as an appropriate element : work in —usually used with in or into 5 : to direct (something, such as the body) in a winding or zigzag course especially to avoid obstacles intransitive verb 1 : to work at weaving : make cloth 2 : to move in a devious, winding, or zigzag course especially to avoid obstacleswove\ˈwōv \ or weaved; woven\ˈwō-vən \ or weaved; weaving

explore (v)

1a : to investigate, study, or analyze : look into explore the relationship between social class and learning ability —sometimes used with indirect questions to explore where ethical issues arise — R. T. Blackburn b : to become familiar with by testing or experimenting explore new cuisines 2 : to travel over (new territory) for adventure or discovery 3 : to examine especially for diagnostic purposes explore the wound intransitive verb : to make or conduct a systematic search explore for oil explored; exploring

apply (v)

1a : to put to use especially for some practical purpose He applies pressure to get what he wants. b : to bring into action apply the brakes c : to lay or spread on apply varnish d : to put into operation or effect apply a law 2 : to employ diligently or with close attention You should apply yourself to your work. 1 : to have relevance or a valid connection This rule applies to freshmen only. 2 : to make an appeal or request especially in the form of a written application apply for a job applied; applying

court (v)

1a : to seek to gain or achieve court power b(1) : ALLURE, TEMPT mountain streams courting the fishermen (2) : to act so as to invite or provoke courts disaster 2a : to seek the affections of especially : to seek to win a pledge of marriage from b of an animal : to perform actions in order to attract for mating a male bird courting a female 3a : to seek to attract (as by solicitous attention or offers of advantages) college teams courting high school basketball stars Both candidates were courting the independent voters. b : to seek an alliance with 1 : to engage in social activities leading to engagement and marriage 2 of an animal : to engage in activity leading to mating a pair of robins courting in the trees courted; courting; courts

marriage (n)

1a see usage paragraph below : the state of being united as spouses in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law b : the mutual relation of married persons : WEDLOCK c : the institution whereby individuals are joined in a marriage 2 : an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected especially : the wedding ceremony and attendant festivities or formalities 3 : an intimate or close union the marriage of painting and poetry — J. T. Shawcross

material (n)

1a(1) : the elements, constituents, or substances of which something is composed or can be made (2) : matter that has qualities which give it individuality and by which it may be categorized sticky material explosive materials b(1) : something (such as data) that may be worked into a more finished form material for a biography (2) : something used for or made the object of study material for the next semester (3) : a performer's repertoire a comedian's material c : MATTER sense 3b d : CLOTH e : a person potentially suited to some pursuit varsity material leadership material 2a : apparatus necessary for doing or making something writing materials b : MATÉRIEL

learn (v)

1a(1) : to gain knowledge or understanding of or skill in by study, instruction, or experience learn a trade learned to play chess (2) : MEMORIZE learn the lines of a play b : to come to be able learn to dance c : to come to realize learned that honesty paid 2a nonstandard : TEACH b obsolete : to inform of something 3 : to come to know : HEAR we just learned that he was ill intransitive verb : to acquire knowledge or skill or a behavioral tendency were shocked to learn of her death

human being (n)


little guy (n)


lorazepam (n)

: a benzodiazepine tranquilizer C15H10Cl2N2O2 used especially to relieve anxiety and insomnia and to control epileptic seizures

amulet (n)

: a charm (such as an ornament) often inscribed with a magic incantation or symbol to aid the wearer or protect against evil (such as disease or witchcraft)

downturn (n)

: a downward turn especially toward a decline in business and economic activity

seigniorage (n)

: a government revenue from the manufacture of coins calculated as the difference between the face value and the metal value of the coins

Sodom (n)

: a place notorious for vice or corruption

annuity (n)

: a sum of money payable yearly or at other regular intervals 2 : the right to receive an annuity 3 : a contract or agreement providing for the payment of an annuity annuities

heartache (n)

: anguish of mind : SORROW

macho (adj)

: characterized by machismo : aggressively virile

money (adj)

: involving or reliable in a crucial situation a money player a money pitch

Mesozoic (adj)

: of, relating to, or being an era of geological history comprising the interval between the Permian and the Tertiary or the corresponding system of rocks that was marked by the presence of dinosaurs, marine and flying reptiles, ammonites, ferns, and gymnosperms and the appearance of angiosperms, mammals, and birds — see GEOLOGIC TIME TABLE

auditory (adj)

: of, relating to, or experienced through hearing auditory stimuli

doer (n)

: one that takes an active part a thinker or a doer

profiteer (n)

: one who makes what is considered an unreasonable profit especially on the sale of essential goods during times of emergency

mind-numbing (adj)

: relentlessly tedious : DULL

stopgap (n)

: something that serves as a temporary expedient : MAKESHIFT stopgap measures

desorption (n)

: the process of desorbing

catapult (v)

: to throw or launch by or as if by a catapult : to become catapulted he catapulted to fame catapulted; catapulting; catapults

A&R (abbr)

a record label A&R. the business of finding, marketing, and promoting talented artists for a record label : the business of managing artists and developing their repertoires From his '90s gig as host of MTV's alt-rock show "120 Minutes" to stints in A&R for Columbia Records and deejaying on WRXP ... —Chris Erikson, New York Post, 6 Feb. 2012 —often used before another noun Allen was an A&R man for this record company, Minit Records, in those days and he was still recording people like Ernie K-Doe and Irma Thomas. —Aaron Neville, quoted in Billboard, 6 Nov. 2010 In the old days, artists worked in as many venues as they could to get noticed, usually by a manager with connections to an A and R rep who would get them the attention of a record label. —Robin Harvey, Kingston Whig-Standard (Ontario), 22 Aug. 2009 the A&R department of a record label

select (adj)

a select few. 1 : chosen from a number or group by fitness or preference 2a : of special value or excellence : SUPERIOR, CHOICE b : exclusively or fastidiously chosen often with regard to social, economic, or cultural characteristics 3 : judicious or restrictive in choice : DISCRIMINATING pleased with the select appreciation of his books —Osbert Sitwell

holy (adj)

holy scripture. 1 : exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousness 2 : DIVINE for the Lord our God is holy —Psalms 99:9 (King James Version) 3 : devoted entirely to the deity or the work of the deity a holy temple holy prophets 4a : having a divine quality holy love b : venerated as or as if sacred holy scripture a holy relic 5 —used as an intensive this is a holy mess he was a holy terror when he drank —Thomas Wolfe —often used in combination as a mild oath holy smoke

formality (n)

just a formality. plural formalities 1 : compliance with formal or conventional rules : ceremony 2 : the quality or state of being formal 3 : an established form or procedure that is required or conventional the interview was just a formality

knee--deep (adj)

knee-deep in... 1 a : sunk to the knees knee-deep in mud b : deeply engaged or occupied knee-deep in work 2 : knee-high

mentality (n)

plural mentalities 1 : mental power or capacity : intelligence 2 : mode or way of thought : outlook the imperialist mentality of the nineteenth century —John Davies

Muskogee (n)

1 : a member of an American Indian people of Georgia and eastern Alabama constituting the nucleus of the Creek confederacy 2 : the language of the Muskogees and of some of the Seminoles Muskogee Muskogees

veneration (n)

1 : respect or awe inspired by the dignity, wisdom, dedication, or talent of a person 2 : the act of venerating 3 : the condition of one that is venerated

stop-and-go (adj)

: of, relating to, or involving frequent stops especially : controlled or regulated by traffic lights stop-and-go driving

duende (n)

the power to attract through personal magnetism and charm

despair (n)

1 : utter loss of hope a cry of despair gave up in despair 2 : a cause of hopelessness an incorrigible child is the despair of his parents

havoc (n)

1 : wide and general destruction : devastation A tornado wreaked havoc on the town two years ago. 2 : great confusion and disorder the blackout caused havoc in the city

mockingbird (n)

: a common grayish North American bird (Mimus polyglottos) related to the thrashers that is remarkable for its exact imitations of the notes of other birds

mixtape (n)

: a compilation of songs recorded (as onto a cassette tape or a CD) from various sources

spreadsheet (n)

: a computer program that allows the entry, calculation, and storage of data in columns and rows also : the ledger layout modeled by such a program

hang around (v)

1 I informal a : to pass time idly or in relaxing or socializing spent the day just hanging around with her friends b : to stay in or at a place for a period of time had to hang around for over an hour, waiting for the bus She didn't feel like hanging around at the club afterward ... — David Calder 2 transitive informal : to pass time or stay in or at (a place) or in the company of (someone) hung around the house all day My mother doesn't want me hanging around the park alone. — Judy Blume When he was 10 years old, Lester taught him-self to windsurf by hanging around the Europeans and Canadian tourists who rented boards on the beach at Varadero. — Sam Moses

Advent (n)

the advent of (smartphones). 1 : the period beginning four Sundays before Christmas and observed by some Christians as a season of prayer and fasting 2 a : the coming of Christ at the Incarnation (see incarnation 1a(2)) b : second coming 3 not capitalized : a coming into being or use the advent of spring the advent of pasteurization the advent of personal computers

Gestalt psychology (n)

the study of perception and behavior from the standpoint of an individual's response to configurational wholes with stress on the uniformity of psychological and physiological events and rejection of analysis into discrete events of stimulus, percept, and response

larceny (n)

the unlawful taking of personal property with intent to deprive the rightful owner of it permanently was arrested and charged with larceny

rose-colored glasses (n)

through rose-colored glasses. favorably disposed opinions : optimistic eyes views the world through rose-colored glasses

ragged (adj)

to be run ragged. 1 : roughly unkempt 2 : having an irregular edge or outline 3 a : torn or worn to tatters b : worn-out from stress and strain ran herself ragged 4 : wearing tattered clothes 5 a : straggly b : executed in an irregular or uneven manner c of a sound : harsh, dissonant — raggedly adverb — raggedness noun

track (v)

tracking progress. 1a : to follow the tracks or traces of : TRAIL b : to search for by following evidence until found track down the source 2a : to follow by vestiges : TRACE b : to observe or plot the moving path of (something, such as a spacecraft or missile) often instrumentally 3a : to carry (mud or other material) on the feet and deposit tracking mud into the kitchen b : to make tracks upon 4 : to keep track of (something, such as a trend) : FOLLOW 5 : to travel over : TRAVERSE track a desert intransitive verb 1 : TRAVEL a comet tracking eastward 2a of a pair of wheels (1) : to maintain a constant distance apart on the straightaway (2) : to fit a track or rails b of a rear wheel of a vehicle : to follow accurately the corresponding fore wheel on a straightaway c of a phonograph needle : to follow the groove undulations of a recording 3 : to leave tracks (as on a floor) tracked; tracking; tracks

transvalue (v)

transitive verb : to reevaluate especially on a basis that repudiates accepted standards

ultimate (adj)

ultimate sacrifice. 1a : last in a progression or series : FINAL their ultimate destination was Paris b : EVENTUAL sense 2 they hoped for ultimate success c : the best or most extreme of its kind : UTMOST the ultimate sacrifice d : most remote in space or time : FARTHEST 2 : arrived at as the last result the ultimate question 3a : ORIGINAL sense 1 the ultimate source b : BASIC, FUNDAMENTAL the ultimate nature of things —A. N. Whitehead c : incapable of further analysis, division, or separation

mission creep (n)

unanticipated mission creep. the gradual broadening of the original objectives of a mission or organization

umbrella (n)

under the umbrella of. 1 : a collapsible shade for protection against weather consisting of fabric stretched over hinged ribs radiating from a central pole especially : a small one for carrying in the hand 2 : something which covers or embraces a broad range of elements or factors decided to expand ... by building new colleges under a federation umbrella —Diane Ravitch 3 : the bell-shaped or saucer-shaped largely gelatinous structure that forms the chief part of the body of most jellyfishes 4 : something which provides protection: such as a : defensive air cover (as over a battlefront) b : a heavy barrage

suprarational (adj)

: transcending the rational : based on or involving factors not to be comprehended by reason alone the stars inspire suprarational dreams — R. J. Dubos

minimal pair (n)

: two linguistic units that differ in a single distinctive feature or constituent (such as voice in the initial consonants of bat and pat)

miscreant (adj)

: unbelieving, heretical miscreant pagans 2 : depraved, villainous miscreant behavior miscreant gangs

loath (adj)

: unwilling to do something contrary to one's ways of thinking : RELUCTANT She was loath to admit her mistakes.

stray (v)

: wander: such as a : to wander from company, restraint, or proper limits b : to roam about without fixed direction or purpose c : to move in a winding course : meander d : to move without conscious or intentional effort eyes straying absently around the room e : to become distracted from an argument or train of thought strayed from the point f : to wander accidentally from a fixed or chosen route g : err, sin strayed; straying; strays

mala fide (adv or adj)

: with or in bad faith claimed the government acted mala fide

striking (adj)

a striking resemblance. attracting attention or notice through unusual or conspicuous qualities a place of striking beauty — strikingly adverb

stripped-down (adj)

a stripped-down version. : lacking any extra features

caricature (n)

a caricature of (herself) 1 : exaggeration by means of often ludicrous distortion of parts or characteristics drew a caricature of the president 2 : a representation especially in literature or art that has the qualities of caricature His performance in the film was a caricature of a hard-boiled detective. 3 : a distortion so gross as to seem like caricature The kangaroo court was a caricature of justice.

euphoria (n)

a sense of euphoria. a feeling of well-being or elation — euphoric play \yü-ˈfȯr-ik, -ˈfär-\ adjective — euphorically

locket (n)

a small case usually of precious metal that has space for a memento and that is worn typically suspended from a chain or necklace

urgency (n)

a strong sense of urgency. plural urgencies 1 : the quality or state of being urgent : insistence 2 : a force or impulse that impels or constrains : urge

trajectory (n)

a strong trajectory. 1 : the curve that a body (such as a planet or comet in its orbit or a rocket) describes in space 2 : a path, progression, or line of development resembling a physical trajectory an upward career trajectory

lip service (n)

an avowal of advocacy, adherence, or allegiance expressed in words but not backed by deeds —usually used with pay

greet (v)

greeting with open arms. 1 : to address with expression of kind wishes upon meeting or arrival greeted guests at the door 2a : to meet or react to in a specified manner greeted him with boos b : to occur as a response to apathy greeted the plan 3 : to appear to the perception of a surprising sight greeted her eyes

holophrastic (adj)

holophrastic, succinct truncation. expressing a complex of ideas in a single word or in a fixed phrase

moxie (n)

1 : ENERGY, PEP woke up full of moxie 2 : COURAGE, DETERMINATION it takes ... moxie to pull up roots and go to a land where the culture and probably the language are totally foreign — M. J. McClary 3 : KNOW-HOW was impressed with his musical moxie and hired him as a solo

nonzero (adj)

1 : being, having, or involving a value other than zero 2 : having phonetic content nonzero affixes

maladroit (adj)

: lacking adroitness : INEPT The governor has been criticized for his maladroit handling of the budget crisis.

spiritless (adj)

: lacking animation, cheerfulness, or courage

human nature (n)

it's human nature to... : the nature of humans especially : the fundamental dispositions and traits of humans

mermaid (n)

: a fabled marine creature with the head and upper body of a woman and the tail of a fish

going (n)

1 : an act or instance of going 2 goings plural : behavior, actions for his eyes are upon the ways of man, and he seeth all his goings —Job 34:21 (King James Version) 3 : the condition of the ground (as for walking) 4 : advance toward an objective when the going gets tough

luminescence (n)

: the low-temperature emission of light (as by a chemical or physiological process) also : light produced by luminescence

misprize (v)

1 : to hold in contempt : despise 2 : undervalue misprized; misprizing; misprizes

spin the bottle (n)

: a kissing game in which one has as a partner the person a bottle points to when it stops spinning

metaphrase (n)

: a literal translation

mean deviation (n)

: the mean of the absolute values of the numerical differences between the numbers of a set (such as statistical data) and their mean or median

grandfather (n)

1a : the father of one's father or mother b : ANCESTOR sense 1a 2 : GRANDDADDY sense 2

psychological moment (n)

: the occasion when the mental atmosphere is most certain to be favorable to the full effect of an action or event

misplay (n)

: a wrong or unskillful play : ERROR

Middle Ages (n)

: the period of European history from about a.d. 500 to about 1500

magnetic field (n)

: the portion of space near a magnetic body or a current-carrying body in which the magnetic forces due to the body or current can be detected

hypercholesterolemia (n)

: the presence of excess cholesterol in the blood

Manu (n)

: the progenitor of the human race and giver of the religious laws of Manu according to Hindu mythology

loquacity (n)

: the quality or state of being very talkative

cartography (n)

: the science or art of making maps

musicology (n)

: the study of music as a branch of knowledge or field of research as distinct from composition or performance

martyrdom (n)

: the suffering of death on account of adherence to a cause and especially to one's religious faith ... defended moral truth even to the point of enduring martyrdom ... — Andrew Sullivan 2 : AFFLICTION, TORTURE

mycorrhiza (n)

: the symbiotic association of the mycelium of a fungus with the roots of a seed plant mycorrhizae mycorrhizas

zone out (v)

: to become oblivious to one's surroundings especially in order to relax zone out in front of the TV

scrappy (adj)

a scrappy, resourceful person. 1 : QUARRELSOME 2 : having an aggressive and determined spirit : FEISTY

lorn (adj)

desolate, forsaken

respond (v)

1 : to say something in return : make an answer respond to criticism 2a : to react in response responded to a call for help b : to show favorable reaction respond to surgery 3 : to be answerable respond in damages transitive verb : REPLY responded; responding; responds

listen in (v)

1 : to tune in to or monitor a broadcast 2 : to listen to a conversation without participating in it especially : EAVESDROP

mythicize (v)

1 : to turn into or envelop in myth 2 : to treat as myth mythicized; mythicizing

tonicity (n)

1 : the property of possessing tone especially : healthy vigor of body or mind 2 : muscular tonus

Dow (n)

: dow jones average

aim (n)

a clear aim. 1a : the pointing of a weapon at a mark She took careful aim. b : the ability to hit a target a shooter with good aim c : a weapon's accuracy or effectiveness The gun's aim is off. 2 : a clearly directed intent or purpose Our aim is to win. 3 obsolete a : CONJECTURE, GUESS b : the directing of effort toward a goal 4 obsolete : MARK, TARGET

circumlocution (n)

a debate filled with circumlocution. : the use of an unnecessarily large number of words to express an idea had no patience with diplomatic circumlocutions 2 : evasion in speech circumlocutions concerning what constitutes torture — circumlocutory

hopeless (adj)

a hopeless romantic. 1a : having no expectation of good or success : DESPAIRING felt hopeless and alone b : not susceptible to remedy or cure doctors say his condition is hopeless c : incapable of redemption or improvement She's a hopeless romantic. the most hopeless group of golfers you've ever seen 2a : giving no reason to expect good or success : giving no ground for hope : DESPERATE The situation looked hopeless. b : incapable of solution, management, or accomplishment : IMPOSSIBLE a hopeless task

home (n)

a taste of home. 1a : one's place of residence : DOMICILE has been away from home for two weeks a place to call home b : HOUSE several homes for sale in the area 2 : the social unit formed by a family living together trying to make a good home for her children comes from a broken home 3a : a familiar or usual setting : congenial environment also : the focus of one's domestic attention home is where the heart is b : HABITAT the home of the kangaroo The island is home to many species of birds. 4a : a place of origin salmon returning to their home to spawn also : one's own country having troubles at home and abroad b : HEADQUARTERS sense 2 home of the dance company 5 : an establishment providing residence and care for people with special needs homes for the elderly 6 : the objective in various games especially : HOME PLATE at home 1 : relaxed and comfortable : at ease felt completely at home on the stage 2 : in harmony with the surroundings 3 : on familiar ground : KNOWLEDGEABLE teachers at home in their subject fields

utopia (n)

a utopian sotiety. 1 often capitalized : a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions 2 : an impractical scheme for social improvement 3 : an imaginary and indefinitely remote place

involved (adj)

an involved process. 1a : having a part in something : included in something unable to identify those who were involved She was involved in a lawsuit. b : actively participating in something an involved citizen active in local politics c : having a romantic or sexual relationship warned her not to get romantically involved 2a : marked by extreme and often needless or excessive complexity a long and involved story b : difficult to deal with because of complexity or disorder Her husband had been extravagant; and at his death ... had left his affairs dreadfully involved. —Jane Austen 3 : being affected or implicated ... dealing with ... the most severely involved patients —R. J. Thomas 4 obsolete : INVOLUTE, TWISTED

cut-and-dried / cut-and-dry (adj)

being or done according to a plan, set procedure, or formula : routine a cut-and-dried presentation

concretize (v)

concretize the details. concretized; concretizing transitive verb : to make concrete, specific, or definite tried to concretize his ideas intransitive verb : to become concrete — concretization

eager (adj)

eager to please. 1 a archaic : sharp b obsolete : sour 2 : marked by enthusiastic or impatient desire or interest — eagerly adverb — eagerness noun

amuse (v)

easily amused. 1a : to entertain or occupy in a light, playful, or pleasant manner She tried to amuse the child with a story. b : to appeal to the sense of humor of His jokes don't amuse me. 2a archaic : to divert the attention of so as to deceive b obsolete : to occupy the attention of : ABSORB c obsolete : DISTRACT, BEWILDER intransitive verb obsolete : MUSE

oligophagous (adj)

eating only a few specific kinds of food — oligophagy

elicit (v)

eliciting a response. elicited; eliciting; elicits transitive verb 1 : to call forth or draw out (something, such as information or a response) her remarks elicited cheers 2 : to draw forth or bring out (something latent or potential) hypnotism elicited his hidden fears — elicitation play \i-ˌli-sə-ˈtā-shən, ˌē-\ noun — elicitor

embark (v)

embark on a journey. embarked; embarking; embarks intransitive verb 1 : to go on board a vehicle for transportation the troops embarked at noon 2 : to make a start embarked on a new career transitive verb 1 : to cause to go on board (a boat, an airplane, etc.) 2 : to engage, enlist, or invest in an enterprise — embarkation play \ˌem-ˌbär-ˈkā-shən, -bər-\ noun — embarkment

self-care (n)

exercising self-care. : care for oneself stroke victims capable of daily self-care the necessity of busy working parents to take time for self-care specifically : health care provided by oneself often without the consultation of a medical professional Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs are a common route for self-care, and consumers are eagerly using them ... —Alison Stein Wellner —sometimes used before another noun At-home screening is one side of the burgeoning self-care movement ... —Stephen Rae

enthusiasm (n)

feigned enthusiasm. 1 a : strong excitement of feeling : ardor did her work with energy and enthusiasm b : something inspiring zeal or fervor his enthusiasms include sailing and fishing 2 a : belief in special revelations of the Holy Spirit b : religious fanaticism

feminism (n)

feminist sensibilities. 1 : the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes 2 : organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests — feminist play \ˈfe-mə-nist\ noun or adjective — feministic

go off (v)

go off on. 1 : EXPLODE 2 : to burst forth or break out suddenly or noisily 3 : to go forth, out, or away : LEAVE 4 : to undergo decline or deterioration 5 : to follow the expected or desired course : PROCEED the party went off well 6 : to make a characteristic noise : SOUND could hear the alarm going off go off the deep end 1 : to enter recklessly on a course 2 : to become very much excited

unscathed (adj)

got out unscathed. wholly unharmed : not injured

hardwired (adj)

hardwired to _______. 1 : implemented in the form of permanent electronic circuits also : connected or incorporated by or as if by permanent electrical connections a hardwired phone concepts of attractiveness may be universal and hardwired into the human brain — Jane E. Brody 2 : genetically or innately determined : INBORN creature whose every action is a reflexive, hardwired response — Natalie Angier also : genetically or innately predisposed a human being who is hardwired to be sociable — Forbes

gratitude (n)

having gratitude towards... : the state of being grateful : THANKFULNESS expressed gratitude for their support

hinge (v)

hinges on.. 1 a : a jointed or flexible device on which a door, lid, or other swinging part turns b : a flexible ligamentous joint c : a small piece of thin gummed paper used in fastening a postage stamp in an album 2 : a determining factor : turning point

agreement (n)

in agreement of... 1a : harmony of opinion, action, or character : CONCORD There is widespread agreement on this issue. b : the act or fact of agreeing She nodded her head in agreement. 2a : an arrangement as to a course of action reached an agreement as to how to achieve their goal b : COMPACT, TREATY a trade agreement 3a : a contract duly executed (see EXECUTE sense transitive 2) and legally binding b : the language or instrument (see INSTRUMENT entry 1 sense 4) embodying such a contract

high gear (n)

kicking it into high gear. 1 : HIGH sense 3b 2 : a state of intense or maximum activity —usually used with into or in a project in high gear

supplicate (v)

intransitive verb : to make a humble entreaty especially : to pray to God transitive verb 1 : to ask humbly and earnestly of 2 : to ask for earnestly and humbly supplicated; supplicating

inversely (adv)

inversely related. 1 : in an inverse order or manner 2 : in the manner of inverse variation varies inversely

narrow-minded (adj)

lacking in tolerance or breadth of vision : petty — narrow-mindedly adverb — narrow-mindedness noun

languish (v)

languished; languishing; languishes intransitive verb 1 a : to be or become feeble, weak, or enervated Plants languish in the drought. b : to be or live in a state of depression or decreasing vitality languished in prison for ten years 2 a : to become dispirited b : to suffer neglect the bill languished in the Senate for eight months 3 : to assume an expression of grief or emotion appealing for sympathy languished at him through screwed-up eyes Edith Wharton — languisher noun — languishingly play \ˈlaŋ-gwi-shiŋ-lē\ adverb — languishment

LEP (abbr)

limited English proficiency; limited English proficient

heterosocial (adj)

of, relating to, or involving social relationships between persons of the opposite sex

overproduce (v)

overproduced; overproducing transitive + intransitive : to produce an excessive amount (of something) The drug prevents pimples by shrinking the glands attached to hair follicles that, in acne sufferers, overproduce an oily substance known as sebum, which can clog pores. —Mary Duenwald ... if soils are too fertile, the vines can overproduce, leading to vegetal aromas and flavors. —Michael Schachner GM also undermined the resale value of its models by overproducing them and giving them away at fire-sale prices. —Keith Naughton et al. ... encourages farmers to overproduce, which further drives prices down ... —Newsweek

femme fatale (n)

plural femmes fatales play \ˌfem-fə-ˈtal(z), ˌfam-, -ˈtäl(z)\ 1 : a seductive woman who lures men into dangerous or compromising situations 2 : a woman who attracts men by an aura of charm and mystery

a deux (adj)

privately or intimately with only two present dined à deux

privy (adj)

privy to... 1a : PRIVATE, WITHDRAWN b : SECRET 2 : belonging or relating to a person in one's individual rather than official capacity 3 : admitted as one sharing in a secret privy to the conspiracy

scout (v)

scouting for talent. 1 : to explore an area to obtain information (as about an enemy) 2a : to make a search b : to work as a talent scout transitive verb 1 : to observe in order to obtain information or evaluate 2 : to explore in order to obtain information 3 : to find by making a search

natural (n)

she's a natural. 1 : one born without the usual powers of reason and understanding 2 a : a sign ♮ placed on any degree of the musical staff to nullify the effect of a preceding sharp or flat b : a note or tone affected by the natural sign 3 : a result or combination that immediately wins the stake in a game: such as a : a throw of 7 or 11 on the first cast in craps b : blackjack 1b 4 a : one having natural skills, talents, or abilities b : something that is likely to become an immediate success c : one that is obviously suitable for a specific purpose 5 : afro

glass ceiling (n)

smashing the glass ceiling. : an intangible barrier within a hierarchy that prevents women or minorities from obtaining upper-level positions

tedium (n)

the tedium of routine tasks. 1 : the quality or state of being tedious : TEDIOUSNESS also : BOREDOM 2 : a tedious period of time

occupational therapy (n)

therapy based on engagement in meaningful activities of daily life (such as self-care skills, education, work, or social interaction) especially to enable or encourage participation in such activities despite impairments or limitations in physical or mental functioning — occupational therapist noun

excel (v)

to excel at... : to be superior to : surpass in accomplishment or achievement intransitive verb : to be distinguishable by superiority : surpass others excel in sports excelled at lipreading

touche (interj)

touche. —used to acknowledge a hit in fencing or the success or appropriateness of an argument, an accusation, or a witty point

style (n)

1 : DESIGNATION, TITLE 2a : a distinctive manner of expression (as in writing or speech) writes with more attention to style than to content the flowery style of 18th century prose b : a distinctive manner or custom of behaving or conducting oneself the formal style of the court his style is abrasive also : a particular mode of living in high style c : a particular manner or technique by which something is done, created, or performed a unique style of horseback riding the classical style of dance 3a : STYLUS b : GNOMON sense 1b c : the filiform usually elongated part of the pistil bearing a stigma at its apex — see FLOWER ILLUSTRATION d : a slender elongated process (such as a bristle) on an animal 4 : a distinctive quality, form, or type of something a new dress style the Greek style of architecture 5a : the state of being popular : FASHION clothes that are always in style b : fashionable elegance c : beauty, grace, or ease of manner or technique an awkward moment she handled with style 6 : a convention with respect to spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and typographic arrangement and display followed in writing or printing

dominion (n)

1 : DOMAIN 2 law : supreme authority : SOVEREIGNTY having dominion over the natural world 3 dominions plural, Christianity : an order of angels — see CELESTIAL HIERARCHY 4 often capitalized, government : a self-governing nation of the Commonwealth of Nations other than the United Kingdom that acknowledges the British monarch as chief of state 5 law : absolute ownership

mischievous (adj)

1 : HARMFUL, INJURIOUS mischievous gossip 2a : able or tending to cause annoyance, trouble, or minor injury b : irresponsibly playful mischievous behavior

lowdown (n)

: the inside facts : dope gave us the lowdown on the situation

homiletics (n)

the art of preaching

logo (n)

1 : LOGOTYPE sense 1 2 : an identifying symbol (as for use in advertising) 3 : an identifying statement : MOTTO : a computer programming language (see LANGUAGE sense 1b(5)) that employs simple English commands and is used especially for introducing school children to computers logos

loon (n)

1 : LOUT, IDLER 2 chiefly Scotland : BOY 3a : a crazy person b : SIMPLETON : any of several large birds (genus Gavia of the family Gaviidae) of Holarctic regions that feed on fish by diving and have their legs placed far back under the body for optimal locomotion underwater

watering hole (n)

1 : WATER HOLE sense 1 2 : a place where people gather socially especially : WATERING PLACE sense 3

watchful (adj)

1 archaic a : not able or accustomed to sleep or rest : WAKEFUL b : causing sleeplessness c : spent in wakefulness : SLEEPLESS 2 : carefully observant or attentive : being on the watch

licentious (adj)

a nonchalant, licentious attitude. 1 : lacking legal or moral restraints; especially : disregarding sexual restraints licentious behavior licentious revelers 2 : marked by disregard for strict rules of correctness — licentiously adverb — licentiousness noun

marginal utility (n)

considering the marginal utility to make important decisions. the amount of additional utility provided by an additional unit of an economic good or service

opportunity cost (n)

considering the opportunity cost. the added cost of using resources (as for production or speculative investment) that is the difference between the actual value resulting from such use and that of an alternative (such as another use of the same resources or an investment of equal risk but greater return)

low-spirited (adj)


downplay (v)


pressing (adj)

1 : urgently important : CRITICAL a pressing issue 2 : EARNEST, WARM

hang out to dry (v)

1a : to fasten to some elevated point without support from below : SUSPEND hang a picture on the wall b : to suspend by the neck until dead —often hanged in the past —often used as a mild oath I'll be hanged c : to fasten so as to allow free motion within given limits upon a point of suspension hang a door d : to adjust the hem of (a skirt) so as to hang evenly and at a proper height 2 : to furnish with hanging decorations (such as flags or bunting) Hang the windows with velvet curtains. a room hung with streamers 3 : to hold or bear in a suspended or inclined manner hung his head in shame 4 : to apply to a wall hang wallpaper 5 : to display (pictures) in a gallery 6 baseball : to throw (a pitch, such as a curveball) so that it fails to break properly 7 : to make (a turn) especially while driving hang a right hung a quick U-turn — Tom Clancy 8 : BASE, FOUND something to hang our hopes on 1a : to remain suspended or fastened to some point above without support from below : DANGLE b : to die by being suspended by the neck —often hanged in the past He hanged for his crimes. c : to be connected as something relevant or related thereby hangs a tale — William Shakespeare 2 : to hover or remain stationary in the air clouds hanging low overhead 3 : LINGER, PERSIST The thought hung in her mind for days. 4 : to be imminent : IMPEND doom hung over the nation 5 : to fall or droop from a usually tense or taut position let the reins hang loose on the horse's back Their mouths hung open in disbelief. 6 : DEPEND election hangs on one vote 7a(1) : to take hold for support : CLING she hung on his arm (2) : to keep persistent contact dogs hung to the trail (3) : to maintain or continue holding a position hang behind (4) : to stay even : KEEP UP —usually used with with trying to hang with the leader b : to be burdensome or oppressive time hangs on his hands 8 : to be uncertain or in suspense the decision is still hanging 9 : to lean, incline, or jut over or downward a rocky cliff that hangs overhead 10 : to be in a state of rapt attention hung on her every word 11 : to fit or fall from the figure in easy lines the coat hangs loosely 12 informal : to pass time idly or in relaxing or socializing : HANG AROUND, HANG OUT hanging with friends hanging at the beach Off the track, Jones was all but invisible in Sydney. She prefers hanging with her husband ... and a small inner circle of friends. — Mark Starr I had the chance to hang with Taibbi recently after he spoke to a Denver audience about his new book ... — David Sirota 13 of a thrown ball : to fail to break or drop as intended hang fire 1 : to be slow in the explosion of a charge after its primer has been discharged 2 : DELAY, HESITATE 3 : to remain unsettled or unresolved The plans had to hang fire until the city council approved them. hung hanged hanging

all-star (adj)

: composed wholly or chiefly of stars or of outstanding performers or participants an all-star cast

in-kind (adj)

: consisting of something (such as goods or commodities) other than money in-kind relief for the poor

titanism (n)

: defiance of and revolt against social or artistic conventions

protégé (n)

: one who is protected or trained or whose career is furthered by a person of experience, prominence, or influence

dragonet (n)

1 : a little dragon 2 : any of a family (Callionymidae) of small often brightly colored scaleless marine fishes that have sharp spines on the gill covers especially : a European fish (Callionymus lyra) that is sometimes used as food

irrespective of (prep)

...irrespective of how many people show up. regardless of paid irrespective of how hard they work —Lee Bowes

aria (n)

1 : AIR, MELODY, TUNE specifically : an accompanied, elaborate melody sung (as in an opera) by a single voice enjoyed the soprano's romantic aria 2 : a striking solo performance (as in a movie) ... Russell Crowe's performance in Gladiator was all about the physical stuff—it was a brute-force aria of fighting and flexing and unleashing hell ... — Jeff Gordinier 3 : a written or spoken passage or text likened to a dramatic or emotional operatic solo ... a plainspoken but moving aria on the joys of rural living ... . — Lauren Collins arias also arie

scabrous (adj)

1 : DIFFICULT, KNOTTY a scabrous problem 2 : rough to the touch: such as a : having small raised dots, scales, or points a scabrous leaf b : covered with raised, roughened, or unwholesome patches scabrous paint scabrous skin 3 : dealing with suggestive, indecent, or scandalous themes : SALACIOUS also : SQUALID

lite (adj)

1 : LIGHT entry 4 sense 9a lite beer lite salad dressing 2 : diminished or lacking in substance or seriousness lite news specifically : being an innocuous or unthreatening version —often used postpositively it is film noir lite — James Greenberg

minimum wage (n)

1 : LIVING WAGE 2 : the lowest wage paid or permitted to be paid specifically : a wage fixed by legal authority or by contract as the least that may be paid either to employed persons generally or to a particular category of employed persons

global (adj)

1 : SPHERICAL 2 : of, relating to, or involving the entire world : WORLDWIDE a global system of communication also : of or relating to a celestial body (such as the moon) 3 : of, relating to, or applying to a whole (such as a mathematical function or a computer program) : UNIVERSAL a global search of a file

mega (adj)

1 : VAST a mega electronics store 2 : of the highest level of rank, excellence, or importance a number one hit made her mega

continuum (n)

1 : a coherent whole characterized as a collection, sequence, or progression of values or elements varying by minute degrees good and bad ... stand at opposite ends of a continuum instead of describing the two halves of a line — Wayne Shumaker 2 : the set of real numbers including both the rationals and the irrationals broadly : a compact set which cannot be separated into two sets neither of which contains a limit point of the other

homemaker (n)

: one who manages a household especially as a spouse and parent

laissez-faire (n)

1 : a doctrine opposing governmental interference in economic affairs beyond the minimum necessary for the maintenance of peace and property rights argued that the problem with oil prices was too much laissez-faire 2 : a philosophy or practice characterized by a usually deliberate abstention from direction or interference especially with individual freedom of choice and action the university has a policy of laissez-faire regarding nonacademic student activities — laissez-faire adjective

slingshot (n)

1 : a forked stick with an elastic band attached for shooting small stones 2a : a maneuver in auto racing in which a drafting car accelerates past the car in front by taking advantage of reserve power b : a dragster in which the driver sits behind the rear wheels

hazard (n)

1 : a game of chance like craps played with two dice 2 : a source of danger hazards on the roadway 3a : the effect of unpredictable and unanalyzable forces in determining events : CHANCE, RISK the hazards involved in owning your own business men and women danced together, women danced together, men danced together, as hazard had brought them together — Charles Dickens b : a chance event : ACCIDENT looked like a fugitive, who had escaped from something in clothes caught up at hazard — Willa Cather 4 obsolete : STAKE sense 3a 5 : a golf-course obstacle (such as a bunker or a pond)

maxim (n)

1 : a general truth, fundamental principle, or rule of conduct Mother's favorite maxim was Don't count your chickens before they hatch. 2 : a proverbial saying advised her daughter with the maxim marry in haste, repent at leisure

diagram (n)

1 : a graphic design that explains rather than represents especially : a drawing that shows arrangement and relations (as of parts) 2 : a line drawing made for mathematical or scientific purposes

more (n)

1 : a greater quantity, number, or amount liked the idea better the more I thought about it 2 : something additional : an additional amount 3 obsolete : persons of higher rank

mast (n)

1 : a long pole or spar rising from the keel or deck of a ship and supporting the yards, booms, and rigging 2 : a slender vertical or nearly vertical structure (such as an upright post in various cranes) 3 : a disciplinary proceeding at which the commanding officer of a naval unit hears and disposes of cases against enlisted men — called also captain's mast : nuts (such as acorns) accumulated on the forest floor and often serving as food for animals

strong suit (n)

1 : a long suit containing high cards 2 : something in which one excels : FORTE details of legislation have never been my strong suit — Tip O'Neill

guillotine (n)

1 : a machine for beheading by means of a heavy blade that slides down in vertical guides 2 : a shearing machine or instrument (such as a paper cutter) that in action resembles a guillotine The paper was trimmed on a guillotine. 3 chiefly British : closure by the imposition of a predetermined time limit on the consideration of specific sections of a bill or portions of other legislative business

meteoroid (n)

1 : a meteor particle itself without relation to the phenomena it produces when entering the earth's atmosphere 2 : a meteor in orbit around the sun

high roller (n)

1 : a person who spends freely in luxurious living 2 : a person who gambles recklessly or for high stakes

minx (n)

1 : a pert girl 2 : a wanton woman

firebrand (n)

1 : a piece of burning wood 2 : one that creates unrest or strife (as in aggressively promoting a cause) : AGITATOR

mitosis (n)

1 : a process that takes place in the nucleus of a dividing cell, involves typically a series of steps consisting of prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase, and results in the formation of two new nuclei each having the same number of chromosomes as the parent nucleus — compare MEIOSIS 2 : cell division in which mitosis occurs mitoses

dictionary (n)

1 : a reference source in print or electronic form containing words usually alphabetically arranged along with information about their forms, pronunciations, functions, etymologies, meanings, and syntactic and idiomatic uses 2 : a reference book listing alphabetically terms or names important to a particular subject or activity along with discussion of their meanings and applications 3 : a reference book listing alphabetically the words of one language and showing their meanings or translations in another language 4 : a computerized list (as of items of data or words) used for reference (as for information retrieval or word processing) dictionaries

suffrage (n)

1 : a short intercessory prayer usually in a series 2 : a vote given in deciding a controverted question or electing a person for an office or trust 3 : the right of voting : FRANCHISE also : the exercise of such right

slant (n)

1 : a slanting direction, line, or plane : SLOPE 2a : something that slants b : SLASH sense 4 c : a football running play in which the ballcarrier runs obliquely toward the line of scrimmage 3a : a peculiar or personal point of view, attitude, or opinion b : a slanting view : GLANCE

matchstick (n)

1 : a slender piece especially of wood from which a match is made 2 : something resembling a matchstick especially in slenderness cut a carrot into matchsticks

mean value theorem (n)

1 : a theorem in differential calculus: if a function of one variable is continuous on a closed interval and differentiable on the interval minus its endpoints there is at least one point where the derivative of the function is equal to the slope of the line joining the endpoints of the curve representing the function on the interval 2 : a theorem in integral calculus: if a function of one variable is continuous on a closed interval and differentiable on the interval minus its endpoints, there is at least one point in the interval where the product of the value of the function and the length of the interval is equal to the integral of the function over the interval

cog (n)

1 : a tooth on the rim of a wheel or gear 2 : a subordinate but integral person or part

long shot (n)

1 : a venture involving great risk but promising a great reward if successful also : a venture unlikely to succeed 2 : an entry (as in a horse race) given little chance of winning 3 : a bet in which the chances of winning are slight but the possible winnings great by a long shot : by a great deal

moron (n)

1 : a very stupid person They were acting like a bunch of morons. 2 dated, now offensive : a person affected with mild mental retardation

champagne (n)

1 : a white sparkling wine made in the old province of Champagne, France also : a similar wine made elsewhere 2 : a pale orange yellow to light grayish-yellowish brown historic region and former province of northeastern France west of Lorraine and north of Burgundy; capital Troyes

hereafter (adv)

1 : after this in sequence or in time 2 : in some future time or state

locomotion (n)

1 : an act or the power of moving from place to place 2 : TRAVEL interest in free locomotion and choice of occupation — Zechariah Chafee Jr.

prototype (n)

1 : an original model on which something is patterned : ARCHETYPE 2 : an individual that exhibits the essential features of a later type 3 : a standard or typical example 4 : a first full-scale and usually functional form of a new type or design of a construction (such as an airplane)

maid of honor (phrase)

1 : an unmarried lady usually of noble birth whose duty it is to attend a queen or a princess 2 : a bride's principal unmarried wedding attendant — compare MATRON OF HONOR

mad (adj)

1 : arising from, indicative of, or marked by mental disorder —not used technically 2a : completely unrestrained by reason and judgment : unable to think in a clear or sensible way driven mad by the pain mad with jealousy b : incapable of being explained or accounted for a mad decision 3 informal : intensely angry or displeased What are you so mad about? Everyone was mad about the delay. That kind of behavior really gets me mad. I'm so mad I could spit. 4 : carried away by enthusiasm or desire : extremely or excessively fond of or enthusiastic about something or someone mad about horses ... there is a nouveau riche demographic mad for diamonds and Lamborghinis ... — Kevin D. Williamson —often used in combination trivia known to only the most movie-mad film buffs a power-mad villain money-mad 5 : affected with rabies : RABID a mad dog 6 : marked by wild gaiety and merriment : HILARIOUS of their childhood, of the mad pranks they played — Winston Churchill 7 : intensely excited : FRANTIC driving him mad with jealousy — Edmund Wilson 8 : marked by intense and often chaotic activity : WILD a mad scramble 9 US, informal : great in quantity, amount, extent, or degree making mad money Her performance won her mad respect from fans and peers alike, but the media response was tempered at best. — Joan Morgan madder; maddest

mature (adj)

1 : based on slow careful consideration a mature judgment 2a(1) : having completed natural growth and development : RIPE mature fruit (2) : having undergone maturation b : having attained a final or desired state mature wine c : having achieved a low but stable growth rate paper is a mature industry d : of, relating to, or being an older adult : ELDERLY airline discounts for mature travelers 3a : of or relating to a condition of full development a man of mature years b : characteristic of or suitable to a mature individual mature outlook a show with mature content 4 : due for payment a mature loan 5 : belonging to the middle portion of a cycle of erosion a mature stream maturer; maturest

miserable (adj)

1 : being in a pitiable state of distress or unhappiness (as from want or shame) miserable refugees 2a : wretchedly inadequate or meager (see MEAGER sense 2) a miserable hovel b : causing extreme discomfort or unhappiness a miserable situation miserable weather his miserable childhood 3 : being likely to discredit or shame his miserable neglect of his wife had a miserable, snide contempt for our country — Joyce Winslow

rough-hewn (adj)

1 : being in a rough, unsmoothed, or unfinished state : crudely formed rough-hewn beams 2 : lacking refinement he was rather attractive, in a rough-hewn kind of way — Jan Speas

slash-and-burn (adj)

1 : characterized or developed by felling and burning trees to clear land especially for temporary agriculture 2 : extremely ruthless and unsparing slash-and-burn tactics slash-and-burn criticism

clean-cut (adj)

1 : cut so that the surface or edge is smooth and even 2 : sharply defined 3 : of wholesome appearance

moth-eaten (adj)

1 : eaten into by moth larvae moth-eaten clothes 2a : DILAPIDATED b : ANTIQUATED, OUTMODED

hellacious (adj)

1 : exceptionally powerful or violent 2 : remarkably good 3 : extremely difficult 4 : extraordinarily large

resolve (n)

1 : fixity of purpose : RESOLUTENESS 2 : something that is resolved 3 : a legal or official determination especially : a formal resolution

successive (adj)

1 : following in order : following each other without interruption their fourth successive victory 2 : characterized by or produced in succession

dignity (n)

1 : formal reserve or seriousness of manner, appearance, or language 2 : the quality or state of being worthy, honored, or esteemed 3a : high rank, office, or position b : a legal title of nobility or honor 4 archaic : DIGNITARY dignities

geodesic (n)

1 : geodetic 2 : made of light straight structural elements mostly in tension a geodesic dome

gang (n)

1 : group: such as a : a group of persons working to unlawful or antisocial ends; especially : a band of antisocial adolescents b : a group of persons working together 2 : a group of persons having informal and usually close social relations watching TV with the gang 3 a : a set of articles : outfit a gang of oars b : a combination of similar implements or devices arranged for convenience to act together a gang of saws

direction (n)

1 : guidance or supervision of action or conduct : MANAGEMENT working under the direction of the doctor 2 archaic : the address placed on the outside of a letter or package to be delivered : SUPERSCRIPTION 3a : an explicit instruction : ORDER carefully read the directions follow directions b : assistance in pointing out the proper route —usually used in plural asked for directions to the beach 4 : the line or course on which something is moving or is aimed to move or along which something is pointing or facing came from the opposite direction walking in the same direction 5 archaic : DIRECTORATE sense 1 6a : a channel or direct course of thought or action deciding which direction to take as a writer b : TENDENCY, TREND c : a guiding, governing, or motivating purpose His life lacked direction. 7a : the art and technique of supervising the production of a show or performance : the art and technique of directing an orchestra, band, or a show (as for stage or screen) b music : a word, phrase, or sign indicating the appropriate tempo, mood, or intensity of a passage (see PASSAGE entry 1 sense 6b) or movement (see MOVEMENT sense 4c)

expansive (adj)

1 : having a capacity or a tendency to expand 2 : causing or tending to cause expansion 3a : characterized by high spirits, generosity, or readiness to talk : OPEN grew expansive after dinner b : marked by or indicative of exaggerated euphoria and delusions of self-importance an expansive patient 4 : marked by expansion especially : having a great expanse or extent : SIZABLE, EXTENSIVE an expansive interpretation of the law 5 : characterized by richness, abundance, or magnificence expansive living expansive taste

double-talk (n)

1 : language that appears to be earnest and meaningful but in fact is a mixture of sense and nonsense 2 : inflated, involved, and often deliberately ambiguous language

posterior (adj)

1 : later in time : SUBSEQUENT 2 : situated behind: such as a : CAUDAL b of the human body or its parts : DORSAL 3 of a plant part : ADAXIAL, SUPERIOR

disadvantage (n)

1 : loss or damage especially to reputation, credit, or finances : DETRIMENT the deal worked to their disadvantage 2a : an unfavorable, inferior, or prejudicial condition we were at a disadvantage b : a quality or circumstance that makes achievement unusually difficult : HANDICAP his lack of formal schooling was a serious disadvantage

hazy (adj)

1 : made dim or cloudy by or as if by fine dust, smoke, or light vapor in the air : obscured by or as if by haze (see HAZE entry 1 sense 1a) hazy weather a hazy view of the mountains 2 : VAGUE, INDEFINITE has only a hazy recollection also : UNCERTAIN I'm hazy on that point hazier; haziest

touchy (adj)

1 : marked by readiness to take offense on slight provocation he's a little touchy about his past 2 : calling for tact, care, or caution in treatment a touchy subject 3a of a body part : acutely sensitive or irritable b of a chemical : highly explosive or inflammable touchier; touchiest

little (adj)

1 : not big: such as a : small in size or extent : TINY has little feet b : YOUNG was too little to remember c of a plant or animal : small in comparison with related forms —used in vernacular names d : having few members or inhabitants a little group little towns e : small in condition, distinction, or scope big business trampling on the little fellow f : NARROW, MEAN the pettiness of little minds g : pleasingly small a cute little thing h —used as an intensive why, you little devil! 2 : not much: such as a : existing only in a small amount or to a slight degree has little money b : short in duration : BRIEF There is little time left. c : existing to an appreciable though not extensive degree or amount —used with a had a little money in the bank 3 : small in importance or interest : TRIVIAL a few little problems to be dealt with littler;less;lesser;littlest;least

barren (adj)

1 : not reproducing: such as a : incapable of producing offspring —used especially of females or matings barren women b : not yet or not recently pregnant c of plants : habitually failing to fruit barren apple trees 2 : not productive: such as a : producing little or no vegetation : DESOLATE barren deserts b : producing inferior crops barren soil c : unproductive of results or gain : FRUITLESS a barren scheme 3 : DEVOID, LACKING —used with of barren of excitement 4 : lacking interest or charm a barren routine 5 : lacking inspiration or ideas a barren mind

various (adj)

1 : of an indefinite number greater than one stop at various towns 2 : INDIVIDUAL, SEPARATE rate increases granted in the various states 3a : of differing kinds : MULTIFARIOUS b : dissimilar in nature or form : UNLIKE 4 : VARICOLORED birds of various plumage 5 : having a number of different aspects or characteristics a various place 6 archaic : VARIABLE, INCONSTANT

messianic (adj)

1 : of or relating to a messiah this messianic kingdom 2 : marked by idealism and an aggressive crusading spirit messianic zeal on a messianic mission

mediator (n)

1 : one that mediates; especially : one that mediates between parties at variance 2 : a mediating agent in a physical, chemical, or biological process

apparent (adj)

1 : open to view : VISIBLE The changes were readily apparent. 2 : clear or manifest to the understanding for reasons that are apparent 3 : appearing as actual to the eye or mind was in apparent danger 4 : manifest to the senses or mind as real or true on the basis of evidence that may or may not be factually valid died of an apparent heart attack The air of spontaneity is perhaps more apparent than real. — J. R. Sutherland 5 law : having an indefeasible right to succeed to a title or estate

curbstone (adj)

1 : operating on the street without maintaining an office a curbstone broker 2 : not having the benefit of training or experience a curbstone critic

rebellion (n)

1 : opposition to one in authority or dominance 2a : open, armed, and usually unsuccessful defiance of or resistance to an established government b : an instance of such defiance or resistance

gaudiness (n)

1 : ostentatiously or tastelessly ornamented gaudy costumes 2 : marked by extravagance or sometimes tasteless showiness : outlandish gaudy lies gaudy claims; also : exceptional a gaudy batting average

different (adj)

1 : partly or totally unlike in nature, form, or quality : dissimilar could hardly be more different —often followed by from, than, or chiefly British to small, neat hand, very different from the captain's tottery characters— R. L. Stevensonvastly different in size than it was twenty-five years ago— N. M. Puseya very different situation to the ... one under which we live— Sir Winston Churchill 2 : not the same: such as a : distinct different age groups b : various different members of the class c : another switched to a different TV program 3 : unusual, special she was different and superior

superrealism (n)

1 : photorealism Superrealism (or photorealism) was a movement that recreated in two dimensions the look of photographs and in three dimensions used casting to achieve the utmost fidelity to reality.— Richard L. Lewis and Susan Ingalls Lewis 2 : surrealism It is not merely that superrealism wishes to introduce an element of the dream world into art; it definitely and defiantly proclaims the superiority of this dream-world ...— Herbert Read

grungy (adj)

1 : shabby or dirty in character or condition 2 : characteristic of grunge music or fashion

opprobrium (n)

1 : something that brings disgrace 2 a : public disgrace or ill fame that follows from conduct considered grossly wrong or vicious Collaborators with the enemy did not escape the opprobrium of the townspeople. b : contempt, reproach The bombing of the church was met with widespread opprobrium.

casing (n)

1 : something that encases : material for encasing: such as a : an enclosing frame especially around a door or window opening b : a metal pipe used to case a well c : TIRE entry 2 sense 1 d : a membranous case for processed meat 2 : a space formed between two parallel lines of stitching through at least two layers of cloth into which something (such as a rod or string) may be inserted

excitement (n)

1 : something that excites or rouses 2 : the action of exciting : the state of being excited

draw (n)

1 : the act or process of drawing (see draw entry 1) : such as a : a sucking pull on something held with the lips took a long draw on her cigarette b : a removal of a handgun from its holster quick on the draw c : backward spin given to a ball by striking it below center — compare follow 2 : something that is drawn: such as a : a card drawn to replace a discard in poker b : a lot or chance drawn at random c : the movable part of a drawbridge 3 : a contest left undecided or deadlocked : tie 4 : one that draws attention or patronage (see patronage sense 4) : attraction Their band is the main draw at the festival. 5 archery a : the distance from the string to the back of a drawn bow (see bow entry 3 sense 2) b : the force required to draw a bow fully geology : a gully shallower than a ravine 7 : the deal in draw poker to improve the players' hands after discarding 8 football : a play that simulates a pass play so a runner can go straight up the middle past the pass rushers 9 golf : a slight to moderate and usually intentional hook (see hook entry 1 sense 3)

structure (n)

1 : the action of building : CONSTRUCTION 2a : something (such as a building) that is constructed b : something arranged in a definite pattern of organization a rigid totalitarian structure — J. L. Hess leaves and other plant structures 3 : manner of construction : MAKEUP Gothic in structure 4a : the arrangement of particles or parts in a substance or body soil structure molecular structure b : organization of parts as dominated by the general character of the whole economic structure personality structure c : coherent form or organization tried to give some structure to the children's lives 5 : the aggregate of elements of an entity in their relationships to each other the structure of a language

materialization (n)

1 : the action of materializing or becoming materialized 2 : something that has been materialized especially : APPARITION

sway (v)

1 : the action or an instance of swaying or of being swayed : an oscillating, fluctuating, or sweeping motion 2 : an inclination or deflection caused by or as if by swaying 3a : a controlling influence b : sovereign power : DOMINION c : the ability to exercise influence or authority : DOMINANCE

alpha and omega (n)

1 : the beginning and ending 2 : the principal element

denouement (n)

1 : the final outcome of the main dramatic complication in a literary work In the denouement, the two lovers commit suicide. 2 : the outcome of a complex sequence of events

linkage (n)

1 : the manner or style of being united: such as a : the manner in which atoms or radicals are linked in a molecule b : bond sense 3c 2 : the quality or state of being linked especially : the relationship between genes on the same chromosome that causes them to be inherited together — compare mendel's law sense 2 3 : a system of links especially : a system of links or bars which are jointed together and more or less constrained by having a link or links fixed and by means of which straight or nearly straight lines or other point paths may be traced 4 : link sense 2b 5 : the tactic in diplomatic negotiations of linking often unrelated issues so that progress in one area is dependent on agreement in another

arbitrage (n)

1 : the nearly simultaneous purchase and sale of securities or foreign exchange in different markets in order to profit from price discrepancies 2 : the purchase of the stock of a takeover target especially with a view to selling it profitably to the raider

archetype (n)

1 : the original pattern or model of which all things of the same type are representations or copies : PROTOTYPE ... the House of Commons, the archetype of all the representative assemblies which now meet ... — Thomas Babington Macaulay also : a perfect example He is the archetype of a successful businessman. 2 : IDEA sense 4c 3 psychology : an inherited idea or mode of thought in the psychology of C. G. Jung that is derived from the experience of the race and is present in the unconscious of the individual

gradualism (n)

1 : the policy of approaching a desired end by gradual stages 2 : the evolution of new species by gradual accumulation of small genetic changes over long periods of time; also : a theory or model of evolution emphasizing this — compare punctuated equilibrium — gradualist noun or adjective — gradualistic adjective

tonicity (n)

1 : the property of possessing tone; especially : healthy vigor of body or mind 2 : muscular tonus

liberalism (n)

1 : the quality or state of being liberal 2a often capitalized : a movement in modern Protestantism emphasizing intellectual liberty and the spiritual and ethical content of Christianity b : a theory in economics emphasizing individual freedom from restraint and usually based on free competition, the self-regulating market, and the gold standard (see GOLD STANDARD sense 1) c : a political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy (see AUTONOMY sense 2) of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties specifically : such a philosophy that considers government as a crucial instrument for amelioration of social inequities (such as those involving race, gender, or class) d capitalized : the principles and policies of a Liberal (see LIBERAL entry 1 sense 6b) party

lyricism (n)

1 : the quality or state of being lyric : SONGFULNESS 2a : an intense personal quality expressive of feeling or emotion in an art (such as poetry or music) b : EXUBERANCE the sort of author who inspires lyricism or invective, not judicious interpretation — Time

productivity (n)

1 : the quality or state of being productive 2 : the rate per unit area or per unit volume at which biomass consumable as food by other organisms is made by producers

recognize (v)

1 : to acknowledge formally: such as a : to admit as being lord or sovereign b : to admit as being of a particular status c : to admit as being one entitled to be heard : give the floor to d : to acknowledge the de facto existence or the independence of 2 : to acknowledge or take notice of in some definite way: such as a : to acknowledge with a show of appreciation recognize an act of bravery with the award of a medal b : to acknowledge acquaintance with recognize a neighbor with a nod 3a : to perceive to be something or someone previously known recognized the word b : to perceive clearly : REALIZE recognized; recognizing

guide (v)

1 : to act as a guide to : direct in a way or course He guided us around the city. 2a : to direct, supervise, or influence usually to a particular end You'll need a lawyer to guide you through the legal system. b : to superintend the training or instruction of A respected educator guided his studies. intransitive verb : to act or work as a guide

memorialize (v)

1 : to address or petition by a memorial 2 : COMMEMORATE memorialized; memorializing

rubber-stamp (v)

1 : to approve, endorse, or dispose of as a matter of routine or at the command of another 2 : to mark with a rubber stamp rubber-stamped; rubber-stamping; rubber-stamps

direct (v)

1 : to cause to turn, move, or point undeviatingly or to follow a straight course X-rays directed through the body 2 : to point, extend, or project in a specified line or course direct the nozzle downward 3a : to regulate the activities or course of directs a staff of over 200 employees b : to carry out the organizing, energizing, and supervising of direct a project directed a call center c : to train and lead performances of direct a movie directing a famous actor d : to dominate and determine the course of ... will not find it preposterous that the past should be altered by the present as much as the present is directed by the past. — T. S. Eliot 4a : to impart orally directed the remark to her fellow senators b : to mark with the name and address of the intended recipient c : to adapt in expression so as to have particular applicability arguments directed at the emotions d obsolete : to write (a letter) to a person 5 : to show or point out the way for signs directing us to the entrance 6 : to request or enjoin (see ENJOIN sense 1) with authority the judge directed the jury to acquit intransitive verb 1 : to act as director of a show or musical ensemble She both acted and directed in the film. 2 : to point out, prescribe, or determine a course or procedure

supercharge (v)

1 : to charge greatly or excessively (as with vigor or tension) 2 : to supply a charge to the intake of (an engine) at a pressure higher than that of the surrounding atmosphere 3 : PRESSURIZE sense 1 supercharged; supercharging; supercharges

snub (v)

1 : to check or stop with a cutting retort : REBUKE 2a : to check (something, such as a line or chain that is running out) suddenly especially by turning around a fixed object (such as a post or a cleat) also : to check the motion of by snubbing a line snub the anchor b : to restrain the action of : SUPPRESS snub a vibration 3 : to treat with contempt or neglect snub an old acquaintance 4 : to extinguish by stubbing snub out a cigarette snubbed; snubbing

slate (v)

1 : to cover (something) with slate or a slatelike substance slate a roof 2 : to designate (someone or something) for a specified purpose or action occurring especially at a fixed time was slated to direct the play The new model is slated [=scheduled] for release early next year. slated; slating

challenge (v)

1 : to dispute especially as being unjust, invalid, or outmoded : IMPUGN new data that challenges old assumptions 2a : to confront or defy boldly : DARE he challenged his critics to prove his guilt b : to call out to duel or combat challenged his rival to a duel c : to invite into competition he challenged his brother to a tennis match 3 : to question formally the legality or legal qualifications of challenge a juror 4 : to arouse or stimulate especially by presenting with difficulties she wants a job that will challenge her 5 : to order to halt and prove identity the sentry challenged the stranger 6 : to demand as due or deserved : REQUIRE an event that challenges explanation 7 : to administer a physiological (see PHYSIOLOGICAL sense 2) and especially an immunologic challenge to (an organism or cell) 1 : to make or present a challenge when the appropriate moment challenged, he was capable of ... leadership — C. H. Driver 2 : to take legal exception challenged; challenging

muzzle (v)

1 : to fit with a muzzle 2a : GAG muzzled the regime's critics b : RESTRAIN, RESTRICT the Pentagon's efforts to muzzle press access — Joe Strupp the low prices muzzled competition muzzled; muzzling

shortchange (v)

1 : to give less than the correct amount of change to 2 : to deprive of or give less than something due : CHEAT was shortchanged out of a promotion shortchanged; shortchanging; shortchanges

roam (v)

1 : to go from place to place without purpose or direction : WANDER 2 : to travel purposefully unhindered through a wide area cattle roaming in search of water 3 : to use a cellular phone outside one's local calling area roaming charges transitive verb : to range or wander over roamed; roaming; roams

backfire (v)

1 : to have the reverse of the desired or expected effect their plans backfired 2 : to make or undergo a backfire backfired; backfiring; backfires

step up (v)

1 : to increase (a voltage) by means of a transformer 2 : to increase, augment, or advance especially by one or more steps step up production 1a : to come forward stepped up to claim responsibility b : to succeed in meeting a challenge (as by increased effort or improved performance) 2 : to undergo an increase business is stepping up 3 : to receive a promotion

multiply (v)

1 : to increase in number especially greatly or in multiples : AUGMENT 2a : to find the product of by multiplication multiply 7 and 8 b : to use as a multiplicand in multiplication with another number multiply 7 by 8 1a : to become greater in number : SPREAD b : BREED, PROPAGATE 2 : to perform multiplication multiplied; multiplying

extenuate (v)

1 : to lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of (something, such as a fault or offense) by making partial excuses : MITIGATE There is no economic analysis that can extenuate bigotry. — Leon Wieseltier ... all the lies that society tells to justify its values and extenuate its conduct ... — Robert Penn Warren — see also EXTENUATING 2 : to lessen the strength or effect of (something) : WEAKEN ... it was true that he was an old friend and that ... she felt a desire not to extenuate such ties. — Henry James 3a archaic : to make light of b obsolete : DISPARAGE 4 archaic : to make thin or emaciated extenuated; extenuating

complicate (v)

1 : to make complex or difficult 2 : INVOLVE especially : to cause to be more complex or severe a virus disease complicated by bacterial infection 3 : to combine especially in an involved or inextricable manner complicated; complicating

expert (n)

: one with the special skill or knowledge representing mastery of a particular subject

give (v)

1 : to make a present of give a doll to a child 2a : to grant or bestow by formal action the law gives citizens the right to vote b : to accord or yield to another gave him her confidence 3a : to put into the possession of another for his or her use gave me his phone number b(1) : to administer as a sacrament (2) : to administer as a medicine c : to commit to another as a trust or responsibility and usually for an expressed reason d : to transfer from one's authority or custody the sheriff gave the prisoner to the warden e : to execute and deliver all employees must give bond f : to convey to another give them my regards 4a : to offer to the action of another : PROFFER gave her his hand b dated, of a woman : to yield (oneself) to a man in sexual intercourse 5a : to present in public performance give a concert b : to present to view or observation gave the signal to start 6 : to provide by way of entertainment give a party 7 : to propose as a toast 8a : to designate as a share or portion : ALLOT all the earth to thee and to thy race I give —John Milton b : to make assignment of (a name) c : to set forth as an actual or hypothetical datum give the dimensions of the room d : to attribute in thought or utterance : ASCRIBE gave the credit to you 9a : to yield as a product, consequence, or effect : PRODUCE cows give milk 84 divided by 12 gives 7 b : to bring forth : BEAR 10a : to yield possession of by way of exchange : PAY b : to dispose of for a price : SELL 11a : to deliver by some bodily action gave him a push b : to carry out (a movement, facial expression, etc.) gave a cynical smile c : to inflict as punishment d : to award by formal verdict judgment was given against the plaintiff 12 : to offer for consideration, acceptance, or use gives no reason for his absence 13a : to suffer the loss of : SACRIFICE gallantly gave his life for his country b : to offer as appropriate or due especially to something higher or more worthy gave his spirit to God c : to apply freely or fully : DEVOTE gave themselves to their work d : to offer as a pledge I give you my word 14a : to cause one to have or receive mountains always gave him pleasure b : to cause a person to catch by contagion, infection, or exposure 15a : to allow one to have or take give me time b : to lead or attempt to lead —used with an infinitive you gave me to understand you'd be late 16 : to care to the extent of didn't give a hoot intransitive verb 1 : to make gifts or presents gave generously to charities 2a : to yield to physical force or strain b : to collapse from the application of force or pressure The canvas chair gave under her weight. c : to undergo or submit to change for the strike to be settled, something has to give 3 : to afford a view or passage : OPEN the window gives onto the terrace 4 : to enter wholeheartedly into an activity 5 slang : to be happening wants to know what gives give birth : to have a baby gave birth last Thursday give birth to 1 : to produce as offspring gave birth to a son 2 : to be the source of give chase : to set off in pursuit give ground : to withdraw before superior force : RETREAT give of : to make available : provide generously freely gave of their time give or take : as an estimate accurate within (an amount to be added or subtracted) weighs 150 pounds, give or take a few pounds give place to : to be replaced or succeeded by optimism gave place to worry give rise to : to be the cause or source of : PRODUCE give the gun : to open the throttle of : speed up give the lie to 1 : to accuse of falsehood 2 : to show to be false, inaccurate, or invalid give tongue of hounds : to begin barking on the scent give way 1a : RETREAT b : to yield the right of way 2 : to yield oneself without restraint or control 3a : to yield to or as if to physical stress The roof gave way under heavy snow. b : to yield to entreaty or insistence After several hours of debate, the opposition finally gave way. 4 : to yield place Farmland has given way to shopping malls. 5 : to begin to row

modify (v)

1 : to make less extreme : MODERATE traffic rules were modified to let him pass — Van Wyck Brooks 2a : to limit or restrict the meaning of especially in a grammatical construction In the phrase the red hat, the adjective red modifies the noun hat. b : to change (a vowel) by umlaut 3a : to make minor changes in had to modify his plan b : to make basic or fundamental changes in often to give a new orientation to or to serve a new end the wing of a bird is an arm modified for flying intransitive verb : to undergo change modified; modifying

diminish (v)

1 : to make less or cause to appear less diminish an army's strength His role in the company was diminished. 2 : to lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of : belittle diminish a rival's accomplishments 3 architecture : to cause to taper (see taper entry 1 sense 1) a diminished column 1 : to become gradually less (as in size or importance) : dwindle the side effects tend to diminish over time 2 architecture : taper

lighten (v)

1 : to make light or clear : ILLUMINATE 2 archaic : ENLIGHTEN 3 : to make (something, such as a color) lighter 1a archaic : to shine brightly b : to grow lighter : BRIGHTEN 2 : to give out flashes of lightning1a : to relieve of a burden in whole or in part the news lightened his mind b : to reduce in weight or quantity : LESSEN c : to make less wearisome : ALLEVIATE lighten our sorrow 2 : CHEER, GLADDEN 1 : to become lighter or less burdensome 2 : to become more cheerful lightened; lightening

struggle (v)

1 : to make strenuous or violent efforts in the face of difficulties or opposition struggling with the problem 2 : to proceed with difficulty or with great effort struggled through the high grass struggling to make a living struggled; struggling

detail (v)

1 : to report minutely and distinctly : to report with close attention to small elements : SPECIFY detailed their grievances wrote a letter detailing her vacation 2 : to assign to a particular task was detailed to another unit during maneuvers 3 : to furnish with the smaller elements of design and finish trimmings that detail slips and petticoats 4 : to clean and refurbish (a vehicle) very thoroughly and meticulously detail a car : to make detail drawings

allay (v)

1 : to subdue or reduce in intensity or severity : ALLEVIATE expect a breeze to allay the heat 2 : to make quiet : CALM trying to allay their fears obsolete : to diminish in strength : SUBSIDE allayed; allaying; allays

massage (v)

1 : to subject to massage 2a : to treat flatteringly : BLANDISH b : MANIPULATE, DOCTOR massaged the data to help his cause massaged; massaging

dragoon (v)

1 : to subjugate or persecute by harsh use of troops 2 : to force into submission or compliance especially by violent measures

beckon (v)

1 : to summon or signal typically with a wave or nod My master beckons. He ... beckoned to the other generals to come and stand where he stood. — H. E. Scudder 2 : to appear inviting : ATTRACT the frontier beckons transitive verb : to beckon to beckoned us over to their table beckoned; beckoning

appropriate (v)

1 : to take exclusive possession of : ANNEX No one should appropriate a common benefit. 2 : to set apart for or assign to a particular purpose or use appropriate money for a research program 3 : to take or make use of without authority or right natural habitats that have been appropriated for human use appropriated; appropriating

medicate (v)

1 : to treat (someone or something) with or as if with medicine medicate a condition was medicated for pain/depression ... is happily living his life one day at a time since he stopped drinking and otherwise medicating himself ...— Charles Leerhsen 2 : to impregnate with a medicinal substance medicated soap medicated; medicating

haw (v)

1 : to utter the sound represented by haw hemmed and hawed before answering 2 : EQUIVOCATE the administration hemmed and hawed over the students' demands —used as a direction to turn to the left — compare GEE : to turn to the near or left side hawed; hawing; haws

vacillate (v)

1 : to waver in mind, will, or feeling : hesitate in choice of opinions or courses 2a : to sway through lack of equilibrium b : FLUCTUATE, OSCILLATE vacillated; vacillating

desert (v)

1 : to withdraw from or leave usually without intent to return desert a town 2a : to leave in the lurch desert a friend in trouble b : to abandon (military service) without leave : to quit one's post, allegiance, or service without leave or justification especially : to abandon military duty without leave and without intent to return

submicroscopic (adj)

1 : too small to be seen in an ordinary light microscope 2 : of, relating to, or dealing with the very minute the submicroscopic world

oracle (n)

1 a : a person (such as a priestess of ancient Greece) through whom a deity is believed to speak the prophecies of the Delphic oracle —D. F. Marks b : a shrine in which a deity reveals hidden knowledge or the divine purpose through such a person c : an answer or decision given by an oracle ambiguous oracles 2 a : a person giving wise or authoritative decisions or opinions She became an oracle of pop culture. b : an authoritative or wise expression or answer

gleam (v)

1 a : a transient appearance of subdued or partly obscured light the gleam of dawn in the east b (1) : a small bright light the gleam of a match (2) : glint a gleam in his eyes 2 : a brief or faint appearance a gleam of hope — gleamy adjective

deduction (n)

1 a : an act of taking away deduction of legitimate business expenses b : something that is or may be subtracted deductions from his taxable income 2 a : the deriving of a conclusion by reasoning based on intuition rather than deduction; specifically : inference in which the conclusion about particulars follows necessarily from general or universal premises (see 1premise 1) — compare induction b : a conclusion reached by logical deduction made the deduction that the suspect had been at the scene of the crime

indolent (adj)

1 a : causing little or no pain b : slow to develop or heal indolent tumors indolent ulcers 2 a : averse to activity, effort, or movement : habitually lazy b : conducive to or encouraging laziness indolent heat c : showing an inclination to laziness an indolent sigh — indolently adverb

fertile (adj)

1 a : producing or bearing many crops in great quantities : productive fertile fields of corn and oats b : characterized by great resourcefulness of thought or imagination : inventive a fertile mind c obsolete : plentiful 2 a (1) : capable of sustaining abundant plant growth fertile soil (2) : affording abundant possibilities for growth or development damp bathrooms are fertile ground for fungi —Consumer Reports a fertile area for research b : capable of growing or developing a fertile egg c (1) : capable of producing fruit fertile trees (2) of an anther : containing pollen (3) : developing spores or spore-bearing organs d : capable of breeding or reproducing 3 : capable of being converted into fissionable material fertile uranium 238 — fertilely play \ˈfər-tᵊl-(l)ē\ adverb — fertileness

slake (v)

1 archaic : SUBSIDE, ABATE 2 : to become slaked : CRUMBLE lime may slake spontaneously in moist air transitive verb 1 archaic : to lessen the force of : MODERATE 2 : SATISFY, QUENCH slake your thirst will slake your curiosity 3 : to cause (a substance, such as lime) to heat and crumble by treatment with water : HYDRATE slaked; slaking

mope (v)

1 archaic : to act in a dazed or stupid manner 2 : to give oneself up to brooding : become listless or dejected I was feeling depressed and just moped around all day. 3 : to move slowly or aimlessly : DAWDLE the little woman does mope along in traffic — Paul Jones moped; moping

harmony (n)

1 archaic : tuneful sound : MELODY 2a : the combination of simultaneous musical notes in a chord She taught him how to sing harmony. b : the structure of music with respect to the composition and progression of chords a song with complicated harmonies and rhythms c : the science of the structure, relation, and progression of chords 3a : pleasing arrangement of parts : CONGRUENCE a painting exhibiting harmony of color and line b : AGREEMENT, ACCORD when a woman's desires are in harmony with those of her husband c : internal calm : TRANQUILITY a period of relative harmony 4a : an interweaving of different accounts into a single narrative b : a systematic arrangement of parallel literary passages (as of the Gospels) for the purpose of showing agreement or harmony harmonies

derivation (n)

1 linguistics a(1) : the formation of a word from another word or base (as by the addition of a usually noninflectional affix) Strategize was formed by derivation from strategy. (2) : an act of ascertaining or stating the derivation of a word (3) : ETYMOLOGY sense 1 research into the derivation of Yankee b : the relation of a word to its base or root (see ROOT entry 1 sense 6) 2a : SOURCE, ORIGIN foods of French derivation b : DESCENT, ORIGINATION derivation from royal ancestors 3 : something that originates from something else : something derived : DERIVATIVE more like an exact copy than a derivation 4 : an act or process of deriving debating the possible derivation of birds from dinosaurs 5 logic : a sequence of statements showing that a result is a necessary consequence of previously accepted statements

drain (v)

1 obsolete : FILTER 2a : to draw off (liquid) gradually or completely drained all the water out of the pool b : to cause the gradual disappearance of drain the region's wealth c : to exhaust (see EXHAUST entry 1 sense 1b) physically or emotionally feeling drained at the end of a long workday 3a : to make gradually dry drain a swamp b : to carry away the surface water of the river that drains the valley c : to deplete or empty by or as if by drawing off by degrees or in increments drained the country of its resources d : to empty by drinking the contents of drain a mug of beer 4 sports : DROP sense 7c, SINK drain the putt drained two free throws 1a : to flow off gradually b : to disappear gradually : DWINDLE his nervousness drained away, as it always did — H. A. Sinclair 2 : to become emptied or freed of liquid by its flowing or dropping waiting for the tub to drain 3 : to discharge surface or surplus water drains into the Gulf of Mexico

rugged (adj)

1 obsolete : SHAGGY, HAIRY 2 : having a rough uneven surface : JAGGED rugged mountains 3 : TURBULENT, STORMY rugged weather 4a : seamed with wrinkles and furrows : WEATHERED —used of a human face b : showing facial signs of strength rugged good looks 5a : AUSTERE, STERN b : COARSE, RUDE c : rough and strong in character 6a : presenting a severe test of ability, stamina, or resolution b : strongly built or constituted : ROBUST those that survive are stalwart, rugged men — L. D. Stamp

suitable (adj)

1 obsolete : SIMILAR, MATCHING 2a : adapted to a use or purpose suitable for kitchen use b : satisfying propriety : PROPER suitable dress c : ABLE, QUALIFIED a suitable candidate for the job

almighty (adj)

1 often capitalized : having absolute power over all Almighty God 2a : relatively unlimited in power an almighty board of directors b : having or regarded as having great power or importance the almighty dollar 3 informal : MIGHTY —used as an intensive an almighty shock

digress (v)

: to turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument

marrow (n)

1a : BONE MARROW b : the substance of the spinal cord 2a : the choicest of food b : the seat of animal vigor c : the inmost, best, or essential part : CORE personal liberty is the marrow of the American tradition — Clinton Rossiter 3 chiefly British : VEGETABLE MARROW

strain (n)

1a : LINEAGE, ANCESTRY b : a group of presumed common ancestry with clear-cut physiological but usually not morphological distinctions a high-yielding strain of winter wheat broadly : a specified infraspecific group (such as a stock, line, or ecotype) c : KIND, SORT discussions of a lofty strain 2a : inherited or inherent character, quality, or disposition a strain of weakness in the family b : TRACE, STREAK a strain of fanaticism 3a : TUNE, AIR b : a passage of verbal or musical expression c : a stream or outburst of forceful or impassioned speech 4a : the tenor, pervading note, burden, or tone of an utterance or of a course of action or conduct b : MOOD, TEMPER 1 : an act of straining or the condition of being strained: such as a : bodily injury from excessive tension, effort, or use heart strain especially : one resulting from a wrench or twist and involving undue stretching of muscles or ligaments back strain b : excessive or difficult exertion or labor c : excessive physical or mental tension also : a force, influence, or factor causing such tension a strain on the marriage d : deformation of a material body under the action of applied forces 2 : an unusual reach, degree, or intensity : PITCH 3 archaic : a strained interpretation of something said or written

process (n)

1a : PROGRESS, ADVANCE in the process of time b : something going on : PROCEEDING 2a(1) : a natural phenomenon marked by gradual changes that lead toward a particular result the process of growth (2) : a continuing natural or biological activity or function such life processes as breathing b : a series of actions or operations conducing to an end especially : a continuous operation or treatment especially in manufacture 3a : the whole course of proceedings in a legal action b : the summons, mandate, or writ used by a court to compel the appearance of the defendant in a legal action or compliance with its orders 4 : a prominent or projecting part of an organism or organic structure a bone process a nerve cell process 5 : CONK entry 6 processes

muscle (n)

1a : a body tissue consisting of long cells that contract when stimulated and produce motion b : an organ that is essentially a mass of muscle tissue attached at either end to a fixed point and that by contracting moves or checks the movement of a body part 2a : muscular strength : BRAWN b : effective strength : POWER political muscle

hulk (n)

1a : a heavy clumsy ship b(1) : the body of an old ship unfit for service (2) : a ship used as a prison —usually used in plural every prisoner sent to the hulks— KennethRoberts c : an abandoned wreck or shell (as of a building or automobile) 2 : one that is bulky or unwieldy

castle (n)

1a : a large fortified building or set of buildings b : a massive or imposing house 2 : a retreat safe against intrusion or invasion 3 : ROOK entry 3

liver (n)

1a : a large very vascular glandular organ of vertebrates that secretes bile and causes important changes in many of the substances contained in the blood (as by converting sugars into glycogen which it stores up until required and by forming urea) b : any of various large compound glands associated with the digestive tract of invertebrate animals and prob. concerned with the secretion of digestive enzymes 2 archaic : a determinant of the quality or temper of a man 3 : the liver of an animal (such as a calf or chicken) eaten as food 4 : a grayish reddish brown — called also liver brown, liver maroon 1 : one that lives especially in a specified way a fast liver 2 : RESIDENT

cellar (n)

1a : a room or set of rooms below the ground floor of a building : basement There's storage space in the cellar. b(1) : a room for storing wines : wine cellar (2) : a stock of wines a restaurant with an impressive cellar 2 : the lowest grade or rank especially : the lowest place in the standings (as of an athletic league) The team spent most of last year in the cellar.

minnow (n)

1a : a small cyprinid, killifish, or topminnow b : any of various small fish that are less than a designated size and are not game fish 2 : a live or artificial minnow used as bait

spark (n)

1a : a small particle of a burning substance thrown out by a body in combustion or remaining when combustion is nearly completed b : a hot glowing particle struck from a larger mass especially : one heated by friction 2a : a luminous disruptive electrical discharge of very short duration between two conductors separated by a gas (such as air) b : the discharge in a spark plug c : the mechanism controlling the discharge in a spark plug 3 : SPARKLE, FLASH 4 : something that sets off a sudden force provided the spark that helped the team to rally 5 : a latent particle capable of growth or developing : GERM still retains a spark of decency 6 sparks plural in form but singular in construction : a radio operator on a ship

lady (n)

1a : a woman having proprietary rights or authority especially as a feudal superior b : a woman receiving the homage or devotion of a knight or lover 2 capitalized : VIRGIN MARY —usually used with Our 3a : a woman of superior social position b : a woman of refinement and gentle manners c : WOMAN, FEMALE —often used in a courteous reference show the lady to a seat or usually in the plural in address ladies and gentlemen 4a : WIFE b : GIRLFRIEND, MISTRESS 5a : any of various titled women in Great Britain —used as the customary title of (1) a marchioness, countess, viscountess, or baroness or (2) the wife of a knight, baronet, member of the peerage, or one having the courtesy title of lord and used as a courtesy title for the daughter of a duke, marquess, or earl b : a woman who is a member of an order of knighthood — compare DAME

conundrum (n)

1a : an intricate and difficult problem He is faced with the conundrum of trying to find a job without having experience. b : a question or problem having only a conjectural answer ... the political conundrums involved, particularly the problem of how the richer areas ... can be made to subsidize the poorer. — Douglass Cater 2 : a riddle whose answer is or involves a pun (as in Why didn't the lost hikers starve in the desert? Because of the sand which is there.)

hydrogen bomb (n)

: a bomb whose violent explosive power is due to the sudden release of atomic energy resulting from the fusion of light nuclei (as of hydrogen atoms) at very high temperature and pressure to form helium nuclei

mouthful (n)

1a : as much as a mouth will hold b : the quantity usually taken into the mouth at one time 2 : a small quantity 3a : a very long word or phrase b : a comment or a statement rich in meaning or substance

prosaic (adj)

1a : characteristic of prose as distinguished from poetry : FACTUAL b : DULL, UNIMAGINATIVE prosaic advice 2 : EVERYDAY, ORDINARY heroic characters wasted in prosaic lives — Kirkus Reviews

fulsome (adj)

1a : characterized by abundance : COPIOUS describes in fulsome detail — G. N. Shuster fulsome bird life. The feeder overcrowded — Maxine Kumin b : generous in amount, extent, or spirit the passengers were fulsome in praise of the plane's crew — Don Oliver a fulsome victory for the far left — Bruce Rothwell the greetings have been fulsome, the farewells tender — Simon Gray c : being full and well developed she was in generally fulsome, limpid voice — Thor Eckert, Jr. 2 : aesthetically, morally, or generally offensive fulsome lies and nauseous flattery — William Congreve the devil take thee for a ... fulsome rogue — George Villiers 3 : exceeding the bounds of good taste : OVERDONE the fulsome chromium glitter of the escalators dominating the central hall — Lewis Mumford 4 : excessively complimentary or flattering : EFFUSIVE an admiration whose extent I did not express, lest I be thought fulsome — A. J. Liebling

humanism (n)

1a : devotion to the humanities : literary culture b : the revival of classical letters, individualistic and critical spirit, and emphasis on secular concerns characteristic of the Renaissance 2 : devotion to human welfare : HUMANITARIANISM renowned for his humanism 3 : a doctrine, attitude, or way of life centered on human interests or values especially : a philosophy that usually rejects supernaturalism and stresses an individual's dignity and worth and capacity for self-realization through reason

manna (n)

1a : food miraculously supplied to the Israelites in their journey through the wilderness b : divinely supplied spiritual nourishment c : a usually sudden and unexpected source of gratification, pleasure, or gain 2a : the sweetish dried exudate of a Eurasian ash (especially Fraxinus ornus) that contains mannitol and has been used as a laxative and demulcent b : a similar product excreted by a scale insect (Trabutina mannipara) feeding on the tamarisk

however (adv)

1a : in whatever manner or way shall serve you, sir, truly, however else — William Shakespeare b : to whatever degree or extent couldn't convince him, however hard she tried has done this for however many thousands of years — Emma Hawkridge 2 : in spite of that : on the other hand still seems possible, however, that conditions will improve would like to go; however, I think I'd better not 3 : how in the world however did you manage to do it

limp (adj)

1a : lacking firm texture, substance, or structure limp curtains her hair hung limp about her shoulders b : not stiff or rigid a book in a limp binding 2a : WEARY, EXHAUSTED limp with fatigue b : lacking in strength, vigor, or firmness : SPIRITLESS

sleazy (adj)

1a : lacking firmness of texture : FLIMSY b : carelessly made of inferior materials : SHODDY 2a : marked by low character or quality sleazy tabloids b : SQUALID, DILAPIDATED sleazy barssleazier; sleaziest

legitimate (adj)

1a : lawfully begotten specifically : born in wedlock b : having full filial rights and obligations by birth a legitimate child 2 : being exactly as purposed : neither spurious nor false a legitimate grievance a legitimate practitioner 3a : accordant with law or with established legal forms and requirements a legitimate government b : ruling by or based on the strict principle of hereditary right a legitimate king 4 : conforming to recognized principles or accepted rules and standards a legitimate advertising expenditure a legitimate inference 5 : relating to plays acted by professional actors but not including revues, burlesque, or some forms of musical comedy the legitimate theater

dapper (adj)

1a : neat and trim in appearance looked very dapper in their uniforms b : very spruce and stylish a dapper new suit 2 : alert and lively in movement and manners a dapper old gentleman

aqueous (adj)

1a : of, relating to, or resembling water b : made from, with, or by water an aqueous solution 2 medical : of or relating to the aqueous humor

effective (adj)

1a : producing a decided, decisive, or desired effect an effective policy b : IMPRESSIVE, STRIKING a gold lamé fabric studded with effective ... precious stones —Stanley Marcus 2 : being in effect : OPERATIVE the tax becomes effective next year 3 : ACTUAL the need to increase effective demand for goods 4 : ready for service or action effective manpower 5 of a rate of interest : equal to the rate of simple interest that yields the same amount when the interest is paid once at the end of the interest period as a quoted rate of interest does when calculated at compound interest over the same period — compare NOMINAL sense 4

basal (adj)

1a : relating to, situated at, or forming the base b : arising from the base of a stem basal leaves 2a : of or relating to the foundation, base, or essence : FUNDAMENTAL b : of, relating to, or being essential for maintaining the fundamental vital activities of an organism : MINIMAL a basal diet c : used for teaching beginners basal readers

clever (adj)

1a : skillful or adroit in using the hands or body : NIMBLE clever fingers b : mentally quick and resourceful a clever young lawyer 2 : marked by wit or ingenuity a clever solution a clever idea the play's clever dialogue 3 dialect a : GOOD b : easy to use or handle

mise-en-scéne (n)

1a : the arrangement of actors and scenery on a stage for a theatrical production b : stage setting 2a : the physical setting of an action (as of a narrative or a motion picture) : CONTEXT this ordinary house that became the mise-en-scène of an extraordinary drama — E. M. Lustgarten b : ENVIRONMENT, MILIEU enjoyed the mise-en-scène of suburban Miami

health (n)

1a : the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit She is the picture of health. especially : freedom from physical disease or pain nursed them back to health b : the general condition of the body How is your mother's health? in poor health enjoys good health 2a : a condition in which someone or something is thriving or doing well : WELL-BEING defending the health of the beloved oceans — Peter Wilkinson b : general condition or state poor economic health 3 : a toast to someone's health or prosperity

déjà vu (n)

1a : the illusion of remembering scenes and events when experienced for the first time b : a feeling that one has seen or heard something before Despite a blond, swept-back mane all his own, Fonda looks startlingly like his father, Henry ... . He even moves like his father, only dispelling the eerie feeling of déjà vu when he opens his mouth. —Peter Biskind 2 : something overly or unpleasantly familiar The team's poor start to the season was déjà vu for its long-suffering fans.

multiplicity (n)

1a : the quality or state of being multiple or various b : the number of components in a system (such as a multiplet or a group of energy levels) 2 : a great number 3 : the number of times a root of an equation or zero of a function occurs when there is more than one root or zero the multiplicity of x = 2 for the equation (x − 2)3 = 0 is 3

crisis (n)

1a : the turning point for better or worse in an acute disease or fever b : a paroxysmal attack of pain, distress, or disordered function c : an emotionally significant event or radical change of status in a person's life a midlife crisis 2 : the decisive moment (as in a literary plot) The crisis of the play occurs in Act 3. 3a : an unstable or crucial time or state of affairs in which a decisive change is impending especially : one with the distinct possibility of a highly undesirable outcome a financial crisis the nation's energy crisis b : a situation that has reached a critical phase the environmental crisis the unemployment crisis crises

counter (v)

1a : to act in opposition to : OPPOSE b : OFFSET, NULLIFY tried to counter the trend toward depersonalization 2 : to assert in answer We countered that our warnings had been ignored. intransitive verb : to meet attacks or arguments with defensive or retaliatory steps countered; countering

concentrate (v)

1a : to bring or direct toward a common center or objective : FOCUS concentrate one's efforts The lenses concentrate sunlight. b : to gather into one body, mass, or force Power was concentrated in a few able hands. concentrate the energy of a sound wave c : to accumulate (a toxic substance) in bodily tissues Fish concentrate mercury. 2a : to make less dilute concentrate syrup b : to express or exhibit in condensed form intransitive verb 1 : to draw toward or meet in a common center 2 : GATHER, COLLECT Cuban immigrants who concentrate in Florida 3 : to focus one's powers, efforts, or attention concentrate on a problem Farmers are concentrating on the wheat harvest. concentrated; concentrating

proclaim (v)

1a : to declare publicly, typically insistently, proudly, or defiantly and in either speech or writing : ANNOUNCE b : to give outward indication of : SHOW his manner proclaimed his genteel upbringing 2 : to declare or declare to be solemnly, officially, or formally proclaim an amnesty proclaim the country a republic 3 : to praise or glorify openly or publicly : EXTOL proclaimed the rescue workers' efforts proclaimed; proclaiming; proclaims

discern (v)

1a : to detect with the eyes discerned a figure approaching through the fog b : to detect with senses other than vision discerned a strange odor 2 : to recognize or identify as separate and distinct : DISCRIMINATE discern right from wrong 3 : to come to know or recognize mentally unable to discern his motives : to see or understand the difference

rest (v)

1a : to get rest by lying down especially : SLEEP b : to lie dead 2 : to cease from action or motion : refrain from labor or exertion 3 : to be free from anxiety or disturbance 4 : to sit or lie fixed or supported a column rests on its pedestal 5a : to remain confident : TRUST cannot rest on that assumption b : to be based or founded the verdict rested on several sound precedents 6 : to remain for action or accomplishment the answer rests with you 7 of farmland : to remain idle or uncropped 8 : to bring to an end voluntarily the introduction of evidence in a law case transitive verb 1 : to give rest to 2 : to set at rest 3 : to place on or against a support 4 : to cause to be firmly fixed rested all hope in his child 5 : to desist voluntarily from presenting evidence pertinent to (a case at law) rested; resting; rests

return (v)

1a : to go back or come back again return home b : to go back in thought, practice, or condition : REVERT 2 : to pass back to an earlier possessor 3 : REPLY, RETORT transitive verb 1a : to give (something, such as an official account) to a superior b British : to elect (a candidate) as attested by official report or returns c : to bring back (something, such as a writ or verdict) to an office or tribunal 2a : to bring, send, or put back to a former or proper place b : to restore to a former or to a normal state 3a : to send back : VISIT —usually used with on or upon b obsolete : RETORT 4 : to bring in (profit) : YIELD 5a : to give or perform in return : REPAY return a compliment also : to respond to in kind returned his calls b : to give back to the owner c : REFLECT return an echo 6 : to cause (something, such as a wall) to continue in a different direction (as at a right angle) 7 : to lead (a specified suit or specified card of a suit) in response to a partner's earlier lead 8a : to hit back (a ball or shuttlecock) b : to run with (a football) after a change of possession (as by a punt or a fumble) returned; returning; returns

lurk (v)

1a : to lie in wait in a place of concealment especially for an evil purpose someone out there lurking in the shadows b : to move furtively or inconspicuously shall I lurk about this country like a thief? — Henry Fielding c : to persist in staying the excitement of the first act still lurking in the air — Richard Fletcher Something about the smile lurking on Malfoy's face during the next week made Harry, Ron, and Hermione very nervous. — J. K. Rowling 2a : to be concealed but capable of being discovered specifically : to constitute a latent threat What evil lurks in the hearts of men? b : to lie hidden Malaria lurked in the marshes. 3 : to read messages without contributing on an Internet discussion forum (see FORUM sense 1c) (such as a newsgroup or chat room) or social media platform (such as Facebook or Twitter) You can tweet as much as you want or lurk without comment, though consistent tweeting and audience engagement are key to attracting and keeping followers. — Charlotte Abbott lurked; lurking; lurks

slip (v)

1a : to move with a smooth sliding motion b : to move quietly and cautiously : STEAL c : ELAPSE, PASS 2a(1) : to escape from memory or consciousness (2) : to become uttered through inadvertence b : to pass quickly or easily away : become lost let an opportunity slip 3 : to fall into error or fault : LAPSE 4a : to slide out of place or away from a support or one's grasp b : to slide on or down a slippery surface slip on the stairs c : to flow smoothly 5 : to get speedily into or out of clothing slipped into his coat 6 : to fall off from a standard or accustomed level by degrees : DECLINE 7 : SIDESLIP transitive verb 1 : to cause to move easily and smoothly : SLIDE 2a : to get away from : ELUDE, EVADE slipped his pursuers b : to free oneself from the dog slipped its collar c : to escape from (one's memory or notice) their names slip my mind 3 : SHED, CAST the snake slipped its skin 4 : to put on (a garment) quickly —usually used with on slip on a coat 5a : to let loose from a restraining leash or grasp b : to cause to slip open : RELEASE, UNDO slip a lock c : to let go of d : to disengage from (an anchor) instead of hauling 6a : to insert, place, or pass quietly or secretly b : to give or pay on the sly 7 : SLINK, ABORT 8 : DISLOCATE slipped his shoulder 9 : to transfer (a stitch) from one needle to another without working a stitch 10 : to avoid (a punch) by moving the body or head quickly to one side slipped; slipping

hang up (v)

1a : to place on a hook or hanger designed for the purpose hang up your coat b : to replace (a telephone receiver) on the cradle so that the connection is broken 2 : to keep delayed, suspended, or held up 3 : to cause to stick or snag immovably the ship was hung up on a sandbar 1 : to break a telephone connection 2 : to become stuck or snagged so as to be immovable

alert (adj)

1a : watchful and prompt to meet danger or emergency an alert guard trying to stay alert to possible problems b : quick to perceive and act mentally alert 2 : ACTIVE, BRISK elicited an alert response

slipshod (adj)

1a : wearing loose shoes or slippers b : down at the heel : SHABBY 2 : CARELESS, SLOVENLY

fruitful (adj)

1a : yielding or producing fruit fruitful soil b : conducive to an abundant yield fruitful rain 2 : abundantly productive a fruitful discussion a fruitful career

may (verbal auxiliary)

1a archaic : have the ability to b : have permission to you may go now : be free to a rug on which children may sprawl — C. E. Silberman —used nearly interchangeably with can c —used to indicate possibility or probability you may be right things you may need —sometimes used interchangeably with can one of those slipups that may happen from time to time — Jessica Mitford —sometimes used where might would be expected you may think from a little distance that the country was solid woods — Robert Frost 2 —used in auxiliary function to express a wish or desire especially in prayer, imprecation, or benediction may the best man win 3 —used in auxiliary function expressing purpose or expectation I laugh that I may not weep or contingency she'll do her duty come what may or concession he may be slow but he is thorough or choice the angler may catch them with a dip net, or he may cast a large, bare treble hook — Nelson Bryant 4 : SHALL, MUST —used in law where the sense, purpose, or policy requires this interpretation might may

mansion (n)

1a obsolete : the act of remaining or dwelling : STAY b archaic : DWELLING, ABODE 2a(1) : MANOR HOUSE (2) : a large imposing residence b : a separate apartment or lodging in a large structure 3a : HOUSE sense 3b b : one of the 28 parts into which the moon's monthly course through the heavens is divided

prime (n)

1a often capitalized : the second of the canonical hours b : the first hour of the day usually considered either as 6 a.m. or the hour of sunrise 2a : the earliest stage b : SPRING c : YOUTH 3 : the most active, thriving, or satisfying stage or period in the prime of his life 4 : the chief or best individual or part : PICK prime of the flock, and choicest of the stall — Alexander Pope 5 : PRIME NUMBER 6a : the first note or tone of a musical scale : TONIC b : the interval between two notes on the same staff degree 7 : the symbol ′ used to distinguish arbitrary characters (such as a and a′), to indicate a specific unit (such as feet or minutes of time or angular measure), or to indicate the derivative of a function (such as p′ or f′(x)) — compare DOUBLE PRIME 8 : PRIME RATE

divagate (v)

: to wander or stray from a course or subject : diverge, digress

hand (n)

1a(1) : the terminal part of the vertebrate forelimb when modified (as in humans) as a grasping organ : the body part at the end of the arm of a human, ape, or monkey holding a pair of scissors in his hand She put her hands over her eyes. (2) : the forelimb segment (such as the terminal section of a bird's wing) of a vertebrate higher than the fishes that corresponds to the hand irrespective of its form or functional specialization b: a part serving the function of or resembling a hand: such as (1) : the hind foot of an ape (2) : the chela of a crustacean c: something resembling a hand: such as (1) : an indicator or pointer on a dial the hands of a clock (2) : a character ☞ used to direct particular attention (as to a note or paragraph) : FIST, INDEX (3) : a cluster of bananas developed from a single flower group (4) : a branched rootstock of ginger (5) : a bunch of large leaves (as of tobacco) tied together usually with another leaf 2a : personal possession —usually used in plural the documents fell into the hands of the enemy b : CONTROL, SUPERVISION —usually used in plural left the matter in her hands 3a : SIDE, DIRECTION men fighting on either hand b : one of two sides or aspects of an issue or argument on the one hand we can appeal for peace, and on the other, declare war 4 : a pledge especially of betrothal or bestowal in marriage He asked for her hand in marriage. 5a : style of penmanship : HANDWRITING wrote in a fancy hand b : SIGNATURE 6a : SKILL, ABILITY tried her hand at sailing b : an instrumental part had a hand in the victory 7 : a unit of measure equal to 4 inches (10.2 centimeters) used especially for the height of horses a horse that is 15 hands high 8a : assistance or aid especially involving physical effort lend a hand b : PARTICIPATION, INTEREST had no hand in the decision c : a round of applause Let's give them a big hand. 9a(1) : a player in a card game or board game (2) : the cards or pieces held by a player studied her hand b : a single round in a game lost the first hand but won the next two c : the force or solidity of one's position (as in negotiations) trying to strengthen their hand 10a : a person who performs or executes a particular work two portraits by the same hand b(1) : a person employed at manual labor or general tasks a ranch hand (2) : WORKER, EMPLOYEE employed over a hundred hands c : a member of a ship's crew all hands on deck d : a person skilled in a particular action or pursuit a great hand at carpentry e : a specialist or veteran in a usually designated activity or region a Latin America hand 11a : HANDIWORK, DOINGS the hand of vandals b : style of execution : WORKMANSHIP the hand of a master c : the feel of or tactile reaction to something (such as silk or leather) 12 : a punch made with a specified hand knocked him out with a good right hand

eximious (adj)


menstruation (n)

: a cyclical discharging of blood, secretions, and tissue debris from the uterus that recurs in nonpregnant breeding-age primate females at approximately monthly intervals and that is considered to represent a readjustment of the uterus to the nonpregnant state following proliferative changes accompanying the preceding ovulation also : PERIOD sense 6c

war dance (n)

: a dance performed (as by American Indians) in preparation for battle or in celebration of victory

casting vote (n)

: a deciding vote cast by a presiding officer to break a tie

apologia (n)

: a defense especially of one's opinions, position, or actions the finest apologia or explanation of what drives a man to devote his life to pure mathematics — British Book News

self-immolation (n)

: a deliberate and willing sacrifice of oneself often by fire

multiple sclerosis (n)

: a demyelinating disease marked by patches of hardened tissue in the brain or the spinal cord and associated especially with partial or complete paralysis and jerking muscle tremor

Méniére's disease (n)

: a disorder of the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear that is marked by recurrent attacks of dizziness, tinnitus, and hearing loss Ménière's syndrome

marina (n)

: a dock or basin providing secure moorings for pleasure boats and often offering supply, repair, and other facilities

merlot (n)

: a dry red wine made from a widely grown grape originally used in the Bordeaux region of France for blending also : the grape itself

Androcles (n)

: a fabled Roman slave spared in the arena by a lion from whose foot he had years before extracted a thorn

pump fake (n)

: a fake in which a player simulates throwing a pass (as in football) or taking a shot (as in basketball)

angst (n)

: a feeling of anxiety, apprehension, or insecurity teenage angst

long-term potentiation (n)

: a long-lasting strengthening of the response of a postsynaptic nerve cell to stimulation across the synapse that occurs with repeated stimulation and is thought to be related to learning and long-term memory —abbreviation LTP

supermajority (n)

: a majority (such as two-thirds or three-fifths) that is greater than a simple majority treaty ratification requires a supermajority Furthermore, it is about even money that soon after Congress convenes in January it will ... approve a constitutional amendment to require supermajorities (three-fifths) in both houses of Congress to approve deficit spending. — George F. Will The company, for instance, has a supermajority clause in its articles of incorporation; 80% of the shareholders must approve any sale or merger. — Joshua Hyatt supermajorities

marriage of convenience (phrase)

: a marriage contracted for social, political, or economic advantage rather than for mutual affection broadly : a union or cooperation formed solely for pragmatic reasons

hematoma (n)

: a mass of usually clotted blood that forms in a tissue, organ, or body space as a result of a broken blood vessel hematomas hematomata

linear programming (n)

: a mathematical method of solving practical problems (such as the allocation of resources) by means of linear functions where the variables involved are subject to constraints

mufti (n)

: a professional jurist who interprets Muslim law : ordinary dress as distinguished from that denoting an occupation or station a priest in mufti especially : civilian clothes when worn by a person in the armed forces

Rorschach test (n)

: a projective psychological test that uses a subject's interpretation of 10 standard black or colored inkblot designs to assess personality traits and emotional tendencies

arcadia (n)

: a region or scene of simple pleasure and quiet 1 city in southwestern California east-northeast of Los Angeles population 56,364 2 mountainous region of southern Greece in the central part of the Peloponnese see also ARCADIAN

resurgence (n)

: a rising again into life, activity, or prominence a resurgence of interest

pub crawl (n)

: a round of visits to a number of bars in succession

behaviorism (n)

: a school of psychology that takes the objective evidence of behavior (such as measured responses to stimuli) as the only concern of its research and the only basis of its theory without reference to conscious experience — compare INTROSPECTIONISM

Procrustes (n)

: a villainous son of Poseidon in Greek mythology who forces travelers to fit into his bed by stretching their bodies or cutting off their legs

house call (n)

: a visit (as by a doctor or a repair person) to a home to provide a requested service

sommelier (n)

: a waiter in a restaurant who has charge of wines and their service : a wine steward

archway (n)

: a way or passage under an arch also : an arch over a passage

mason jar (n)

: a widemouthed jar used especially for home canning

man-about-town (n)

: a worldly and socially active man men-about-town

losel (n)

: a worthless person

missive (n)

: a written communication : LETTER wrote a lengthy missive to her father

make-or-break (adj)

: allowing no middle ground between success and failure

disaffected (adj)

: discontented and resentful especially against authority : REBELLIOUS disaffected youth

multiplayer (adj)

: involving or intended for more than one player a multiplayer trade/deal in baseball a card game with solitaire and multiplayer rules often : involving or allowing simultaneous play by more than one player through a shared interface Since the multiplayer game World of Warcraft debuted in 2004, gamers have spent more than 50 billion hours guiding their role-playing avatars through its mythical virtual worlds. — Discover While both are meant for multiplayer combat, the AI in single-player mode can provide you with dangerously smart foes. — Newsweek Buy if: you want fast-paced multiplayer fun that's tense as heck. — Jimmy Donnellan

bells and whistles (n)

: items or features that are useful or decorative but not essential : FRILLS

matte (adj)

: lacking or deprived of luster (see LUSTER entry 2 sense 1) or gloss: such as a : having a usually smooth even surface free from shine or highlights matte metals a matte finish b : having a rough or granular (see GRANULAR sense 1) surface mat or matt

doublespeak (n)

: language used to deceive usually through concealment or misrepresentation of truth also : GOBBLEDYGOOK

loan (v)

: lend loaned; loaning; loans

lava (n)

: molten rock that issues from a volcano or from a fissure in the surface of a planet (such as earth) or moon also : such rock that has cooled and hardened

morale (n)

: moral principles, teachings, or conduct 2a : the mental and emotional condition (as of enthusiasm, confidence, or loyalty) of an individual or group with regard to the function or tasks at hand The team's morale is high. b : a sense of common purpose with respect to a group : ESPRIT DE CORPS The ship's morale improved after two days of shore leave. 3 : the level of individual psychological well-being based on such factors as a sense of purpose and confidence in the future The failure of his play did not affect his morale.

Spenglerian (adj)

: of or relating to the theory of world history developed by Oswald Spengler which holds that all major cultures undergo similar cyclical developments from birth to maturity to decay

rotisserie (adj)

: of, relating to, or being a sports league consisting of imaginary teams whose performance is based on the statistics of actual players a rotisserie baseball league

cathectic (adj)

: of, relating to, or invested with mental or emotional energy

hyperbolic (adj)

: of, relating to, or marked by language that exaggerates or overstates the truth : of, relating to, or marked by hyperbole hyperbolic claims 1 geometry : of, relating to, or being like a curve that is formed by the intersection of a double right circular cone with a plane that cuts both halves of the cone : of, relating to, or being analogous to a hyperbola 2 : of, relating to, or being a space in which more than one line parallel to a given line passes through a point hyperbolic geometry

millisecond (n)

: one thousandth of a second

menu-driven (adj)

: relating to or being a computer program in which options are offered to the user via menus

meromorphic (adj)

: relating to or being a function of a complex variable that is analytic everywhere in a region except for singularities at each of which infinity is the limit and each of which is contained in a neighborhood where the function is analytic except for the singular point itself

aloof (adj)

: removed or distant either physically or emotionally an aloof, unfriendly manner He stood aloof from worldly success. — John Buchan

rigorism (n)

: rigidity in principle or practice rigorist \ˈri-gə-rist \ noun or adjective rigoristic \ˌri-gə-ˈri-stik \ adjective

presence of mind (phrase)

: self-control so maintained in an emergency or in an embarrassing situation that one can say or do the right thing

redeeming (adj)

: serving to offset or compensate for a defect her performance is the film's redeeming feature

anomie (n)

: social instability resulting from a breakdown of standards and values The reforms of a ruined economy, under these conditions, brought about social anomie, desperation and poverty rather than relief and prosperity. — T. Mastnak also : personal unrest, alienation, and uncertainty that comes from a lack of purpose or ideals In the face of these prevailing values, many workers experience a kind of anomie. Their jobs become empty, meaningless, and intrinsically unsatisfying. — Robert Straus

preset (n)

: something (such as a radio station) preprogrammed into a device

lead-in (n)

: something (such as a television show or segment) that leads into something else a lead-in to the commercial

catchall (n)

: something that holds or includes odds and ends or a wide variety of things a catchall tray dyspepsia is a catchall term for stomach discomfort

must-have (n)

: something that is essential to have or obtain

all-purpose (adj)

: suited for many purposes or uses

mechanical advantage (n)

: the advantage gained by the use of a mechanism in transmitting force specifically : the ratio of the force that performs the useful work of a machine to the force that is applied to the machine

surroundings (n)

: the circumstances, conditions, or objects by which one is surrounded : ENVIRONMENT

centripetal force (n)

: the force that is necessary to keep an object moving in a curved path and that is directed inward toward the center of rotation a string on the end of which a stone is whirled about exerts centripetal force on the stone — compare CENTRIFUGAL FORCE

cause of action (noun phrase)

: the grounds (such as violation of a right) that entitle a plaintiff to bring a suit

haute couture (n)

: the houses or designers that create exclusive and often trend-setting fashions for women also : the fashions created

lede (n)

: the introductory section of a news story that is intended to entice the reader to read the full story

major premise (n)

: the premise of a syllogism containing the major term

biopsy (n)

: the removal and examination of tissue, cells, or fluids from the living body

power up (v)

: to cause to operate power up the computer

regroup (v)

: to form into a new grouping regroup military forces intransitive verb 1 : to reorganize (as after a setback) for renewed activity 2 : to alter the tactical formation of a military force regrouped; regrouping; regroups

rescue (v)

: to free from confinement, danger, or evil : SAVE, DELIVER: such as a : to take (someone, such as a prisoner) forcibly from custody b : to recover (something, such as a prize) by force c : to deliver (a place under siege) by armed force rescued; rescuing

repurpose (v)

: to give a new purpose or use to repurpose the company's website repurpose the archived material repurposed; repurposing; repurposes

hyperbolize (v)

: to indulge in hyperbole : to exaggerate to a hyperbolic degree hyperbolized; hyperbolizing

mislead (v)

: to lead in a wrong direction or into a mistaken action or belief often by deliberate deceit His comments were a deliberate attempt to mislead the public. : to lead astray : give a wrong impression exciting as they are, they mislead — E. M. Forster misled,misleading

muck up (v)

: to make a mess of : BUNGLE, SPOIL

lengthen (v)

: to make longer : to grow longer lengthened; lengthening

modernize (v)

: to make modern (as in taste, style, or usage) : to adopt modern ways modernized; modernizing

laugh off (v)

: to minimize by treating as amusingly or absurdly trivial

hurtle (v)

: to move rapidly or forcefully : HURL, FLING hurtled; hurtling

move in (v)

: to occupy a dwelling or place of work move in on : to make advances or aggressive movements toward

prate (v)

: to talk long and idly : CHATTER prated; prating

gist (n)

I get the gist of it. 1 : the ground (see 1ground 2a) of a legal action 2 : the main point or part : essence the gist of an argument

listen (v)

a better listener. listened; listening play \ˈlis-niŋ, ˈli-sᵊn-iŋ\ transitive verb archaic : to give ear to : hear intransitive verb 1 : to pay attention to sound listen to music 2 : to hear something with thoughtful attention : give consideration listen to a plea 3 : to be alert to catch an expected sound listen for his step — listener

binarism (n)

a binaristic method. a mode of thought predicated on stable oppositions (such as good and evil or male and female) that is seen in post-structuralist analysis as an inadequate approach to areas of difference; also : a specific dichotomy subscribed to or reinforced in such thought the binarism of West and East

holistic (adj)

a holistic approach. 1 : of or relating to holism 2 : relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts holistic medicine attempts to treat both the mind and the body holistic ecology views humans and the environment as a single system — holistically

deep ecology (n)

a movement or a body of concepts that considers humans no more important than other species and that advocates a corresponding radical readjustment of the relationships between humans and nature — deep ecologist noun

bungalow (n)

a one-storied house with a low-pitched roof; also : a house having one and a half stories and usually a front porch

peregrine (adj)

a peregrine mind. having a tendency to wander

brush-off (n)

a quietly curt or disdainful dismissal

obstinate (adj)

a stubborn, obstinate negotiator. 1 : stubbornly adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion obstinate resistance to change 2 : not easily subdued, remedied, or removed obstinate fever — obstinately adverb — obstinateness noun

peripeteia (n)

a sudden or unexpected reversal of circumstances or situation especially in a literary work

gold rush (n)

a technological gold rush. 1 : a rush to newly discovered goldfields in pursuit of riches 2 : the headlong pursuit of sudden wealth in a new or lucrative field — gold rusher noun

laconic (adj)

a terse & laconic response. using or involving the use of a minimum of words : concise to the point of seeming rude or mysterious — laconically

Godel's theorem (n)

a theorem in advanced logic: in any logical system as complex as or more complex than the arithmetic of the integers there can always be found either a statement which can be shown to be both true and false or a statement whose truth or falsity cannot be deduced from other statements in the system — called also Godel's incompleteness theorem

acceleration principle (n)

a theory in economics: an increase or decrease in income induces a corresponding but magnified change in investment

negotiate (v)

carefully negotiating. : to confer with another so as to arrive at the settlement of some matter Teachers are negotiating for higher salaries. transitive verb 1a : to deal with (some matter or affair that requires ability for its successful handling) : MANAGE negotiated his business deals with remarkable skill b : to arrange for or bring about through conference, discussion, and compromise negotiate a treaty 2a : to transfer (something, such as a bill of exchange) to another by delivery or endorsement (see ENDORSE sense 1d) b : to convert into cash or the equivalent value negotiate a check 3a : to successfully travel along or over negotiate a turn b : COMPLETE, ACCOMPLISH negotiate the trip in two hours

cash in (v)

cashing in on... transitive verb : to obtain cash for cashed in the bonds intransitive verb 1 a : to retire from a gambling game b : to settle accounts and withdraw from an involvement (such as a business deal) 2 : to obtain advantage or financial profit —often used with on cash in on a best seller

chide (v)

chided for (careless errors). chid chided; chid or chidden or chided; chiding intransitive verb : to speak out in angry or displeased rebuke is quick to chide against the mayor for his negligence transitive verb : to voice disapproval to : reproach in a usually mild and constructive manner : scold She chided us for arriving late.

ratiocination (n)

contiguous ratiocination. 1 : the process of exact thinking : reasoning 2 : a reasoned train of thought — ratiocinative

instability (n)

emotional instability. the quality or state of being unstable; especially : lack of emotional or mental stability

power (n)

gain power. 1a(1) : ability to act or produce an effect (2) : ability to get extra-base hits (3) : capacity for being acted upon or undergoing an effect b : legal or official authority, capacity, or right 2a : possession of control, authority, or influence over others b : one having such power specifically : a sovereign state c : a controlling group : ESTABLISHMENT —often used in the phrase the powers that be d archaic : a force of armed men e chiefly dialectal : a large number or quantity 3a : physical might b : mental or moral efficacy c : political control or influence 4 powers plural : an order of angels — see CELESTIAL HIERARCHY 5a : the number of times as indicated by an exponent that a number occurs as a factor in a product 5 to the third power is 125 also : the product itself 8 is a power of 2 b : CARDINAL NUMBER sense 2 6a : a source or means of supplying energy especially : ELECTRICITY b : MOTIVE POWER c : the time rate at which work is done or energy emitted or transferred 7 : MAGNIFICATION sense 2b 8 : SCOPE entry 1 sense 3 9 : the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis in a statistical test when a particular alternative hypothesis happens to be true

garbage (n)

garbage data. 1 a : food waste b : discarded or useless material 2 a : trash 1b b : inaccurate or useless data

ghost (n)

ghost of christmas past. 1 : the seat of life or intelligence : SOUL give up the ghost 2 : a disembodied soul especially : the soul of a dead person believed to be an inhabitant of the unseen world or to appear to the living in bodily likeness 3 : SPIRIT, DEMON 4a : a faint shadowy trace a ghost of a smile b : the least bit not a ghost of a chance 5 : a false image in a photographic negative or on a television screen caused especially by reflection 6 : one who ghostwrites 7 : a red blood cell that has lost its hemoglobin

hold (v)

hold on to... 1a : to have possession or ownership of or have at one's disposal holds property worth millions the bank holds the title to the car b : to have as a privilege or position of responsibility hold a professorship c : to have as a mark of distinction holds the record for the 100-yard dash holds a PhD 2 : to keep under restraint hold price increases to a minimum : such as a : to prevent free expression of hold your temper b : to prevent from some action ordered the troops to hold fire the only restraining motive which may hold the hand of a tyrant —Thomas Jefferson c : to keep back from use ask them to hold a room for us I'll have a hot dog, and hold the mustard d : to delay temporarily the handling of please hold all my calls 3 : to make liable or accountable or bound to an obligation I'll hold you to your promise 4a : to have or maintain in the grasp hold my hand this is how you hold the racket also : AIM, POINT held a gun on them b : to support in a particular position or keep from falling or moving hold me up so I can see hold the ladder steady a clamp holds the whole thing together hold your head up c : to bear the pressure of : SUPPORT can the roof hold all of that weight 5 : to prevent from leaving or getting away hold the train : such as a : to avoid emitting or letting out how long can you hold your breath b : to restrain as or as if a captive the suspect was held without bail held them at gunpoint also : to have strong appeal to the book held my interest throughout 6a : to enclose and keep in a container or within bounds : CONTAIN the jug holds one gallon this corral will not hold all of the horses b : to be able to consume easily or without undue effect can't hold any more pie especially : to be able to drink (alcoholic beverages) without becoming noticeably drunk can't hold your liquor c : ACCOMMODATE the restaurant holds 400 diners d : to have as a principal or essential feature or attribute the book holds a number of surprises also : to have in store no one knows what the future holds 7a : to have in the mind or express as a judgment, opinion, or belief I hold the view that this is wrong hold a grudge holding that it is nobody's business but his —Jack Olsen —often used with against in America they hold everything you say against you —Paul McCartney b : to think of in a particular way : REGARD were held in high esteem 8a : to assemble for and carry on the activity of held a convention b : to cause to be carried on : CONDUCT will hold a seminar c : to produce or sponsor especially as a public exhibition will hold an art show 9a : to maintain occupation, control, or defense of the troops held the ridge also : to resist the offensive efforts or advance of held the opposing team to just two points b : to maintain (a certain condition, situation, or course of action) without change hold a course due east 10 : to cover (a part of the body) with one or both hands(as for protection or comfort) held his knee after the fall especially : to cover (the ears) to prevent hearing held her ears when the train went by intransitive verb 1a : to maintain position : refuse to give ground the defensive line is holding b : to continue in the same way or to the same degree : LAST hopes the weather will hold —often used with up 2 : to derive right or title —often used with of or from lands held of the Crown 3 : to be or remain valid : APPLY the rule holds in most cases —often used in the phrase hold true 4 : to maintain a grasp on something : remain fastened to something the anchor held in the rough sea 5 : to go ahead as one has been going held south for several miles 6 : to bear or carry oneself asked him to hold still 7 : to forbear an intended or threatened action : HALT, PAUSE —often used as a command 8 : to stop counting during a countdown 9 slang : to have illicit drug material in one's possession hold a brief for : ADVOCATE, DEFEND —usually used in negative constructions I hold no brief for cartels and market allocations —J. D. Upham hold a candle to : to qualify for comparison with doesn't hold a candle to what she has suffered hold court : to be the center of attention among friends or admirers hold forth : to speak at length : EXPATIATE holding forth on the subject of politics hold hands : to engage one's hand with another's especially as an expression of affection hold one's breath 1 : to prevent oneself from breathing temporarily 2 : to wait in anxious anticipation hold one's horses : to slow down or stop for a moment —usually used in the imperative hold one's own : to maintain one's position : prove equal to opposition prove I can hold my own with the best of them hold one's tongue or hold one's peace : to keep silent : keep one's thoughts to oneself hold sway : to have a dominant influence : RULE hold the bag 1 : to be left empty-handed 2 : to bear alone a responsibility that should have been shared by others She was left holding the bag for their mistakes. hold the fort 1 : to maintain a firm position 2 : to take care of usual affairs is holding the fort until the manager returns hold the line : to maintain the current position or situation hold the line on prices hold to : to give firm assent to : adhere to strongly holds to his promise hold to account : to hold responsible hold water : to stand up under criticism or analysis Their version of events doesn't hold water. hold with : to agree with or approve of don't hold with violence

grown-up (n)

grown-ups make the decisions. : ADULT

guzzle (v)

guzzling down. : to drink especially liquor greedily, continually, or habitually transitive verb 1 : to drink greedily or habitually guzzle beer 2 : CONSUME, USE UP devices that guzzle electricity

aha moment (n)

had an aha moment. a moment of sudden realization, inspiration, insight, recognition, or comprehension The aha moment you experience when you've been trying to remember the name of a song and three hours later it hits you ... —Jeffrey Kluger

hammer out (v)

hammer out the details. to produce or bring about as if by repeated blows hammered out an agreement

off-putting (adj)

his inflated ego is very off-putting. : that puts one off : REPELLENT, DISCONCERTING an off-putting attitude

honor (v)

honoring an agreement. 1a : to regard or treat (someone) with admiration and respect : to regard or treat with honor b : to give special recognition to : to confer honor on 2a : to live up to or fulfill the terms of honor a commitment b : to accept as payment honor a credit card 3 : to salute with a bow in square dancing

totality (n)

in its totality. 1 : an aggregate amount : sum, whole 2 a : the quality or state of being total : wholeness b : the phase of an eclipse during which it is total : state of total eclipse

influence (n)

influence over... plural influences 1 a : an ethereal fluid held to flow from the stars and to affect the actions of humans b : an emanation of occult power held to derive from stars 2 : an emanation of spiritual or moral force 3 a : the act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command b : corrupt interference with authority for personal gain 4 : the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways : sway 5 : one that exerts influence — under the influence : affected by alcohol or drug intoxication was arrested for driving under the influence

massacre (n)

it was a massacre. 1 : the act or an instance of killing a number of usually helpless or unresisting human beings under circumstances of atrocity or cruelty witnessed the massacre of a boatload of refugees 2 : a cruel or wanton (see WANTON entry 1 sense 1a) murder 3 : a wholesale slaughter of animals Residents engaged in a citywide cat massacre. 4 : an act of complete destruction the author's massacre of traditional federalist presuppositions —R. G. McCloskey the Puritan massacre of statues and pictures —Robert Hughes

magic (adj)

like magic. 1 : of or relating to magic 2 a : having seemingly supernatural qualities or powers b : giving a feeling of enchantment — magical adjective — magically

drag-and-drop (adj)

on a computer : allowing the movement of items (such as icons) by dragging them to a new location a drag-and-drop interface

abandon (n)

reckless abandon. a thorough yielding to natural impulses; especially : enthusiasm, exuberance with reckless abandon

parse (v)

parse out. parsed; parsing transitive verb 1 a : to divide (a sentence) into grammatical parts and identify the parts and their relations to each other b : to describe (a word) grammatically by stating the part of speech and explaining the inflection (see inflection 3a) and syntactical relationships 2 : to examine in a minute way : analyze critically having trouble parsing ... explanations for dwindling market shares —R. S. Anson intransitive verb 1 : to give a grammatical description of a word or a group of words 2 : to admit of being parsed

dove (v)

past tense of DIVE

pedestrian (adj)

pedestrian concern. 1 : commonplace, unimaginative his sentences and phrases are too often pedestrian, commonplace, and flat —The Times Literary Supplement (London) 2 a : going or performed on foot pedestrian traffic a pedestrian tour of the village b : of, relating to, or designed for walking a pedestrian mall a pedestrian bridge

piggyback (v)

piggyback off of... 1 : to carry up on the shoulders and back 2 : to haul (something, such as a truck trailer) by railroad car 3 : to set up or cause to function in conjunction with something larger, more important, or already in existence or operation intransitive verb : to function or be carried on or as if on the back of another

hookey (n)

playing hookey. TRUANT —used chiefly in the phrase play hooky

adieu (n)

plural adieus or adieux play \-ˈdüz, -ˈdyüz\ : farewell a heartfelt adieu bid his teammates adieu —often used interjectionally Adieu, my friends!

fallacy (n)

plural fallacies 1 a : a false or mistaken idea popular fallacies prone to perpetrate the fallacy of equating threat with capability —C. S. Gray b : erroneous character : erroneousness The fallacy of their ideas about medicine soon became apparent. 2 a : deceptive appearance : deception b obsolete : guile, trickery 3 : an often plausible argument using false or invalid inference

modus operandi (n)

plural modi operandi play \ˈmō-ˌdē-, ˈmō-ˌdī-\ : a method of procedure the best approach ... was to do things through quiet persuasion, which was his modus operandi —James Traub especially : a distinct pattern or method of operation that indicates or suggests the work of a single criminal in more than one crime got her picture identified, discovered her modus operandi, and put a stakeout on her neighborhood —Time

go-to (adj)

relied on for expert knowledge or skill the company's go-to guy

gravy (n)

riding a gravy train. 1 : a sauce made from the thickened and seasoned juices of cooked meat 2a : something additional or unexpected that is pleasing or valuable with expenses now paid, future money is pure gravy —K. Crossen b : unearned or illicit gain : GRAFT entry 5

gamut (n)

run the gamut. 1 : the whole series of recognized musical notes 2 : an entire range or series ran the gamut from praise to contempt

schmaltz (n)

schmaltzy tone. 1 : sentimental or florid music or art 2 : SENTIMENTALITY

ambition (n)

strong ambition. 1a : an ardent desire for rank, fame, or power With her talent and fierce ambition, she became a very successful actress. b : desire to achieve a particular end 2 : the object of ambition Her ambition is to start her own business. 3 US : a desire for activity or exertion felt sick and had no ambition

self-deprecation (n)

taking self-deprecation too far. : disparagement or undervaluation of oneself On-camera and off, cheerful self-deprecation is the key to Hugh Grant's formidable charm. —Leah Rozen Comedy is about self-deprecation, about showing vulnerability. —David Moore

laap (n)

variant of LERP

tinge (n)

with a tinge of... 1 : a slight staining or suffusing shade or color 2 : an affective or modifying property or influence : TOUCH a tinge of guilt

hostess (n)

1 : a woman who entertains socially 2a : a woman in charge of a public dining room who seats diners b : a female employee on a public conveyance (such as an airplane) who manages the provisioning of food and attends passengers c : a woman who acts as a partner or companion to male patrons in a dance hall or bar

republic (n)

1a(1) : a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and who in modern times is usually a president (2) : a political unit (such as a nation) having such a form of government b(1) : a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law (2) : a political unit (such as a nation) having such a form of government c : a usually specified republican government of a political unit the French Fourth Republic 2 : a body of persons freely engaged in a specified activity the republic of letters 3 : a constituent political and territorial unit of the former nations of Czechoslovakia, the U.S.S.R., or Yugoslavia

mythomania (n)

: an excessive or abnormal propensity for lying and exaggerating

maddening (adj)

1 : tending to craze 2a : tending to infuriate b : tending to vex : IRRITATING

subconscious (adj)

: existing in the mind but not immediately available to consciousness a subconscious motive

certainly (adv)

1 : in a manner that is certain : with certainty 2 : it is certain that : ASSUREDLY

ligation (n)

1 : an act of ligating 2 : something that binds : LIGATURE

disclosure (n)

1 : the act or an instance of disclosing : exposure 2 : something disclosed : revelation

life force (n)

élan vital

laconism (n)

1 : brevity or terseness of expression or style 2 : a laconic expression

coherent (adj)

1a : logically or aesthetically ordered or integrated : CONSISTENT coherent style a coherent argument b : having clarity or intelligibility : UNDERSTANDABLE a coherent person a coherent passage 2 : having the quality of holding together or cohering especially : COHESIVE, COORDINATED a coherent plan for action 3a : relating to or composed of waves having a constant difference in phase coherent light b : producing coherent light a coherent source

militarism (n)

1a : predominance of the military class or its ideals b : exaltation of military virtues and ideals 2 : a policy of aggressive military preparedness

lionhearted (adj)


arbitration (n)

: the action of arbitrating especially : the hearing and determination of a disputed case by an arbiter a case that is in arbitration They agreed to settle the dispute by arbitration.

middle age (n)

: the period of life from about 45 to about 64

lift (v)

: to raise from a lower to a higher position : elevate b : to raise in rank or condition c : to raise in rate or amount 2 : to put an end to (a blockade or siege) by withdrawing or causing the withdrawal of investing forces 3 : revoke, rescind lift an embargo 4a : steal had her purse lifted b : plagiarize c : to take out of normal setting lift a word out of context 5 : to take up (something, such as a root crop or transplants) from the ground 6 : to pay off (an obligation) lift a mortgage 7 : to move from one place to another (as by aircraft) : transport 8 : to take up (a fingerprint) from a surface 1a : ascend, rise the rocket lifted off b : to appear elevated (as above surrounding objects) 2 of inclement weather : to dissipate and clear lifted; lifting; lifts

methodize (v)

: to reduce to method : SYSTEMATIZE methodized; methodizing

spot-check (v)

: to sample or investigate quickly or at random : to make a spot check spot-checked; spot-checking; spot-checks

revere (v)

: to show devoted deferential honor to : regard as worthy of great honor revere the aged revere tradition revered; revering

dine (v)

: to take dinner —often used with on dine on pasta : to give a dinner to wined her and dined her dined; dining

mistreat (v)

: to treat badly : ABUSE mistreated; mistreating; mistreats

barhop (v)

: to visit and drink at a series of bars in the course of an evening barhopped; barhopping; barhops

lanky (adj)

: ungracefully tall and thin

offhand (adj)

I don't know it off hand. without premeditation or preparation : extempore couldn't give the figures offhand

gourmet (n)

a gourmet meal. a connoisseur of food and drink; broadly : connoisseur 2 a film gourmet

gradual (adj)

a gradual increase over time. 1 : proceeding by steps or degrees 2 : moving, changing, or developing by fine or often imperceptible degrees

hierarchy (n)

a hierarchy of importance. plural hierarchies 1 : a division of angels 2 a : a ruling body of clergy organized into orders or ranks each subordinate to the one above it; especially : the bishops of a province or nation b : church government by a hierarchy 3 : a body of persons in authority 4 : the classification of a group of people according to ability or to economic, social, or professional standing; also : the group so classified 5 : a graded or ranked series a hierarchy of values

dash (n)

a dash of... 1 a archaic : blow b (1) : a sudden burst or splash a dash of rain (2) : the sound produced by such a burst 2 a : a stroke of a pen b grammar : a punctuation mark — that is used especially to indicate a break in the thought or structure of a sentence 3 : a small usually distinctive addition a dash of salt a dash of humor 4 : flashy display really cuts a dash in his new suit 5 : animation in style and action the verve and dash of her personal writings 6 a : a sudden onset, rush, or attempt make a dash for shelter b sports : a short fast race won the 100-meter dash 7 : a long click or buzz forming a letter or part of a letter (as in Morse code) a combination of dots and dashes 8 automotive vehicles : dashboard 2 put the map on the dash

definitive (adj)

a definitive guide to... 1 : serving to provide a final solution or to end a situation a definitive victory could not give a definitive diagnosis 2 : authoritative and apparently exhaustive a definitive critical biography 3a : serving to define or specify precisely established definitive guidelines for sentencing criminals b : serving as a perfect example : QUINTESSENTIAL a definitive bourgeois A slow race is the definitive Leechfield competition. You win it by coming in last. —Mary Karr 4 biology : fully differentiated or developed a definitive organ 5 of a postage stamp : issued as a regular stamp for the country or territory in which it is to be used

car bomb (n)

a defused car bomb. an explosive device concealed in an automobile for use as a weapon of terrorism

farouche (adj)

a farouche teenager. 1 : wild 2 : marked by shyness and lack of social graces

fault-tolerant (adj)

a fault-tolerant system. relating to or being a computer or program with a self-contained backup system that allows continued operation when major components fail — fault tolerance noun

fearless (adj)

a fearless leader. free from fear : brave — fearlessly adverb — fearlessness noun

flat-out (adj)

a flat-out lie. 1 : being or going at maximum effort or speed 2 : out-and-out, downright it was a flat-out lie

Holofernes (n)

a general of Nebuchadnezzar's who led an Assyrian army against Israel and was beheaded in his sleep by Judith

lively (adj)

a lively affair. livelier; liveliest 1 obsolete : living 2 : briskly alert and energetic : vigorous, animated a lively discussion lively children racing for home 3 : active, intense takes a lively interest in politics 4 : brilliant, fresh a lively wit 5 : imparting spirit or vivacity : stimulating many a peer of England brews livelier liquor than the Muse —A. E. Housman 6 : quick to rebound : resilient a lively ball 7 : responding readily to the helm a lively boat 8 : full of life, movement, or incident lively streets at carnival time — livelily play \ˈlīv-lə-lē\ adverb — liveliness play \ˈlīv-lē-nəs\ noun — lively adverb

decline (v)

a sharp decline. 1 archaic : to turn from a straight course : stray 2 a : to slope downward : descend b : to bend down : droop ... eyes ... declining toward the ground ... —Henry Fielding c : to stoop (see 1stoop 3b) to what is unworthy ... the direful shameful state Adam declined into ... —Edward Taylor 3 a of a celestial body : to sink toward setting the declining sun b : to draw toward a close : wane the day declined 4 : to tend toward an inferior state or weaker condition his health declined Employee morale declined after the layoffs. 5 : to withhold consent We invited him but he declined. 6 : to become less in amount The price of the stock declined. transitive verb 1 grammar : to give in prescribed order the grammatical forms of (a noun, pronoun, or adjective) decline the Latin adjective brevis 2 obsolete a : avert ... evasions are sought to decline the pressure of resistless arguments ... —Samuel Johnson b : avoid ... sinners ... despairing to decline their fate ... —Thomas Ken 3 : to cause to bend or bow downward ... the clover ... declines its blooms. —W. C. Bryant 4 a : to refuse to undertake, undergo, engage in, or comply with decline battle b : to refuse especially courteously decline an invitation declined to give her name to the reporter — declinable adjective — decliner

acknowledge (v)

acknowledging others. acknowledged; acknowledging transitive verb 1 : to recognize the rights, authority, or status of They acknowledged him as their leader. 2 : to disclose knowledge of or agreement with She readily acknowledged her mistake. 3 a : to express gratitude or obligation for acknowledge a gift b : to take notice of failed to acknowledge my greeting c : to make known the receipt of acknowledge a letter 4 : to recognize as genuine or valid acknowledge a debt

adios (interj)

adios amigos. —used to express farewell Until we meet again, adios.

adopt (v)

adopting an approach. 1 : to take by choice into a relationship especially : to take voluntarily (a child of other parents) as one's own child 2 : to take up and practice or use adopted a moderate tone 3 : to accept formally and put into effect adopt a constitutional amendment 4 : to choose (a textbook) for required study in a course 5 : to sponsor the care and maintenance of adopt a highway intransitive verb : to adopt a child couples choosing to adopt

honorary (adj)

an honorary member of the family. 1a : having or conferring distinction an honorary engineering society b : COMMEMORATIVE an honorary plaque 2 : dependent on honor or a keen sense of ethical conduct for fulfillment an honorary obligation 3a : conferred or elected in recognition of achievement or service without the usual prerequisites or obligations an honorary degree an honorary member b : UNPAID, VOLUNTARY an honorary chairman

flaneur (n)

an idle man-about-town

Gresham's law (n)

an observation in economics: when two coins are equal in debt-paying value but unequal in intrinsic value, the one having the lesser intrinsic value tends to remain in circulation and the other to be hoarded or exported as bullion; broadly : any process by which inferior products or practices drive out superior ones

outright (adv)

an outright lie. 1 archaic : straight ahead : directly 2 : in entirety : completely rejected the proposal outright outright refuses to cooperate with law enforcement —Tim Murphy 3 : without restraint or reservation laughed outright cried outright 4 : on the spot : instantaneously was killed outright 5 : without lien (see lien 1) or encumbrance (see encumbrance 2) purchased the property outright for cash

react (v)

an over-reaction. reacted; reacting; reacts intransitive verb 1 : to exert a reciprocal or counteracting force or influence —often used with on or upon 2 : to change in response to a stimulus 3 : to act in opposition to a force or influence —usually used with against 4 : to move or tend in a reverse direction 5 : to undergo chemical reaction transitive verb : to cause to react

overzealous (adj)

an overzealous negotiator. too zealous : having or showing too much zeal : excessively eager, enthusiastic, or fervent overzealous parents overzealous workers ... another version of the overzealous monitoring that has produced kids who leave for college without ever having crossed the street by themselves. —Peggy Orenstein The village saw the orders as unwarranted interference from an overzealous state bureaucracy and promptly appealed. —Joe Treen and S. Avery Brown — overzealously adverb ... has been frequently accused by its critics of acting recklessly, overzealously, and even, at times, illegally. —Steve Lustgarden — overzealousness noun Jewell was annoyed that press descriptions of him always emphasized his overzealousness; he considers himself a man of details. —Marie Brenner

ugly (adj)

an ugly truth. 1a : offensive to the sight : HIDEOUS b : offensive or unpleasant to any sense 2 : morally offensive or objectionable corruption—the ugliest stain of all 3a : likely to cause inconvenience or discomfort the ugly truth b : SURLY, QUARRELSOME an ugly disposition 4 : FRIGHTFUL, DIRE

fate (n)

as fate would have it. 1 : the will or principle or determining cause by which things in general are believed to come to be as they are or events to happen as they do : destiny ... fate sometimes deals a straight flush ... he had no idea that he would become the right man in the right place at the right time ... —June Goodfield 2 a : an inevitable and often adverse outcome, condition, or end Her fate was to remain in exile. b : disaster; especially : death The villain met his fate at the hands of the hero. 3 a : final outcome Congress decided the bill's fate by a single vote. b : the expected result of normal development prospective fate of embryonic cells c : the circumstances that befall someone or something did not know the fate of her former classmates 4 Fates plural : the three goddesses, Atropos, Clotho, and Lachesis, who determine the course of human life in classical mythology

throne (n)

ascend to the throne. 1a : the chair of state of a sovereign or high dignitary (such as a bishop) b : the seat of a deity 2 : royal power and dignity : SOVEREIGNTY 3 thrones plural : an order of angels — see CELESTIAL HIERARCHY

narcissism (n)

being a narcissist. 1 : egoism, egocentrism ... up until my late 30's I lived in a state of utterly monstrous narcissism and self-absorption ... —Frank Conroy 2 : love of or sexual desire for one's own body His wife complained that she couldn't compete with her husband's narcissism. — narcissist noun or adjective — narcissistic

equivocate (v)

equivocated; equivocating intransitive verb 1 : to use equivocal language especially with intent to deceive 2 : to avoid committing oneself in what one says — equivocation play \i-ˌkwi-və-ˈkā-shən\ noun — equivocator

ad infinitum (adv or adj)

checking the list ad infinitum. without end or limit

articulate (v)

clearly articulating ideas. articulated; articulating transitive verb 1 a : to give clear and effective utterance to : to put into words articulate one's grievances He found it hard to articulate his feelings. b : to utter distinctly articulating each note in the musical phrase c : to give definition to (something, such as a shape or object) Eight shades of gray were chosen to articulate different spaces. —Carol Vogel d : to give shape or expression to (something, such as a theme or concept) a drama that uses eerie props to articulate a sense of foreboding 2 a : to unite by or as if by means of a joint : joint b : to form or fit into a systematic whole articulating a program for all school grades intransitive verb 1 : to utter clear and understandable sounds 2 : to become united or connected by or as if by a joint Most bones articulate with other bones in one or more places. — articulative play \-lə-tiv, -ˌlā-\ adjective — articulator

coddle (v)

coddle anyone. coddled; coddling play \ˈkäd-liŋ, ˈkä-dᵊl-iŋ\ transitive verb 1 : to cook (something, such as eggs) in liquid slowly and gently just below the boiling point coddled the eggs for the Caesar salad 2 : to treat with extreme or excessive care or kindness : pamper accused the court of coddling criminals colleges that coddle their athletes — coddler

scar (v)

emotionally scarred. 1 : to mark with a scar 2 : to do lasting injury to intransitive verb 1 : to form a scar 2 : to become scarred

fade (v)

fading interest. faded; fading intransitive verb 1 : to lose freshness, strength, or vitality : wither fading flowers 2 : to lose freshness or brilliance of color The fabrics faded in the strong sunshine. 3 : to sink away : vanish a fading memory The smile faded from his face. 4 : to change gradually in loudness, strength, or visibility —used of a motion-picture image or of an electronics signal and usually with in or out One scene fades out as the next scene fades in.The radio signal faded out as we got further away from the station. 5 of an automobile brake : to lose braking power gradually 6 : to move back from the line of scrimmage —used of a quarterback 7 of a ball or shot : to move in a slight to moderate slice transitive verb : to cause to fade time has not completely faded the humor of these verses —G. H. Genzmer — fader noun

get through (v)

get through it. 1 : to reach a destination 2 : to gain approval or a desired outcome 3a : to become clear or understood our warnings finally got through to him b : to complete a communications connection

grasp (v)

grasping at straws. grasped; grasping; grasps intransitive verb : to make the motion of seizing : clutch grasping for support transitive verb 1 : to take or seize eagerly grasp the opportunity for advancement 2 : to clasp or embrace especially with the fingers or arms grasped the pen and began writing 3 : to lay hold of with the mind : comprehend failed to grasp the danger of the situation — graspable play \ˈgra-spə-bəl\ adjective — grasper noun — grasp at straws : to reach for or try anything in desperation — grasp the nettle : to act boldly

hope (v)

have hope. 1 : to cherish a desire with anticipation : to want something to happen or be true hopes for a promotion hoping for the best I hope so. 2 archaic : TRUST transitive verb 1 : to desire with expectation of obtainment or fulfillment I hope she remembers. hopes to be invited 2 : to expect with confidence : TRUST Your mother is doing well, I hope. hope against hope : to hope without any basis for expecting fulfillment

family (n)

like family. plural families 1 a : the basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing their children; also : any of various social units differing from but regarded as equivalent to the traditional family a single-parent family b : spouse and children want to spend more time with my family 2 : a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head : household 3 a : a group of persons of common ancestry : clan b : a people or group of peoples regarded as deriving from a common stock : race 4 a : a group of people united by certain convictions or a common affiliation : fellowship b : the staff of a high official (such as the President) 5 : a group of things related by common characteristics: such as a : a closely related series of elements or chemical compounds b : a group of soils with similar chemical and physical properties (such as texture, pH, and mineral content) that comprise a category ranking above the series and below the subgroup in soil classification c : a group of related languages descended from a single ancestral language 6 a : a group of related plants or animals forming a category ranking above a genus and below an order and usually comprising several to many genera b in livestock breeding (1) : the descendants or line of a particular individual especially of some outstanding female (2) : an identifiable strain within a breed 7 : a set of curves or surfaces whose equations differ only in parameters 8 : a unit of a crime syndicate (such as the Mafia) operating within a geographical area — familyhood noun

maneuver (v)

maneuver around... maneuvered; maneuvering intransitive verb 1 a : to perform a movement in military or naval tactics in order to secure an advantage The regiment maneuvered for several days before it was ready to attack. b : to make a series of changes in direction and position for a specific purpose Ships maneuvered into their docks. 2 : to use stratagems : scheme maneuvered successfully to get him to ask her to the dance transitive verb 1 : to cause to execute tactical movements We maneuvered our troops to the south. 2 : to manage into or out of a position or condition : manipulate maneuvered the cork out with his thumb —Kay Boyle 3 a : to guide with adroitness and design maneuvered her guests until the talk at the table became general —Jean Statford b : to bring about or secure as a result of skillful management maneuvered out of the council the funds to renovate the library — maneuverability noun — maneuverable adjective — maneuverer

hero (n)

my hero. plural heroes 1 a : a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability b : an illustrious warrior c : a person admired for achievements and noble qualities d : one who shows great courage 2 a : the principal character in a literary or dramatic work —used specifically of a principal male character especially when contrasted with heroine A special feature was the cliff-hanger ending when hero, heroine, or both found themselves confronting a violent demise ... —Ira Konigsberg —now also used of a principal character who is female ... action movies with female heroes are emerging more frequently, and with increasing quality. —William Bibbiani b : the central figure in an event, period, or movement 3 plural usually heros : submarine 2 4 : an object of extreme admiration and devotion : idol

semantics (n)

not getting caught up in semantics. 1 : the study of meanings: a : the historical and psychological study and the classification of changes in the signification of words or forms viewed as factors in linguistic development b(1) : SEMIOTICS (2) : a branch of semiotics dealing with the relations between signs and what they refer to and including theories of denotation, extension, naming, and truth 2 : GENERAL SEMANTICS 3a : the meaning or relationship of meanings of a sign or set of signs especially : connotative meaning b : the language used (as in advertising or political propaganda) to achieve a desired effect on an audience especially through the use of words with novel or dual meanings

god (n)

oh god... 1 capitalized : the supreme or ultimate reality: such as a : the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe b Christian Science : the incorporeal divine Principle ruling over all as eternal Spirit : infinite Mind 2 : a being or object believed to have more than natural attributes and powers and to require human worship specifically : one controlling a particular aspect or part of reality Greek gods of love and war 3 : a person or thing of supreme value had photos of baseball's gods pinned to his bedroom wall 4 : a powerful ruler Hollywood gods that control our movies' fates

lexicon (n)

plural lexica play \ˈlek-sə-kə\ or lexicons 1 : a book containing an alphabetical arrangement of the words in a language and their definitions : dictionary a French lexicon 2 a : the vocabulary of a language, an individual speaker or group of speakers, or a subject computer terms that have been added to the lexicon b : the total stock of morphemes in a language 3 : repertoire, inventory added the DVD to his video lexicon

gold (n)

silver and gold. 1 : a yellow malleable ductile metallic element that occurs chiefly free or in a few minerals and is used especially in coins, jewelry, and dentures — see CHEMICAL ELEMENTS TABLE 2a(1) : gold coins (2) : a gold piece b : MONEY c : GOLD STANDARD sense 1 3 : a variable color averaging deep yellow 4 : something resembling gold especially : something valued as the finest of its kind a heart of gold 5 : a medal awarded as the first prize in a competition : a gold medal

sit (v)

sit with it. sat ; sitting intransitive verb 1 a : to rest on the buttocks or haunches sit in a chair —often used with down b : perch, roost 2 : to occupy a place as a member of an official body sit in Congress 3 : to hold a session : be in session for official business 4 : to cover eggs for hatching : brood 5 a : to take a position for having one's portrait painted or for being photographed b : to serve as a model 6 archaic : to have one's dwelling place : dwell 7 a : to lie or hang relative to a wearer the collar sits awkwardly b : to affect one with or as if with weight the food sat heavily on his stomach 8 : lie, rest a kettle sitting on the stove 9 a : to have a location the house sits well back from the road b of wind : to blow from a certain direction 10 : to remain inactive or quiescent the car sits in the garage 11 : to take an examination 12 : babysit 13 : to please or agree with one —used with with and an adverb the decision did not sit well with me transitive verb 1 : to cause to be seated : place on or in a seat —often used with down 2 : to sit on (eggs) 3 : to keep one's seat on sit a horse 4 : to provide seats or seating room for — sit on 1 : to hold deliberations concerning 2 : repress, squelch 3 : to delay action or decision concerning 4 : to wait or be ready for (a specific pitch) in baseball — sit on one's hands 1 : to withhold applause : fail to show approval or enthusiasm 2 : to fail to take expected or appropriate action — sit pretty : to be in a highly favorable situation — sit tight 1 : to maintain one's position without change 2 : to remain quiet in or as if in hiding — sit under : to attend religious service under the instruction or ministrations of; also : to attend the classes or lectures of

oversoul (n)

the absolute reality and basis of all existences conceived as a spiritual being in which the ideal nature imperfectly manifested in human beings is perfectly realized

anagnorisis (n)

the anagnorisis of the story. the point in the plot especially of a tragedy at which the protagonist recognizes his or her or some other character's true identity or discovers the true nature of his or her own situation

throw off (v)

threw me off. 1a : to free oneself from : get rid of threw off his inhibitions b : to cast off often in a hurried or vigorous manner : ABANDON threw off all restraint c : DISTRACT, DIVERT dogs thrown off by a false scent 2 : EMIT, GIVE OFF stacks throwing off plumes of smoke 3 : to produce in an offhand manner : execute with speed or facility some little ... tune that the composer had thrown off —James Hilton 4a : to cause to depart from an expected or desired course mistakes threw his calculations off a bit b : to cause to make a mistake : MISLEAD 5 : EARN, GENERATE an investment that throws off a sizable income intransitive verb 1 : to begin hunting 2 : to make derogatory comments

arena (n)

working in an arena. 1 : an area in a Roman amphitheater for gladiatorial combats 2 a : an enclosed area used for public entertainment b : a building containing an arena 3 a : a sphere of interest, activity, or competition the political arena b : a place or situation for controversy in the public arena

muggy (adj)

: being warm, damp, and close muggier; muggiest

lead-up (n)

: something that leads up to or prepares the way for something else

praxis (n)

1 : ACTION, PRACTICE: such as a : exercise or practice of an art, science, or skill b : customary practice or conduct 2 : practical application of a theory

backhanded (adj)

1 : INDIRECT, DEVIOUS especially : SARCASTIC a backhanded compliment 2 : using or made with a backhand

#N/A mineral (n)

1 : ORE 2 : an inorganic substance (as in the ash of calcined tissue) 3 obsolete : MINE 4 : something neither animal nor vegetable 5a : a solid homogeneous crystalline chemical element or compound that results from the inorganic processes of nature broadly : any of various naturally occurring homogeneous substances (such as stone, coal, salt, sulfur, sand, petroleum, water, or natural gas) obtained usually from the ground b : a synthetic substance having the chemical composition and crystalline form and properties of a naturally occurring mineral 6 minerals plural, British : MINERAL WATER

luminosity (n)

1a : the quality or state of being luminous b : something luminous 2a : the relative quantity of light b : relative brightness of something 3 : the relative quantity of radiation emitted by a celestial source (such as a star) luminosities

dram (n)

1a US : a unit of liquid capacity equal to ¹/₈ fluid ounce — see Weights and Measures Table b : fluid dram 2a : a small portion of something to drink b : a small amount

extravagant (adj)

1a obsolete : STRANGE, CURIOUS b archaic : WANDERING 2a : exceeding the limits of reason or necessity extravagant claims b : lacking in moderation, balance, and restraint extravagant praise c : extremely or excessively elaborate an extravagant display 3a : spending much more than necessary has always been extravagant with her money b : PROFUSE, LAVISH 4 : extremely or unreasonably high in price an extravagant purchase

minor league (n)

: a league of professional clubs in a sport other than the recognized major leagues

maiden (adj)

1a(1) : not married a maiden aunt (2) : VIRGIN b of a female animal (1) : never yet mated (2) : never having borne young 2 : of, relating to, or befitting a maiden 3 : FIRST, EARLIEST a ship's maiden voyage the maiden flight of a spacecraft

surround (v)

1a(1) : to enclose on all sides : envelop the crowd surrounded her (2) : to enclose so as to cut off communication or retreat : invest entry 2 b : to form or be a member of the entourage of flatterers who surround the king c : to constitute part of the environment of surrounded by poverty d : to extend around the margin or edge of : encircle a wall surrounds the old city 2 : to cause to be surrounded by something surrounded himself with friends surrounded; surrounding; surrounds

down (adv)

1a(1) : toward or in a lower physical position Don't look down. Pull down the blind. (2) : to a lying or sitting position Please sit down. (3) : toward or to the ground, floor, or bottom burned the house down fell down b : as a down payment paid $10 down c : on paper put down what he says 2 : in a direction that is the opposite of up: such as a : SOUTHWARD traveled down to South Africa b : to or toward a point away from the speaker or the speaker's point of reference walked down to my neighbor's house c : in or into the stomach can't keep food down 3 : to a lesser degree, level, or rate cool down tensions Try to calm down. 4 : to or toward a lower position in a series seems to be far down on their agenda moved down in the pop charts 5a : to or in a lower or worse condition or status held down by her lack of education b —used to indicate thoroughness or completion dusted down the house described him down to his haircut 6 : from a past time stories passed down by word of mouth 7 : to or in a state of less activity or prominence scaled down our plans 8 : to a concentrated state got the report down to three pages 9 : into defeat voted the motion down

missionary (n)

: a person undertaking a mission and especially a religious mission missionaries who strove to convert natives to Christianity missionaries

channeler (n)

: a person who conveys thoughts or energy from a source believed to be outside the person's body or conscious mind specifically : one who speaks for nonphysical beings or spirits

anecdotalist (n)

: a person who is given to or is skilled in telling anecdotes

agonize (v)

: to cause to suffer agony : TORTURE intransitive verb 1 : to suffer agony, torture, or anguish agonizes over every decision 2 : STRUGGLE

post-structuralism (n)

: a movement or theory (such as deconstruction) that views the descriptive premise of structuralism as contradicted by reliance on borrowed concepts or differential terms and categories and sees inquiry as inevitably shaped by discursive and interpretive practices

mushroom cloud (n)

: a mushroom-shaped cloud specifically : one caused by the explosion of a nuclear weapon

wartime (n)

: a period during which a war is in progress rationing during wartime

sidekick (n)

: a person closely associated with another as a subordinate or partner

lead off (v)

: BEGIN also : to come on or perform first 1 : to make a start on : OPEN 2 : to bat first for a baseball team in (an inning)

down in the mouth (adj)

: DEJECTED sense 1

look on (v)

: WATCH sense 3b looked on anxiously from the sidelines

catena (n)

: a connected series of related things catenae catenas

hotheaded (adj)

: easily angered : FIERY, IMPETUOUS

garrulous (adj)

punishingly garrulous story-telling. 1 : given to prosy, rambling, or tedious loquacity : pointlessly or annoyingly talkative 2 : wordy 1 garrulous speeches — garrulously adverb — garrulousness noun

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