group final

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- Let members vent; we want them to talk - Do not be judgmental - Do not take things personally - Tell them things are natural and a part of the process

How can we work with and through resistance?

this theory can be easily taught to members. Thoughts cause feelings. The leader helps members to focus on changing their feelings by looking at what they are telling themselves.


1. Cut and stay with person 2. Cut and stay with topic 3. cut and leave person and topic

What are the options for members who have the focus of the group?

intervening to stop counterproductive group behavior. to protect members; to enhance the flow of group process.


"feel bad stage"

transition stage

trust & acceptance empathy & caring intimacy hope catharsis cognitive restructuring commitment self-disclosure confrontation benefiting from feedback

what are the therapeutic factors of group?

formation of the group

what is the pregroup issues?

purpose is to block and redirect to improve interaction and stop inappropriate, disruptive or ineffective participation

what is the purpose of cutting off and drawing out?

during this stage, clients are grouped into things like anxiety, defensiveness, resistance, a range of control issues, inter member conflicts, challenges to or conflicts with the leader, and various patterns of problematic behavior.

Before groups progress to a level of deeper work, they go through a transitional phase.

1) tearing others down. 2) hitting others with negative feedback and then retreating. 3) being hostile with the aim of hurting others. 4) telling others what is wrong with them 5) assaulting others' integrity.

Confrontation is NOT:

1. ask question to focus the member 2. ask member clarifying questions (from leader or members) 3. engage member in focused activity 4. have the member make a comment to each group member 5. have other members give the member feedback 6. have the members role play the person

Examples of cutting and staying with person

theory based on the premise that thoughts cause feelings, and in groups, the leader helps members to focus on changing their feelings by looking at what they are telling themselves

Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT)

-have them recieve feedback -have them role play and exaggerate behvaviors to provide clarity and insight -have them clarify that they are behaving as they want to behave -have them try out a different behvaior

Strategies to working with difficult members:

Everyone has three ego states: 1. Parent -critical -nurturing 2. Adult- rational/thinking 3. Child -Natural: I'm okay, free, fun -Adapted: I'm not okay, angry, or pleasing

Transactional analysis

Want- what do you really want?Doing- what are you doing to get you what you want? Evaluation- is your behavior working? Planning- let's develop a "doable" plan to get you what you want

WDEP - components of change:

-work with one individual -empty chair (can cause strong emotions) -"presentizing" the past -work with group -role reversal play

What are some gestalt techniques?

attending to verbal and nonverbal aspects of communication without judging or evaluating. to encourage trust and client self-disclosure and exploration.

active listening

theory that much of who we are is the result of family and social interactions throughout early childhood. birth order has a major influence on the development of personality "individual psychology"- the notion that ALL behavior is PURPOSEFUL believe that if people can understand the purposefulness of their behaviors, they have a much better chance of changing behaviors that are not useful or helpful.

adlerian therapy

Characteristics of the Transition Stage:

anxiety, defensiveness, resistance, conflictlots of testing

- watch for emotions - encourage open expression - don't react to quickly - don't cave to pressure - normalize the "negative discussion" need to work through real feelings and reactions

challenge to the leaders:

grasping the essence of a message at both the feeling and thinking levels; simplifying client statements by focusing on the core of the message. to help clients sort out conflicting and confused feelings and thoughts: to arrive at a meaningful understanding of what is being communicated.


Challenging members to look at discrepancies between their words and actions or their bodily and verbal messages; pointing to conflicting information or messages. to encourage honest self-investigation; to promote full use of potentials; to bring about awareness of self-contradictions


counselors project their own unresolved conflicts onto the client


- Give members "permission" to speak. - allow "outs" - call on two or three members instead of just one * Leader should be tentative in approach, invite the member and move on. No pressure

delicate method

Ask them if they would like to comment or if they have any reactions to what is taking place

direct method

revealing one's reactions to here and now events in the group. to facilitate deeper levels of group interaction; to create trust; to model ways of revealing oneself to others.

disclosing oneself

the skill of eliciting group members' comments

drawing out

- Use to talk with silent members. - Two individuals talking may be easier in that talking with the whole group. - The leader may also pair themselves with the silent member. - The leader can then encourage the member to share and/or find out the hesitation.

dyads method

identifying with clients by assuming their frames of reference. to foster trust in the therapeutic relationship; to communicate understanding; to encourage deeper levels of self-exploration.


appraising the ongoing group process and the individual and group dynamics. to promote better self-awareness and understanding of group movement and direction.


shift topic completely

example of cutting and leaving person and topic

give other members a chance to address the topic on a personal level

examples of cutting and staying with topic

Opening up clear and direct communication within the group; helping members assume increasing responsibility for the group's direction. to promote effective communication among members; to help members reach their own goals in the group.


an existential approach focuses on creating a therapeutic environment in which the client gets "in touch" with unfinished issues of "presenting", re-experiencing, and integrating experiences into current awareness. -focuses on the present -members need to finish unfinished business -goals include moving toward independence, maturity, and self-actualization

gestalt therapy

expression of concrete and honest reactions based on observation of members' behaviors. to offer an external view of how the person appears to others; to increase the client's self-awareness.

giving feedback

false belief learned as a child that is currently directing one's life

guiding fiction

-set agenda -set ground rules!!! -demonstrate understanding -discuss fears and concerns -facilitate interactions -appropriate self-disclosure -encourage here-and-now discussion -block when needed-encourage emotional engagement

how to foster group cohesion?

The key is to get members to start seeing that their thoughts cause their feelings; self-talk is important. EX: students getting the same grade but having different feelings - want people to remove "shoulds" "oughts" and "musts" - Most important part of ___ is to get members to see what they are telling themselves is not true.

how to teach REBT?

promoting participation and introducing new directions in the group. to help members work more effectively; to increase the pace of the group process.


Offering possible explanations for certain thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. to encourage deeper self-exploration; to promote full use of potentials; to bring about awareness of self-contradictions


connecting the work that members do to common themes in the group. to promote member-to-member interactions; to encourage the development of cohesion


Direct Delicate Dyads Rounds Written exercises Use of eyes

methods for drawing out:

demonstrating desired behavior through actions. to provide examples of desirable behavior; to inspire members to fully develop their potential


-group discussion on focus of what works rather than what is "broken" -change problems in a way that opens possibilities -focus on exceptions to the problem -comment on member's strength and coping -avoid tendency to focus on insight into the problem -focus on positive coping -view members as people with complaints about their lives and not ppl with overwhelming problems -assist members in finding "simpler" solutions -encourage group members to ease into solutions gradually.

principles of solution focused therapy

- do not want to work; want to stay in the "feel" good stage - enjoy being relaxed rather than challenged - may not commit to working outside of the group - may withdraw

problems in the working stage:

safeguarding members from unnecessary psychological risks in the group. to warn members of possible risks in group participation; to reduce these risks.


asking open-ended questions that lead to self-exploration of the "what" and "how" of behavior. to elicit further discussion; to get information; to stimulate thinking; to increase clarity and focus; to provide for further self-exploration.


A modality based on the work of Glasser that proposes that human beings are responsible for making choices about behavior and that such choices are intended to meet five basic needs: survival, love & belonging, power (achievement), freedom (to make life decisions), and fun

reality therapy

communicating understanding of the content of feelings. to let members know that they are being heard and understood beyond the level of words.

reflecting feelings

paraphrasing what a participant has said to clarify its meaning. to determine if the leader has understood correctly the client's statement; to provide support and clarification.


- allow everyone to comment without singling out any one person. - Try ending on the person to be drawn out. The leader can then ask the member more questions and shift the focus.

rounds method

Planning specific goals for the group process and helping participants define concrete and meaningful goals. to give direction to the group's activities; to help members select and clarify their goals.

setting goals

* Miracle Question -if a miracle happened in the night and you woke up and your problem was gone, how would you know it? * Exception questions -What is different about times when you manage your problem? * Scaling Questions -on a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your desire to change * Coping questions -What are you doing to keep things from getting worse?

solution focused questions

approach to counseling that emphasizes the client's strengths and focuses on solutions. focuses on solutions rather than problems

solution-focused therapy

Precontemplation (denial; there's no problem) Contemplation (there's a problem and I am thinking about changing) Preparation (I am planning on changing and getting ready to change) Action (I am committed to changing and am changing) Maintenance (I am maintaining the changes)

stages of change

offering advice and info, direction and ideas for new behavior. to help members develop alternative course of thinking and action.


pulling together the important elements of an interaction or session. to avoid fragmentation and give directions to a session; to provide for continuity and meaning.


providing encouragement and reinforcement. to create an atmosphere that encourages members to continue desired behaviors; to provide help when clients are facing difficult struggles; to create trust.


preparing the group to close a session or end its existence. to help members assimilate, integrate, and apply in-group learning to everyday life.


A= Activating event (situation) B= beliefs (thoughts or self-talk) C=consequences (feelings or emotions) * B is used in evaluating A and ties A and C together * A does not cause C; rather our B about A causes C (your beliefs about the situation cause emotions)

the abc model

Central leadership task in the transition stage:

to continually encourage members to say aloud what they are thinking and feeling pertaining to what is happening within the group.

feelings the clients project onto the counselor; usually, have to do with relationships they have experienced in the past


a model that utilizes all of the theories and accounts for how people change. the founders of this theory propose that people go through stages of change, and knowing these stages of change helps any counselor in both individual and group counseling

transtheoretical model

-discuss in detail the influence of birth order. -have members discuss how they found their place in their families and how that plays out now. -have members share early recollections and how they may influence behavior now.

what are some adlerian group activities?

-timing-use of voice (tone and pitch is important) -clarifying (explaining is good practice bc confusion and anger can result) -nonverbal skills (leaders can avoid eye contact, use hand to stop, etc.

what are some helpful hints for cutting off and drawing out?

-to get greater involvement from members -help members who have difficulty participating (want to draw out ASAP; the first session; the longer they wait the harder it is) -enable deeper exploration (ppl usually gain more when they explore "uncharted waters"

what are some reasons for drawing out?

-Ego-grams used to help identify ego states -draw out various transactions that with SO in their lives -discuss ego states -role play situations -use a small child's chair and have members talk about when they "get into that chair" -have members stand on a chair representing their parent ego state and talk about when they get into that position

what are some transactional analysis activities?

Planning Performing Processing

what are the 3 P's?

cohesion and productivity - characterized by productiveness that builds on the effective work done in the initial and transition stage. members have become more of a group and developed relationship skills that allow them a greater degree of autonomy, they are less dependent on the leader. mutuality and self exploration increase, and the group is focused on producing lasting results.

what are the characteristic of the working stage?

consolidation and termination - group leadership skills that is important as a group evolves and is moving toward a __ stage is the capacity to assist members in transferring what they have learned in the group to their outside environments.

what are the characteristics of the final stage?

time of orientation & exploration - determining the structure of the group, getting acquainted, and exploring the member's expectations. During this phase, members learn how the group functions, define their own goals, clarify their expectations, and look for their place in the group. members tend to keep a "public image" that they present the parts of themselves that they consider socially acceptable. Typically a certain degree of anxiety and insecurity about the structure of the group. members are tentative cause they are discovering and testing limits and are wondering whether they will be accepted.

what are the characteristics of the initial stage?

evaluation and follow up

what are the characteristics of the postgroup issues?

dealing with reluctance - generally characterized by increased anxiety and defensiveness. these feelings normally give way to genuine openness and trust in the stages that follow. recognizing and dealing with conflict. challenging the group leader. reluctance and guardedness.

what are the characteristics of the transition stage?

-help members identify childhood experiences that formulated mistaken goals and guiding fictions. -help members discover how they continue to act out roles played in the family. -help members develop new behaviors more congruent with happy adult living.

what are the goals of adlerian therapy?

fear thinking/processing quiet by nature not mentally present not prepared confusion lack of trust or commitment intimidation by the group leader/dominant member

what are the reasons for members silence?

Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning

what are the stages of group from Tuckman & Jensen?

stage 1: pregroup issues stage 2: initial stage stage 3: transition stage stage 4: working stage stage 5: final stage stage 6: postgroup issues

what are the stages of group?

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