GTC 2114 Softchalk Quizzes

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A person whose platelet count is 40,000/µL is suffering from which disorder?


Which of the following is a function of the blood?

transport of nutrients and wastes transport of body heat transport of gases defense against toxins and pathogens

Which of the following layers of a vessel contains collagen fibers with scattered bands of elastic fibers?

tunica externa

An obstruction of the common bile duct often results in

undigested fat in feces

Each of the following factors would increase peripheral resistance except


After blood leaves the capillaries, it enters the


Match these items: 1. By the time proteins are absorbed, they must be in this form.2. By the time carbohydrates are absorbed, they must be in this form.3. By the time fats are absorbed, they must be in this form.

1. Amin acid2. monosaccharides3. fatty acids & monoglycerides

Match the proenzyme with the correct enzyme activator. 1. pepsinogen 2. trypsinogen 3. Procaroxypeptidase

1. HCl 2. Enterokinase 3. trypsin

Match these items: 1. manipulate the food into a bolus 2. secretes a liquid containint mucus and amylase into the oral cavity 3. makes bile; needed for fat digestion 4. stores and releases bile 5. secretes a "juice" that contains several digestive enzymes, such as trypsin, chymotrypsin, amylase, and lipase 6. used for mechanical digestion of food (mastication)

1. Tongue 2. salivary glands 3. liver 4. gall bladder 5. pancreas 6. teeth

If a person has a blood pressure of 120/90, his mean arterial pressure would be ________

100 mmHg

Calculate cardiac output if the heart rate is 125 beats/minute, the end-diastolic volume is 130 mL, and the end-systolic volume is 40 mL.


Calculate the net filtration pressure (NFP) with a blood hydrostatic pressure of 40 mm Hg and a blood colloid osmotic pressure of 25 mm Hg. Then determine if filtration or reabsorption occurs.NFP = ________ and results in a fluid ________.

15 mm Hg; filtration

If 5 NADH and 2 FADH2 enter the eletron transport chain, how many ATP will result?

19 ATP

How many pulmonary vein(s) enter the heart?


The most abundant component of plasma is _____.


The following are structural components of the conducting system of the heart.

4, 3, 2, 5, 1

Calculate the cardiac output of a patient with a heart rate of 100 beats/minute and a stroke volume of 75 mL


If a patient had a pulse of 68 beats/min and a cardiac output of 5.2 L/min, what would be the stroke volume in mL?


If I am O+, what antibodies do I have in my blood?


If I am blood type B-, what antigens do I have on my red blood cell?


Type AB blood has which of the following characteristics?

RBCs have both the A & B surface antigens and no ABO plasma antibodies

Factors that increase the risk of atherosclerosis include which of the following?

all of the above: high cholesterol obesity smoking lack of exercise

The left ventricle pumps blood to the _____.


Which of the following would NOT be considered retroperitoneal in location?


The _____ represents the minimum resting energy expenditures of an awake, alert individual.

basal metabolic rate

In which of the following reactions is acetylCOA the product?

beta oxidation

Rupture of the papillary muscles in the left ventricle may result in...


With each ventricular systole...

blood pressure increases

Where are the granulocytes and agranulocytes made?

bone marrow

Which of the following factors will increase the net filtration pressure to move fluid out of capillaries?

both decreased plasma albumin and increased blood hydrostatic pressure

Which of the following describes glycolysis?

breakdown of glucose

The long plateau phase of the cardiac muscle action potential is due to...

calcium channels remain open

These vessels may be continuous or fenestrated.


Edema may occur when

capillary hydrostatic pressure is elevated

Venous valves are responsible for

channeling blood toward the heart.

________ involves a cascade of reactions leading to the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin.


The right and left hepatic duct join to form the _____.

common hepatic duct

Which of the following is true of basophils?

constitute approximately 1% of WBCs granules contain histamine granules contain heparin

The ________ deliver(s) blood to the myocardium.

coronary arteries

Each of the following factors would increase cardiac output except

decrease venous

Which of the following is a function of HCl?

denature protein, kll bacteria, activate the zymogen (proenzyme), pepsinogen to pepsin

Put the following layers of the digestive tract wall in order from the lumen to the deepest layer.

digestive mucous epithelium lamina propria muscularis mucosa submucosa mucularis externa serosa

A moving blood clot is called a(n) _____.


Blood pressure is determined by

estimating the pressure needed to close off an artery with an external pressure cuff.

A hematocrit provides information about which of the following?

formed elements abundance

Which step(s) is/are reversible?


In which step(s) are ATP made?

glycolysis ETC Krebs cycle

Which of the following is true of eosinophils?

granules stain with eosin dyes patients with allergies have many they have a bilobed nucleus they constitute 2-4% of WBC's

Compared to arteries, veins

have thinner walls

From which type of cells are granulocytes and agranulocytes made?


Consider the following results from a blood lab test. Which value(s) is (are) most likely abnormal?

hemoglobin--10.7 g/100 mL

Mary is tested for the amount of hemoglobin in her blood. The test results indicate that her hemoglobin level is 16 g/dL of blood. This value indicates that...

her hemoglobin level is normal

Which of the following is NOT true of neutrophils?

less abundant than lymphocytes

Urea is formed in the __


Which organ secretes most of the plasma proteins?


Identify the incorrect pairing.

liver; produces intrinsic factor

________ are large phagocytic white cells that spend most of their time outside the blood as fixed and free phagocytic cells called macrophages.


Which of the following combinations may result in the hemolytic disease of the newborn?

mother Rh negative, baby Rh positive

The vitamin that is a part of coenzyme A is ___

pantothenic acid

Blood pressure increases with all of the following except increased

parasympathetic innervation.

Contains acini that secrete a watery fluid

parotid gland and pancreas

Excess fluid in the ________ causes cardiac tamponade

pericardial cavity

Surgical removal of the stomach could cause which blood disorder?

pernicious anemia

What is the name of the enzyme that can digest fibrin and dissolve a clot?


Blood flow through a capillary is controlled by the

precapillary sphincter

As blood travels from arteries to veins,

pressure drops

The chief difference between plasma and interstitial fluid involves the concentration of _____.


When NAD+ is ________ it becomes NADH. When NADH is ________ it becomes NAD+.

reduced; oxidized

What initiates the extrinsic clotting pathway?

release of tissue factor (Factor III) by damaged endothelium

Blood returning to the heart from the systemic circuit first enters the _____.

right atrium

Coronary veins empty into the...

right atrium

Which organs are intraperitoneal?

stomach and jejunum

Cardiac output is increased by...

sympathetic stimulation

If I am B+, what types of blood could I receive in a tranfusion?

B+ O- O+ B-

Bill wants to determine his blood type, so he takes a few drops of blood from a puncture wound in his finger and mixes it with various antisera. His blood cells agglutinate when mixed with the anti-A sera but not with the anti-B or anti-D sera. What does this mean?

Bill's plasma contains B antibodies

Match the items. 1. Hormone made by the stomach that increases stomach secretion. 2. Hormone made by the duodenum that decreases stomach secretion. This hormome also increases enzymes from pancreas and gall bladder contraction 3.Hormone made by the duodenum that decreases stomach seretion also increases bicarbonate seretion by pancreas

CCK secretin Gastrin

If I am A-, what antibodies do I have in my blood?


In which step of cellular respiration are the 6H2O formed?


In which step of cellular respiration is the O2 directly used?


Conditions where no oxygen is available is known as "aerobic" coniditions


Proteins must be broken down by hydrolysis to monosaccharides in order to be absorbed into the blood in the small intestine.


AB- can only donate to AB-.


Tom has hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver. Which of the following symptoms would you expect to observe in Tom?


In which step(s) are CO2 made?

Krebs cycle Acetyl Coa Formation

Which step(s) occur in the mitochondria?

Krebs cycle Acetyl Coa Formation ETC

Which step(s) require(s) oxygen?

Krebs cycle ETC Acetyl CoA Formation

Lipoproteins that carry mostly cholesterol to peripheral tissues are called ____


Which of the following is NOT broken down by hydrolysis in the GI tract?

Minerals Vitamins Water

A drug that blocks the action of the hormone cholecystokinin would affect which of the following?

all of the above

Where in the GI tract does most water absorption occur?

Small intestines

Anticipation of eating food causes an increase in secretion of gastric juice. This phase is known as the Cephalic Phase


Fats are transported in the blood as lipoproteins


The liver is an intraperitoneal organ.


If a mother is O+ and the fetus is O-, she needs a shot of Rhogam.


The Kupffer cells of the liver

all of the above

When a person rises quickly from a sitting position,

all of the above

When a person who lives at sea level vacations in the Rocky Mountains, you would expect

a drop in atmospheric oxygen levels a rise in hematocrit an increase in red blood cell production the release of erythropoietin

Intercalated discs serve to transfer ________ from cell to cell.

action potentials, the force of contraction,electrical signals, ionic currents

Sally decides to go on a hunger strike to further one of her favorite causes. After many days with nothing but water, you would NOT expect to observe

increased insulin secretion

Plasma is closest in composition to _____.

interstitial fluid

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