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The uterine artery branches of the

Internal Iliac Artery

The pelvic muscle group that is located between the coccyx and the pubis is the

Levator ani muscle

True pelvis is delineated from the false pelvis by the

Linea terminalis

The muscle located lateral to the ovaries is the

Obturator internus muscle

The bilateral muscles that are located posterior to and extend from the sacrum to the femoral greater trochanter are the

Piriformis Muscle

Pelvic bones, when visualized on sonography will produce

Posterior shadowing

Another name for rectouterine pouch is

Pouch of Douglas

The arteries that directly supply blood to the functional layer of the endometrium are the

Spiral Arteries

Anterior cul de sac is also known as

Vesicouterine pouch

what is adenomyoma

a focal mass of adenomyosis

What is daughter cyst

a small cyst within a large cyst

imperforate hymen

a vaginal anomaly in which the hymen has no opening


abnormally heavy and prolonged menstruation

What is dermoid cyst

also known as cystic teratoma

what is fibroma

an ovarian sex-corf stromal tumor found in middle-aged women

what is Chocolate cysts

another name for endometriomas

isthmus uterus

area of the uterus between the corpus and the cervix

radial arteries

arteries that supply to the deeper layers of myometrium


blood accumulation within the uterine cavity

spiral arteries

coiled arteries that supply blood to the functional layer of the enometrium


failure of an organ to grow during embryologic development

What is Cilia

hairlike projections within the fallopian tubes

What is Levator ani muscle

hammock-shaped pelvic muscle group located between coccyx and pubis consisting of the iliococcygeus, pubococcygeus, and puborectalis.


heavy and prolonged bleeding between periods

What is follicle-stimulating horomone

hormone of the anterior pituitary gland that causes developement of multiple follicles on the ovaries

intramural fibroid

location of leiomyoma within the myometrium of the uterus

what is dermoid mesh

mass of hair within a cystic teratoma

What is follicular cyst

ovarian cyst that forms from the failure of the grafiaan follicle to ovulate


painful or difficult urination


painful sexual intercourse

obturator Internus muscles

paired pelvic muscles located lateral to the ovaries

What is cardinal ligament

pelvic ligament that extends from the lateral surface of the cervix to the lateral fornix of vagina and houses the uterine vasculature

suspensory ligament of the ovary

pelvic ligament that provides support to the ovary and extends from the ovaries to the pelvic side walls

ovarian ligament

pelvic ligament that provides support to the ovary extends from the ovary to the lateral surface of the uterus

What is Coccygeus muscle

pelvic muscle located posteriorly within the pelvis that helps support the sacrum

vesicouterine pouch

peritoneal outpoouching located between the bladder and the uterus. aka anterior cul-de-sac

rectouterine pouch

peritoneal outpouching located between the uterus and rectum aka posterior cul-de-sac or Pouch of douglas

What is Corpus luteum cyst

physiologic cyst that develops after ovulation has occured

What is Brenner tumors

small benign ovarian tumors

what is cumulus oophorus

structure contains the developing oocyte


surgical removal of the uterus

what is adenomyosis

the benign invasion of endometrial tissue into the myometrium of the uterus

What is Corpus Luteum of pregnancy

the corpus luteum that is maintained during an early pregnancy for the purpose of producing estrogen and progesterone

what is fimbria

the finger-like extension of the fallopian tube located on the infundibulum

what is endoderm

the germ cell layer if the embryo that develops into the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts

external os

the inferior portion of the cervix in close contact with the vagina

functional layer of endometrium

the inner layer of the endometrium that is altered by the hormones of the menstrual cycle

What is Ampulla

the longest and most tortuous segment of the fallopian tubes


the malignant manifestation of leiomyoma

bicornuate uterus

the most common uterine anomaly in which the endometrium divides into two horns. also known as bicornis unicolis

basal layer of endometrium

the non functional outer layer of the endometrium

what is ectoderm

the outer germ cell layer of the embryo that develops onto the skin, hair, and nails, and other structures

What is Corpus Albicans

the remaining structure of the corpus luteum after its deterioration


the rigid region of the uterus located between the isthmus and vagina

internal os

the superior portion of the cervix closest to the isthmus

lower uterine segment

the term used for the isthmus of the uterus during pregnancy


the typical version of the uterus where the body tilts forward, forming 90 degree angle with the cervix


the uterine body tilts forward and comes in contact with the cervix , forming an acute angle between body and cervix

straight arteries

uterine radial artery branch that supplies blood to the basal layer of the endometrium

what is cystic teratoma

A benign ovarian mass that is composed of the three germ cell layers also referred as dermoid cyst

What is Human chorionic gonadotropin

A hormone produced by the trophoblastic cells of the early placenta; may also be used as a tumor marker in nongravid patients and males

The right ovarian artery branches off the


The peripheral arteries of the uterus are the

Arcuate arteries

The pelvic ligament that extends from the lateral aspect of the uterus to the side walls of the pelvis is the

Broad Ligament

The ligament that houses the vasculature of the uterus is the

Cardinal Ligament

Pelvic muscle appears


Right ovarian vein drains into


The paired muscles that are located lateral to the uterus and anterior to the iliac crest are the

Iliopsoas muscle


Is the malignant counterpart of leiomyoma and characterized by a rapid increase in growth and more commonly found in menopausal or postmenopausal women.

Pouch of Douglas

Space posterior to the uterus

Cervical Carcinoma

The most common malignancy in younger women.


Used to soak endovaginal probe as disinfectant

Clinical findings of Adenomyosis are

Uterine enlargement, Dysmenorrhea Menometrorrhagia, Pelvic pain Dyspareunia Multiparous

Fluid noted anterior to the uterus would most likely be located within the

Vesicouterine Pouch

Gartner duct cyst

a benign cyst located within the vagina

leiomyoma uterine

a benign, smooth muscle tumor of the uterus; aka fibroid or uterine myoma

What is hemorrhagic cyst

a cyst that contains blood

what is gestational trophoblastic disease

a disease associated with an abnormal proliferation of the trophoblastic cells during pregnancy; may also be referred to as molar pregnancy

diethylstilbestrol or DES

a drug administered to pregnant women used during 1940's to treat threatened abortions and premature labor that has been linked with uterine malformation in the exposed fetus

What is ovarian torsion

an abnormality that results from the ovary twisting on its mesenteric connection, consequently cutting of the blood supply to the ovary

what is sebum

an oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands

What is sonohysterography

an ultrasound procedure that uses saline instillation into the endometrial cavity and fallopian tubes to evaluate for internal abnormalities

What is Meigs syndrome

ascites and pleural effusion in the presence of a benign ovarian tumor


benign ovarian sex-cord stromal tumor that produces estrogen in older women

what is endometrioma

benign, blood-containing tumor that forms from the implantation of ectopic endometrial tissue and is associated with endometriosis

What is iliopsoas Muscle

bilateral muscle located lateral to the uterus and anterior to iliac crest


blood accumulation within the vagina

What is hematosalpinx

blood within the fallopian tube

uterine arteries

branches of the internal iliac artery that supply blood to the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes

Nabothian Cyst

common findings on routine ultrasound. Benign cyst within the cervix and typically assymptomatic and may be multiple.

what is peristalsis

contrations that move in a wavelike pattern to propel a substance

Gartner duct cyst

cyst within the vagina that appears as anechoic mass within the vagina.

"tip of the iceberg" sign

denotes the sonographic appearance of a cystic teratoma (dermoid) when only the anterior element of the mass is seen, while the greater part of the mass is obscured by shadowing

what is Lysis

destruction or breaking down

Malignant degeneration

developing into cancer


excessive hair growth in women in areas where hair growth is normally negligible

What is hyperemesis

excessive vomiting


fluid accumulation within the uterus and vagina

What is endometriosis

functional ectopic endometrial tissue located outside of the uterus

What is Theca Lutein Cysts

functional ovarian cysts that are found in the presence of elevated levels of human chorionic gonadotropin; also referred to as a theca luteal cyst

What is multiloculated

having more than one internal cavity

linea terminalis

imaginary line that separates the true pelvis from the false pelvis

what is pelvic inflammatory disease

infection of the female genital tract that may involve the ovaries, uterus, and/or the fallopian tubes

what is pseudomyxoma peritonei

intraperitoneal extension of mucin-secreting cells that results from the rupture of a malignant mucinous ovarian tumor or possibly a malignant tumor of the appendix

pedunculated uterine leiomyoma

leiomyoma or also known as fibroid that extends from the uterus on a stalk

What is yolk sac tumor

malignant germ cell tumor of the ovary

What is Sex cord-dtromal tumors

ovarian tumors that arise from the gonadal ridges

What is Mittleschmerz

pain at the time of ovulation

arcuate arteries

peripheral arteries of the uterus that lie at the edge of the myometrium

what is pseudoprecocious puberty

secondary sexual development induced by sex steroids or from other sources like ovarian tumors, adrenal tumors, or steroid use

what is oogenesis

the creation of an ovum

what is pyosalpinx

the presence of pus within the fallopian tube

cornua of uterus

the uterine body

what is Isthmus

tube or narrowing segment

Leiyomayoma or Fibroids

Benign, smooth muscle tumor of the uterus and one of the leading cause of hysterectomy and surgery

The space of Retzuis is located

Between the bladder and Pubic bones

what is virilization

Changes within the female that are caused by increased androgens that may lead to deepening of the voice and hirsutism

The in nominate bones of the pelvis consist of

Ischium, ilium, and pubic bones

Lactate Dehydrogenase

Laboratory test that is used as a tumor marker for an Ovarian Dysgerminoma

Peritoneal space located posterior to the broad ligament are referred to as

Lateral Cul-de-sacs

Left ovarian vein drains to?

Left renal vein

Weakening of these muscles may lead to prolapse

Levator ani and coccygeaus muscle

The muscle that may be confused with the ovaries on a pelvic sonogram include the

Obturator internus and levator ani muscles

The pelvic ligament that provides support to the ovary and extends from the lateral surface of the ovary to the uterus is the

Ovarian Ligament

The ovary is supplied blood by the

Ovarian artery and Uterine Artery

Clinical findings of Leiomyosarcoma

Pelvic pressure, Menorrhagia, Palpable abdominal mass, enlarged or bulky uterus Urinary frequency, dysuria, constipation, infertility

Precocious Puberty

Pubertal development before the age of eight and has been linked with ovarian, adrenal, and liver tumors.

intracavitary fibroid

a leiomyoma located within the uterine cavity

What is septations

a partition separating two or more cavities

What is hyterosalpingography

a radiographic procedure that uses a dye instilled into the endometrial cavity and fallopian tubes to evaluate for internal abnormalities

what is papillary projections

a small protrusion of tissue

What is ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

a syndrome resulting from hyperstimulation of the ovaries by the fertility drugs; results in the development of multiple, enlarged follicular cysts

What is germ cell tumor

a type of neoplasm derived from germ cells of the gonads; may also be found outside of the reproductive tract

True Pelvis

inferior portion of the pelvis that contains the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, urinary bladder, small bowel, sigmoid colon, and rectum

what is salpingitis

inflammation of the fallopian tubes

what is peritonitis

inflammation of the peritoneal lining

What is Krukenberg tumor

malignant ovarian tumor that metastasizes from the gastrointestinal tract

What is Sertoli-Leyding cell tumor

malignant sex-cord stromal ovarian neoplasm that is associated with virilization

fundus of uterus

most superior and widest portion of the uterus

Isthmus if the uterus

narrowing segment located between the corpus and the cervix

what is isthmus of the fallopian tube

narrowing segment located between the interstitial and ampulla

rectus abdominis muscles

paired anterior abdominal muscles that extends from the xiphoid process of the sternum to the pubic bone

mullerian ducts

paired embryonic duct that develop into the female urogenital tract

Piriformis muscle

paired pelvic muscles located posteriorly that extends from the sacrum to the femoral greater trochanter

what is dermoid plug

part of a dermoid tumor that contains various tissue and may produce a posterior shadowing during a sonographic examination

Broad ligament

pelvic ligament that extends from the lateral aspect of the uterus to the side walls of the pelvis

broad ligaments

pelvic ligament that extends from the lateral aspect of the uterus to the side walls of the pelvis

What is Corpus Luteum

temporary endocrine gland that results from the rupture of the Grafiaan follicle after ovulation

what is hydrosalpinx

the abnormal accumulation of fluid within the fallopian tube


the absence of menstrual period


the area located posterior to the broad ligaments and adjacent to the uterus

What is Adnexa

the area located posterior to the broad ligaments, adjacent to the uterus, which contains the ovaries and fallopian tubes

What is infundibulum

the distal segment if the fallopian tubes

What is mesoderm

the germ cell layer of the embryo that develops into the circulatory system, muscles, reproductive system, and other structures


the invasion of endometrial tissue into the myometrium. May be focal or diffuse and typically found posterior portion of the uterus. Also, affects mostly older and multiparous women.

Grafiaan follicle

the name for the dominant follicle prior to ovulation

what is ovulation

the release of the mature egg from the ovary

What is interstitial

the segment of the fallopian tube that lies within the uterine horn or cornu

what is ovarian cystectomy

the surgical removal of an ovarian cyst

What is Serum Lactate dehydrogenase

tumor marker that is elevated in the presence of an ovarian dysgerminoma and other abdominal abnormalities

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