Hamlet Quiz Act II

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Hamlet asks the player to speak a speech from a play. What is the subject of that speech, which Hamlet begins and the Player King completes, and why is it significant? What does it indicate about Hamlet's values and state of mind?


With what famous words does Act II end? Why is this couplet important?

- "The Play's the thing Wherein I'll catch the conscience of the King;" it shows how calculating Hamlet is, and drives the plot of the play because it gives a prelude as to what will happen next, setting up more of the story

Compare Hamlet's conversation with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern with his preceding conversation with Polonius. What do you conclude about Hamlet's madness?

- ***Hamlet puts on a show during both conversations. With the three characters, he is essentially saying that he knows their ulterior motives and what they are trying to do. You can conclude that he is acting/putting on a show. - When engaging in conversation with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Hamlet reverts back to his normal behaviors and does not feel motivated to act "crazy." However, once in conversation with Polonius, he immediately switches his demeanor and acts out of sorts once again (for he needs to keep up the act of craziness so that the King suspects nothing of his ulterior motives). Through Hamlet's conversations with the above characters, we can conclude that Hamlet's mad demeanor is ultimately a façade and can be easily controlled by Hamlet's desires and who he wishes to interact with.

How was Hamlet dressed?

- An unbraced doublet without a hat, and fouled stockings. - His shirt was unbuttoned, his pants were at his ankles, he was without a hat - Trying to show his "antic disposition"

"For murder, though it have no tongue, will speak / with most miraculous organ."

- Hamlet - Because murder is an action that cannot speak for itself, it can never be vocally expressed and Hamlet knows that Claudius will never admit through words that he killed the king, therefore murder can only be seen.

"...there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so."

- Hamlet - Hamlet delivers the quote as he considers how is imprisoned by Denmark and the King, as well as by his mind - His knowledge of the murder of his father by Claudius is inescapable. In this sense, every person has their own perspective, so what you consider bad/good is relative - It is ulimately the way we see things that matter, and with the right mindset, we can transform the undesirable into desirable

"The play's the thing / Wherin I'll catch the conscience of the King"

- Hamlet - He is using the play as an instrument to touch the conscience of Claudius - He wants to make him aware of the fact that he knows who actually killed his father.

"... the devil hath power T'assume a pleasing shape"

- Hamlet - He would like to believe the Ghost, but the spirit he has seen may simply be the devil trying to tempt him to kill Claudius.

"What piece of work is a man!"

- Hamlet (to Rosencrantz and Guidenstern) - For all its wonder, he is saying, a humanbeing is essentially only a pile of dust. That is not only a profound expression of depression, but a shocking view of human worthlessness - In his current state, Hamlet cannot find inspiration in human potential or anything else

"I am but mad north-north west... I know a hawk from a handsaw"

- Hamlet (to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern) - His words imply that, just as the wind only occasionally blows from the north-north-west, so too is he only occasionally struck by madness. These words also contain a warning. Hamlet wishes to point out that there is method and cunning behind his "madness." The imagery involves bad weather and hunting birds. Beyond the chaos, Hamlet is saying that he knows a hunting hawk from a hunted "handsaw," or heron. Hamlet means that he is able to distinguish his enemies and friends.

What is Hamlet's plan "to catch the conscience of the king."?

- Hamlet plans to enact a hyperbolic murderous scene in a play in order to draw out a reaction from King Claudius, which would essentially incriminate him, deeming him guilty for the murder of King Hamlet. - Murder of Gonzaga (play).

What play does Hamlet ask the players to perform on the following night? What does he want added?

- Hamlet wants the players to reenact the death of his father to see how Claudius acts - Seeing the players inspires Hamlet's diabolical plan that arises towards the end of the scene. - Actors were not highly recognized members of society, even to the point where plays were beneath the status of women.

***15. What is Hamlet's mood as he describes it in lines 283-298?

- Hamlet's mood is calm but also suspicious as he asks Rosencrantz and Guildenstern about the reason they came to Elsinore to visit. He's annoyed at the fact that Claudius/Gertrude sent Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to spy on him. - He is one step ahead of the game, he knows the purpose of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern's visit

Why does he need proof that the ghost is honest?

- He wants to be certain that the story told by the ghost (Claudius murdering Lord Hamlet) is true - Pursuing justice but also proof and evidence - not as much about justice but about having proof that he could present before he avenges his father's death.

What is Polonius' definition of madness?

- His definition of madness is basically sadness and depression. - Polonius is not to be trusted when determining the "madness" of another person - His definition is unclear and non-substantial

Why does Polonius consider it significant that Hamlet brings of Jephthah and his daughter? Is he correct?

- It is significant because Polonius thinks that Hamlet is thinking of Ophelia. - - No, he is not correct. Hamlet brought this up because he thinks that Polonius is using his daughter to spy on him (hamlet). - Jephthah is the story of someone who uses his daughter for his own gain, which is what Polonius is doing - Hamlet is accusing Polonius of being a fishmonger, or a pimp, as he is using is daughter to manipulate Hamlet to get closer with the royal family and become more powerful

What did Ophelia think was wrong with Hamlet?

- Ophelia believed that Hamlet's love for her was so overbearing, that he had gone mad. - He was driven crazy because Ophelia had cut off contact with him - Dramatic Irony: polonius and ophelia don't know that Hamlet is just putting on a front so that Polonius goes and reports back to the king about Hamlet's craziness - This is what Hamlet wants.

"Though this be madness, yet there is method in't"

- Polonius - Polonius observes that behind Hamlet's show of madness there is some kind of cleverness or purpose. This suggests that Hamlet is just acting crazy and it's a deception, which indeed it is. But irony is completely lost on Polonius, who is fooled by Hamlet's show of crazyness. even though Hamlet is talking crazy, it actually makes sense, or it has a "method." Polonius's assertion is ironic because he is right and wrong. Polonius believes Hamlet is acting "mad" because Hamlet's love of Ophelia has driven him to such.

"Brevity is the soul of wit..."

- Polonius - Talking to Claudius and Gertrude, trying to please them and give them good news - Clever people can express intelligent things using very few words (using minimum language to convey point) - Ironic coming from Polonius, who is famous for his long and detailed speeches

Briefly describe how Polonius suggests that "by indirection" Reynaldo might seek "directions out." That is, how does Polonius suggest that Reynaldo gather information?

- Polonius suggests that Reynaldo use manipulative tactics in order to draw out Laertes' mischievous acts. He advises Reynaldo that he should seek out Laertes' friends and mention stories about gambling, drinking, and prostitution in order to see if these acquaintances confirm the stories. - Shows polonius's obsessive, devious, paranoid, and untrustworthy fatherly traits - Also shows how polonius acts as an advisor

"More matter, with less art"

- Queen Gertrude - Talking to Polonius, telling him to stop rambling and speaking in fancy language - Instead, just get to the point and stop with flowery prose/embroidery and get to stuff that matters

According to Hamlet, what do those who used to make faces at Claudius do now?

- Rush forward to beg to paint portraits of him - They wish to make the new king like them and be on his good side

From line 43, does Claudius seem to value Polonius or to disregard him?

Claudius seems to value the advice of Polonius because he is excited to hear about the good news that Polonius consistently provides.

Fortinbras, however, was actually preparing to fight____________.


To what causes does Gertrude attribute Hamlet's "distemper" or "lunacy"?

Gertrude contributes Hamlet's "distemper" to his father's death and her marriage to Claudius.

What does Gertrude mean when she says "more matter with less art"?

Gertrude is advising Polonius to get to the point and not go off on useless tangents and to cut the flowery/fancy speech.

"What's Hecuba to him, or he to Hebuca / That he should weep for her?"

Hamlet has watched a tearful player perform a speech about the slaughter of King Priam and grief of his widow Queen Hecuba at the end of the Trojan War. Hamlet thinks it is monstrous that the player can weep for a fictitious woman from Greek mythology. But in reality he is disgusted with his own performance as the revenger of his father's murder. To Hamlet, Hecuba has responded appropriately to her husband's death, while Gertrude has not.

What has frightened Ophelia?

Hamlet marched into Ophelia's closet looking extremely pale, unkempt, and disheveled and was acting unstable and crazy.

Why does Hamlet suspect that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were sent for?

Hamlet suspects that Rosencrantz and Guidlerstern were sent to either gather information or to spy on him.

To what does Polonius attribute Hamlet's madness?

He attributes Hamlet's madness to Ophellia disregarding Hamlet. Polonius reads letters from Hamlet to Ophelia as he talks to the King and Queen. He says that because he told his daughter not to talk to Hamlet, Hamlet is now going crazy.

Why does Polonius set off to see the King?

He goes because he wants to tell Claudius that Hamlet is crazy because of his love for Ophelia. We know that is not the truth because Hamlet is acting crazy / "antic disposition".

What concerns does Hamlet have about the boy-actress' voice and height?

He is concerned that the boy has aged too much and his voice has gotten too deep.

What request does Norway make of Denmark?

Norway requests that Denmark allows his army to pass through their Kingdom on their way to invade Poland. To convince Denmark to agree, they insist that Denmark will be ensured safety and will not be attacked or hurt.

Old Norway thought young Fortinbras were preparing to fight the ____________.


How does Polonius explain this incident?

Polonious explains that Hamlet was driven crazy by love since Ophelia was rejecting his advances. He insisted that because Ophelia had refused his letters and disallowed him to visit.

Why does Polonius send Reynaldo to Paris?

Polonius sent his servant Reynaldo to Paris to question Laertes's acquaintances - essentially to spy on Laertes. Specifically he wanted to ask Danish people living in Paris about Laertes.

Why has the King sent for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?

The King has sent for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, two of Hamlet's acquaintances from University, in order to brighten Hamlet's mood. Hamlet was still deeply mourning the death of his father and the King believed that his friends may be able to cheer him up. Furthermore, he thought that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern might be able to uncover the reason for Hamlet's recent madness and crazy demeanor. Similar to Polonius employing Reynaldo to spy on Laertes, the King is sending Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to spy on Hamlet.

What reward does the Queen suggest that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern may receive? (lines 25-6)

The Queen suggests that the King's remembrance of them is enough to act as a gift

What contrast does Hamlet make between himself and the Player King?

The actor can conjure up emotions and tears from fiction, while Hamlet actually feels those emotions but cannot express them.

Compare the beginning of the scene with the beginning of the previous scene. How are they alike?

The beginning of scene 2 is Polonius talking to the King and Queen about how Hamlet is crazy because of his love for Ophelia. In the previous scene Polonius is talking about meeting the King and Queen because he thinks Hamlet is insane.

What is old Norway's state of age, health and power?

The old King of Norways is ill, old, and helpless, however, he still retains a great degree of power through his nephew.

Hamlet is familiar with the players Rosencrantz mentions in line 301+. Why are these players traveling?

The players are on tour and looking for employment/business as a company of child actors forced them off of the London Stage.

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