hawaiian studies

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o What are "jellyfish babies"?

Babies born with out limbs, eyes, mouth. Might have some hair, it is blob that was the result of radiation poisoning from nuclear fallout.

o Are biotech companies required to label GMO products in the U.S.? Why or why not?

No they are not. Opponents of labeling point out the expense and logistical difficulties of labeling, and the fact that no significant differences have been found between GE and conventional foods.

o How does cell invasion techniques contribute to these health risks?

Only way to invade cells is by using bacteria and viruses. Can cause health problems in plants and consumers.


The US directly violated the "sacred trust" obligations of this article in their relations with Hawaii. This lead to the illegal plebiscite vote in 1959, which was used as the basis for statehood. It Only allowed American citizens to vote, including military servicemen and their families stationed in Hawaii. It also Excluded those who chose not to integrate into America. As well as Failed to provide the option of independence as required by international law.

o Who is the co-patent holder of the terminator gene?

The US government.

o What kind of monetary compensation have they received from the US government? Is it enough? Why or why not?

The US has awarded about 45 million dollars to the survivors, but 63 million has been promised. This is not enough. Mostly because the deaths and illnesses can never be repaid. • They received $125,000 if they had leukemia or cancer, and $100,000 if they had a severe growth retardation due to thyroid damage.

o What are some of the treaties' flaws as outlined in the reading "Niuklia Fri Pasifik"?

There is not much these smaller nations can do if US does decide to enter these zones. France still can test on its colonies. The treaty needs to be more comprehensive and stronger. Freedom from France in the Polynesians seems to be the only answer. Regional agreement and consensus. America was an ally to Australia.

o Why are Hawaiian residents concerned about military contamination?

Unhealthy, and can ruin tourist industry

o Has the military ever dumped radioactive waste in Hawai`i? If so, where and how much?

Yes, Schofield barracks around Oahu. Pohakuloa Training area as well. 4,843,000 gallons of low-level radioactive waste was discharged into Pearl Harbor.

o Why are military dumps in Hawaiian waters such a controversial topic?

it seriously harms the environment, affects fish, etc

• How has the tourism industry commodified Hawaiian culture

"The consumer is always right". • Consumers (tourists) determine the "look and feel" of the tourism industry. • The industry creates and sells an "image" • Visitors expect to experience that image. • The industry brings that "image" to life • = Hawaiian culture/lifestyle is misrepresented.

Define self-determination?

: The process by which a country determines its own statehood and forms its own allegiances and government

o What set of circumstances led to Belau's first "mini-revolution"?

Assassination of Belau's president, and the people's choice for a nuclear free constitution

Operation Castle

Bikini Atoll and Entewetak Atoll in Marshall Islands. Worlds first hydrogen bomb. o Spring 1954 Erienwetak and Bikini Atolls, Marshall Islands o Series of tests of super hydrogen bombs (67) • 1000 times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima

Operation Crossroads

Bikini Atoll weapons testing. Wanted to test nuclear effect on ships and other equipment.


Defense Environmental Restoration Program) - Identifies and cleans up military contamination and spills


Formerly Used Defense Sites) - DoD is responsible for cleaning up areas it has possessed or leased.

• According to James Albertini, does the U.S. military have nuclear weapons in Hawai`i?o What evidence does he cite to prove this point?

He claims Yes. US's request for a licenses to posses depleted uranium.

Why does the U.S. have military bases located around the world?

More Power

Identify the U.N. Declaration, Regarding Non-Self Governing Territories. Article 73.

Recognize the principle that the interests of the inhabitants of these territories are paramount, and accept as sacred trust the obligation to promote to the utmost, within the stem of international peace and security established by the present Charter...


genetically engineered


genetically modified organism.

• Who are the "nuclear powers" responsible for testing in the Pacific?

o • America, French, and Great Britain

o What was Professor Francis A. Boyle's findings after studying the Apology Bill?

o "Congress is effectively conceding now that the (1959 statehood) vote is meaningless, as a matter of international law and United States domestic law. So you're not bound by it o America gained possession of Hawaii through a succession of illegal acts, in 1893, 1898, and 1959, and has admitted to fact of these crimes. Hawaiian national sovereignty has never been extinguished. Essentially, the country of Hawaii is currently illegally occupied...

o How much military controlled land is actually ceded lands? How did the military acquire such land?

o 180,000 acres o Today, 112.173 acres of 54% of military controlled land =ceded lands. US seized nearly 1.8 million acres of Hawaiian gov. and crown lands.

• Cite at least 2 facts supporting the argument that Hawai'i is the most militarized state in the union.

o 22.4% of Oahu is controlled by military o Islands surrounded by 210,000 sq. mi. of military operating ocean area & 58,599 sq. mi. of military special use airspace.

o List at least 2 types of military contamination in Hawai'i and provide examples

o 8,000 tons of chemical weapons. o Bulk chemical containers, mustard gas, old air crafts, old ships, old vehicles, ammunition

Nation within a nation

o A national body which exists within the boundaries of another and maintains a political relationship with such as well as jurisdiction over its own people and territory o There are over 400 federally recognized American indicant and Alaskan groups within the US federal system o Nation-within-a-nation status would end state of Hawaii control over Hawaiian affairs, giving the Hawaiian nation a direct relationship with the US federal government o Would be subject to federal and Hawaiian laws o Responsibility over such issues as: Local taxes, inheritance, domestic laws, police powers, management and use of lands and natural resources

• Identify the Treaty of Rarotonga / South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty.o What world superpowers have agreed to its terms, which one hasn't?

o Bans the use, possession, and testing of nuclear weapons within the zone. Aug, 6 1985. France - Great Britain have signed. America has not

According to General Smedley Butler, who benefited most from the wars/operations he was involved in?

o Big businesses, American fruit, bank, and oil companies

o How does message of anti-sovereignty movement conflict with the general sentiments of Native Hawaiian sovereignty groups?

o Bumpy Kanahele Non-violent positive change designed to prevent further economic and environmental crisis, equality and liberty for all people in Hawaii, to ensure the future stability and security of our land and people, controlling our 200 mile Exclusive Economic Zone, international trade, investment banking, financial services... o Michael Kioni Dudley and Keoni Kealoha Agard Composed of people of many races, revitalization of Hawaiian culture, ruled by Hawaiians.

• What types of health problems have resulted?

o Cancer and thyroid related problems. • Leukemia or cancer of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, pancreas or bone.


o Complete succession from colonizing nation. Independence status is equated with sovereignty in todays global multistate system. Reinstated nation would have full jusisdiction over all aspects of government and land control. o Example: Kingdom of Hawaii, Independent Nation of Hawaii, The Reinstated Hawaiian Government o Second most popular vote for sovereignty. o Which one of the 4 is currently the most popular among sovereignty supporters? o Nation-within-a-nation

3 statistics regarding PACOM in Hawai'i

o Control 5.7% of land in Hawaii. o 22.4% of Oahu o 161 combined military installations

• What does the Apology Bill say?

o It was put out to "apologize" for al of the crimes that the US had done against Hawai'i

o Identify: Act 50

o Makes criminals out of homeless o Bans individuals for an entire year from te public areas where they are given a citation o Illegal occupation of public property such as beaches and parks are subject to ejection. o If they return then face: arrest, possible $1000 fine, 30 days in jail.

o Which one of the 4 main sovereignty models is currently the most popular among sovereignty supporters?

o Nation-within-a-nation

o Identify Kaho`olawe within the context of U.S. military land grabbing, contamination, and clean up practices.

o Natives were unwillingly moved from their homes by US w/ promise of restoration after bomb testing. Approved by Eisenhower. Restoration has never been completed

• What are the potential health risks with GE/GMO products

o Nutritional problems, higher risk for disease, immune system deficiency, even potential to cause cancer. Sickness and health problems

• Why should the terminator gene be a concern for world populations?

o Once introduced, it cannot be controlled. o We would only get one round of crops, after that, the next generation of seeds would not produce. This can be catastrophic for everyone since we all depend on food.

• Why had the U.S. previously not allowed the patenting of life (plants, animals, etc.)?

o Risk of Monopolies.? MONSANTO o It used to be unconstitutional. Turns food into an owned commodity instead of something natural and necessary?

• What Hawaiian plant has been at the center of the GMO debate? Why?

o Taro/kalo, because UH tried to patent them and genetically modify them. Because people responded so negatively, they tore up the patents. There used to be so many different types but now they're being wiped out and new types are coming out that are not as natural

o How has the U.S. manipulated local politics in order to achieve their agenda?

o The US repeats votes until they get the results they want. o The US uses the poverty of nation to try to muscle the people into needing US aid. o The wording on the voting ballot had even been tampered with so that the people would vote pro-nuclear.

o Why do critics claim that DERP reports fall short of their intended purpose?

o There is no inventory on what is dumped. o Dumpsites are not pinpointed o Chemical leakage has not been ruled out.

• How is the U.S. government involved in the issue of GMOs and the patenting of life?

o They have allowed it for now and have a case waiting in the supreme court and a debate in the legislative branch about whether GMO products should be labeled or not

• How has the Native population been affected by these tests?

o They have been removed from their homeland, and their home land has been decimated for living. o They were lied to. o Wind patterns forced radiation into near by islands affecting food sources and fish for these people. o They have grown sick and even died from radiation poisoning o Their bellies have swelled up, and some have been used as lab rats for tests of the effect of radiation.

What is PACOM and what is its relationship to Hawai`i?

o US Pacific Command o Oldest and largest of US unified command. Stationed in Hawaii. Control 5.7% of land in Hawaii.

• What is the Hawai`i Visitor's Bureau (HVB) new goal for the industry

o Want to increase visitor's population from 7.5 million annually to 10 million annually.

• What are the moral implications of patenting life forms. o How does this affect the public

o You are essentially owning life. There many people who oppose this on political and religious levels.

State within a state

o a condition in which a colonizing nation provides for a liaison agency between the colonizer and native peoples. o Would be easiest since initiation only requires an act by the legislature o There are many Native American tribes, not recognized by the US federal government, with state-within-a-state status within their respective states o Another layer of beauracracy and government

Free association

• o A semi-sovereign political status in which the colonized nation (Hawaii) is internally governed and enters into a political relationship with the colonizing nation (US), which usually involves... o Examples of Free Association: The Republic of Marshall Islands, The federated States of Micronesia, The Republic of Belau o Maintain their own international relations, seats at the UN, enter into treaties with other nations.

• How does "hidden homeless" and "at-risk homeless" increase the severity of the homeless situation today?

• "at-risk homeless" - 45% earn $50,000 ore more annually. 13% earn 100,000 or more annually. They are 3 paychecks from homeless. • More than half of these people stated that they are employed full time.

• Why was Hawai`i named the 3rd meanest state towards homeless in 2004

• (2004) National Coalition for the Homeless names Hawaii 3rd "Meanest State" (police sweeps of beaches and parks, the removal of benches where the homeless slept in Waikiki and downtown Honolulu, and the installation of razor wire under viaducts) • Moves homeless people away, and considers them criminals. May be banned for an entire area for a year if cited.

#1 Industry, 3rd World Economy... • Why do some experts liken Hawai`i's economy to that of a 3rd world country?

• (local resources exploited for the benefit of others) • Some economists estimate that no more than 50% of tourism generated revenue reaches Hawaii's internal economy o $10 billion annually • It is so dependent on tourism. If tourism died, Hawaii's economy could die.

• What are the 4 main sovereignty models?

• 1. State within a state • 2. Nation within a nation • 3. Free Association • 4. Independence

• Why does Hawai`i face a homeless epidemic despite having the lowest unemployment rate in the US?

• 25% of homeless are employed either part time or full time • Because living in Hawaii is expensive and lot of people can't afford living here • Jobs not paying enough. And jobs not available. So dependent on low paying jobs in tourist industry.

• What is the general message of the anti-sovereignty movement?

• A movement that divides that state among race and culture. • Anti-Sovereignty activists have created a false perception of the sovereignty • Movement by making it into a "racist movement".

• How has the State of Hawai`i decided to "solution" the image problem created by unsightly homeless people?

• Act 50 • Homeless have been moved out of view of tourists. Many tourists told "don't go to Waianae". Homeless people have been labeled criminals, and are cited for violations.

• Identity "Aloha for All"

• Aloha is for everyone, every citizen of Hawaii is entitled to the equal protection of the laws. If Hawaiian sovereignty is implemented and you are not of Hawaiian descent, there is a distinct possibility that your home could be taken away you could lose your job, or you could be deported. Even if you do not live in Hawaii you should still be concerned. The simple fact of the matter is that the Hawaiian sovereignty movement is racist and denies equal treatment of all people. By supporting the fight against Hawaiian sovereignty you help make...

• What was the catalyst for the modern Hawaiian movement and when did it occur?

• At the time of annexation, Hawaiians did not support the annexation and overthrow. • 17,000 + 21,000 signed petition against annexation. At the time, 39,000 Hawaiians were populating Hawaii. • It is seen as a solution to the negative effects that Hawaiians have suffered through

• What Micronesian island groups were affected by U.S. nuclear tests from 1946 to 1958?

• Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands.

• According to international law, why is Hawai`i not a state of the union?

• Failed to provide the option of independence as required by international law

• Why are the numbers surrounding statehood misleading?• o What do they suggest?

• For statehood = 132,773 • Against Statehood = 7,971 against o 90% of eligible voters cast ballots (155,000 registered voters) • Out of 20 voting precincts only Ni'ihau voted against **Population of Hawaii 1959-1969: 632,772 (not including military) = difference of 477,772 o Indicates a voter's protest and those not allowed to vote due to lack of American citizenship.

Cultural Prostitution • Explain Dr. Trasks analogy of Hawai'i tourism and prostitution.

• Hawaiian culture is enhanced to make it more appealing to customers. • Consumers determine the value of products or services, the market is controlled by "demand"

• Why is it that in the islands Hawaiians outnumber most other ethnic groups in terms of homelessness?

• Mahele, Low education, Poor command of English, High rate of substance abuse. • 1 in 4 Native Hawaiian students are proficient in reading • More than 1 in 5 predominantly Native Hawaiian schools are targeted for reconstructioning. • Native Hawaiian students in middle school are more at risk for high risk behaviors such as drugs and sex

• Why does Hawaiian tourism not provide stable economic growth to support a growing population?

• More mouths to feed = more demand for goods and services from outside the state. • Toursim is a low wage industry. Too many people are unable to cope even w/ multiple jobs. • Hawaii is fourth highest in cost of living in US. , more people = more $ needed. o Hawaiian tourism industry has plateaued unable to keep pace with Hawai`i's growing demands.

• Identify the Akaka Bill.

• Native Hawaiian reorganization Act, composed by Daniel Akaka • ..."to provide a process for the reorganization of the single Native Hawaiian governing entity and the reaffirmation of the special political and legal relationship between the US and that Native Hawaiian governing entity for purposes of continuing a government-to-government relationship"...

• What island has the largest homeless population and where are the majority of them living on that island?

• Oahu has the highest rate of homeless (4000). Most live in Wai'anae (moku) (1000) • 6000-7000 statewide. 12,000-15,000 temporarily homeless through out the year • Homeless rates have doubled over the past 4 years. Majority are Native Hawaiians. • Oahu, in Waianae.

List at least 2 harmful things dumped into O'ahu seas by the military

• Radioactive chemicals, leaking petroleum lines, uranium

List 2 issues Okinawa faces as a result of U.S. Military occupation.

• Rape, Murders, Prostitution for US soldiers, Unemployment, Environmental contamination

• What are the pros and cons to Akaka bill

• Supporters claim: That It will give Native Hawaiians federal recognition, Form a Native Hawaiian Government, Create a government-to-government relationship with the United States, and It is a "foot in the door", which will allow Hawaiians to further work towards independence

• What are the major themes in the anti-sovereignty movement?

• The call for "equal rights for whites" o This concept is based on the assumption that increased political and jurisdictional power of the tribes infringes on the liberties of the individual American taxpayer. • Access to natural resources o These resources can be fish or game, land or water, but the case is the same: no citizens should have the "special rights" to use the resources. The case is made in anti-treaty pamphlets such as Are we giving American Back to the Indians?, and 200 Million Custers, and the ironically titled book...

• How does the vicious cycle of cultural misrepresentation at the hands of the tourism industry work?

• The industry creates and sells an "image" • Visitors expect to experience that image. • The industry brings that "image" to life • = Hawaiian culture/lifestyle is misrepresented.

o What was the outcome of public activism?

• The president refused US help and stated the revolution should be forgotten for the people of Belau to work together to better the nation.

• Other Problems with the Akaka Bill are that there is No referendum of the people, Natural resources fall under management of the Department of Interior, Secretary of the Department of the Interior has power to recognize or not recognize a native Hawaiian government, and it Forces Native Hawaiians to relinquish any claims to sovereignty.

• The recognition is similar to that of federally recognized Tribes in the continental 48 states and Alaska, however, unlike those groups, the current version of the Akaka Bill prohibits Hawaiians: Prevents them from establishing casinos, From participation in programs and services enjoyed by Indians, From being included on the Secretary of the Interiors list of Tribes eligible for federal benefits, and From pursuing claims against the United States for past wrongs in court.

• How has tourism contributed to Hawai`i's population boom?

• Tourism has driven up the cost of living and increased inability to maintain cost of living for natives o At statehood, Hawaii residents outnumbered tourists 2:1. Today tourists outnumber residents by 7:1. They outnumber Native Hawaiians by 31:1. • More people moving to Hawaii.

• What is the basis for Hawaiian sovereignty claims?

• United Nations Charter, Chapter XI, Declaration Regarding Non-Self-Governing Territories, Article 73 o Recognize the principle that the interests of the inhabitants of these territories are paramount, and accept as sacred trust the obligation to promote to the utmost, within the stem of international peace and security established by the present Charter... The US directly violated the "sacred trust" obligations of this article in their relations with Hawaii This lead to the illegal plebiscite vote in 1959, which was used as the basis for statehood. Only allowed American citizens to vote, including military servicemen and their families stationed in Hawaii Excluded those who chose not to integrate into America Failed to provide the option of independence as required by international law.

Why does General Smedley Butler refer to war as a "racket"?

• War profiteering. racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. War's a cover up for big business.

• What are some of the forces that limit tourism industry growth?

• We sacrificed "quality for quantity" (more flights, larger hotels, etc...) • Each visitor represents $ (more people = more $) dollar value of each visitor has decreased = more visitors for less $ • "Saturation" of the market has led to sacrifice quality for quantity, which has created: o a stagnant economy o an "undesirable" Hawaii (overdeveloped)

• Define sovereignty

•: the supreme, absolute, and uncontrolled power by which any independent state is governed; the international independence of a state, combined with the right and power of regulating its internal affairs without foreign dictation.

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