HB 307 Exam 2

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Companies may match employee contributions to a 401(k) with cash or company stock.


Compensable factors include skills, effort, responsibilities, and working conditions.


Compulsory membership provisions and dues checkoff are forms of union security.


Feedback is most useful when it is immediate and general in nature.


If a performance standard is found to be stable or consistent over time, it is said to be:

criterion deficiency

If an appraisal focuses on a narrow set of results criteria to the exclusion of other important process issues, the system may suffer from:


If an employee takes a leave of absence under the Family and Medical Leave Act, the employer must continue the employee's medical benefits for the duration of the leave.

similar-to-me error

If you inflate the evaluation of people with whom you have something in common, you are committing a:


If your primary objective for a performance appraisal is to give employees developmental feedback, which of the following appraisal methods should you use?

43 percent

In 2011, a study by the American Psychological Association found that _____ of employees feel they receive inadequate nonmonetary awards and recognition for their contributions at work.


In an attempt to increase unionism, unions are now targeting low-wage service workers

The employee's supervisor

In most instances, who is in the best position to perform the function of appraising an employee's performance?


Strategic compensation is the term used for all of the processes used to determine the market rates to pay employees.

physical and emotional activity.

Stress basically comes from two areas. These areas are:


Studies have shown employees who earn performance-based pay are more satisfied.


Subordinate appraisals should be used primarily for developmental purposes


Stock options are rights attached to the achievement of specific organizational objectives.


Child-care, elder-care, and extended leave policies are all examples of work/life benefits.

45 percent

A Duke study found that morbidly obese workers file ____ more workers' compensation claims and take longer to recover from injuries.

19 percent

A U.S. survey found that _____ of employees say they work in a place where discussions of pay are "formally prohibited and/or employees caught discussing wages could be punished."


A Willful violation of OSHA standards that results in death can result in penalties of $250,000 and imprisonment.


A diagnosis of poor employee performance should focus on the three interactive elements of skill, motivation, and external conditions.

ESOPs place employees' pensions at risk because they are tied to the market performance of the organization.

A major problem of ESOPs is that:

defined-contribution plan

A pension plan that establishes the basis on which an employer will contribute to a pension plan is referred to as a:

contributory plan

A pension plan where contributions are made jointly by employees and employers is referred to as a:

27 percent

A study of 20,000 employees found that ____ of "high potential" employees planned to leave their company by the end of 2010 due to perceived pay inequity.


A supervisor's obligation to employee safety is to communicate safety standards and train employees in safe practices.

80 percent

According to a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration study, distracted driving accounts for ______ of all accidents.


According to a Supreme Court ruling, performance appraisals are subject to the same validity criteria as selection procedures.


After an employee works for an employer for a certain period of time, the employee is entitled to the money in his or her pension plan. This worker is now:


Agency shops provide for voluntary union membership, but require all bargaining unit members to pay union dues and fees.

an effective performance appraisal system

An employee's relative worth can be determined by:


An employer's bargaining strategy must include a contingency plan in the event of a strike.

can result from statements made in an employee handbook or HR policy manual

An implied employment contract:


Because of failing popularity and media scandal, most experts advocate abolition of stock


Because profit-sharing plans often fail to pay off for several years in a row, they can have limited motivational value.


Benefits generally account for approximately 14% of payroll costs.(30-40%)


Bill has been found guilty of theft, a termination offense. Before he is discharged, his manager must apply all the steps of progressive discipline.

perform a current performance appraisal of the employee

Carmen, a new supervisor, wants to correctly document the poor performance of an employee. Which of the following would she not have to do?


Criterion contamination occurs when correlations between two raters of an employee are inconsistent.


Criterion deficiency occurs when performance standards focus on a single criterion to the exclusion of other important but less quantifiable performance dimensions

assist employees by providing information on monitoring and treating health conditions

Disease management programs:


Employee rights frequently involve an employer's alleged invasion of an employee's right to privacy.


Employees are most likely to seek unionization if they believe that doing so will achieve results they cannot achieve acting individually.


Employers pay unemployment taxes directly to their respective state governments, which in turn are responsible for paying eligible unemployed individuals.

engage in searches publicly, so that employees understand that searches do take place

Employers should use all of the following guidelines in developing a search policy except:

distributive justice

Equity theory is also known as:


Generally, a bonus plan does NOT become part of base pay.

preferred provider organizations (PPOs).

Groups of physicians that contract with an employer to provide medical resources on a more cost-efficient basis in exchange for a greater share of patients are known as:


It is usually safe for an HR manager to assume that willful violations of safety and health laws and regulations will result in more severe penalties.

outside salespersons

Jobs least likely to cause cumulative trauma disorder would be:

right-to-know laws.

Laws that require employers to disclose relevant safety information to employees are known as:


Low spirits, gloominess, and sadness are frequent symptoms of depression

lack of ability

Managers often first assume poor performance of subordinates is due to:


Mildly ill child-care facilities offer medical supervision in addition to traditional child-care arrangements.


Negligent hiring occurs when an employer hires an employee that is not capable of doing the job they were hired for


OSHA is legally permitted to inspect workplaces unannounced.


OSHA requirements mandate that employers with eleven or more employees maintain records of occupational injuries and illnesses.

fourth level

OSHA's special-emphasis inspections aimed at specific high-hazard industries, occupations, or substances that are injurious to health are ____ priorities.


One of the potential drawbacks of a trait-oriented performance appraisal is that traits can be biased and subjective

trait, behavioral, results

Performance appraisal methods can be broadly classified as either ____, ____, or ____ approaches.


Random searches of employee's personal belongings without probable cause should be avoided.

adverse court decisions

Reasons for not using peer appraisals more frequently all the following except:

external constraints

Research suggests that when it comes to our own performance, most of us first attribute our bad performance to:


The "horn error" is the opposite of the "halo effect."


The Equal Pay Act prohibits wage discrimination based on:


The Fair Labor Standards Act has four major provisions. The provisions are concerned with minimum wage rates, overtime payments, equal rights, and child labor.


The Fair Labor Standards Act permits employers to pay a "training wage" of _____ per hour for employees younger than the age of twenty during their first ninety days of employment, provided their employment does not displace other workers.


The Fair Labor Standards Act prohibits the employment of those between the ages of ____ in hazardous occupations such as mining, logging, and meatpacking.


The NLRB v Weingarten ruling requires that nonunion employees always be afforded the right to representation during an investigative interview.

10 percent

The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that nearly _____ of the adult population experience depression each year.


The Social Security Act was designed to protect workers against the loss of earnings resulting from old age and unemployment


The Social Security program is funded by a tax paid by the employer, based on the employee's earnings.

HR or industrial relations

The ___________ department is usually responsible for the safety program for most employers.


The best appraisal method to use depends upon the purpose of the appraisal.

organizations should have carefully defined and measurable performance standards.

The courts have found that:


The expectancy theory of motivation predicts that one's level of motivation depends on the attractiveness of the rewards sought by employees and the probability of obtaining those rewards.


The failure to document earlier actions often results in management not imposing disciplinary penalty when a transgression is committed.


The federal government now requires that employers with government contracts maintain a drug-free work environment.

the Scanlon Plan.

The gainsharing plan that has as its most significant feature effective employee participation through committee representation is:


The idea behind the Scanlon Plan is that employees should not only offer ideas to improve productivity, but should also be rewarded for those ideas.


The percentage of cash compensation paid out in commissions is called a draw

job-based pay

The predominant approach to employee compensation is:

motivate a total commitment to the organization as a whole

The purpose of a profit-sharing plan is to:

the extent to which standards relate to the overall objectives of the organization

The strategic relevance of performance appraisals refers to:


There has been a reduction in the number of single-parent families and two-earner couples in the workplace as compared to decades past.

Intellectual property agreement

This provision grants to an employer the ownership of an idea, invention or process, or work of authorship developed by the employee during the time of employment.


Traditional labor-management negotiations are adversarial

identical pay, benefits, and terms of employment

Under the Family and Medical Leave Act, if an employee is returned to an equivalent job, rather than their original job, it must have:


Under the Weingarten ruling, an employer must bargain with the employee's representative during an investigative interview.


Union stewards are full-time employees at the workplace and generally are not paid by the union.


Unions that represent various groups of professional and white-collar workers are called industrial unions.

low control

When dealing with stress, having too little influence over the way a job is done on a day-to-day basis is known as:


When employees are paid according to the skills and knowledge they have rather than the specific jobs they perform, they are paid according to competence-based compensation.

quantitative, simple to understand, and show a clear relationship to improved performance

When setting performance measures for incentive systems, we can say that the best measures are:

d. Employer contributions to minimum life insurance

Which of the following benefits are not legally required employee benefits? a. Employer contribution to Social Security b. Employer contributions to unemployment insurance c. Employer contributions to workers' compensation insurance d. Employer contributions to minimum life insurance


Which of the following groups cannot grant rights to employees?

chronic fatigue

Workplace violence warning signs include all of the following except:

Direct compensation

_____ encompasses employee wages and salaries, incentives, bonuses, and commissions

the right to legal representation.

he interpretation of due process would include all of the following except:

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