HDFS 2300 exam 1

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The personality trait within the Five Factor Model found to predict smoking and drug use in adulthood is:


Lower levels of IL-6 were associated in research on the MIDUS with which FFM personality trait?


The Five Factor model of personality fits into which overall category of psychological theories?


The ___________ effect refers to the fact that widows are more likely to die after losing their spouse


According to Statistics Canada (2012), which of the following groups is MOST likely to be living alone in residences for seniors housing?

women 85 and older

In Canada, what is the approximate percentage of grandparents aged 65 to 74 years raising grandchildren?


A large-scale survey of adults from the National Survey of Midlife Development in the United States (MIDUS) showed that ______% indicated they had experienced a "midlife" crisis, though the ages associated with that crisis showed a wide range.


In 2008, a woman marrying for the first time at 30 years of age would be approximately ___________ compared to the average age of first marriage for a woman in Canada.

4 years older

Approximately ______% of men and women who have extramarital affairs become divorced.


According to Frotto's (2002) study of adult friendship patterns approximately ______% have known their best friends for at least 10 years.


According to your text, the idea that personality is subject to major upheavals in the middle years of adulthood reflects:

A good story - "disaster mentality"

The relatives in a young woman's family see each other only for major holidays and family events on average about two or three times a year, even though they live within 30 minutes from each other. Based on this information, you would rate this family as on the negative end of which dimension of the Intergenerational Solidarity Model?


A 60-year-old accountant feels satisfied with the life choices she's made even though she's still open to making changes in the future. Which of the five pathways in the Rochester Adult Longitudinal Study best describes her?

Authentic Road

In the Type A behavior pattern, high scores on hostility seem strongly related to which health outcome?

Cardiovascular disease

Because most adults in our society have internalized society's norms about what's right and wrong but do not necessarily have a true conscience, personality theorist Loevinger believed that they fall into the _______________ stage of ego development.


Research on identity in emerging adults suggests that those who are most likely to engage in delinquent and drug-related behaviors are in which identity status?


Anne became a widow 20 years ago and has not remarried. Compared to other women her age who are currently married, Anne is likely to engage in which types of health-related behaviors?

Engaging in less physical activity

In Erikson's theory, emerging adults who arrive at commitments but do not evaluate alternative commitments would be in which identity status?


The notion of the "redemptive self," as proposed by McAdams comes closest to which stage of Erikson's psychosocial theory?


What is the living situation known as a skip generation family?

Grandparents alone raise the grandchildren.

Research conducted in Vancouver on the so-called "empty nest syndrome" showed that feelings of unhappiness following the children's leaving the home were most prominent among parents of which ethnicity?

Indo/East Indian

The adult's ability to express the true "inner self" is associated with which stage of development in Loevinger's theory?


The well-known psychologist who proposed that personality is "set in plaster" by the age of 30 was:


In Vaillant's ego psychology theory of personality, older adults are more likely to show which type of adaptation to the/stress in the/ir lives?

Mature defense mechanism.

As reported in your text, Costa and McCrae found that men who scored highest on their Midlife Crisis Scale had the highest scores on the __________factor as measured 10 years earlier.


The psychologist testing a 78-year-old new client administered the NEO-PI-R as part of a neuropsychological assessment. She noted that the client has markedly high scores on an Alzheimer's screening test. According to research on the Five Factor Model and Alzheimer's disease risk, which scale of the NEO-PI-R is likely to be abnormally high?


most likely to be married and living with a spouse

Non-hispanic White Men 65-74

Skip generation families involve grandparents in the role of:

Surrogate parent

A 56-year old man has struggled with psychological disorder throughout his entire life, but he has finally managed to overcome his symptoms enough to establish himself in his community as a member of the town council. He has also found happiness in a committed relationship with a woman and they are talking about getting married. This man would fit which life pathway as described from research on the RALS?

Triumphant Trail.

According to your text, in North America nearly __________ of women aged 65 and over are widowed.


A behavioral health specialist working on a cardiologist's hospital team is called in to conduct a session with a new patient. After determining that the patient fits the Type A Behavior Pattern, what would be the best way for her to try to help this patient decrease his future heart disease risk?

Work on reducing his hostility

The "ego" in ego psychology approaches to adult development and aging refers to the fact that these theories emphasize:

a structure in personality proposed by Freudian theory

What is creativity?

ability to generate ideas that are original, appropriate, and have an impact on others

In later life, people who are low in self-esteem tend to be those who use the identity process of:


Wisdom and the senses are...

accrued through experience, verified by our senses, taken for granted, and acceptance of "losses"

Studies testing the predictions Socioemotional Selectivity Theory involving eye tracking measurements while people look at facial stimuli note that younger adults, compared to older adults, are more likely to focus on parts of the face showing:


Men who become most confident about their roles as fathers are those who:

are regarded as competent by their wives.

The highest marital satisfaction, according to the similarity hypothesis, occurs when couples:

are very much alike in their personalities.

A 34-year-old woman is struggling to overcome her extreme anxiety that her friends will desert her, so she tends to stay away from making new friendships. According to the attachment style perspective, she would be considered to be _________ in her attachment style.


The role of grand parenting to aging individuals is shown by researchers to:

be important to their mental health.

The phenomenon in families known as "doing gender" describes what happens when parents:

behave according to traditional roles.

The ______________approach to marital satisfaction predicts greater happiness when couples engage in positive behaviors such as expressing affection


A study of Canadian parents showed that the greatest difficulty in adapting to the empty nest was experienced by parents who:

believe that the world is a dangerous and threatening place.

In equity theory, partners are seen as having the highest marital satisfaction if they:

believe they are each contributing similarly to the relationship.

Music helps people with mental health by

boosts psychological well being, assists persons experiencing grief, and a medium for processing emotions

A couple decided to move in together because they were unsure about whether or not they want to commit to a long-term relationship. They figured they'd give it a try. Should they get married, research suggests that they will potentially experience the __________ effect:


Using sequential methods made it possible for the RALS to investigate the role of ____________ in psychosocial development.


A 40-year-old man was disappointed that his family reunion was spoiled when the older relatives clashed with the younger relatives about the upcoming presidential election. No matter what he did, it was impossible for him to get each side to see the other's point. According to the Inter-generational Solidarity Model, the generations would have low scores on the ____________ dimension.


integration & synthesis

contains complex and multiple features

According to the _____________, parents tend to give more support to their adult children who need the most help.

contingency theory

The ________________ principle would predict that, over time, a highly agreeable person would be more liked by other people, which would further increase that person's agreeableness over the years of adulthood


Practicing art in multiple forms can reduce stress, lowers anxiety, helps regulate blood pressure, improves immune response, and increase quality of life is called ___________________

creativity's role in longevity

Erikson emphasized the role of _________ and _________

culture and society

A major emphasis of psycho-dynamic theory is understanding the use of ________________ in adulthood.

defense mechanisms

A couple you know has recently gotten married. Research shows that the husband will be happiest with his wife if she shows the quality of:


As pointed out in "Aging Today," people who view their situations in life honestly, if not with a slight sense of worry, can be considered high in:

depressive realism.

The situation in families when parents and their adult children differ in how much they value their relationship and whether they wish to be independent is known as a(n):

developmental schism.

A couple who had initially seemed destined to remain together for years, if not decades, surprised by their families when they announced their impending divorce. Neither of them could cite a particular problem; they just felt they grew apart. This pattern of long-term relationship is known as:


Many adults who enter into remarriages are more likely to leave because they are open to the relationship's ending; these individuals are said to be high on the factor known as:

divorce proneness.

. A woman felt that her relationship with her partner took a turn for the worse when, after having their first child, she had to take on more of the "feminine" household tasks. This is an example of _____________, a factor that can contribute to reduced marital satisfaction among women in the transition to parenthood.

doing gender

A 62-year-old woman was told by her physician, much to her own distress, that she needs to lose 15 pounds in order to reduce her risk of developing diabetes. Instead of following the physician's advice, though, she instead tries to make herself feel better by minimizing the importance of what she just heard. This way of coping with stress is known as:



endurance over time

In the ______________ pathway of long-term relationships, the way a couple gets along at the outset of the marriage will continue throughout the length time they stay together.

enduring dynamics

A study in the Netherlands of parents and adult children testing the Intergenerational Solidarity Model showed that when parents had poor relationships with their children, the siblings:

exchanged more help with each other.

Research on adapting to divorce shows that the least frequent negative emotions are experienced by people who:

feel they've gained independence.

When children reach the age at which they enter adulthood, they and their parents experience a phenomenon known as:

filial maturity.

Researchers and clinicians use the Neuroticism-Extraversion-Openness Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO-PI-R) to study the _____________ model of personality in adulthood.

five factor

The phenomenon known as doing _________ occurs after the transition to parenthood, when men and women adopt more stereotyped roles in the household.


Couples in long-term relationships characterized by emergent distress show which pattern of conflict over time?

gradual disappointment with each other and the relationship

In a test of the intergenerational solidarity model, researchers found that siblings were likely to exchange more help with each other when their parents:

had poor relationships with all of their children.

Siblings in later life who exchange more help, according to research on a Netherlands sample, are likely to have had parents who:

had poor relationships with all their children

The sibling relationship in later adulthood is unique because siblings typically:

have known each other longer than anyone else in their lives.

Because it studied patterns of individual changes over time, the Rochester Adult Longitudinal Study (RALS) on psychosocial development used the multivariate correlational method known as:

hierarchical linear modeling.

A cardiologist/Dr. Al Fresco/ sees many middle-aged and older patients who suffer from heart disease and all seem to share a certain personality trait. Based on longitudinal research on adults from college through midlife, which personality trait is this likely to be?


A 27-year-old graduate student finds out that he failed his comprehensive exams, an experience that would normally be extremely anxiety-provoking. However, instead of becoming openly upset, he goes out drinking with his friends that night and never even mentions the failure. Even the next day, he doesn't actually act like anything has gone wrong with his career. Vaillant would classify this as an example of a(n):

immature defense mechanism.

As pointed out in socioemotional selectivity theory, people who value the _________ function of their relationships are likely to seek advice and practical tips from the people with whom they spend time.


Compared to opposite-sex couples living together, research shows that same-sex couples are:

less likely to break up.

Lifespan Contextualism

less likely to judge, greater appreciation for others' values and beliefs, understand how things work, and recognize uncertainty as a fact of life

The inner narrative that people create their experiences up to the present point is called the: a) life structure.

life story

The patterning of an individual's personal development, occupation, family roles, religion, friendships, and religion at a particular point in time is referred to by Levinson as the:

life structure

Research shows that lesbian and gay couples experience more emotional difficulties in raising children when they:

live in states that do not favor same-sex parental adoption.

adults who do focus on ______ will be less able to maximize their mental powers, even in areas that traditionally seem vulnerable to the effects of aging.


Research on "helicopter parents" among young adults and their parents indicates that adult children who receive "intense" support from their parents report feeling:

more likely to have high feelings of life satisfaction.

A couple in their 30s is thinking of getting married. One partner is very outgoing and sociable, and the other is introverted and shy. According to the ____________ hypothesis on long-term relationships, they should be very happy together.

need complementarity

The greatest degree of filial _________is likely to be experienced by Asian American families.


Socioemotional selectivity theory predicts that we feel closer to ____________ as we get closer to the end of our lives.

our best friends

The intergenerational stake hypothesis about families with adult children proposes that:

parents care more about children than children about parents

In longitudinal research on ego development in women conducted by Helson and her colleagues at Mills College, the results showed that during the years of adulthood, women decreased in:

perceived femininity.

Your friends from the gym, who you only see when you work out or go to a group fitness class, are known as which type of friends?

peripheral ties

Married couples who are best friends with each other may show __________. in which they try to take on the

platonic couple love

The idea of what you could become at some point in the future is known as your:

possible self

personality develops in a _____________ order, and builds upon each previous stage


People high in self-efficacy are likely to adapt to stress by using which type of coping methods?


Attachment theory fits into the ______________ perspective in personality and aging.


As people get older they should, according to Bauer, care less about themselves and more about others, an increase in what he calls:

quiet ego.

The widowhood effect refers to the finding that individuals whose spouses die, compared to those still married, have higher:

rates of dying from all causes.

playing music to individuals with Alzheimer's has been show to:

reduce agitation

Music calms individuals with Alzheimer's by...

reducing agitation, boosting emotional and behavioral benefits, and musical memories are mostly undamaged

The "anniversary reaction," as applied to widowhood, refers to the:

renewed feelings of loss near the date of the spouse's death.

The quality of _______________ refers to the ability to recover from stress.


Research by Bonnanno and colleagues (2002) on grief in widows found that the majority of women displayed the pattern known as ____________ grief.


Research on attachment styles in older adults shows that older adults have a variety of sources of security which provide a(n) _____________ when they are experiencing distress.

safe haven

In comparing men and women on defense mechanisms, researchers find that women are more likely than men to engage in which approach to handling stress or anxiety?


In a meta-analysis of studies on satisfaction among couples before and after the birth of the first child, Mitnick and colleagues (2009) showed that compared to non-parents, parents:

showed about the same relationship satisfaction decline.

Old age style

simpler but more powerful and swan song

Research conducted by Lodi-Smith and colleagues (2010) comparing personality and preventive behaviors found that observer-rated personality traits were correlated with which measure relevant to health?


A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies on aging and the Five Factor Model revealed that, across many of these studies, individuals increased up until the age of about 40 in which trait?

social dominance

According to __________________ theory, members of a couple in a long-term relationship should prefer to spend time with each other rather than people they don't know very well.

socioemotional selectivity

Supporting the theory known as ____________, Isaacowitz's research on eye movements showed that older people prefer to look at the happy parts of a face.

socioemotional selectivity

The amount of time a person has left to live is an important factor in personality according to which theory of development?

socioemotional selectivity

According to the correspondence principle, personality __________ is enhanced over adulthood because people selectively experience life events that reinforce their existing personalities.


In a large scale review of studies on midlife in women, the findings showed support for the idea that:

stage in midlife did not predict any outcome measures

A young woman feels that her parents treated her too much like an adult when she was growing up, giving her more responsibility than even she felt she could handle. This situation reflects a relationship characterized by:

structural ambivalence

People who use problem-focused coping are most likely to try to change ____________ when faced with a stressor.

the situation

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