HDFS 313 Exam 2

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According to a national survey, how many students in American public schools have been victims of violence?

1 out of 4

What percentage of American adolescents have sent a photo featuring naked breasts, genitals, or buttocks to a peer?


Which of the following is a characteristic of an adolescent's growing emotional autonomy?

Adolescents become less likely to hold onto idealized pictures of their parents.

Which of the following is one of the characteristics that distinguish between the adolescent's and the child's self-concept?

Adolescents distinguish among actual, ideal, and feared selves.

The process of grouping individuals within social institutions on the basis of chronological age is called

Age Grading

You want to design a study that examines friendships between 10-year-olds and 15-year-olds in contemporary American society. Your advisor tells you that these friendships will be difficult to find and track. Why is that?

Age Grading

Which of the following statements about secondary schools is true?

Almost all American 17- and 18-year-olds are enrolled in school.

Which of the following statements is true?

As school size increases, academic achievement decreases.

According to researchers, because ________ girls do not feel as ________ about their appearance as girls of other racial backgrounds, these individuals typically have ________ overall self-esteem.

Black; negatively; higher

Which set of research findings was used in the Supreme Court case of Brown v. Entertainment Merchants (2010), which was a case that debated whether banning the sale of violent video games to minors was unconstitutional?

Careful studies have indicated that playing violent video games does not make adolescents more aggressive.

What has research on the exposure of adolescents to violent imagery on TV found?

Exposure to TV violence in childhood is linked to aggressive behavior in adolescence.

Based on what you have read about high-performing charter schools, what qualities from these schools would it make sense to encourage in other schools?

Focus on character development as well as academic performance.

What is the immigrant paradox?

Foreign-born and first-generation ethnic minority youth perform better in school and are less likely to be involved in delinquent behavior or have physical, emotional, and behavioral problems than adolescents from the same ethnic group whose parents were born in America.

Which of the following adolescents is likely the most susceptible to peer pressure?

Gavin, a 14-year-old male, who frequently spends time with friends who use alcohol and shoplift

Which of the following is recommended for parents who leave their adolescents in self-care after school?

Have their adolescent check in with an adult as soon as he or she gets home.

Which of the following statements about cyberbullying is true?

In most cases, the person being cyberbullied has an idea who is behind the harassment.

What is the most accurate way to describe movement through the four identity states?

Individuals move from state to state, but not necessarily in an orderly fashion.

Which of the following statements about adolescent employment is supported by research?

Intensive employment during the school year may be detrimental to adolescent development.

Which of the following adolescents is most likely to be well adjusted?

Joaquin, who spends most of his free time studying

Which of the following individuals is least likely to be engaged in volunteerism?

Joshua, who is an introvert and rarely engages with others socially

Alice has high academic self-esteem, whereas Loriann has high physical appearance self-esteem. According to researchers, who will probably have higher overall self-esteem?


Which of the following is an example of conventional moral reasoning?

Marcy decides not to join her friend in shoplifting jewelry because it is against the law, and her family and friends do not approve of breaking the law.

Which adolescent's global self-esteem is most likely to be affected by his or her academic success?

Mary, an Asian-American adolescent

Michelle's parents believe in relaxed rules and guidelines. They believe that rules and regulations will inhibit Michelle's discovery of herself as a person. In what way is this parental philosophy likely to affect Michelle?

Michelle will be emotionally detached from her parents.

The family of which of the following adolescent girls is most likely to have earlier expectations for their child's autonomy?

Olivia, a White adolescent

Generally speaking, why are part-time jobs for adolescents less common in Japan and Korea than in the United States?

Schoolwork is more demanding of teenagers' time in Japan and Korea.

When considering older adolescents (15 years and older) and early adolescents (8- to 11-year-olds), which of the following statements is true?

Self-esteem usually becomes more stable as adolescents grow older.

Which of the following statements about peer influence on Latino adolescents is true?

Susceptibility to peer pressure is higher among relatively more acculturated Latino adolescents than their less acculturated peers.

According to research, which country is reported has having a relatively low prevalence of bullying?


Which of these is the most accurate statement about teachers' expectations of students?

Teacher expectations have a long-term effect on student achievement.

Which of the following is one theory as to why individuals develop autonomy during adolescence?

The physical changes of puberty trigger changes in the adolescent's emotional relationships at home.

The proportion of American high school students holding part-time jobs has decreased over the past two decades. Which of the following is an explanation for this?

The recession during the first decade of the twenty-first century left many adults without jobs.

In general, how much do people's personalities differ before and after adolescence?

They usually remain about the same.

Which statement concerning adolescents' ability to see their parents as people is true?

This aspect of emotional autonomy often develops later in adolescents' relations with their fathers than with their mothers.

According to the writers who claim a separate youth culture exists, what is its nature?

Those who belong to it have different attitudes and beliefs than adults do.

A friend asks you to explain cyberbullying. Which of the following statements would you include in your explanation?

Victims of in-person bullying are often the targets of online bullying as well.

For which of the following questions is an adolescent most likely to turn to outside experts for advice?

What steps do I need to take to get admitted to college?

The combination of high levels of both concentration and interest at the same time is called

a flow experience.

According to the routine activity theory, which of the following is a major contributing factor to adolescent delinquency?

a lack of structured leisure activities

Individuals are more likely to engage in risky behavior when they see the behavior as

a personal choice rather than an ethical dilemma.

Mara wants to send her daughter to a school where the daughter will be more likely to be put in a position of responsibility, such as being a class officer, club president, or team captain. Which type of school should Mara send her daughter to?

a smaller school

In contrast to the role of the peer group in adolescent development, the family is best suited for helping the adolescent with regard to


According to research, which of these are characteristics of effective classrooms?

an orderly atmosphere, yet one that allows critical thinking

The school year is longer than it was in the past

and adolescents remain in school for more years than they used to.

The most popular type of extracurricular activity is


Ryan did a survey at his middle school of the most common after-school jobs for the eighth-grade class. What are his results likely to say?

babysitting and lawn work

Which of the following is an example of a universalistic norm in contemporary American society?

being taught the concept of majority rule

Which of the following is a characteristic of the development of cognitive autonomy?

beliefs that are increasingly rooted in general principles that have an ideological basis

Compared to minority adolescents with families that have been in the United States for a long time, foreign-born ethnic minority adolescents tend to perform

better in school, and are less likely to be involved in delinquent behavior.

Fatima was placed in an advanced track at school. Which of the following is Fatima likely to experience?

classroom activities that emphasize critical thinking

During the 1920s in the United States, the ________ was specially designed to meet the needs of a diverse and growing population of young people.

comprehensive high school

Jamil is highly organized. Which dimension of the five-factor model measures this quality in him?


Professor Gates is studying large groups of adolescents, such as athletes and artists, to learn about their particular mini-cultures. Professor Gates is most likely studying


During adolescence, the importance of religion generally


During late adolescence, the susceptibility to peer pressure


Chloe, who is seventeen years old, says, "My mom keeps bugging me to apply to colleges, but I really don't want to think about it. I probably won't apply to any until the last minute." Which of these terms best describes Chloe?


During the school year, the rate of academic progress was equal between students with higher-socioeconomic status and disadvantaged students. During the summer months,

disadvantaged students' scores declined.

Typically, adolescents' moods while with their families become more negative between

elementary and middle school.

Peter is noticing changes in the expression of affection and distribution of power in his relationships with his parents. He is less likely to rush to them with a problem and is spending more time with his friends. What type of autonomy is developing with Peter?


The teenagers most likely to engage in sexting are those who also

engage in other risky behaviors.

Recently, Maddie, a 15-year-old female from the United States, has begun wearing more makeup and is choosing to wear dresses rather than jeans or tracksuits. What would a psychologist probably call this behavior?

gender-stereotypic behavior

Which of the following is associated with adolescents who work?

greater absences from school

According to research, many youngsters who were "nerds" in middle school

had opportunities to shift status in high school.

Research assessing adolescent work experiences found

high rates of misconduct on the job among adolescent workers.

Self-esteem is ______ among students who are identified with peer groups that have relatively high status in their school.


Dorion is a jock. Consequently, we would expect him to be involved in

his peer culture and in institutions valued by adults.

Even though it was clear that another student, Raul, accidentally pushed Noah, Noah insisted that Raul did it on purpose. What phenomenon is this?

hostile attributional bias

Dan planned a party and invited his whole English class by passing out personal invitations. Dan accidentally forgot to make an invitation for Sam. Sam assumed he intentionally wasn't invited and became angry at Dan for excluding him. This is an example of

hostile attributional bias.

Social media's effect on an adolescent's self-image depends on which of the following factors?

how many or few friends the adolescent already has

An important aspect of having a healthy self-concept is to be able to balance one's ________ self with one's ________ self.

ideal; feared

James has flunked out of high school, has severed all his ties with family and friends, and has no sense of where he is headed. He also seems to have significant disruptions in his sense of time (some things seem to happen much faster than they really do). According to Erikson, James is experiencing

identity diffusion.

Adolescents are most likely to behave ________ in romantic situations and with a classmate, and they are least likely to engage in ________ behavior with close friends.

inauthentically; false-self

Under current federal law, children with learning disabilities must be

mainstreamed whenever possible.

Which theory of media's impact emphasizes the reciprocal link between adolescents' preferences and their media exposure and that adolescents not only choose what they are exposed to but interpret the media in ways that shape their impact?

media practice model

Today, ______ of high school graduates enroll in college immediately after graduation.

more than two-thirds

Which of the following is most characteristic of childhood peer groups, as compared to adolescent peer groups?

more time with adults

Edith, the adolescent daughter of the local police chief, has recently been hanging out with a rowdy group of youth who have vandalized a number of public buildings. Edith has most likely adopted a

negative identity.

According to Brown's (2004) study of crowds in high school, what fraction of adolescents do not fit clearly into any crowd?


Parents who use a lot of psychological control are best characterized as being

overprotective and intrusive.

Being placed in a more advanced track generally has a

positive influence on subsequent course selection.

Drawing on research that shows that certain extracurricular activities benefit adolescents and research showing the potential dangers of leaving adolescents unsupervised after school, some experts have argued that well-designed programs will not only deter problem behavior but also encourage youth to develop strengths. This emphasis on developing strengths is known as

positive youth development.

An individual who sees society's rules and conventions as relative and subjective is at which stage of moral reasoning?


Which of the following parenting behaviors encourages healthy adolescent individuation?

providing a family environment that is characterized by close family relationships

The gap in achievement between Black and Hispanic students, on the one hand, and White and Asian students, on the other hand,

remains very wide.

Researchers believe that some adolescents forge a sense of self-definition in a difficult environment by

selecting a negative identity.

Researchers have identified which of the following factors as a critical component of the development of identity during adolescence?


During which period are friendships most likely to end?

seventh and eighth grades

Sophia and Emma believe that being attractive to boys and men is an important part of a teenage girl's identity. Which of these terms would a researcher most likely use to describe Sophia and Emma?


Annie is an adolescent enrolled in Mr. Love's science class. Annie will most likely do best in class when Mr. Love

spends a high proportion of classroom time teaching lessons.

You are designing a study of students who are making the transition from elementary school to middle school or junior high school. Which of these factors is likely to have a negative effect on these students?

stereotypes about teenagers

The extent to which students are psychologically committed to learning and mastering the material rather than simply completing the assigned work is called

student engagement.

What are postfigurative cultures most likely to have in common?

technology that advances slowly

The highest levels of media use are reported by

teenagers from low-income families.

Many individuals have argued that older adolescents should have the right to seek health care services without parental knowledge or consent because

the basic cognitive abilities necessary to make such decisions are mature by the age of 16.

Researchers have presented a model to help make sense of the complicated relations among perceived discrimination, ethnic identity, and mental health among minorities. This model is called

the multidimensional model of racial identity.

The Anytown town council developed a program to curb delinquent behavior among the town's adolescents. The program had an iatrogenic effect, meaning

the program backfired and delinquent behavior increased.

In parallel with the development of moral and political reasoning, during late adolescence, individuals define their religious beliefs based on

their own system of personal religious beliefs.

As a follow-up to the Supreme Court rulings in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954, 1955), the Supreme Court ruled in 2007 that school districts may no longer

use race as a factor in deciding how to assign students to schools.

Edwards is the principal at a public school and has just read a research study that discussed ways to maximize student success. The main message of the research study was that what takes place within a school is probably more important than the nature of its funding and oversight. Based on this conclusion, what did the researchers most likely argue that schools should focus on?

ways to train, certify, place, and compensate teachers

Families and peer groups both provide adolescents with psychosocial development, but family time mostly focuses on ______, while time with peers mostly focuses on ______.

work; leisure

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