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A study finds that 4,000 total UCSD students suffer from Procrastination Disease, with new cases of this disease arising in 40% of all incoming freshmen. What is the prevalence of this disease? What is the incidence of this disease?

4,000 UCSD students have the disease 40% of all incoming students

The professor reveals that the mean score was 75 points with a standard deviation of 2 points. What was Wendy's score?

76 points

A study followed charter school students to observe their progress over time. The researchers tried to figure out what would have happened if the students had not attended the charter school. This imaginary condition is called the: A. Counterfactual B. Confounder C. Common cause D. Casual mechanism

A. Counterfactual

A spokesperson for an organization that provides micro loans to women ind developing countries said " Our clients are 3x more likely to start a business than other women in their villages. Our program is having a big impact" According to the spokesperson, what type of variable is receiving a micro loan? A. Endogenous B. Independent C. Dependent D. Control

A. Endogenous

A professor is studying the relationship between siblings. Twins are a group of special interest. Which of the following would be a way to make sure enough twins are in the study toe examine as a separate subgroup? A. Oversampling B. Stratified sampling C. Cluster sampling D. Systematic sampling E. A and C

A. Oversampling

A hypothesis is that spending time hiking in the woods improves seasonal allergies. Hikers and non-hiker were surveyed and hikers were found to have fewer seasonal allergies. People with allergies may choose not to joke in the woods. This is an example of A. Reverse causation B. Common cause C. Sample Selection Bias D. All of the above

A. Reverse causation

A school compared the grades of students with disabilities while they were in separate classrooms and a year later when the state required integrating there students into mainstream classrooms. What type of research is this? A. before-after study B. interrupted time series study C. cross-seciotonal comparison D. difference in differences study

A. before-after study

A. A relationship between 2 quantitive variables can be graphed with a scatterplot and summarized numerically either by a correlation or by a ___ regression. B. A relationship between 3+ quantitive variables can be calculated using ___ regression.

A. simple B. multiple

Indicate whether each of the following is a characteristic of a correlation, regression, or a coefficient of determination A. uses on number: r B. asks: how accurate is the regression equation C. asks: are these 2 variables related D. uses an equation y=ax+b E. uses one number: R-squared F. asks: exactly how are these variable related?

A. uses on number: r :Correlation B. asks: how accurate is the regression equation : Coefficient determination C. asks: are these 2 variables related :Correlation D. uses an equation y=ax+b Regression E. uses one number: R-squared Coefficient of determinant F. asks: exactly how are these variable related? Regression

An experiment randomly assigned survey respondents to view three types of information about a government program: cost, outcomes, or cost-effectiveness. the dependent variable was attitude toward the program. Multiple regression with control variables ANOVA Chi-square test t-test


The ____ in experiments represent unintended or uncontrolled human aspects of the research situation that factor int the investigator's conclusion on the study, potentially biasing the outcome. A. Main effects B. Artifacts C. Factors D. Interaction effects

B. Artifacts

A doctor wanted to learn about the use of preventative health care services among low-income men. She conducted a survey in the waiting room of the clinic where she worked. This type of sampling is called: A. Random sampling B. Convenience sampling C. Systematic Sampling D. Stratified sampling E. Cluster sampling

B. Convenience sampling

A survey of large population found self-reported health to be a positive significant predictor of happiness. In all likelihood, self-reported health in this study is A. Exogenous to happiness B. Endogenous to happiness C. the only cause of happiness D. not related to happiness

B. Endogenous to happiness

In the statement "Raising taxes stifles economic growth" which of the following are true? A. Taxes is the dependent variable B. Taxes is the independent variable C. Economic growth is the independent variable D. Economic growth and taxes are positively related E. Both A and C

B. Taxes is the independent variable

A spokesperson for an organization that provides micro loans to women ind developing countries said " Our clients are 3x more likely to start a business than other women in their villages. Our program is having a big impact" Which statement most likely represents the perspective of the spokesperson? A. Women wo really want to start businesses apply for microloans. B. The microlaons enable women to buy what they need to start a business. C. Women who seem capable of starting businesses are more likely to to be approved for a micro loan D. All of the above

B. The microlaons enable women to buy what they need to start a business.

Which is not used with quantitative or continuous variables? A. simple regression B. cross tabulation C. histogram D. scatterplot E. Mammogram

B. cross tabulation

The effect of adding fluoride to a community's water supply was tested by comparing annual records of cavities patient in local dentist's offices for six years before and four years after the fluoride was added. This is an example of which type of research? A. intermittent longitudinal series B. interrupted time series C. cross-sectional comparison D. regression discontinuity

B. interrupted time series

Two lists of numbers, X and Y, have a correlation of .3; X and Z have a correlation of -0.7. We know that: A. the stronger correlation is the correlation of X and Y, since it is positive B. the stronger correlation is the correlation of X and Z C. the two correlation are equally strong since 1.0-0.7 =0.3 D. We cannot tell which is stronger without more information

B. the stronger correlation is the correlation of X and Z

A representative from HFCA stands in the dairy section of the grocery store and surveys shoppers on their opinions of animal cruelty. This type of survey is called: A. Mixed Mode B. Group self-administered C. Intercept interview D. Volunteer panel

C. . Intercept interview

In a randomized experiments, ____ refers to participants dropping ut from the experiment, which can affect the estimated treatment effect A. Experimental Odds B. Sampling Odds C. Attrition D. Rate of dropout

C. Attrition

We measure heights and weights of 100 twenty-year old male college students. Which will have the higher correlation? A. correlation (height, weight) will be much greater than correlation (weight, height) B. correlation (weight, height) will be more greater than correlation (height, weight_ C. Both will have the same correlation D. Both will be about the same but correlation (weight, height) will be a little bit higher E. Both will be the same but correlation (height, weight) will be a little higher

C. Both will have the same correlation

An evaluator was hired after a homeless shelter started offering assistance with applying for food stamps. She compared the daily calorie intake of the homeless at that shelter and a nearby shelter not offering application assistant. This study uses A. Before-after study B. difference-in-difference study C. Cross-sectional comparison D. Interrupted time series

C. Cross-sectional comparison

A group of researchers are studying the state's motorcycle helmet laws by tracking monthly injury rates. They examine data for several years before the new law was passes, and for the several years after it was passed. This is example of a(n) ___ study. A. Sporadic series B. Interrupted periods C. Interrupted time series D. Intermittent longitudinal

C. Interrupted time series

Which of the following is an example of a descriptive research question? A. Does more access to free tutoring in college raise graduation rates? B. Do college graduates make more money than high school graduates? C. What is the unemployment rate of college graduates? D. What if I just drop out of college? What's the worse that could happen? E. B and C

C. What is the unemployment rate of college graduates?

A criminal justice professor compared crime rates in cities where police departments adopted performance measurement systems to those that did not, both before and after the systems were implemented. This type of research is called A. an observational study B. a randomized experiment C. a quasi-experiment D. a natural experiment

C. a quasi-experiment

Professor Smith is designing a study to test for causal evidence between after school programs and truancy. She is interested in revealing genuine causal effects, where the treatment/independent variable is exogenous, and the treatment groups are comparable, or homogenous. This is known as: A. content validity B. external validity C. internal validity D. relative validity

C. internal validity

A researcher amended whether being assigned a social worker affected where homeless youth slept, including on the street, in a shelter, or with friends. Multiple regression with control variables ANOVA Chi-square test t-test

Chi-square test

Which of the following is true of R-squared? A. R-squared can be calculated by squaring r B. R-squared expresses how much of the depend variable can be explained by the independent variable C. R-squared expresses how much the depend variable changes when the independent variable changes D. A and B E. A and C

D. A and B

A spokesperson for an organization that provides micro loans to women ind developing countries said " Our clients are 3x more likely to start a business than other women in their villages. Our program is having a big impact" Which of the following could explain this result? A. Women wo really want to start businesses apply for microloans. B. The microlaons enable women to buy what they need to start a business. C. Women who seem capable of starting businesses are more likely to to be approved for a micro loan D. All of the above

D. All of the above

A study looked at World Bank data on the political stability and economic growth of countries in the world. It found that more political stable countries experienced more economic growth. Which of the following is a unit of analysis in this study? A. World Bank Data B. Political Stability C. Economic Growth D. Countries E. None of the above

D. Countries

A local health department conducted a survey by calling household telephones in order to ask questions related to HIV/AIDS preventing and related behaviors. The survey, however, did not call cell phones and thus missed many younger people. This problem is called: A. Volunteer bias B. Sampling variability C. Sampling error D. Coverage bias E. Random digit dialing

D. Coverage bias

What is the best way to illustrate the distribution of quantitive variable? A. Table B. Bar chart C. Pie chart D. Histogram

D. Histogram

Which of the following would you use to show the relationship between age (in years) and income (in dollars)? A. Histogram B. Odds ratio C. Coefficient D. Scatter plot

D. Scatter plot

Researchers studied the labor market in Miami before and after the Mariel Boatlift in 1980, during which a large influx of Cubans arrived in Miami looking for jobs. The shock of the Mariel Boatlift on the local labor supply was exogenous to wages in Miami. This is an example of a(n) A. a randomized experiment B. observational study C. a quasi-experiment D. a natural experiment

D. a natural experiment

Adding controls to a multiple regression can NOT A. decrease coefficient magnitude B. increase coefficient magnitude C. eliminate effect D. increase effect E. change coefficient sign

D. increase effect

In a fully randomized experimental study, the statistical tests have special meanings because when there is statistical significance, we can say that "x caused y" True/False


Explain what it means for good research to be generalizable.

Generalizable means the research can be related to real world issues/events. For example, the research can be used to describe real life scenarios.

Why do internet access panels tend to produce less biased results than open web polls?

Internet access panels produce less biased results because they aren't based on volunteers.

In a school district, some students with disabilities were assigned to have a teacher's assistant attend classes with them, while other students with disabilities were assigned to spend the school day in a separate classroom. A researcher wanted to determine which condition led to greater student happiness. By chance many more students with physical disabilities were in the first group, while more students with learning disabilities were in the second group. The study found that male students are more likely to have learning disabilities than female students. Multiple regression with control variables ANOVA Chi-square test t-test

Multiple regression with control variables

Give an example of a positive and normative theory regarding SES and college admission rates.

Normative: College administrators want to belie that every student has an equal opportunity to receiving a college education. Therefore, administrators do not beehive SES has a great effect. However, SES does play a large role. Positive: High SES can increase a student's college admission rates


P<.05 is significant

A teacher wants to get feedback on how the parents feel about the school curriculum. The teacher gives the students a survey for their parents to fill out and bring back to school. Give two examples of non-response bias this sampling method might result in.

Parents who have a good relationship are more likely to respond therefore working parents might not have met he teacher so they dint respond. Some parents might uotknow English so they can't fill out the survey.

A study aims to investigate the variables contributing to police violence during arrests. Variables being looked at by the researchers in this case are the length and depth of police training, the demographics of neighborhoods, and police behavior during arrests. Identify one modifiable variable and one non modifiable variable and boringly explain your answer.

Police training is a modifiable variable because it can be altered. There can be police trainings that focus on the use of more verbal/communication techniques instead of physical contact. One non-modifiable variable is the demographics of the neighborhoods because it can't be changed.

What are the advantages and limitations of administering telephone interview surveys?

Some people may not have house phones or cell phones(coverage bias) so you will not be bale to include them in the study. One advantage is that the study will be cost-effective.

Indicate whether the relationship between purchases of sunscreen and number of frowning is positive, negative, or spurious and why.

Sunscreen and the number of frowning are not related, there is a spurious relationship. Sunscreen use doesn't increase of decrease the number of drownings. There is a common cause present.

An experiment that is embedded in the design of a survey questionnaire, often used to test variations in question wording or other information Survy experiment field experiment between-subjects experiment randomized experiment double-blind experiment

Survy experiment

T/F A questionnaire is a type of survey but a survey is not a type of questionnaire.


An amusement park leaves iPads at their exit gate, inviting guests to fill out a seven on the quality of their visits 30% of all park guests fill to the survey. Explain how this feedback may be biased in terms of sample size, sample frame, and propensity to respond.

The sample size is small. They need a sampling frame that gives each guest member an equal chance to respond. They could use a mailing list. The method they are using is based on volunteers and guests who had a fun time and are more likely to respond. sampling frame-a list, map, or other representation of a population used for purposes of drawing a sample ex. mailing list, lists of registered voters, system of area codes

What does an "r" value of 0 tell you about the relationship between 2 variables?

There is no relationship between the 2 variables.

Natural and quasi-experiments tend to have significantly higher bias than randomized experiments. True/False


Wendy just got her quiz back but her professor decided to be trick and only give quiz scores in terms of z-score. If Wendy had a z-socre of .5 what does this tell you?

Z-score represents how far away their score is from the mean, the increments being measured by standard deviations. She was 1/2 a standard deviation away from ht mean, her score is higher than the mean.

It is important to protect participant privacy: ___ is the practice of ensuring that data acquired y the researcher do not contain information that could be used to identify respondents. and __ is the case where participant's identifying information is known only to the researchers and is not publicly associated with their responses.

anonymity confidentiality

An experiment in which subjects are randomly assigned to groups and remain in the groups, so that the comparison is between subjects or units in the groups. Survy experiment field experiment between-subjects experiment randomized experiment double-blind experiment

between-subjects experiment

A___ collects data from the entire population rather than from a sample.


The response rate to a survey or other data collection effort is the result of two factors: ___ rate, which is how successful the researchers are at contact people, and ___ rate, which is how willing the contacted people or units are to participate.

contact cooperation

An experiment which both subject and the research workers who interact with the subject or make measurements, do not know who was assigned to the treatment or control groups. Survy experiment field experiment between-subjects experiment randomized experiment double-blind experiment

double-blind experiment

An experiment that takes place in the real world or in a real social setting, rather than in a lab Survy experiment field experiment between-subjects experiment randomized experiment double-blind experiment

field experiment

Identify the four stages of multistage and cluster sampling. first stage ___ second stage ___ third stage ___ fourth stage ___

first stage: Geographic location second stage: Neighborhood third stage: Household fourth stage: Individual

Observation -> pattern -> tentative hypothesis -> theory This above method is an example of (inductive/deductive) reasoning and is typical for (quantitative/qualitative) research.

inductive / qualitative

Theories aim to explain _____ variation (across time) and ____ variation (across individuals, organizations, and places).

longitudinal cross-sectional

In a case study, researchers may use some for of ___ sampling in order to get qualitative data from specific people who have a unique perspective on the area of study.

purposive sampling

Using ____ is a good way to measure spread when you have outliers/skewed data.


Experiment in which subjects are randomly assigned to conditions (or treatments) to test for causal relationships. Also called randomized controlled trial (RCT) Survy experiment field experiment between-subjects experiment randomized experiment double-blind experiment

randomized experiment

People take a ___ from the population and make a ___ about the population.

sample inference

A study tested the impact of a cooking class on the number of days participants made meals at home Multiple regression with control variables ANOVA Chi-square test t-test


A pine tree company is trying to price their trees. Many variables go into pricing that affect the price: each tree is categorized by the type of tree (Noble, Douglas, and Fraser) and height. What is the unit of analysis in this scenario? What kind of variable is "type of tree"? Categorical/Quantitative and Ordinal/Nominal What kind of variable is height? Categorical/Quantitative and Ordinal/Nominal

trees Categorical and Nominal Quantitative and Ordinal

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