Health Final (9-16)

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Opposing or counteracting.

12-Step programs

Self-help group program based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous.


Severe gum disease in which the tooth root becomes infected.

suction curettage

A procedure in which the contents of the uterus are removed by means of suction and scraping.


A sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae; symptoms include discharge from the penis; women are generally asymptomatic.

allergic rhinitis

An inflammatory response of the nasal mucous membranes after exposure to inhaled allergens.


An organ that develops after implantation and to which the embryo attaches, via the umbilical cord, for nourishment and waste removal.


An organic substance found in animal fats; it is linked to cardiovascular disease, particularly atherosclerosis.


An organism in its early stage of development; in humans, the embryonic period lasts from the second to the eighth week of pregnancy.


Anti-anxiety drugs that depress the central nervous system, reduce activity, and induce relaxation, drowsiness, or sleep; often prescribed to relieve tension and treat epileptic seizures or as a general anesthetic.

AmED (alcohol mixed with energy drinks)

Any combination of alcohol with caffeine and other stimulants


Any of a class of stimulants that trigger the release of epinephrine, which stimulates the central nervous system; users experience a state of hyperalertness and energy, followed by a crash as the drug wears off.


Any of a number of chronic diseases characterized by degeneration of the arteries and hardening and thickening of arterial walls


Any substance, other than food, that affects bodily functions and structures when taken into the body


In embryonic development, a ball of cells with a


The human organism developing in the uterus from the ninth week until birth.


The inability to conceive a child


The innermost membrane of the sac enclosing the embryo or fetus.

Ethyl alcohol

The intoxicating agent in alcoholic beverages; also called ethanol.


The main artery of the body, arising from the left ventricle of the heart.

gamma butyrolactone (GBL)

The main ingredient in gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB); once ingested, GBL converts to GHB and can cause the ingestor to lose consciousness.


The misuse or abuse of more than one drug

Emergency contraception (EC)

Types of oral contraceptive pills, usually taken after unprotected intercourse or failed birth control, that can prevent pregnancy.


Under the skin

fetal alcohol syndrome disorders (FASD)

a cluster of serious physical and mental defects linked with alcohol consumption during pregnancy.

_____ is associated with increased risk of chromosomal disorders. a. A mother's age b. A mother's history of premature labor c. Three or more rounds of IVF d. Previous cesarean delivery e. Artificial insemination

a. A mother's age

As a wrestler, Norman is likely more susceptible to which infection? a. Herpes gladiatorum b. chronic fatigue syndrome c. mononucleosis d. tuberculosis e. Clostridium difficile

a. Herpes gladiatorum

One reason Ritalin and other stimulants are the most widely abused prescription drugs on campus is that they _____. a. are believed to improve performance b. are not addictive c. lower blood pressure d. relieve headaches e. are relatively inexpensive

a. are believed to improve performance

Julie filled her prescription for the painkiller hydrocodone but gave the pills to her sister. Which term best describes Julie's behavior? a. drug diversion b. drug dependence c. drug dealing d. drug abuse e. drug addiction

a. drug diversion

As the child of an alcoholic parent, Marsha is responsible for doing all or most of the household cooking and cleaning. Which term best describes Marsha's role? a. family hero b. scapegoat c. lost child d. mascot e. adjuster

a. family hero

The most common assisted reproductive therapy (ART) procedure is _____. a. in vitro fertilization b. artificial insemination c. fertility drugs d. erectile dysfunction drugs e. tubal embryo transfer

a. in vitro fertilization


The fusion of sperm and egg nucleus


A fertilized egg


Chest pain


infection of the urinary bladder.


the merging of sperm and an ovum


Making more effective or powerful.


The surgical removal of an entire breast.


A pregnancy that terminates before the 20th week of gestation; also called spontaneous abortion.


A Chinese medical practice of puncturing the body with needles inserted at specific points to relieve pain or cure disease.


A behavioral pattern characterized by compulsion, loss of control, and continued repetition of a behavior or an activity in spite of adverse consequences.

rhythm method

A birth control method in which sexual intercourse is avoided during those days of the menstrual cycle in which fertilization is most likely to occur


A bowl-like rubber cup with a flexible rim that is inserted into the vagina to cover the cervix and prevent the passage of sperm into the uterus during sexual intercourse; used with a spermicidal foam or jelly, it serves as both a chemical and a physical barrier to sperm.


A brain chemical associated with feelings of satisfaction and euphoria

gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)

A brain messenger chemical that stimulates the release of human growth hormone; commonly abused for its high and alleged ability to trim fat and build muscles. Also known as "blue nitro" or the "date rape drug."


A cerebrovascular event in which the blood supply to a portion of the brain is blocked.


A chronic, progressive, potentially fatal disease characterized by impaired control of drinking; a preoccupation with alcohol; continued use of alcohol despite adverse consequences; and distorted thinking, most notably denial

Metabolic syndrome

A cluster of disorders of the body's metabolism that make diabetes, heart disease, or stroke more likely

myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)

A cluster of symptoms whose cause is not yet known; a primary symptom is debilitating fatigue.


A common sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria known as Chlamydia trachomatis.


A concentrated form of a drug derived from the cannabis plant that contains the psychoactive ingredient THC, which causes a sense of euphoria when inhaled or eaten.

myocardial infarction (MI)

A condition characterized by the dying of tissue areas in the myocardium, caused by interruption of the blood supply to those areas; the medical name for a heart attack.


A condition in which blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes.

insulin resistance

A condition in which the body produces insulin but does not use it properly


A condition of slightly elevated blood pressure, which is likely to worsen in time.


A consumer product with no brand name or registered trademark

intrauterine device (IUD)

A device inserted into the uterus through the cervix to prevent pregnancy by interfering with implantation.

diabetes mellitus

A disease in which the inadequate production of insulin leads to failure of the body tissues to break down carbohydrates at a normal rate.


A disease or allergic response characterized by bronchial spasms and difficult breathing.

sexually transmitted disease (STD)

A disease that is caused by a sexually transmitted infection that produces symptoms


A form of arteriosclerosis in which fatty substances (plaque) are deposited on the inner walls of arteries.


A gradual penetration or invasion


A group of closely related compounds that include cannabinol and the active constituents of cannabis (marijuana).

uberculosis (TB)

A highly infectious bacterial disease that primarily affects the lungs and is often fatal.


A method of treating disease, primarily through manipulating the bones and joints to restore normal nerve function.


A need for markedly increased amounts of alcohol or a drug to achieve the desired effect or a markedly diminished effect with continued use of a substance.

Human papillomavirus (HPV)

A pathogen that causes genital warts and increases the risk of cervical cancer.

ectopic pregnancy

A pregnancy in which the fertilized egg has implanted itself outside the uterine cavity, usually in the fallopian tube.


A sludgelike substance that builds up on the inner walls of arteries; also a sticky film of bacteria that forms on teeth

Vaginal contraceptive film (VCF)

A small dissolvable sheet saturated with spermicide that can be inserted into the vagina and placed over the cervix.


A soft, painful sore or localized infection usually acquired through sexual contact.

vaginal spermicide

A substance that kills or neutralizes sperm, inserted into the vagina in the form of a foam, cream, jelly, suppository, or film.

cesarean delivery

A surgical procedure in which an infant is delivered through an incision made in the abdominal wall and uterus.


A surgical procedure to end a person's reproductive capability.


A surgical sterilization procedure in which each vas deferens is cut and tied shut to stop the passage of sperm to the urethra for ejaculation


A surgical sterilization procedure in which the fallopian tubes are observed with a laparoscope inserted through a small incision, and then cut or blocked.


A synthetic compound, also known as methylenedioxymethamphetamine, that is similar in structure to methamphetamine and has both stimulant and hallucinogenic effects

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide)

A synthetic psychoactive substance originally developed to explore mental illness

phencyclidine (PCP)

A synthetic psychoactive substance that produces effects similar to those of other psychoactive drugs when swallowed, smoked, sniffed, or injected and also may trigger unpredictable behavioral changes


A system of medical practice that treats a disease by administering dosages of substances that would in healthy persons produce symptoms similar to those of the disease.

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)

A term applied to all health-care approaches, practices, and treatments not widely taught in medical schools, not generally used in hospitals, and not usually reimbursed by medical insurance companies

Pap smears

A test in which cells are removed from the cervix for microscopic examination for signs of cancer

cervical cap

A thimble-size rubber or plastic cap that is inserted into the vagina to fit over the cervix and prevent the passage of sperm into the uterus during sexual intercourse; used with a spermicidal foam or jelly, it serves as both a chemical and a physical barrier to sperm.


A traditional Indian medical treatment involving meditation, exercise, herbal medications, and nutrition


A urinary tract infection that extends to the kidneys.

Bacterial vaginosis (BV)

A vaginal infection caused by overgrowth and depletion of various microorganisms living in the vagina, resulting in a malodorous white or gray vaginal discharge.

club drugs

A variety of drugs including MDMA, GHB, GBL, ketamine, fentanyl, Rohypnol, and nitrites that first became popular at nightclubs, bars, and raves.


A variety of neurological disorders characterized by sudden attacks (seizures) of violent muscle contractions and unconsciousness

human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

A virus that causes a spectrum of health problems, ranging from a symptomless infection changes in the immune system to the development of life-threatening diseases because of impaired immunity.


A white crystalline powder extracted from the leaves of the coca plant that stimulates the central nervous system and produces a brief period of euphoria followed by a depression

Contraceptive choices for men have not changed much since the condom and vasectomy were developed in the _________ century. A. nineteenth B. early twentieth C. mid-twentieth

A. nineteenth

pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

An inflammation of the internal female genital tract, characterized by abdominal pain, fever, and tenderness of the cervix

HPV is known to _________, such as cervical cancer damage male and female fertility even when the virus is cleared produce obvious symptoms in the vast majority of cases A. increase risk of certain types of cancer, such as cervical cancer damage B. male and female fertility even when the virus is cleared produce C. obvious symptoms in the vast majority of cases

A.) increase risk of certain types of cancer, such as cervical cancer damage


Agents, such as drugs, that temporarily relieve drowsiness, help in the performance of repetitive tasks, and improve capacity for work.

primary care

Ambulatory or outpatient care provided by a physician in an office, an emergency room, or a clinic.

relapse prevention

An alcohol recovery treatment method that focuses on social skills training to develop ways of preventing a relapse.


An alternative system of treatment of disease that emphasizes the use of natural remedies such as sun, water, heat, and air. Therapies may include dietary changes, steam baths, and exercise


An amphetamine-like stimulant derived from the khat plant.

herbal medicine

An ancient form of medical treatment using substances derived from trees, flowers, ferns, seaweeds, and lichens to treat disease.


An anti-anxiety drug that depresses the central nervous system, reduces activity, and induces relaxation, drowsiness, or sleep; often prescribed to relieve tension, muscular strain, sleep problems, anxiety, and panic attacks; also used as an anesthetic and in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal.

Integrative medicine

An approach that combines traditional medicine with alternative/complementary therapies.


An infection of the protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis; females experience vaginal burning, itching, and discharge, but male carriers may be asymptomatic


An infection of the yeast Candida albicans, commonly occurring in the vagina, vulva, penis, and mouth and causing burning, itching, and a whitish discharge.


An infectious disease that may cause birth defects if contracted by a pregnant woman; also called German measles


An infectious viral disease characterized by an excess of white blood cells in the blood, fever, bodily discomfort, sore throat, and kidney and liver complications.

Fat is believed to be associated with increased risk of cancer because it stimulates _________production A. oxygenation B. Inflammation C. Estrogen D. Production

B. Inflammation

An individual who is withdrawing from caffeine may experience _________ A. palpitations B. difficulty concentrating C. insomnia

B. difficulty concentrating

It is estimated that every year, there are about 11.4 million unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions for children with _________ A. Recurrent headaches B. Respiratory infections C. Nausea or stomaches

B.) Respiratory infections

barrier contraceptives

Birth control devices that block the meeting of egg and sperm by physical barriers such as condoms, diaphragms, or cervical caps, by chemical barriers such as spermicide, or both.

combination oral contraceptives (COCs)

Birth control pills that consist of two hormones, synthetic estrogen and progestin, which play important roles in controlling ovulation and the menstrual cycle.

Women who have 8 or more drinks per week and men who have 15 or more drinks per week are most accurately described as _________alcoholicsbinge drinkersheavy drinkers A. alcoholics B. Binge drinkers C. Heavy drinkers

C. Heavy drinkers

transient ischemic attacks (TIAs)

Cerebrovascular events in which the blood supply to a portion of the brain is blocked temporarily; repeated attacks are predictors of more severe strokes.


Characterized by a combined effect that is equal to the sum of the individual effects


Characterized by a combined effect that is greater than the sum of the individual effects.


Compounds in blood that are made up of proteins and fat; high-density lipoproteins (HDL) pick up excess cholesterol in the blood; lowdensity lipoproteins (LDL) carry more cholesterol and deposit it on the walls of arteries.


Consuming alcoholic beverages, usually with friends, before going out to bars or parties; also called pregaming, preloading, or front-loading.

Drug dependence

Continued substance use even when its use causes cognitive, behavioral, and physical symptoms

Long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs)

Contraceptive devices that provide protection from pregnancy for an extended period without any action by users. Examples include intrauterine devices, injections, and implants.

delirium tremens (DTs)

Delusions, hallucinations, and agitated behavior following withdrawal from long-term chronic alcohol abuse


Development of symptoms that cause significant psychological and physical distress when an individual reduces or stops drug use

Autoimmune disorders

Diseases caused by an attack on body tissue by an immune system that fails to recognize the tissue as self.


Drug derived from the cannabis plant, containing the psychoactive ingredient THC, which causes a mild sense of euphoria when inhaled or eaten.


Drugs that cause hallucinations.


Drugs that have sleep-inducing and painrelieving properties, including opium and its derivatives and nonopioid, synthetic drugs.


Either of the two upper chambers of the heart, which receive blood from the veins.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

Emergency treatment to maintain circulation in a person whose heart has stopped or who is no longer breathing.

psychological dependence

Emotional addiction, a compulsion or perceived need to use a substance or engage in a behavior.

health literacy

Evidence-based medicine

(T/F) About one in five adults in the United States drink excessively.


(T/F) According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, antibiotics are prescribed to children with respiratory infections about three times as often as they should be.


(T/F) Richer countries have less cancer because residents of richer countries have better eating habits.


(T/F) Worldwide, nearly one billion women rely on oral contraceptives ("the pill").



Fats that flow through the blood after meals and are linked to increased risk of coronary artery disease.


For a man, having five or more alcoholic drinks at a single sitting; for a woman, having four or more drinks at a single sitting.


Head-to-toe maintenance, including good oral care, appropriate screening tests, knowing your medical rights, and understanding the healthcare system.

medical history

Health-related information that a health-care professional collects while interviewing a patient.


High blood pressure that occurs when the blood exerts excessive pressure against the arterial walls.

systolic blood pressure

Highest blood pressure, which occurs when the heart contracts.


Hypersensitivities to particular substances in one's environment or diet.

designer drugs

Illegally manufactured psychoactive drugs that have dangerous physical and psychological effects.

Gum disease

Infection of the gums and bones that hold teeth in place.


Infection of the urethra.


Inflammation of the gums.

nongonococcal urethritis (NGU)

Inflammation of the urethra caused by organisms other than the Gonococcus bacterium.


Into a vein


Into or within a muscle

premature labor

Labor that occurs after the 20th week but before the 37th week of pregnancy.


Latex or polyurethane sheaths worn over the penis during sexual acts to prevent conception and/or the transmission of disease; the female condom lines the walls of the vagina.


Lesions in, or erosion of, the mucous membrane of an organ.

diastolic blood pressure

Lowest blood pressure, which occurs between contractions of the heart.


Maladaptive behavioral, psychological, and physiologic changes that occur as a result of substance abuse

vital signs

Measurements of physiological functioning— specifically temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate, and respiration rate


Medical fakery; unproven practices claiming to cure diseases or solve health problems.

over-the-counter (OTC)

Medications that can be obtained legally without a prescription from a medical professional.

medical abortion

Method of ending a pregnancy within nine weeks of conception using hormonal medications that cause expulsion of the fertilized egg.

fetal alcohol effects (FAE)

Milder forms of FAS, including low birth weight, irritability as newborns, and permanent mental impairment as a result of the mother's alcohol consumption during pregnancy.




Minute blood vessels that connect arteries to veins.

home health care

Provision of equipment and services to patient in their homes.


Oral contraceptives containing a small amount of progestin and no estrogen, which prevent contraception by making the mucus in the cervix so thick that sperm cannot enter the uterus.

progestin-only pills

Oral contraceptives containing a small amount of progestin and no estrogen, which prevent contraception by making the mucus in the cervix so thick that sperm cannot enter the uterus.

Informed consent

Permission (to undergo or receive a medical procedure or treatment) given voluntarily, with full knowledge and understanding of the procedure or treatment and its possible consequences

Gambling disorder

Persistent and recurrent problematic gambling that leads to significant impairment or distress.

Physical dependence

Physiological attachment to, and need for, a drug.


Poisonousness; the dosage level at which a drug becomes poisonous to the body, causing either temporary or permanent damage.

oral contraceptives

Preparations of synthetic hormones that inhibit ovulation; also referred to as birth control pills or simply the pill.

alcohol use disorder

Problematic pattern of alcohol use leading to significant impairment or distress.

practice guidelines

Recommendations for diagnosis and treatment of various health problems, based on evidence from scientific research


Referring to the heart and the biochemical processes involved in the body's functioning


Substances that produce vapors having psychoactive effects when sniffed.


The alcoholic strength of a distilled spirit, expressed as twice the percentage of alcohol present.

blood-alcohol concentration (BAC)

The amount of alcohol in the blood, expressed as a percentage.

tubal occlusion

The blocking of the fallopian tubes to prevent pregnancy.


The contraction phase of the cardiac cycle


The embedding of the fertilized ovum in the uterine lining.

Drug abuse

The excessive use of a drug in a manner inconsistent with accepted medical practice.

acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)

The final stages of HIV infection, characterized by a variety of severe illnesses and decreased levels of certain immune cells.


The passage of substances into or across membranes or tissues.


The period between contractions in the cardiac cycle, during which the heart relaxes and dilates as it fills with blood.

sexually transmitted infection (STI)

The presence in the human body of an infectious agent that can be passed from one sexual partner to another.


The prevention of conception


The process by which sperm cells are produced.


The process leading up to birth: effacement and dilation of the cervix; the movement of the baby into and through the birth canal, accompanied by strong contractions; and contraction of the uterus and expulsion of the placenta after the birth.

coitus interruptus

The removal of the penis from the vagina before ejaculation.


The supervised removal of a poisonous or harmful substance (such as a drug) from the body; a therapy for alcoholics in which they are denied alcohol in a controlled environment.

tubal ligation

The suturing or tying shut of the fallopian tubes to prevent pregnancy.

Drug diversion

The transfer of a drug from the person for whom it was prescribed to another individual


The two lower chambers of the heart, which pump blood out of the heart and into the arteries.


The ultimate impacts of particular treatments or absence of treatment.

Drug misuse

The use of a drug for a purpose (or person) other than that for which it was medically intended


To spread to other parts of the body via the bloodstream or lymphatic system.

(T/F) Americans drink about 400 million cups of coffee a day.


(T/F) It is possible to contract HPV without having vaginal or anal intercourse.


Which characteristic is a sign of metabolic syndrome? a. larger-than-normal waist measurement b. lower-than-normal low-density lipoprotein (LDL) level c. higher-than-normal high-density lipoprotein (HDL) level d. lower-than-normal blood pressure e. lower-than-normal fasting blood sugar

a. larger-than-normal waist measurement

Which cardiometabolic risk factor is within an individual's control? a. level of exercise b. ethnicity c. gender d. family history e. age

a. level of exercise

Many pathogens that invade your body are destined for transport to and destruction in the _____. a. lymph nodes b. thymus gland c. spleen d. bone marrow e. tonsils

a. lymph nodes

Men should take the first signs of chlamydia seriously because, left untreated, this STI can lead to epididymitis, which can cause _____. a. sterility b. cancer of the anus c. testicular cancer d. syphilis e. bladder cancer

a. sterility

Which is the most common method of taking a drug? a. swallowing a pill b. receiving a muscle injection c. inhaling a spray d. receiving an IV e. getting a shot in the arm

a. swallowing a pill

Which infection is protozoan-borne and, although characterized by vaginal burning and itching among women, may cause no symptoms among men? a. trichomoniasis b. candidiasis c. human papillomavirus d. zoster e. schistosomiasis

a. trichomoniasis

Although about _____ of children's respiratory infections are caused by bacteria, about _____ of children with respiratory infections receive a prescription for antibiotics. a.) 27%; 57% b.) 37%; 47% c.) 47%; 57% d.) 67%; 27%

a.) 27% ; 57%

Compared with older students on college campuses, students under age 21 _____. a. are more prone to drink just "to get drunk" b. experience fewer negative alcohol-related consequences c. engage in less binge drinking d. drink more often than older students e. tend to drink in bars and other public settings

a.) are more prone to drink just "to get drunk"

Conventional therapy for treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers includes avoiding medications such as _____. a. aspirin b. sucralfate c. diuretics d. statins e. cimetidine

a.) aspirin

Which STI is commonly treated with an antibiotic such as erythromycin and can be prevented by keeping the genitals clean and washing them with soap and water if exposed? a. chancroid b. gonorrhea c. pubic lice d. nongonococcal urethritis e. trichomoniasis

a.) chancroid

Regarding the sexual transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), you should know that _____. a. you are at greater risk for contracting HIV if you have an active sexual infection b. household chemicals, such as bleach, cannot inactivate HIV c. condom use reduces the risk of HIV transmission by as much as 99 percent d. forms of HIV transmission include social (dry) kissing e. several cases of HIV transmission by deep (French) kissing have been reported

a.) you are at greater risk for contracting HIV if you have an active sexual infection

_____ include(s) methods that block the sperm from reaching the egg or that prevent ovulation or implantation. a. The rhythm method b. Contraceptives c. Coitus interruptus d. Fertility awareness e. Progestin-only regimens

b. Contraceptives

Generic drugs and their brand-name counterparts share the same active ingredients, but their fillers and binders might not be the same. This difference can affect the drugs' _____. a. primary effects b. absorption c. strength d. maximum dose e. toxicity

b. absorption

Sold generically and under the brand name Zovirax, what is the oldest antiviral medication for herpes? a. penciclovir b. acyclovir c. valacyclovir d. famcyclovir e. ganciclovir

b. acyclovir

Which type of virus is the cause of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)? a. rhinovirus b. coronavirus c. papillomavirus d. filovirus e. adenovirus

b. coronavirus

Research indicates that the most common form of drug abuse treatment is _____. a. detoxification b. counseling c. medication d. monitoring e. intervention

b. counseling

Which pregnancy problem is characterized by the fertilized egg remaining in the fallopian tube instead of traveling to the uterus? a. miscarriage b. ectopic pregnancy c. Huntington's chorea d. rubella e. spontaneous abortion

b. ectopic pregnancy

Which condition is the leading alcohol-related cause of death? a. cirrhosis of the liver b. injury c. blood poisoning d. hepatitis e. cancer of the esophagus

b. injury

Which form of medication will produce physical effects most quickly? a. tablet b. intravenous injection c. capsule d. intramuscular injection e. liquid

b. intravenous injection

Which form of birth control requires avoidance of sexual intercourse on days of the menstrual cycle during which fertilization is most likely to occur? a. withdrawal b. rhythm method c. abstinence d. birth control pills e. barrier methods

b. rhythm method

Binge drinking is defined as _____ or more drinks in one sitting for women and _____ or more for men. a. two; three b. three; four c. four; five d. five; six

c. four; five

Which stage of syphilis is sometimes characterized by a skin rash, temporary baldness, low-grade fever, and swollen glands or, possibly, no symptoms at all? a. primary b. secondary c. late d. latent e. tertiary

b. secondary

Which means of transmission is the most common route by which the hepatitis B virus is spread? a. food b. sexual contact c. water d. tattoo needles e. blood transfusions

b. sexual contact

The U.S. government has amassed a vaccine stockpile for treatment of which potential bioterrorism threat? a. prion disease b. smallpox c. botulism d. tularemia e. Ebola

b. smallpox

Which factor has the most influence on how much college students drink? a. gender b. social norms c. fraternity/sorority membership d. year in school e. living arrangements

b. social norms

At what level of blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) are most people in danger of passing out? a. 0.1 b. 0.2 c. 0.3 d. 0.4 e. 0.5

b.) 0.2

By eating a diet lower in fat, about _____ cases of cancer could be avoided in the United States alone each year. a.250,000 b.350,000 c.550,000 d.750,000

b.) 350,000

Which group has the highest rates of fatal cancers? a. Hispanics b. African Americans c. Asians d. American Indians e. Caucasians

b.) African Americans

A disease of the lining of the arteries in which plaque narrows the artery channels is referred to as _____. a. a coronary b. atherosclerosis c. a myocardial infarction d. angina pectoris e. a heart attack

b.) atherosclerosis

Which event causes a cerebrovascular accident, or stroke? a. a decrease in platelet production b. blockage of the blood supply to a portion of the brain c. insufficient C-reactive protein levels d. increased oxygen delivery to a portion of the brain e. a decrease in homocysteine levels

b.) blockage of the blood supply to a portion of the brain

The culprit in one of every three cases of sudden cardiac death in young athletes is a silent condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), characterized by _____. a. incomplete atrial contractions b. excessive thickness of the heart muscle c. narrowing of the pulmonary artery d. abnormal ventricular contractions e. an outpouching of the aorta

b.) excessive thickness of the heart muscle

The caffeine contained in AmED (alcohol mixed with energy drinks) _____. a. effectively reduces blood-alcohol concentrations b. might mask the depressant effects of alcohol c. significantly affects the liver's metabolism of alcohol d. decreases the desire to keep drinking e. improves alcohol-induced impairment of reaction time

b.) might mask the depressant effects of alcohol

For Americans, what are the estimated odds of acquiring a sexually transmitted infection (STI) in their lifetime? a. one in three b. one in four c. one in five d. one in six e. one in seven

b.) one in four

Medical abortion accounts for about ____ percent of abortions. a. 5 b. 11 c. 20 d. 35 e. 87

c. 20

Each year in the United States, approximately _____ U.S. children become available for adoption. a. 10,000 b. 25,000 c. 50,000 d. 100,000 e. 120,000

c. 50,000

Approximately _____ percent of college students engage in drinking games. a. 50 b. 1.5 c. 66 d. 40 e. 15

c. 66

Which condition is the most commonly reported vector-borne infectious disease in the United States? a. Crohn's disease b. mononucleosis c. Lyme disease d. West Nile virus e. tuberculosis

c. Lyme disease

If you hear someone at a party ask where he can score some "Clarity," he is most likely to be looking for _____. a. cocaine b. GHB c. MDMA d. methamphetamine e. synthetic marijuana


Which organism is the most plentiful microorganism as well as the most pathogenic? a. viruses b. protozoa c. bacteria d. helminths e. fungi

c. bacteria

Which brain chemical increases after someone drinks a shot of whiskey, wins a poker hand, or tastes chocolate? a. epinephrine b. serotonin c. dopamine d. GHB e. norepinephrine

c. dopamine

The thinning of the cervix during labor is known as _____. a. dilation b. crowning c. effacement d. resolution e. thinning

c. effacement

As a result of alcohol consumption during pregnancy, one of every 750 newborns has a cluster of physical and mental defects called _____. a. fetal alcohol effects b. fetal alcohol dependence c. fetal alcohol syndrome disorders d. fetal alcohol abuse e. fetal alcohol impairment

c. fetal alcohol syndrome disorders

Alcohol _____. a. decreases the risk of pancreatitis b. stimulates the central nervous system c. lowers inhibitions d. is not consumed by students under age 21 e. is converted to glucose in the liver

c. lowers inhibitions

Which type of contraceptive offers the best protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs)? a. oral contraceptives b. vaginal contraceptive film (VCF) c. male condoms d. intrauterine device (IUD) e. morning-after pill

c. male condoms

Which term refers to a disease that affects an exceptionally high proportion of the population over a wide geographic area? a. epidemic b. outbreak c. pandemic d. sporadic e. resistant

c. pandemic

Which physiological change to the mother typically presents initially in the second trimester of pregnancy? a. increased urination b. breast enlargement c. secretion of colostrum d. Braxton-Hicks contractions e. pinching of the sciatic nerve

c. secretion of colostrum

Addictive behavior that strains and eventually severs ties to family, friends, colleagues, and classmates has damaged a drug user's _____ health. a. environmental b. spiritual c. social d. psychological e. intellectual

c. social

Regarding the risk of acquiring an STI, women should be aware that _____. a. their physicians will routinely test them for infection b. symptoms of STIs are fairly obvious and should be treated immediately c. their risk of getting an infection is greater than that of men d. they have fewer exposed mucosal regions than men as protection e. symptoms of STIs tend to be more "silent" in men

c. their risk of getting an infection is greater than that of men

Across the world today, women account for what percentage of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) diagnoses? a. 10 percent b. 15 percent c. 25 percent d. 50 percent e. 65 percent

c.) 25 percent

It is estimated that _____ of healthy people clear the human papilloma virus (HPV) on their own. a.70% b.80% c.90% d.99%

c.) 90%

Which two bacteria are responsible for one-third to one-half of all cases of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)? a. Ureaplasma urealyticum and Gonococcus b. Treponema pallidum and Haemophilus ducrevi c. Gonococcus and Chlamydia d. Trichomonas vaginalis and Intraepithelial neoplasia e. Chlamydia and Trichomonas vaginalis

c.) Gonococcus and Chlamydia

For an individual who has diabetes, _____. a. the levels of glucose in the blood decrease after each meal b. unused glucose is stored in the kidneys c. glucose in the blood is unable to enter most body cells d. insulin secretion is increased e. glucose is excreted through the gastrointestinal system

c.) glucose in the blood is unable to enter most body cells

A condition in which the body produces insulin but does not use it properly is best described as _____. a. prediabetes b. type 1 diabetes c. insulin resistance d. atherosclerosis e. insulin deficiency

c.) insulin resistance

In addition to causing cervical cancer, human papillomavirus (HPV) also has been linked to the development of cancer of the _____. a. bladder and kidneys b. lymphatic system c. mouth and throat d. blood system e. liver and intestines

c.) mouth and throat

Which STI is caused by mites that lay eggs under the skin? a. pubic lice b. chancroid c. scabies d. nongonococcal urethritis e. bacterial vaginosis

c.) scabies

The issue of a contraceptive medication for men is being described as one of numbers, because an effective medication would have to suppress the development of about _____ sperm per day. a.200,000 b.2,000,000 c.20,000,000 d.200,000,000

d .200,000,000

Karyn is developing a plan to help lower her high blood pressure. Which action is most appropriate for Karyn to include in the plan? a. choosing a high-protein diet with plenty of red meat b. avoiding nuts and dairy products c. choosing beef over poultry and fish d. avoiding caffeinated energy drinks e. increasing sodium intake and decrease potassium intake

d. ) avoiding caffeinated energy drinks

With distilled spirits (such as bourbon, scotch, vodka, gin, and rum), alcohol content is expressed in terms of proof. For example, 80-proof gin is _____ percent alcohol. a. 0.8 b. 4.0 c. 8.0 d. 40 e. 80

d. 40

Which drug has extremely unpredictable effects and might cause violent behavior among either first-time or longtime users? a. LSD b. ketamine c. Demerol d. PCP e. salvia

d. PCP

Emergency contraception has the disadvantage of _____. a. increasing the risk for hepatitis b. requiring a prescription c. promoting sexual risk-taking d. causing irregular bleeding e. encouraging promiscuity

d. causing irregular bleeding

Which term refers to a urinary infection (UTI) that affects the bladder? a. pyelonephritis b. candidiasis c. urethritis d. cystitis e. moniliasis

d. cystitis

Which drug causes unpleasant effects, such as facial flushing, headache, nausea, vomiting, when it is consumed with even small amounts of alcohol? a. naltrexone b. acamprosate c. topiramate d. disulfiram e. naloxone

d. disulfiram

A human organism developing in the uterus from the ninth week until birth is called a(n) _____. a. implant b. gastrula c. blastocyst d. fetus e. embryo

d. fetus

What risk does Sara run if she takes more than the recommended daily dosage of Tylenol gelcaps for headache relief? a. bleeding ulcers b. irritable bowel syndrome c. heart failure d. liver failure e. kidney failure

d. liver failure

Which form of oral contraceptive releases different levels of estrogen and progesterone to mimic the hormonal fluctuations of the natural menstrual cycle? a. the "no period" pills b. extended use pills c. monophasic pills d. multiphasic pills e. minipills

d. multiphasic pills

Bradley prefers smoking marijuana but regularly uses PCP, cocaine, and other drugs. Which term best describes Bradley's behavior? a. intoxication b. tolerance c. toxicity d. polyabuse e. dependence

d. polyabuse

Symptoms of caffeine intoxication include _____. a.stupor b.pale face c.inability to urinate d.psychomotor agitation

d. psychomotor agitation

To which activity was Shakespeare referring when he wrote that alcohol "provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance"? a. dancing b. motor skills c. talking d. sexual performance e. acting

d. sexual performance

Which condition results from the unchecked spread of pathogens into the bloodstream? a. abscess b. inflammation c. immune deficiency d. systemic disease e. incubation

d. systemic disease

Women experience heart attacks somewhat differently than men. Which symptom is reported by far fewer women than men? a. shortness of breath preceding the heart attack b. a clammy sweat during the heart attack c. nausea during the heart attack d. chest pain during the heart attack e. weakness and fatigue preceding the heart attack

d.) chest pain during the heart attack

HIV increases the susceptibility to opportunistic infections because the virus wages all-out war on the _____ system. a. respiratory b. lymphatic c. circulatory d. immune e. integumentary

d.) immune

Among the multiple symptoms of meningitis, which are the most common? a. nausea, projectile vomiting, and sudden onset diarrhea b. cold hands, cold feet, and severe numbness c. disorientation, intermittent drowsiness, and sensitivity to bright light d. sudden high fever; severe, persistent headache; and neck stiffness and pain e. eye pain, grand mal seizures, and brownish skin rash

d.) sudden high fever; severe, persistent headache; and neck stiffness and pain

Which STI is sometimes manifested by a yellow-green vaginal discharge and genital itching? a. chlamydia b. gonorrhea c. genital herpes d. trichomoniasis e. syphilis

d.) trichomoniasis

Tolerance is a need for _____. a. increased time to recover from the effects of alcohol b. significantly less alcohol to achieve the desired effect c. a consistent amount of alcohol to achieve the desired effect d. patience while trying to cut down or control alcohol use e. significantly more alcohol to achieve the desired effect

e. ) significantly more alcohol to achieve the desired effect

Today, a marijuana cigarette contains _____ mg of THC, compared with _____ mg in the 1960s. a. 20; 50 b. 60; 100 c. 100; 50 d. 120; 140 e. 150; 10

e. 150; 10

Which condition is an autoimmune disorder that primarily affects the gastrointestinal tract? a. Addison's disease b. myalgic encephalomyelitis c. metabolic syndrome d. systemic lupus erythematous e. Crohn's disease

e. Crohn's disease

Which soft drink has the lowest caffeine content? a. Mountain Dew b. Mello Yello c. Dr. Pepper d. Diet Coke e. Pepsi-Cola

e. Pepsi-Cola

A group of college students participates in a sex education program. What are they likely to learn about using a condom during sex? a. They should expect the condom to significantly decrease sexual pleasure. b. They should use older condoms first, even though there is no expiration date. c. They should keep condoms in their wallets for easy access. d. They should keep a little air in a condom before putting it on. e. They should squeeze the air out of a condom before putting it on.

e. They should squeeze the air out of a condom before putting it on.

Avian influenza is caused by a virus that occurs naturally among wild _____ and usually does not infect humans. a. cats b. raccoons c. dogs d. coyotes e. birds

e. birds

The vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix protect against two types of human papillomavirus (HPV) that cause most cases of _____ in girls and young women. a. cancer of the uterus b. genital herpes c. pelvic inflammatory disease d. cancer of the ovaries e. cervical cancer

e. cervical cancer

When processing excess alcohol, the liver _____. a. digests the excess alcohol b. transforms the excess alcohol to sugar c. absorbs the excess alcohol d. excretes the excess alcohol e. converts the excess alcohol to fat

e. converts the excess alcohol to fat

A disadvantage of both male and female sterilization procedures is that they_____. a. are not covered by insurance b. require a hospital admission c. decrease sexual desire d. have high rates of failure e. do not protect from STIs

e. do not protect from STIs

At age 18, Jeremy is considered at risk for problem gambling because he _____. a. feels depressed when he gambles b. consistently wins c. gambles with friends d. has a wealthy family of origin e. gambles alone

e. gambles alone

During which phase of treatment is a recovering alcoholic likely to rehearse different ways of saying "no" when offered a drink? a. detoxification b. motivational interviewing c. moderation training d. withdrawal e. relapse prevention

e. relapse prevention

With summer approaching, Lorenzo knows to expect a headache and stuffy nose. What Lorenzo may not know is that his summer cold is most likely caused by a(n) _____. a. filovirus b. adenovirus c. coronavirus d. retrovirus e. rhinovirus

e. rhinovirus

Among women who have not given birth, which barrier birth control method typically has the lowest incidence of pregnancy during the first year of use? a. female condom b. cervical cap c. male condom d. spermicide e. sponge

e. sponge

Which STI is sometimes called "the clap"? a. bacterial vaginosis b. chlamydia c. pubic lice d. syphilis e. gonorrhea

e.) gonorrhea

Which type of cancer has been linked with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori? a. lung b. prostate c. brain d. pancreatic e. stomach

e.) stomach

As part of a lipoprotein profile, triglyceride levels are a measure of _____. a. healthy cholesterol, which helps prevent cholesterol buildup b. bad cholesterol, the main culprit in the buildup of arterial plaque c. total cholesterol, the sum of all cholesterol in the blood d. the combined total of LDL and HDL cholesterol in the blood e. the blood fats released into the bloodstream after a meal

e.) the blood fats released into the bloodstream after a meal

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