Health Praxis (5551) Practice Test

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The health behaviors that should receive the highest priority for intervention in a health education program should meet which of the following pairs of criteria? Importance Changeability A. High Changeable B. High Not changeable C. Medium Changeable D. Low Not changeable

Correct Answer: A (A) is the correct answer, because the program should focus on the health behaviors of highest importance that can be effectively changed. Behaviors of high importance that are not changeable (B), behaviors of medium importance that are changeable (C) and behaviors of low importance that are not changeable (D) should not receive the highest priority for intervention in a health education program.

Which of the following is a characteristic most associated with a student who is considered a bully? A.The student enjoys the rewards gained from aggressive acts. B.The student is kind to others most of the time. C.The student isolates himself or herself for most of the day. D.The student cries or yields easily to others.

Correct Answer: A A bully intends to cause physical or mental harm to other people and enjoys the rewards he or she gains from their aggressive acts. Choices (B), (C), and (D) are not characteristics of a bully. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

Which of the following foods is a complete protein source? A.Cheese B.Rice C.Red beans D.Lima beans

Correct Answer: A A complete protein contains all 9 of the essential amino acids in one serving. Meat, fish, poultry, cheese, eggs, yogurt, and milk are food sources recognized as complete proteins. Rice, red beans, and lima beans are sources of incomplete proteins lacking one or more of the essential amino acids. A variety of incomplete proteins eaten together can contain all of the essential amino acids. The correct answer, therefore, is A.

The first evidence that an individual is being affected by alcohol is an impairment of A. judgment and inhibitions. B. visual acuity. C. motor coordination. D. the rate and regularity of breathing.

Correct Answer: A A person being affected by alcohol will likely show signs of impairment of judgment and inhibitions first. A loss of visual acuity, decreased motor coordination, and changes in breathing rates typically occur as the blood-alcohol level increases. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

Which of the following groups of behaviors contribute most to the mortality and morbidity of teenagers? A. Alcohol and other drug use, sexual behaviors, and behaviors that result in injury. B. Sexual behaviors, school truancy, and tobacco use. C. School truancy, misuse of contraception, and use of alcohol and other drugs. D. Behaviors that result in injury, school truancy, and sexual behaviors.

Correct Answer: A According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports, statistics on teenager morbidity and mortality show that the risk increases when teens use alcohol and other drugs, engage in unsafe sexual behaviors, and engage in behaviors that result in unintentional injury. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

According to the National Health Education Standards, students should be able to identify healthful habits such as washing hands, brushing teeth, and dressing appropriately for the weather by the end of which of the following grade levels? A.Second grade B.Third grade C.Fourth grade D.Fifth grade

Correct Answer: A According to the National Health Education Standards, by the end of second grade students should be able to identify that healthy behaviors such as washing hands, brushing teeth, and dressing appropriately according to the weather. Choices (B), (C), and (D) are grade levels in which student should be able to think or apply information at a higher level. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

Two types of knowledge are included in the National Health Education Standards. The first type is knowledge of health content. The second type is knowledge of A. process and skills as applied to healthy living B. benchmarks and performance standards C. how policy makers affect health education D. the rationale behind the standards

Correct Answer: A According to the National Health Education Standards, the second type of knowledge is knowledge of process and skills as applied to health and healthy living. Both types of knowledge are implied throughout the seven standards. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

Which of the following are the most commonly abused drugs? A.Depressants B.Stimulants C.Hallucinogens D.Anabolic steroids

Correct Answer: A Alcohol, which is the most commonly abused substance, is categorized as a depressant. Depressants are prescribed or taken to reduce anxiety or act as sedatives or anticonvulsants. They lower inhibitions and produce feelings of well-being. Choices (B), (C), and (D) are drugs of abuse but none of them is the most common drug of abuse. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

Which of the following most accurately demonstrates a healthy decision-making skill? A.Assessing and choosing a course of action B.Resolving a conflict C.Expecting others to make decisions D.Encouraging others to be empathetic with the situation

Correct Answer: A Assessing a situation and determining a course of action is part of healthy decision making. Conflict resolution, encouraging empathy, and expecting others make decisions are behaviors that do not involve healthy decision making. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

Which of the following is an example of a long-term mental and emotional health consequence of child abuse and neglect? A. Thoughts of suicide. B. Alcohol use. C. Impaired brain development. D. Abusive behavior.

Correct Answer: A Children who are long-term victims of child abuse and neglect experience the consequences on a psychological level, physical level, behavioral level, and societal level. Having thoughts of suicide is a psychological health consequence. Using alcohol and abusive behavior are behavioral health consequences. Impaired brain development is a physical health consequence. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

Which of the following developmental characteristics will most interfere with the ability of children ages 5 through 7 to engage in simple cooperative games? A. Egocentricity. B. Lack of development of large muscles. C. Short attention span. D. Emotional immaturity.

Correct Answer: A Egocentric children generally view their world by assuming that others experience the world in exactly the same way they do. Therefore, working together with others in a cooperative game situation would be difficult for them. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

Which of the following best describes the meaning of empathy? A.The ability to understand and show concern for others B.The ability to accept other people as they are C.An opinion or fear formed without having facts or firsthand knowledge D.A willingness to answer for one's actions and decisions

Correct Answer: A Empathy is a skill that encompasses the ability to understand and show concern for others. The ability to accept other people as they are is the skill of tolerance. A fear formed without having facts or first-hand knowledge is known as prejudice. Expressing a willingness to answer for one's actions and decisions is accountability. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

Which of the following best describes the behavior of someone who knowingly or unknowingly protects a person with an addiction from the consequences of his or her actions? A.Enabling B.Codependent C.Addictive D.Abusive

Correct Answer: A Family members or friends often become enablers while trying to help a person with an addiction. An enabler helps or makes it easier for the person with the addiction to avoid the consequences of his or her actions, ultimately enabling them to continue the behavior. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

2. Gingivitis that has been ineffectively treated can lead to which of the following more serious conditions? A. Periodontal disease. B. Tinnitus. C. Halitosis. D. Herpes simplex 1.

Correct Answer: A Gingivitis is a mild form of periodontal disease in which gums become red, swollen, and bleed easily. Disregarding regular cleaning by a dental hygienist and not brushing or flossing daily can lead gingivitis. This can lead to a more serious form of periodontal disease characterized by the loss of bone and inflammation around the tissue of the teeth. Tinnitus is a condition related to hearing. Halitosis is consistent odorous breath. Herpes simplex 1 is a virus that affects the lips and surrounding areas of the face. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

Relationships that do not promote healthy communication, honesty, and intimacy are called A.dysfunctional B.disruptive C.codependent D.cohabitation

Correct Answer: A Healthy relationships are characterized by a conscious sense of connectedness to another person. Healthy relationships include good communication, trust, and caring for one another. Being disruptive can be a characteristic of a dysfunctional or troublesome relationship, but does not encompass or define the entire relationship. Codependency is defined as emotional and behavioral patterns in which a person is an enabler to another person with addictive behaviors and tendencies. Cohabitation is the act of living together. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

The production of cocaethylene by the liver resulting from the simultaneous consumption of two drugs increases the euphoric effect of the drugs and leads to an increased risk of sudden death resulting from their interaction. Cocaethylene is produced when alcohol is consumed with A.cocaine B.heroin C.MDMA (Ecstasy) D.oxycodone

Correct Answer: A In humans, the simultaneous ingestion of cocaine and alcohol will result in an active metabolite formed in the liver called cocaethylene. Cocaethylene is associated with enhanced euphoria, increased heart rate, and increased plasma cocaine concentration leading to a risk of mortality. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

Jake, a high school junior, is being pressured by his football teammates to sneak out and go drinking. When Jake does not immediately agree, they begin to tease him about not being a good friend and not wanting to have fun with them. Jake suggests that the group go bowling instead. Which of the following best describes what Jake has effectively demonstrated? A. Refusal skills. B. Tolerance. C. Compromise. D. Conflict resolution.

Correct Answer: A Jake did not show tolerance, as he did not indicate that he would go along with the others' drinking even if he did not participate. Jake did not compromise, as that would have involved meeting his teammates halfway, perhaps by taking just one drink. No conflict arose, as neither Jake nor his teammates started arguing. Jake showed good refusal skills by suggesting an alternative activity. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

Which of the following is best described as an exclusive involvement with one sexual partner? A. Monogamy. B. Open relationship. C. Companionship. D. Cohabitation.

Correct Answer: A Monogamy is an exclusive sexual involvement with one partner at a time. Open relationships are based on an agreement that sexual activity can occur with other partners outside the relationship. Cohabitation is living together without being married. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

The shift in major causes of morbidity and mortality from infectious diseases to chronic diseases has presented health educators with the challenge of A. finding ways to promote personal behavior changes and a healthy lifestyle. B. increasing medical services provided by advanced technology. C. increasing government spending on health care. D. eliminating risk-taking behavior.

Correct Answer: A Most research data indicate that the leading causes of death and disability are associated with lifestyle-related behaviors. If everyone eliminated smoking and other drug use, became physically active, and practiced better dietary behaviors, then many of the chronic diseases that have replaced infectious diseases as the major health concern in the twenty-first century would be eliminated. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

Attitude scales can be important for measuring the A.effectiveness of an educational program B.academic achievement of students C.level of knowledge attained by individuals D.intellectual skills of program trainees

Correct Answer: A Only answer choice (A) is an outcome that can be measured through the assessment of attitudes. The other choices involve assessment of intellectual or academic skills. Therefore, the correct answer is (A).

Which of the following terms is defined as the encouragement adolescents give one another to participate in destructive activities or behaviors they would not otherwise do alone, whether constructive or destructive? A.Peer pressure B.Deviancy training C.Peer facilitation D.Peer selection

Correct Answer: A Peer pressure is defined as encouragement to conform with the actions or behaviors of peers, and is usually considered a negative force. Deviancy training is when one person shows another how to transgress authority or social norms. Peer facilitation is when someone is in a peer role who has been trained to and is responsible for facilitating one or more types of peer-leadership groups. Peer selection refers to when adolescents select friends based on shared value and interests. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

The performance indicators for the National Health Education Standards suggests expectations for what students should know and be able to do by the end of which of the following grade levels? A. Grades 2, 5, 8, and 12. B. Grades 1, 5, 9, and 12. C. Grades K, 6, 8, and 10. D. Grades 3, 5, 7, and 11.

Correct Answer: A Performance indicators for the National Health Education Standards (NHES) are written expectations for what students should know and be able to do by grades 2, 5, 8, and 12. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

A person with which of the following personality types may be more prone to high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels? A.Type A B.Type B C.Type C D.Type D

Correct Answer: A Personality traits, attitudes, and lifestyles are categorized into personality types. A Type A personality is associated with being competitive, work-obsessed, aggressive, and impatient, thereby linking it to high stress, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Type B personalities are generally not competitive, relaxed, happy-go-lucky, patient, and social. Type C individuals often aim to please others, are not assertive, are perfectionists, deep thinkers, and have an eye for detail. Type D individuals are pessimists, suppress emotions, are socially withdrawn, and have constant negative emotions and thoughts, linking type D with depression. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

Which of the following should a teacher do first when planning for the beginning of the school year? A.Assess students' prior knowledge B.Choose several topics of personal interest and plan units C.Continue lesson planning from the last unit covered the previous year D.Ask students which areas they enjoyed the most from the year before

Correct Answer: A Prior to teaching new material, the students need to be assessed on prior knowledge, which can be achieved through formative assessment. It will not be beneficial for the students to learn topics that the teacher personally finds interesting. Asking the teacher who taught the students the previous year is a helpful way to track what students may or may not have learned yet, however starting where that particular teacher left off is not recommended. While reviewing the areas students enjoyed most may be a motivational technique it will not assess students' prior knowledge. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are most common in people from which of the following age groups? A.Under 25 years old B.25 to 29 years old C.30 to 35 years old D.Over 35 years old

Correct Answer: A Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are most commonly diagnosed in sexually active people under 25 years old, with chlamydia diagnosed most frequently. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

Life events such as getting married, beginning a new career, developing new friendships, and mastering a new physical activity most likely cause which of the following? A. Eustress. B. Distress. C. Optimal stress. D. Physiological stress.

Correct Answer: A Stress is part of modern life. It can be positive or negative. Positive stress, or eustress, allows health and performance to continue to improve even though the level of stress increases. At some point, however, optimal levels of stress become too much and distress occurs, which adversely affects health and performance. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

Of the following statements, which most accurately describes stress management skills? A.These skills help students cope with different types of emotional situations and should be taught throughout the school year. B.It is not necessary to introduce these skills to students until they are in high school, when stress management should be covered in health classes. C.Students only need these skills when taking high-stakes standardized tests, so students only need to develop the skills just before taking major tests. D.These skills are not something that students need to be concerned with until they are adults.

Correct Answer: A Stress represents anything that challenges our well-being. Some stressors are necessary and healthy, while other stressors can be harmful to our health. Life is full of potential stressful events, and students need to be taught skills they can use throughout the school year and a lifetime to help manage stressful and emotional situations. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

Which of the following symptoms are associated with depressive disorders? Select all that apply. A. A weight gain or loss. B. A lack of interest in pleasurable activities. C. A focus on goals and ambitions. D. A feeling of hopelessness and pessimism.

Correct Answer: A, B, D Symptoms of depression include insomnia or oversleeping, weight gain or loss, restlessness, irritability, difficulty concentrating, physical symptoms such as headaches, decreased energy, lack of interest in sex or other pleasurable activities, and a feeling of hopelessness and pessimism. The correct answers, therefore, are (A), (B), and (D).

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) School Wellness Policy legislation, Public Law 108-265, Section 204, requires that each local education agency develop a wellness policy. In the law, which of the following does the USDA minimally require? A.The local committee that is developing policy must consist of parents, students, school food service, the school board, school administrators, and the public. B.The local agency must partner with local supermarkets to identify healthy foods for students to purchase. C.The local agency must work with local farming cooperatives to obtain food for school-meal programs. D.The local agency partners with local supermarkets to identify healthy foods for students to purchase.

Correct Answer: A The USDA School Wellness Policies Guidance Memo states that the local committee that develops policy must consist of parents, student, school food service, the school board, school administrators, and the public. Choices (B), (C), and (D) are not addressed in the law. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

School lunch programs are overseen by which of the following governmental organizations? A.United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) B.United States Department of Education (ED) C.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) D.United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Correct Answer: A The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is the government agency that is responsible for overseeing school lunch programs. Choices (B), (C), and (D) are agencies that have responsibilities in overseeing other health and education programs. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

Answer the question by clicking on the correct response. Question: The tendency of adolescents to imagine they are always being scrutinized by others is best described as A.the imaginary audience B.adolescent egocentrism C.the invincibility fable D.the sunk-cost fallacy

Correct Answer: A The concept of the imaginary audience is a stage in human development when adolescents falsely assume that their appearance and behavior is constantly viewed by, and under the scrutiny of, others. The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

Which of the following is a characteristic of norm-referenced evaluation of student academic achievement? A.The status of a student is compared to that of other students. B.The evaluation measures specific objectives of a course. C.The evaluation is an absolute measure with no variance. D.The evaluation is a relative measure with no absolute value.

Correct Answer: A The correct answer is (A). Norm-referenced evaluation is a comparison of students against some standard measurement based on the performance of other students. (B) and (C) describe criterion-referenced evaluation, which compares students against an absolute standard measure and not against other students. (D) describes a norm-referenced evaluation, however norm-referencing has absolute value in the comparison of students scores.

Which of the following correctly defines mortality and morbidity? Mortality Morbidity A. Death rate Illness rate. B. Death rate Injury rate. C. Illness rate Death rate. D. Injury rate Illness rate.

Correct Answer: A The definition of mortality is death rate. Morbidity represents the rate of illness. Therefore, the correct answer is (A).

Which of the following hygienic strategies is most commonly recommended to help avoid overexposure to harmful pathogens? A. Washing one's hands frequently. B. Washing dishes in a sanitizing dishwasher. C. Washing clothes using antibacterial detergents. D. Washing the mouth by gargling using a mouthwash.

Correct Answer: A The simple practice of washing one's hands is a primary method of avoiding exposure to many of the pathogens that lead to common illnesses, such as colds and flu. Therefore, the correct answer is (A).

Which of the following statements is an example of an "I" message? A. I feel overburdened when I need to clean the entire house. I need your help. B. I won't listen to you because you are not listening to me. C. I am not responsible for your mistakes. D. I think you are a lazy member of this family.

Correct Answer: A Using "I" messages is a direct, clear, and effective way of sending information to others. When using an "I" message a person takes responsibility for communicating his or her own beliefs, thoughts, and feelings by using statements that begin with "I" and not "you." A good practice is to begin by stating the problem with a "when you" statement. Then express how you feel with an "I feel" statement. Finally, add a statement to express your reasons for your concern such as "because." The correct answer, therefore, is (A).

Which of the following statements describe how health educators best view diversity? Select all that apply. A. The major dimensions of diversity are race, ethnicity, and culture. B. Diversity is inclusive rather than exclusive. C. People of different racial and ethnic backgrounds may have differing health risks. D. Programs should address the health needs of specific groups.

Correct Answer: A, B, C The major dimensions of diversity are usually described as race, ethnicity, and culture. The concept of diversity in health education acknowledges that people of different racial and ethnic backgrounds may experience differences in health status and in degree of health risks because of certain beliefs and practices. Attitudes of majority groups toward minority groups may also play a role. To improve health status, programs must be inclusive and address the health needs of many different groups. The correct answers, therefore, are (A), (B), and (C).

Which of the following are standard components of a health education instructional unit? Select all that apply. A.Behavioral objectives B.Instructional strategies C.Internet resources D.Evaluation procedures

Correct Answer: A, B, D Although use of the Internet is often an effective component of an instructional lesson, it is not considered a stand-alone component of a unit of instruction within health education. The correct answers, therefore, are (A), (B), and (D).

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which of the following factors have been associated with acts of violence? Select all that apply. A. Having guns in the home. B. Witnessing a violent act. C. Discussing violence in school. D. Abusing alcohol and other drugs.

Correct Answer: A, B, D Data indicates that having a gun present in the home, watching a violent act (in person or in media), and abusing drugs are associated with violent acting out. The correct answers, therefore, are (A), (B), and (D).

Current social policies and legislation prohibiting cigarette smoking in public places (offices, hospitals, airplanes, etc.) are primarily due to which of the following factors? Select all that apply. A. Increased awareness of the dangers of secondhand smoke. B. A societal trend toward legislation of personal health-related behaviors. C. Lobbying action by the tobacco industry to improve its image. D. A decrease in the social acceptability of smoking.

Correct Answer: A, D Research has confirmed the long-held belief that cigarette smoking is a health risk to nonsmokers as well as to smokers. For several years, governmental advertising has attempted to reduce the number of smokers, and accompanying legislation has reduced or eliminated smoking opportunities in public places. Although once fashionable, smoking is now considered an unhealthy and unwelcome behavior among many people. The correct answers, therefore, are (A) and (D).

Which of the following best describes the use of a behavior management intervention for a health class? A.Preparing in advance to prevent misbehavior B.Assisting to stop a behavior after it develops C.Preparing a list of classroom rules D.Helping a student with a substance abuse problem

Correct Answer: B According to the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), in a behavior management intervention a teacher should assist in stopping a behavior after it develops. Choices (A) and (C) are prevention and consequence strategies for classroom behavior management. Choice (D) deals with assisting a student with a personal issue. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

Which of the following describes a person who is using a communication skill that demonstrates confidence and a clearly stated intention? A. Passive. B. Assertive. C. Affective. D. Aggressive.

Correct Answer: B Assertiveness is an important communication skill that is characteristic of confident people who express themselves with clear intentions. Giving up, giving in, or backing down are characteristics of a passive person. Expressing emotions, feelings, and attitudes are affective characteristics. Using hostility and attacking other people are common characteristics of aggressive behavior. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

Which of the following conditions is correctly paired with its causative organism? A. Chicken pox . . bacterium. B. Athlete's foot . . fungus. C. Gonorrhea . . virus. D. AIDS . . protozoan.

Correct Answer: B Chicken pox and AIDS are caused by viruses. Gonorrhea is caused by bacteria. The only correct association is the listing of athlete's foot caused by a fungus. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

The study of the distribution and dynamics of disease is known as. A. morbidity. B. epidemiology. C. pathology. D. ecology.

Correct Answer: B Epidemiology is defined as the study of the nature, cause, control, and determinants of disease, disability, and death in human populations. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

Which of the following statements is true of individual developmental levels of students with respect to instruction? A.If students are in the same grade, they are similar in developmental level and therefore can be taught using the same teaching style. B.Students' developmental levels should be assessed throughout the school year, both formatively and summatively, while the teacher uses a variety of teaching styles and differentiated instruction. C.Standardized test scores at the end of each school year can determine the average developmental level of the students, guiding instruction for the following year. D.Teachers should find out what topics the students like and teach about the most popular topics to meet the students' developmental levels.

Correct Answer: B Every student is developmentally different and has diverse learning needs. A teacher must assess students throughout the school year using both formative and summative assessments to create instruction that will meet the needs of all students. Differing developmental levels drive the teacher's instruction. Standardized test scores have some merit, but are not considered the optimal way to determine an individual student's developmental level. Teaching the most popular topics among students will not help to meet students' developmental levels. The correct answer, therefore, is B.

Ms. Kwan has designed a new sex education curriculum for her district's health education program. She would like to get some preliminary impressions from the parents of her students before implementing the curriculum. Which of the following techniques is the best for her to use? A.Conducting a case study B.Assembling a focus group C.Presenting the curriculum to a small sample of students and asking for parent feedback D.Carrying out a review of literature of sex education

Correct Answer: B Focus groups are used to assess needs and gain early impressions for program and curriculum planning. This method is used to get feedback from representatives of a stakeholder group. A case study involves deep documentation of a single event or program as it is carried out, and a convenience sample involves actually implementing the curriculum with a set of students prior to parent input. While a review of literature may be helpful, the data may not be representative of her particular district. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

Which of the following sexually transmitted infections results in a chronic condition even when treated medically? A. Syphilis. B. Genital herpes. C. Chlamydia. D. Vaginitis.

Correct Answer: B Genital herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). HSV remains in certain nerve cells for life and can flare up, or cause symptoms, when the body's ability to maintain itself is weakened. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

Susan runs all the way home because a large dog is chasing her. She slams the front door behind her, leaving the dog outside, barking on the sidewalk. Susan's behavior is an example of what phase of Hans Selye's general adaptation syndrome? A. Adaptive phase. B. Alarm phase. C. Exhaustion phase. D. Resistance phase.

Correct Answer: B Hans Selye first described the internal mechanism that helps the body remain in balance and homeostasis during stress. He discussed the concept of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS) as having three distinct phases: alarm phase, exhaustion phase, and resistance phase. The alarm phase is when the body is exposed to a stressor and prepares itself to combat whatever is causing the upset. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

Which of the following best describes class III obesity according to the World Health Organization (WHO) ? A.A person having a BMI of 18.5-24.9 B.A person having a BMI of 25.0-29.9 C.A person having a BMI of 35.0-39.9 D.A person having a BMI of above 40

Correct Answer: D According to the World Health Organization (WHO) there are three classes of obesity. Class I obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 30.0-34.9. Class II obesity is defines as having a BMI of 35.0-39.9. Class III obesity is defined as having a BMI of 40.0 or greater. The correct answer, therefore, is (D).

Having well-known and established procedures for conflict resolution helps prevent violence primarily by A.increasing teachers' awareness of potential interpersonal conflicts between students B.providing students with prevention strategies and defined alternatives to violence C.rewarding students for engaging in nonviolent behavior D.communicating clearly to students and staff that violence is unacceptable in all situations

Correct Answer: B Having established routines for how to handle conflict shows that conflicts can be managed in proactive and peaceful ways, that include but are not limited to: role playing, active listening, negotiation, and peer mediation. Choices (A), (C), and (D) describe strategies that may be parts of a violence prevention plan that are all teacher-based. Providing students with prevention strategies and defined alternatives empowers students to effect changes. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

Which of the following terms describes an extreme, anxiety-provoking, and uncontrolled fear of people who are gay, lesbian, or bisexual? A.Heterosexism B.Homophobia C.Heterosexual D.Homocentric

Correct Answer: B Homophobia is an irrational and extreme, anxiety-provoking, and uncontrolled fear of individuals who are gay, lesbian, or bisexual. In some cases it may lead to violence or hostility. Heterosexism describes a belief that heterosexual relationships are the norm, and therefore superior. Heterosexual is the gender identity associated with an attraction to the opposite sex. Anything that is homocentric promotes a gay, lesbian, or bisexual lifestyle or behavior. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

Which of the following forms of well-being emphasizes the human need to discover meaning and purpose in life and endows the individual with ethics, values, and morals? A. Social wellness. B. Spiritual wellness. C. Mental wellness. D. Physical wellness.

Correct Answer: B In the study of spiritual health, most definitions include the idea that spirituality involves the quest for an understanding of life and the development of a path that dictates a moral direction within one's sphere of community, society, or group. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

1. Knowledge » Attitudes » Values » Health behavior Judging from the diagram above, which of the following describes the impact of knowledge upon health behavior? A. Appropriate health knowledge has little value in forming positive health behavior. B. Knowledge in combination with appropriate attitudes and values impact health behaviors. C. Attitudes can be formed in a vacuum, without any prior knowledge. D. Knowledge cannot influence attitudes, either positively or negatively.

Correct Answer: B Knowledge in combination with appropriate attitudes and values impact health behaviors. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

Which of the following statements is true of medical quackery? A. It takes advantage of recognized laboratory procedures. B. It often uses testimonials for verification of its claims. C. It promotes consumer education. D. Its practitioners cannot legally send materials by the United States Postal Service.

Correct Answer: B Many people who make claims about the effectiveness of a product or procedure have no training or verifiable expertise in the health-related area. Many testimonials are presented by paid actors or by people who may not be telling the complete truth. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

An eighth-grade student has taken part in a training program for students to assist others who are involved in conflicts. The student has learned how to intervene in disputes, listen to both sides, take notes, and help the parties seek resolution. Which of the following best describes the role the student is playing? A. Anti-bullying agent. B. Peer mediator. C. Hall monitor. D. Student advocate.

Correct Answer: B Many schools now have programs for training peer mediators, who can intervene in many types of student issues, including bullying. Students learn conflict resolution and communication skills during the training. A hall monitor implies a behavior control aspect, such as reporting running in the hallway to administrators. A student advocate is the role of an adult who is representing one or more students and has an interest in student rights. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

Which of the following types of physicians practice naturopathic medicine? A.Optometrists B.Chiropractors C.Osteopaths D.Orthodontists

Correct Answer: B Naturopathic doctors use herbal medicine, massage, nutrition, and other natural therapies. The focus is on using natural therapies to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities. Chiropractors work under the basic concept that one's body has a powerful self-healing ability. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

An individual who consumes 2,350 calories a day but burns only 2,000 calories a day can be expected to gain how many pounds after 30 days? A. 2 pounds. B. 3 pounds. C. 4 pounds. D. 5 pounds.

Correct Answer: B One pound of fat that is gained represents 3,500 calories that are taken in but not expended. In the 30 days, the individual's calorie intake exceeded his or her calorie expenditure by 10,500 calories (350 x 30 = 10,500). The weight gained, in pounds, is determined by dividing the total number of excess calories by the number of calories equivalent to 1 pound of fat (10,500 ÷ 3,500 = 3). This individual can be expected to have gained 3 pounds of fat. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

Which of the following incorporates the thoughts and guidance of a mentor? A.Self reflection B.Peer reflection C.Theoretical reflection D.Scholarly reflection

Correct Answer: B Peer reflection involves evaluating the work of another teacher and taking that teacher's ideas and advice into consideration to plan for improvement. A mentor is considered a peer who is qualified to share thoughts and guidance to improve an individual's work. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

Which of the following statements is most likely true about a young child who is physically active? A. The physique of an active child does not differ from that of an inactive child. B. Physical activity increases a child's bone density. C. Physical activity increases a child's maturation rate. D. Strenuous physical activity benefits the normal bone growth of a child.

Correct Answer: B Research shows that exercise has little effect, positive or negative, on the growth of long bones. However, research strongly supports the idea that exercise increases bone density while inactivity is associated with bone decalcification. Studies of astronauts and bedridden patients were the primary source of these data. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), which of the following statements is true regarding the management of a student with head lice at school? A.The school should follow a no-nit policy. B.It is the parent's or caregiver's responsibility to treat the student. C.The school nurse should screen all students who share a classroom with the infected student. D.The student should not be permitted back at school until the lice have been eradicated.

Correct Answer: B The American Academy of Pediatrics (APP) states that the school is not responsible for treatment of the head lice. It is up to the students' parents or caregiver. It may be a good idea for the school nurse to screen all students that share a classroom with the infected student, but it is not necessary. The APP strongly discourages no-nit policies and sending students home because they keep healthy students out of the classroom. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

The definition of health given by the World Health Organization is based on the A. cause, cure, and prevention of disease. B. physical, mental, and social aspects of health. C. ability of humans to live in harmony with the environment. D. promotion of health education throughout the world.

Correct Answer: B The World Health Organization defines health as "the state of complete mental, physical, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

Recent Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) survey results found that which of the following behaviors was on the rise among high school students? A.Seeking testing for HIV B.Smoking electronic cigarettes C.Drinking soda daily D.Using condoms

Correct Answer: B The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) monitors six types of health-risk behaviors that contribute to leading causes of death and disability. According to data from the YRBSS's 2015 Youth Risk Behavior Survey given to high school students, although the prevalence of current cigarette use decreased significantly from 28% percent in 1991 to 11% in 2015, new data found that 24% of high school students reported using e-cigarettes during the past 30 days. All of the other choices showed a decline. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) maintains a national database of behavioral data for adolescents that can assist health educators in planning programs. The title of the database is A. Healthy People 2020. B. The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS). C. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. D. Adolescent and Family Health Journal.

Correct Answer: B The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) provides vital information on risk behaviors among young people to target and improve health programs more effectively. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

The direct exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs is a function of which of the following structures? A. Trachea. B. Alveoli. C. Bronchioles. D. Bronchi.

Correct Answer: B The air passes through the throat into the trachea or windpipe. The trachea divides into the left and right bronchi. Like a branch, each bronchus divides again and again, becoming narrower and narrower. The smallest airways end in the alveoli, small thin air sacs that are arranged in clusters like bunches of balloons. When you breathe in by enlarging the chest cage, the alveoli expand as air rushes in to fill the vacuum. When you breathe out, the "balloons" relax and air moves out of the lungs. Tiny blood vessels surround each of the 300 million alveoli in the lungs. Oxygen moves across the walls of the air sacs and is picked up by the blood and carried to the rest of the body. Carbon dioxide or waste gas passes into the air sacs from the blood and is breathed out. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

Which of the following is the primary goal of a health teacher who reflects on a previous lesson? A. To meet specified requirements of his or her teaching contract. B. To gain an increased awareness of his or her teaching. C. To make sure his or her students pass the standardized exams. D. To gain an increase in pay.

Correct Answer: B The intrinsic motivation for being a reflective teacher is to increase awareness about one's own teaching and making improvements to better impact student learning. While choices (A), (C), and (D) may be products of being a reflective teacher they are not primary goals. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

The somatotype of the human body refers to the A. body's size. B. body's shape. C. body's percentage of fat. D. relationship of body fat to size.

Correct Answer: B The three somatotypes are mesomorphic (muscular), endomorphic (round and soft), and ectomorphic (tall and thin). They refer to the shape of an individual's body. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

Which of the following is the cause of most Americans' back pain? A. Car accident. B. Aging and weight gain in the abdomen. C. Scoliosis. D. Osteoporosis.

Correct Answer: B Through everyday wear and tear the vertebrae undergo mechanical stress and strain. As people age and their back muscles become weaker, they also tend to gain weight in the abdominal area, causing an imbalance, which is the primary reason for the majority of cases of lower back pain. While car accidents, scoliosis, and osteoporosis can contribute to the back pain of some people, the majority experience back pain as described in (B), which is the correct answer.

Which of the following vitamins is water soluble? A.Vitamin A B.Vitamin C C.Vitamin E D.Vitamin K

Correct Answer: B Water-soluble vitamins are an essential part of a healthy diet. They need to be replenished each day since they are not stored in the body. Water-soluble vitamins are absorbed directly into the bloodstream and either used up or flushed out of the body in urine or sweat. Vitamin C and the B-complex vitamins are water-soluble. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are all fat-soluble vitamins. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

The primary purpose of physical education and physical activity within the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model, formerly the coordinated school health approach, is to A. emphasize physical fitness activities only. B. provide a planned and sequential instruction program promoting lifelong activity. C. provide a basic-skills program that serves as a prerequisite to competitive sport. D. focus on physical development and nutrition education.

Correct Answer: B Within the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model, physical education and physical activity are described as a planned program featuring sequential instruction that is aimed at promoting lifelong physical activity. It is designed to develop basic movement skills, sports skills, and physical fitness as well as to enhance emotional, mental, and social wellness. The correct answer, therefore, is B.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which of the following has been shown to be a contributing factor to violence in relationships? A. Being affluent. B. Having a stable job. C. Living below the poverty line. D. Middle age.

Correct Answer: C According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), community factors such as poverty, low social capital, and lack of institutions shape a community's social interactions and are contributing factors for violence in relationships. Being affluent is the opposite of living below the poverty line, having a stable job is a contributing factor for healthy relationships, and being middle age is not a factor of violence in relationships. The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) monitors how many types of health-risk behaviors that contribute to death and disability in young people? A.14 B.10 C.6 D.2

Correct Answer: C According to the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) there are 6 health-risk behaviors that are monitored in relation to death and disability in young people. The health-risk behaviors include: behaviors that contribute to unintentional injuries and violence, sexual behaviors that contribute to unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV infection), alcohol and other drug use, tobacco use, unhealthy dietary behaviors, and inadequate physical activity. The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

Which of the following activities is most suitable for an aerobics program designed to develop cardiovascular endurance? A. Weight lifting. B. Isometrics. C. Jogging. D. Gymnastics.

Correct Answer: C An aerobics program should be designed to develop cardiorespiratory fitness through activities that sustain activity levels with sufficient intensity, duration, and frequency to build adequate aerobics capacity. The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

Which of the following is the most significant predisposing factor for cancer, cardiovascular problems, and diabetes that plague United States society? A. Substance abuse. B. Insufficient insulin. C. Obesity. D. Low blood pressure.

Correct Answer: C As the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States, obesity is associated with many of the serious health problems that plague our society — the most significant of which is coronary heart disease. The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

When Susan and John are together, John lets Susan make all of the decisions. Even if he does not like her decision, John still does what Susan wants. Which of the following best characterizes John's behavior? A. Assertive. B. Aggressive. C. Passive. D. Resistant.

Correct Answer: C Assertive people strongly express themselves and get what they want, but not at the expense of others. Passive people are timid and shy and often feel they are being used or taken advantage of by others. Aggressive people tend to take advantage of other people and command their own agenda. The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

In which of the following human organs is bile produced? A.Pancreas B.Stomach C.Liver D.Large intestine

Correct Answer: C Bile is produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder to help aid in the process of the digestion of lipids. The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

Which of the following drugs is categorized as a depressant? A. Cocaine. B. Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). C. Alcohol. D. Methamphetamine.

Correct Answer: C Depressants are drugs that depress the central nervous system. Cocaine and methamphetamine are stimulants. LSD is classified as a hallucinogen. The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

Jerome wants to end his relationship with Marlena but is worried about how she will react. Which of the following is the best strategy for him to end the relationship? A.Wait for an opportunity to tell her when it seems right, ideally in a public place where she will not cause a scene B.Accept that it may escalate into a fight and plan accordingly C.Tell her then expect and plan for another opportunity to talk about the end of the relationship after both have had time to reflect D.Tell her of his desire to end the relationship and cut off all communication for at least a few months

Correct Answer: C Ending any relationship is never an easy task for either party. Jerome should not delay ending the relationship with Marlena because he is worried about how she will react. He should be honest, direct, and to the point when expressing his feelings to Marlena and should do so in a private setting. It is a good idea to allow another time to talk after the end of the relationship so that both parties have time to come to terms with the end of the relationship. The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

Which of the following characteristics is most likely to be exhibited by a student who is a victim of bullying? A.The student lacks empathy for others. B.The student seeks out role models who are kind. C.The student isolates himself or herself. D.The student acts with kindness toward others.

Correct Answer: C Generally, bullies do not pick their victims at random. Bullies tend to choose victims that are different, lack social skills, isolate themselves from others, have few or no friends and therefore, do not have a support network. Choices (A) and (B) are characteristics of a bully, and choice (D) is inconsequential as the victim may be nice to others. The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

Which of the following is a condition that is easily spread from person to person and is characterized by the appearance of the small white eggs of a parasitic insect? A. Impetigo. B. Gingivitis. C. Head lice. D. Ringworm.

Correct Answer: C Head lice lay small white eggs in scalp hair. They are easily spread from person to person especially among adolescents. Impetigo is a bacterial infection and ringworm is a fungal infection. Gingivitis is a gum disease. The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

Which of the following is the best way for health educators to keep up with new technology and trends in their field? A.Keeping all college health and science textbooks and referring to them frequently B.Reading popular magazines that contain health articles and quizzes C.Attending health seminars and conferences D.Reading popular diet and exercise books

Correct Answer: C Health seminars and conferences discuss current trends, new technology, and research developing in the field. They are also a great place to meet and share ideas with other professionals in health education. Textbooks are valuable sources of information but they may become outdated in time. Popular magazines do not generally publish research studies, and diet and exercise books are written for profit, not necessarily for promoting health education in schools. The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

Candace and her best friend recently had a fight and have not spoken in several days. She is having sad feelings about the losing the friendship. Which of the following is an appropriate way for Candace to deal with her feelings? A. Suppress her negative feelings and move on. B. Find a new best friend in the next few days. C. Acknowledge that it is all right to feel sad about her loss. D. Tell herself that it was not that important and that there will be many friends in her life.

Correct Answer: C In failed relationships of any kind, it is normal to feel sad and important to acknowledge the loss. Suppressing her feelings, moving on, or by trying to replace the lost friendship, does not allow Candace to cope with the loss. All friendships are important and should not be put aside by saying there will be others; it diminishes the importance of the relationship. The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which of the following is the best example of "reducing," as used in their slogan "reduce, reuse, and recycle"? A.Purchasing products that can be easily recycled B.Using products that contain recycled content C.Borrowing items D.Throwing out old products

Correct Answer: C In order to help one's community and the environment by saving money, energy, and natural resources, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends that Americans should borrow items instead of purchasing new products or throwing out old products. The correct answer, therefore is, (C).

Ms. Swann has been a high school health educator for 12 years and has a Master's degree in community health administration. She has been teaching at the local four-year college as an adjunct and enjoys working in this setting. Which of the following will make her a strong candidate for a full-time teaching position in higher education? A.Completing an internship at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) B.Becoming certified by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) C.Pursuing a doctoral degree in health education or a similar area D.Coauthoring journal articles for publication with current college faculty members

Correct Answer: C In order to teach full time at most higher education institutions, a doctoral degree is required. Choices (A), (B), and (D) will help with professional development among the field but will not impact Ms. Swann's pursuit of a full-time teaching position in higher education. The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

Which of the following resources can most effectively be used to implement the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model, formerly the coordinated school health (CSH) approach? A. Community medical centers, health services, and fitness clubs B. The health experts at the local public health department C. A school wellness committee D. Federal government agencies and corporations in the private sectors

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. A school wellness committee is the best place to start when implementing the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model.

Which of the following is the best method to use for practicing refusal skills with someone who is pressuring a person into trying drugs? A.D.E.C.I.D.E. (define the problem, establish the criteria, consider all the alternatives, identify the best alternative, develop a plan, evaluate the solution) B.H.E.L.P. (healthful, ethical, legal, parent approval) C.S.T.O.P. (say no in a firm voice, tell why not, offer another idea, promptly leave) D.T.A.L.K. (take a time-out, allow each person to tell his or her side, let each person ask questions, keep brainstorming)

Correct Answer: C Refusal skills are important utilize when someone is being pressured into doing something they are not comfortable doing. To demonstrate refusal skills students can use the acronym S.T.O.P to express their resistance to the unwanted pressure. Saying no in a firm voice, telling why they are not comfortable, offering a healthy alternative, and promptly leaving are good examples of refusal skills. Choices (A) and (B) are part of the decision-making model and choice (D) is a conflict-resolution skill. The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

Which of the following is considered one of the largest volunteer health-research agencies in the world? A.World Health Organization B.Food and Drug Administration C.American Cancer Society D.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Correct Answer: C The American Cancer Society is one of the largest volunteer health-research agencies in the world. The World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are all government-run health agencies. The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

Articles on appraising the health of school children are most likely to be found in the official publication of the A. American Public Health Association. B. American Medical Association. C. American School Health Association. D. Society for Public Health Education.

Correct Answer: C The American School Health Association has a mission to "protect and improve the well-being of school children and youth by supporting comprehensive school health programs." Its main publication is the Journal of School Health. Although the other organizations will likely have articles in their journals about school health, this is not their primary focus. The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

According to the CHARACTER COUNTS!© program, which of the following lists contains the six traits of character? A.Communication, caring, respect, empathy, citizenship, respect B.Respect, responsibility, empathy, safety, citizenship, trustworthiness C.Trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, citizenship D.Empathy, respect, caring, politeness, equality, fairness

Correct Answer: C The CHARACTER COUNTS! mission is to improve the ethical quality of society by changing personal and organizational decision making and behavior. The program recognizes six traits of character: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. Options (A), (B), and (D) do not list all of the traits. The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

Which of the following is the best source for a health teacher to find information on cultural competency? A.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) B.National Institutes of Health (NIH) C.Office of Minority Health (OMH) D.American Heart Association (AHA)

Correct Answer: C The Office of Minority Health (OMH) presents information on cultural competence so that health educators can develop the capacity to address cultural and linguistic barriers to health care and health care knowledge. The CDC provides information for the lay public (traveler's health, emergency preparedness, etc.) as well as information to assist health promotion planners. The NIH provides health information, grants opportunities, and scientific resources. The AHA provides health educators with information about cardiovascular diseases and stroke. The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

Which of the following skills characterizes an individual's ability to evaluate the moods, intentions, and motivations of others? A.Spatial B.Environmental C.Interpersonal D.Intrapersonal

Correct Answer: C The correct answer is (C). The ability to judge and make distinctions in the moods, intentions, and motivations of others describes interpersonal skills. Spatial (A) skills demonstrate the ability or mental capacity to solve spatial problems of navigation, visualization of objects from different angles and space, faces or scenes recognition or to notice fine details. Environmental (B) skills demonstrate the ability of a system to perceive its environment and take actions that maximize its chances of success. Intrapersonal (D) skills demonstrate the ability to·understand oneself and on's thoughts and feelings and to use such knowledge in planning the direction of one's life.

"Accept what cannot be changed, have courage to change what should be changed, and use wisdom to distinguish one from the other." The statement above best exemplifies which of the following attributes of mental health? A. Self-esteem. B. Identification. C. Adaptability. D. Compensation.

Correct Answer: C The first step in eliminating an undesirable behavior is to recognize that there is a problem and to realize that one has the ability to change. Change is a process that involves moving progressively through certain steps, from contemplating a change to initiating a change and maintaining that change or adapting to a new lifestyle. The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

"If I am allowed to live, I promise ..." The statement above reflects a sentiment characteristic of which of the following stages of grief experienced by the dying, as described by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross? A. Denial. B. Anger. C. Bargaining. D. Depression.

Correct Answer: C The five stages of grief experienced by the dying introduced by Elizabeth Kübler-Ross are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. In the bargaining stage, the dying person may resolve to be a better person in return for an extension of life. The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

Which of the following can be most closely correlated with the premature death rate in the United States? A. Environment. B. Genetics. C. Lifestyle choices. D. Medical care.

Correct Answer: C The leading causes of premature death are related to the behaviors of smoking, inactivity, and poor dietary patterns. The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

Which of the following is a long-term physical health consequence likely to occur as a result of child abuse and neglect? A. Alcohol and drug abuse. B. Abusive behavior. C. Impaired brain development. D. Criminal and/or violent behavior.

Correct Answer: C The long-term physical health consequence associated with child abuse and neglect are shaken baby syndrome, impaired brain development, and poor physical health. Option (A) is a long-term behavioral health consequence. Options (B) and (D) are long-term social health consequences of child abuse and neglect. The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

Julie and Sally are arguing over which kind of pizza to order. Together they decide that they will get a cheese pizza because it is Julie's birthday and that is her favorite, but next week they will get a pepperoni pizza because that is Sally's favorite. Which of the following terms best describes the skills Julie and Sally used to solve their conflict? A. Collaboration. B. Mediation. C. Compromise. D. Empathy.

Correct Answer: C The two girls came to a compromise by making a deal in which each party gave up part of their demand. Choice (A) requires individuals to work together only. Choice (B) is when two parties sit down with another unbiased individual to come to a resolution. Choice (D) is the ability to identify and understand the feelings and ideas of another person. The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

The number of calories in a single serving of product X is 120. Product X includes a total of 6 grams of fat. For a single serving, which of the following correctly reflects the number of calories that come from fat and the percent of the serving that is made up of fat? Calories from Fat Percent of Fat A. 24 20% B. 40 33% C. 54 45% D. 60 50%

Correct Answer: C To calculate the number of calories per serving that come from fat, multiply the grams of fat listed on the product label by 9. To calculate the percent of fat in the serving size, divide the previous number (calories from fat) by the calories per serving and then multiply the result by 100 to get the percent. Calories from fat: 6 grams of fat x 9 calories per gram = 54 calories. Percent of fat in the serving: 54 calories ÷÷ 120 calories x 100% = 45%The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

Voluntary health agencies and official (public) health agencies both play significant roles in the control of diseases in communities. How do their programs or emphases usually differ? A. Voluntary agencies fight chronic diseases; public health agencies fight communicable diseases. B. Voluntary agencies work together to coordinate efforts and fight disease; public health agencies work alone to fight disease. C. Voluntary agencies usually focus on one or two related diseases; public health agencies cover many diseases. D. Voluntary agencies provide treatment and community educational activities; public health agencies provide only treatment.

Correct Answer: C Voluntary health agencies are generally established in response to a community's perception that its needs relative to certain diseases and disorders are not being met. The primary purposes of voluntary agencies are to raise funds for research, provide educational information to both professional and public groups, and provide specific services to those affected by specific disease(s) or health condition(s). The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

Which of the following sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), if left untreated during pregnancy, results in infant death in up to 40 percent of cases in the United States? A.Gonorrhea B.Bacterial vaginosis C.Chlamydia D.Syphilis

Correct Answer: D According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), syphilis, which is caused by a bacterium, can lead to long-term complications or fatality if not adequately treated. Women who are pregnant should be tested regularly for syphilis and other STD's during pregnancy and at delivery, as a positive diagnosis can result in infant death up to 40 percent of the time if it is not treated immediately. Gonorrhea can be passed from mother to baby if left untreated and can cause serious health issues for the child. Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is associated with premature or low birth-weight babies. Chlamydia is the most commonly reported STD in the United States and if left untreated it can damage a woman's reproductive organs and decrease a woman's ability to conceive. The correct answer, therefore, is (D).

Which of the following risk behaviors is most likely to cause harm or injury to others? A. Suicide. B. Unhealthy food choices. C. Inadequate physical activity. D. Drinking and driving.

Correct Answer: D Causing harm or injury to oneself or others is known as a risk behavior. Drinking and driving is a risk behavior that puts both the person drinking and driving and others driving on the road at risk for harm or injury. Suicide, making unhealthy food choices, and not getting adequate physical activity each day are all risk behaviors that do not impact the health of others. The correct answer, therefore, is (D).

Isabella and Rosa have been best friends since they were in high school, however, Rosa has developed a new set of friends since she went to college. Rosa notices that Isabella has not been successful in forming new friendships with other people. Which of the following strategies would best help Rosa maintain a friendly relationship with Isabella despite their different interests? A.Talking to Isabella about her new friendships and experiences at college B.Inviting Isabella to accompany her and her new friends to an event C.Advising Isabella to make a stronger effort to identify people who share the same interests D.Reassuring Isabella that although her interests are changing, she still values their friendship

Correct Answer: D Life events such as going to college often change people and friendships. Although people may form new friendships and develop new interests, they still value old friendships. Talking to Isabella about her new friendships and experiences at college is only likely to make Isabella jealous. Inviting Isabella to accompany her and her new friends to an event would be a thoughtful gesture, but would not help Isabella to make her own friends. Advising Isabella to make a stronger effort to identify people who share the same interests is not a good strategy. The correct answer, therefore, is (D).

Which of the following is an example of a listening skill? A. Using "I" messages. B. Thinking before speaking. C. Being direct without being rude. D. Asking questions where appropriate.

Correct Answer: D Listening skills are vital elements in establishing good communication and healthy relationships. Asking questions when appropriate is an important component of active listening. Choices (A), (B), and (C) are speaking skills. The correct answer, therefore, is (D).

Touch, gestures, interpersonal space, facial expressions, and body language are all examples of which of the following? A. Conflict resolution. B. Listening. C. Self-disclosure. D. Nonverbal communication.

Correct Answer: D Nonverbal communication may sometimes accompany verbal dialogue and be used during conflict resolution, listening, and self-disclosure. However, nonverbal communication specifically involves touch, gestures, interpersonal space, facial expressions, and body language to express thoughts or feelings to another. The correct answer, therefore, is (D).

Which of the following contraceptives provides the best protection against sexually transmitted infections? A. Vaginal spermicide. B. Oral contraceptives. C. Sterilization. D. Condoms.

Correct Answer: D Of the choices given in the question, a condom is the only choice that offers some form of a barrier to direct contact with semen or vaginal fluids. Most sexually transmitted infections are spread through the exchange of blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and, in some cases, maternal milk. The correct answer, therefore, is (D).

In which of the following ways can a health educator help families keep their children healthy? A.Meeting with the parents to provide them with ways to improve care and support for the student B.Making a home visit if the student has said something about the home or family that concerns the health teacher C.Discretely giving the student money to purchase clothes and food D.Participating in the formation of a school health advisory council

Correct Answer: D Participating in the formation of a school health advisory is an appropriate step in the formation of a wellness committee or student health advisory group consistent with the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model, formerly the coordinated approach to school health. Choices A, B, and C describe actions that are outside the job description of the health education teacher. The correct answer, therefore, is D.

Which of the following risk factors is most likely to increase the likelihood that a youth will carry out an act of violence? A.Avoiding negative peer pressure B.Belonging to a social cliques C.Being exposed to violent media D.Having a low level of school connectedness

Correct Answer: D School connectedness is the belief held by students that adults and peers in the school care about their learning as well as about them as individuals and is an important protective factor. Research has shown that young people who feel connected to their school are less likely to engage in many risky behaviors, including early sexual initiation, alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use, and violence and gang involvement. The correct answer, therefore, is (D).

A part-time employee in a store has just been promoted and given a substantial salary increase. The store manager has been flirting with the employee and has threatened to take away the promotion and raise if the employee does not respond positively to the overtures. Which of the following best describes the manager's behavior? A.Stalking B.Cyberstalking C.Bullying D.Sexual harassment

Correct Answer: D Sexual harassment is a form of unwanted physical or verbal bullying or use of power of a sexual nature with the possible promise of rewards or opportunities in exchange for sexual favors. The store manager's threats and overtures toward the employee are a form of sexual harassment. Stalking is malicious following, general harassing, or threatening of one person by another. Cyberstalking is the use of electronic media to pursue, harass, or contact another person who has not solicited the contact. Bullying is an attempt to hurt or frighten people whom the individual perceives as smaller or weaker. The correct answer, therefore, is (D).

Which of the following is a level of reflection that relies on a teacher's ability to examine his or her beliefs, values, expectations, and assumptions affect student learning? A.Surface reflection B.Pedagogical reflection C.Critical reflection D.Self-reflection

Correct Answer: D Surface reflection is the first level of reflection in which teachers use strategies and methods to reach predetermined goals such as maintaining order. Pedagogical reflection is a level in which teachers use educational goals, the theories underlying approaches, and the connections between theoretical principles and practices. Critical reflection is a level in which teachers consider moral and ethical implications and consequences of classroom practices on students. Self-reflection is the final level in which teachers examine how one's beliefs, values, expectations, and assumptions impact student learning. The correct answer, therefore, is (D).

Which of the following agencies focuses on providing health-related research and health-improvement strategies primarily for school-aged children? A.American College Health Association B.Society for Public Health Education C.National Wellness Institute D.American School Health Association

Correct Answer: D The American School Health Association focuses on providing health-related research and health-improvement strategies primarily for school aged children. Choices (A), (B), and (C) all provide services for multiple age ranges and audiences. The correct answer, therefore, is (D).

Which of the following pairs of federal agencies are responsible for creating and updating the Dietary Guidelines for Americans? A.National Institute of Food and Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration B.Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Health and Human Services C.Department of Health and Human Services and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture D.Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services

Correct Answer: D The Dietary Guidelines for Americans are recommendations to help Americans to eat healthful diets and maintain a healthy weight, promote health, and prevent disease. They are created every five years through the collaboration of the United States Department of Agriculture and the United States Department of Health and Human Services. The correct answer, therefore, is (D).

Which of the following government organizations allows the public to comment on proposed rules and regulations concerning public health policies? A. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) B. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) C. United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) D. United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Correct Answer: D The United States Department of Health and Human Services provides an opportunity for the public to take part in the rule-making process concerning health policies via the Internet. The correct answer, therefore, is (D).

The quadriceps femoris is a part of which of the following body systems? A. Nervous system. B. Immune system. C. Digestive system. D. Muscular system.

Correct Answer: D The quadriceps femoris (quadriceps extensor) includes the four muscles on the front of the thigh and belongs to the muscular system. The correct answer, therefore, is (D).

Which of the following is the most effective way for a person to express difficult feelings with someone else? A. Ensuring the other person feels personal pain by expressing anger and resentment. B. Using aggressive body language such as leaning forward and pointing. C. Blaming the other person by using "you" statements. D. Being specific in describing feelings to the other person.

Correct Answer: D When expressing difficult feelings to others in personal situations, anger, resentment, aggressive body language, and blame are not the best ways to communicate how one feels. These behaviors can often make the situation worse. When expressing one's feelings, specific statements such as "this situation makes me feel like" rather than general statements such as "You always" are more effective. The correct answer, therefore, is (D).

Which of the following is considered effective in preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections? A. Norplant. B. Diaphragm. C. An oral contraceptive. D. Condoms.

Correct Answer: D While all of the methods listed are used as contraceptives, only condoms serve as a barrier to transmission of infectious disease. The correct answer, therefore, is (D).

What is the correct order of steps in the responsible-decision-making model? A. List possible decisions and share with a trusted adult. B. Act on the decision and evaluate. C. Decide which decision is most appropriate. D. Identify the decision to be made. E. Evaluate alternatives and consequences.

Correct Answer: D, A, E, C, B Steps in the decision-making process include identifying the decision to be made, listing the possible decisions and discussing them with a trusted adult, evaluating alternatives and consequences, deciding which decision is most appropriate, and then acting on the decision and evaluating the outcome. The correct order, therefore, is (D), (A), (E), (C), (B).

What is the path of the egg (ovum) from ovulation through menstruation? (list in order) A. Uterus. B. Fallopian tube. C. Vagina. D. Ovary.

Correct Answer: D, B, A, C The egg is formed in the ovary and released into the fallopian tube. If it is not fertilized in the tube, it travels to the uterus and then to the vagina, from which it is expelled during menstruation. If it is fertilized, it attaches to the wall of the uterus and develops into a fetus. Therefore, the correct path would be (D), (B), (A), and (C).

To care for a minor open wound, a first responder puts on latex-free disposable gloves and other personal protective equipment. What is the correct procedure for the remaining steps when providing first aid care for a minor open wound? (put in correct order) A. Wait until the bleeding stops to remove debris,and wash the area with soap and warm water. B. Dry the area and apply a small amount of antibioticointment if the person has no known allergies. C. Cover the area with a sterile gauze pad and a bandage. D. Apply direct pressure with a gauze pad to stop the bleeding.

Many open wounds are minor and can be cared for effectively using first aid. According to the American Red Cross, to properly care for a minor open wound, the steps are as follows: put on latex-free disposable gloves and other personal protective equipment (PPE) as necessary; apply direct pressure with a gauze pad to stop the bleeding; after the bleeding stops, wash the area with soap and warm water; rinse under warm running water for about 5 minutes or until the wound appears clean and free of debris; dry the area; apply a small amount of antibiotic ointment (if the person has no known allergies or sensitivities to the ingredients); cover the area with a sterile gauze pad and a bandage; and remove gloves and wash hands with soap and water. The correct order of answers, therefore, is (D), (A), (B), (C).

Which of the following are major responsibilities for entry-level health educators? Select all that apply. A. Assessing individual and community needs for health education. B. Implementing health education programs in schools. C. Evaluating the effectiveness of health education programs. D. Advocating for more funding for health education programs.

The correct answers are (A), (B), and (C). According to the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, there are seven basic competencies for entry-level health educators. In addition to answer choices (A), (B), and (C), the other major responsibilities include planning effective health education programs; coordinating the provision of health education services; acting as a resource person in health education; and communicating health education needs, concerns, and resources. Choice (D) is not one of the seven standards.

Which of the following behaviors are likely to be characteristic of a health-literate person? Select all that apply. A. Gathers current, reliable health information from a variety of sources before deciding on a dieting program. B. Works collaboratively with community members to promote smokers' rights. C. Advocates for daily physical activity in local schools. D. Implements conflict-management skills to resolve a family dispute.

The correct answers are (A), (C), and (D). According to the National Health Education Standards, the four characteristics of a health-literate person are being a critical thinker and problem solver; being a responsible, productive citizen; being a self-directed learner; and being an effective communicator.

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