Health Unit 2 part 2
A specific feeling
People who plan have less stress because planning brings confidence.
You see problems and stressors as challenges and oppurtunities
A chemical that is involved in controlling states of consciousness and mood
Psychosomatic disease
A physical illness or disorder that is cause by aggravated emotional responses
Chronic state of anger
Positive response to a stressor
Deep breathing, taking 5, imagrey, good attitude
Have a strong influence over what happens to you, but recognize that somethings cannot be controlled.
Anger management skills
Healthful ways to control and express anger
Why is it a problem if adrenaline is constantly secreted?
It can cause sleep deprivation
How does exercise help relieve stress and reduce the effects of anger?
It helps the body regain internal balance. It uses the extra adrenaline and sugar produced during times of stress.
Resistance stage physical symptoms
Physical Symptoms are the opposite from the first stage.
How does stress affect mental and emotional health?
Prolonged stress makes it difficult for you to think clearly and concentrate, keeps you from having a heathy mind, and increases the risk of depression and other mental illnesses.
Stress hormone
Stress management skills
Techniques to prevent and deal with stress ans protect one's health during stressful periods
The response of the body to the demands of everyday living
Why is being the the G.A.S alarm stage constantly harmful?
The symptoms can be dangerous and can cause long term effects.
Your body tries to regulate itself and repair things done in the alarm stage
stress response
a built in biochemical reaction producing hormones that have specific physical effects.
GAS ( general adaptation syndrome)
a model that describes the relationship between stress and diseases.
a state of tension/pressure or the body and minds reaction to everyday demands or threats
ability to adapt effectively or recover from disappointment.
stress tolerance
amount you can take before it becomes too much
anything that causes stress
bad stress
Take control of your day #2
budget your time
3 characteristics of a hardy personality
commitment, control, challenge.
2 stress management tips
eliminate stressor and change the way we perceive or react to the stressor
good stress
Take control of your day #4
have a network of support (friends, parents, family). Don't be afraid to ask for support
Take control of your day #3
learn to say no
Hardy Personality
one who seems to stay healthy despite major or traumatic stressors, you have a high degree of resilience
alarm stage physical symptoms
pupils dilate; hearing sharpens, saliva decreases; heart rate goes up; Blood pressure goes up; bronchioles dilate to higher Oz supply to muscles; digestion slows down; muscles tighten.
refers to the body
refers to the mind
Take control of your day #1
set and prioritize your goals
Take control of your day #5
slow down
strong sense of what is important to you
Hidden Anger
the angr that is not recognized and is not expressed in appropriate ways
the mind is making the body sick
Mind-body connection
the relationship between a person's thoughts, emotions, and bodily responses
Fatigue/Exhaustion stage
when a person cant get back to homeostasis ; the body and mind become worn down and you get physically sick.
Resistance Stage
your body tries to repair the damage from the alarm stage and return to its normal stage ( homeostasis)
Alarm Stage- fight or flight
your mind and body go on high alert; your body produces adrenaline, cortisol.