Hiding place 5 & 6

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The boy Corrie and her father met was saying what? (Ch 5)

"I would've fought" and "I wouldn't have given up"

What are the winkeldochters? (Ch 5)


Curfew was originally set at what time? (Ch 5)

10 PM

How old is Peter during the time of the invasion? (Ch 5)

16 years old

Where did the secret room set back from the true wall? (Ch 6)

2 1/2 feetw

How long does Holland hold out against Germany? (Ch 5)

5 days

How old is father in chapter 6? (Ch 6)

82 Years Old

What was the new curfew time? (Ch 6)


2 nights later, who also came knocking on the shops door? (Ch 6)

An elderly couple

Who came over and taped the top of the Ten Booms display window? (Ch 5)

An optician

Where did Peter install the table radio? (Ch 5)

Beneath a curve in the stairs above fathers room

Nazism was a ___________. (Ch 5)


What 3 countries were at war at the time? (Ch 5)

England, France, and Germany

What awakens the family that same night?


Father pity's the poor Germans, for they have touched the apple of Gods _______. (Ch 5)


What instructions were given through the radio? (Ch 5)

For the ground-floor windows to be taped

The bulldogs wife is a ________. (Ch 5)

Gentile, her name is Cato

Father says, for we will be beaten but ________ will not. (Ch 5)


What is the Bulldogs real name? (Ch 5)

Harry de Vries

What did Bulldog do with his dogs? And why? (Ch 5)

He put them to sleep because he didn't want them to suffer

What did the Prime Minister say? (Ch 5)

He said there would be no war

What could father not understand about Mr. Smit

How a persons being called by a name not his own

What were issued to each citizen? (Ch 5)

Identity cards containing photographs and fingerprints

Where were the identity cards to be carried on a person? (Ch 5)

In a pouch above the neck

When corrie was meeting the distinguished group, what was not mentioned and occasionally what?

Names were not mentioned, occasionally addresses were

A window opened up and what started showering on Mr. Weil? (Ch 5)

Pajamas, shirts, underwear.

What was the fragrant aroma of the room? (Ch 6)

Real Dutch Coffee which Corrie hasn't seen in years

What was now a crime to do in Holland? (Ch 6)

Sing the "Wilhelmus" AKA the national anthem

What 3 things were wrong in the sight of God? (Ch 5)

Stealing, lying, murder

What did Peter suddenly start playing on the piano? (Ch 6)

The Wilhelmus or the national anthem

What nickname was the great wild cherry tree given? (Ch 5)

The bride of Haarlem, because of its white blossoms

What was the news the Ten Booms dreaded? (Ch 5)

The fact that the queen had left

Who is Fred Koornstra? (Ch 6)

The man who used to read the electric meter at the beje. The Koornstras had a retarted daughter. Corrie actually worked with the feeble-minded for 20 years.

When corrie says "the finest one in the country", what is she referring to? (Ch 6)

The organ at Velsen

What was to take place at 9:30 that night? (Ch 5)

The prime minister was to address the nation

What was Haarlems eyes and ears? (Ch 5)

The radio

True or false: Mr. Kans was no where to be found and his shop was closed


True or false: Newspapers no longer carried news


True or false: The shop never made so much money as during that first year of the war. (Ch 5)


Where was Mr. Weils wife? (Ch 5)

Visiting a sister in Amsterdam

Who is going to take in Mr. Weils and his wife? (Ch 5)


Who is Kik? (Ch 5)

Willem son; 22 years old

Who is Mr. Smit?

this is a code name for people who came to the beje during the war. There are many of them

Bulldog told the Ten Booms that he is a follower of the what? (Ch 5)

"One perfect Jew"

What 2 things were the soldiers looking for in the streets? (Ch 6)

1. Girls 2. A place to worship

Who were the 2 Jewish woman staying at Nollies house? (Ch 6)

1. One was an elderly Austrian lady whom Willem sent into hiding, named Katrien was posing as the van Woerdens housemaid. 2. Annaliese was a young, blonde, blue eyed Dutch Jew with flawless false identity papers.

Fred asked Corrie how many ration cards she needed, how many did she say? (Ch 6)


At the beginning of the chapter, how many years has it been since the fall of Holland? (Ch 6)

2 years, May 10 1942 was the 2 year anniversary

How old is corrie at the beginning of Chapter 6?

50 Years Old

What time would father now do his Bible reading each evening? (Ch 5)

8:45 and then would finish by 9:15 and then would go to bed

What is the new curfew hour? (Ch 5)

9 PM

What time was it when the Ten Booms left the dining room that night? (Ch 5)


Who came knocking at the door? (Ch 6)

A Jewish woman names Kleermaker

The Germans now use the airport as a what? (Ch 5)

A base for air raids against England

July 1 at 5:30, Fred was to come into the shop with the cards beneath his shirt. But to Corries horror, who walked in at 5:25? (Ch 6)

A policeman who Corrie knew from the shops one hundredth anniversary, a man named Rolf van Vliet

What is the National Socialist Bond? (Ch 5)

A quisling organization of Holland

How old was father now? (Ch 5)

80 years old

Peter says he can't die now, why? (Ch 6)

Because he says he's too fine of a musician to die young

What is the only material that can be used for false walls according to Mr. Smit? (Ch 6)


Why was Rolf in the shop? (Ch 6)

His watch needed cleaning

Mr. Smit told Corrie her house lacked a ___________ _________. (Ch 6)

Secret Room

Corrie wishes Peter would pay more attention to the what? (Ch 6)

Sermons at church

What was Corrie worrying about? (Ch 6)

She was worrying because she thought eventually the Gestapo would find out

What is Corrie's dream that night?

she and her family were being taken far away in a wagon, but they didn't want to go

The bombing came from the direction of the what? (Ch 5)


What was the Warning System? (Ch 6)

Basically if the wooden sign saying "Alpina Watches" was in place in the dining room window, it was safe to enter but if it wasn't it place it wasn't safe to enter.

Why was father angry after hearing the Prime Minister? (Ch 5)

Because father said the prime minister is giving the people false hope, father says the Germans will attack and we will fall

The distinguished group was sympathetic to corrie because why?

Because of her efforts to help Haarlems Jews

Why did Corrie tremble after telling the soldier a lie? (Ch 5)

Because of how easy it was

The entrance hall was jammed with what? (Ch 6)


Betsie covered the windows with heavy what? (Ch 5)

Black paper

What is the Bulldogs hobby? (Ch 5)

Book collecting

What ran against the false wall? (Ch 6)


How do Jews get ration cards according to Willem? (Ch 6)

By stealing them

True or false: The shop was closed during this time. (Ch 5)

False, the shop was kept open because people wanted to see father so he could pray for people

True or false: The Ten Booms turned in their radios to the German Soldiers

False, they hid the larger radio and turned in the portable smaller ones

Closer by, were the sounds of what? (Ch 5)

Fire alarms and the beep of hose trucks

Coupons represented what? (Ch 5)

Food and merchandise, but every week the newspapers announced what the current coupons could be exchanged for

Who is the Gestapo? (Ch 6)

German secret police

What was the hardest thing to get used to? (Ch 5)

German uniform everywhere, German trucks and tanks in the street, and German spoken in the shops.

What was unusual about Bulldog when they saw him on their walk? (Ch 5)

He didn't have his 2 dogs with him

What had happened to Kleermakers husband? (Ch 6)

Her husband was arrested, and his son was in hiding

Corrie heard Dr. Heemstra playing what with his two children? (Ch 5)


What was stored in the cubby hole in the dining room? (Ch 6)

Jewelry, silver coins, other valuables since the start of the occupation

Bright yellow six-pointed starts represented what? (Ch 5)

Jews or "Jood"

A Jewish woman with her 3 children came to the door one evening, who was there against the wall in the dark alley? (Ch 6)

Kik, he told Corrie there was someone she needed to meet

The beje sits half a block away from the what? (Ch 6)

Main police headquarters

What was life like during the occupation? (Ch 5)

Not so very unbearable

What color was the sky above the chimney tops during the bombing? (Ch 5)


Who is Mr. Weil? (Ch 5)

Owned a fur store; Germans invaded store and was going to take him away ,but he was taken to the Beje by Betsie

What suddenly happened in the streets of Haarlem? (Ch 5)

People were gathering and walking; they walked over the bridge of the Spaarne all the way to the great wild cherry tree.

As Corrie worked, who did she say would be proud of her? (Ch 6)


Wednesday morning, Cocky bursted into the shop and said what? (Ch 6)

Peter was caught and taken to a federal prison in Amsterdam

Betsie and Corrie kneeled down by the what and prayed? (Ch 5)

Piano bench

The small portable radio was a gift given to the Ten Booms for Christmas from whom? (Ch 5)


When Kik and Corrie arrived, who did Corrie see there? (Ch 6)


Who had automobiles nowadays? (Ch 6)

Police, Germans, and NSBers

What were becoming more frequent? (Ch 5)

Public arrests

Later on in chapter 5, what also became more frequent? (Ch 5)

Public arrests of Jews

Some addresses won't take in Jews without a what? (Ch 6)

Ration Card

What realization did Corrie have? (Ch 6)

She realized she is friends with half of Haarlem. But didn't know their political view of course

Slowly, what did Father and Corrie start to notice on their walks? (Ch 5)

Shops, parks, libraries, restaurants, theaters, and concert halls had a sign on them saying "No Jews"

What news did the crowd receive? (Ch 5)

That Holland has surrendered

What news did Pickwick tell Corrie before she left?

That Peter is to be released soon

As soon as Corrie lied in her bed, what did she notice? (Ch 5)

That a piece of metal cut her and she was bleeding

On the last page of chapter 5, what does Corrie realize? (Ch 5)

That any minute, German soldiers could knock on the door and order Jews into the back of a truck.

What was something Betsie prayed for that Corrie couldn't? (Ch 5)

The Germans

Where did Corrie realize she was? (Ch 6)

The underground

Soldiers bought watches for who mostly? (Ch 5)

Their mothers and sweethearts (shawtys😍😍)

True or false: the Haarlem police were now under the direct control of the German Commandant


Where did Mr. Smit Put the hiding place? (Ch 6)

corries room

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