Hildebrandt, Old Testament Lit. Lecture 7, Genesis 3, Fall, Cain/Abel--Full M/C Questions (Flashcard Style)

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Who asked, "am I my brother's keeper?" [7H] A. Cain B. Abel C. Sheth D. Adam

A. Cain

Based on Gen. 4:7 the "desire" part of Eve's curse was presented as meaning that there would be [7F] A. Conflict in marriage B. A savior to crush the head of the serpent C. Pain in childbirth D. Effort needed to work the land

A. Conflict in marriage

The book of Romans tells us that as a result of the fall all of creation ________ waiting for the coming day of redemption [7D] A. Groans B. Rejoices C. Worships D. Works

A. Groans

When the sons of God had married the daughters of men and had kids they were called ________ according to Gen 6 [7J] A. Nephilim B. Rephaim C. Anakim D. Elohim

A. Nephilim

When the consequential curses come on the Garden dwellers what order do the curses come [7D] A. Serpent, Eve, Adam B. Adam, Serpent, Eve C. Adam, Eve, Serpent D. Eve, Adam, Serpent

A. Serpent, Eve, Adam

In Gen 4:7 what desired to have Cain that he was to rule over? [7F] A. Sin B. Satan C. The serpent D. Jealousy

A. Sin

After participation in eating the fruit, Adam and Eve gained [7B] A. Subjective knowledge of evil B. Objective knowledge of evil C. Subjective knowledge of good D. Objective knowledge of good

A. Subjective knowledge of evil

At the end of Adam's curse, God says Adam will return to [7G] A. The ground B. The Garden of Eden C. The Land of Nod D. Heaven

A. The ground

Why is Genesis 1-3 so important for the rest of the Bible? [7G] A. The rest of the Bible is God seeking to redeem his lost children B. The rest of the Bible is God trying to get humans to repent C. The rest of the Bible is about God's struggle with Satan D. The rest of the Bible is the working out of the curses

A. The rest of the Bible is God seeking to redeem his lost children

What was the only thing man knew was "not good" in the garden? [7C] A. To be alone B. To disobey God C. To give in to Satan D. To deceive his wife

A. To be alone

The Hebrew language came into existence around [7E] A. The beginning of time B. 2000 BC C. 1000 BC D. 4000 BC

B. 2000 BC

All of the following are examples of sibling rivalry in Genesis EXCEPT [7H] A. Jacob and Esau B. Abraham and Lot C. Joseph and his brothers D. Leah and Rachel

B. Abraham and Lot

How does one fight against the power struggle in marriage? [7F] A. By acknowledging the headship of Adam B. By both giving up power even as Jesus did C. By not giving in to the woman's desire to rule D. By faithfully serving her husband

B. By both giving up power even as Jesus did

At what point in the process of the temptation and fall did Adam and Eve become as God says, "like one of us"? [7B] A. Prior to the temptation B. During the temptation C. After the decision to eat the fruit D. After they were driven from the garden

B. During the temptation

In the beginning of Genesis, the Hebrew word etzer [helper] was used to refer to [7F] A. Adam B. Eve C. Serpent D. God

B. Eve

When God curses the serpent, who does God say will crush whose head [7E] A. Eve will crush the serpent's head B. Eve's offspring will crush the serpent's head C. The serpent will crush the head of Eve's offspring D. Adam will crush the head of the serpent's offspring

B. Eve's offspring will crush the serpent's head

After the fall, the human reaction to God's presence was one of [7D] A. Worship B. Fear C. Contrition D. Defensiveness

B. Fear

Who besides Eve is called a helper (etzer) in the Old Testament? [7F] A. Moses B. God C. Samuel D. Miriam

B. God

In Genesis 3 what is humankind's response to God's presence after the fall? [7D] A. Confession B. Hiding C. Trust D. Worship

B. Hiding

What did Eve's Hebrew name "Havah" mean in the context of Gen 3? [7F] A. Princess of the People B. Mother of all living C. Head of the family D. Serpent-crusher

B. Mother of all living

At the point of temptation but before participation in eating the fruit, Adam and Eve gained [7B] A. Subjective knowledge of evil B. Objective knowledge of evil C. Subjective knowledge of good D. Objective knowledge of good

B. Objective knowledge of evil

Eve's curse was [7F] A. To work the land B. Pain in childbirth C. Death of children D. Fear of snakes

B. Pain in childbirth

The Serpent's lie was in getting Adam and Eve to [7B] A. Gain objective knowledge of evil outside of themselves B. Participate in evil themselves C. Get them to trust someone other than God D. Be naïve and ignorant of evil

B. Participate in evil themselves

In discussing the temptation process there was a comparison between Gen 3 and 1 John 2 in all of the following EXCEPT [7C] A. The lust of the eyes B. The fruits of the flesh C. The pride of life D. The lust of the flesh

B. The fruits of the flesh

Prior to the fall and curse Adam was to [7G] A. Enjoy the fruits of the garden B. Work in the garden C. Make his wife happy D. Build a home from the trees of the garden

B. Work in the garden

Cain's curse is that he has to [7I] A. rely on the mercy of others B. wander C. stay in the same spot D. return to his parents, Adam and Eve

B. wander

After the fall God asks the garden dwellers about the eating of the fruit in what order [7D] A. Serpent, Eve, Adam B. Adam, Serpent, Eve C. Adam, Eve, Serpent D. Eve, Adam, Serpent

C. Adam, Eve, Serpent

Galatians 3:28 says that in Christ all of the following divisions are no more EXCEPT [7F] A. Jew or Gentile B. Bond or free C. Apostle or prophet D. Male or female

C. Apostle or prophet

Ephesians 5:21 in the context of marriage says who should submit to whom? [7F] A. The wife to the husband B. The husband to the wife C. Both to one another D. Both to their children

C. Both to one another

A cereal offering was [7H] A. Not acceptable to God as it did not shed blood B. Rejected by God in Exodus 32 C. Commanded by God in Lev 2 D. Allowed only if offered by priests

C. Commanded by God in Lev 2

What solution was offered to the curse of struggle between man and woman [7F] A. Do not get married B. Accept conflict as a part of marriage C. Fight against the curse by serving the other D. Establish a hierarchy within marriage structure

C. Fight against the curse by serving the other

Cain's offering was referred to as what kind of offering? [7H] A. Meat B. Animal C. Grain D. Plant

C. Grain

Beyond the judgment of the flood, what did God also do to humankind [7J] A. Stopped them from being fruitful and multiplying B. Sent a famine on the land C. Limited the age span to 120 years D. Did not allow migration of peoples over the earth

C. Limited the age span to 120 years

In Cain's wandering he would struggle with a sense of (as developed in class) [7I] A. Bitterness and anger B. Shame and guilt C. Rootlessness and aloneness D. Emptiness and futility

C. Rootlessness and aloneness

What was the "woman's desire" as described in the curse on Eve? [7F] A. That she would sexually desire her husband B. That she would desire to serve her husband C. That she would desire to overpower her husband D. That she would desire to please her husband

C. That she would desire to overpower her husband

After the fall, the rest of the Bible develops what major theme (according to our discussion)? [7D] A. The necessity of forgiveness B. That the wages of sin is death C. The redemptive work of God D. Pain and death

C. The redemptive work of God

Before the flood the Bible says who married who? [7J] A. The sons of men married the daughters of men B. The sons of god married the daughters of god C. The sons of God married the daughters of men D. The sons of men married the daughters of God

C. The sons of God married the daughters of men

When God questions Adam and Eve about eating from the tree we see the relationship between man and women as [7D] A. patient and shame B. anger and aggressiveness C. conflict and blaming D. courage and resolve

C. conflict and blaming

Adam's curse was the [7G] A. need for work B. hatred of work C. futility of work D. fruits of his work

C. futility of work

We know that Adam's name was not really "Adam" because [7E] A. it was Adamah B. he did not have a name C. the Hebrew language did not exist in Adam's time D. Adam is only what Eve called him

C. the Hebrew language did not exist in Adam's time

The book of Proverbs at its core features what principle that underlies the fall narrative in Genesis? [7D] A. Conflict and blaming B. Shame and hiding C. Regret and contrition D. Act and consequence

D. Act and consequence

When is Eve's name first mentioned? [7F] A. God names her when she is created from Adam's rib B. Adam names her when she eats the fruit C. Adam names her when she hides with him from God D. Adam names her after being told he will die

D. Adam names her after being told he will die

"Immanuel" means [7D] A. God fights for us B. We worship God C. God heals us D. God with us

D. God with us

The fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil gave what promise that matched the pride of life from 1 John 2? [7C] A. It would give them eternal life B. It would provide them with the power to rule C. It would eliminate the need for God D. It would give them wisdom

D. It would give them wisdom

Names change between cultures as can be seen in the Greek name "Jesus" which was originally _______ in Hebrew [7E] A. Elijah B. Josiah C. David D. Joshua

D. Joshua

What was one of the contributing causes to the flood beyond the inter-marriage problem? [7J] A. Sibling rivalry B. Rejection of God C. Poverty and injustice D. Violence

D. Violence

Cain's offering was rejected because [7H] A. it contained blood B. it did not contain blood C. it did not require much effort D. his heart was in the wrong place

D. his heart was in the wrong place

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