Hist 1001 Exam 1

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Where did our species, homo sapiens sapiens, reach its basic form?

a. Africa

Why did the Peloponnesian cities led by Sparta fight Athens in the Peloponnesian War?

a. Athenian imperialism threatened the city-state system of Greece.

The first domesticated animal was the

a. Dog

For Thucydides, what was the meaning of the Peloponnesian conflict?

a. History was a contest for power, and the Peloponnesian conflict a case study of its abuse and the dire consequences of bad policies.

Which of the following statements about the Greek alphabet is TRUE?

a. It appeared early in the eighth century BCE, adapted from the Phoenician alphabet

What happened after the cities of Mycenaean Greece were attacked and destroyed?

a. Some people still lived in the same locations, but not in the same style.

Why did the Persian incorporation of Lydia launch the Persian Wars?

a. The Persians needed clear access to the Mediterranean Sea.

Why did the Hebrew civilization endure and remain largely immune to assimilation, unlike the other civilizations of the early ancient world?

a. They developed a singular religious identity and core beliefs

Traditionally the first fixed date of ancient Greece is 776 BCE, when

a. a pan-Hellenic festival was convened at Olympia

What reforms did the statesman Solon institute in his attempt to deal with the social tensions in Athens?

a. debt relief and broader participation of the different Athenian orders in the political system

What reforms did the statesman Solon institute in his attempt to deal with the social tensions in Athens?

a. debt relief and broader participation of the different Athenian orders in the political system.

European hunter-gatherers of the period from about 35,000 to 15,000 years ago began to produce

a. objects with symbolic meaning.

The Epic of Gilgamesh is not only the world's first great literary work, but an example of the meshing of

a. royal and religious persons.

Aside from Homer's poems, the earliest Greek writing consists of:

b. Curses, official dedications, and lists.

The original Egyptian script is called

b. Hieroglyphics

How did the Lycurgan code of life shape Sparta?

b. It militarized Spartan society.

By studying Indo-European words, scholars have concluded

b. That the original Indo-European speakers came from a northern region

How did the economic basic of Greek life change During the Dark Age?

b. The Greeks relied less on sea trading and more on farming

What important clue strongly suggests that Homer's poems really culturally belonged to the Greek Dark Age rather than the Mycenaean era?

b. The cremation of Homer's heroes

Why were archaic Greek institutions like the Olympic Games or the sanctuary of the god Apollo at Delphi so important?

b. They mediated local differences between rivals, for the Greeks were deeply divided.

What was the purpose of the building of the Pyramids?

b. They were tombs for the rulers, to receive their bodies for the journey to the afterlife.

Which of the following best describes tyrants?

b. autocrats who seized power by force

Sophocles 'Antigoneexplores the nature of power and the danger of pride, or

b. hubris.

At the battle of Marathon in 490 BCE,

b. ten thousand heavily armed Athenian hoplites defeated the Persian force.

What important clue strongly suggests that Homer's poems really culturally belonged to the Greek Dark Age rather than the Mycenaean era?

b. the cremation of Homer's heroes

Why did the festival to the god Dionysus in Athens become another opportunity for civil and political discourse?

c. In the hands of the great playwrights, these tragedies probed universal human problems and, under their guise, contemporary Athenian crises.

What was the purpose of the Egyptian Book of the Dead?

c. It prepared the living for their encounter with the god Osiris after they died

Why should Athenian democracy always be qualified asAtheniandemocracy?

c. It was complex and quite different from democracy today.

The most celebrated document to survive from the reign of Hammurabi is his famous

c. Law code

In what way did Greece remake itself locally after the Mycenaeans?

c. Powerful extended families established themselves

In Mesopotamian society, writing was a tool that empowered

c. Priests and rulers

The Dark Age of Greece is so-called because

c. The Greece of this period left few material traces

Why was Europe well behind the Near East culturally and economically?

c. The warmer Fertile Crescent blossomed while Europe still felt the effects of the Ice Age.

Why was God's renewal of the covenant with the Hebrews a defining moment in Jewish religious history?

c. With it the Hebrews had their own legally based and religiously sanctioned legal and moral code

The main religion of the Persian Empire at the time of its invasion of Greece was

c. a dualistic religion eventually systematized by the prophet Zoroaster.

Ostracism, which the Athenians introduced during the interwar years (489-481 BCE), was a

c. democratic technique for expelling dangerous individuals.

The Atheniandemosheld Pericles in high esteem because he

c. provided jobs, food, and diversions, and stroked their pride in their polis.

The wealth of the Mycenaeans came primarily from

c. trade and war.

The Neolithic period connotes the move to what kind of society?

d. Agricultural

What was the great Athenian mistake that led to the Peloponnesian War?

d. Athens thought it could rise above the balance of powers that produced the polis system of the many Greeces.

Why was Egypt more politically stable, confident, and self-sufficient than Mesopotamia?

d. Egypt's geography left it isolated and protected from frequent turmoil

The Assyrian and Babylonian attacks marked the beginning of the Diaspora, or

d. Emigration of the Hebrews from Israel to other lands.

What is the chief characteristic of the "Mesopotamian model" of civilization?

d. Empires emerge from important cities and dominate and incorporate other cities and lands.

Sumer was at the mercy of its

d. Great rivers

The soldier who stood in line with his fellows in the rectangular formation of infantry was called a

d. Hoplite

What role did Persia play in the Peloponnesian War?

d. It lent naval support to Sparta and financed the continuing Spartan war effort.

After the death of King Solomon:

d. The kingdom was divided into two independent kingdoms

For the Greeks, the polis was what three things?

d. a built-up physical place, a territory, and a political community of citizens

Çatal Hüyük was a

d. community of nearly a thousand rectangular houses in Anatolia.

Herodotus indirectly warned Athens about the dangers of

d. straying beyond its native land.

The great epic poems, the Iliad and Odyssey,

d. were retellings of older oral stories from the preceding Mycenaean Age.

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