Hist 11- Review Quiz

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(Q019) The Era of Good Feelings was so-called because

they were years of one-party government.

(Q063) During the market revolution, the emergence of organized political parties spurred newspaper publication.


(Q069) The same American leaders of democracy who hailed the French Revolution as a step in the universal progress of liberty reacted in horror against the Haitian Revolution.


Q043) One of America's earliest trade experiences was with China.


(Q016) In the aftermath of the War of 1812, Americans tended to view Canadians as

monarchial and lacking in an understanding of liberty.

(Q012) By the eve of the Civil War, free blacks in the South were allowed to own


(Q010) In the mid-1800s, this concept had replaced class as the boundary between those American men who were entitled to enjoy political freedom and those who were not.


(Q019) Which of the following statements accurately reflects Fries's Rebellion of 1799?

President John Adams dispatched federal troops to the area.

(Q014) Which is true of Martin Van Buren's campaign for president?

Rather than being dangerous and divisive, he believed political parties were a necessary and desirable element of political life.

(Q013) The two political parties of the mid-1790s were the

Republicans and Federalists.

(Q026) On their journey of exploration from Missouri to Oregon, Lewis and Clark were accompanied by the American Indian interpreter


(Q054) Abby Kelley was one of the foremost female abolitionist orators in the country during her time.


(Q056) Many Americans saw the reform impulse as an attack on their own freedom, particularly the temperance movement.


The Battle of Chancellorsville in May 1863 was a brilliant victory for Lee in central Virginia, as he was outnumbered by General Joseph Hooker's Army of the Potomac two to one.


The Civil War brought significant social and economic change to the South. The Confederate government passed legislation allowing individuals who owned twenty or more slaves to be exempt from the draft.


A major hindrance during the outbreak of war included this railroad situation.

There was no national railroad gauge so trains built for one line could not run on another.

(Q044) The Shawnee brothers Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa led the way in promoting Indian adoption of white customs.


(Q046) The Supreme Court did little to promote the entrepreneurial agenda of the market revolution.


(Q053) Florida was victoriously delivered to American hands with the assistance of local Indians and Spain's suggestion to sell the area.


(Q053) Free blacks gained the right to vote in every state in the Union after 1800.


During the Civil War, the North instituted a draft, but the South never did.


Grant's strategy of attrition worked brilliantly, as by the end of 1864 he captured Petersburg, Virginia, and forced the surrender of Robert E. Lee.


The Know-Nothing Party was founded as a crusade against slavery.


What was General Grant's strategy in 1864 that became a turning point in the war for ultimate Union victory?

to use as many Union troops on the battlefield as possible in a war of attrition

Between 1848 and 1860, American trade with China


(Q036) This religion started after its leader claimed to have been led by an angel to a set of golden plates covered with strange writing, which he translated and later published.


(Q023) In James Madison's view in The Federalist, the "first object of government" is

protection of property rights.

(Q038) Free blacks were regularly excluded from


What does this image reveal about social and economic changes that occurred during the Civil War?

-Both men and women worked in the factories of the North, performing essential war work

Place the following battles in chronological order to show the progression of the Civil War.

1.the Battle of Bull Run 2.the Seven Days' Campaign 3.the second Battle of Bull run 4.the Battle of Antietam

(Q032) Which of the following statements is true regarding the Trail of Tears?

At least one-quarter of the Indians perished during the winter of 1838-1839.

(Q035) What two southern cities witnessed relatively prosperous free black communities develop in the 1800s?

Charleston and New Orleans

(Q011) This first martyr of the antislavery movement was killed by a mob in Illinois while defending his press.

Elijah P. Lovejoy

(Q019) America's first black newspaper was called

Freedom's Journal.

(Q018) In the XYZ affair of 1797,

French officials presented American diplomats with a demand for bribes.

(Q033) Between 1840 and 1860, most immigrants entering the United States were from what two countries?

Germany and Ireland

(Q036) What territory did the United States acquire from France in 1803?


(Q025) With the Louisiana Purchase,

Louisiana entered the Union as the eighteenth state.

(Q024) The case that established judicial review was

Marbury v. Madison.

(Q032) In her 1845 work Woman in the Nineteenth Century, this writer sought to apply to women the transcendentalist idea that freedom meant a quest for personal development.

Margaret Fuller

(Q010) What was the result of the Missouri court case involving the "crime" of Celia?

She was sentenced to death.

As Lincoln withdrew forces in the West to protect areas in the East, tensions flared between the Indians and settlers, leading to

Sioux Indians killing hundreds of white farmers.

(Q020) Which of the following was part of the Missouri Compromise of 1820?

Slavery was prohibited in the remaining Louisiana Territory north of 36°30'.

Read and analyze the "Voices of Freedom" primary source document in the chapter, titled "Letter of Thomas F. Drayton" (1861). Click here to review the full document excerpt from the textbook.Afterward, complete the following statement.

South Carolina plantation owner Thomas Drayton believed that the South was fighting for home and liberty, for the protection of states' rights, and for the establishment of law and order.

(Q001) In the early decades of the 1800s, the population living in Texas who were non-Indian and of Spanish origin were called Group of answer choices


(Q007) Which of the following was a difference between the Democrats and the Whigs during the Jackson years?

The Whigs favored public measures and other policies to regulate personal morality; the Democrats did not.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage describing the Know-Nothing Party's political stance on immigration.

The Know-Nothing Party seemed to be one of contradictions: it wanted to limit the rights of immigrants, while promoting an antislavery agenda. Ultimately, the Know-Nothings actually accomplished very little in this regard. All European immigrants benefited from being white. These groups had the advantage of being able to vote, whereas free blacks could not.

(Q004) Which of the following was a trend in American democracy during the 1820s and 1830s?

The idea of a "common man" and "manliness" decreased in importance for candidates.

(Q002) The American Colonization Society called for

a gradual end to slavery and the resettlement of blacks outside the United States.

(Q022) The Second Great Awakening was

a popular religious revival that swept the country in the early 1800s.

(Q025) Ralph Waldo Emerson was which of the following?

a transcendentalist

(Q041) The American Temperance Society, founded in 1826, directed its efforts to redeeming habitual drunkards, not the occasional social drinker.


The Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in December 1865,

abolished slavery throughout the Union.

(Q006) The Hartford Convention Group of answer choices

affirmed the right of a state to interpose its authority if the federal government violated the Constitution.

The Fugitive Slave Act

allowed federal commissioners to determine the fate of fugitives without the benefit of a trial or testimony by the accused individual.

(Q037) New York City and Philadelphia experienced what type of violent events in the 1840s and 1850s?

anti-immigrant riots

One of the leading Federalist thinkers was a. Sam Adams. b. James Madison. c. Patrick Henry. d. Daniel Shays.


(Q038) To prevent them from being seized by British vessels and "impressed" into the British Navy, Congress in 1790 granted citizenship to

black sailors.

(Q018) The idea of "perfectionism" was the view that

both individuals and society at large can be capable of indefinite improvement.

Select on the map the areas where Union forces gained success in 1863.

click on the blue cross-marks

(Q030) The largest effort at educational institution building before the Civil War came in the movement to establish

common schools.

(Q008) Robert Owen's utopian society promoted this idea to allow workers to receive the full value of their labor.


Northern Republicans labeled those opposed to the war Diamondbacks. Copperheads. Blacklegs .Cottonmouths.


(Q012) What 1793 invention spurred the rise of the Cotton Kingdom and fueled demand for slaves?

cotton gin

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854

created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, opened new lands, repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820, and allowed settlers in those territories to determine if they would allow slavery within their boundaries.

Under the Articles of Confederation, the national government had the power to a. impose tariffs. b. regulate interstate trade. c. abolish slavery. d. declare war.


(Q006) As a result of the three-fifths clause,

d. the white South gained greater power in national affairs than its free population warranted.

(Q014) Shays's Rebellion in late 1786 and early 1787 was a rebellion of

debt-ridden farmers who closed the courts in western Massachusetts

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in February 1848

ended the Mexican War.

What did Frederick Douglass encourage African-Americans in the North to do as part of the war effort after 1863?

enlist in the United States Army

(Q033) According to Pauline Davis in 1853, to emancipate women from "bondage," women must

go to work outside the home.

(Q029) The government-sponsored construction of roads and canals in the early 1800s later deemed unconstitutional was called

internal improvements.

(Q027) The U.S. Constitution

is a purely secular document that contains no reference to God and bars tests for federal officeholders

(Q012) "Impressment" as practiced by the British was

kidnapping sailors

(Q030) Nat Turner

led an 1831 slave uprising in Virginia, killing about sixty whites.

The Second Confiscation Act

liberated slaves of disloyal owners in Union-occupied territory, as well as slaves who escaped to Union lines.

In 1860, the largest economic investment in the United States was in


(Q007) Compared to Brazil and the West Indies, involving hundreds or even thousands of slaves, revolts in the United States were

smaller and less frequent

Abraham Lincoln's January 1, 1863, Emancipation Proclamation freed

some slaves, but exempted those in areas under Union control.

(Q016) What effect did the Embargo of 1807 have on manufacturing in the United States?

stimulated its growth

(Q028) The objective of Gabriel's rebellion of 1800 was to

take over the city of Richmond and hold whites as hostages.

In response to the nomination of Stephen Douglas's Democratic candidacy, seven of the southern delegates

walked out of the convention, causing it to recess in confusion.

The Republican Party, founded in 1854,

was a coalition of antislavery Democrats, northern Whigs, Know-Nothings, and Free Soilers.

(Q018) Early U.S. textile mills relied largely on the labor of

women and children.

(Q021) In the mid-1800s, few plantations had dedicated buildings for slave worship so most slaves

worshipped in secret or in biracial churches with white ministers.

In the Compromise of 1850,

(1) California admitted as free state, (2) territorial status and popular sovereignty of Utah and New Mexico, (3) resolution of Texas-New Mexico boundaries, (4) federal assumption of Texas debt, (5) slave trade abolished in DC, and (6) new fugitive slave law; advocated by Henry Clay and Stephen A. Douglas

(Q026) Democracy in America was written by

Alexis de Tocqueville.

(Q008) Which of the following was a mounting source of concern over the effects of the market revolution

America's failure to attract many newcomers from Europe

How does this artist depict the presidential election of 1864?

Correct Answer(s) The war faction of the Democratic Party remained the most powerful. Incorrect Answer(s) The Republican Party remained divided over continuing the war. The Democratic Party was united in its views in negotiating peace with the Confederacy. Lincoln, positioned in the background, urged McClellan to unify the Democratic Party.

(Q039) Under the Articles of Confederation, national government consisted of a weak legislative branch and a strong judicial branch.


(Q015) Which of the following is a true statement about Jackson's political beliefs?

He felt African-Americans should either remain as slaves or be freed and sent abroad.

Which of the following groups was a major target of the New York City draft riots?

Irish immigrants

(Q011) Which of the following was an element in the 1841 Dorr War?

Thomas Dorr, a wealthy lawyer, was inaugurated as governor of the state of Vermont under the constitution drawn by the People's Convention.

(Q057) Henry David Thoreau held the view that people were being stifled by modern society, and trapped in boring, dead-end jobs by their obsessive desire to earn money.


(Q029) Which of the following is part of the generally accepted account of the 1822 conspiracy led by Denmark Vesey?

Vesey had purchased his freedom after winning the lottery.

During the first two years of the Civil War, most of the fighting took place in

Virginia and Maryland.

(Q007) Which of the following was an area of public activism open to women during the 1830s and 1840s?

public meetings

(Q040) The Alien Act of 1798 reflected fear of immigrants possessing

radical political views.

The Civil War is sometimes called "the first modern war" because it used weapons and other technological advances of the industrial revolution. Which of the following was one of these advances?


(Q014) Chicago's spectacular growth between 1830 and 1860 was principally due to


(Q017) John C. Calhoun of South Carolina considered this idea "the most false and dangerous of all political errors." Group of answer choices

that all men are created equal and entitled to liberty

(Q016) President James Madison favored a system of national economic incentives for manufacturers, a protective tariff, a new national bank, and federal financing of roads and canals that came to be known as

the American System.

Of the possible uses for the western lands and its settlement, the Confederation government faced conflicting pressures, including

the economic health of the new republic as farmers obtained access to land in the West

(Q029) Between 1800 and 1860, around 1 million slaves moved from older slave states to the Deep South, traveling

to the Deep South to work in cotton fields.

(Q041) Although denied the ballot, women found a voice in the public sphere during the 1820s and 1830s.


(Q049) During the 1820s and 1830s, an emergent labor movement began voicing concerns about harsh working conditions, economic insecurity, and growing inequalities of wealth.


(Q011) Most of the labor in building the public buildings of the national government in Washington, D.C., was done by

African-American slaves.

Slavery had a disruptive impact on the traditional political parties and immediately caused political transformation in the mid-1850s. Identify the economic and social changes that led to the rise of the Republican Party.

Correct Answer(s) completion of the market revolution and industrialization mass immigration from Europe industrial economy

What does the map reveal about continental expansion through 1853? Correct Answer(s)

Correct Answer(s) Florida was purchased in 1819. It became a territory of the United States in 1822 and a state by 1845. The territory of Texas extended beyond the contemporary state boundaries into present-day New Mexico and Colorado when it was annexed in 1845. Northern Maine was acquired from Great Britain in 1842. Incorrect Answer(s) California was part of the Louisiana Purchase.

How did southerners view slavery and its expansion in the mid-nineteenth century?

Correct Answer(s) Southerners believed that slavery was like any other form of property and therefore could expand into newly acquired territory. Southerners argued that they fought in the Mexican War and therefore earned the right to take their slaves into the newly acquired territory. Incorrect Answer(s) Southerners believed that slavery degraded free labor and sought to contain it. Southerners accepted the power of the federal government and recognized its ability to ban slavery from newly acquired territories.

Abraham Lincoln's path to emancipation was gradual and incremental. Place the following initiatives in order, culminating in the Emancipation Proclamation.

1. Lincoln rescinded General Fremont's proclamation freeing slaves in Missouri 2. Congress prohibited the army from returning fugitive slaves 3. Lincoln championed colonization. 4. Lincoln issued the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.

In June of 1858, Abraham Lincoln accepted the Illinois Republican Party's nomination to run against Senator Stephen Douglas. The Senate race turned the unknown Lincoln into a national political figure as he challenged, arguably, the most powerful senator in the United States. Which of the following statements describe Lincoln and his platform?

Correct Answer(s) Lincoln began running for public office at the age of twenty-one and served four terms as a Whig in the state legislature and one term in Congress. While Lincoln did not think blacks were the equal of white men in all respects, he believed they deserved to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Lincoln hated slavery but was not an abolitionist. Incorrect Answer(s) Lincoln was an ardent abolitionist and sought the total destruction of the institution of slavery in the United States.

Identify the statements that describe the U.S. railroad system in the 1850s.

Correct Answer(s) Most of the new railroad construction in the 1850s occurred in Ohio, Illinois, and other states in the Old Northwest Territory. Between 1848 and 1860, railroad workers added thousands of miles of new tracks. The railroads completed the reorientation of the Northwest's trade from the South to the East. Incorrect Answer(s) By 1860, 60 million bushels of western wheat now passed through the South on the new railroads on its way to eastern and world markets.

Lincoln shared many of the racial prejudices of his day, including opposing Illinois blacks the right to vote or serve on juries.


(Q031) Southern planters felt a community of interest with

Cuban and British slaveowners.

(Q059) The 1836 Specie Circular declared that the federal government would accept only specie (gold and silver) in payment for public land.


The Free Soil Party opposed the expansion of slavery into the newly acquired territories from Mexico. Previous attempts had been made to limit slavery. Which of these efforts provided the Free Soil Party with a strong basis to argue for congressional action?

Correct Answer(s) the Northwest Ordinance the Missouri Compromise Incorrect Answer(s) the Mississippi Compromise the New York Compromise

Texas annexation was not at the forefront of American politics until President John Tyler used it as a rallying cry for his bid for reelection in 1844. Identify the statements that correctly describe the reactions to the annexation of Texas.

Correct Answer(s) A letter by Secretary of State John C. Calhoun to President Tyler linked the idea of absorbing Texas directly to the goal of strengthening slavery in the United States. Prospective presidential candidates, Henry Clay and Martin Van Buren, met and agreed to reject the immediate annexation of Texas on the grounds it might lead to war with Mexico. Incorrect Answer(s) Henry Clay and Martin Van Buren fought a duel over the issue of Texas. John C. Calhoun believed that Texas should not come into the Union as a slave state.

John Brown raided the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, in the hopes of starting a slave revolt. Brown became a public figure and conducted himself with great courage and dignity, winning admiration even from those who opposed his violent deeds. Which of the following statements about John Brown are true?

Correct Answer(s) Brown's force that attacked Harper's Ferry on October 16, 1859, numbered only twenty-one men, five of whom were black. Brown was executed by the state of Virginia. During the Kansas civil war, Brown murdered five proslavery settlers at Pottawatomie Creek in revenge for the attack on free soil. Incorrect Answer(s) Brown apologized for the violent nature of his raid.

The Dred Scott decision challenged the very heart of the Republican Party platform. What events occurred as a result of the Dred Scott decision?

Correct Answer(s) Dred Scott was bought by a new master and immediately emancipated along with his family. Slavery, according to President Buchanan, henceforth existed in all the territories "by virtue of the Constitution." Incorrect Answer(s) James Buchanan became one of the most popular presidents in U.S. history because of his handling of the Dred Scott case. Stephen Douglas formed an alliance with congressional Republicans to admit Kansas as a slave state.

Initially, as Union forces moved into Confederate territory, escaped slaves were returned to their owners in a policy to show southerners that the federal government had no intention of interfering with slavery. Yet this policy changed as the war progressed. Eventually, escaped slaves were welcomed into Union lines. Identify the reasons for the change in escaped slaves' status by Union forces.

Correct Answer(s) Long before Lincoln called for emancipation, blacks in the North and South referred to the war as the "freedom war." This undermined the institution throughout the South and led to mass exoduses to Union lines. The Confederacy sent slaves to work as military laborers, and so increasingly more blacks were escaping to northern lines. Incorrect Answer(s) The Union army realized that it could resell escaped slaves to British and French slave companies at a profit to support the Union war effort. Abraham Lincoln believed that escaped slaves should be returned to slaveowners on promises of good behavior and loyalty toward the Union.

The Free Soil Party wanted to stop the expansion of slavery into the West. Identify the reasons people supported the Free Soil Party platform.

Correct Answer(s) Northerners saw moving West as a form of economic betterment, so if the Free Soil Party blocked slavery's expansion, ordinary Americans wouldn't have to compete with plantations to have access to the land. The Free Soil platform appealed to racist thinking in the North as it did not include emancipation or equal rights. The Free Soil Party would create more free states, which would break southern domination of the federal government. Incorrect Answer(s) The Free Soil Party expanded its platform to include immediate emancipation and black equality in 1848.

While he may have been able to wax elegant in the U.S. Senate, Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy, failed to communicate the reasons and meaning of the Confederate war effort. What other failures in the Confederate war effort can be attributed to Jefferson Davis and the political leadership of the Confederacy?

Correct Answer(s) Southern politicians saw political parties as threats to national unity, and they lacked an organized party to help mobilize support for Davis and the war. The Confederate government became far more centralized than the Old South had experienced before, but it failed to find an effective means of utilizing its major economic resource—cotton. The Confederate leadership lacked a unity of purpose as even governors openly opposed such measures as the draft. Incorrect Answer(s) Davis fired General Robert E. Lee after his failure at Gettysburg.

The Wade-Davis Bill was an unsuccessful bill named after two leading Republican members of Congress unhappy with Lincoln's Ten-Percent Plan of Reconstruction. Which of the following were provisions of the Wade-Davis Bill?

Correct Answer(s) The bill required a majority, not 10 percent, of white male southerners to pledge support for the Union before Reconstruction commenced. The Bill passed Congress but was dead when Lincoln refused to sign it. The Wade-Davis Bill called for equality for blacks before the law. Incorrect Answer(s) The Wade-Davis Bill called for 10 percent of blacks to swear a loyalty oath to the United States before any state government could be reconstructed.

What arguments did southerners advocating secession from the Union put forth?

Correct Answer(s) They were concerned that Republicans would extend their party into the South by appealing to non-slaveholders. They were concerned about a Republican-dominated government and what it would mean for the South. Incorrect Answer(s) While they were willing to allow emancipation, they were concerned about the terms of emancipation that Republicans would demand.

Analyze the presidential election of 1856 map, and then match each political party to its correct description(s). Please note that some labels or targets may not be used.

DEMOCRAT -Captured the recently admitted state of California -Gained 174 electoral college votes -Captured support in both northern and southern states AMERICAN - Gained only one state

As the Civil War progressed, it heightened existing social tensions and created new ones. Complete the following statement about a series of riots in the summer of 1863.

In July 1863, an angry mob in New York City, many of whom were Irish immigrants, rioted for five days. The riots, originally launched as an attempt to obstruct the draft, eventually escalated into an assault on the city's black population. By the time the uprising was quelled, more than 100 people had died.

Analyze the Voices of Freedom document in the chapter, titled Declaration of the Immediate Causes of Secession (1860). Then, complete the following statement. Click here to review the reading.

South Carolina's Declaration of Secession argued that South Carolina seceded from the Union because northerners have encouraged runaway slaves, elected a president hostile to slavery and its expansion, and worked to minimize the power of slave-holding states.

(Q059) The common nineteenth-century view was that men are naturally aggressive, rational, and domineering, while women are naturally nurturing, selfless, and ruled by emotions.


(Q035) The Constitution mandates that the President of the United States must be a(n) Group of answer choices

"natural born citizen.

Population in the North was 22 million in 1860, while the white population of the South in 1860 was

5.5 million.

Identify the statements that describe the results of the election of 1860.

Correct Answer(s) The Constitutional Union Party, which was quickly organized prior to the election, managed to come in third in the electoral college vote. Stephen Douglas, running as a northern Democrat, won the second-largest share of the popular vote. Southern Democrat John C. Breckinridge carried most of the South with 18 percent of the popular vote. Incorrect Answer(s) Abraham Lincoln won more than 50 percent of the popular vote.

A seldom discussed aspect of the Civil War is the Union's continuing wars against the Native Americans in the West. Identify the statements that accurately describe Native Americans and the Union in the West during the Civil War.

Correct Answer(s) The Cherokee, forced to Oklahoma by the Indian Removal Act, still owned slaves and sided with the Confederacy at the time of the Civil War. The Navajo's Long Walk was the Navajo people's forced removal from their ancestral lands by the U.S. army. The U.S. army attacked the Kiowas and Comanches in the Southwest in retaliation for raids on settlements and ranches. Incorrect Answer(s) A large contingent of Colorado militia was massacred at the Battle of Sand Creek.

Identify the causes of economic hardship and disaffection among the population of the Confederate States of America that undermined the war effort.

Correct Answer(s) The Confederate Congress authorized the army to confiscate what it needed from farmers to supply itself. The government of the Confederacy was unwilling to tax the wealthy planting class that could pay for the war. Incorrect Answer(s) The Confederate reliance on the gold standard for its currency made it difficult for most small landowners to pay their bills. The high price of cotton made it difficult to sell to Britain and France.

In 1846, Congressman David Wilmot of Pennsylvania proposed a resolution that came to be known as the Wilmot Proviso. Identify the statements that correctly describe the Wilmot Proviso.

Correct Answer(s) It proposed that slavery be prohibited in the territories acquired from Mexico. The failure of the Wilmot Proviso led to the creation of the Free Soil Party, which opposed the expansion of slavery. Incorrect Answer(s) The success of the Wilmot Proviso in both houses of Congress showed that the antislavery movement was gaining ground among the Southern elite. The Wilmot Proviso destroyed the credibility of the Free Soil Party.

(Q015) Which of the following was a characteristic of Robert Owen's early-nineteenth-century utopian communities?

Owen promoted communitarianism as a way of making sure workers received the full value of their labor.

Which of the following was a Confederate advantage in fighting the Civil War?

The southern commander, General Lee, was a skilled tactician who hoped that a series of defeats would weaken the North's resolve.

What was the meaning of the Civil War for poet Bret Harte?

The war led to the sacrifice of individual soldiers.

Click on the areas of the map that were open to slavery by popular sovereignty in the 1850s.

Utah Territory, New Mexico Territory, Nebraska Territory, Kansas Territory

(Q010) "Gentlemen of property and standing" were

merchants with close commercial ties to the South.

Over the course of the war, Confederate troops were better supplied than Union troops.


The expansionist spirit of the early nineteenth century that God intended the American nation to reach all the way to the Pacific Ocean was called

manifest destiny.

(Q027) Dorothea Dix, a Massachusetts school teacher, was the leading proponent of

more humane treatment of the insane.

According to the video, how were the outcomes of the gold rushes in California and Australia similar?

not an outcome of the gold rushPress Space to open Correct label:Immigrant populations were able to improve their social standing because of the wealth acquired quickly during these gold rushes. outcome of the gold rushPress Space to open Correct label:The diverse populations of gold rush towns resulted in racial tensions. Correct label:They led to the massive influx of people from all over the world to Australia and California.

The Homestead Act

offered 160 acres of free public land to settlers in the West.

When Texas declared itself independent of Mexico, its new constitution

protected slavery even though Mexico had earlier abolished slavery.

Identify the outcomes of the following major Civil War battles.

resulted in control of the Mississippi River for the Union in July 1863Battle of Vicksburg Correct label:Battle of Vicksburg stunning defeat of General Joseph Hooker's Army of the Potomac in May 1863Battle of Chancellorsville Correct label:Battle of Chancellorsville the largest battle in the history of North America in July 1863Battle of Gettysburg Correct label:Battle of Gettysburg

(Q004) Stretching from Maine to Kentucky, this was the most successful of the religious communities in the mid-1800s. Group of answer choices


The first American conflict to be fought primarily on foreign soil and the first in which American troops occupied a foreign capital was

the Mexican War.

(Q035) Free blacks drew upon what political office to justify "birthright citizenship"?

the President

The population rush into California in 1848 was a result of

the discovery of gold.

There were calls by some expansionists for the United States to annex all of Mexico, yet the movement failed because

the fear that the nation could not assimilate the large non-white Catholic population.

The Free Soil Party's platform called for

the government to bar slavery from the western territories and provide land free in the territories to people who wanted to homestead there.

(Q046) In the absence of a strong national government, American social and political activity was organized through voluntary associations such as churches, fraternal societies, and political clubs.


After winning its independence from Mexico, Texas joined the United States as a slave state in 1845.


By 1860, New York City had become the nation's financial, commercial, and manufacturing center.


By the 1840s, southern leaders were convinced that slavery must expand or die.


Grant's strategy of maintaining the initiative against Robert E. Lee, thus suffering high casualties in the Army of the Potomac, earned him a reputation of the "butcher of men."


In 1850, California applied to join the Union as a free state. This resulted in a crisis that led to the Compromise of 1850.


In the Dred Scott decision, the Supreme Court ruled that African-Americans had no rights that whites were compelled to recognize. Group of answer choices


More Americans died in the Civil War than in any other war in U.S. history.


Q037) In what era did the U.S. Congress pass into law "birthright citizenship"?

the Reconstruction era

(Q031) The War of 1812 was ended by what treaty?

the Treaty of Ghent

Q029) Jefferson's idea of the "empire of liberty" involved

the United States admitting the area's population as equal members of the political system

Identify the outcomes of the following Civil War battles.

Battle of Cold Harbor:-After this battle, Grant's army had suffered as many casualties as Lee had men at the beginning of the 1864 campaign. Battle of Atlanta:-culmination of Sherman's 1864 campaign Battle of the Wilderness-first battle in Grant's 1864 campaign

In July 1863, Lee again invaded the North and clashed with federal forces at the Battle of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania. Instead of defeating the federals on their own territory, Lee himself was defeated. Identify the statements that accurately describe the Battle of Gettysburg.

Correct Answer(s) With more than 165,000 men engaged in the battle, Gettysburg is the largest battle ever to have taken place in North America. Gettysburg was unusual for Lee in that he was on the strategic offensive in northern territory as opposed to being on the strategic defensive on southern ground. Gettysburg was a crushing defeat for Lee, and his army would never again return to northern soil. Incorrect Answer(s) Lee believed that he outnumbered the Union army at Gettysburg two to one.

Q002) A significant theme of the Monroe Doctrine was that

European powers should refrain from further colonization in the Americas.

Analyze the following sketch from a Richmond, Virginia, cartoonist, done in April 1861, and then complete the following statement.

In this cartoon, the cat, depicted as Abraham Lincoln, seeks to catch the mice, representing the seceded states, whereas the rat, symbolizing the Union lies dead, underscoring the futile effort to hold the nation together.

(Q031) In Johnson v. M'Intosh, the Supreme Court proclaimed that

Indians were not in fact owners of their land, but merely had a "right of occupancy."

Match the following significant events of the Civil War in Indian territory to their correct description.

November 1864 assault by Union troops of approximately 700 Cheyennes and Arapahos in ColoradoCorrect label: Sand Creek Massacre More than 300 indigenous people were sentenced to death for killing white farmers.Correct label:Sioux Massacre Confederate defeat in New Mexico in March 1862Correct label:Glorieta Pas

Q020) Federalism refers to

the relationship between state and national governments.

(Q043) Horace Mann argued that it was not a school's responsibility to reinforce social stability by rescuing students from the influence of parents who failed to instill the proper discipline in their children.


Government involvement in the economy decreased during the Civil War.


(Q071) The Louisiana Purchase stalled Thomas Jefferson's plan to remove Indian tribes beyond the Mississippi River that refused to cooperate in "civilizing" themselves.


In 1853-1854, President Millard Fillmore dispatched American warships to Japan under the command of Commodore Matthew Perry to

force a trade treaty with an outright demand that the Japanese deal with the United States.

(Q005) The Adams-Onís Treaty of 1819 negotiated

the sale of parts of Texas from Spain to the United States

Lincoln was initially not concerned with the issue of slavery as his paramount concerns were to keep the border slave states in the Union and to build the broadest base of support in the North for the war effort.


(Q025) How did the Panic of 1819 shape American views of banks?

It fostered a major backlash of anti-bank sentiment.

Q018) Why did the founding fathers create the initial House of Representatives with a relatively small number of members?

It was thought that slaveholders from the South might dominate the election process in the House

(Q032) Why did slave owners in the 1850s begin to sell their city slaves to the countryside?

They thought their slaves had too much independence, which negatively influenced the relation between master and slave.

(Q053) Thomas Jefferson was one of the authors of the Federalist Papers.


(Q065) The nineteenth century's "cult of domesticity" applied to slave women as well as white women.


(Q066) In the Lower South, fugitive slaves tended to head for rural plantations to hide in plain sight. Group of answer choices


(Q015) "Slave patrols" were

farmers who kept a lookout for runaway slaves.

(Q017) The Panic of 1819 was caused by

the land bubble burst and fallen prices.

(Q020) "Manifest destiny" was

the belief that the United States had a divinely appointed mission to expand westward.

(Q004) Thomas Jefferson brokered an agreement to assuage southerners to accept Alexander Hamilton's economic plans in exchange for

the building of a new and permanent national capital in the South.

(Q001) The "peculiar institution" of the South was

the issue of slavery

(Q008) Paternalism meant

the master was the head of system, including providing his slaves with protection and the right of care and attention in their sicknesses

(Q021) The "Revolution of 1800" was Group of answer choices

the peaceful transfer of the office of the presidency between political parties.

(Q009) The Second Middle Passage was

the slave trade from the older states to the Lower South.

(Q029) The "Second War of Independence" was

the war of 1812

(Q037) The prevalence of plantation slavery kept the South from matching northern rates of immigration, industrial development, and urban growth.


(Q044) The Bill of Rights was a concession offered by the Federalists to overcome widespread fears of a despotic national government.


(Q046) By 1860, the economic investment represented by the slave population exceeded the value of the nation's factories, railroads, and banks combined. Group of answer choices


(Q046) The 1790 Naturalization Act barred non-white foreigners from attaining American citizenship.


(Q051) A small number of African-Americans owned slaves in the Old South.


(Q051) In 1792, Mary Wollstonecraft published A Vindication of the Rights of Women in response to Thomas Paine's Rights of Man.


(Q056) Charles Willson Peale painted portraits of the founding fathers.


(Q056) The 1828 "tariff of abominations" led to the nullification crisis.


(Q056) The Barbary Wars were the United States' first contact with the Islamic World.


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