HIST 3331 Exam 2 Study Guide

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argued that blacks had a patriotic duty to lay aside race struggle during times of war

W. E. B. Du Bois's article "Close Ranks" divided the black community because it

"The Charleston"

What James P. Johnson song from the Broadway show Runnin' Wild remains the "theme song" of the 1920s?

New Orleans

What city is identified as the birthplace of jazz?


What controversial 1929 King Vidor film produced arguably Hollywood's most realistic and sensitive portrayal of black family life before the 1970s?

Booker T. Washington's subversion of outspoken black activists

What provided the immediate impetus for the Niagara Movement?

passed by the House but defeated by a senatorial filibuster

When an NAACP-sponsored bill against lynching was introduced to Congress in 1919, it was

greeted by cheering throngs who flocked to see them parade through the streets

When black soldiers first returned from France to cities like New York and Chicago, they were

found guilty by an all-white jury, which rejected their pleas of self-defense, sentenced Ossian Sweet and his brother to execution, and sentenced Ossian's wife to life imprisonment

When someone in the household of black physician Ossian H. Sweet fired a fatal shot into the white mob assaulting the Sweet's new house in a white neighborhood, the Sweets were

removed from duty ostensibly on medical grounds, though possibly because he would outrank white officers leading all-black regiments

When the First World War began, the army's highest-ranking black officer was

Smith v. Allwright

Which 1944 Supreme Court case conclusively established that the exclusion of blacks from Democratic state primaries was a violation of the Fifteenth Amendment?

Henry O. Tanner

Which African-American painter spent much of his career in Europe, where he countered demeaning images of blacks through works like The Banjo Lesson?

Arthur Alonso Schomburg

Which Afro-Caribbean immigrant from Puerto Rico amassed one of the largest archives of material related to people of African descent and helped to found the Negro Society for Historical Research?

Alain Locke

Which Howard University professor and editor of the anthology The New Negro emerged as the architect of the Harlem Renaissance in 1924?

James Van Der Zee

Which artist's photographs of ordinary blacks, later exhibited as Harlem on My Mind, played a crucial role in shaping popular images of the Harlem Renaissance?

Jessie Redmond Fauset

Which author of Plum Bum also played a critical role in introducing and encouraging much of the new talent associated with the Harlem Renaissance?

James Reese Europe

Which bandmaster of the Harlem Hellfighters is credited with introducing jazz to France?

Jack Johnson

Which black boxer's successful defense of his championship against the "Great White Hope," Jim Jeffries, in 1910 led to race riots and the passing of a bill outlawing the showing of fight films in theaters?

George Schuyler

Which black iconoclast argued that the concept of a unique black artistic movement was a myth, and that the artistic works of African Americans were essentially as European in influence as the works of white Americans?

W. E. B. Du Bois

Which black leader called for a Pan-African Congress to meet in Paris in 1919 and draw attention to the plight of African peoples?

William Monroe Trotter

Which co-editor of the Boston Guardian, and first black man accepted to Phi Beta Kappa, launched a public campaign in 1901 to oppose Booker T. Washington's views and challenge Washington's leadership of the black community?

Josephine Baker

Which dancer, having enjoyed success on Broadway, became a legendary figure in Europe through the Revue Negre?

Madame C. J. Walker

Which female entrepreneur grew wealthy by marketing a beauty system centered on hair lengthening, which she linked to racial uplift?

Duke Ellington

Which later winner of the Presidential Medal of Honor and the French Legion of Honor was the most frequently broadcast black musician of the 1920s?

Garvey's insistence on black pride won him the unwavering support of black leaders like Du Bois and Randolph

Which of the following statements about Marcus Garvey is LEAST accurate?

Black filmmakers of the 1920s created their own genres addressed to the specific concerns of black audiences rather than producing black versions of established genres

Which of the following statements about independent black filmmakers in the 1920s is LEAST accurate?

It was the first black musical style to develop entirely in the North with little contribution from southern black musicians

Which of the following statements about jazz is LEAST accurate?

Even as black artists came to dominate the national airwaves, they received little exposure on local stations, which mostly remained under the control of conservative white owners

Which of the following statements about radio in the 1920s is LEAST accurate?

White southerners were happy to see blacks leave the region and passed legislation to facilitate the exodus

Which of the following statements about the Great Migration is LEAST accurate?

The Renaissance was opposed by leaders of civil rights organizations, who regarded its emphasis on the arts as a distraction from the struggle against racism

Which of the following statements about the Harlem Renaissance is LEAST accurate?

Although white men were drafted in higher absolute numbers than black men, a higher percentage of black men who registered were drafted

Which of the following statements about the military draft during the First World War is MOST accurate?

It remained an almost purely southern institution, like its Reconstruction-era predecessor

Which of the following statements about the revived Ku Klux Klan is LEAST accurate?

Some all-black divisions were not allowed to train together because of civilians' fears of large concentrations of black men, and were not brought together until they reached Western Europe

Which of the following statements about the training of black soldiers during the First World War is MOST accurate?

National Urban League

Which organizations, headed successively by George Edmund Haynes and Eugene Kinckle Jones, played a decisive role in helping black migrants to the North adjust to their new surroundings?

Shuffle Along

Which play, with music and lyrics by Eubie Blake and Noble Sissle, was the longest running black-authored musical of the 1920s?

Woodrow Wilson

Which presidential candidate did black leaders such as W. E. B. Du Bois, William Monroe Trotter, and Alexander Walters support in the 1912 election?

A. Philip Randolph

Which radical leftist's militancy waned in the 1920s as he began to adopt more traditional labor-union organizing and accepted the office of general organizer of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters?

Chandler Owen and A. Philip Randolph

Which two black socialists were sentenced to jail for two-and-a-half years because of the anti-war articles in their newspaper The Messenger?

James Weldon Johnson

Who belonged to the Bookerite, as opposed to the Niagarite, faction?

Arthur Spingarn

Who chaired the NAACP's Legal Redress Committee in the 1910s?

Henry Pace

Who founded Black Swan Records in 1920?

Father Divine

Who led an interracial religious and social movement in the 1920s and 1930s which established "heavens" to feed the hungry in the East and Midwest?

W. E. B. Du Bois

Who was the first editor of the NAACP's magazine, The Crisis?

Blind Lemon Jefferson

Who was the first male blues singer to have his own recording?

Mary Church Terrell

Who was the first president of the National Association of Colored Women?

Charles W. Young

Who was the highest-ranking black officer in the U.S. Army at the beginning of the First World War?

Freddie Stowers

Who was the only black soldier of the First World War to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor, albeit posthumously in 1991?

Claude McKay

Who wrote the lines, "If we must die, let it not be like hogs, ...Like men we'll face the murderous cowardly pack, / Pressed to the wall, dying but fighting back"?

Jean Toomer

Whose 1923 novel Cane is widely recognized as the first black modernist work?

Walter White

Whose light skin allowed him to investigate the scenes of lynchings, the gruesome nature of which he chronicled in his book, Rope and Fa**ot, A Biography of Judge Lynch?

Mamie Smith

Whose phenomenally popular recording of "Crazy Blues" in 1920 paved the way for black women to become musical recording artists?

managed to appeal to and win the support of a wide swath of black Americans, creating a true mass following

A crucial difference between Marcus Garvey's UNIA and both the NAACP and the socialist movement was that the UNIA

the singers were women

A defining feature of the "classic blues" genre is that


A white mob effectively destroyed what black Florida town in 1923, and managed to conceal their crime from general knowledge for several decades?

his failure to attract support from the black working class

All of the following contributed to the downfall of Marcus Garvey EXCEPT


Approximately how many black soldiers deserted to German lines in response to German propaganda which reminded them that they did not enjoy at home the "democracy" for which they were reportedly fighting?

building roads, digging trenches, and unloading supplies

Arriving in June 1917, the first African-American military personnel to reach the war zone were tasked with

art could be an instrument of social change

As a group, the writers of the Harlem Renaissance believed that

insisted on his right to explore non-racial subjects

As a poet, Countee Cullen

East St. Louis, Illinois

Black migration led to a riot in 1917 which left at least forty blacks dead in the city of

Emmett J. Scott

During World War I, who served as a special assistant to the secretary of war, advising on matters related to African Americans?

segregated federal facilities and removed many blacks from federal office

During his presidency Woodrow Wilson issued an executive order which

prohibited from enlisting in the Marines

During the First World War, black Americans were

pilots in the aviation corps

During the First World War, black soldiers served in all of the following units or positions EXCEPT

the creation of a black officer training camp

During the First World War, the NAACP devoted its energies toward agitating for

had to organize their own clubs in order to overcome discrimination based on both gender and race

During the Progressive Era, black women

had only one black officer

From its founding in 1909 until 1917, the NAACP

motion pictures

George and Noble Johnson and Oscar Micheaux were black pioneers in which genre?

the movement to end lynching

Ida B. Wells was best known for her involvement in which movement?

W. E. B. Du Bois

In "The Conservation of Races," who articulated the idea that black Americans faced a "dilemma" because of their "double-consciousness" of being both Negroes and Americans at the same time?

the Tenderloin

In 1900, the residential heart of black New York and the site of black bohemia was located in

publicly attacked President Wilson for refusing to denounce lynching

In 1918, Nannie Helen Burroughs was placed under surveillance by the War Department after she


In 1918, approximately how many copies of its magazine did the NAACP sell each month?

Houston, Texas

In August 1917, a melee begun between white policemen and black soldiers resulted in the killing of seventeen whites and the execution of thirteen black soldiers in

greater freedom of mobility and greater openness to interracial social mingling than they had experienced at home

In French society, black soldiers experienced

Tulsa, Oklahoma

In June 1921, an altercation described by several observers as a "race war," which left at least nine whites and twenty-one blacks dead, broke out in what town?

praised the authenticity of rural black culture

In Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Hurston

prohibiting blacks from serving on the jury of a black defendant might deny the defendant of his right to a fair trial

In the case of Monroe v. Dempsey (1923), the Supreme Court ruled that

the 369th United States Infantry

Known as the "Harlem Hellfighters," what was the most acclaimed black regiment of the First World War?


Lasting almost two weeks and leaving over three dozen people dead, the worst race riot of the post-World War I period took place in

the Ku Klux Klan

President Wilson lavished praise on The Birth of a Nation, a 1915 movie which glorified

should be created with the specific purpose of countering antiblack stereotypes

Prominent blacks such as W. E. B. Du Bois and Jessie Fauset argued that the work of black artists


Roughly how many African American men served in the U.S. armed services during the First World War?


Roughly how many blacks participated in the Great Migration during the First World War?

grandfather clauses violated the Fifteenth Amendment

The 1915 U.S. Supreme Court case of Guinn v. United States declared that

a small group which sought support primarily from the most educated blacks

The Niagara Movement of the early twentieth century is best characterized as

guaranteed suffrage for black men and all women

The Niagara Movement's original platform did NOT call for

an emphasis on traditional poetic structures

The poetry of Langston Hughes was marked by all of the following characteristics EXCEPT

a deputy sheriff led a posse to disrupt a meeting of tenant farmers who had organized to demand fairer treatment from their landlord

The race riot at Elaine, Arkansas, began after


The ubiquity of race riots led the summer of which year to be known as the "Red Summer"?

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