Hist, inquizitive chp 4

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Colonial North America was notable for its high rates of literacy and its active and relatively free press. Match the colonial-era newspaper to the statement that describes it most accurately.

Considered one of the best edited colonial newspapers, it was established in Philadelphia in 1728 and later purchased by Benjamin Franklin., Correct label:The Pennsylvania Gazette Established in Boston in 1690, it was shut down after a single issue for criticizing a British military alliance with the Iroquoi Correct label:Publick Occurrences, Both Foreign and Domestick

Identify the colonies in which slaves were most able to establish their own culture with a minimal amount of outside interference.

Correct Answer(s) South Carolina,. Georgia

Identify the statements that best reflect the political realities of the concept of "deference."

Correct Answer(s) In its application, it resulted in the qualifications for holding office being much greater than they were just to vote., It operated from the premise that natural aristocracy of "better persons" should rule.

Identify the statements that describe the results of "salutary neglect" toward the colonies.

Correct Answer(s) It allowed colonial legislatures to use their control of colonial finance to increase their influence. It was a by-product of the growth, size, and complexity of the British empire in the early eighteenth century.

Identify the effects that the Great Awakening had on life in the colonies.

Correct Answer(s) It caused controversy and division in the colonies It caused a transition toward a deeply personal approach to religion, faith, and salvation.

Why did the public sphere grow in America during the eighteenth century?

Correct Answer(s) Local colonial governments lacked full authority Political authority in the colonies was weak.

William Penn's "holy experiment" allowed the Quakers to thrive in colonial Pennsylvania. Identify the statements that describe how Penn put his ideas into practice in Pennsylvania.

Correct Answer(s) Native Americans were treated peacefully Immigrants from all over Europe, no matter the faith they belonged to, were welcome. Moral laws governing personal behavior were present.

While slavery had existed for generations in many other parts of the world, American slavery was unique for many reasons. Identify what made American slavery different from slavery in other countries.

Correct Answer(s) Slavery in America was based on the plantation, an agricultural enterprise., A large number of slaves were under a single owner, rather than being dispersed within and among the population., Labor on slave plantations was much more demanding than household slavery at any other time and in any other place.

Identify the statements that describe the religion of African slaves.

Correct Answer(s) There was a general belief in a connection between the spiritual world and the forces of nature Africans tended to adopt and incorporate some features of Christianity into their belief systems.

In the years immediately prior to the Seven Years' War, what strategies did Native American tribes pursue in their relationships with the European powers?

Correct Answer(s) They competed with one another to control access to the fur trade They continually shifted their political alliances to serve their own interests.

The Stono Rebellion of 1739 in South Carolina ultimately resulted in which of the following outcomes?

Correct Answer(s) an increase in the level of taxation applied to slaves imported into the colony, Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options. the introduction of a more restrictive set of slave codes in the colony

When the English took over New York from the Dutch, they continued to allow religious toleration but minimized the rights the Dutch had given to which of the following groups of people?

Correct Answer(s) blacks, Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options. women

Which of the following statements is accurate with regard to freedom of the press in colonial America?

Correct: It was viewed with suspicion by both local and imperial governing bodies in the colonies., It was not historically seen as a fundamental right that Englishmen possessed.

What does it reveal about ethnic diversity on the Atlantic coast of North America in 1760?

INCORRECT: New England had the highest concentration of Scotch-Irish settlers.

Identify the statements as describing the Lords of Trade or the Dominion of New England.

Lords of Trade established in England to oversee colonial affairs

Identify the statement that explains why Virginia and Maryland shifted toward a reliance on slave labor.

The freedoms pensylvania offered

Analyze the selection from the speech by Scarouyady, an Oneida leader, to the Pennsylvania Provincial Council in 1756.

behavior Scarouyady objects to Correct label:stereotyping all Indians as foes

Eighteenth-century North America's religious diversity increased as its population grew. Colonial governments took different approaches to managing this diversity. Match the correct approach to the appropriate colonies.

church and state in most other colonies, enshrined religious tolerance into law Correct label:barred Catholics and Jews from voting and holding public office :levied taxes to pay ministers' salaries

What does the map reveal about eastern North America during and after the Seven Years' War?

correct: The colonial capitals remained along the East Coast. The majority of battles were fought along the Great Lakes.

The Indian uprising led by Metacom, or King Philip's War, was the "bloodiest and most bitter conflict" to erupt in southern New England in the late seventeenth century. Identify the statements that describe this conflict and the dynamics between the settlers and Indians.

correct: The result of the conflict strengthened the settlers' view that Indians were savages. Metacom was captured and executed, while other Indians were captured and sold into slavery in the West Indies. Indian tribes formed an alliance, allowing them to attack several English colonies at one time.

How did the English Toleration Act of 1690 impact the society of Massachusetts?

created tesnion by forcing...

any migrants settled into the British colonies. Identify the statements that describe the redemptioners.

describes the redemptioners formed tightly knit farming communities in rural New York, western Pennsylvania, and the southern backcountry :indentured families that received passage to the New World in exchange for an agreement to work off their debts

William Penn was a devout member of the Society of Friends, or Quakers. Identify the statements that describe this religious group.

describes: the first group of whites to speak out against slavery Correct label:faced persecution in England Correct label:believed in the equality of all persons (including women, blacks, and Indians) before God

Identify the statements that describe the Covenant Chain and its outcomes.

doesnt: it led to king phillips war

"Enumerated" goods were the most valuable colonial products in the mercantilist system between England and its colonies. Identify the items that were considered "enumerated" goods.

enumerated: -tobacco -sugar

Mercantilism encouraged the use of commerce to enrich countries. Identify the statement that describes how the Navigation laws supported mercantilism between England and its colonies.

exported thier raw materials only on english ships

American colonial voting and political participation was extremely restricted, and as such, directly reflected the English political heritage of North America's dominant colonial founders.


The Walking Purchase of 1737 was the culmination of well-intentioned bargaining between colonists and natives


In the late eighteenth century, there was a stark difference between a "society with slaves" and a "slave society." Identify the statements that describe life for blacks in Virginia's "slave society."

inccorrect: Slaves were not allowed to be passed on to an owner's descendants.

Identify the statements that describe the consumer revolution in the eighteenth century.

incorrect: As a result of mass production, consumer goods became widely and cheaply available.

Identify the statements that describe the Glorious Revolution in England and its impact on the colonies.

incorrect: The Glorious Revolution outlined the terms of the English Bill of Rights.

What does it reveal about settlements in North America in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries?

incorrect: dutch settlements made up over half

American slavery flourished for many reasons, especially among the Chesapeake planters. Identify the statements that describe why Chesapeake planters found African slaves more suitable as a source of labor compared to indentured servants.

incorrect: indentured servants cost more

What was Bacon's Rebellion (1676) largely fought over?


There were many rebellions that occurred in the late seventeenth century in both England and the colonies. Most triumphant were the Maryland rebels. Identify the statement that describes what caused the end of religious toleration in Maryland

marylands protestant association overthrew colonies

By the mid-eighteenth century, the different regions of the British colonies had developed distinct economic and social orders. Identify the economic and social orders of each of the regions.

middle colonies:farmers that produced grain for their own use and sale abroad new eng:small family farms that produced food for local consumption virginia & sc: slave plantations that produced tobacco backcountry:slave plantations that produced tobacco

In this video, author Eric Foner lists several causes for the periodic witchcraft panics that struck New England in the seventeenth century. Identify the causes of the panics.

not a cause of witchcraft panics: proliferation of underground pagan cults in Massachusetts

A goal of religiously minded English Protestants was to convert natives to their faith. Identify the name given to those native Christian converts.

praying indians

Pontiac's Rebellion was significant for which of the following reasons?

represented an emergence of unified...

Identify the issue that was not a point of contention between colonial assemblies and their respective royal governors.

royal governers officially carried out wishes

Speeches given by the indigenous leader Pontiac in 1762 and 1763—both during and after the Seven Years' War—took the form of advice to both the English and to his Native American followers. Analyze the speeches from Pontiac, and then match the following statements to their intended audience.

speaking to Native Americans Correct label:"Fling all these things away; live as your wise forefathers did before you."

The Salem witch trials revealed serious issues with Massachusetts's system of justice and, as a result, the court of Salem was dissolved by the governor and all prisoners were released.


The press in colonial America flourished in the eighteenth century in part because Americans were among the most literate societies on earth.


In the reading, Franklin is troubled by the "proportionably very small" number of "purely white people" in the world. Franklin's system of racial typology is, to say the least, peculiar. Which complexions does he assign to the peoples of which countries and continents?

"purely white", England and Saxony (Northern Germany and Denmark)

According to Dr. Foner, the separation of church and state established in the U.S. Constitution was a sharp break with what had existed in the colonial period. Fill in the blanks to complete the following passage.

1. church 2. pluralism 3. anglicans

Initially within each colony, the [ ]governorinterest of Parliamenteconomic valueopposition to slaveryroyal governorscolonial assemblies was the dominant political force and the [ ]governorinterest of Parliamenteconomic valueopposition to slaveryroyal governorscolonial assemblies were weak. As time passed, the assemblies gained more power due to the increasing[ ]governorinterest of Parliamenteconomic valueopposition to slaveryroyal governorscolonial assemblies in the colonies.

1. governer 2.colonial assemblies 3. economic value

By the middle of the eighteenth century, due to a more healthy climate, the slave population in the Chesapeake began to experience net population growth. Due to plantations in the region being , slaves here lived relatively isolated fromlargein constant contact withan increase in slave trading white culture.

1. healthy climate 2. small 3. constant contact with

The legal status of Africans—slave or free—deteriorated over the course of the seventeenth century. Place the following events in the order in which they occurred.

1. virginia law banned 2. maryland law banned 3. virginia law stippled

People, ideas, and goods flowed back and forth across the Atlantic. Goods from North America and the West IndiesWest Indies became a major market for British manufactured goods. Tobacco grown in -SELECT A LABELChesapeakeNew Englandcolony of Marylandeastern EuropeNorth American colonies was marketed in Britain, and then sold to Europe by British merchants. And rum produced in the was a popular good in

1. west indies 2. chesap 3. north colonies

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