Hist Midterm

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Who controlled sub-Saharan African trade routes in the 15th century?

African Kingdoms

By the 15th century, the Algonquins who lived in communities along the East Coast had adopted the use of ___.


Invented in the Islamic world & refined by the Portuguese, the ___ improved navigation by calculating a ship's position with a high degree of accuracy.


By the late 15th century, the focal point of European sugar production shifted from the Mediterranean to the Azores and other islands in the eastern ___ Ocean that were noted for their rich, volcanic soil.


Which of the following did Europeans introduce to the New World?

Bananas, lemons, oranges, figs, horses, large dogs, hogs, rats

The expedition of Hernan de Soto was notable for its ___.

Brutal treatment of natives

The Spanish empire in the New World was governed primarily by ___.


Which of the following is the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan noted for?

Canals & causeways

Changes to the European banking and financial system helped create a pool of ___, which in turn catalyzed trading ventures and overseas expansion.


Martin Luther's doctrine of "the priesthood of all believers" was radical because it ___.

Challenged the authority of the church

The wealthiest & most advanced country in the world in the mid-15th century was ___.


___ in ancient Mesoamerica served as centers for religious rites, the production of needed goods, & the distribution of agricultural surplus.


On his 2nd voyage, Columbus was less concerned with trade & more interested in ___.

Colonizing the islands

How can the Olmec civilization best be described?

Complex & urban

One of the consequences of Hernan de Soto's venture into North America was the ____.

Decentralization of native chiefdoms.

By the mid-16th century,the Spanish empire had___.

Defeated the great civilizations of the Americas

Where did European investors establish new sugar plantations in the 12th century?

Eastern Mediterranean Islands

The 1578 charter granted to Humphrey Gilbert gave him permission to explore America but ___.

Failed to recognize native claims to the land

One of Martin Luther's most revolutionary doctrines was " justification by ___ alone", or the belief that salvation was available simply through God's grace.


Juan Ponce de Leon landed in what is now ___ on the North American continent.


Which of the following statements about early modern Europe are correct?

For most people life was brutal, dangerous, & short. The authority of local lords over their lands was nearly absolute. Nobles & aristocrats enjoyed incomes hundreds of times larger than those of commoners.

The European trend toward the expansion of royal power began in ___.

France, Spain, & England

Communication & technology transfer between the Americans were primarily hampered by ___.

Geographic and climactic diversity

Ferdinand & Isabella agreed to support the voyage of Columbus after they completed the Reconquista, which was achieved when they took the kingdom of ___ in 1492.


Francisco Vazquez de Coronado's strangling of his Indian guide was representative of the ___.

Growing cruelty toward the natives that characterized the frustrated conquistadors.

Contrary to what Americans initially thought to be true, during the 1830's & 1840's, many Americans began to believe that the ancient earthen mounds of North America____.

Had been built by peoples of Europe, Africa, or Asia. & Were too large & complex to have been built by the American Indians.

Why did the Roanoke leader Wingina favor establishing a relationship with the English?

He sought regular access to their trade goods.

In 1519 the Spanish conquistador ___ ___ made the first European contact with Aztecs, who ruled a vast empire in what is now Mexico.

Hernan Cortes

With whom did the Portuguese establish partnerships in Africa?

High ranking Africans on the coast.

The ___ that Hernan de Soto brought on his expedition to North America were an important food source that provided his men with valuable protein.


For survival, most plains communities relied on____.

Hunting & gathering

During the 13th century on of the ways that the Catholic Church expanded its influence & wealth was through the sale of___, which promised to shorten the time spent in purgatory after death.


In the 95 theses, Martin Luther argued that the Roman Catholic Churches Practice of selling ___ was corrupt & irrelevant to eternal salvation.


The conquest of which country served as a model for England's colonization of America?


One of the lasting consequences of the Protestant Reformation was that ___.

It lead to religious schisms.

The artist ___ ___, who was appointed governor of the second Roanoke colony, hoped his leadership would allow settlers & Indians to coexist peacefully.

John White

Although the lack of ___ spared Native Americans from many diseases, this ultimately made them more susceptible to the diseases that Europeans had developed immunities to.

Large domesticated animals

Which of the following were positive results of the bubonic plague?

Lower prices Increased wages More available land

The term ____ refers to a society in which women control property & family lineage.


Which culture is the settlement of Paqime in present-day Chihuahun believed to have descended from?


Which of these features distinguished Anasazi, or Ancestral Pueblo, society?

Multi-storied apartment-like buildings.

After creating the Church of England, King Henry VIII made the shrewd political decision to____.

Name himself the head of the church.

The chapter introduction tells the story of West Country seafarers to make the point that

Ordinary fold no less than conquistadors & crowned heads were involved in the changes that opened the possibilities of expansion to European nations.

The dominant Islamic empire during the 14th & 15th centuries was the ___ Empire.


Which of the following statements concerning slavery in medieval Europe are true?

Owning slaves was a status symbol. Slaves often came from Slavic lands; hence, the word slave. Slaves were typically female.

Prince Henry "the Navigator" was the driving force of his kingdom's overseas venture in the 15th century. He had a particular interest in the maritime influence of ___.


The Christian conflict in Europe known as the ___ ___ embroiled European kingdoms in disputes that distracted them from schemes of colonization & conquest.

Protestant Reformation

Early modern Europe was volatile because of its___.

Rampant crime

Two members of the 1584 expedition to Virginia produced a text that ___.

Served as a key source of information on North America & its people

The earliest settlers in the Americas originated from

Siberia (Northeastern Asia)

Much of Spain's imperial wealth came from ___ mines in Mexico and Peru.


What did the survivors of the Panfilo de Narvaez expedition experience at the hands of Indians on the Gulf of Mexico?


Which statement about the overall history of slavery is most accurate?

Slavery has existed throughout human history & has taken various forms.

Although the cultural significance of the mounds built in the Ohio & Mississippi river valleys is not completely understood, archaeological evidence points to their primary use as burial sites.


The North-South orientation of the American erected natural barriers that prevented the hemisphere's inhabitants to build on one another's success, stifling innovation in plant & animal domestication & transfer.


Which urban center reflects the influence of the Olmec Civilization?


Francisco Vazquez de Coronado's expedition to what is now the southwestern United States, undertaken for the purpose of locating vast stores of wealth, resulted in the European discovery of ___.

The Grand Canyon

Which area did the Aztecs rule?

The Valley of Mexico

Which region did the Mayan empire encompass?

The Yucatan Peninsula & much of current-day Central America.

According to John Calvin, the achievement of success in one's worldly calling indicated ____.

The bestowal of God's favor

How did some well-known Americans of the 18th century, such as Thomas Jefferson & George Washington, show their interest in the earlier civilizations?

The collected artifacts excavated from ancient North American mounds.

Which of the following was an accomplishment of the Mayas?

The development of astronomical observatories.

Inadequate infrastructure & constant warfare in early modern Europe threatened ___.

The food supply

The competition between Protestants & Catholics in the 16th century in the New World led to ___.

The founding of Spanish Florida to counteract the threat of French Protestants.

The English justified their conquest of neighboring lands by arguing that ___.

Their civilization and Protestant religion were superior.

How did early humans living in the Americans adopt to the end of the Ice Age?

They cut terraces into the Andes to increase the amount of farmable land.

Which of the following best explains why royal geographers in Portugal rejected Columbus's plan for a westward voyage?

They knew that the earth was round but believed that it was much larger than Columbus estimated.

While intent of protecting their interests, the Africans were also eager to ___ with the Portuguese.


In order to obtain trading privileges, the Portuguese had to pay ___ or taxes to the African leaders.


Material evidence in the form of "___ bottles" has helped historians recognize the lingering influence of supernaturalism in the early modern Europe.


The first land Columbus reached in North America was located in present-day a) Bahamas b) Cuba c) Mexico d) Florida

a) Bahamas

The builders of the first cities in America were the a) Olmecs b) Hohokam c) Apache d) Inuit

a) Olmecs

The changes during the 14th-15th centuries that helped to enable European nations to undertake expansionary efforts included a) the Black Death b) the weakening of the power of monarchies. c) the discovery of a docile & easily conquerable population in West Africa. d) All of the above

a) the Black Death

Each of the following civilizations collapsed during the centuries immediately preceding the arrival of the Europeans, EXCEPT a) the Pueblos b) the Hohokam c) the Anasazi d) the Hopewell

a) the Pueblos

John Calvin preached all of the following doctrines EXCEPT a) the free conscience & choice of the individual. b) the calling of the Christian believer to productive work in the world. c) the calling of the Christian church to actively reshape the world. d) the divine choosing of God's saints for salvation.

a) the free conscience & choice of the individual.

Why were American societies more susceptible to communicable disease than their European counterparts after contact? a) American societies had too many domesticated animals, which transmitted communicable diseases. b) American societies did not have enough domesticated animals transmitting diseases. c) American societies had few cities than did European societies. d) tuberculosis was more contagious than smallpox.

b) American societies did not have enough domesticated animals transmitting diseases.

By the mid-1500's (half a century after Columbus's discovery), all of the following were true EXCEPT that a) the Spanish empire stretched from Mexico south to present-day Argentina & Chile. b) The English had established a permanent colony in North America. c) the Portuguese were sailing directly to China around the south tip of Africa. d) an international fishing community congregated annually off the Newfoundedland coast.

b) The English had established a permanent colony in North America.

The Columbian exchange was a) an economic trading strategy created by Columbus. b) a complex web of interactions among the flora & fauna of Europe, Africa, & the Americas. c) a bank that set the rates for trading currency. d) limited to the infectious diseases that European explorers brought with them to the Americas.

b) a complex web of interactions among the flora & fauna of Europe, Africa, & the Americas.

The earliest inhabitants of the Eastern Woodlands relied on all of the following for food EXCEPT a) fishing b) agriculture c) hunting d) gathering

b) agriculture

The primary source of food for the hunters of the Great Plains was a) maize b) buffalo c) fish d) wheat

b) buffalo

The people of the Pacific Northwest traveled in canoes, and from the larges of these craft they a) netted salmon b) harpooned whales c) gathered clams d) all of the above

b) harpooned whales

Columbus succeeded in reaching the Americas because a) he had better ships than his Portuguese competitors. b) he grossly miscalculated the distance from Europe to the Indies. c) he had larger ships than other explorers. d) the Spanish reconquista had failed, and Spain needed a different enterprise.

b) he grossly miscalculated the distance from Europe to the Indies.

One famous legacy of the tribes of the lower Mississippi valley, including the Natchez, is their a) pyramids b) mound-building c) totem poles d) longhouses

b) mound-building

The 1st human inhabitants of the Western Hemisphere came from a) western Europe b) northeastern Asia c) Africa d) the middle East

b) northeastern Asia

Which of the following foods was NOT native to the Americas? a) corn b) rice c) squash d) potatoes

b) rice

As a direct challenge to Spanish power, England's thrust into North America involved all of the following elements EXCEPT a) English nationalism. b) English Protestantism. c) English political instability. d) English economic enterprise.

c) English political instability.

In establishing colonies in the New World, the English drew upon their own experiences subduing and colonizing a) the Cape region at the southern tip of Africa. b) islands off the West African coast. c) Ireland. d) Iceland & Greenland.

c) Ireland.

The centers of Mesoamerican culture in the first millennium C.E. developed primarily in a) New York b) California c) Mexico d) Canada

c) Mexico

In 1450, European kingdoms a) Were at the center of the world's international economy. b) Had already conquered much of China. c) Were at the fringe of an international economy dominated by China. d) Had more economic influence than the Islamic empires.

c) Were at the fringe of an international economy dominated by China.

The end of the Ice Age brought a) new inhabitants to the Americas b) European settlers c) a change in the physical environment d) all of the above

c) a change in the physical environment

How did the North-South axis of the Americas affect the development of societies? a) it facilitated the transmission of plants and animals from one region to another. b) it created climatic diversity that made it easy for societies to share agricultural practices. c) it created geographic diversity that made it difficult for societies to communicate with each other. d) all of the above

c) it created geographic diversity that made it difficult for societies to communicate with each other.

Which of the following did NOT account for the early & rapid success of the conquistadors? a) the military technology of the Spanish b) the infectious diseases brought by the Spanish c) kind Spanish treatment of the native populations d) native peoples who remained outside Aztec dominion & allied themselves with the Spanish

c) kind Spanish treatment of the native populations

Prince Henry the Navigator's primary motivation for mapping the west coast of Africa was a) politics b) economics c) religion d) adventure

c) religion

The origins of the Atlantic slave trade were most strongly tied to which of the following crops? a) corn b) rice c) sugar d) tobacco

c) sugar

The Mississippian culture built Cahokia, a port city of more than 10,000 people, near the present-day site of a) Chicago b) New Orleans c) Charleston d) St. Louis

d) St. Louis

Martin Luther argued that salvation resulted from a) religious faith. b) good works. c) observing the sacraments. d) a gift from God.

d) a gift from God.

The Mayan civilization is famous for its a) written language b) discovery of zero c) calendar d) all of the above

d) all of the above

Aztec society was a) peaceful b) impoverished c) egalitarian d) highly stratified

d) highly stratified

Which of the following native groups held that the members of the group should all be treated as equals? a) the Aztecs b) cultures of the Pacific Northwest c) the Mayas d) the Inuit

d) the Inuit

Why did the Mayan civilization fall? a) military invasion b) epidemic disease c) earthquakes d) unknown reasons

d) unknown reasons

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