History 1112: Midterm Study Guide- Chapters 15 to 21 (Lessons 1-7)

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The largest Maya kingdoms grew to 50,000-60,000 inhabitants and reached astounding rural population densities of about ___________ persons per square mile.


Experiments in the _______ with movable metal typeface resulted in the innovation of the printing press.


The majority of the Jewish population in Granada was forced to emigrate by __________.


By the second half of the sixteenth century, the Ottoman Empire was a vast multiethnic and multireligious state of some ______________ inhabitants.

15 million

Of the approximately 144,000 estimated Native Americans in New England in 1600, fewer than 15,000 remained by ______.


By some estimates, there were more ________ slave uprisings involving 10 or more slaves during the four centuries of Atlantic slavery.


An estimated __________ Spaniards emigrated from Europe to the Americas between 1500 and 1800.


With __________ inhabitants in the sixteenth century, the capital of Kongo, M'banza, was comparable in size to many European cities at the time.


The New Sciences were allowed to flourish in northern Europe, especially in the Netherlands and England, mainly because of:

A certain liberty of investigation that other areas lacked.

In "chattel" slavery, the slave is, in legal terms:

An item of moveable personal property.

Under difficult conditions during the Thirty Years' War, Maria Cunitz wrote a treatise on ___________ that corrected the calculations of previous scholars but, given its controversial nature, had to be published privately.


From the middle of the seventeenth century, the pueblos de indios were fully functional, self-administering units, with councils (________), churches, schools, communal lands, and family parcels.


The work of the German ________ Martin Waldseemüller probably had an effect on the scientific theories of Nicolaus Copernicus.


A standoff between the Parliament and King _________ of England (and Scotland) led to civil war and the king's execution in 1649.

Charles I

The innovations of Desiderius Erasmus helped lay the foundations for modern:

Critical textual research

The Columbian Exchange characterizes the transfer of plants, animals, and ________ between the Americas and the rest of the world


The Spanish quest for the mythical ____________ or "golden city" was fruitless.

El Dorado

By means of land-labor grants called __________, Spanish entrepreneurs were entitled to use forced indigenous or imported slave labor to exploit natural resources in the New World.


To support the mining centers and administrative cities, the Spanish colonial government ___________ the development of agricultural estates (haciendas).


The "conquistadors" Francisco Pizarro, Hernán Cortés, and Alonso Ortíz all originated in the Spanish region of __________.


In the formulation of his "law of falling bodies", Galileo systematically combined imagination with empirical research and ___________.


Around 1750, there were about 10,000 Boers (Dutch for "_______") in the Cape Colony, easily outnumbered by slaves.


Wari culture seems to have been more active in ________ than its Tiwanaku counterpart.

Founding colonies

Toward the end of the ___________ century, an emerging Aztec elite was firmly integrated with the ruling classes of many of the two dozen or so city-states around the Valley of Mexico.


The most successful _________ settlement in North America was in the subtropical district at the mouth of the Mississippi River in what is now Louisiana, where some 300 settlers and 4000 African slaves founded sugar plantations.


By declaring that "Paris is well worth a Mass", Henry IV meant that:

He would convert to Catholicism in order to hold France together.

An expedition sent out the Portuguese king ___________ the Navigator captured the city of Ceuta on the North African coast in 1415.


The lasting achievement of the Marquise de Châtelet was:

Her translation of Newton's Mathematical Principles from Latin into French.

The unequal relations between Tutsi cattle breeders and ______ farmers froze into a caste system during the nineteenth-century colonial occupation.


Barbados was settled initially in 1627 by English planters, who grew tobacco, cotton, indigo, and ginger, employing English and Irish ____________.

Indentured laborers

In 1498, the king of Portugal sent Vasco da Gama on a voyage to __________.


Among most of the countries of Europe, the Netherlands was exceptional in its finances in that:

Its urban residents were willing to pay higher taxes on manufactures and farming.

Fought in the Eastern Mediterranean in 1571, the Christians won the Battle of _________ thanks to their superior naval tactics.


Having laid waste to Cuzco, Pizarro founded a new Andean capital at __________ in 1535.


By the late 13th and early 14th centuries, native shipwrights and their teachers from Genoa teamed up in the port of _____________ to develop new ships suited to the stormy Atlantic.


The ruler with the longest reign in France was:

Louis XIV

In a much-publicized statement, the Diggers insisted they were:

Merely cultivating public land, which was "the treasure of all people"

The ____________ cast doubt on the impression created by the Spanish conquerors of the magnitude of human sacrifice among the Aztecs.

Minuscule numbers of victims' bodies found at Tenochtitlán

The resourceful Queen ________ of Ndongo sometimes negotiated with the Portuguese and fought guerilla campaigns against them at others.


The memoir of the former slave and abolitionist __________ would help push the movement of liberating slaves forward in the nineteenth century.

Olaudah Equiano

In the course of his 14th-century journeys, Ibn Battuta passed through western Anatolia and Constantinople and was impressed by the rising power of the ____________.


After staying three months on the first Bahaman island he found, Christopher Columbus returned to Iberia with ________ and a small quantity of gold.

Seven captured Caribbean islanders

The Karagöz was a:

Shadow puppet theater

The Shehzade and Süleymaniye mosques in Istanbul and the Selimiye mosque in Edirne were designed by __________.


When the city of ___________ was captured in November 1519, the emperor Moctezuma II was forced to swear allegiance to Emperor Charles V.


Scholars have concluded that Tiwanaku emigrants established colonies some 200 miles to the west of their settlement on the basis of:

The goods that were exchanged between the villages and the Tiwanaku capital.

The central objective of the "Glorious Revolution" in Britain was the:

The offering of a joint monarchy to the Protestant William III and Mary II.

Descartes concluded that a person, including himself, was composed of two radically different substances, a material substance that can be understood with the senses and another that consisted of:

The thinking mind

Mehmet II besieged and conquered Constantinople within ________ in 1453.

Two months

The Incans did all of the following with their mummies (mallquis) except:

Using them to terrorize enemy armies

Louis XIV sent salaried, itinerant intendants around the provinces to:

Ensure that governmental activities functioned properly.

Adjacent to the main pyramid on the platform at the center of Tenochtitlán was a:

Food market.

In France, Protestants were known as


The threat of human sacrifice was:

A fear-inducing tactic that was an innovation in Aztec imperialism.

In the presence of the German emperor Ferdinand III in 1672, Otto von Guericke demonstrated that:

A vacuum could be created by pumping the air out of two sealed spheres.

Employing ________, researchers have revealed a huge area in the Purus region of the Amazon rainforest that was home to perhaps 60,000 inhabitants in the thirteenth century.

Aerial photography

The ruler Ewuare was the first to rise to dominance over chiefs (azuma) and assume the title of king (obo) over _________.


When the Catholic Reformation drove the New Sciences to northwestern Europe, the Italian-style academies gave way to chartered royal societies, the first of which was founded in ______ in 1660.


_________ inherited Habsburg territories throughout Europe and the Inca and Aztec Empires in the Americas when he became Emperor in 1516.

Charles V

In his preface, Cervantes claimed he had written Don Quixote of La Mancha to "ridicule the absurdity" of notions of ___________.


As part of his reforms, Tsar Peter I "the Great" ______________ the remaining free farmers outside the estate system of the aristocracy.

Classified and taxed as serfs

The Ottomans benefited from the trade of a new commodity, _____________, which was produced in Ethiopia and Yemen.


As part of the African ________, Africans moved to nearly all parts of the Americas primarily as a result of the transatlantic slave trade.


Because any target beyond the range of four days' march (roughly 40 miles) from Tula was beyond the capabilities of the Toltec army to subdue, they __________ instead.

Established colonies

After the defeat of the Songhay, much of the trans-Saharan gold trade was siphoned off by the Portuguese on what became known as the Gold Coast (modern ________).


Leading a motley force of about 530 Spanish men, _________ defeated a much larger indigenous force at Tabasco in 1518.

Hernán Cortés

After being kidnapped by Christian pirates, Al-Hasan Ibn Muhammad al-Wazzan was baptized under the name of Pope _________.

Leo X

The El Escorial palace complex was built by Juan Bautista de Toledo in _____________.


Toward the first half of the fifteenth century, the Ottoman sultans equipped their Janissaries with cannons and _________.


Juana Inés de la Cruz secretly studied Latin, Greek, and _________ in her maternal grandfather's library.


Privateers were individual entrepreneurs who were virtually indistinguishable from:


The term "casta" originated in the desire of the Iberian and Creole settlers to draw distinctions among degrees of ___________.

Racial mixture

In the 1540s the Spanish government introduced ___________ called repartimientos, which was a continuation of the mit'a system devised by the Inca for taxation.

Rotating labor assignments

In the 1440s, Portuguese mariners raided the West African coast in the __________ region for slaves.


Stationary theaters with stages, main floors, balconies, and boxes appeared in the main cities of Spain during the ________ century.


Portuguese colonial cities and Jesuits repeatedly clashed over the ____________ of the "pioneers" (bandeirantes) into the Brazilian interior.

Slave raids

In the seventeenth century, the process of manumission was:

Sometimes followed by the freedman's acquisition of his own slaves.

After conquering a city-state, the Incas instituted a decimal system of population organization to provide the necessary numbers for the mit'a, or '______'

To take a turn

Under Süleyman "the Magnificent" most of the Janissaries were stationed in barracks in and near the _____________.

Topkapi Palace

Like the Romans, and despite the fact that they lacked wheeled transport, the Incas were well aware of how crucial paved and well-supplied roads were for ___________.

Transporting soldiers

The Atlantic system or the "_________" trade connected the American colonies with Africa and Europe.


The Baroque artistic aesthetic could best be described as:

Voluptuous and dramatic

Perhaps the most important mit'a obligation which subject households owed to the Inca in the conquest phase of their empire was the service of ____________.

Young men between 18 and 30 years of age in the military

Brazil produced a total of 1000 tons of _________ in the eighteenth century, a welcome bonanza for Portugal at a time of low agricultural prices.


A Native American reported an appearance of Our Lady of _________ in 1531, in a place where the native goddess Tonantzin used to be venerated.


By the early seventeenth century, a powerful elite of Spanish who ___________, called Creoles, was in place to assist the Spanish administrators.

Had been born in the Americas.

Among the inhabitants of Tiwanaku, a wooden foot plow with perhaps a bronze blade seems to have been the main farming implement, but:

Hard archaeological proof remains elusive.

__________ was the first institution of higher learning in North America, devoted to teaching the "correct" balanced Calvinist Protestantism.

Harvard College

When the Spanish arrived in Mexico, the Nahuatl-speaking residents of Tlaxcala were:

Held out in opposition to the Aztec core and supplied soldiers to the Spanish.

"Auto-da-fé" means "act of faith" in the ___________ language.


Between 1434 and 1472, through a combination of private and public expeditions, _________ mariners explored the African coast as far east as the Bight of Benin.


_______ was the only North American colony, and later state, in which African Americans outnumbered those of European descent.

South Carolina

An example of a Creole language that has survived for centuries is Gullah, used by the isolated communities along the coastal islands of Georgia and _______.

South Carolina

Although they were under frequent attack by Songhay and Kanem-Bornu during the period 1500-1800, the _________ kingdoms enjoyed periods of independence during which many of the ruling clans converted to Islam.


At present, there is too little evidence to demonstrate that the Tiwanaku and Wari states disintegrated due to:

Overpopulation and environmental degradation as a result of over-farming.

The Inca city of Cuzco was:

Protected by walls built with stone blocks weighing up to 100 tons.

The city of Cahokia (650-1400) was a ceremonial center for the Mississippi cultures of North America, and it was located near modern __________.

St. Louis

Mercantilist economic theory dictates that:

States should keep their economies blocked off from competitors and import as little and export as much as possible.

At the very end of the period of Teotihuacán, Maya, and Toltec expansion, the three cultural traditions finally merged in the ____________, but the merger did not last long.

Yucatán Peninsula

The Incas built tens of thousands of _________ everywhere in their empire, requiring subjects to supply the nearest one in their vicinity.


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