History 2 Exam 1 (2.0)

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30 year's war

(1618-1648) Roman Catholics and Protestants in Germany. It developed into a political struggle between the Catholic Habsburgs of the Holy Roman Empire (Austria, most of the German princes and occasionally Spain).

James I

- (1603-1625) - James I was the King of Scotland before becoming the king of england - Stuart monarch who ignored constitutional principles and asserted the divine right of kings. - First in line of Stuart House, cousin of Elizabeth. - King of Scotland and not really interested in English people. - Some hope that he will care for England, but he acted sullen and annoyed to be king of England

Napoleonic code

- A comprehensive and uniform system of laws established for France by Napoleon - reaffirmed equality for all before law, ensured integrity of private property, due process, secured wealth, straightforward logical legal code that is still basis of French law today. - The Napolionic Code is still used today in france

Legislative Assembly: Composition

- A couple of important leftwing factions 1) Girondists 2) Jacobins


- A religious group who wanted to purify the Church of England. They came to America for religious freedom and settled Massachusetts Bay. - Puritans were highly dissatisfied with Anglican church who claimed English reformation was not enough. - Wanted to strip every non biblical and roman allusions in church, wanted to purify the church. - Wanted strict reading of bible and were hardcore Calvinists. - James had no sympathy for them, king with absolutism incentives has no need to offer compromise to puritans. - The Puritans were popular among the middle class ( a strong minority)

The Great Fear

- A wave of senseless panic that spread through the French countryside after the storming of the Bastille in 1789 - Peasants scared that noble class would rise up and strike back against peasants. Momentum for change becomes very radical and takes on its own force.

Society under the Ancien Regime

- Absolutist system with no civil liberties, power of the king is singular. - Society separated into three legal groupings. 1) First Estate 2) Second Estate 3) Third Estate

Estates General

- An assembly of representatives from all three of the estates, or social classes, in France. - existed with sole purpose to sign off on tax reform.

End of the Directory and the start of the Consulate

- Became quite the celebrity in France as a general the populace supported. - Directory is looking weak in the wake of his exploits and staged a coup detat, abrupt seizure of power - Napoleon called the new goverment the consulate under his rule as consul, military executive officers. Took power with consent of the people and bringing stability to chaos. Named consul for life and would dissolve assembly and declared himself emperor with public's permission.

The Enlightenment: Reason

- Bedrock of the enlightenment. - Human reason should determine all of society. - All methods of natural science should be applied to all aspects of life. - Must take a test of a reason, not faith. - Critical thinking that was secular in orientation. - Human reason and human logic should be applied to all parts of life - Take nothing purely on the test of faith - It is a secular type of thought

John Locke (1632-1704)

- Believes that humans are born with a blank slate, born with same potential. - Human nature is dynamic and unfixed, don't have to repeat sins of our fathers. - Can take charge of our destiny. - Natural laws are the gears of the clock. Key to understanding the clock is how natural laws work. - Everything is dictated by natural laws. According to natural law, government functions to protect life, liberty, and property. - Urge our governments to do these things and in extreme cases revolt is justified. - People have right to demand reform if governmental contract is broken. - He is English - - According governments function to protect 3 things 1. Life 2. Liberty 3. PropertyNatural

Calvinism: The Elect

- Besides from the Elect most people are going to hell. - A very small minority of the population is saved. God is in control, and his blessing of the elect is proof of his love. Hard work and good deeds are signs of being part of elect, everyone thinks they're part of the elect. Becomes really popular. We owe it to god to be good. - Calvin belived that their are outward signs to show who is apart of the elect and every person in the church thought they were apart of the elect


- Bishops would be the bishop of multiple places so they can get more money but not doing the work they are suposed to do. - the same man held two positions yet didn't do two jobs and were absent from many positions

Napoleon Early Life

- Born and raised in Corisca to an Italian noble family. - Soon after being born French get control of Corisca and became part of second estate. - Becuase his family were nobles he was able to go to military school in order to advance the name of his family - He did very well at his school and was very interested in many more things than just the military which made him very well educated - After Graduating Military school Napoleon becomes lieutenant in French army.

Napoleon's Downfall: Continental System

- Boycotted all British goods in continental Europe to hurt British economy and force them into concessions and encourage manufacturing to develop in continental Europe. - Also failed, created scarcity and prices rose. - German middle class welcomed napoleon as liberator and began to turn on him because they wanted manufactured British goods, see him as oppressive tyrant and messing up their economy. - Raised taxes and German middle class feels heightened levels of nationalism against napoleon, people who never had anything in common now unite on hatred of napoleon and see themselves as German.

Varieties of Protestantism: Calvinism

- Calvinism was very unforgiving and harsh. - John Calvin (the founder) was frustrated with the sinful nature of man. - Calvinism is very big in places like France, Switzerland, and Scotland. (The pilgrims were Calvinists.) 1) Majesty of God 2) The Doctrine of Predestination 3) The Elect

Council of Trent (1545)

- Catholic Church's official response to Reformation. - The council last 18 years. - The pope during the council of trent was Pope Paul III The Results of the Council of Trent (1545) 1) Reflection 2) Reform

English Civil War (1642-1649)

- Cavaliers v Roundheads - Cavaliers= Charles and his army from up north - Roundhead= Parliament and the Nobles - After four years of conflict Charles and cavaliers were defeated

Charles I: Non-Parlimentry Taxation

- Charles and Parliament did not get along because of money. - Parliament only exists when king calls them to order, - Charles one day sent Parliament home after four years of deadlock and ruled without parliament. - Charles made quarting of soldiers - He started demanded every city to pay the ship tax so he could get more money without having to call Parliament

The Committee of Public Safety: in Practice

- Civil liberties suppressed. - Robespierre attempted to transform French culture through dechristianization, worship reason instead of Christianity, made a new calendar and renamed months to give revolution symbolic meaning. - Bourgeoise culture outlawed as sans culottes culture was emphasized, everything focused on roman republic, togas and Phrygian/liberty caps were symbols of support for revolution, a purity test. - Genuine effort to attempt rethink nature of French society.

Cromwell's Rule

- Cromwell takes charge, dismissed anybody who disagreed with him and was left with rump parliament of hardline puritans who will do his bidding - Cromwell and the Rump Parliament beheaded Charles and ended civil war. - England turned into republic, representative government with no monarch, but Cromwell and rump parliament ran it as one. - After a while Cromwell sends parliament home and he ran country as a dictator.

The Committee of Public Safety: Purpose

- Did whatever means necessary to calm crisis down, Robespierre heads committee who believed counter revolutionaries were running rife in France - Powerful group, led by Robespierre, set up to defeat all enemies of the revolution. - Enemies of the state had to be rooted out and executed, reign of terror most radical phase. - Guillotine favorite tool of execution.

Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

- Early proponent of scientific method and observable evidence. - Empirical observation creates knowledge. - Inductive reasoning, observe and learn. - He did not like speculation but rather preferred empirical observation - He made a general theory of inductive reasoning. - He didnt get abstract math

Eleven Years Tyranny

- England moved from limited, representative government to an absolute and irrepressible monarchy - Eleven years tyranny, if we can get in habit of not having parliament maybe we can be like France? - England does not have the same traditions to lean on like France, Charles had to find creative ways to earn money.

Henry VIII

- English king who created the Church of England after the Pope refused to annul his marriage (divorce with Church approval) - England's reformation put on by monarch. - Wants a male heir to continue his name and dynasty. - Originally ideal Catholic monarch in pope's view, protector of the faith.

Anglicanism: Founding of the Church of England

- English reformation very top down, Parliament made it seem like people were behind it. - No pope, monarch is head of church. Makes Henry much more powerful. - Seize all catholic property in England. Henry richer and more powerful than many other monarchs. - Pope has no more influence in England. Beginning of long struggle over religious power in England.

Napoleon's French Empire: Reform

- Enlightened reform, - abolished serfdom. - Introduced Napoleonic code reaffirmed equality for all before law, ensured integrity of private property, due process, secured wealth, straightforward logical legal code that is still basis of French law today. - Established the bank of france which provided stability and source of capital. - Modern, enlightened reform that benevolent leaders would do. - Introduced metric system, standardized trade in an expansive empire and gave commerce a boost. - Standardized scientific research which provided basis of scientific discoveries and research. - Was still oppressive in many ways. - Granted amnesty to aristocracy - didn't care for civil liberties.

Why were the Europeans not interested in old historical teaching

- Europeans had reconnected with rest of world and learn ancient knowledge. Ancient Greek and roman philosophers were harbored by muslim world, Europe didn't care because they were pagans, while muslims were reading and learning from these ancient philosophers. Muslim advances essential for knowledge. - Reengaged Europe with ancient knowledge, especially math. Different intellectual environment for Europeans to engage with. - Renaissance big inspiration, people were motivated to learn more.

Third Estate

- Everybody else, 95% of the population. - No special privileges and pay all the taxes. Doing the work that makes economy go - Upper part of third estate was bourgeoise. - Sans Culottes, urban working class. Live in cities and work for bourgeoise, when revolution gets started sans culottes much more inclined towards racialism - Peasant class were extremely poor and lived terriblly

Napoleon's Downfall: Exile and Return

- Exiled to the island of Elba, italy but returns back to Paris with an army. - Confronted by British, Russians, and Germans at battle of waterloo and defeated by duke of wellington. - Exiled again to St. Helena and never to return.

Napoleon as an Emperor

- Exported enlightened ideals but was also repressive of revolutionary ideals. - Pendulum back to the right. - Napoleon's depiction in art gave confidence to people that Napoleon would continue revolution and keep their interests at heart, designed to stir emotions of people.

The Spread of Protestantism: Printing Press

- Facilitated Luther's ideas and writings. Could mass produce writings for larger audience. Printing press was like introduction of internet. Abrupt transition in how information spread. Luther went viral and was very popular. Church could not control what information was being spread.

Varieties of Protestantism: Anabaptists

- Followed the example of Luther by reading and interpreting the bible for themselves. 1) Community of Saints 2) Adult Baptism 3) Biblical literalism

What the cuased the Fronde

- France got dragged into 30 years war and Cardinal Mazarin had to raise taxes to pay for it. - The Nobles were unhappy that central government was increasing taxes and they were unhappy about their loss of power, power which the king took. - The Nobles inspired a revolt, the Fronde, and force Cardinal Mazarin, Anne of Austria, and Louis XIV to flee into exile

Henry of Navarre (1589-1610): Taxes and Finance

- France had a representative body known as Estates General, existed with sole purpose to sign off on tax reform. - Existed in theory only, king was in position to shore up his power but could not do it with out calling Estates General. - Came up with different ways of financing government without calling Estates General. - Cut taxes of peasants and undertook great infrastructure improvements to get economy flowing. - Can't ask estates general and lose his power. - Created series of government offices and titles and offered them to noble families at a price. - Second sons of important families have an easy route to life as noble. Makes poor people love him, and makes nobility indebted to king.


- Girondists want a republic, abolish monarchy. - Supported interests of bourgeoise - laissez-faire style of government.

Calvinism: Majesty of God

- God is all-powerful and all-knowing. - God is the center of religion. - God created everything, and there is no mystery for him. He knows everything that has and will happen. -Calvinists Applied this logic to everything.

Calvinism: The doctrine of Predestination

- God knew from the moment of creation who is saved and who is not. - A small group of people was predestined for heaven; salvation has been determined. - There is nothing you can do to change where you are predestined for. No amount of work or anything can remedy condemnation.

Who first states that an object will remain in motion until a force stops it (also known as the law of inertia)? A. Galileo Galilei B. Isaac Newton C. Johannes Kepler D. Rene Descartes

A. Galileo Galilei

Voltaire (1694-1778)

- Good at taking complex ideas and translating them before people in a digestible way. - Able to bring enlightenment ideas to common people. - Used humor, parody, and satire to convey his points. If you can make people laugh and have a good point you have great power. -Made fun of people in power and ran afoul of church and state. Furious at clergymen for manipulating poor people, religious fanaticism is a cancer and argued for separation of church and state. - More religious freedom people have the more peace there will be. Much more peaceful society with separation of church and state and religious tolerance. - Highly critical of slavery, torture, and demanded fair trials for criminals. Understood ability to change public opinion is important, if you can change public opinion leadership will bend to will of public if the clamoring grows loud enough. - He is french - He is a crusader against bigotry, religions fanaticis, slavery, and equal treatment in the court system - He thought that leadership will bend to the will of the public which gives the people (commoners) power as long as enough people believe in it

James I: Money

- Got England involved in a lot of wars. - Tried to get Parliament in a habit of rubber stamping money for him. - Wants to do what he's going to do and get his money. - Keeps going to parliament for money and kept increasing tensions.

The Assembly of Notables

- Group of handpicked men to rubber stamp some taxes to give veneer of public support. - The assembly Backfired when they found out how much France owed and demanded they had to be in charge of France's finances. - Louis could not give up power of the purse and fired Calonne. - Louis still can't find solution to raise taxes.

Louis XIV: Personal Rule

- He Required absolute loyalty. - He Believed god put him on earth to rule for France and was the center of France. - He wanted to get his hands dirty to ensure success and was highly involved in active governing. - He hired middle class people to work for him because without him they were nothing which securred their absolute loyalty to him. - He said "I am the state."


- He came up with the theory that earth was at the center of the universe and the earth did not move. - Formulated theory of crystalline spheres

Charles I (1625-1649): War with Scotland

- He had to call parliament back in order to finance the war - Scottish Presbyterians were angry about imposed book of prayer and revolted. - Charles has a war on his hand and needs even more money to fight it and calls Parliament back.


- He is a 2nd century hellenistic greek - He created the Epicycle.

Martin Luther (1438-1546): Early Life

- He is from Eisleben, Germany - his father worked as a coppper melter and he wanted his son to go to school and become a lawyer so he could advance the family name.

Charles I (1625-1649): Religoin

- He married a catholic which caused problems among the people due to the future religion of kings - Wants to bring church of Scotland under his control as well. - Scotland was heavily Presbyterian and the English attempted to impose new prayer book on Scots. - Puritans saw him as just trying to earn more power.

Cardinal Richelieu

- He was the Former Chief minister of France - Since Luis XIII was not interested in ruling he delegated lots of power to other ministers such as Cardinal Richelieu. - Richelieu is very interested in governing and increasing power of French state. - Richelieu's basic goal was to create strong centralized state that is efficient enough where a bad king can't mess it up. In order to acheive this goal Nobles have to give up some power. - At this time Nobles are the ones running things and are real source of authority. - He was concerned about 30 years war spilling into France and destabilizing France's catholic protestant balance of power. - While he was catholic he does not hate protestants

Tycho Brahe (1546-1601):

- He was the most important astronomer of his time - There was a new start in the sky and the catholic church did not know how to react. - He was given a grant by the knig of denmark to study the new start and later moved to prog, Poland to study the star even further - Most important astronomer. Traditional belief was heavens were perfect and in god's image. New start appeared and was terrifying to people. Studied new star and made observations of heavens. Compiled data on how heavens change, but doesn't know what to do with data.

Johannes Kelper (1571-1630):

- He worked for Brahe - He thought that the universe was made with precise math relationships that are mystical in nature - He said the planity movement was is an ellipse - The closer an object is to the sun, the faster it moves - Utilized Brahe's data and proved that epicycles were dumb. Came up with three laws of planetary motion. Planets orbit sun on elliptical, planets don't have uniform speed as they travel, closer object is to the sun the faster it moves

Napoleon military tactics

- Held lots of mass and mobility, he was able to move large numbers of troops quickly by living off the land, don't need big supply chain and makes army able to move quicker which gives massive advantage in battle. - Excellent cartography, able to study how land could help him strategically and tactically

Constitutionalism in England

- High point of English history during Elizabethan time. - Elizabeth started England's military, cultural, exploratory ascendency. - Elizabeth remained unmarried to keep her power but did not have an heir to take over. - After Elizabeth's death Parliment had to look in Elizabeth's family tree to find the next king of england.

Martin Luther (1438-1546): Spiritual Crisis

- Hounded by self-doubt and he's not good enough for salvation. - Martin did Self-mortification to promote spirituality but it did not work - Catholic belief in trans-substantiation which terrified Luther and furthered his spiritual crisis.

Anglicanism: Theology and Structure

- In many ways Anglican church is still very catholic, liturgy becomes more vaguely protestant over time, - You are allowed to get a divorce - ex. priests allowed to marry.

Sans Culottes

- In the French Revolution, a radical group made up of Parisian wage-earners, and small shopkeepers who wanted a greater voice in government, lower prices, and an end of food shortages - Their lives were tough and didn't have stable jobs, constant threat of termination and living conditions were rough. Felt real pushed around in a volatile situation. - Culottes were fancy expensive paints and the term Sans-culottes means without the paints showing their working class lifes

Scientific Method: Rene Decartes (1596-1650)

- Interested in how we know what we know, can we trust our senses? - If senses can lie to us is that an issue? - Believed rational speculation based on pre-existing truths were path to enlightenment. - Deductive reasoning, learn from what's obvious. - Emphasized reason and logic not merely based on observation. - He is a french philosopher

Whose unified theory can explain all movements? A. Isaac Newton B. Galileo Galilei C. Francis Bacon D. Tycho Brahe

A. Isaac Newton

Which of the following beliefs is associated with Luther? A. Justification by Faith alone B. Separation of Church and State C. Predestination D. All of the Above

A. Justification by Faith alone

Which was NOT a reason the Scientific Revolution began to "pick up"? A. The Church supported the Scientific Research taking place B. The Printing Press C. Europeans are better connected with the world D. Ancient texts have muslim commentary

A. The Church supported the Scientific Research taking place

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642):

- Interested in motion on earth. - Conducted controlled experiments to understand laws of motion. - Law of inertia, motion not rest is the natural state of all objects, object will continue to move forever unless stopped by friction. - Wanted to take methodology and take it to the sky, builds a telescope. - Discovered that universe was not finite by discovering Jupiter's moons. Found imperfections on moon. Went against doctrine that heavens were perfect. - Methodology dislodges religious teachings. Problems can be solved through observable methods, not bible. - Gaining observed evidence through controlled experiments. Beginning of a genuine secular way of looking at world. - New pope Urban VIII had reputation of being more open to science and Galileo felt encouraged to publish his findings in favor of a heliocentric universe. - He published his book in Italian and it felt sarcastic and making fun of church and he was quickly arrested as a heretic. - Renounced his viewpoint publicly but once his ideas were spread the cat was out of the bag. Experimentation and observation reached a new level. - His discoveries defend Copernicus which was a very risky move at that time - - Even under house arrest, he kept doing science experiments scientific

Indulgence Controversy

- It happened in 1517 - Pope Leo X issued the sale of special indulgence to support the construction of Saint Peter's Basilica - Where controversy arose was when one would pay money to get you or a loved one's time in purgatory shortened. Church was in debt and saw indulgences as way to refresh cash flow for church. Felt as if cheapening message of penance and church was getting rich off of people.

La Rochelle

- It is a city in France, which belonged to the Huguenots. Its importance grew after the colonisation because it became a significant Atlantic port, Richelieu sieged the city and took away the privileges of the Huguenots. - La Rochelle this is the protestant stronghold with many connections to England and Holland which were both protestant majority countries

Puritan Protectorate

- It was basically a puritan dictatorship - Cromwell ran country as lord protector of puritan England, England was under martial law for large period of it. - Promoted puritanism above all else. - When Cromwell dies so does the dictatorship becuase his son was incompetent

James I: Royal Prerogative

- James did not believe in traditional checks of power. - Magna Carta put legal limits of English kings where kings have to live under the law. Also long tradition of Parliament. - James wants to be an absolutist monarch, believed in divine rule of monarchy where god choose him to rule and was not interested in traditions of restrained monarchy. Parliament is not too happy. -James wants to live like a king, lives a lavish life style spending a bunch of money from parliament, tension is growing between him and parliament. - Rumors that James was gay compounded parliament's hatred for him and made him very unpopular.

James II: Birth of His Son

- James did not have a male heir for a while so Parliament had plan for Mary and her husband William, who at that time lived in Holland, to ascend to throne and put a protestant back on the throne. - But, James and his catholic wife give birth to a son and puts Parliament's plan in jeopardy.

James I: Religion

- James was responsible for the King James Bible which made the Bible in English and was one of the more important religious things he did. - Important in terms of the cultural history of the English speaking world. - Puritans were highly dissatisfied with Anglican church who claimed English reformation was not enough. - James was head of Anglican church and could do as he pleased.

Problems with the Clergy: Bishops and Archbishops

- Jobs were purchased by elite families for second sons, way for prominent families to further their family fortunes and standing. - Not particularly interested in call by god or spiritual duties - Pluralism ran rampant - Also failing in their spiritual duties to parish constituents ( not doing their job)

Anabaptists: Community of Saints

- Join the congregation voluntarily, and testify to inner awakening. - The first group of separation of church and state, the belief of people not the belief of rulers.

Storming of the Bastille

- July 14, 1789 - Sans culottes of paris begin stockpiling arms in response to Louis calling troops to Paris and storm the bastille, old medieval fortress that held symbolic power of the king. - The mob demands guards hand over their weapons and mob storms bastille, pivot point where popular sans cullotes go further than bourgeoise and direct revolution.

Louis XIV

- Know as the Sun king - He was a very effective ruler and good at getting what he wanted this being more power - Made France absolutist model for rest of Europe - Came to the throne as a four year old so his mom Anne of Austria ruled in regency and Cardinal Mazarin was main minister who exerted most power.

Decrees of August 4, 1789

- Legislation that abolished the old feudal privileges. - Frees the serfs from obligations to nobles, fearful of this group causing more violence. - Idea was to calm situation down but actually added to momentum of radicalism and opens the path for greater change.


- Louis XIV didn't want to live in Paris as it was dangerous and dirty living in the city. Wanted to stay near Paris and have a palace that would exude his wealth and power. - Before Versailles king didn't really have a fixed residence. - Versailles was very important to his method of power, instead of king making the rounds to visit his nobles, the nobles come to visit him. The Nobles would stay for 6 months at a time - there was nothing to do in Versailles but visit Louis, while the nobles were visiting their attention is fully on Louis while intendants are attending to the noble's affairs. - Versailles could hold around 10,000 people

The Rituals and life in Versailles

- Louis had daily rituals he expected the nobles to help him with If the nobles don't do the ritual of visiting king the right way, it will not end well for them. - Louis expected constant flattery - The Nobles were terrified of insulting or upsetting king Louis and not worried about managing their affairs back home which resulted in losing control of their estates - By the time Louis died the nobles have lost almost all meaningful power and state was absolute. - Louis was very cut throat about who he liked so all of the nobles worked to please him which distracted them from their land and let louis's power grow

Louis XIV: Reforms

- Louis reforms designed to increase his personal power and prestige. - The Nobles were still a problem becuase they haven't lost all their power yet 1) Revocation of the Edict of Nantes 2) Military 3) Versailles

Resistance of the Parlement

- Louis thought he could go to parlement of paris and get them to approve tax system but Parlement says its not their job. - Louis thougth he could replace those judges with his own and get it passed, other parlements hear this and government slowly starts to shut down. - Louis didn't have a stellar reputation, the people thought him and his wife Marie Antoinette lived lavish lifestyles and it was uncouth to ask for more money and were not moral beings. - Bourgeoise did not appreciate hypocrisy of supporting American revolution while increasing taxes on people without repersentatoin.

The Long Term Results of the Fronde

- Louis was completely traumatized by the Fronde and was determined to never let anything of that sort happen again. - Louis would get absolute authority and nothing nobles could do to stop him.

Reforms: Revocation of the Edict of Nantes

- Louis was the ultimate catholic king. - France had a large minority of protestants which means they believe that the king is wrong and when he dies he's going to hell. Louis could not stand for this and went against his power. - Revoked Edict of Nantes and no more religious toleration. - Louis Insisted on forced conversions and many Huguenots would leave France. A big portion of Huguenots would find a new home in North America, especially in South Carolina. - After revoking the Edict of Nantes Louis finally got absolute authority.

95 Theses

- Martin was Scandalized by indulgence practice, thought of it as a corrupt and greed filled practice. - Martin wrote the 95 Theses an Argument on why selling of indulgences as immoral. Not trying to start a new church but reform catholic church. Hoping to start academic discussion on why its wrong so others can start a dialogue and reform. NOT SEPARATING! - It was nailed to a church door in Wittenberg, Germany in 1517 and is widely seen as being the catalyst that started the Protestant Reformation. It contained Luther's list of accusations against the Roman Catholic Church.

Martin Luther (1438-1546): The Catalysis for him becoming a monk

- Martin was walking home from class on day and it was dark out and then a storm started. Martin though he was going to die in the strom and he prayed that if he survived he would become a monk, he survived and a couple weeks later became a monk.

The French Debt

- Massive debt taken on by Louis XIV to pay for constant warfare like seven year's war which was a gamble to win war and gain British colonies in North America and pay back the loans. - The French lost the war and lost majority of their north American colonies dramatically reducing revenue. - The French were heavily invested in the American revolution as a way to stick it to British and took even more debt. - All of this debt resulted in Louis XVI needing to find way to get out of debt. - Financial minister Calonne begged Louis to increase taxes, Louis refused to call estates general because they'd know how bad the situation is and he'd lose power. - Calonne suggested property taxes which first and second estate would never go for, so Louis called Assembly of Notables.

Origins of the Scientific Revolution

- Medieval catholic universities largely only studied theology but start to have professors in natural philosophy. Begin to have community of scholars to answer questions of world full time. - Printing press allowed for much easier academic discourse, scientific information can be spread much easier. - Exploration required precise instruments to aid them. - By the 12 century Europe got reconnected to the rest of the world - While the europeans were not reading the greek philosophers work the middle easterners were and developed the ideas further and commented on them. - At this time the islamic world was known for their math

National Convention: Policy and War

- More wars which required total French mobilization, galvanized population to put all towards war effort - They instutued a draft which was considered radicle at that time - 100% mobilization to fight wars, lots of national pride as a result. - Weren't fighting for king, but for patriotic reasons and were pretty effective in kicking Prussians and Austrians out of France. - Fighting for France, people were excited

National Convention

- Much more radical than anything that came before - Quickly declared a republic, abolished monarchy, and arrested and executed Louis and Marie Antoinette by the guillotine - Momentum shifted extremely to left.

Napoleon Military Success

- Napoleon rose quickly through the ranks. - He became known as one of the world's greatest generals and a man beloved by his soldiers. - He was very practical - Napoleon supportive of revolution and was involved in large scale war - Becuase most noble officers wanted nothing to do with revolution, and Napoleon filled the void in army and moved up ladder of command

Napoleon's Downfall: Britain and Trafalgar

- Napoleon wanted Britain under his control. - Built up his navy so he could conquer Britain - Great naval battle at Trafalgar where napoleon would show British what he was made of, devastating defeat for French. - British controlled the seas which meant napoleon could not get supplies he needed. Colossal backfire in napoleon's plans. - Admiral Nelson was the leader for the battle at Trafalgar

Louis XIII (1610-1643): Early Life

- Nine years old when he succeeded his dad - Louis XIII was never interested in ruling - Louis didn't really have the mettle nor desire to be the king, rather disinterested in ruling. - The protestants tried to revolt against the Regency of Marie de Medici. This revolt caused Louis to not trust protestants and exiled his mom


- Officials who answer to king and not nobles. 32 districts in France and each one has an intendant who answers directly to king and expand their power in their district. - They were used as a way to subvert power of local nobles. - They were in charge of administering the law, collecting taxes, recruiting military, checking up on local nobles, regulate economies. - They helped cause the gradual growth in power of French state by stretching the reach of king beyond Paris.

New Monastic Orders

- Old monastic ways of life were very isolated from lay people, and persistent issues with wealthy families sending sons to monasteries. Much more engaged in new monastic orders, send them out to minister to people in the real world. Make great advancements in education. Gradually tried to reach more and more people and make religion more useful for people.

Cromwell's Victory

- Oliver Cromwell was one of the main leader of the Roundheads - Cromwell urged parliament to arrest Charles, try him for treason and then execute him.

Henry of Navarre (1589-1610): Wars of Religion

- Only protestant king in French history. - Came to power during religious wars and founded Bourbon Dynasty. - War has disrupted harvests and has brought famine to France, stuck in a commercial and social standstill. -Hopes to end the war and converts to Catholicism and grants religious toleration to protestants with Edict of Nantes. - Henry wanted to consolidate power of the king by reducing power of nobility.

Charles I (1625-1649): Long Parliament

- Parliament sits in session for 20 years and gave Charles money to handle rebellion but wanted conditions for money. - Passed law that insisted that parliament had to be called every three years, Charles is furious and orders arrest of top five leaders of parliament. - parliament refuses and Charles raises an army from the north and leads into full blown civil war

Charles V and the political crisis in Europe:

- Part of Hapsburg Dynasty was poised to become Holy Roman Emperor. A largely symbolic title but since Charles had so much land that if he could merge all this together he might consolidate his power and unify Europe politically. Terrified pope and other kings. - Also Pope Leo X invited Luther to Rome to discuss, and Luther's prince Frederick used tool of voting for Charles as HRE as leverage to keep Luther from Rome. Political crisis gave Luther cover from Rome. Threat of Charles becoming emperor was too great.

The French Peasant class

- Peasant class were extremely poor and lived terribly, get up every morning and work for sustenance to survive. - Peasants pay almost all the taxes in the country and have nothing to show for it.

Congress of Vienna

- Pendulum swings back to right - Conservative convention to reestablish balance of power in Europe. - Invited royal families back to power and denied nationalistic ambitions. - Wanted to act like nothing had happened but could not do that. - Monarchies did not have as much power, serfdom still abolished, metric system codified trade and science. Pendulum back in middle, moderate end to radical changes.

New Constitution of France

- Pendulum was dead center - allows for continuation of monarchy but wanted legal checks on his authority with representative legislative body. - Keep basic features of old regime.

Rise of Napoleon

- People were exhausted with instability of French Revolution. - Napoleon filled the void of power and was able to conquer most of Europe.

Problems with the Clergy: Papacy

- Popes were supposed to take vows of poverty and celibacy but lived in palaces and were familiar with women. - If pope is living lavish lifestyle, how can this church see to my salvation? - Real consequences of pope behaving badly, neglecting spiritual duties. -Tons of money invested in Vatican while most people are barely getting by. - At one point there was 3 popes

Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543):

- Priest who believed god's universe was perfect - epicycles didn't make sense as god was not illogical. Earth rotates around sun. Contemporary people took bible literally and could not imagine sun as center of universe. Earth rotating around sun was heresy. Enters the universities and academics began debating his theory. - He is polish and was a astronomer and a catholic persist - He throught the Epicycles were illogical and wanted to learn how how the rotations actually worked - He believed in a heliocentric universe but did not share that because it was against the catholic church. - He didn't publish his work till he died in order to not receive the backlash he was expecting to receive

National Convention: Composition

- Radical in nature - alliance of girondists and jacobins, but the Jacobins had more control

Council of Trent (1545): Reflection

- Reformation forced church to ask why we think this way and where is the source of our authority. - Led to religious renewal among Catholicism. -Doctrine does not change, but come with sources of authority. - Bible, justifies doctrine of petrine secession, and tradition are sources of authority.

Royalty's effect on religion

- Rulers determined what religion their people would be for the most part.

Catherine of Aragon:

- She Was not producing a male heir in her old age. Henry convinced god was punishing him for marrying his dead brother's wife. Asked the pope for an annulment, declaring the marriage defective and therefore null and void. In environment of reformation Henry figured that church does not have full authority, decided to start own church. - 1st Wife of Henry VIII

Anne of Austria

- She was the Regenet for Louis XIV (1643-1715) and She Louis XIV's mom

Regency of Marie de Medici

- Since Louis XIII was too young to role his mom Marie de Medici was the Regency for him. Meaning she ruled as the queen of France till Louis XIII became old enough to rule - From the powerful Medici family who is now running France. Letting a bunch of Italian people come to French court, French protestants especially nervous about possibility of pope, her family member, taking over. - She loved her regency. Louis turned against his mother and staged a coup where all Italians in court are exiled and mom sent to exile.

Belief in Progress

- Society as a whole improves with progress. - Humans can use logic and scientific method to solve basic problems and make progress inevitable. - Reach a new level of life, not bound to our horrible sin and can improve and look forward. - They reject the concept of original sin - They thought to put the scientific method and reason then progress with be inevitable - They did not like the renaissance because they thought that progress would only happen if they kept going forward

Charles II

- Son of Charles I - Made secret deal with Louis to get more money in exchange for taking lenient position on catholics.

James II

- Son of Charles II - Openly catholic monarch and starts openly violating test act and vows to grant religious toleration for all. - Parliament saw him as using religion as a way to get more power and sidestep Parliament. Tired of unrest and wanted stability.

The Directory

- The Directory took control after the Committee of Public Saftey - Much more moderate after committee of public safety. - Moderate economic policy, bit more stable than previous governments. People saw it as corrupt and ineffective though - momentum building up back to the right

Glorious Revolution

- The Glorious Revolution is called such becuase no war happened and one was hurt. - Parliament goes to Netherlands and offer English throne to William and Mary - James sees writing on the wall and leaves for exile - William and Mary accept throne with certain conditions.

The Committee of Public Safety

- The National convention deadlocked in governing and Jacobins saw moderates as blocking progress. - Sans culottes stormed convention and demanded moderates imprisoned for treason. - Momentum shift even more left - The national convention suspended itself and formed committee of public safety.

The Scientific Revolution (1540-1690)

- The Scientific Revolution caused people to have a secular and religous life, and allowed for europe to grow in power, development, and historical significance - Astronomy and astrology were interconnected

How did these problems with the church effect the peoples views on the church

- The average European only had religion as a future beacon of hope at the end of their life. The people started losing faith in the Catholic church because how can they lead people to salvation if they can't lead themselves - People feel neglected and not fulfilling spiritual needs, only one way for these people to get to heaven. - People had very tenuous connection to their church, pagan and folk beliefs still held water in most of Europe.

Napoleon's French Empire

- The became the consulate for life and dissolved the congress with the consent of the people - Annexed some territory to rule directly or allied with other states. - Abolished old monarchies of former holy roman emperor states and created confederation of the Rhine. - Created republics to consolidate power and keep popular support, put his family members on throne of monarchies he created. - Doesn't rule directly but his people rule in his favor. - Controlled most of continental Europe. - His army helped find the Rosetta stone

The Enlightenment: General Characteristics

- The cornerstone of all western and modern thought came from this. - Nothing that couldnt be proven should be believed in - All modern thought derives from enlightenment. - Broad cultural movement that had profound scientific, economic, political, and social changes. Greatly influenced founding documents of U.S. - The time period of the enlightenment was called the age of reason


- The epicycle is a second rotation around earth to prove why there is not consistent movement of the plants - Theory to explain backward motion in planets, epicycles. Each planet had its own epicycle where a planet would have its own rotation to move back. Became part of basic assumptions of European scientific thought.

First Estate

- The first class of French society made up of the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church. - Their Job is to pray for the collective salvation of France and provide for the spiritual welfare of the people. - Considered different from everyone else and held special privileges, not subject to civil law, only subject to religious law, and pay no taxes - Many had lots of money and lived lavish lifestyles. Small portion of population, held a lot of power, and had every reason to resist change.

The Ruling of the Fronde

- The nobles ended up revolting against the king but at the time Louis was 9 and the Fronde ran the country for a couple of years and completely failed - Louis takes back the throne with no regent after the Fronde failed. - Louis was able to take back the throne from the Fronde by hiring mercenaries to help him fight his was back to the throne

Second Estate

- The second class of French society made up of the noblility - Nobility born into titles and money and also had special privileges. Historically the warrior class who would protect the realm, paid their taxes in blood and were exempt - Dominated officer corps of army but not really doing a lot of fighting. Dominated governmental offices and represented wealth and power - Also very small part of population. Lots of overlap with first estate, from same branch of society and tend to think alike. Both resist any and all change in society.

Siege of Vienna (1520):

- The siege was done by the Ottoman Turks. - Turks had conquered much of Balkan peninsula and were advancing west. Threat of Muslim Turks encroaching in Europe were much more of a problem than Luther. If Vienna fell than Turks would sweep through Europe and Pope could not allow that. By the time Turkish threat was gone Luther's ideas were too entrenched to be combatted.

Enlightenment Philosophes

- They are called philosophes because it was started in France - They wanted to figure out how the gears work and what gears we messed up - Tradition that people who were interested in debating issues in fancy salons. Want to figure out how the gears of the clock work, how have we messed up the gears. If humans messed up the gears it doesn't work as god intended.

Problems with the Clergy: Parish Priests

- They are seen as less corrupt than the other groups but still corrupt. Often quite poor and probably more sincere than superiors - Many were not particularly educated and illiterate, hard to be good priest if illiterate

The Huguenots

- They were Protestants from France - Richelieu's main concern is French power but was also nervous about Protestantism and threat of 30 years war. - The Edict of Nantes provided religious toleration to the Huguenots but Richelieu was nervous about 200 places of safety for protestants - These places of safety had their own forts and little armies that the king is not in charge of. - Becuase the Protestants had military power outside of king's realm this got Louis to outlaw these places of refuge, still have right to worship but don't have places of safety. - The Huguenots were not happy and revolt. - The English and Dutch support rebellion which comes to a head in La Rochelle, French put down rebellion and ends the protestant's threat to French power. - Recipe for much more emboldened monarchy, no protestant threat, nobles less powerful, king much more powerful.

Tennis Court Oath

- Third estate stylized themselves as National Assembly and vowed to not stop meeting until they drew out a constitutional system. - Wanted to keep basic system in place but limits on power of the king and constitution. - Momentum is building for greater and greater change. - Louis sends army to put fires out in revolutionary Paris and people began to worry that it will be used against them.


- Third of population dead after 30 year's war in name of religion and disillusioned many. - Actively questioned religion by applying scientific method to bible and Christianity. - Never reject god but use metaphor of clockmaker. God created gears for universe and clock works beautiful from his work, yet god stepped back as he has done his work. - Still emphasize morality, cultivating reason will unlock new level of virtue. Supernatural stuff of religion doesn't meet levels of reason.

Declaration of Rights of Man

- This Declaration is to the French what the declaration of independence is to Americans. Implicitly rejects the idea of nobility - This was written 13 years after the American revolution

Legislative Assembly

- This legislative body ruled France during the First French Republic - This was the new name for the National Assembly - Want to get people excited to vote, momentum of pendulum leans left as there are lots of energy towards election with big promissory actions.

The Return of the Monarch

- Tired of instability and fighting between monarch and parliament. - Invited Charles II to return to throne. - Question of religious dissent still there. - Charles' mother catholic and nobody really trusted him when he said he was protestant. - Parliament passed Test Act where non Anglicans are disfranchised, prevent king from using religion as means of absolutism.

Council of Trent (1545): Reform

- Try to make Catholicism more meaningful in a day to day setting. - One major reform in confession booth. No longer confess in public with not a lot of personal meaning. Individualizes one's relationship with god and makes one think of their actions. No longer routine and meaningless. - Try to stamp out corruption, ban indulgences. Improved situation for church. - Religion does not have same level of authority as before.

Isaac Newton (1642-1727):

- Understanding the physical movements of the stars and planets is a different thing which Newton would explain. - Emerged with a general theory of laws to explain motion and mechanics. Illustrated the concept of gravity, which can explain movement of everything in universe. - Understand the why and how of why planets move. Complex yet simple theory. - He made the 3 laws of physics and help create calculus - At the age of 16 he went to cambridge - He was very religion - He was a big fan of alchemy

Napoleon's Downfall: Russia

- Wanted to control all of Europe and he felt frustrated by power of Russian Czar assuming that they were backward provincial people that he would have no problem conquering. - Mobilized massive army and invaded Russia with plans to take over. - Russians had policy of constant retreat, luring Napoleon deeper and deeper into interior while burning everything down to prevent napoleon from having supplies, scorched earth policy made napoleon's army seriously depleted as winter approached. - Napoleon gets to Moscow which is a smoldering wreck, cold, no food, and napoleon can't control his army in face of massive desertion and he decides to retreat with a fraction of his army

Anabaptists: Biblical literalism

- Wanted to recreate early Christian communities. Argued in favor of communal living. - Anabaptists argued that wealth meant nothing - They were pacifists - They put a big target on their own backs from authorities.

How the Scientific Method was used during the Enlightenment

- Way to determine truth, should not be limited to natural philosophy and applied to all fields of knowledge. Must pass test of reason to unlock progress. - They applied this method beyond the field of science

Reforms: Military

- While Louis was king france was Constantly at war. - Louis standardized the army in terms of training and uniform - Louis made military a meritocracy where not only nobles are allowed to be officers. Now promotions were based on merit.

Georges Danton

- great orator of jacobins, rallied working class behind them

Henry of Navarre (1589-1610)

- he was the found of the bourbon dynasty - He is the only protestant king in frances history - He created the Edict of Nantes which gave protestants religious freedoms - He was murdered in 1610 by a catholic zealot who thought he was not catholic enough


- middle class - Bourgeoise sometimes had more wealth than nobles, found ways to ensure children would be set up to carry on their status like educational opportunities, very educated social group and real interested in enlightenment. - Felt noble privileges were inherently unfair, lots of tension between second estate and bourgeoise. - Become drivers of revolution.


- reflected interests of sans culottes, more radical and pushed for greater and greater change. - Want more activist economic policy to benefit urban workers - Much more left than girondists Jacobins's Leaders: - Georges Danton - Maximilien Robespierre

seating/voting procedure of the estates general

-1st chamber: clergy -2nd chamber: nobility -3rd chamber: miscellaneous - Each estate sat in their own room and each estate got their own vote. - The First and Second estate had clear majority but only consisted of 5% of the population, could easily block any proposal that third estate supported. - Third estate proposed each delegate got one vote and meet in large communal room. - Louis thought they were crazy and locked them out of proceedings.

The Calling of the Estates General

-Louis XVI calls them into session because he needs money and the situation starts becoming more and more dire - This was the first time the Estates General was called since 1614

Anabaptists: Adult Baptism

-Something that happens only after inner awakening, like Jesus.

William and Mary's conditions

1) Established sovereignty (source of authority by which the government operates) lies in Parliament. 2) William and Mary rule with consent of people and parliament. 3) Bill of Rights claims that Parliament makes laws, it has to meet annually, and can't be sent home by monarchy. 4) Parliament makes taxes, permanent standing army bad. 5) Power of parliament uncontestable and monarch has to respect power of parliament.

Martin's Theology

1) Justification by faith alone: 2) Scripture: 3) Priesthood of the Believer 4) Sacraments

Which is True: 1. John Locke believed that everyone was born with a blank slate 2. John Locke believed that teaching young people to use their minds was nearlyimpossible 3. John Locke believed the government functions to protect "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"

1. John Locke believed that everyone was born with a blank slate

Which is True: 1. Deists believe that God is actively involved in the Universe 2. Many of the United States' Founding Fathers were Deist 3. In the Jefferson Bible, Jesus's miracles are included

2. Many of the United States' Founding Fathers were Deist

Which is True: 1. The Enlightenment is called the "Age of Progress" 2. Scientific Standards were not applied to the Bible 3. Enlightenment thinkers believed that Progress was inevitable

3. Enlightenment thinkers believed that Progress was inevitable

Which is True: 1. Voltaire spoke in a way that only those in positions of power could understand 2. Voltaire did not believe in the Separation of Church and State 3. Voltaire learned that you could change public opinion without actual authority

3. Voltaire learned that you could change public opinion without actual authority

Which of the following WAS NOT a problem with Bishops and Archbishops before the reformation? A. The Practice of Pluralism B. Bishops and Archbishops were usually illiterate C. Many took jobs without a divine calling D. Wealthy families often purchased the jobs for sons

B. Bishops and Archbishops were usually illiterate

6. What are Crystalline spheres? A. They make planets look like they are moving backwards B. Spheres that account for the movements around the movements around Earth C. Spheres that account for the Earth's movements D. They support the idea that each body in the universe can attract each bodythrough mathematical equations Bonus: Who Presented the idea of Crystalline spheres?

B. Spheres that account for the movements around the movements around Earth Bonus: Aristotle

What is Geocentric Cosmology? A. The Sun is at the center of the Universe B. The Earth is at the center of the Universe C. The Universe is not finite D. The Concept of Gravity

B. The Earth is at the center of the Universe

When a "new star" appeared, who makes extensive studies of it and is even hired by the King of Denmark? A. Johannes Kepler B. Tycho Brahe C. Isaac Newton D. Nicolaus Copernicus

B. Tycho Brahe

Which scholars are most closely associated with the Scientific method? A. Bacon and Newton B. Descartes and Newton C. Bacon and Descartes D. Descartes and Kepler

C. Bacon and Descartes

Who developed the theory of the Epicycle? A. Nicolaus Copernicus B. Aristotle C. Ptolemy D. Galileo Galilei

C. Ptolemy

Martin's Theology: Sacraments

Catholics emphasize seven sacraments to salvation. Luther only emphasizes baptism and communion as Jesus did them, other things are there to fill void he claims.

Martin's Theology: Priesthood of the Believer

Centrality of bible lessened importance of role of priests administering sacraments. Read the bible and be your own priest.

Which of the following is true of the Frond? a. It was a rebellion that started in Paris b. Henry of Navarre defeated the Spanish c. it convinced Louis XIV to grow royal power d. both a and c

D. Both a and c

Who disproved epicycles? A. Tycho Brahe B. Galileo Galilei C. Nicolaus Copernicus D. Johannes Kepler

D. Johannes Kepler

Who came to believe in a heliocentric universe after thinking of epicycles asillogical because God created the Universe perfectly? A. Johannes Kepler B. Tycho Brahe C. Isaac Newton D. Nicolaus Copernicus

D. Nicolaus Copernicus

Maximilien Robespierre

During the Legislative Assembly: - backroom guy cutting deals for jacobins.

Geocentric Cosmology

Earth is the center of the Universe

Martin's Theology: Scripture

Emphasized reading the bible, only source that god provides truth. Bible must be taken literally. Only basis of authority. Divine truth. Luthuer belived the main was to be saved is to read the bible on your own. He also belived that many people were not smart enough to read the bible.

Legislative Assembly: Policies and War

France finds itself in wars with basically all of Europe because: - Rest of European aristocracy was terrified about events in France, wanted to reestablish monarchy in France and stop revolution in its tracks. - Was personal for royal and noble families in Europe as many were connected to French royal family Everyone in Fance was in support of the war. - French moderates thought winning war would make new government legitimate and here to stay. - French right were excited to lose the war and bring old regime back - French left were excited to lose and establish their own government that would bring actual change

Martin's Theology: Justification by faith alone

Good works don't mean anything, only thing that can save you is faith. Comes to conclusion that actions don't matter to salvation.

Scientific Method

Huge step forward with controlled experiments, still method we have for determining knowledge. These two figures combined to create modern scientific method.

What was the purpose of the Edict of Nantes?

It granted religious toleration to Protestants in France

Crystalline Spheres

It is a theory that states that that earth is center and does not move. Universe organized into crystalline spheres where each sphere rotates around earth. Angels make everything turn in universe. Very straight forward theory, simple is good. Does not account for planets moving in different rates or backward motion and stumped scientists for centuries.

The Spread of Protestantism: Politics

Luther just doesn't seem that important in comparison to many church officials also, two other major events happened to allow him to spread Protestantism:

Catholic Reformation

Major catholic reform in wake of Reformation which set off lots of introspection about what church is and where it will go. Attempt to address key issues that led to Reformation. 1) New monastic Orders 2) Council of Trent (1545)

Martin Luther (1438-1546): Development of Theology

Read a passage that said "just will live by faith" and allows him to develop his own take on Christianity.

Heliocentric Cosmology

Sun centered universe

What caused the Natoinal Convention to form

The French led by the Legislative Assembly lost badly and legislative assembly collapsed. New government, national convention formed in 1792

The Problems with the Catholic Church that led to the Protestant Reformation

The Position of the church had been weaning because of: 1) many high profile scandals 2) The church looked highly human 3) People were open to increased questioning of the church. These problems with the church were not being addressed internally despite discontent

Charles I

son of James I who was King of England and Scotland and Ireland


the changing of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ


the subjugation of appetites or desires by self-denial or self-discipline as an aspect of religious devotion.

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