history 20 unit 1-3

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Which of the following studies requires knowledge from many different fields of science, such as astrophysics, geology, biology, and others? Buddhist cosmology Yoruba narratives. Big History Potassium-argon method

Big history?

Which of the following was essential to Harappan economic power? Control of the extraction and trade of gemstones Control of trade routes through northern India Control of navigational techniques used by sailors along the Indian Ocean coast Control of salt deposits in the Indus River basin

Control of the extraction and trade of gemstones

Which of the following suggests that farmers in the Indus Valley were cultivating harvests that yielded a surplus circa 2600 BCE? Evidence of furrows, probably made by a plow Evidence of the monsoon bringing water to dried-up paleochannels Evidence of horse collars Evidence of cities on the Indus River circa 3000 BCE

Evidence of furrows, probably made by a plow

While other riverine societies developed trade networks, Harappan cities remained isolated from the outside world. True False


Which of the following agricultural improvements did the Shang dynasty encourage? Building cisterns and aqueducts Growing wheat and rice in the northern portion of the kingdom Forging iron and bronze agricultural implements Draining low-lying fields and clearing forested lands

Forging iron and bronze agricultural implements

Which New Kingdom pharaoh was most identified with peacefully expanding trade contacts into the Levant and Nubia? Thutmosis III Hatshepsut Pepy II Djoser


Which of the following was among the new elements that the Shang added to Longshan culture? A copper metal industry Walled towns built on a grid Divination using pottery shards Hereditary rulers who derived power from their relationship to the gods

Hereditary rulers who derived power from their relationship to the gods

Around 12,000 years ago, what was the main effect of population pressure and changing climate conditions on modern humans? Humans learned to domesticate plants and animals. Humans migrated out of Africa to Eurasia. Humans discovered fire. Humans created music and art.

Humans learned to domesticate plants and animals

In Mesopotamia around 2000 BCE, what caused political and economic power to move away from the delta region? Invasions of nomads from the Iranian plateau Loss of control of the priestly class over trade Intensive cultivation for a millennium combined with drought Earthquakes destroying city walls

Intensive cultivation for a millennium combined with drought

Which of the following permitted pastoral nomads to move their herds frequently to new pastures? Developing the compound bow Learning to breed and ride horses Creating war chariots Learning to forge iron

Learning to breed and ride horses

What led many Egyptian villagers to pray at local shrines and believe in the power of magical amulets? The priesthood in Egypt was weak and did not satisfy the needs of the local villagers. Villagers had a different set of gods and beliefs from those of the temples and court. Local villagers were physically far removed from temple life, and so turned to other means of satisfying their religious needs. Since villagers were illiterate, they could not participate in temple rituals.

Local villagers were physically far removed from temple life, and so turned to other means of satisfying their religious needs.

What evidence supports the widespread economic influence of Longshan culture? Longshan silk scrolls have been found in the Indus Valley. Longshan kings forced tributary trade ties with steppe nomads. Longshan black pottery has been found as far away as Taiwan and Manchuria. Longshan iron tools made their way to Japan.

Longshan black pottery has been found as far away as Taiwan and Manchuria.

Which of the following best explains the relative lack of communication between the people of the Americas and Afro-Eurasia after about 6,000 BCE? The peoples of Afro-Eurasia refused to adapt to changing environments. Melting glaciers covered the land bridge between East Asia and the Americas with water, physically separating the continents. A new Ice Age created massive impassable glaciers separating the Americas from Afro-Eurasia. The peoples of these two regions pursued fundamentally different strategies for finding food, so they had little desire for communication.

Melting glaciers covered the land bridge between East Asia and the Americas with water, physically separating the continents.

How do modern scientific understandings about the origin of the universe compare with traditional creation narratives? Creation narratives and modern science indicate that divine beings had a role in creating all life. Modern science indicates that humans first appeared suddenly, as do traditional creation narratives. Neither modern science nor traditional creation narratives has an answer for how the universe began. Modern science indicates that the origin of the universe was much longer ago than do traditional creation narratives.

Modern science indicates that the origin of the universe was much longer ago than do traditional creation narratives.

Which of the options below best characterizes the average Mesopotamian family? Egalitarian relations between husbands and wives Equal inheritance of property between sons and daughters Polygamous, with most men having several wives as well as concubines Monogamous and patriarchal

Monogamous and patriarchal

Which of the following is an example of the shift away from the city-state's domination of economic activity in Mesopotamia? New rulers allowed farmers to purchase land from the state in order to obtain economic independence. New rulers forced individuals to donate large amounts of labor to support the maintenance of the city's defensive walls. New rulers designated private entrepreneurs to collect taxes and allowed them to keep a portion of tax revenues for their profits. New rulers allowed their generals to control all long-distance trade.

New rulers designated private entrepreneurs to collect taxes and allowed them to keep a portion of tax revenues for their profits.

Which of the following reactions to climate change by both pastoral and transhumant nomads placed stress on the governing systems of riverine societies around 2200 BCE? Impoverished nomads, who had lost their herds to drought, developed new types of boats and turned to piracy. Nomads descended on river-valley population centers in large numbers to find food and water for their drought-stricken herds. Nomads were unable to provide trade links between urban centers because of prolonged rains and flooding. Nomads withdrew from population centers in search of better grazing, leaving cities without supplies of meat.

Nomads descended on river-valley population centers in large numbers to find food and water for their drought-stricken herds.

What was one effect of agricultural surpluses on early riverine urban societies? People became isolated from those living in the countryside. People abandoned trade, as they were now self-sufficient. People relied on councils of elders to organize complex societies. People could specialize in making goods for the consumption of others.

People could specialize in making goods for the consumption of others

Which of the following accurately describes an environmental cause and effect for riverine societies around 2200 BCE? A series of earthquakes led to the destruction of walled cities such as Troy and Jericho. Cooling temperatures led to the destruction of crops needed to support urban populations. Excessive monsoon rains flooded many of the fields needed to produce food, which led to the downfall of ruling elites. Prolonged drought led to famine, which caused the downfall of ruling elites.

Prolonged drought led to famine, which caused the downfall of ruling elites.

What suggests to scientists that Harappan civilization was centralized and structured? Regional uniformity in urban planning; standardized weights and measures Royal tombs contained frescoes and records that showed the existence of regional laws. The royal palace was an administrative center for the entire realm. Written language was used to provide a common culture throughout the Indus Valley.

Regional uniformity in urban planning; standardized weights and measures

Which crops formed the basis of village agriculture in China? Maize and potatoes Rice and millet Millet and sorghum Wheat and rice

Rice and millet

What ecological change contributed to the development of agriculture in Japan? Rising sea levels created islands and limited the range of large game animals, leading to their extinction. Sinking sea levels meant that there was more land available for settled agriculture. The cooling climate froze out the fishing societies spread out along the coasts and rivers. A land bridge from the Korean Peninsula allowed the migration of agriculturalists to Japan.

Rising sea levels created islands and limited the range of large game animals, leading to their extinction.

What do scientists use to infer that Troy, Crete, and the Greek mainland participated in a trading system linking the Aegean and Southwest Asia? Similarities in citadel construction Similarities in religious artifacts Similarities in grave goods Similarities in writing systems

Similarities in grave goods

For what reason were political developments in South Asia fundamentally different from those of Southwest Asia? The lack of state religions in South Asia undermined efforts to create religious justifications for kingly rule. South Asia had fewer territorial states and thus fewer rivalries that prompted ruling classes to integrate their dominions. South Asian populations became so large that they could not be easily conquered. The lack of horse-powered chariots in South Asia diminished the ability of ruling classes to expand their territorial control.

South Asia had fewer territorial states and thus fewer rivalries that prompted ruling classes to integrate their dominion

Which of the following statements is supported by the Hittite text shown on page 68 (bottom left photo)? Hittites spoke and wrote in a Semitic language. People in Mesopotamia adapted and used demotic hieroglyphics for everyday communication. The Hittite language and writing system was used primarily to create epic poems. Cuneiform writing was adapted and used by many different cultures.

The Hittite language and writing system was used primarily to create epic poems.

How did Shang chariot use differ from that of the rest of Afro-Eurasia? The Shang used chariots primarily as symbols of wealth instead of for warfare. The Shang made chariots lighter and more maneuverable. The Shang developed horseshoes, so that horses suffered fewer leg and foot injuries. The Shang used iron fittings for their chariots.

The Shang used chariots primarily as symbols of wealth instead of for warfare.

Which of the following ancient written sources are validated by trade goods found on the Uluburun shipwreck off the coast of Anatolia? The exchanges described in the Amarna letters Hatshepsut's instructions to Nubian traders The epic of Gilgamesh Trade records from the Indus Valley

The exchanges described in the Amarna letters

Which of the following accurately describes an effect of the dissemination of agricultural crops and techniques from Southwest Asia to Europe? Long periods of time were required to adapt Southwest Asian crops to southern European climates. The first European domesticated crops included Southwest Asian crops—maize and potatoes. The first European domesticated crops included Southwest Asian crops—wheat and barley. The similarities in the climates made adaptation of Southwest Asian crops relatively easy throughout Europe.

The first European domesticated crops included Southwest Asian crops—wheat and barley.

In what way do the grave goods buried with Fu Hao, a consort of the king, affect our understanding of women's roles in Shang society? Elite Shang women did not receive as elaborate a burial as did elite Shang men. No human or animal sacrifices were used in women's burials. The lack of oracle bones implies that women were illiterate. The inclusion of bronze weapons implies that she was a military leader in her own right.

The inclusion of bronze weapons implies that she was a military leader in her own right.

What led to the rise of the first major city-states in Southwest Asia? The presence of lush forests with many navigable rivers The need to defend against foreign invaders by banding together The presence of active religious pilgrimage sites for ceremonies and rituals The local availability of large domesticable animals and a variety of cereal grains

The local availability of large domesticable animals and a variety of cereal grains

Which of the following led to the creation of the term "Indo-European"? The need to explain similarities between languages such as Sanskrit and Greek A desire to describe societies in inner Europe Having to map the migration of transhumant herders from Europe to Southwest Asia The explanation for the chariot's European origin

The need to explain similarities between languages such as Sanskrit and Greek

Which of the following was true in both sub-Saharan Africa and the Americas before 2000 BCE? The population in both places declined because of persistent drought. Population growth increased in both places after the importation of cereal agriculture. The population in both places grew rapidly, given the large number of animals that could be hunted. The population in both places grew slowly, but did not lead to the development of urban centers.

The population in both places grew slowly, but did not lead to the development of urban centers.

Which of the following formed the basis of a common material culture in the northern European plain? The use of the plow and wheeled cart for farming Slash and burn agriculture The creation of corded ware pots The creation of megalithic structures

The use of the plow and wheeled cart for farming

Which of the following best describes Homo erectus' children? They were largely ignored by other clan members until they could contribute to clan survival. They had larger brain capacity than earlier hominids because their mothers had wider pelvises. They were closely guarded by their mothers, who feared attacks from other females in the clan. They could not feed or care for themselves for many years, requiring prolonged maternal care.

They could not feed or care for themselves for many years, requiring prolonged maternal care

Which of the following is true of nomadic pastoralists? They were more numerous than agriculturalists because their diets consisted of more protein. They tended to have little influence on world history because their migratory lives left little time for artistic or intellectual expression. They were less sophisticated culturally than their agriculturalist neighbors because they did not build social networks and religious structures. They domesticated horses, which gave them decisive advantages in transportation and warfare.

They domesticated horses, which gave them decisive advantages in transportation and warfare

What can scientists infer about Homo sapiens hunter-gatherers by studying contemporary hunter-gatherer societies such as the San and !Kung? Since most of the food was obtained by hunting, the role of women was limited to childbearing. They formed small bands that were relatively egalitarian. They spent nearly every hour of the day foraging for food. They avoided social behaviors such as friendly competitions.

They formed small bands that were relatively egalitarian.

The pace of change toward agricultural production in the Americas was more gradual than in Afro-Eurasia because the centers of agricultural activity were more narrowly adapted to the local ecology and were geographically isolated from each other. True False


Which of the following was an important difference between Harappan and Egyptian societies? Harappan farmers' cultivation yielded surpluses, while Egyptian farmers struggled to avoid famine. Unlike the Egyptians, there is no indication that the Harappans had kings or built royal palaces or tombs. Egyptian writing was limited to religious purposes, while Harappans composed epic poems. Unlike the Egyptians, Harappans built no monumental structures for their communities.

Unlike the Egyptians, there is no indication that the Harappans had kings or built royal palaces or tombs.

Which of the following is an accurate description of the exchange that took place between the Vedic people and the Indus Valley people? Vedic people adopted the agricultural skills of the people of South Asia and the South Asians adopted the newcomers' language. Vedic people adopted the local religious culture of the people of South Asia and the South Asians adopted iron working from the newcomers. Indus Valley people added beef to their diets and Vedic people relinquished their elaborate religious rituals. Indus Valley people found horse breeding to be a major source of wealth and Vedic people adopted the social structure of the Indus people.

Vedic people adopted the agricultural skills of the people of South Asia and the South Asians adopted the newcomers' language.

Which of the following were first domesticated in the Fertile Crescent? Wild barley and wheat Maize and beans Rice and millet Millet and sorghum

Wild barley and wheat

Which of the following was a political innovation of the territorial state? Clearly defined borders The creation of written taxation lists People identified themselves by ethnic group The abandonment of centralized power

clearly defined borders

Amenemhet I's elevation of the minor god Amun to prominence: angered the priestly class and caused a civil war that destroyed the Twelfth Dynasty. raised the standing of the merchant class, who had adopted Amun as their patron. contributed to greater unification of the kingdom and power for the pharaoh. was criticized after several poor rainy seasons led to drought conditions.

contributed to greater unification of the kingdom and power for the pharaoh.

Sargon the Great, in creating the first territorial state, relied heavily on: the might of Sumerian cavalry. negotiating a peace between the independent city-states of Sumer and Uruk. excluding foreign influence that might undermine his authority. earlier Mesopotamian innovations in irrigation, record-keeping, and urban development.

earlier Mesopotamian innovations in irrigation, record-keeping, and urban development.

In Aegean island culture, which of the following was an indigenous cultural element? Large palaces Worship focused on a female deity Dominant priestly class Large temple complexes

large temple complexes

What did engineers need to develop before the floodplain in Mesopotamia could become a breadbasket? Horse-drawn copper plows Sturdy defensive walls Monumental architecture such as temples Levees and canals

levees and canals

What was the adaptive advantage of bipedalism for early hominids? The ability to outrun predators The ability to migrate away from hostile environments The ability to climb trees The ability to see farther than other mammals

the ability to migrate away from hostile environments

As agricultural and pastoral societies became larger and more stratified, the rough gender egalitarianism of hunting and gathering societies eroded. True False


By 3500 BCE, most people in the world still lived as hunter-gatherers, nomads, or in small agricultural societies. True False


Which of the following characterized the contents of the Code of Hammurapi? The role of the priestly class to represent divine order Equal punishments for all social classes A clear relationship between crimes and the severity of punishments The role of the king as the kind but firm father figure

A clear relationship between crimes and the severity of punishments

What was a major consequence of the agricultural revolution? Greater diversity of plants and animals The extinction of hunter-gatherer societies A large increase in human population A wider variety of foods for humans

A large increase in human population

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