History Ch 13

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Why was the pope unable to grant Henry VIII of England the annulment he desired?

Because Charles V was in Rome, and the pope was his prisoner, and Charles was the nephew of Catherine and opposed the annulment

Why did France support the Protestant princes of Germany?

Because they did not want Charles to become even more powerful

In addition to reforming the church, the other, unrealized goal of the Council of Trent was what?

? it stipulated that for a marriage to be valid, the vows had to be made publicly before a priest and witnesses; therefore, it ended the practice of private marriages in Catholic countries, curtailing the number of denials and conflicts that inevitably resulted from marriages that took place in secret

Martin Luther's claim that the papacy was exploiting Germany appealed to whom?

German rulers

What was Martin Luther's doctrine of salvation?

"faith alone, grace alone, Scripture alone"; he believed that salvation and justification come through faith

What did Martin Luther believe the "church" consisted of?

A spiritual priesthood of all believers, an invisible fellowship not fixed in any place or person

Martin Luther supported the validity of which two Catholic sacraments?

Baptism and Eucharist

How did the closing of the monasteries and convents affect upper-class women?

Marriage became their only occupation

What fate did most people who were brought before the Inquisition and accused of witchcraft face?


Edict of Nantes

issued by Henry in 1598; it granted liberty of conscience and liberty of public worship to Huguenots in 150 fortified towns


French Calvinists that lived in major cities

What was Luther's view of celibacy?

He believed that it went against human nature and God's commandments and that marriage brought spiritual advantages and so was the ideal state for nearly all human beings

Why did John Calvin reject the idea of free will?

He believed that it would detract from the sovereignty of God

What was Martin Luther's first response to the Peasants' War before the fighting broke out?

He initially sided with the peasants, blasting the lords for robbing their subjects

Briefly describe the relationship between Holy Roman Emperor Charles V and Catholicism.

He was a vigorous defender of Catholicism

The dissolution of the English monasteries resulted from what?

Henry, Thomas Cromwell and Thomas Cranmer decided to dissolve the English monasteries because he wanted their wealth

How did Luther benefit from his appearance before the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms in 1521?

His appearance created an even broader audience for reform ideas, and others began to preach and publish against existing doctrines and practices of the church

What impact did the Peace of Augsburg have on the people of Germany?

It ended religious war in Germany

What new religious order for women emerged in the sixteenth century?

The Ursuline order of nuns

What characteristic of the Holy Roman Empire made it easy for Luther's reforms to spread rapidly?

The independent states; it was decentralized

What factor contributed to the success of Martin Luther's reform efforts?

The printing press, which rapidly reproduced and made known his ideas

Why did most ordinary Poles oppose the Lutheran reform movement?

They held strong anti-German feelings and a lot were staunchly Catholic

The Ursuline order of nuns focused on what?

the education of women


the eternal decree of God by which He has determined in himself, what he would have become of every individual


the opposition to clergy

How did the Calvinists understand the idea of work or labor?

they believed that any occupation could be a God-given "calling" and should be carried out with diligence and dedication

Briefly describe the Pilgrimage of Grace.

It was a massive rebellion that proved the most serious uprising in Tudor history

What was the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre and what were some of its consequences?

It was a savage Catholic attack on Calvinists in Paris; it led to a renewal of wars of religion which dragged on for decades

Briefly describe Lutheranism in Hungary.

It was spread by students who had studied at Wittenberg and sympathy for it developed at the royal court of King Louis II in Buda; but concern about German heresy by Catholic hierarchy found expression in a decree of the Hungarian Diet in 1523

Who was the most important second-generation Protestant reformer?

John Calvin

How was the choice to embrace or reject the Protestant reform movement made in each territory or region of the Holy Roman Empire?

Political and economic issues determined the course of Reformation in the western and northern Europe; ethnic factors proved divisive in eastern Europe

In religious affairs, Elizabeth I of England followed what policy?

She did not interfere with people's privately held beliefs; she said she did not "want to make windows into men's souls"

Why did Elizabeth I have her cousin and heir, Mary, Queen of Scots, executed?

She feared that because she was Catholic she would become the center of Catholic plots to overthrow her

What was the Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis?

Signed by France and Spain in 1559; it ended the long conflict known as the Habsburg-Valois wars


Society of Jesus; it was founded by Ignatius of Loyola; they played a powerful international role in strengthening Catholicism in Europe and spreading the faith around the world

Briefly describe Lutheran and Calvinist attitudes toward secular rulers.

They informed that Christians obey their secular rulers, whom they saw as divinely ordained to maintain order

The overriding goal of the Catholic religious orders established in the sixteenth century was what?

raising the moral and intellectual level of clergy and people

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