History Chapter 12
Prince Henry
led the way in sponsoring exploration for Portugal; his first navigators discovered and claimed the Madeira and Azores islands; he converted Africans who were mostly islam or tribal religions to christianity; wanted a link to Africa because they hada wealth of resources; wanted an easier way to reach asia; he gathered cartographers to explore the western coast of Africa
pardon sold by catholic church to reduce one's time in purgatory or even send you straight to heaven
Price Revolution
period in European history when inflation rose rapidly
Johann Tetzel
sold indulgences to any catholic who contributed money for the rebuilding of the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome; said whoever purchased his indulgences would gain automatic acceptance into Heaven
Isabella and Ferdinand
the king and queen of Spain who funded Columbus; sponsored him in hopes of regaining some of the economic wealth while also giving them an added level of prestige; they appealed to the Pope Alexander VI to claim their new world Columbus had found; the Pope made the line of demarcation
Thomas Cranmer
was appointed archbishop of the new church; annulled King Henry VIII's marriage.
Vasco de Gama
A Portugese sailor who was the first European to sail around southern Africa to the Indian Ocean; after a long journey he landed at the spice port Calicut, this was a very profitable journey; went back to the port several years later and forced treaty with the ruler of Calicut; he helped the Portuguese seize key ports around the Indian Ocean creating a trading empire
Protestant Reformation
A split in the church caused by corruption in the church
American born descendants of Spanish Settlers
Infant Baptism
Baptizing a baby right after they're born; any of the Protestant sects rejected this and became known as anabaptists
Francisco Pizarro
Conquered the Incas; looked for riches in Peru;
Treaty of Tordesillas
Document where the specific terms of the Line of Demarcation were agreed
During the time of the Commercial Revolution economies imposed these taxes on imported goods; they were designed to protect local industries from foreign competition by increasing the price of imported goods
Dutch Farmers who settled around Cape Town; later became calvinists
Dutch farmers around Cape Town who thought they were chosen by God to to live in Cape Town; they looked down at the Africans as inferior people
Economic system in which most businesses are privately owned
The Taino People
First people Columbus met; lived in villages and grew corn, yams, and cotton; they were friendly and generous with what they had toward the Spanish; accidentally offended the Spanish people by not worshiping Christian symbols; Columbus thought he was above the Taínos and claimed their land for Spain and took some of the people back to Spain as prisoners
Ferdinand Magellan
First to circumnavigate the globe; was killed in a battle in the spice islands; his entire trek took
Encomienda System
Forced Native Americans in mines and farms to do harsh work for free
Ignatius of Loyola
Founder of the Jesuits; Spanish knight who was raised a crusader; got hurt in battle and vowed to become a soldier of God;
Martin Luther
German theologian who led the Reformation; wrote the 95 thesis;
Charles I
Grandson of Ferdinand and Isabella became the king of Spain; changed his name to Charles V; he ruled two empires that were constantly fighting;
Thomas Cromwell
Helped Henry VIII break away from the Church
Christopher Columbus
Italian explorer who mistakenly discovered the Americas in 1492 while searching for a faster route to India; Portugal refused to sponsor him so he persuaded Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain to finance his voyage; in 1492 Columbus sailed west with 3 ships (la Nina, la pinta, la Santa Maria); when he landed in the Americas he thought he had landed in India and called the natives Indians; he went back to Spain a hero and went to his death certain that he found a new route to India while other explorers though he found a whole new continent
Prosecution in Italy
Jews in Italy were relatively okay, but pressure still remained strong to convert the Jews; they were ordered to live in separate lower class quarters of the city called the Ghetto
Members of the Society of Jesus; was founded by Ignatius of Loyola
People of African and European Descent
People of Native American and European descent
People who accept the risk of starting and running a business; they were the key to the success of capitalism
People who were born of Spanish Decent
Church in the Middle Ages
Popes were competing with Italian princes for political power; they fought long wars to protect Papal States against invasion; they plotted against powerful monarchs who tried to take the church lands; during this period the Church also increased fees for service such as marriage and baptism and even some clergy sold indulgences
Bartolomeu Dias
Portuguese explorer who rounded the tip of Africa; named the tip of Africa the Cape of Good Hope because it opened a sea route to Asia
Comercial Revolution
Prices began to rise in Europe which led to inflation
Council of Trent
Reaffirmed traditional Catholic teachings, forbade the sale of indulgences; happened because the Church realized all the backlash it was getting and decided to return to its original Catholic teachings
Protestant Sects
Religious groups that had broken away from an established Church
Representatives who ruled in Spanish name
Cape Town
South Africa; first settlement to supply ships sailing to or from the East Indies
Spain in the Philippines
Spain conquered the Philippines and named the islands after Spanish King Philip II; Spanish priests set out to convert the natives to Christianity; the Philippines became a key link to overseas trade for Spain;
Spanish Rule
Spain was determined to control its new empire; they set up the Council of Indies to pass laws for colonies; they also set up viceroys; Spanish monarchs would grant conquistadors encomiendas so they could use the system to force Native Americans to work under the most brutal conditions; those who resisted were hunted down and killed
Society in Colonial Spain
Spain was made up of different social classes; first was the Peninsulares, then the Creoles, and last the Mestizos and Mulattoes
Spanish conquerors; had advantages against the Native American people like guns, cannons, horses, and disease;
Hernan Cortes
Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs and conquered Mexico; was a land owner in Cuba;
King Henry VIII
Started the Anglican Church because he wasn't granted a divorce; started the reformation; had 6 wives because he wanted a son;
The English Reformation
The church underwent many splits because of political differences, rulers, and opposing ideas throughout Europe.
Columbian Exchange
The exchange of goods and ideas between Native Americans and Europeans; foods like corn and potatoes were brought to Europe from the Americas and were good for planting;
Sovereign Powers
The power to build armies, wage war, negotiate peace treaties, and govern overseas territory
The right to demand labor or tribute from Native Americans in a particular area; were granted to conquistadors; the first
Amerigo Vespucci
Was a sea captain who wrote a journal describing his voyage to Brazil; a German cartographer used Vespucci's descriptions to publish a map of the region and titled it America
Dutch East India Company
a trading company established by the Netherlands in 1602 to protect and expand its trade in Asia; had full sovereign powers;
The Northwest Passage
a water route through North America that would allow ships to sail from the Atlantic to the Pacific into India
an increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money
Teresa of Avila
began an order of nuns, reformed Spanish convents and monasteries
belief in the benefits of profitable trading; was aimed at strengthening their national economies
Line of Demarcation
boundary between Spanish and Portuguese territories in the New World; Spanish-West Side; Portugal-East Side