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How did the history of voting rights for Native Americans compare to African Americans and Asian Americans?

Many states denied Native Americans voting rights until 1947.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the experiences of women during the Civil War?

Many women on both sides experienced loosened restraints on traditional female activity.

Which of the following is true of Irish and Hispanic people in the civil war?

Most Irish fought for the Union and most Hispanics fought for the confederate

What was Oklahoma's role in the Civil War?

Oklahoma's proximity to Texas influenced local tribes to support the Confederacy.

What was the term that President Grant used to describe his Native American policy?

Peace policy

During the first half of the nineteenth century, which of the following was taking place?

People questioned the morality of slavery.

Which is true of the work regimen for escaped slaves or refugees in Union camps?

Refugees dug trenches to assist the Union war effort.

Which of the following is true of African Americans in Union refugee camps?

Refugees experienced disease, overcrowding, and dangerous conditions in the camps.

What was the significance of the Battle of the Alamo?

Santa Anna won a costly victory, but the intense fighting had turned the rebellion into a war for Texas independence.

What was a long-term idea that resulted from the outcome of Henrietta Wood's successful legal case in 1870?

Seeking restitution for unpaid work as slaves was possible

Why did many freed Blacks prefer sharecropping over working for wages during Reconstruction?

Sharecropping freed Black farmers from day-to-day White supervision of their lives.

Which of the following accurately describes Tejanos during the Civil War?

Tejanos often became Union soldiers during the war.

Which of the following arguments was used by Southerners to justify slavery?

The Black race was inferior and slavery was rooted in the Bible.

What was one of the major reasons why James Buchanan won the 1856 election?

The Democrats were the only remaining national party.

What were the most significant results of civil war

The war elevated the idea that the Union was indissoluble and the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment ended slavery in the United States.

Which of the following best describes the state of the Civil War in 1862, after two years of conflict?

The war in the East was a virtual deadlock.

Why did the working poor often favor expanding the number of public schools in the first half of the nineteenth century?

The working poor wanted free schools to give their children an equal chance to pursue the American dream.

Which of the following is true of the 1866 congressional elections during Johnson's presidency?

They gave Republicans veto-proof majorities.

What was one reason why immigrants largely supported the Union rather than the Confederacy during the Civil War?

They supported the Union because it provided extra food and cash bonuses.

Frontier camp meetings started in early 1800. Which of the following characterized these gatherings?

They were for the entire family

Why did the Spanish establish missions in California?

They were intended to serve as places of religious conversion and economic productivity.

During the Lincoln-Douglas debates, Lincoln insisted that Stephen Douglas was indifferent to the immorality of slavery.


Margaret Fuller edited the Dial, an experimental transcendentalist journal.


Members of the Donner Party engaged in cannibalism when stranded on their way to California.


Persecution of the Mormons caused them to flee to Great Salt Lake in Utah, which was then a part of Mexico.


The Freedmen's Bureau was the first federal experiment that provided assistance directly to people rather than to states.


The Union suffered a defeat at the First Battle of Bull Run.


The word teetotaler originated with one temperance society's use of the letter T to signify total abstinence.


many African Americans, the "first proof" of freedom was the ability to become educated.


Which of the following statements most accurately describes the main goal of the Union and Confederate leaders as the war started?

Union leaders wanted to restore the Union while Confederate leadership wanted to convince the Union and the world to recognize Confederate independence.

Who were the "carpetbaggers"?

Union veterans

Which of the following writers was perhaps the most controversial American writer of the nineteenth century, was a political activist, wrote excitedly about industrial development, and penned the controversial free-verse work Leaves of Grass?

Walt Whitman

The Republican party platform in 1860 supported a transcontinental railroad as well as

a higher protective tariff and free farms out west.

Which of the following best describes the Transcendental Club, which had its first meeting in the 1830s?

a loosely knit group of diverse, intellectually curious individualists who met to discuss philosophy, religion, and literature

Which of the following did the Liberty party advocate?


Supporters of the abolitionist Liberty party and northern Democrats joined the Free-Soil party, as did

anti-slavery northern Whigs

Which of the following caused the most deaths among soldiers during the Civil War?


A Treatise on Domestic Economy argued that men and women should share equally in completing the domestic work of the household.


Who advocated in the 1860s and 1870s for "soft-money," or paper, currency?

farmers and debtors

What happened when the votes were first counted in the 1876 presidential election?

no candidate had an Electoral College majority

Charles Finney successfully preached in Rochester, New York, during the winter of 1830-1831. Unlike camp meetings, he tended to attract what kinds of audiences?

prosperous higher-class groups

Which of the following was a task of the Freedmen's Bureau?

providing formerly enslaved African Americans with educational opportunities

John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry was intended to

provoke slave insurrections

Which of the following did Unitarianism stress?

reason and conscience

Lincoln won the election of 1860 by

sweeping the free states

Which of the following was a legacy of Republican state governments in the South after 1877?

the construction of railroads, roads, and bridges.

Which of the following was associated with the Second Great Awakening?

the popularity of camp meetings as a social outlet for isolated rural people

According to public education reforms, what was the main reason for creating a public education system?

to train and prepare children to become good citizens of the republic

The idea of popular sovereignty

would allow people in the territories to decide whether to permit slavery

Which Protestant denomination was grounded in biblical fundamentalism, stressed the equality of all before God, and had no authority higher than the congregation?


Which of the following happened after the end of Reconstruction?

Black civil rights crumbled as White rule solidified.

What was the outcome of the Battle of Seven Pines?

Both sides took heavy casualties in the battle and only the arrival of Federal reinforcements prevented a Union defeat.

What did Zachary Taylor propose in late 1849?

California's immediate entry as a free state

What was one of the most significant shifts in religion after the Revolution and into the nineteenth century, and how did this trend relate to political attitudes during the time?

Complementing their interest in having a say and exercising political rights, Americans experienced a theological revolution in which they began to see themselves as free agents who could choose salvation and thereby improve themselves and society.

Liberal Republicans were also known as

Conscience Republicans.

At midcentury, which of the following had a major impact on life in the United States?

Constant political conflict over slavery had led a growing number of people to decide the United States could no longer be a nation "half free and half slave."

Union and Confederate deserters during the war shared what common experience?

Deserters often left their units because of the rigors of combat.

Which of the following statements best describes African American soldiers in the Union army?

Despite receiving lower pay than Whites, they saw significant action and suffered heavy losses.

How did the Civil War begin?

Despite warnings that if the South were to fire first it would unite the public opinion of northerners against secessionists, Confederate artillery fired on Fort Sumter.

Who was the first Native American appointed as commissioner of Indian Affairs in 1869?

Ely Parker

Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation after the Battle of Fredericksburg.


Attempts to create official African American Methodist congregations largely failed because freed slaves feared discrimination.


Democrats generally favored "sound" or "hard" monetary policies.


Every state that allowed for legal slavery seceded from the Union in 1860 and 1861


John C. Calhoun argued that enslaved African Americans should be immediately emancipated because the moral costs of slavery far outweighed the economic costs.


Southern Democrats founded the Free-Soil party in support of slavery and free land for white settlers in lands conquered during the Mexican-American War.


The dispute over Oregon caused the outbreak of the Mexican-American War.


Throughout the war, Lincoln believed that African Americans and White Americans could peacefully coexist in a post-slavery society, and he was eager to use his constitutional authority to make that possible.


What event ended the Memphis race riot of 1866?

Federal troops arrived to quell the violence.

How did the Confederacy feed its people late in the war?

Food was homegrown and became outrageously expensive.

Which of the following Union victories turned the tide against the Confederacy in 1863?


The idea of "manifest destiny" claimed that

God sanctioned American expansion westward across the continent.

Why did President Grant not seek a third term in 1876?

He acknowledged that many Republicans had lost confidence in him.

Which of the following statements is true of Frederick Douglass?

He became the most famous man of color in the United States when he was a still legally a slave.

Which of the following statements accurately describes Zachary Taylor?

He had no political experience, but the Whigs recruited him as a candidate in part because he was a hero in the Mexican-American War.

How did President Johnson violate the Tenure of Office Act?

He tried to remove a cabinet member without the approval of the Senate.

Why was Preston Brooks regarded as a hero throughout the South?

He violently attacked Charles Sumner who had just given an anti-slavery speech in Congress.

In what way was Catharine Beecher's A Treatise on Domestic Economy profoundly influential in the first half of the nineteenth century?

It called upon women to accept their roles and promoted the idea that women should be trained not for the workplace but for the domestic arts.

Which of the following elements did the Compromise of 1850 include in its final version?

It confirmed the border between New Mexico and Texas and ended the slave trade, but not slavery, in Washington, D.C.

What was the result of John Brown's raid?

It created a martyr for the abolitionist cause and set off a panic throughout the slaveholding South.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the penitentiary established in 1816 in Auburn, New York?

It focused on the idea of rehabilitation in addition to punishment.

What was the result of the Fourteenth Amendment?

It guaranteed citizenship to freedmen and immigrant children born in the United States.

Which of the following is true of the Panic of 1857?

It illustrated President Buchanan's fundamental belief that the government should be non-interventional.

By the time President Grant took office in 1868, southern resistance to Reconstruction efforts could be characterized by which of the following statements?

It increased and turned violent with the rise of White supremacy.

Which of the following is true of transcendentalism?

It prioritized a personal journey of self-discovery.

Why did service in the Union army or navy benefit many freedmen?

It provided training in leadership

What was the significance of the Military Reconstruction Act?

It required new state constitutions and established military districts in the South.

What was the significance of the Battle of Antietam?

It revived Northern morale and ended Confederate hopes of gaining foreign alliances.

Why was the first Battle of Bull Run significant?

It showed that the war was not going to be won with a single battle, but rather only after a long and difficult struggle.

Why was the annexation of Texas popular in the South?

It would be entering the Union as a slave state.

What two national figures triggered a scandal in 1869 with their scheme to corner the gold market?

Jay Gould and James Fisk

What role did the religious views of prominent leaders, such as Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, come to play in the new nation?

Jefferson and Franklin were influenced by Deism, which viewed all people as being created equal in the eyes of God and promoted ideas of rationalism in the new nation.

In the election of 1856, who was the Republican party's first candidate to run for the presidency?

John Frémont

Which of the following accurately describes Civil War medicine?

Amputation was the common treatment for gunshot wounds to the arm or leg.

What was an outcome of the Lincoln-Douglas debates?

Answer Lincoln's eventual presidential prospects were bolstered.

What did the rise of Romanticism indicate?

A recognition of the limits of science and reason.

Which of the following is true of Black men and the Union navy during the Civil War?

About 25 percent of the Union navy was composed of African American sailors.

Among the opponents of the Mexican-American War was

Abraham Lincoln

Why did a race riot erupt in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1866?

African American military veterans clashed with local White police.

How did the Civil War impact western settlement?

Amid the sporadic fighting, western settlement slowed but did not stop.

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