History Mid-Term East Asia and Europe & Tokugawa Japan

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How did Japan's invasions on Korea affect China (Ming Dynasty)?

-China also suffered dire consequences -Fighting in Korea depleted the Ming coffers at a time when the empire was also battling peoples to the north. -When the emperor established a new tax to recover revenue, protests erupted in the provinces. -The invasion weekend the mIng dynasty and contributed to its fall. Manchus would be in possession of Beijing, China's capital

How did Japan's invasions on Korea affect Korea?

-It devastated Korea -The Korean ruling class of nobles laid claim to so much taxpaying land that royal revenues may have fallen by 2/3. -80% of the arable land was devastated -20% of the population was lost (either killed in the fighting or taken as slaves to Japan)


-Rose through the warrior ranks and eventually unified the country. -Planned to invade Korea in order to conquer China. -Wanted China.

What did the Jesuits help do?

-The Jesuits helped create maps in the European style as practical guides to newly conquered regions and as symbols of Qing dominance. - Brought forward new knowledge of anatomy -When Chinese emperor, Kangxi fell ill with malaria, the Jesuit medical treatment aided his recovery -Kangxi also ordered the creation of illustrated books in Manchu detailing European anatomical and pharmaceutical knowledge

The Imjin War

-the largest pre-twentieth-century conflict in East Asian history Japan changed in there different dimensions: internal and external military conflicts, political growth and strengthening, and expanded commercial and cultural contacts

What was the Forty-Seven Ronin?

A social crisis of Japan's transformation from a military to civil society. A senior minister provoked a young daimyo into drawing his sward at the shogun's court. For this offense the young lord was sentenced to commit seppuku, the ritual suicide of the samurai. His own followers became ronin, "masterless samurai," obliged by traditional code of the warrior to avenge their deceased master. They broke into the house of the senior minister and killed him and others in the household. Then they withdrew to a temple in Edo and notified the shogun of what that had done out of loyalty to their lord and to avenge his death. The shogun ruled that the ronin had to die but would be permitted to die honorably by committing seppuku.

Was Hideyoshi successful?

After 1593, the Chinese negotiated a peace with the Japanese, but after a short time Hideyoshi decided that the terms of peace were inadequate. His forces invaded again in 1597, employing brutal punitive measures as they advanced through Korean peninsula. However, many daimyo were losing interest in defeating China and hoped to secure a few provinces in South Korea for Japan. On Hideyoshi's deathbed he gave an order to withdraw all troops from Korea, an order that was followed.

Tokugawa Shogunate

After Hideyoshi's demise, the last of the three unifiers, Tokugawa Ieyasu, asserted his monition over the daimyo and in 1603 established anew military regime Known as the Tokugawa Shogunate.

What made political unification in Japan more achievable than in the great empire of China?

Along with its relatively homogenous population and natural boundaries, Japan's smaller size

Explain East Asian Porcelain or China?

Artisans in China, Korea, and Japan were all producing high0quality pottery with lustrous surface glazers. The best-quality pottery, intended for the homes of the wealthy and powerful. Imports soared once the Dutch established trading bases in East Asia. Europeans called the high-quality ware "China" or "Porcelain." Became popular

Why did China have an urgent demand for silver?

Because of changes in the Ming fiscal system that required taxes to be paid in cash

the Macartney mission

Britain became worried about its massive trade deficit with China. Britain bought from China, but China never really bought back. so that is when the British government dispatched Lord George Macarteny. Macartney water to establish diplomatic relations with the Qing Empire. When he got to China, he followed their customs. He refused to perform the kowtow. . The Qianlong emperor received Macatney, but refused to alter the Canton trading system or open new trade ports.

Along with trade came what?

Catholic missionaries accompanied the Portuguese and Spanish merchants to China

Who was helping Korea fight with Japan?


What proved to be a more important feature of Tokugawa Japan?

Economic integration because the shoguns required the daimyo to visit Edo frequently, good roads and maritime transport linked the city to the castle towns on three of Japan's four main islands. Commercial traffic developed along these routs.

In the 16 century who build thriving trade networks in East Asia?

European merchants

Why was Britain interested in China or the Qing Empire? (What commodity did China have?)

For their tea. British tea importers accumulated great fortunes. Tea competed with chocolate and coffee as a fashionable drink by the mid-1600s.

What was the result of the Tokugawa era's peacefulness?

Forced the warrior class to adapt to the growing bureaucratic needs of the state.


He saw renew economic, military and cultural achievement in China. Foreign Trade was encouraged.

What was the first trading port in China called and who was allowed to trade in it?

Macao and the Portuguese

Recovery for the Imjin War was hindered by ______ who took over the Ming Dynasty and made the new Qing Dynasty?

Manchu invasions

Who were the three unifiers?

Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa Ieyasu

What problems were there in the Ming Dynasty?

PROBLEMS that left the Ming Empire economically and politically exhausted. -Climate changes known as the Little Ice Age in the 17th century that effected China. Resulting in agricultural distress and famine filed large uprising that hastened the end of the Ming empire -Urban growth and business speculation that were part of burgeoning trading in the economy -Price inflation -Ming government pushed policies that hindered growth -Corruption in government -Economic depression

The Tokugawa era was:


What put a great strain on well-developed lands of central Japan?

Population groth

What were the problems within the Qing empire that led to its decline?

Population growth -Intensified demand for food Environmental Problems -Led to deforestation Social Problems -Rebellions broke out The Qing gov did not control its vast empire. It was twice the size of the Ming empire


Qing emperor. He oversaw the greatest expansion of the Qing empire. He saw renew economic, military and cultural achievement in China. Foreign Trade was encouraged

What kept the legitimacy of the Tokugawa shoguns.?

Rested on their ability to reward and protect the interest of the lords and samurai who had supported their rise to power.

How did the Chinese set restrictions on European trade?

Set trade restrictions so the Europeans could only trade at Canton.

What was named as a model confucian state?

The Chosen Korean Dynasty

What ended Japanese liking for Christians?

The Japanese engaged in regulated trade with Europeans, but rising suspicions caused the Tokugawa to restrict foreign contacts. Decrees issued banned Christianity and charged its adherents with seeking to overthrow true doctrine.

How did the Japanese initially feel about the Christians?

The Japanese welcomed but closely regulated traders from Portugal, Spain, and the Netherlands, and England. Moreover, Portuguese and Spanish merchant ships also brought Catholic missionaries. The responses on Christians were mixed, Many ordinary Japanese found the new faith deeply meaningful, but the Japanese elite more often opposed it as disruptive and foreign, yet Christianity was still on the rise

What led to the Jesuit presence in China to decline?

The Jesuits were big and the emperor agreed with them. However, other groups like Christians wanted the same representation as the Jesuits. Further dispute went on and Jesuit presence in China declined. Chinese emperors persecuted Christians rather than naming them to high office.

The ______ grew faster than the _____.

The economy grew faster than the population.

What did the Chinese doubt?

The importance of European trade and Christianity

What was the situation with the Jesuits?

The outstanding Jesuit of late Ming China, Matteo, was the leader of the Jesuits and became an expert in the Chinese language and an accomplished scholar of the Confucian classics. Under his leadership, the Jesuits adapted Catholicism to Chinese cultural traditions while introducing the Chinese to the latest science and technology from Europe

What also troubled the Tokugawa government in the 1700's

The shogunate's inability to stabilize rice prices and stop the economic decline of the samurai

What was the shogun thinking as a consequence of t the Forty- Seven Ronin?

There was a legal debate. To deny the righteousness of the ronin would be to deny samurai values. But to approve their actions would create a social chaos, undermine laws against murder and deny the shogun government the right to try cases of samurai violence.

Reasons for the fall of the Ming empire

internal rebellion and threats to the borders. Powerful Mongol federations in the north and west had long exerted pressure on the frontiers. By the 1700 large numbers of different groups started to threat frontiers -The Imjin War had prompted the Ming to seek assistance of Manchu troops that then became enemies after the war. A Manchu family headed the new Qing Empire and Manchu generals commanded the new

What was causing the economic decline of the samurai

rice brokers manipulating prices and interest rates to enrich themselves at the expense of the samurai, who had to convert their rice allotments to cash.

In more remote provinces ironically:

the rate of economic growth was significantly greater


traditional warriors who became merchants during this time period


warlords who control samurai and are loosely aligned with the shongunate and fought a lot


won a big daimyo civil war and became the leader of Japan; invaded Korea very aggressively; made it into Manchuria before his death 1606, when Japan abandoned his Korean mission; devastated Korea

Were Manchus a very small portion of the population?


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