History of Antisemitism

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Jews have been accused of things they were in no way responsible for centuries, including the medieval period. Jews themselves were blamed for the creation of the black plague that wiped out Europe, and people needed zero proof. This led to Jews being hunted in the streets and their houses being burned down. Jews were also accussed of creating Black racism by the NOI, they claim that the torrah promotes and teaches black rasicm and that the blueprint for Jewish success in America is reliant on Black slavery. they go on to say that the worst atrocities done during slavery and the Jim crow period were done bu the Jews Jews were also accused of being animals that sucked from the breast of a pig, and there are hundreds of depictions all over Europe of Jewish people sucking from a pig as if they themselves are smaller pigs. The biggest of the accusations is a Blood libel. Christians said that Jews needed to kill innocents to survive, just how they killed Jesus. Needed to replenish the blood that they lost in the alleged constant "menstruation". It was said that Jewish people sucked the blood of innocent children, William of Norwich was "Murdered by Jews" and became a saint in 1173, The Martyr of Norwich, which is just insane because he was not killed by Jews. The biggest accusation against the Jews, or the one with the most consequence, is that even though that the Jews made up less than one percent of the German population, they were blamed for having all of the power and skewing the economic system in their favor.

Accusations against the Jews

The first Crusades began in 1066:The time period being viewed as the first age of reason. Many people doubted the teachings and cosmology of christianity so the churches changed the teaches to be that Christians only had to believe. This created more hatred towards Jews because they were non-believers. Aquinas comes out with a book "Testimony of Faith", in it he says if you are capable of Reason then you must believe in Christianity, if they do not then they must not be humans, they are animals.

Antisemitism in the Crusade

German Catholics gave access to hereditary records of Jews. When the disabled and mentally ill started to be killed the Catholic church protested, but they allowed the Jews to suffer because they were cursed. If it was not for the hatred of Jews by Christians there would not have been a basis for the Holocaust to escalate to the point it did. The church could have saved a lot of Jews by not giving away church records, but they did not care to. They HELPED the Nazis, no matter how you look at this the Catholic church knowlingly helped the Nazis track down Jews for extermination. The Polish Catholics like to be seen as victims of the holocaust but they were also victimizers,they would see the Jews be completely destroyed. They would let Jews hide with them yes, but as soon as the Jews could no longer pay they would turn them in. After the war when Jews returned to Polan to reclaim their homes the polish murdered them in cold blood.

Christians role in the Holocaust

Freud identified the roots of displacement and projection and how they relate to antisemitism. Projection is when we want to do something but don't think others do, and then the Christians use displacement of hatred on the Jews when they are really mad at Christianity. They take all of the built-up frustration that comes with following their rules, and they use the Jews as a scapegoat for all of that hate. When they are mad they have to refrain from sex, it's the Jews they need to hate, why? Because the Jews align with Satan and they are both there to lead you away from God. Then he compared antisemitism with the family system. Also the idea that Jewish men are always bleeding, they menstruate just like women do, and they need to replace this blood so they drink it, this is also where blood libel comes from. The family system is the idea that God is the Father, Judaism is the older brother, and Christianity is the Younger brother. According to Primogeniture, the first born inherits everything. Jews get the inheritance of Gods love/afterlife and Christianity wants it. So Christianity decides to debase the older brother, Judaism, and prove that they are not deserving of the inheritance that is promised to them. This also relates to the way that Christians blame Jews for the killing of Jesus, they say Jesus is the embodiment of God (albeit not until the fourth century, so when the Jews allegedly kill Jesus, they are killing the father.

Psychological Roots of Antisemitism

Pagans had no real issues with the Jewish people of Judaism, in fact they got along well with the Jews, but did not wish to convert because of few differences. If there was a problem the Pagans had with the Jewish people, it was that they would not eat and sleep with them due to their religion, the Pagans thought the Jews thought they were just too good for them, after all they do call themselves Gods "chosen" people. This is a common misconception, when the Jews are are referred to as chosen, it is not them that is chosen, they were the ones who chose. The ten commandments that are very well known are not all there was, there are 613 commandments and the Jewish people chose this burden in order to live more obedient life. As for general confusions with the religion, the pagans did not like that God could not be seen or touched, which is why it was so much easier for them to convert to Christianity because of their physical embodiment of God in Jesus. Pagans never worried about hating the Jews but would actually grow to fear the Jews for their identification as a nation. Christians of course wanted to convert all the Pagans that they could, so they adapted whatever part of Judaism that attracted the Pagans and used it to turn them into Christians. A huge reason that Jews were seen as a threat to the romans was their promise of a physical kingdom. The romans did not like that because the romans were busy trying to take over the world, the Christians used that and turned it against the Jews. Claiming they were challenging the Roman empire, and of course the Christians slid under the radar because their kingdom was in heaven, and they never posed a threat to the Roman Empire. This would lead to the Romans destroying Jewish temples out of fear, and replacing them with Roman temples.

Response of the Pagan world to Judaism

It is unique for several reasons, largely because of its origin. Antisemitism is the result of the accused deicide of the Christian prophet Jesus Christ. This was fabricated in many ways because of the Christians needing to ensure their safety from Romans during the Roman empire. Them telling the Romans of their kingdom of Heaven was no large threat to the Roman empire, but the Jews have Israel, a tangible kingdom. This did not sit as well with the Romans. Christianity is rooted in Antisemitism. Another way that antisemitism is so unique is that it is the longest hatred in history. Spanning for thousands of years, even in the modern world where it is disguised as "AntiZionism", which means they are against the movement to establish the Jewish homeland as the state of Israel. Modern-day antisemites hide behind this and their claim to support a two-party solution when in reality it's just that they are Anti-Jew. Another unique quality of Anti-Semitism is the intensity of the hatred. Jews have always been systematically targeted no matter where they go, whether it was the Christian or Muslim world, Jews have been segregated, debased in public or both. Next is the overwhelming irrationality of antisemitism, Like mentioned This comes back to the false narrative that the Jews are responsible for the death of Jesus Christ. Other than that, Jews are blamed for communism, capitalism, AIDS, slavery, racism, homosexuality, and any other thing that someone may have disapproved when its obvious there is no way the Jews could have done these things. Jews are also hated for castration, antisemites see this as them cutting off the genitals of men, so that Jewish men never really are men. It is also unique in the fact that antisemitism still flourishes in lands that Jewish people are not even in, and lands they might never have been in. Enemies have come together due to the common denominator of antisemitism. Lastly, it is the only form of state-orchestrated incitement to hate, and incitement to genocide. It is not just whispered amongst the common man, it is yelled by world leaders.

Uniqueness of Antisemitism

On the surface level, without getting too deep into the hatred the Nazis had for the Jewish people, you can already tell differences between the Holocaust and other Genocides. Pregnant women were targeted, this is either because of the Nazis wanting to further the Aryan race or because the Jewish babies were not worthy of being born. Another is that the goal was the complete extermination of the Jewish people and their influence from the entire world, the Nazis wanted the Jews to be nothing but a distant memory. Most genocides focus on diminishing numbers of particular groups, but not like the Nazis did. To get more into the depth of the hatred, Even when the Nazis had labor shortages or needed skilled men, they would still exterminate the jews, even if it meant wasting the talents of someone who they truly needed. They would work the Jews nearly to death, let them rest so that they could work again, this way they could make them suffer. In a lot of ways this is the unique part of the holocaust, not only did the Nazis want to exterminate the Jews, but they wanted the Jews to suffer first, these people were not just sent to death camps to be killed, but to be tortured for being Jewish.

Uniqueness of the Holocaust

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