History Review 1

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92. During the Runaway Scrape, what challenged did General Sam Houston face? (three)

He was down to about 700 Texans and he ordered Major Wyly Martian and 46 men to delay Mexican Army

36. Who was James Long and what did he do?

(1793-1822), Expedition, 1819 (From Virginia) He established the boundary between U.S. and Spanish territory in North America. He was a merchant/physician and raised $500,000 and recruited military volunteers.

46. The Coahuila y Texas State Colonization Law of 1825 gave American immigrants access to cheap land for what specifics? (four)

1) A league (4,428.4 acres) for pasture 2) A labor (177.1 acres) for cultivation 3) Oath of allegiance to Mexican Federal Gov't and Coahuila y Texas State 4)Had to be Christian 5) Land acquired only through empresarios

28. What did Spanish missionaries force Indians to do? (three)

1) Attend Catholic Church 2) Work in the fields and take care of cattle stock 3) Learn the Spanish language

64. What were some of the many opinions on why the Texas Revolution took place? (four)

1) Civilians should have absolute authority over military 2) Anglo-American conspiracy 3) Cultural and ethnic differences 4) Failure of Mexico to establish a stable and democratic government

13. Why was the year 1492 significant regarding Spain? (three)

1) Estimated 54 million Native Americans lived in North America 2) Muslim Armies were defeated and driven out of Christian Spain 3) Columbus struck land

71. Why did Austin not have support of Texans and what was his mission when he left Texas? (two)

1) Many doubted where his true loyalties were 2) They refused to follow his orders, which forced a change

6. What were the specific cultural practices of most Native Americans in Texas? (five)

1) Men spent most of their time hunting, fishing and preparing for war 2) Virtually all believed in supernatural powers of healers or shaman 3) Family and kinship were the basis for social organization 4) Sharing responsibility for the training of children that began at a very early age

90. After the Battle of Coleto Creek, how was their confusion between Colonel Fannin and General Urrea? (two)

1) Mexican version - unconditional surrender 2) Texan version - of surrender their arms and keep private property

93. What is the significance of the "Whichway Tree?" (two)

1) North (left) Nacogdoches, Sabine River and Louisiana 2) South (right) Harrisburg - toward Mexican Army

47. In what ways did American settlers cause problems by not acclimating themselves to Mexican culture? (four)

1) Rejected Catholic Religion 2) Brought slaves, not "indentured servants" 3) Had racial bias against Tejanos and Mexicans, believing they were inferior

86. What happened on the final day at the Battle of the Alamo on March 6th, 1836? (three)

1) The Mexican Army attacked from four separate directions 2) The Alamo defenses were strong, but lacked enough men 3) Mexican soldiers were killed, but experienced soldiers followed with ladders

44. The Imperial Colonization Law of January, 1823 allowed 300 families to settle in Texas with what conditions? (three)

1) They must become Mexican citizens 2) The must become Catholic 3) Slave trade was not allowed

54. Texas Colonists, near Anahuac, made the Turtle Bayou Resolutions on June 13th, 1832, declaring what? (three)

1) They were not traitors to Mexico, rather Federalists 2) They claimed "constitutional rights" under Mexican Constitution of 1824 3) They disliked Bradburn and military rule over civilian authority

14. Spanish Conquistadores had what advantages when fighting against Native Americans? (four)

1) Weapons made out of iron 2) Steel swords and firearms (guns) 3) Explosives (cannons) and Armor 4) Horses and large greyhound dogs 5) Heavily armed oceangoing vessels

40. Who was Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna and what was he known for? (four)

1)He was president/dictator of Mexico eleven different times throughout his life. 2)He shifted his political allegiances when he believed it was in his interest to do so. 3) In 1835, he seized complete political power in Mexico through a military coup. 4) Brutal treatment and executions of prisoners of war.

35. Who was Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla and what did he do?

A creole parish priest wrote: Grito de Dolores. He led creoles, mesizos and Indians against peninsulares, who dominated New Spain

43. Who was Baron de Bastrop and what did he do?

Alcalde of San Antonio He endorsed Moses plan of colonizing Texas on Dec. 26th, 1820

87. Santa Anna chose who to be a part of his three-pronged movement through heart of Texas (three)

Antonio Gaona, José de Urrea, and Vincente Filisola

10. Which Indian Tribes used dugout tree trunks for canoes? (two)

Atakapa and Bidais

65. Where was the first military engagement during the Texas Revolution?

Battle of Gonzales

37. What was the significance of the American filibusters?

Brought attention to Texas, from Spanish, Mexican, and American officials.

8. Which Indian group resided in Texas for the longest period of time before the arrival of the Spanish?


2. What does Tejas mean?

Caddoan word means "friends" or "allies"

67. Who led 125 Texans in attack and capture of Goliad on the late night of October 9th and early morning of October 10th, 1835?

Captain George M. Collinsworth

41. What is best description of political views in Mexico during the 1820s and 1830s? (two)

Centralists (Conservatives): Mostly aristocratic, military leaders, and church officials Federalists (Liberals): Wished to distribute power among states

3. The word "Atakapa" is a Choctaw word that means what?

Choctaw word means "eaters of men"

63. Why did fighting break out between Mexican Dragoons and citizens of Gonzales on October 2nd, 1835?

Citizens resisted efforts to take back cannon that Mexican Army loaned them

59. Which of the several Northern Mexico States did Santa Anna decide to make an example of and he allowed what? (three)

Coahuila y Texas, San Luis Potosi, Queretaro, Durango, Guanajuato, Michoacan, Yucatan, Jalisco, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas and Zacatecas

76. Who made the assessment to fortify the Alamo with 21 cannon, making it formidable and defended Eastern Texas?

Col. James C. Neil

75. What was the significance of the question, "who will go with old Ben Milam into San Antonio" on December 5th, 1835?

Col. Milam convinced a 300 Texans to attack and take San Antonio

84. Who refused to fight and left before battle of the Alamo?

Col. Neill

12. Which Indian Tribe was known for being mounted warriors on horseback and a fearsome enemy?


5. Which tribe had a "warlike" culture and used "scalping" to prevent afterlife?


1. During the Historic Era, what were the Plains Indians in Texas? (four)

Comanche, Kiowa, Apache, and Tonkawa

7. What was the "American Triad" or the "Three Sisters"? (three)

Corn (maize), beans, and squash

33. What was the Neutral Ground Agreement?

Created an informal buffer region in disputed border area

34. In early Texas society, what was the name of Spanish people that were born in America?


52. American Federalists in Texas were angry with Mexico, leading the "War Party" to do what?

Enforce customs duties, stop smuggling and prevent illegal American immigration

23. Before changing the name to Mission San Francisco de los Tejas in 1716, who established the first Spanish mission in Texas in 1690?

Father Damien Massanet

97. Why did Santa Anna order a "siesta" on April 21st, 1836?

General Cos arrived with 540 men and was over confident

79. On February 18th, 1836, who did Santa Anna order to take southern, Atascosito Rd and was most competent officer in Mexican Army?

General Jose de Urrea

96. What almost led to a general engagement that angered General Houston on the afternoon of April 20th, 1836?

General Sherman acted on his own and it angered General Houston

62. In 1829, who founded the first newspaper in Texas, the Texas Gazette?

Godwin B. Cotton

49. Which empresario gained a grant in April, 1825, which led to 400 families settling between the Guadalupe and Lavaca Rivers?

Green DeWitt

39. In 1824, who was the revolutionary that originally followed Father Hidalgo, but later supported Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna's plan de Casa Mata, becoming the first president of the Republic of Mexico?

Guadalupe Victoria

73. Who was Jose Mexia and what did he do?

He claimed to be a Federalist and sought to prevent Santa Anna from staying a dictator The plan was to invade and capture Tampico, Mexico

89. What is the best way to describe Colonel James W. Fannin's leadership? (two)

He feared exhaustion of his men and animals

21. How did Rene Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle end up in Texas?

He got lost on his way to the mouth of the Mississippi River and ended up in Matagorda Bay instead, which was 400 miles further west

58. In 1835, how did Santa Anna become dictator of Mexico? (three)

He had the support of Centralists, Catholics and Military in Mexico

17. Who was Estevan and what did he do? (four)

He was a slave while being a member of Cabeza de Vaca's expedition

81. What did Juan N. Sequin do during siege of the Alamo?

He went to Washington-on-the-Brazos, where Gen. Houston was

66. On September 18th, 1835, General Martin Perfecto de Cos landed with 300 men, at Copano Bay, announcing what intentions? (two)

He would punish rebellious Texans and drive out all Americans

51. What did the Mexican National Immigration Law of 1830, also known as the Law of April 6, 1830, intend to do?

Intended to stop the American immigration from the United States

45. Who represented Texas at the Constitution Convention, in Mexico City, when the Mexican Federal Constitution of 1824 was ratified?

Juan Maria Erasmo Seguin

9. Which Indian Tribe resided in what is now West Texas?


31. In 1779, the "Old Stone Fort" was built in which of the four permanent settlements in Texas?


11. Which Indian Tribe used longbows, which were as tall as the men, which fired further and when more force?


22. Which Native American tribe destroyed Sieur de la Salle's Fort Saint Louis?


4. What was Sun Dance and which tribe did it?

Kiowa; Celebrated the return of Buffalo to the hunting grounds.

24. Which French trader led an expedition into eastern Texas, opening trade with the Caddo tribes before getting arrested by Spanish?

Louis Juchereau de Saint- Denis

91. When did Colonel Portilla carry out Santa Anna's order of execution for Goliad prisoners, known as the Goliad Massacre?

March 27th 1836

48. What was the significance of the Fredonian Rebellion?

Mexican Government felt Americans were up to no good. They believed they were plotting to steal Texas away.

69. On October 28th, 1835, where did Colonels James Bowie and James W. Fannin disobey what specific Stephen F. Austin order?

Mission Conception

29. Where was the only Spanish mission destroyed by an Indian attack, in Texas?

Mission Santa Cruz de San Saba

15. Who was the Aztec King that welcomed the Spanish into Tenochtitlan in November, 1519?


42. Who received the first Spanish empresario grant allowed American settlers to move into Texas?


74. Why was the battle fought in the afternoon of November 26th, 1835, become known as the "grass fight"?

No gold found, instead, just grass

19. Why were the De Soto and Moscoso expeditions considered to be failures?

No gold was found

26. In 1722, what did Marquis de San Miguel de Aguayo accomplish following an incursion into Eastern Texas by the French in 1719?

Ordered all missionaries to withdraw from East Texas

32. Who was the first American filibuster, an adventurer trying to incite revolutions in Latin American States, in Texas?

Philip Nolan

100. By end of 1836, Santa Anna met with whom and he ended up fulfilling what promises?

President Andrew Jackson but did not fulfill his promises

56. Who ruled that the Convention of 1832, held on October 1st, 1832 in San Felipe de Austin, was unauthorized and illegal?

Ramon Musquiz

95. Who was leader of independence movement, twice appointed commander in chief of Texas Army and attended convention that wrote Declaration of Independence?

Sam Houston

83. Why did Santa Anna's senior officers want to wait on attacking the Alamo until two 12-pound siege cannons arriving on March 7th?

Santa Anna wanted battle, no matter the cost to his soldiers

68. As General Cos was fortifying positions in San Antonio, who did the Texans elect as commander to lead the "Army of the People"?

Stephen F. Austin

30. Who did Spanish King Charles III appoint to inspect northern frontier in New Spain, which led to a 1768 report?

Teodoro de Croix

72. What was the significance of the Battle of Nueces Crossing, which took place on November 4th, 1835?

Texans repulsed Mexican soldiers and won battle

98. What is the most important result of Sam Houston leading the Texans to victory at the Battle of San Jacinto on April 21st, 1836?

Texas gained Independence from Mexico

25. In 1718, where was the important Spanish mission, the Alamo, along with a presidio, established?

The Alamo

77. In late December, 1835, why do historians think Santa Anna should have taken the southern road?

it would've led straight to Austin's colonies

70. On January 10th, 1836, why did General Council impeach Henry Smith and who did they replace him with? (two)

The General Council was chaotic and quickly collapsed

80. What was the significance of the San Patricio and Agua Dulce Creek Battles?

The Matamoros Campaign came to an end

85. Where was Davy Crockett and his men located when the Alamo fell?

The South wall

60. During the Mexican Texas Society time period, many shortages in goods led to what?

They made their own clothing, blankets, shoes and boots

88. After the lost Battle of Refugio, what was the ultimate end for Lt. Col. Ward and Captain King and their men?

They were sent to Goliad and executed

27. Why did Spanish authorities prefer missions as an institution for settlement in Texas?

They were used to convert Native Americans to Catholicism

82. On March 2nd, 1836, where were the Texas delegates and what did they do?

They wrote the Declaration of Independence and Constitution for the Republic of Texas

99. In exchange for his life, the Treaties of Velasco was signed by Santa Anna on May 14th, 1836, which included what? (two)

one for publication and the other confidential

38. What was the name of the treaty that acknowledged the independence of Mexico from Spain?

Treaty of Cordova

57. In January, 1834, why did President Santa Anna have Stephen F. Austin arrested in Saltillo?

Under suspicion of trying to incite an insurrection

55. On June 26th, 1832, where did the first military action of undeclared Texas Revolution take place?

Velasco Presidio

50. Who persuaded Mexican Gov't to exempt Texas and call slavery, instead, 'permanent indentured servitude'?

Vincente Guerrero

53. Who was it that came to Texas in May, 1831, from Alabama due to mounting debt because they saw an opportunity?

William B. Travis

78. With William Barret Travis and James Bowie only having contempt and a personal dislike for each other, what was their compromise?

share command

94. Who or what were the "Twin Sisters" and when did they arrive?

two 6-pound cannons and arrived April 21st, 1836

16. In 1519, which Spanish explorer led expedition that mapped Texas Gulf Coast, between Florida and southern coast of Mexico?

Álvarez de Pineda

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