Home Sweet Home - Training & Getting Started

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How Loan Officers and Agents LOSE $3,000 Over-and-Over Again

"Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity." - Anonymous Many times mortgage loan officers and real estate agents come across a lot of borrowers and buyers who want to buy a home. And, if you're lucky, you could become very, very busy. In fact, with 2020 rates having fallen so low, many people are rushing to buy and refinance. Good problem to have, right? For sure! No doubt it's even better to have so much business you can barely keep up the pace to close. Of course, sometimes we end up working so frantically, we miss opportunities. Furthermore, it costs us money. A FORTUNE! "I don't have time! I'm too busy to make more money!" Crazy! It's been said, "a good businessman never leaves money on the table." No doubt, this is always the case. But, there are some people who miss opportunities simply because it costs a very small investment of time to close more business. Many loan officers and real estate agents think they are "too busy" to make more money. Nothing could be further from the truth. "Buying back time using money comes down to changing how you view both realities. The quickest way to buy back more time is to invest your money so it creates more money, thus giving you more time you can purchase." - Medium.com If you could make (or save) several loans from being declined - at approximately a $3,000 commission - why not? This is the reason why Home Sweet Home exists. It's why the Home Ownership Program was designed to help your borrowers qualify for home loan financing. Unlike most credit repair companies, our strategies are in depth, very unique and powerful. This includes the use of ID theft affidavits; correspondence disputation with references to the FCRA, FDCPA, etc; settlements with deletion clauses; DTI and credit use ratio manipulation; as well as an attorney referral strategy if needed and more. Additionally, whenever you refer paying borrower-buyers to Home Sweet Home, as a loan officer or real estate agent, you'll earn some amazing benefits. Sometimes, it makes sense to use the help you've already got. Indeed, if you are already paying them, why not use their help? A front desk person or mortgage processor can refer these borrowers/buyers if you don't have time. If you can't get their help - because the owner controls their duties - we suggest using the real estate agents you are already using and have them make the referrals to Home Sweet Home. Credit Score Stats - One in five Americans aged 20-29 don't know their credit scores. More than 29.8% of Americans have a credit score of 680 or higher. 42.5% of America's youth earning $49,999 or less per year have a credit score of 639 or lower, with only 24.6% reaching a score over 680. Sep 4, 2020 - Fortunly.com Did you know, in most cases, there are only 5 or less issues that keep borrowers from loan approval? Additionally, FICO scores may only require less than a 50 point increase for loan qualification. The Home Ownership Program can help borrowers make the necessary credit changes so you can get more loans approved up to 4X FASTER! More loan officers and real estate agents lose approximately $3,000 in commissions on average. Why? They don't know the Home Ownership Program exists OR they don't make time to save more transactions. Most of the time, many loan qualifications could have been saved with a little bit of effort simply by referring them to Home Sweet Home to get them home loan qualified. Stop losing commissions needlessly. Work with your real estate agent (or spouse) to refer over your declined applicants so you can SAVE more commissions. Imagine if you saved 3 commissions per month for 3 years (based on the estimated $3,000 commission). You will have saved $324,000 in commissions. Isn't that amount of money worth the extra effort? Home Sweet Home Referral Exchange Network (636) 209-HOME (4663) www.HomeSweetHome500.com © 2020 Home Sweet Home - All Rights Reserved.

How to Send Referrals to Home Sweet Home - 4 Ways To Make Sending Referrals EASY!

***NOTE ON LINKS**** All the links embedded are BLUE in color and have been placed in this document. Also, all links work properly (even though the cursor does not change into a "hand" icon when hovering over the links). Simply click on the blue link and then click on whatever "appears" after clicking on the embedded link. Inform your referrals about HSH correctly BEFORE you refer them. They trust you because they already have a rapport & relationship with you. This is KEY in them signing up. FOR BEST RESULTS SIGN THEM UP YOURSELF! Make A Short Video A short video allows you to send the same message over and over which saves you a ton of time rather than trying to reach people and leaving voicemails. Include our Sign-Up link. You can send it via text, email, or both. Make sure you follow up with a phone call to make sure they received it. Your referrals need to hear DIRECTLY from you and see your passion in the video on how you want to help them. They TRUST you and already have a relationship with you. They will be excited knowing they qualify for a Home Ownership Program. So, use your professional position as a real estate pro to increase the odds of them enrolling. Also, make sure you send us their contact info (just in case they don't sign up). Simply click on the "Send Client Referrals" page. "I know you didn't qualify for home loan financing, but I do have good news. You qualify for the Home Ownership Program provided by Home Sweet Home. Their website is www.HomeSweetHome500.com - again, that's www.HomeSweetHome500.com. This program can help you get loan approval. The staff at Home Sweet Home have professional lending and real estate experience. This is not a credit repair or debt settlement company - they are financial advisors specializing in assisting people with improving their credit and becoming homeowners. They can help with late payments, collections, ID theft, and much more. In most cases, HSH can help people get loan-ready within 30-90 days. Please contact them immediately after watching this video. DO NOT WAIT! I included a link along with this message so you can sign up on the Sign Up page. The cost is only $600, a small price to pay to own a home and enjoy the benefits of improved credit. You can't afford not to! When you are done completing their program, just come back to me so I can finalize your real estate transaction. Thanks for watching. Send A Text Congrats you're approved for the Home Ownership Program so you can get a home loan in the near future! I sent you a video/email with details. Check spam. Sign up here: https://homesweethome500.com/house-buying-program/ Send An Email (Copy & Paste) EMAIL SUBJECT BAR: Congratulations! You're Approved for the Home Ownership Program! 🡇🡇🡇🡇THIS IS THE BODY OF YOUR EMAIL🡇🡇🡇🡇 Congratulations! You are approved for the Home Ownership Program (VIDEO) via Home Sweet Home. These financial professionals can help you become loan-ready to BUY A HOME. They have years of lending and real estate experience. Whatever issues need to be resolved can be overcome with this company's help. See the Dare to Compare document HERE to get a full idea of how they can help you. I would like to see you obtain a mortgage loan soon with my assistance. So, please enroll in their Home Ownership Program ASAP. Again, this program will help you become loan-ready and is worth every penny! Please Sign Up HERE for the Home Ownership Program - CLICK HERE. Contact me either via phone or email and let me know you've signed up with Home Sweet Home. Once you become loan-ready, I can structure the transaction for you. Any questions, please contact me. (INSERT YOUR CONTACT INFO HERE) Follow Up With Phone Call (to Verify Message Was Received) "Did you get the text/email I just sent you? Check SPAM. Final Tips Obviously, you have an established rapport with your buyer-borrower whereas, we don't. HSH HIGHLY recommends you take the time to SIGN UP your Referrals - either in person while you are meeting with them or over the phone. In this way, you know it gets done! People procrastinate. In the event, you can't make a Sign-Up happen immediately, go ahead and use all 3 communication tools provided (Video, text & email using the templates we provided). Also, make sure you send HSH your Customer Contact Info "Send Client Referrals" HERE. Doing so gives HSH staff an opportunity to contact your referrals to assist you in getting them signed up in case they procrastinate or forget to sign up.

"What opportunity were they talking about at the end of the video?"

PPLSI is a business that fits perfectly for people in real estate and a wonderful way to supplement your income. Would you like me to send you a video explaining the details? What is your email? Verify they received it.

SIGN-UP Borrowers Yourself

Sign Up - "YOU CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO DO THIS!" IMPORTANT: SIGN UP NOW & PAY LATER... HSH will start work on your file before payment is made. HSH does a FREE consultation including a thorough review of your credit report & setting up a gameplan for you to get loan-ready as soon possible. Payment is not processed until these & other tasks are completed. Normal completion timeframe is 14 days.

Dare to Compare! Home Loan Qualification Services: What Makes Home Sweet Home the Better Choice?

So, when's the last time you noted a credit repair company do these kinds of things?

Send this flyer ONLY to Brokers/Owners or Managers.

Designated Person - MAX Your Referral VoIume Flyer - (Broker/Owner ONLY) [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D1SV6-2BjXVg9xPweu2eJrfKadS8L3jIj9DLLtqlbtU/edit]

We Show Our Network Members How to CLOSE MORE Volume than EVER - It's All About COMMUNICATION!

A SUCCESSFUL referral exchange network is based on COMMUNICATION - returning calls, emails and text messages. It's common courtesy and professionalism. A referral exchange network cannot be successful without sound, and constant communication. WE TEACH YOU HOW TO CONVERT DOZENS OF DECLINED BORROWERS INTO VIABLE CLOSED TRANSACTIONS using this POWERFUL closing system:

Making a Referral Exchange Network Successful

A successful referral network is about sending and receiving WELL-INFORMED and PRE-SOLD referrals. It's super important to make sure referrals know who we are and what we do. It's up to you to INFORM the referral! Here are some important facts as to why it's important to PRE-SELL your referrals BEFORE you send them to Home Sweet Home: Referred people are 4X more likely to buy when referred by a friend or professional they trust. 92% of respondents trusted referrals from the people they know. 82% of consumers seek referrals from people they know. Referrals who are NOT informed and pre-sold by the sender as to why they are being referred to a 3rd party service provider NEVER buys. Here are some other amazing facts about how referrals can work to an agent's or loan officer's advantage:

AE Follow-Up Sheet [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1smLwah777pXgvN_yy1UsLdI8BqqjqaE8JP_OlUg2_xo/edit]

AE Follow-Up Sheet Name of Network Member: _________________________________________________________________ Name of Company/Location: ________________________________________________________________ Phone / Email: __________________________________________________________________________ Please indicate Position (Owner/Broker, Manager, Realtor, Loan Officer, Other): ______________________ Date: __________________ ASK Network Member: Did you get the Welcome email we sent to you? Please check your inbox and spam folder. ____Yes / No ____ If No, confirm correct email & resend: ___________________________________ Consider using a "Designated Person" (They are primarily used by Brokers/Owners). You can offer them an incentive - say $100 per transaction - or bonus based on the number of saved deals (with Broker/Owner approval to comply with RESPA rules). Explain the importance of keeping this pay quiet with other staff. Make sure they assign a hungry motivated go-getter! Not someone lazy or who doesn't want extra income. Persons to consider: Mortgage Processor, Front desk person, Trusted Agent or Office Manager. Name of Designated Person: Person Responsible for Gathering customers to either SIGN UP or Refer over to HSH via "Send Client Referrals" page. Name of Designated Person (First, Last): _________________________________________________ Email & Phone #: ___________________________________________________________________ What is their relationship to the Broker/Owner? _____________________________________ Is this person going to be helping just the Network Member or covering the entire office/company? Please Explain: __________________________________________________________________________________ WHAT DAY of the week will the designated person gather up their customers? There needs to be a game plan strategy established. DAY OF THE WEEK: ___________________

More About the A.E. Position

Account Executive Position A computer or tablet, internet access, email, phone & voicemail are required to run your HSH business. If visiting offices, professional dress is required. Account Executives should be motivated and self-starters. The best way to build your business is "In-Person," but we recommend using platforms such as Skype or Zoom if that is not possible. The A.E. position also pays a residual income on HSH network member referrals.

Why Loan Officers & Real Estate Agents Choose HSH

Again, this is financial planning at it's best - which 'smokes' credit repair altogether. Having a financial adviser to help plan is key to financial success. After all, you've heard the old saying, "failing to plan is planning to fail'... SPEED! Our Service is far superior than typical 'Credit Repair' - No Monthly fees. Loan-Ready in 30-90 days in most cases. Referrals Guaranteed to Be RETURNED to Agents & Loan Officers to CLOSE MORE Transactions (It's part of the Network Member Agreement T&C) Web Portal - Network Members who send referrals are eligible to receive a no-cost WEB PORTAL to track their borrower's progress Former Loan Officer & Real Estate Experience - A BIG PLUS! Understanding of underwriting process (DO, DU, LP, and Rapid Rescore) Sending letters to the credit bureaus is usually not effective & only used as a last resort. HSH teaches our clients to work directly with their creditors, which often provides much better results. We teach clients how to create a legal paper trail which give them tremendous leverage.

America's Best Home Loan Preparation Service! "Helping Your Borrowers Get Loan-Ready!" - Step 1: Watch 6-Minute Video & Review Flyer:

Agents, Loan Officers! CLOSE 4X Faster! 2022 (VIDEO LINK) [https://youtu.be/AfRivM9KfDs] Loan Officers Agents Dare to Compare.pdf [https://drive.google.com/file/d/193Ff40tWc3Gv4xe7XPPCkTtjWnpEmfm_/view?usp=sharing]

Pre-Selling Referrals Is A MUST!

As an Account Executive, the MOST IMPORTANT part of your job will be teaching your Network Members how to PRE-SELL their referrals. ALL Network Members should Pre-Sell their clients before sending them to Home Sweet Home. If they do NOT pre-sell their referrals - the referrals may not sign up for the Home Ownership Program. These referrals ABSOLUTELY MUST understand who Home Sweet Home is and what we do. Network Members should SIGN UP their customers while at their office or on the phone to ensure it gets done for the best sign-up conversion rates.

MAX Your Referral Volume Via The Home Sweet Home Referral Exchange Network

Assigning a Designated Person Appoint someone in your office to gather turndowns to refer over to HSH and/or sign up these people for the Home Ownership Program. Make sure you choose someone who is a hungry motivated go-getter! Not someone who is lazy or doesn't want extra income. Persons to consider: Mortgage Processor, Front Desk Person, Office Manager or Trusted Agent. Broker/Owner approval is required. You must make sure the Broker/Owner is aware & approves to comply with RESPA rules. Why use a Designated Person to boost volume? A designated person can oversee all the turndowns rather than risk salespeople allowing deals to slip through the cracks. Sometimes people get busy, sidetracked, or even forget. As long-term interest rates rise, this Referral Volume System allows your company to remain solvent and profitable via a continuous pipeline flow. Reduce staff turnover. The sales team is more likely to remain employed with the company because additional compensation can be earned for enrolling and saving transactions that may not have otherwise closed (as a bonus). MAX Your Referral Volume & Income - The Power of Numbers! Let's say you run a mortgage or real estate company with 50 salespeople. You appoint someone in your office to gather your turndowns to refer to HSH. If those 50 people send just 2 declined borrowers to HSH per month, and just half of them become loan-ready you would close 50 loans. As an option, you pay that Designated Person whatever you think is fair for their efforts. In this case, if you paid them $100 on each closing, they would earn $5,000 a month. Just for saving those transactions: The company would generate an ADDITIONAL monthly income of $200,000 50 salespeople x 2 referrals monthly = 100 referrals x 50% conversion rate = 50 saved transactions x average commission of $4,000 = $200,000. The key to making this work is the How to Send Referrals to HSH System - CLICK HERE ALWAYS REMEMBER, THE MARKET GOES UP & DOWN. This program allows you to continuously produce customers when the market changes. Thank you for choosing Home Sweet Home!

"All my customers have good credit."

Congrats! You are in a good spot. I am sure you earned that with hard work. Most agents and loan officers are not that fortunate and getting turndowns is something they deal with sometimes. Do you have any co-workers who could use our help?

Recruiting Real Estate Agents & Loan Officers

Contact agents and loan officers you already know. Introduce them to HSH and also ask for help. Many times, they can refer you to more real estate people. Beyond that, you can email agents & loan officers and then make a follow-up call to recruit them. It is essential to get real estate agents to "team up" with their loan officers to refer their near-miss and declined borrowers. Try to work with mortgage and real estate company owners and their office managers FIRST, as this is the best strategy to get the whole office on board which is your ultimate goal. The HSH process works much better when both the loan officer & agent are on board and on the same page. Eventually, your goal would be to get BOTH of their offices (to funnel ALL the declined borrowers from those offices) to Home Sweet Home. There are 3 million real estate agents, and they outnumber loan officers by a large margin. When agents register in our Referral Exchange Network, they usually list their loan officer contact info on the online sign-up form. Doing so makes it easier for you to contact the loan officer as you will have a mutual connection with the agent. Asking the agent to introduce you to their loan officers can help tremendously. Home Sweet Home needs to communicate with the agent's loan officers anyway to inform them of their customers' progress. Your overall goal is to get the loan officers signed up in the Referral Exchange Network. Loan officers can send FAR MORE referrals than one real estate agent because they already work with credit reports and multiple agents. In 2019 there were 1,335,000 turndowns in the United States. This number does not include the millions of people who never even tried to apply for a loan because they already knew they had bad credit. Agents & Loan Officers screen many of these borrowers before applying for a home loan.

Business Building Tools: Step 1 - Send Email to Agent/Broker/Loan Officers/Recruiting Network Members' Email

Email Subject Line: New Customers! Good Morning/Afternoon __________, I'm reaching out to see if you would like to network with me for mutual benefit. We recently expanded to the _[city]___ area and would love to discuss our highest recession-proofing business model. Home Sweet Home is a loan preparation company which operates in all 50 states and is already working with some of the largest lenders and real estate companies in the United States. Companies such as Success Lending, eXp Realty, Keller Williams, REMAX, and many more! We help non-qualifying borrowers get loan-ready within 30-90 days via our Home Ownership Program. Our focus is to provide financial advice and credit planning with a client one-time fee (no recurring monthly fees). In fact, we have had many lenders state that our program is the best in the industry - bar none. There are never any fees to join or maintain affiliation with Home Sweet Home. Our model is designed to adapt for the market always going up and down. As an agent/broker/loan officer, this program allows you to continuously produce customers despite market changes. Here is a quick PowerPoint Slide presentation used to introduce HSH to Real Estate Brokers and Mortgage Companies. Feel free to share this with your team. Perhaps once a month, or whenever you have large meetings. Welcome to HSH Slide Preparation [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ORjyzi100cRbPMeGWcbny5vUmragOHrw2OwErU23W0o/edit#slide=id.p] Network Members Flyer [Getting Started - Steps 1, 2, 3] [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b7UTvZa07UqS_bto3WDkQqUfSTiAVzFk2m8K1wpY4OQ/edit#heading=h.ne70mobqwrwz] Would love to connect over a quick call, is there a particular day and time over the next week that works best for you? In the meantime, please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Looking forward to hearing from you! Respectfully with positive vibes, - Laura _____ Laura M. Johnson Account Executive - Home Sweet Home (609) 605-8007 [email protected] HomeSweetHome500.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauramjohnson1111/

Step #3: Make a Follow Up Call. Fortune is in the Follow Up!

Follow-Up Call: Hi, it's (your name). I was calling to make sure you got my email. Check Spam. What are you doing with your "turndowns"? Important Notes: 1st Phase - Get them registered (free). Do this while you have them on the phone. It only takes 2 minutes. Always list the loan officer's name on the registration. The loan officer is the key and without them, this system does not work. 2nd Phase - Get them ACTIVELY REFERRING BORROWERS. Use the "Designated Person" to generate much more volume. Teach them How to Send Referrals to HSH System. Let us know if you need any help setting up your first few accounts. We can help to "recruit" new network members by using Zoom or 3-way calls. It's always best to find out upfront if they are using anyone for credit repair "competitor" so we are better prepared.

Awesome Network Benefits

Home Sweet Home has an Advertising Benefit Explanation Flyer which explains this very valuable referral reward.

HSH Presentation (Talking Points)

HSH Presentation Talking Points (Zoom/Call) We do business in all 50 states We offer a complete Loan Preparation Service - NOT a typical extremely limited Credit Repair program Our program is Educational Based - We educate clients how to correctly get results by working with creditors and NOT just sending letters to credit bureaus. Loan-Ready generally within 30-90 days We use consumer protection attorneys who exercise your legal rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act We offer a true Home Ownership Program (which includes Financial, Real Estate & Credit Advice) Our staff is made up of former Loan Officers, Real Estate Brokers, Financial Planners with many years of Experience. Our competitors lack this critical experience or have none at all. $600 flat fee - NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS! No Set-Up fees, Per item fees, etc... (Monthly payments will drag out the process so they make more money). Affordable Payments available (if needed). Online Portal to track progress in REAL-TIME Familiar with Underwriting Procedures (such as DO, DU, LP, and Rapid Rescore) Debt-to-Income ("DTI") and Credit Use Ratios Readjustment Complete Credit Report Analysis - (NOT just line-item entries) Credit Re-establishment - HSH offers guaranteed approval of credit cards via our website. Re-Establishing credit is critical to raising scores & improving credit, even more important than repair. Collection/Charge Off Mitigation / Judgment Mitigation Top Ranked ID Theft Plans Offered (includes credit monitoring) Affordable Legal Assistance (Separate Stand-Alone Plan) Retirement / Insurance / Estate Planning Assessments Ongoing Financial Prosperity Advising Subscription $9.95 / month

HSH Slide Presentation: Welcome to Home Sweet Home

Helping Borrowers with Home Loan Qualification via Financial & Credit Planning

Home Sweet Home - Loan Preparation Not Your Typical "Credit Repair"...

Here's why Loan Officers and Real Estate Agents choose Home Sweet Home - because we offer MORE. It's all about having a qualify financial adviser and financial planning. It's not about just qualifying for a home loan - it's about owning a home for life. Credit repair companies simply don't do everything we do... especially when it comes to credit re-establishment and helping clients manage financial ratios: NO MONTHLY FEES or other misc fees (Set-Up; Per Item; etc.) 50+ Years Combined Experience in Mortgage Lending, Real Estate, Financial Planning and Credit Advising makes us the industry leader in this niche area. Our competitors lack this experience EDUCATIONAL and ADVISING Approach so mistakes are not repeated Credit Re-establishment (which often is more important than repair) Loan-Ready generally within 30-90 days. Unlike Credit Repair which goes on and on and on, which is their strategy to make more money HSH does business in all 50 states HSH offers a TRUE "Home Ownership" Program. We know what it takes to get loan-ready. Credit Repair companies do not understand Down Payment issues, DTI ratios, LTV, etc..

Step #2: Send Text AFTER Sending an Email Follow up with a text

Hey I sent an important email. Let me know you got it. Check your spam folder. Thanks!

"We do the credit repair for free."

I understand, but there are some critical issues here: No one appreciates "free" and most people are of the mindset that if a product or service is free, it mustn't have much value (or none at all). As a loan officer, your originations PLUMMET when you could be working on generating more business to close FASTER. Your time is valuable so focusing on closing loans vs repairing credit will make you much more money. You spend time away from friends and family. Outsourcing these declined borrowers makes more sense to a company that has lending experience so you can still save your transactions and YOUR VALUABLE TIME. If your declined borrowers have a legal problem, we can provide them with affordable legal access and unlimited legal advice for about a dollar a day. Second, you put your company at risk. Credit repair is a violation of every repository contract - regardless of the credit reporting agency you utilize. There is a significant increase in the number of investigations and audits conducted by the repositories that result in the termination of brokers' or lenders' access to credit data. The auditing is based on the correlation of credit reports pulled by a particular lender and the number of disputes credit bureaus and repositories receive. This can lead to brokers and lenders going out of business because they can no longer pull credit. I can register you now for free. It only takes 2 minutes.

I make enough money already. I'm swamped with business."

I understand. However, most savvy business people never leave money on the table. They always find a way to make it work. Remember, interest rates always go up and down! Right? This program helps keep your pipeline full, even when rates go up. I can register you now for free. It will only take 2 minutes.

SUPER BUSY? Here's Our Take on SAVING THOUSANDS in Commissions

If you are super busy, we get it. We suggest arranging referral-sending assistance. Have a front desk person, mortgage processor, junior loan officer or real estate agent to help you make referral recommendations to Home Sweet Home. Offering office personnel a $100 - $200 incentive to help you save more commissions is a small price to pay to increase your income. You can SAVE THOUSANDS OF COMMISSION DOLLARS every time you are able to SAVE a transaction!

How to Send Referrals to HSH

Important Note: It's always best to have agents & loan officers SIGN UP their referrals if they are able. They can use our "Send Client Referrals" page as a second-choice course of action. To earn a big income (6-figures) you need to get loan officers registered and ACTIVE. Teach them how to enroll their customers so they know it gets done! There are a couple of ways to do it. Signing them up over the phone or in person is the best. OR they can go to "Send Client Referrals" via our website. Make sure they PRE-SELL their customers about HSH and how we can help them BEFORE they refer them over to HSH. They can do this via email, text, phone, or even a short video to make it more personal. Note: Any emails sent require follow-up due to spam. They must confirm it was received. We recommend using all 3 methods of communication if you want increased odds of them signing up. Tell them to use this story: I have good and bad news. You were turned down for the loan, but the good news is that Home Sweet Home can help you. In most cases, their Home Ownership Program can help people get loan-ready within 30-90 days! So, make sure you sign up today! Do not delay! I will send you an email with a website link so you can sign up online NOW. The investment is only $600—a small price to pay to own a home and enjoy the benefits of improved credit. You can't afford not to do this! Keeping your bad credit will cost you a hundred times more and can destroy your life.

Agents & Loan OfficersGet Your Buyers Loan-Ready!

Join our NATIONWIDE Referral Exchange Network. Free to register & no ongoing cost. Why Do Agents & Loan Officers Choose Home Sweet Home? So loan officers can focus on closing loans & not waste time dealing with credit issues which will reduce their origination volume. Speed. Previously declined clients can be loan-ready for home loan financing in as little as 30-90 days. Individual cases vary. We can assist 'A' credit clients with financial advice, estate, and insurance planning as well as cybersecurity protection (personal and business), Our staff of Advisers has 50+ combined years of lending experience which gives Home Sweet Home a competitive edge. Staff members also have 50+ combined years of financial advising and credit planning experience. Timely advice and education for referred clients are key to success so as to avoid repeating past mistakes. Clients may opt to pay a FLAT FEE or make installments and are NEVER trapped into paying month-to-month service fees, setup fees, per-item fees, etc. Team Up System available to both agents and loan officers to close more volume - office-with-office and nationwide. Ask for details.

"We toss the turn-downs in the trash. We tell them to come back when their credit is better."

Let me tell you about a better plan. We have a program that is by far better than anything out there. We can help your borrowers get loan-ready within 30-90 days in most cases and increase your income dramatically. I can register you now for free. It only takes 2 minutes.

"I am really busy, can you call me back in a few weeks, I don't have time."

Listen, I know you're busy. What I need to tell you only takes 30 seconds. So here it is.... Our loan preparation program is by far better than anything out there. Send us a few of your turndowns and we will prove we are a thousand times better. If you don't agree then we can go our separate ways, but if you agree... then you promise to continue referring us more turndowns. Fair enough? I can register you now for free. It only takes 2 minutes.

America's Best Home Loan Preparation Service! "Helping Your Borrowers Get Loan-Ready!" - Step 2: Register Online (No Cost):

Loan Officers & Real Estate Agents - Register to send & track your referrals who need assistance qualifying. CLICK HERE to Register (No Cost) [https://homesweethome500.com/referral-marketing/]

Get The Word Out

Many realtors & loan officers don't care about their turndowns during market upturns. They have plenty of business coming in, and all is good. My job is to help promote adaptation to market downturns, as real estate economies fluctuate. In my professional experience in the real estate/mortgage industry and as a case manager for the homeless population, the ethics of enabling colleagues within my network to build a future client base is at the core of my being.

"Not Interested."

Most smart business people don't make a decision unless they have all the information first. I know you're a smart business person. Let me at least send you some info for your review so you can make a better-informed decision. Fair enough? What is your email?

Let's Turn Your Subprime & Turndowns Into Approved Loans!

NOTE: You must be a REGISTERED Network Member to receive credit for any client referrals you send. To register visit the Agents & Loan Officers page. Home Sweet Home helps Loan Officers and Real Estate Agents SAVE transactions! The Home Ownership Program helps buyer-borrowers with DTI and Credit Utilization Issues; ID Theft; Settlements; Derogatory Credit; ID Management; Repos; Bankruptcies; Foreclosures; and MUCH MORE! (Complete the Form Below To Send Your Referrals) How Loan Officers & Agents LOSE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS OVER-AND-OVER AGAIN [https://drive.google.com/file/d/17FZvjmJdeRUQlu9mNCLHGvrNF95ExQVy/view]

"We already use something similar." / "We already use a credit repair company."

Ok that's good, at least you are trying to help your customers. But what if I could prove our program is a thousand times better. Send me a few customers and if you don't agree we are a thousand times better, then we can go our separate ways. But if you agree... then you promise to continue referring me more people. Fair enough? I can register you now for free. It only takes 2 minutes. We normally have customers loan-ready within 30-90 days in most cases. Most of our competitors do not. They charge monthly fees which drags out the process indefinitely. Do they refer ANY loan-ready customers to you as a 'thank you' for doing business with them? Do they have a web portal? Referrals can be tracked via our online web portal IN REAL TIME. Do they charge your customers excessive fees? (Setup fee, per item fees, monthly fees) Our program is educationally based. All others are not. This prevents them from repeating the same mistakes that got them there in the first place. We help RE-ESTABLISH Credit (if needed) via our website (Guaranteed Approval Credit Cards). Credit establishment is critical to improving credit. It's actually more important than the 'repair' itself. Many of our competitors do not do this at all. You can massively increase your volume by using our Agent & Loan Officer Team Up System.

"We do Rapid Rescore."

Rapid Rescore is great when you only have a few accounts to correct. But if your borrowers have more issues then it's best to refer those to Home Sweet Home. For a few reasons. Dealing with additional credit issues takes time away from originating more qualifying consumers. Your time is valuable so focusing on closing loans vs repairing credit will make you much more money. Second, you put your company at risk. We offer an Advertising Benefit that can help you get more name exposure and more volume. I can register you now for free. It only takes 2 minutes.

"Let me give you 1 or 2 referrals and see how it goes... as a test."

That would be fine. A lot of major companies do "pilot programs" where they refer business to a company on a trial basis. We offer the same opportunity. Send us at least 2 customers... and if you like us - great! Keep us. I can register you now for free. It only takes 2 minutes.

Where to Find Real Estate Agents & Loan Officers

The best place to find Agents & Loan Officers is to visit their company websites. Search for real estate companies in a specific area/city/state. They usually provide their names, email addresses, and phone numbers. Many offer a massive list of all their Agents / Loan Officers! For example https://firsthome.com Don't message agents or loan officers through platforms such aswww.Zillow.com or www.Realtor.com because those platforms may charge them, which usually upsets them.

Dare to Compare! The Best Home Loan Preparation Service in the USA

The flyer (BELOW) demonstrates why our Home Ownership Program is clearly the best available in our industry. It covers all the components involved during the complex process of helping people get loan-ready.

America's Best Home Loan Preparation Service! "Helping Your Borrowers Get Loan-Ready!" - Step 3: Refer Declined Borrowers to Home Sweet Home

There are four methods for notifying and sending referrals to Home Sweet Home: (1) Video; (2) Text Message; (3) E-mail; (4) Follow-Up Phone Call. Feel free to copy and paste these. How to Send Referrals to Home Sweet Home - CLICK HERE [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IIukz_NR62OudNxG5yN4kraBKBZGeN2lsJusG7__S4k/edit?usp=sharing] Loan Officers/Agents: Make sure you send Home Sweet Home your Borrower Contact Information (in case your referral procrastinates or forgets to sign up). At least that way we can still follow up. Send Client Referrals - [https://homesweethome500.com/mortgage-leads-for-loan-officers/] Important: Inform your clients about Home Sweet Home BEFORE referring them, as they already have a rapport and relationship with you. This is KEY to improving odds that your clients will sign up for the Home Ownership Program. BEST OPTION - AVOID BUYER PROCRASTINATION - SIGN-UP Borrowers Yourself [https://homesweethome500.com/house-buying-program/]

HSH Business Cards

There is a business card template available, or you can design your own. Please submit a card template for approval before printing (if creating your own). HSH uses Vistaprint for business cards, and the approved card template is saved for easy access. See below for login info if you want to use them—no need to pay extra money for faster shipping because it usually gets shipped fast with regular mail. Also, see the coupon code below to save money when you place your order. Lastly, if you choose to, you can be assigned a company email address once you have recruited some ACTIVE network members and are making money. Everyone uses Gmail now (as it has become commonplace). You can create a new Gmail for business. Many of our documents are Google share documents and are more Gmail-friendly. Here is an example: [email protected]. Most sales companies are moving away from using expensive corporate email accounts besides corporate office staff. Vistaprint online printing services: Business Cards, Signage & More CLICK HERE Login for Vistaprint: User and Pass are: [email protected] / ilduce68 Then go to my account and then my portfolio. You will see the templates there. Just create another one with your contact info. Coupon Code: THANKS20

Sending Referrals - POWERFUL Statistics

These statistics are the FACTS any loan officer or real estate agent needs to know when making referrals to Home Sweet Home. This is why informing your referral about who we are and what we do is so important. Making a powerful endorsement really is the "sales pitch" behind making any referral and getting them to ACT: People are 4 times more likely to buy when referred by a friend. 92% of respondents trusted referrals from people they knew. In fact, people pay over 2x more attention to posts and recommendations from their friends. 82% of consumers proactively seek referrals from peers before making a purchasing decision. When a friend or family makes a recommendation, it is 50x more likely to trigger a purchase. Word-of-mouth (advocacy) marketing has been shown to increase marketing effectiveness by as much as 54%. This is why it is so very important to make a referral recommendation that sells a referral to ACT! Referrals don't work without an endorsement. The endorsement is truly the "sales pitch" as to why you are making a referral recommendation in the first place. DID YOU KNOW that every single time you don't make the "sales pitch endorsement", you can LOSE A FULL 'SAVABLE' COMMISSION PER TRANSACTION? Losing just 3 transactions paying $3,000 monthly can equate to a LOSS of $108,000 yearly!

3-Step Process to Sign Up In Our Network

This is a cookie-cutter, easy-to-repeat system.

Tools - PowerPoint Presentation, Talking Points, Overcoming Objections

Video Meetings (Zoom) are a great way to get Real Estate Brokers & Mortgage Company Owners registered on our network. Use the PowerPoint Presentation below to do so. Here is the best strategy to maximize your VOLUME: "THE GAME PLAN" Most Real Estate Brokers/Mortgage Company Owners do monthly meetings with their team of agents/loan officers IN PERSON. Ask to be included as a guest speaker (either by zoom or in person). Use the PowerPoint Presentation to explain our Home Ownership Program and how to get started. Most team meetings are held in a big room with a Flat screen TV (most rooms are already set up this way). You can screen share/co-host on Zoom to display the PowerPoint Presentation. This is a short 9-page slide presentation and should not take more than 5 minutes. You can have a questions & answers session if time permits on their schedule. Someone from HSH Corporate can join you virtually to assist during Q&A. Usually, these meetings are around 1.5 hours long and the goal is to get every person in that meeting to register. This is how you can significantly speed up the process of earning a big income (THROUGH VOLUME). One single agent or loan officer can assist you in getting to the Brokers & Owners. Sending more customers (through volume) often provides the motivation to help you. After you get your first Broker/Owner set up, then you can go out and repeat with other real estate companies and mortgage companies. You could be earning well into 6 figures with a solid game plan in place.

"What is it?"

We can help you get your turndowns loan-ready and increase your overall closing ratio. We are Financial and Credit Advisers - not a lender or credit repair company. We have a Home Ownership Program that is by far better than anything out there. We can help your borrowers get loan-ready within 30-90 days in most cases and increase your income dramatically. I can register you now for free. It only takes 2 minutes.


What if I could prove our program is a thousand times better. Send me a few customers and if you don't agree we are a thousand times better, then we can go our separate ways. But if you agree... then you promise to continue referring me more people. Fair enough?

"How can the loan officer or agent be sure HSH will send back the customer?

When you sign up in our Referral Exchange Network, there is a retention statement as part of the sign-up that guarantees your referrals will be returned to you so you can close them later. I can register you now for free. It only takes 2 minutes.

How to Send Referrals to Home Sweet Home Send Referral Form


Register at No Cost


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