honors science final

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Does erosion or deposition occur at the inside meander of a stream? Is the current on the inside meander fast or slow?

Deposition is on the inside- slow current Erosion is on the outside- fast current

How do you find the percent remaining?

Do the final mass divided by the initial mass times 100

What does impermeable mean?

Does not allow water to pass through it

How are metamorphic rocks formed?

They are formed from heat and pressure of other rocks (foliated or nonfoliated)

How are igneous rocks formed?

They are formed from the cooling and crystallization of magma or lava (intrusive or extrusive) (felsic or mafic)

What are vesicular rocks?

They are igneous rocks with gas pockets from fast cooling

What is an intrusive igneous rock?

They are rocks that solidify below earth's surface; slow cooling; large crystals (Plutonic)

What is an extrusive igneous rock?

They are rocks that solidify on earth's surface; fast cooling; small or no crystals (Volcanic)

What are the factors for determining the location of a wind turbine?

Topography, orientation of slope, wind as a resource, and solar energy

What is mechanical weathering?

When physical forces break up the rocks without changing the rock's mineral composition

What are the 4 agents of erosion?

Wind, water, ice, and animals

What is a vector?

a quantity having direction and magnitude

What is stream order?

a system of classifying streams and rivers based on their relationship or position in the drainage network.

What is a meander?

a winding curve or bend in a river; are the result of both erosional and depositional processes

What are 4 different drainage patterns?

dendritic, trellis, rectangular, and radial

Where do first-order streams receive their water from?

directly from a source such as a spring, lake, melting snow, etc.

What are streams at the beginning of the system called?

first-order streams

What type of climate does mechanical weathering occur in?

hot and dry climate

What is the formula for density?


What are some examples of nonrenewable resources?

metals- gold, iron, copper nonmetals- sand, gravel, graphite fossil fuels- coal, oil, natural gas

What type of climate does chemical weathering occur in?

mild and wet climate

What determines the resistance of a rock?

mineral composition and the climate

How do cooling rates influence the texture of rocks?

quick cooling- fine grains slow cooling- coarse grains

What is the joining of two first-order streams called?

second-order stream

What 4 factors determine the rate at which water travels through a watershed?

size (total surface area) topography (flat or steep) amount and type of vegetation human development

What are some examples of renewable resources?

sun, solar, wind, water, trees, soil

What is a watershed?

the land drained by a river or stream and all of its tributaries. Also known as a Drainage Basin (basically just a stream and all the little streams that make it up)

What is the difference between settling rate and settling time?

the settling time is greater than the rate, as the less time it takes for the sediments to settle, the greater the rate of speed

How are watershed boundaries defined?

they are defined by the highest elevation that drains a stream.

What 2 factors determine drainage patterns?

topography and the type of rock over which streams flow.

What are the characteristics of volcanic vs. plutonic rocks?

volcanic (extrusive)- solidified lava, small crystal size, vesicular plutonic (intrusive)- solidified magma, large crystals,

Out of the sediments gravel, sand, silt, and clay, which one would permeate the slowest?

Clay would permeate the slowest because it is the least porous, therefore it takes longer for liquid to pass through it

Mature Stream

(with oxbow lakes)

What is a clastic rock?

A sedimentary rock that forms when rock fragments are squeezed together

What is water retention?

A sediments ability to hold water

Particle size vs. permeability

As particle size increases, so does permeability

Particle size vs. discharge relationship

As particle size increases, so does the amount of discharge

Particle size vs. water retention

As particle size increases, water retention decreases

Particle size vs. stream velocity

As the particle size increases, so does the stream velocity

What are the different types of sediments?

Boulders, pebbles, gravel, sand, silt & clay

What is weathering?

Breakdown of rock; process that changes the rock's surface

What mineral causes a reaction when it comes in contact with hydrochloric acid?

Calcite (CaCO3)

What is a capillary?

Capillary action is the ability of a liquid to flow in narrow spaces without the assistance of, or even in opposition to, external forces like gravity (More capillary action would occur in smaller spaces like silt or clay)

Is an engraving on a monument that is no longer readable chemical or mechanical weathering?


What is chemical weathering?

Chemical reactions breaking down rock and changing its mineral composition

What does tight packing and small particles mean in terms of permeability?

Decreased permeability

What are the characteristics of felsic and mafic igneous rocks?

Felsic- light colored, less dense, more silica, rich in silicon and aluminum, intrusive, slow cooling Mafic- dark colored, more dense, less silica, rich in iron and magnesium, fast cooling, extrusive

How are organic rocks formed?

Formed from the remains of plants or animals

Out of the sediments gravel, sand, silt, and clay, which one would retain the least amount of water?

Gravel will retain the least amount of water because it is most porous and water passes through it easily

How does rock salt form & what is it made of?

Halite, and it forms by evaporation

What are the types of chemical weathering?

Hydrolysis (chemical reaction of water with other substances- ex. acid rain), Oxidation (chemical reaction of oxygen with other substances)

What are the types of mechanical weathering?

Ice and water (frost wedging or freeze/ thaw), Abrasion (wearing away of rock by grinding motion), Plants and animals (tree roots; animal burrows), Upward expansion (exfoliation- peeling of surface layers from exposed rock)

What does it mean if a rock is resistant to weathering? What factors determine the resistance of a rock?

If a rock is resistant, it is not easily weathered because of its mineral composition and the climate surrounding the rock.

What does it mean if particles are sorted?

If the particles are all the same size, then they are sorted; different sizes are unsorted

What types of rocks are formed from solidified lava and/or magma.


What does loose packing and large particles mean in terms of permeability?

Increased permeability

How do you find the rate of change?

Initial minus the final divided by the hours

How do you find the percent change?

Initial minus the final divided by the initial times 100

Do tightly packed, or loosely packed particles have a higher porosity?

Loosely packed particles have a higher porosity

Would tree roots breaking apart a sidewalk be chemical or mechanical weathering?


What type of rock is typically more dense and less porous than other rocks?


What types of rocks are formed from parent rocks by heat and pressure?


How are chemical rocks formed?

Minerals dissolved in a solution crystallize OR Mineral deposits left in lakes or seas evaporate

What two factors affect permeability?

Packing and particle size (gravel has a high permeability rate; clay has a very low permeability rate)

What are the rocks called that metamorphic rocks are formed from? (sorry that is weird wording lol)

Parent rocks

How does the carbon cycle work?

Plants take carbon dioxide from the air and use it to make food. Animals then eat the food and carbon is stored in their bodies or released as CO2 through respiration.

What is the difference between permeability and porosity?

Porosity (%) is a measure of how much of a rock is open space. Permeability (rate) is a measure of the ease with which a fluid passes through a rock

How would you find the mass of a rock after 100 hours of weathering?

Rate of change times 100 (mass after however many hours) subtracted from the initial mass

What are the two types of metamorphism? (Location)

Regional (affects large geographic areas; results from mountain building) and Local/ Contact ( affects smaller areas; results from contact with magma/ lava or fault movement)

Do rounded or angular particles have a higher porosity?

Rounded have a higher porosity

What type of rock frequently contains fossils?


What types of rocks are formed from cemented particles of other rocks?


What are the three factors that determine porosity?

Shape, packing, sorting

Would more capillary action occur in gravel or silt?


Do sorted or unsorted particles have a higher porosity?

Sorted particles have a higher porosity

What does saturated mean?

The condition in which pore spaces are full

What is porosity?

The percent of pore space in a materials volume

What is deposition?

The process by which sediment settles out of the water or wind that is carrying it, and is deposited in a new location

What is erosion?

The process by which water, ice, wind, or gravity moves fragments of rock and soil

What is cementation?

The process in which dissolved minerals crystallize and glue particles of sediment together

What is permeability?

The rate at which water or other liquids pass through the pore spaces of a rock

What are foliated rocks?

The texture of metamorphic rock in which mineral grains are arranged in planes or bands.

What are nonfoliated rocks?

The texture of metamorphic rock in which the mineral grains are not arranged in planes or bands.

What is river discharge?

The total amount of water that collects in a river that drains the watershed; measured in meters^3/second

How are sedimentary rocks formed?

They are formed by compaction/ cementation of sediments (clastic or nonclastic: chemical or organic)

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