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Ontogeny and Chronology

"Age of plants" can be described in terms of both __________ and __________. (M2)


Endogenous regulation of plant development generally involves __________. (M1)


Generally, will juvenile or adult trees be easier to propogate from stem suttings? (Q5)


Grass in the Willamette Valley tends to stop growing during summer unless it is irrigated. What type of dormancy is this? (M2)

Cell Wall

Growth of new cells take place when they enlarge due to water uptake following mitosis. This takes place because new cells can loose their __________ and expand. (M1)


Growth rate of annual plants over the duration of a year is __________ when plotted on a graph (growth rate on y-axis ad time on x-axis). (M1)


I am annoyed that the sweet gum in my front yard holds its leaves until Thanksgiving, whereas the larger ones I see around campus drop their leaves much earlier. Would you guess that this plant is juvenile or adult? (Q5)

No, vegetative adult trees will flower sooner if growth is restricted

I have propagated a pear tree that is flowering (means it's adult). After propagating it, the next year it does not flower so I decide to hit it with a high rate of nitrogen and irrigate heavily. Am I going to get this plant to flower quicker? (Q6)


If a seed is dormant simply because it is not receiving favorable conditions for germination, it is said to be _______. (Q3)


If a seed remains "dormant" until it is given proper temperature, air, moisture, etc. but otherwise requires no pretreatment for germination it is/exhibits __________. (M1)

Heat summation

If you are developing an integrated pest management program, it would be most effective to use __________ to estimate pest activity and development. (M1)

Upper branches

If you wanted to collect material from a seedling cherry tree that is reproductively mature, graft it, and have it begin flowering as quickly as possible, where would you collect scion? (M2)

Scarify then cold stratify

In a seed with combinational dormancy in the form of hardseededness and deep physiological dormancy, what needs to be done to promote germination? (M1)

More energy developed to vegetative growth early, then later switching to reproductive growth after the phase change

In an annual plant, during both early and later stages of growth there is __________. (M1)

Flower sooner

In general, increasing temperatures above some minimum will cause plants to __________. (Q6)

Decreasing photoperiod

In most cases the first cue for plants to begin preparing for acclimation/dormancy is __________. (Q5)

Induce flowering

In obligate vernalization species, a period of chilling is required to __________. (Q6)

Ice Nucleators

In order for ice to form, the temperature must be low enough ad there must be __________, which serve to orient water molecules (Q8)


In the case of "normal" sexual development of seeds, __________ develops solely from the union of a sperm with two polar nuclei. (M1)

It improves germination rate and uniformity

Intermediate physiological dormancy species like cedars may not definitively require cold stratification but most producers will stratify. Why? (M1)


Leaf primordia are added to the shoot apex where there are sufficient levels of? (M2)

Abscisic Acid

Mature leaves perceive the shortening day length and produce __________, which leads to photoperiod-induced bud dormancy. (M2)

Abscisic Acid

Mature leaves produce __________ in response to short days - it helps induce terminal bud set. (Q5)

More cells

Mitosis occurs in meristems and serves primarily to provide... (M1)

As temperature increases, the rate of growth and development eventually stops increasing

Modifications were made in calculating degree days (heat units) to result in a new unit called growing degree days. Why are these modifications made? (M1)

Plants respond differently to cultural practices at different stages of growth and development

Monitoring plant growth and development is important because... (M1)

Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen

More than 90% of the dry weight of a plant is composed of __________. (M1)

Vegetative growth to reproductive growth

Phase change in woody plants represents the change from __________. (M2)

All the Above (Photomorphogenesis, Phototropism, and Photoperiodism)

Phytochrome is involved in __________? (Q10)

Red, far-red

Plants absorb _________ light, which creates a high concentration of __________ light under a vegetative canopy like you would encounter on the floor of a dense forest. (Q10)

The transfer of pollen to the stigma

Pollution involves... (Q2)


Positioning, timing, and number of successive primordia development determines __________. This is how leaves are arranged and attached to stems. (Q4)


T/F Most conifers have BOTH latent buds and adventitious buds. (M2)


T/F Periclinal chimera are the most stable type of chimera. (M2)


T/F Plants of the same species but of different provenance are often triggered to enter dormancy by different day lengths (earlier vs later in the season). (M2)


T/F Polarity in plants is not determined until after seedling germination. (Q2)


T/F Seeds are not capable of sensing light before germination? (Q10)


T/F Trees start out early on in their life with decurrent growth. (M2)


The L-1 histogenic layer gives rise to __________. (Q4)


The __________ will become the seed the following fertilization. (M1)


The ability of cells in the shoot apical meristem to differentiate into any organ in the plant is referred to as __________. (M2)


The ability of cells to differentiate into any organ of the plant is called __________. (Q4)


The arrangement of leaves around the stem is referred to as __________. (M2)

Freezing point depression

The lowering of the freezing point by a few degrees due to increased solutes is __________. (Q8)

During the previous season

The number of leaves produced during the growing season in fixed growth species is determined __________. (M2)

Double Fertilization

The process that produces a zygote from the union of a sperm and egg cell and endosperm from the union of a serm and two polar nuclei is called __________. (M1)


The stages of plant development are regarded as __________. (M1)

Globular stage

The ultimate fate of cells in the embryo with regard to which tissue layer they will be a part of is already determined by the __________, (M1)


This is the type of dormancy exhibited by roots of woody plants. (M2)


This type of dormancy is removed by accumulation of chilling. (M2)

Stem cuttings

Thornless blackberries resulted from a mutation in the L-1 histogenic layer. A viable way to propagate a plant that would result in more thornless plants would be: (M2)

Physiologically mature materials remain mature and there is a reduced time period to flowering and fruit production.

Topophysis is usefully exploited during propagation of fruiting trees to establish orchard because __________. (M2)


Until _______ stage monocots and dicots are nearly indistinguishable. (Q2)


Using artificial means to weaken seedcoats to promote germination is called __________. (Q3)

Abscisic Acid (ABA)

What hormone is associated with sensing and messaging a plant is under drought stress? (Q9)

Both Anchors embryo to embryo sac and Provides nutrition to the developing embryo

What role(s) does the suspensor play during development?(Q2)

Both Red and Far-red

What type of light is present in sunlight? (Q10)

Translocate to storage organs

When repairing for dormancy, nutrients within leaves primarily: M2

Floral meristems

Which of the following are NOT present at the end of embryogenesis? (Q2) Azial/basal patterning; Radial patterning; Floral meristems; Root and shoot apical meristems

Abscisic Acid

Which plant hormone is responsible for promoting maturation and preventing early germination? (Q3)

Leaf expansion

Which process is affected first by a drought stress? (Q9)

Non-equilibrium freezing

Which type of freezing is more damaging to plants? (Q8)

Apical-basal patterning; Radial patterning; Root and shoot meristems

Within a "typical" seed at maturity there will be an embryo that has __________. (M1)


_________ are plants adapted to saline soils and can tolerate and grow in high salt situations. (Q9)

After ripening

_________ is the treatment or time required after harvest in dry storage to break dormancy exhibited in freshly harvested seeds. Intensity of dormancy decreases during storage. (M1)


__________ induces synthesis of hydrolytic enzymes (hydrolases) into the endosperm that break down macromolecules to be used by the embryo in germination. (M1)

Cytohistochemical zonation

__________ is an organizational pattern of cells present only during the growing season; at dormancy this organization disappears. (Q4)


__________ is the simplest method of timing cultural practices in relation to plant growth and development, but not necessarily the most accurate. (Q1)


__________ is the simplest method to predict growth and development of plants to coordinate timing of application of cultural practices. (M1)

Heat summation

__________ is used to quantify the relationship between temperature and growth and development. (M1)


__________ moves to the shaded side of stems in plants and results in phototropism. (Q10)


__________ plants grow vegetatively, flower, produce seeds, then senesce and die over a single season. (M1)


__________ promotes germination of seeds and can sometimes overcome dormancy that normally requires chilling. (M1)


__________ regulation of growth and development is due to factors that are produced in the plant. (Q1)


A plant that has an entire histogenic layer(s) mutated is refered to as a __________ chimera. (Q4)


Apical dominance is an example of this type of dormancy. (M2)

Begins programmed cell death of all tissues but seeds

As an annual plant approaches senescence it __________. (M1)

Temperature Compensation Point

At a certain temperature, there are equal amounts of CO2 fixed by photosynthesis and released by respiration. This is called __________ and above this temperature, there is more CO2 released by respiration than fixed by photosynthesis. (Q9)

Removing the shoot apex

Axillary buds that are under apical dominance can be stimulated to grow by: (M2)

Chilling during fall and winter

Buds of woody trees and shrubs overcome endodormancy by __________. (Q5)

Shortening day length with warm temperatures

Cold acclimation in woody plants generally starts with __________. (Q8)

it has the potential to be damaged at warmer temperatures if it is not acclimated

Colorado blue spruce has the genetic potential to be hardy to -50 F. That means that ... (M2)


During what stage of seed development does the embryo develop its basic architecture? (Q3)

All shoots, long shoots

Early leaves are present in the buds of __________, while late leaves are only found in __________. (M2)


Reducing light intensity on sun-adapted species will cause flowering to __________. (Q6)

Electrical conductivity (EC)

Salinity of water or potting media is determined by __________?(Q9)

Osmotic potential

Seed germination can be slowed or reduced sue to very low __________ of soil due to presence of high salts. (Q3)

Recurrent growth

Species that set a resting terminal bud in between multiple flushes of vegetative growth during the growing season exhibit __________. (M2)

They receive sufficient chilling

Species with buds that have endodormancy can only resume after: (M2)

Increase outcrossing

Strategies such as dichogamy, herkogamy, and dioecy serve to __________. (Q6)


T/F Ability of stem cuttings to form adventitious roots decreases as plants mature, (M2)


T/F Apical dominance is a type of paradormancy. (M2)


T/F Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen make up over 90% of a plants dry weight. (Q1)


T/F Day neutral plants' flowering and timing is unaffected by photoperiod. (M2)


T/F Dichogamy is a spatial separation of anthers and stigma. (M2)


T/F Exposure to a specific environment (temperatures, light conditions, nutrition) will have the same affect on growth and development of a plant during its entire life cycle. (Q1)


T/F Histogenic layers are only present when mitosis is very active. (M2)


T/F If a plant has a reported cold hardiness based on lab test of -45C, that means that it will never be damaged unless it gets cold. (Q8)


T/F Juvenile plants produce more short shoots than long shoots. (M2)


T/F Monocarpic plants only live for one year. (Q1)

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