HPE 428 Chapter quizzes

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Which of these is an example of effective praise?

"Excellent, you tucked your head just right in your forward roll."

Introductory activities typically last _____________ minutes for a 30-minute lesson.


Introductory activities typically last approximately

2-3 minutes

In a typical classroom of young students, the variation in skeletal maturity is

5-6 years

It is recommended that students engage in physical activity for at least ______ of physical education lesson time.


Which developmental level(s) emphasize(s) more structured exercises and routines?

Developmental Level II and III

Which of these is NOT an appropriate question to help "set the stage"?

Do you want some guidance?

Which of these should NOT be considered when formulating modifications for students?

Does the modification allow the student with unique needs to outperform the other students?

Introductory activities serve all of these purposes EXCEPT

Enhance health-related fitness

When monitoring the physical activity environment, which of these should NOT be used?

Group students randomly no matter what the activity.

Which of these is NOT a caution against constructing equipment?

NOT The building administrator may believe you can get by without a budget NOT it is usually first-rate

Effective instruction includes all of these EXCEPT

NOT generally limiting instruction to 30-60 seconds NOT refraining from lengthy skill description

Introductory activities include all of these EXCEPT

NOT minimal instruction

Which of these is NOT an appropriate instructional method?

Provide delayed feedback for peak performance.

Teacher behaviors that can be evaluated include all of these EXCEPT

Skill levels

Asking students to perform complex skills on the balance beam before they have mastered more fundamental skills can be considered

a breach of duty

The Fitness for Life program by Corbin and Lindsay (2007) is an example of

a conceptual approach to physical education

Negative outcomes can result from using cooperative activities if

a series of concluding questions is not asked

A legal wrong resulting in direct or indirect injury to another individual is

a tort

PL 94-192 requires that all children with disabilities receive a free and appropriate education in the least restrictive environment from

ages 3-21

Which of these is NOT an element of initiating the CSPAP?

allow the PAL to make all program decisions

In order to avoid fatiguing students with aerobic activities,

alternate with stretching and flexibility activites

The slide should be performed with an emphasis on

balance and stability

Personal behavior plans include all of these EXCEPT

being friends with the students

The most rapid period of growth in children occurs from

birth to 5 years of age

When purchasing equipment, all of these should be considered EXCEPT


Augmenting physical education equipment can be done with all of these EXCEPT

brand new bowling pins

The least restrictive environment

can vary from day to day

Guidelines for successful integration of children with disabilities into physical education include all of these EXCEPT

concentrating on the student's disability

Motivating students to participate in physical education includes all of these EXCEPT

consistently providing students with extrinsic rewards

When improper behavior by the injured party causes the accident, the defense in a liability suit may claim

contributory negligence

Group challenges are created to

cooperate with others

Students share experiences during which step of cooperative activities?


All of these are locomotor movements that can be used as introductory activities EXCEPT

drilling a tennis forehand

A key point in designing a behavior game is that

each game should be structured so that anyone is able to win

Fundamentally, physical education is

education through movement

Which of these is a critical part of a waiver form?

evidence that sports are entered into with full knowledge of the risks involved

According to studies conducted by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, most injuries during the school day are caused when students fall during physical education.


Classroom rules should cover a multitude of specific behaviors rather than general categories of behavior.


Cooperative activities allow only a few students to contribute and experience success.


Corrective feedback should be given to the student when and where others can hear you.


Effective teachers only use one teaching style during a given lesson.


Equipment and apparatus for enhancing upper body development should encourage youngsters to use locomotor movements throughout space.


Feedback should not be given systematically.


For Developmental Level II, basic cooperative skills such as sharing, listening, and individual or partner decision making are taught throughout the curriculum.


Group challenges are designed to place students in a familiar situation that requires some form of cooperation.


Health-related fitness is the right choice for people who want to perform at a high level, but it is less acceptable to the majority of people because it requires training and exercising at high intensities.


If an award system is used to motivate students to be active, the system should be consistent and used over a long period of time.


Increasing physical education programming leads to lower academic performance in students.


It is inappropriate to use contrasting terms as a way to stimulate movement.


It's not necessary for the teacher to actively teach various group roles in cooperative activities.


Liability can be established in a court case in the absence of injury to the plaintiff.


Locomotor movements used in introductory activities should involve individual body parts and last for long periods of time.


Most students receive physical education instruction daily throughout the academic year.


Outright negative feedback is an effective way to make a point.


Overweight children can perform at the same level as other students in terms of workload.


PL 94-142 prohibits segregation of children with special needs.


Parachute activities are generally confined to the primary grades.


Physical education is an essential subject matter dedicated to learning skills for competitive sports and providing time for free-time play.


Preinstructional decisions are not as important as the in-class decisions made during instruction.


Proper instruction demands that students be forced to participate.


Providing students with activities without introduction and summary is appropriate.


Purchasing quality equipment will ensure that it will last at least 2 years.


Research indicates a strong relationship between physical activity participation and fitness test scores.


Running is the only gross movement that should be considered during the introductory activity.


Special health and physical conditions of students should be known only by their classroom teachers.


Student attentiveness and on-task behavior are negatively associated with student physical activity.


Students should be encouraged to work alone only during introductory activities.


Students should work independently when developing movement themes.


Students whose chronological age is beyond their skeletal age are said to be early (or fast) maturers.


Teaching health-related fitness should not be a priority in physical education.


The least restrictive environment for a student remains the same throughout the school year.


The majority of students feel negatively about fitness when in an environment that provides positive feedback.


The personal-best testing approach appeals to all students


The prevalence of obesity among children 6 to 11 years of age has not increased since 1980.


The three-part lesson is a common format for the physical education lesson: warm-up, focus, and closing.


There are no current standards that physical educators must teach during physical education class.


There is research indicating that increased physical activity leads to improvement in academic achievement.


Throwing, kicking, striking, and catching are examples of movement concepts.


To help all students become socially accepted by others, it is suggested that physical educators focus on the disability as oppose to the student's physical education needs.


Using the "rule of three freezes" to check the students' dispositions and prepare them for instruction is an ineffective teaching practice.


Young students demonstrate a slow recovery rate after strenuous exercise.


The benefits of integration include all of these EXCEPT

finding the time to develop the lessons

Teaching skills in proper progressions includes all of these EXCEPT

forcing students to play positions they are good at

IEPs must contain all except

future status of the child's level of educational performance

facilitation includes all of these EXCEPT

giving advice

The two types of fitness that are most often recognized are

health related and skill related

Cooperative activities help teach all of these social skills EXCEPT


The amount of activity needed for good health is dictated by

intensity and duration

Grading on student improvement

involves pre- and posttesting

Movement education

is based on problem solving and exploration

For Developmental Level I children, greater emphasis should be on

learning the vocabulary or movement

Major areas of concern involving instruction include all of these EXCEPT

letting students experiment on equipment

Movement concepts include all of these EXCEPT

locomotor skills

Fundamental skills are divided into these three categories.

locomotor skills, non-locomotor skills, manipulative skills

Parachutes can provide an interesting means for accomplishing all of these EXCEPT

mile run times

Students in Developmental Level I are active in which of these instructional formations?

mostly individual; sometimes with a partner

Physical education's role in improving student's health status focuses on

physical activity and eating habits

Which of these is first choice when selecting a physical activity leader (PAL)?

physical education teacher

Which of these is NOT a good suggestion for integrating fitness concepts into the physical education program?

promote "no pain, no gain"

Creative introductory activities can be promoted by

providing a range of apparatus, such as climbing ropes, mats, boxes, balance beams

The most powerful determining factor influencing people to be active is


This component of a CSPAP is considered the cornerstone of a successful program.

quality physical education

Perhaps the most important factor in preventing accidents is

recognizing potential high-risk situations

Asking "How could I have done a better job so students would have learned more?" is an example of

reflective teaching

The ____________ and ____________ of physical skills in a sequential and success-oriented setting characterize the lesson focus.

repetition, refinement

European Rhythmic Running includes all of these EXCEPT

running done exclusively in a scattered formation

Which of these is the highest priority with playground equipment?


Current physical activity recommendations include all of these types of activity EXCEPT

sedentary behaviors

Which of these should NOT be considered when designing rules?

select a multitude of specific rules

Movement concepts are categorized as

space awareness, body awareness, and qualities of movement

When communicating with a learner, teachers should

speak about specific behavior

Characteristics of a quality lesson include all of these EXCEPT

students spending time waiting in lines

Curriculum changes that are made when considering all students can include all of these EXCEPT

tailoring the curriculum to what you are comfortable teaching

Safe participation in an activity can be enhanced by

teachers selecting the equipment according to student's growth and developmental needs

Physical education facilities should be planned for

the maximum projected enrollment

Teachers should consider all of these when planning a lesson EXCEPT

their own ability levels

The best criterion to use in determining exercise workloads for children is


Examples of qualities of movement include

time, force, and flow

Introductory activities are used for all of these reasons EXCEPT

to introduce complex health-related content

A basic requisite of a well-managed class is the ability of the teacher to model behavior desired from the students.


A key to the issue of negligence is foreseeability.


A tort is concerned with the teacher-student relationship.


A well-managed class occurs when the teacher and the students assume dual responsibility for reaching the targeted learning.


Adding a signal for students to change the movement pattern will add a challenge that students will enjoy.


All physical education teachers should have first aid training.


An IEP must be developed by a committee.


An acceptable alternative for limited equipment is to teach using partner or reciprocal grouping.


An introductory activity is the first movement students experience when entering the teaching area.


Because the rate of growth slows during elementary school years, these years are an excellent window of time for learning motor skills.


Behavior games are useful in changing whole-class behavior.


Behavior that is followed by appropriate positive reinforcement is more likely to be repeated.


CSPAP's are multi-faceted school-based efforts to promote physical activity in school, out of school, and in the community.


Children and adolescents ages 6 through 17 should do 60 minutes or more of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity daily.


Class management is defined as organizing and controlling the affairs of a class.


Cognition is the mental process of acquiring knowledge through thinking, experiencing, and sensing.


Compared to other subject areas, physical education is more vulnerable to accidents and potential injuries.


Cooperative activities provide students the opportunity to apply a variety of fundamental motor skills in a unique setting


Cooperative activities teach children the personal and social skills necessary to function in daily life.


Discipline is defined as modifying student behavior when it is unacceptable.


Effective physical education programs offer activities that are developmentally appropriate and suited to students' maturity levels.


Equipment refers to fixed items.


Evaluating how you teach is every bit as important as monitoring how you treat your students.


Federal law requires the identification and evaluation of all children with disabilities.


General supervision refers to broad coverage when students are not directly controlled by a teacher or designated individual.


Given the limited time in physical education, one selected outcome should be emphasized for assessment per lesson.


Growth patterns are generally controlled by genetics.


Handmade equipment should be viewed as temporary.


Health-related fitness is characterized by moderate and regular physical activity.


If the class is still not with you after three corrective episodes, it typically best to not teach the introductory activity; rather focus on a management activity.


In order to encourage individuality and maximize the effectiveness of cooperative activities, the teacher should "set the stage."


In order to promote creative introductory activities, the teacher should set out a variety of equipment and have each student take one piece to explore.


In people with some chronic diseases, physical activity can decrease the risk of the condition worsening.


In the elementary school years, muscular strength increases linearly with chronological age.


Inclusion refers to educating students with and without disabilities in a regular education setting.


Instruction should be personalized even though most instruction is conducted in a group.


Integration can motivate classroom teachers to include physical activity into their classroom instruction.


Interval training, in which aerobic activities are followed by bouts of rest or stretching and nonlocomotor movements, is a particularly effective training method to use with students.


Introductory activities should help satisfy the students' desire to move and help the teacher establish a positive learning attitude for class.


Introductory activities should start slowly, for safety, and to allow students to warm up.


Inventory of equipment should be taken at the beginning and the end of the school year.


It is recommended that each lesson have four-six learning outcomes per lesson.


Lesson outcomes are often referred to as learning targets.


Lessons are designed to help students understand and physically experience the classification of movement concepts.


Liability is usually concerned with a breach of duty through negligence.


Management and discipline are requisite parts of effective instruction.


Meaningful feedback helps students learn when skills are performed correctly or need refinement.


Moderate-intensity physical activity offers many health benefits to children.


Movement theme concepts place greater emphasis on the process of moving rather than on the product of correctly performing a skill.


Movement themes are designed to integrate movement concepts into actual activities on the floor.


Movement themes focus on a movement quality around which children build patterns and sequences.


Offering a wide spectrum of developmentally appropriate activities helps ensure that students will be successful regardless of their maturity.


One danger of overusing corrective feedback is that it can create a climate where students worry about making errors.


One of the first steps to take when planning for instruction is to decide on the teaching styles that will be most effective for each skill.


Only essential information is given during the first step of introducing cooperative activities.


Outcomes must define observable behavior.


Outdoor spaces should include enough space for several classes.


Physical activity behaviors track from childhood to adulthood.


Physical education instruction should focus on teaching activity habits that carry over to out-of-school activities.


Physical education is the only area of the school curriculum that is designed to develop children toward an active lifestyle.


Physical education is the only content area specifically mentioned in PL 94-142.


Physical education supplies should not be used for games played during recess or for free play.


Physical educators and special education specialists must work together when a student is ready for placement.


Physical maturity is usually measured by comparing chronological age with skeletal age.


Placing activities in developmental levels offers activities that are appropriate for all students.


Planning is a critical part of teaching that ensures the implementation of a quality lesson.


Quality instructors may not know more about skills and activities than less able teachers, but quality instructors are able to apply a set of effective instructional skills.


Quality physical education programs are centered around content standards that offer direction and continuity to instruction and evaluation.


Research suggests that painting playground surfaces with brightly colored art may help increase activity levels.


Social interactions are appropriate instructional methods for working with students with unique needs.


Students should be encouraged to experiment and explore after a movement task has been defined.


Symmetry increases stability because of the counterbalance effect of the two body halves


The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 requires all school districts that are federally funded to develop and implement wellness policies addressing nutrition and physical activity.


The ability to perform well on skill-related tests is strongly influenced by predetermined genetic skills.


The building blocks for more sophisticated skills are fundamental skills.


The court uses the conduct of other teachers in good standing as a standard for comparison when determining a reasonable and common standard of behavior.


The most basic and important management skill is being able to start and stop a class.


The physical activity pyramid helps students understand the different types of activity that are required for good health and total body fitness.


Title IX rules out separation of sexes and requires all offerings to be coeducational.


Today, more time is devoted to core content, and many times physical education programs are seen as supplemental subjects.


When a class goes to the gymnasium for physical education, the teacher has a right to expect sufficient supplies to be available to conduct the class.


When developing their fitness levels, students should start at a level they can accomplish successfully.


When giving instruction, it is important to keep in mind that in a series of points, it is difficult to remember a series of instructions.


When moving around the teaching area, it is important to remember that having an unpredictable teaching location ensures contact and proximity with all students in the class.


In order to successfully implement fitness routines,

use activities that exercise all body parts and cover the major fitness components

Which of these is not a recommended means for individualizing instruction?

use peer competition

A standard guideline for giving instructions to a class is

when before what

Movement tasks should include all of these EXCEPT

why to move

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