HRM360 CH 17

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When an appraiser rates employees based on items on a continuum with the points reflecting actual behaviors on a given job, this type of evaluation is called ________. A) BARS B) critical incident C) graphic rating scale D) group order ranking E) assessment center evaluation

A) *BARS* Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) combine major elements from the critical incident and graphic rating scale approaches. The appraiser rates the employees on items along a continuum, but the items are examples of actual behavior on the job rather than general descriptions or traits.

________ refers to actions that contribute to the psychological environment of the organization, such as helping others when not required. A) Citizenship B) Counterproductivity C) Satisficing D) Social loafing E) Groupthink

A) *Citizenship* Citizenship refers to actions that contribute to the psychological environment of the organization, such as helping others when not required, supporting organizational objectives, treating co-workers with respect, making constructive suggestions, and saying positive things about the workplace.

Charlie Woods started working for E-Z Freeze, a major frozen food company, as a college intern. Most recently, Charlie had held the position of VP Marketing. Now however, as a result of a change in corporate leadership, Charlie finds himself unemployed for the first time in decades. Looking for a new job has been an eye-opening experience for Charlie. He has been especially frustrated with his lack of success in getting even a call back for the applications he has completed online. Which of the following best describes why Charlie may not be getting the initial feedback he thinks he should be receiving? A) His online applications don't have the right keywords. B) His background checks have been negative. C) He is unwilling to relocate. D) He lacks cross-company experience. E) He lacks cultural diversity.

A) *His online applications don't have the right keywords.* Many human resource departments, faced with an overwhelming number of electronic submissions, are using software to prescreen candidates based on keyword matches between applications and the qualifications for the job. Their software often seeks to screen out unacceptable candidates rather than select potentially good ones.

Which of the following statements regarding downsizing is true? A) Organizations that are able to demonstrate fairness are more likely to make the hoped-for gains from downsizing. B) Employees who have been laid off almost always feel badly about their previous employer. C) Employees who have been laid off are unlikely to return to the company if asked. D) It is generally in the best interests of the employee to challenge the decision. E) The initial screening process can be considered a failure.

A) *Organizations that are able to demonstrate fairness are more likely to make the hoped-for gains from downsizing.* Employees who survive a layoff and stay employed with the company also evaluate the fairness of the downsizing process, according to one study, particularly in individualistic countries. Organizations that are able to demonstrate fairness are, therefore, more likely to make the hoped-for financial gains from downsizing.

Which of the following, if true, will weaken the company's decision? A) The majority of the company's employees have only a basic level of education. B) The company recently instituted a technical skills improvement program for shop floor employees. C) The existing shop floor employees have high potential and personal ambition to rise in their careers. D) Sirius Corp. just opened a new manufacturing facility in New Mexico. E) Several top performing entry level employees have received offers from rival companies.

A) *The majority of the company's employees have only a basic level of education.* A) If the company recently instituted a technical skills improvement program for shop floor employees, it has no relevance to internal recruitment of employees from lower level management. If the existing shop floor employees have high potential and personal ambition to rise in their careers, it has no relevance to the internal recruitment of entry level employees. Sirius Corp. opening a new facility is out of scope from the present decision. If several top performing employees have received offers from rival companies, the management has to consider internal recruitment due to fear of losing them, hence strengthening their decision. As the majority of the company employees have only a basic level of education, the company needs to hire talent from external sources. This weakens their decision.

You are involved in training and development for your division at Dunder Mifflin Inc. You want to target some specific organizational problems through training. Your organization is situated in an urban area where many students do not finish high school. You will probably first have to address the skill category termed ________ skills. A) basic B) technical C) interpersonal D) problem-solving E) managerial

A) *basic* One survey of more than 400 human resource professionals found that 40 percent of employers believe high school graduates lack basic skills in reading comprehension, writing, and math. As work has become more sophisticated, the need for these basic skills has grown significantly, leading to a gap between employer demands for skills and the available skills in the workforce.

Applicants describe how they handled specific problems and situations in previous jobs in a(n) ________ interview. A) behavioral structured B) audition-type C) performance-simulation D) problem-solving E) reflection

A) *behavioral structured* Behavioral structured interviews require the applicants to describe how they handled specific problems and situations in previous jobs based on the assumption that past behavior offers the best predictor of future behavior.

Treating co-workers with respect, making constructive suggestions, and saying positive things about the workplace are a part of the ________ behavior that constitutes performance at work. A) citizenship B) counterproductivity C) social loafing D) deviant workplace E) satisficing

A) *citizenship* Actions that contribute to the psychological environment of the organization include helping others when not required, supporting organizational objectives, treating co- workers with respect, making constructive suggestions, and saying positive things about the workplace.

Which approach to performance evaluation rank-orders employees from best to worst? A) individual ranking B) group order ranking C) paired comparison D) straight ranking E) associative ranking

A) *individual ranking* The individual ranking approach rank-orders employees from best to worst. If the manager is required to appraise 30 employees, the difference between the 1st and 2nd employee is assumed to be the same as that between the 21st and 22nd. Some employees may be closely grouped, but no ties are permitted. The result is a clear ordering from the highest performer to the lowest.

Which of the following have/has proven to be a particularly good predictor for jobs that include cognitively complex tasks? A) intelligence tests B) integrity evaluations C) work sampling D) drug tests E) behavioral assessment

A) *intelligence tests* A) Intelligence tests have proven to be particularly good predictors for jobs that include cognitively complex tasks. Many experts say intelligence tests are the single best selection measure across jobs and that they are at least as valid in the European Union (EU) nations as in the United States.

Which of the following tends to have a disproportionate amount of influence on employee selection decisions? A) interview B) written test C) performance-simulation test D) work sampling method E) personality test

A) *interview* A) Of all the selection devices organizations around the globe use to differentiate candidates, the interview remains the most common. It also tends to have a disproportionate amount of influence. The candidate who performs poorly in the employment interview is likely to be cut from the applicant pool regardless of experience, test scores, or letters of recommendation.

The behavioral structured interview is built on the assumption that ________. A) past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior B) technical knowledge and skills are the best predictor of job performance C) personality is the best predictor of job performance D) personality and mood are highly correlated E) technical knowledge and job performance are highly correlated

A) *past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior* In behavioral structured interviews, applicants describe how they handled specific problems and situations in previous jobs, based on the assumption that past behavior offers the best predictor of future behavior.

Which of the following is one of the techniques used by organizations to make their workplace more family-friendly? A) telecommuting B) job enlargement C) classroom training D) mentoring program E) job rotation

A) *telecommuting* As a result of the work-life conflict, most major organizations took actions to make their workplaces more family-friendly. They introduced onsite child care, summer day camps, flextime, job sharing, leaves for school functions, telecommuting, and part-time employment.

Ozu Tech offers employees 4 unpaid weeks sabbatical, or 3 to 6 partially paid weeks off for family-related reasons. This work-life initiative offered by Ozu Tech is a type of ________. A) time based strategy B) information based strategy C) money-based strategy D) direct service E) culture-change strategy

A) *time based strategy* Time based strategies include flextime, job sharing, leave for new parents, transportation, telecommuting, and paid time off.

Which of the following is the least predictive set of criteria used to evaluate employees? A) traits B) task outcomes C) behaviors D) personality E) technical skills

A) *traits* The weakest criteria, because they're furthest removed from actual job performance, are individual traits. Having a good attitude, showing confidence, being dependable, looking busy, or possessing a wealth of experience may or may not be highly correlated with positive task outcomes.

In order to assess the management skills of the applicants, Scarlet should ________. A) use an assessment center B) verify the applicants' job histories C) conduct a medical test D) conduct a drug test E) conduct a behavioral assessment test

A) *use an assessment center* An elaborate set of performance-simulation tests specifically designed to evaluate a candidate's managerial potential is administered in assessment centers. Line executives, supervisors, and/or trained psychologists evaluate candidates as they go through one to several days of exercises that simulate real problems they would confront on the job.

Which performance evaluation method requires no complex forms or extensive training to complete? A) written essays B) critical incidents C) graphic rating scales D) behaviorally anchored rating scales E) assessment center rating

A) *written essays* Probably the simplest method is to write a narrative describing an employee's strengths, weaknesses, past performance, potential, and suggestions for improvement. The written essay requires no complex forms or extensive training to complete.

The approach to evaluation that uses feedback from those who have daily contact with an employee (everyone from mailroom personnel to customers to bosses to peers) is termed ________. A) critical incidents B) 360-degree evaluation C) assessment center D) multiperson comparisons E) downward evaluation

B) *360-degree evaluation* The latest approach to performance evaluation is 360-degree evaluations. These provide performance feedback from the employee's full circle of daily contacts, from mailroom workers to customers to bosses to peers.

Drug testing is controversial. Which of the following is an argument used against drug testing? A) The results of drug tests can be faked easily. B) Drug use is a private matter. C) Drug tests are costly. D) Drug tests are generally inaccurate. E) Drug tests are injurious to a person's health.

B) *Drug use is a private matter.* Drug testing is controversial. Many applicants think testing without reasonable suspicion is invasive or unfair and say they should be tested on job performance factors, not lifestyle choices that may not be relevant.

________ ranking requires the evaluator to place employees into a particular classification, such as top one-fifth or second one-fifth. A) Individual B) Group order C) Paired D) Fractional E) Percentile

B) *Group order* Group order ranking requires the evaluator to place employees into a particular classification, such as top one-fifth or second one-fifth. If a rater has 20 employees, only 4 can be in the top fifth and, of course, 4 must also be relegated to the bottom fifth. This method is often used in recommending students to graduate schools.

Companies in which of the following countries would emphasize formal performance evaluation systems more than informal systems? A) Argentina B) United States C) Chile D) India E) China

B) *United States* Individual-oriented cultures such as the United States emphasize formal performance evaluation systems more than informal systems. They advocate written evaluations performed at regular intervals, the results of which managers share with employees and use in the determination of rewards. On the other hand, the collectivist cultures that dominate Asia and much of Latin America are characterized by more informal systems—downplaying formal feedback and disconnecting reward allocations from performance ratings.

Elaborate sets of performance-simulation tests specifically designed to evaluate a candidate's managerial potential are ________. A) less effective than work sampling B) administered in assessment centers C) similar to personality tests D) considered drawbacks of some management development programs E) likely to skew the results of behavioral samples

B) *administered in assessment centers* As compared to work-sample tests, a more elaborate set of performance- simulation tests specifically designed to evaluate a candidate's managerial potential is administered in assessment centers. Line executives, supervisors, and/or trained psychologists evaluate candidates as they go through one to several days of exercises that simulate real problems they would confront on the job.

Which of the following is most likely to be used for preliminary "rough cuts" to decide whether an applicant meets the basic qualifications for a job? A) drug test B) application form C) HR interview D) written test E) technical interview

B) *application form* Initial selection devices are the first information applicants submit and are used for deciding whether the applicant meets the basic qualifications for a job. Application forms are initial selection devices. Application forms help determine if an applicant has the proper credentials (education, certification, experience) for the position.

Which of the following is an on-the-job training method? A) live classroom lectures B) apprenticeships C) public seminars D) podcasts E) self-study programs

B) *apprenticeships* On-the- job training methods include job rotation, apprenticeships, understudy assignments, and formal mentoring programs.

Which of the following terms refers to the actions that actively damage the organization, including stealing, behaving aggressively toward co-workers, and being late or absent? A) citizenship B) counterproductivity C) task orientation D) satisficing E) groupthink

B) *counterproductivity* Counterproductivity refers to actions that actively damage the organization. These behaviors include stealing, damaging company property, behaving aggressively toward co-workers, and taking avoidable absences.

Which of the following evaluation methods focuses the evaluator's attention on those behaviors that are key to executing a job effectively? A) forced comparison B) critical incident C) graphic rating scale D) behaviorally anchored rating scale E) written essay

B) *critical incident* Critical incidents focus the evaluator's attention on the difference between executing a job effectively and executing it ineffectively. The appraiser describes what the employee did in a situation that was especially effective or ineffective, citing only specific behaviors, not vaguely defined personality traits.

Between the late 1960s and the mid-1980s, the use of written tests declined because they were characterized as ________. A) unprofessional B) discriminatory C) unreliable D) invalid E) mathematically flawed

B) *discriminatory* Long popular as selection devices, written tests declined in use between the late 1960s and mid-1980s, especially in the United States. They were frequently characterized as discriminatory, and many organizations had not validated them as job related.

The concept of ________ can be applied to appraisals to increase the perception that employees are treated fairly. A) selective evaluation B) due process C) multiple raters D) selective retention E) counterproductivity

B) *due process* The concept of due process can be applied to appraisals to increase the perception that employees are being treated fairly.

You have just been appointed as director of your company's corporate training division. The CEO of your company has been displeased with your company's prior training programs, so you are tasked with rehauling the entire training division. You convene a meeting of all training division managers to decide on the types of training that the division will implement. One of your managers is a firm supporter of e-training programs for employees in your company's international offices. He touts the benefits of e-programs by stressing that ________. A) e-training approaches have been proven to result in higher levels of knowledge assimilation B) e-training is highly flexible and employees can complete the training at their convenience C) many employees find solitary learning to be highly motivating D) online learners are less susceptible to distractions E) e-programs are inexpensive to design and implement

B) *e-training is highly flexible and employees can complete the training at their convenience* On the positive side, e-training increases flexibility because organizations can deliver materials anywhere, any time. It also seems fast and efficient. On the other hand, it's expensive to design self-paced online materials, employees miss the social interaction of a classroom, online learners are more susceptible to distractions, and "clicking through" training without engaging in practice activities provides no assurance that employees have actually learned anything.

Which of the following methods of performance evaluation allows for quantitative analysis and comparison? A) critical incident B) graphic rating scale C) assessment center evaluation D) written essay E) group order ranking

B) *graphic rating scale* Although they don't provide the depth of information that essays or critical incidents do, graphic rating scales are less time consuming to develop and administer and allow for quantitative analysis and comparison.

Your organization has reduced layers, flattening the organization. Your employees now need to perform a wider variety of tasks. As a result, you need to provide employees with training to help develop their ________ skills. A) basic literacy B) technical C) interpersonal D) problem solving E) communication

B) *technical* As organizations flatten their structures, expand their use of teams, and break down traditional departmental barriers, employees need mastery of a wider variety of tasks and increased knowledge of how their organization operates. This creates a need for greater technical skills.

Most training is directed at upgrading and improving an employee's ________ skills. A) financial B) technical C) problem-solving D) interpersonal E) social

B) *technical* Most training is directed at upgrading and improving an employee's technical skills, increasingly important for two reasons: new technology and new structural designs in the organization.

Which of the following work-life initiatives is an example of a culture-change strategy? A) offering flexible benefits B) tying manager pay to employee satisfaction C) allowing job sharing D) providing fitness center E) providing counseling services

B) *tying manager pay to employee satisfaction* Tying manager pay to employee satisfaction is a type of culture-change strategy used for achieving work-life balance.

Dunder Mifflin Inc. is considering implementing employee ethics training programs. Some members of senior management are opposed to these programs. Their opposition is most likely based on which of the following beliefs? A) Ethics training is very expensive. B) Ethics change from country to country. C) Individual value systems are fixed at an early age. D) Integrity cannot be taught by example. E) Ethics training does not help employees to recognize ethical dilemmas.

C) *Individual value systems are fixed at an early age.* Critics argue that ethics are based on values, and value systems are learned by example at an early age. By the time employees are hired, their ethical values are fixed. Some research does suggest ethics training does not have a significant long-term effect on participants' values.

Which of the following is an off-the-job training method? A) job rotation B) formal mentoring programs C) Internet courses D) job enlargement E) apprenticeship

C) *Internet courses* As on-the- job training methods often disrupt the workplace, organizations also invest in off-the- job training, the most popular method being live classroom lectures. But it also encompasses public seminars, self-study programs, Internet courses, Webinars, podcasts, and group activities that use role-plays and case studies.

Which of the following is not an ideal feature of a benefit program? A) It should be uniquely suited to the organizational culture. B) It should be sustainable in the long run. C) It should clearly outline expectations for conduct. D) It should reflect the values of the organization. E) It should demonstrate economic feasibility.

C) *It should clearly outline expectations for conduct.* Ideally, a benefit program should be uniquely suited to the organizational culture, reflect the values of the organization, demonstrate economic feasibility, and be sustainable in the long run.

The government passes a new law requiring all companies to offer employees unpaid time off to care for their children. This would harm the economic competitiveness of the nation's businesses as companies must be free to set their own employment policies without mandated parental-leave regulations. Which of the following, if true, would weaken the argument? A) A parental-leave law will serve to strengthen the family as a social institution in this country. B) Most businesses in the country already offer employees some form of parental leave. C) Some of the countries with the most economically competitive businesses have strong parental-leave regulations. D) The proposed parental-leave law does not apply to small-scale industries. E) In most polls, a majority of citizens say they favor passage of a parental-leave law.

C) *Some of the countries with the most economically competitive businesses have strong parental-leave regulations.* The fact that a parental-leave law will serve to strengthen the family as a social institution in this country and the fact that a majority of citizens say they favor passage of a parental-leave law are outside the scope of the conclusion as they show the significance of family as a social institution. The main subject of the passage is "economic competitiveness of the nation's businesses" not the" family as a social institution." Also the citizens' opinions are not relevant to the message in the passage. The fact that many businesses in this country already offer employees some form of parental leave neither offers detracting evidence nor reveals any faulty assumptions. The fact that some of the countries with the most economically competitive businesses have strong parental-leave regulations shows that many other countries managed to stay competitive despite strong parental-leave laws. Hence, this weakens the argument. The fact that the proposed parental-leave does not apply to small-scale industries is irrelevant to the argument.

Which of the following statements is true concerning international selection practices? A) Structured interviews are popular in all countries. B) Beliefs about how one should conduct an interpersonal interview are consistent across countries. C) The use of educational qualifications in screening candidates seems to be a universal practice. D) Employee selection policies and practices do not require modification from one country to another. E) Individuals are typically much more effective at selecting candidates than groups.

C) *The use of educational qualifications in screening candidates seems to be a universal practice.* A recent study of 300 large organizations in 22 countries demonstrated that selection practices differ by nation. However, the use of educational qualifications in screening candidates seems to be a universal practice, but different countries emphasize different selection techniques.

Scarlett has received authorization to add an assistant manager to her department. This person will be working closely with Scarlett and must have excellent interpersonal as well as technical skills. Scarlett wants to make certain that she maximizes the chance of choosing the correct individual and is trying to decide on the most appropriate selection device. Which of the following is most likely to be used by Scarlett during the initial selection stage to check if an applicant meets the basic qualifications for a job? A) assessment center B) drug test C) application form D) work-sample test E) integrity test

C) *application form* Initial selection devices are the first information applicants submit and are used for preliminary rough cuts to decide whether the applicant meets the basic qualifications for a job. One of the initial selection devices is an application form.

Which of the following is a forced comparison method of performance evaluation? A) written essays B) trait evaluations C) group order ranking D) critical incident method E) graphic rating scales

C) *group order ranking* The two most popular forced comparisons are group order ranking and individual ranking. Group order ranking requires the evaluator to place employees into a particular classification, such as top one-fifth or second one-fifth. This method is often used in recommending students to graduate schools.

Performance evaluations are used to ________. A) improve group cohesiveness B) define departmental structure C) help management make HR decisions D) identify how jobs are completed E) decrease conformity within organizations

C) *help management make HR decisions* Performance evaluation serves a number of purposes. One is to help management make general human resource decisions about promotions, transfers, and terminations.

Biozone provides its employees career counseling, skills workshops, and networking sessions. This work-life initiative used by Biozone falls under the category of ________. A) direct services B) time based strategies C) information based strategies D) money-based strategies E) culture-change strategies

C) *information based strategies* Information based strategies include work-life support, relocation assistance, elder care resources, and counseling services.

Stefan is looking for a job. Today he went to the Web site of Qriosity Inc., where he filled out an online application and attached a copy of his resume. In which part of the selection process is Stefan? A) physical selection B) job offer C) initial selection D) contingent selection E) substantive selection

C) *initial selection* Applicants go through three stages in the selection process, initial selection, substantive selection, and contingent selection. Initial selection devices are the first information applicants submit and are used to decide whether the applicant meets the basic qualifications for a job. Application forms are initial selection devices. Today many organizations encourage applicants to apply online.

Which of the following is a form of background check? A) aptitude test B) offer letter C) letters of recommendation D) application form E) work-sample test

C) *letters of recommendation* Letters of recommendation are a form of Background check. These aren't as useful as they may seem because applicants select those who will write good things about them, so almost all letters of recommendation are positive.

Researchers now recognize three major types of behavior that constitute performance at work. Which of the following are these three major types of behavior? A) task performance, productivity, tenure B) productivity, efficiency, absenteeism C) task performance, citizenship, counterproductivity D) citizenship, counterproductivity, personality E) leadership, knowledge, efficiency

C) *task performance, citizenship, counter productivity* Researchers now recognize three major types of behavior that constitute performance at work: 1. Task performance. Performing the duties and responsibilities that contribute to the production of a good or service or to administrative tasks. 2. Citizenship. Actions that contribute to the psychological environment of the organization. 3. Counterproductivity. Actions that actively damage the organization.

________ involves evaluating one's performance against the performance of one or more others. A) BARS B) The critical incident method C) An assessment center evaluation D) Forced comparison E) Likert analysis

D) *Forced comparison* Forced comparisons evaluate one individual's performance against the performance of another or others. It is a relative, rather than an absolute, measuring device.

________ training involves employees helping each other out at the workplace in an unplanned and unstructured environment. A) Formal B) Ethics C) Interpersonal D) Informal E) Classroom

D) *Informal* Most workplace learning takes place in informal training, which is unstructured, unplanned, and easily adapted to situations and individuals, for teaching skills and keeping employees current. In reality, most informal training is nothing other than employees helping each other out.

Sirius Corp, an automobile manufacturer in Texas, has a number of vacancies at lower management levels, which is important for the company's future development, and wants to fill the positions from within the company itself rather than recruit externally. The company plans to e-mail the job specifications to all employees and post the jobs on the company Web site. Which of the following, if true, will strengthen the company's decision? A) The majority of the company employees have only a basic level of education. B) The company recently instituted a technical skills improvement program for shop floor employees. C) A top recruitment agency recently sent the company details of prospective college candidates. D) Several top performing entry level employees have received offers from rival companies. E) A majority of the company's employees are reaching the age of retirement.

D) *Several top performing entry level employees have received offers from rival companies.* If the majority of the company employees have only a basic level of education, then the company needs to hire talent from external sources. This weakens their decision, as does the fact that a top recruitment agency recently sent the company details of prospective college candidates. If a majority of the company's employees are reaching the age of retirement, it is time for the company to hire younger employees. If the company recently instituted a technical skills improvement program for shop floor employees, it has no relevance to internal recruitment of employees from lower level management. As several top performing employees have received offers from rival companies, the management has to consider internal recruitment due to fear of losing them. Through promotions, the company can prevent these employees from accepting a position elsewhere.

Formal performance appraisals are used more frequently in countries that ________. A) value status quo and rigidity B) are low in assertiveness C) are low in uncertainty avoidance D) are low in in-group collectivism E) have long-term orientation

D) *are low in in-group collectivism* According to a study, formal performance appraisals were used more frequently in countries that are high in assertiveness, high in uncertainty avoidance, and low in ingroup collectivism. In other words, assertive countries that see performance as an individual responsibility, and that desire certainty about where people stand, were more likely to use formal performance appraisals.

Which of the following is most likely to be an initial selection device? A) technical interview B) drug test C) written test D) background check E) work-sample test

D) *background check* Initial selection devices are the first information applicants submit and are used to decide whether the applicant meets the basic qualifications for a job. Application forms (including letters of recommendation) are initial selection devices. Background checks are either an initial selection device or a contingent selection device, depending on how the organization chooses to structure its selection process.

Which of the following is a common contingent selection method? A) IQ test B) interview C) interest inventory D) drug test E) work-sample test

D) *drug test* If applicants pass the substantive selection methods, they are ready to be hired, contingent on a final check. One common contingent method is a drug test.

Lewis is a sales representative for his company. He is attending a company training program about the types of expenses that are considered legal deductions for tax purposes and how to distinguish between personal expenses and business expenses. Lewis is attending training to improve his ________ skills. A) literacy B) problem-solving C) interpersonal D) ethical E) technical

D) *ethical* Lewis is attending training to improve ethics skills. A large percentage of employees working in the 1,000 largest U.S. corporations receive ethics training either during new-employee orientation, as part of ongoing developmental programs, or as periodic reinforcement of ethical principles.

Performance-simulation tests have higher ________, which measures whether applicants perceive the measures to be accurate. A) nominal validity B) nominal reasonability C) face cognitivity D) face validity E) face legitimacy

D) *face validity* Performance-simulation tests have higher face validity (which measures whether applicants perceive the measures to be accurate).

Which of the following performance evaluation methods is often used in recommending students to graduate schools? A) written essays B) critical incident analysis C) BARS D) group order ranking E) graphic rating scales

D) *group order ranking* Group order ranking requires the evaluator to place employees into a particular classification, such as top one-fifth or second one-fifth. This method is often used in recommending students to graduate schools.

By training employees on how to be better listeners, organizations attempt to improve their ________ skills. A) ethical B) technical C) problem-solving D) interpersonal E) cultural

D) *interpersonal* Some employees have excellent interpersonal abilities, but others require training to improve listening, communicating, and team-building skills.

Assessment centers are typically used to evaluate a candidate's ________ potential. A) linguistic B) technical C) cognitive D) managerial E) analytical

D) *managerial* Performance-simulation tests , designed to evaluate a candidate's managerial potential, are typically administered in assessment centers.

You are introducing self-managed teams and implementing quality-management programs. It would be important to conduct training in ________ skills. A) basic literacy B) technical C) interpersonal D) problem-solving E) interdependence

D) *problem-solving* Problem-solving training has become a part of almost every organizational effort to introduce self-managed teams or implement quality-management programs. Problem- solving training for managers and other employees can include activities to sharpen their logic, reasoning, and problem-defining skills as well as their abilities to assess causation, develop and analyze alternatives, and select solutions.

Written tests are used during the ________ stage of the selection process. A) cognitive B) associative C) analytic D) substantive E) initial

D) *substantive* Written tests are used during the substantive stage of the selection process.

If a manager uses critical incidents as a method of performance evaluation, then ________. A) the employees generally receive poor ratings B) the evaluator's writing skills become the determining factor of the evaluation C) the employees are more likely to become motivated to achieve their goals D) the focus of the evaluation will center on key behaviors E) the cost of the evaluation is likely to be incredibly high for the organization

D) *the focus of the evaluation will center on key behaviors* Critical incidents focus the evaluator's attention on the difference between executing a job effectively and executing it ineffectively. A list of such critical incidents provides a rich set of examples to show the employee desirable behaviors and those that call for improvement.

Which of the following statements is most likely to be true regarding behavioral structured interviews? A) They are most useful when interviewing knowledge workers. B) They increase an interviewer's reliance on his or her "gut feelings." C) They are conducted in a similar manner as audition-type interviews. D) They are useful only for interviewing nonskilled workers. E) They increase the effectiveness of the interview technique.

E) *They increase the effectiveness of the interview technique.* Interview effectiveness improves when employers use behavioral structured interviews, which are less influenced by a variety of interviewer biases. They require applicants to describe how they handled specific problems and situations in previous jobs based on the assumption that past behavior offers the best predictor of future behavior.

Which of the following is most likely to be the fastest growing training medium? A) job rotation B) live classroom lectures C) apprenticeships D) formal mentoring program E) e-training

E) *e-training* The fastest-growing training medium is probably computer-based training, or e- training. E-learning systems emphasize learner control over the pace and content of instruction, allow e-learners to interact through online communities, and incorporate other techniques such as simulations and group discussions.

Marcel hates the annual review process he has to do for the employees in his department. Although he is fully aware of some of his employees' faults, he is reluctant to discuss them in person, and is only comfortable writing them in an unsigned report that his supervisor will review. Marcel's behavior demonstrates ________. A) provision of due process B) inflated assessment of employee performance C) organizational citizenship behavior D) managerial sincerity E) fear of confrontation

E) *fear of confrontation* Even though almost every employee could stand to improve in some areas, managers fear confrontation when presenting negative feedback. Marcel's reluctance to criticize suggests that he doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings and that he fears confrontation.

Jeeves Consulting requires a performance evaluation method that is less time consuming to develop and administer and allows for quantitative analysis and comparison. An appropriate evaluation technique for Jeeves Consulting would be ________. A) written essays B) trait evaluations C) forced comparisons D) 360-degree evaluations E) graphic rating scales

E) *graphic rating scales* One of the oldest and most popular methods of evaluation is graphic rating scales. Although they don't provide the depth of information that essays or critical incidents do, graphic rating scales are less time consuming to develop and administer and allow for quantitative analysis and comparison.

Due to the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act, job applicants ________. A) can be subjected to a drug test only if they are being considered for senior-level management positions B) are never required to submit to a physical exam for a job C) cannot be subjected to a work-sample test after a contingent job offer D) cannot be subjected to behavioral assessment tests before a contingent offer E) may be required to undergo a medical examination after they receive a contingent offer

E) *may be required to undergo a medical examination after they receive a contingent offer* Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, firms may not require prospective employees to pass a medical exam before a job offer is made. However, they can conduct medical exams after making a contingent offer, to determine whether an applicant is physically or mentally able to do the job.

Which of the following work-life initiatives is a direct service? A) elder care resources B) adoption assistance C) job sharing D) direct financial assistance E) onsite child care

E) *onsite child care* Direct services include onsite child care, fitness center, summer child care, onsite conveniences, concierge services, and free or discounted company products.

During a selection process, the ________ selection stage immediately follows the initial selection stage. A) cognitive B) associative C) analytic D) behavioral E) substantive

E) *substantive* If an applicant passes the initial screens, next are substantive selection methods. These are the heart of the selection process and include written tests, performance tests, and interviews.

Work-life conflicts became noticeable in the 1980s when ________. A) the rate of inflation started increasing B) baby boomers' parents began to age C) men started giving more importance to family time D) workloads became historically heavier E) women, with dependent children, started entering the workforce

E) *women, with dependent children, started entering the workforce* Work-life conflicts grabbed management's attention in the 1980s, largely as a result of the growing number of women with dependent children entering the workforce. In response, most major organizations took actions to make their workplaces more family friendly.

A formal mentoring program is an example of an off-the- job training method.

FALSE Explanation: A formal mentoring program is an example of an on-the- job training method.

Performance-simulation tests have lower face validity (which measures whether applicants perceive the measures to be accurate) than written tests.

FALSE Explanation: Although they are more complicated to develop and administer than written tests, performance-simulation tests have higher face validity (which measures whether applicants perceive the measures to be accurate), and their popularity has increased.

A test that measures factors such as dependability, carefulness, responsibility, and honesty is referred to as a task variability test.

FALSE Explanation: As ethical problems have increased in organizations, integrity tests have gained popularity. These paper-and- pencil tests measure factors such as dependability, carefulness, responsibility, and honesty; they have proven to be powerful predictors of supervisory ratings of job performance and of theft, discipline problems, and excessive absenteeism.

The group order ranking method of performance evaluation combines major elements from the critical incident and graphic rating scale approaches.

FALSE Explanation: Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) combine major elements from the critical incident and graphic rating scale approaches.

Individual traits are the strongest performance evaluation criteria.

FALSE Explanation: In the case of performance evaluation, the weakest criteria are individual traits because they're furthest removed from actual job performance.

Most formal training involves employees simply helping each other out.

FALSE Explanation: Most workplace learning takes place in informal training, unstructured, unplanned, and easily adapted to situations and individuals, for teaching skills and keeping employees current. In reality, most informal training is nothing other than employees helping each other out.

The goal of initial selection is to determine the most qualified applicants from among those who meet basic qualifications.

FALSE Explanation: The goal of initial selection is to decide whether an applicant meets the basic qualifications for a job.

Time pressures are the primary problem underlying work-life conflicts.

FALSE Explanation: Time pressures aren't the primary problem underlying these conflicts. It's the psychological incursion of work into the family domain and vice versa when people are worrying about personal problems at work and thinking about work problems at home.

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, firms cannot require employees to pass a medical exam before or after a job offer is made.

FALSE Explanation: Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, firms may not require prospective employees to pass a medical exam before a job offer is made. However, they can require medical exams after making a contingent offer.

In assessment centers, candidates are evaluated as they go through several days of exercises that simulate real problems they would confront on the job.

TRUE Explanation: An elaborate set of performance-simulation tests specifically designed to evaluate a candidate's managerial potential is administered in assessment centers. Line executives, supervisors, and/or trained psychologists evaluate candidates as they go through one to several days of exercises that simulate real problems they would confront on the job.

Appraisers should be as close as possible in organizational level to the individual being evaluated.

TRUE Explanation: Appraisers should be as close as possible in organizational level to the individual being evaluated. The more levels that separate them, the less opportunity the evaluator has to observe the individual's behavior and, not surprisingly, the greater the possibility for inaccuracies.

As the number of evaluators increases, the probability of attaining more accurate information increases.

TRUE Explanation: As the number of evaluators increases, the probability of attaining more accurate information increases. If an employee has had ten supervisors, nine having rated her excellent and one poor, we can safely discount the one poor evaluation.

The critical incidents method of performance evaluation focuses the evaluator's attention on the difference between executing a job effectively and executing it ineffectively.

TRUE Explanation: Critical incidents focus the evaluator's attention on the difference between executing a job effectively and executing it ineffectively. The appraiser describes what the employee did in a situation that was especially effective or ineffective, citing only specific behaviors, not vaguely defined personality traits. A list of such critical incidents provides a rich set of examples to show the employee desirable behaviors and those that call for improvement.

Graphic rating scales are less time consuming to develop and administer and allow for quantitative analysis and comparison.

TRUE Explanation: Graphic rating scales are less time consuming to develop and administer and allow for quantitative analysis and comparison.

Substantive selection methods are the heart of the selection process and include written tests, performance tests, and interviews.

TRUE Explanation: If an applicant passes the initial screens, next are substantive selection methods. These are the heart of the selection process and include written tests, performance tests, and interviews.

Letters of recommendation are a form of background check.

TRUE Explanation: Letters of recommendation are a form of background check.

Technical training has become increasingly important because of changes in organizational design.

TRUE Explanation: Most training is directed at upgrading and improving an employee's technical skills, which is increasingly important for two reasons: new technology and new structural designs in the organization.

Performance evaluations identify training and development needs.

TRUE Explanation: Performance evaluations identify training and development needs.

Due process systems provide individuals with adequate notice of what is expected of them.

TRUE Explanation: The concept of due process can be applied to appraisals to increase the perception that employees are being treated fairly. Three features characterize due process systems: (1) individuals are provided with adequate notice of what is expected of them; (2) all evidence relevant to a proposed violation is aired in a fair hearing so the individuals affected can respond; and (3) the final decision is based on the evidence and free of bias.

The 360-degree appraisal method takes into consideration feedback from co-workers, customers, and subordinates.

TRUE Explanation: The latest approach to performance evaluation is 360-degree evaluations. These provide performance feedback from the employee's full circle of daily contacts, from mailroom workers to customers to bosses to peers.

The most popular off-the- job training method is live classroom lectures.

TRUE Explanation: The most popular off-the- job training method is live classroom lectures. But it also encompasses public seminars, self-study programs, Internet courses, Webinars, podcasts, and group activities that use role-plays and case studies.

The performance review should be designed more as a counseling activity than as a judgment process.

TRUE Explanation: The performance review should be a counseling activity more than a judgment process, best accomplished by allowing it to evolve from the employee's own self-evaluation.

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