HRPO ch 3-6

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Goal-setting theory has been tested in a variety of settings. Which of the following statements is not true regarding the findings of these studies?

Goals set for organizations as a whole are typically more effective than goals set for individual employees

Which of the following would be most likely to support an organization's empowerment efforts?

Increasing commitment to training

Which of the following best describes the current view of job enrichment?

Job enrichment has recently fallen into disfavor among managers

Which of the following is NOT a motivation factor in Herzberg's model?

Job security

_____ refers to an individual's general strategy for dealing with other people and the degree to which they feel they can manipulate others in interpersonal situations.


The _________________ makes job specialization difficult to implement, even though it seems as if it would be highly effective.

Monotony associated with each task

Which theory serves as the basis for job enrichment?

None of these

Who developed a learning style orientation measure to address some of the limitations of the Kolb inventory?

Towler and Dipboye

T/F: Employees may improve their own productivity if they are able to participate in making decisions about how their jobs are done.


People who are impatient, competitive, ambitious, and uptight are said to have what personality type?

Type A

A 360-degree feedback system includes __________

a wide range of feedback, as well as intangible and subjective measures of performance.

A person who has a(n) __________ locus of control believes that most of the things that happen to her are out of her hands.


Luck, lack of resources, and other people are examples of __________ factors.


Which type of reinforcer is most appropriate when a manager realizes he or she has been rewarding the wrong thing and wants to stop the behavior?


T/F: According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, physiological needs include things that offer safety and security, such as adequate housing and clothing and freedom from worry and anxiety.


T/F: According to the expectancy theory of motivation, a negative sum of valences will encourage motivated behavior regardless of other factors.


T/F: Attitudes are more stable than personality attributes


T/F: Employees who are expected to work unusual and demanding schedules are usually satisfied receiving additional time off and do not require higher pay.


T/F: Herzberg's dual-structure theory suggests that the feelings of satisfaction and dissatisfaction that workers experience are derived from the same set of factors.


T/F: In the early stages of the learning process, fixed-ratio reinforcement is particularly effective for promoting desirable behaviors.


T/F: Most firms have found that tying direct compensation to the amount of time an employee has spent with an organization is the most effective way to maintain a high level of motivation.


T/F: Stereotyping is categorizing or labeling people based on a wide range of attributes.


Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is most important for which of the following groups?


A __________ reinforcement schedule is one in which the desired behavior is reinforced after a certain amount of time has passed.


Allowing employees to decide what hours they work on the days they are required to work would be an example of __________


_____________ stress refers to manageable levels of stress for reasonable periods of time that generate positive emotions including satisfaction, excitement, and enjoyment.


According to Herzberg, once a state of no dissatisfaction has been reached...

further attempts to enhance motivation via the hygiene factors will be a waste of time.

When a firm shares the value of productivity gains with the workforce, it is called __________.

gain sharing

The extent to which goals are challenging, attainable, and require effort is known as ___________

goal difficulty

Maslow helped to increase managers' awareness of the motivating potential of giving employees which of the following?

greater responsibility, challenge, and continuous development

In collectivistic cultures such as Japan, performance appraisals tend to be ________


Which sensory modality is LEAST important to learning?


The problems with telecommuting include all of the following EXCEPT

have to be at work during core time

Which one of the following statements has been cited as a weakness of the job characteristics theory?

he role of individual differences frequently has not been supported by scientific research

Porter and Lawler's extension of the expectancy model argues that

high levels of performance may lead to satisfaction

All of the following statements about the key outcomes expected to result from the psychological states detailed in the job characteristics theory are true EXCEPT

high profits for stockholders

Which strategy/strategies gives job candidates realistic information about what it would be like to work for a given firm?

hiring customers, realistic job previews, AND using employee referrals

Paid time off (PTO) is an example of ________

indirect compensation

What term refers to the manner in which individuals process and organize information during learning?

information processing capacity

What term refers to the number and type of assignments employees are given based on expectations?


According to Victor Vroom, _______________ is the belief that performance will result in obtaining a particular reward.


Personality clashes are an example of ____________

interpersonal value conflict

An employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) ____

is a company-established plan in which employees acquire shares of the company, often at below-market prices, as part of their benefits

The problems encountered when implementing job rotation in the workplace include all of the following EXCEPT

it is ineffective for training purposes

The behavioral approach to decision-making is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT

it uses logic

Worker productivity and motivation can be improved through positive work-related experiences, according to the theory of ___________________

job enrichment

A work group of three secretaries who take turns answering the phones, sorting mail, and typing and filing correspondence are demonstrating which of the following?

job rotation

Allowing two or more individuals to split a traditional 40-hours-a-week job is known as ___

job sharing

The first widespread model of how individual work should be designed was

job specialization

A person who feels equitably treated is motivated to _____.

keep things as they are

Any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs because of experience


Arthur appears to be poised, calm, resilient, and secure. He displays low _____.


What term refers to feeling obliged to stay with an organization for moral or ethical reasons?

normative commitment

What term refers to an employees' opportunities to express their opinions, speak at meetings, and contribute to solving problems?


A goal is most likely to be attained when ________________

people are given feedback showing progress toward the goal and people are strongly committed to it

Aria has been performing successfully at work for several months. Aria believes that she will get a pay raise if she maintains this high level of performance. This belief is an example of the __________ expectancy.


What term refers to the match between an individual and his or her supervisor and workgroup?

person-group fit

What term refers to the fit between a person's abilities and the demands of the job?

person-job fit

________fit refers to the fit between a person's interests, abilities, values, and personality and a profession


Boris works as a receptionist. He's happy with his salary, he gets along well with his coworkers and his boss, there's no stress, and he can get all of his tasks done proficiently. however, he feels unfulfilled and hopes to get a different job soon. Which of the following does Boris lack?

person-vocation fit

A performance bonus is an example of which of the following?

positive reinforcement

What term refers to valuing control of situations and other people?


_________ refers to attributing our own characteristics to other people.


All of the following are true about employee benefits EXCEPT

providing employee benefits is easier for firms in the United States than for firms in other countries.

The critical psychological states of the job characteristics theory include all of the following EXCEPT

recognition for work outcomes

According to the job characteristics model, task identity is the degree to which a job ____

requires completion of a whole and identifiable piece of work

According to the human relations approach, offering employees _____________ is the best way to enhance motivation in the workplace.


T/F: According to the human relations approach, offering employees _____________ is the best way to enhance motivation in the workplace.


What term refers to a person's confidence in his or her ability to organize and execute the courses of action necessary to accomplish a specific task?


Can only be internal; the relationship between a person's self-efficacy and self-respect.


What term refers to any system that interacts with the environment through one of the basic senses?

sensory modality

A key component of equity theory is that employees compare their own input/output ratios with the input/outcome ratios of other employees. What is the term for this phenomenon?

social comparison

Which dimension of self-efficacy refers to beliefs about how confident the person is that the task can be accomplished?


What type of learners are most likely to enjoy making outlines of text and lecture material?

structured learners

High Machiavellians exhibit ______________.

-resistance to social influence -orientation to cognitions rather than emotions -bossiness

In the study of stress, what does GAS stand for?

General Adaptation Syndrome

Which term refers to the capacity to rapidly and fluidly acquire, process, and apply information?

General mental ability

What psychologist's work laid the foundation for the study of behavior modification?

B.F. Skinner

_____ is NOT one of the seven universal emotions.


_____ depend primarily on active experimentation and abstract conceptualization to learn.


What term refers to the fundamental premises people hold about themselves and their functioning in the world?

Core self-evaluations

___ is the first step in the organizational behavior modification process.

Defining what can be approved

___________________ is the first step in the organizational behavior modification process.

Defining what can be improved

___________ are superior in generating alternative hypotheses and ideas and tend to be imaginative and people- or feeling-oriented


T/F: Managers who want to raise the level of job performance from their employees find that motivation is easier to manage than ability or environment.


Who developed the two-factor theory?

Frederick Herzberg

Who theorized that there are a number of distinct forms of intelligence that each individual possesses in varying degrees?


n the job characteristics theory, which of the following is not a factor presumed to cause the emergence of psychological states?

Experienced responsibility

Which of the following traits is/are related to job satisfaction?

Extraversion, agreeableness, emotional stability

T/F: Managers should have sole responsibility for evaluating employees since studies have shown that employees are not capable of evaluating their own performance.


Which of the "Big Five" personality dimensions is associated with being imaginative, cultured, curious, broad-minded, and artistically sensitive?

Openness to experience

A supervisor can enrich a job by doing which of the following?

Organizing work in teams, granting additional authority to employees, and introducing new or harder tasks

Which of the following statements about performance measurement with a developmental orientation is true?

Performance appraisals with a developmental orientation provide information for future performance improvement

Which of the following ties a worker's earnings to the number of units produced?

Piecework program

___________________ would be LEAST likely to result in improved performance.

Setting unattainable goals to maximize worker productivity

Which of the following is not an example of an organizational enhancement arising from team environments?

Taller organizational hierarchy

Who developed scientific management?

Taylor - employees are motivated by money

All of the following are direct organizational consequences of stress EXCEPT

accident proneness

________________ commitment is defined as the degree to which an employee feels positive emotional attachment to the organization and strong identification with its values and goals.


What term refers to a general tendency of an individual to experience a particular mood or to react to things in a particular way or with certain emotions?


Sheryl is cooperative forgiving, and understanding. She has high _____.


Which stress stage is triggered we first encounter a stressor?


Management by objectives efforts are typically designed to accomplish all of the following EXCEPT __________

allow individual goals to determine organizational policy

What term refers to how people explain the causes of their own as well as other people's behaviors and achievements?


Which approach to performance management identifies financial and nonfinancial performance measures and organizes them into a single model?

balanced scorecard

Albert works as a salesperson making $8 an hour plus 5% of every sale he makes. He receives two weeks of paid vacation a year as well as 50% matching in a 401K retirement fund. In this scenario, "$8 an hour" represents Albert's ______

base pay

Which of the following is NOT considered a form of incentive program?

base pay

Why might some people pursue multiple vocations during the course of their careers?

because they get bored with one vocation AND because they have diverse interests

In the Equity Theory of Motivation, what is the meaning of "equity"?

belief of fair treatment relative to others

___________ refers to exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration.


What term refers to an incompatibility between behavior and an attitude or between two different attitudes?

cognitive dissonance

A _____________ reinforcement schedule is one in which the behavior is reinforced every time it occurs


What is the second step in the performance appraisal process?


David is self-aware, manages his emotions, expresses empathy for others, and possesses social skills. He has high

emotional intelligence

What term refers to a heightened emotional and intellectual connection that an employee has for his/her job, organization, manager, or coworkers that, in turn, influences him/her to apply additional discretionary effort to his/her work?

employee engagement

Which of the following statements about variable work schedules is true?

employees grow resentful and powerless

What term refers to the degree to which an employee has the authority to make and implement decisions?


Personality is a product of which of the following?

environment AND heredity

Which of the following refers to a positive type of stress?


Humphrey and Lina, who work at different firms, each receive a 3% raise. Most of Humphrey's coworkers receive a 5% raise, and he is unhappy with his raise. Most of Lina's coworkers receive a 1% raise, and she is happy with her raise. Humphrey and Lina most likely have different reactions to their raises because their raises have different _________

symbolic value

Deming felt that when things go wrong, there is a 94 percent chance that the __________ rather than the __________ is the cause.

system, worker

An extrovert is most likely to be which of the following?


The job characteristics theory says that __________ is critical to motivating workers because it helps them identify with their work and its tangible outcome.

task identity

The two essential issues that must not be overlooked when implementing teams are

team performance and top management support.

Vertical job loading differs from job enlargement in that

the employee has more control over the job.

What term refers to drawing a general impression about something or someone based on a single (typically good) characteristic?

the halo effect

Attribution theory says that we evaluate behavior in terms of all of the following EXCEPT

the nature of the job

In most appraisal systems, who is an employee's primary evaluator?

the supervisor

Type A personality types tend to have which of the following characteristics?

they are likely to be highly work oriented; they have a strong sense of time urgency; they have a lot of drive and motivation.

Workplace bullying can include which of the following?

threats verbal abuse AND intimidation

T/F: Formal rewards play a bigger role in a person's perceptions of equity than do informal rewards.


T/F: MBO has value as a way to motivate employees.


T/F: Performance appraisal systems that evaluate individual performance tend to rank employees' performance at the same general level.


T/F: The third stage of GAS, exhaustion, does not always happen.


T/F: Workers are likely to improve their performance when they believe that needs that are important to their well-being will be satisfied if they do so.


T/F:Allowing work teams to plan, organize, direct, and control their own work is known as empowerment.


Which of the following is NOT a dimension of self-efficacy?


What are extrinsic work values?

values related to the outcomes of the work, such as financial gain

What are intrinsic work values?

values that are related to the work itself

A __________ reinforcement schedule is one in which the desired behavior is reinforced after an unpredictable amount of time has elapsed.


Behavior that is reinforced after periods of time, with the time span varying from one time to the next is called


When does intrapersonal value conflict occur?

when being happy pulls us to spend quality time with our family, but personal ambition pulls us to work longer hours and pursue promotions

Two of the most important issues regarding how to conduct a performance appraisal are

who does the appraisal and the frequency of the appraisal

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