HSS 205: Chapter 1

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"It is no surprise that society's deep worries about fever closely followed the synthesis of ________, the first drug that could safely reduce it."


A quasi-religious belief in _____________ may combine an excessive confidence in technology in general with a distrust of the people and organizations that control it in actual practice


An ____________ structure allows the integration of diffuse human and material inputs for the attainment of particular task.


As defined by Norbert Wiener- "a method of controlling a system by reinserting in it the results of its past performance"

Rational Thought Processes

As the great German sociologist Max Weber put it, the world defined by ____________ ___________ ____________ had become "disenchanted" for it was bereft of gods, genies, and spiritual forces that people not imbued with the spirit of rationality used to explain their world.


Built with slave labor, the ___________ rocket exemplifies the technological advances achieved in Nazi Germany.

Modern Mass Movements

Edmund Burke was concerned with the destruction of traditional authority by _______ _______ ________, as exemplified by the French Revolution.


Greek word meaning art, craft, or skill


Latin word meaning to weave

Organizational Structures

Lewis Mumford asserted that the first "machine" was not a physical object, but the _________ _________ that the Egyptian pharaohs employed to build the pyramids.

Intriguing Technological Challenge

Other than transportation, what is one reason the supersonic Concorde and manned space exploration were created?

Technological Enthusiasm

Robert Post described the proclivity of developing simply for the challenge and enjoyment of solving technological problems as "________ ________".

Adam Smith

Scottish economist who developed the feedback principle


Some argue that a logical, detached, and dispassionate approach to the world is suffused with a "__________" approach to understanding and interacting with the world.

Social Constructivist

Someone taking a ____________ ____________ approach also point out that the expansion of the market for computers was also powerfully stimulated by commercial enterprises like banks and insurance companies, and that this huge market supported the research and development that rapidly advanced computer technology.


Technology is one of the best examples of humankind's largely unrealized dream of continual _____________.


The automobile is an example of a technology with a _______ nature, having both a practical purpose and non practical features

Informed Participation

The development and application of technologies that are suited to our needs requires the ___________ ____________ of a wide range of people

Elements of Technology (Bigelow)

The first book to use the word "Technology" in the title

False (many early developers were women)

True or False: All of the early developers of the computer were men.


What dictator illustrates the fact that it is also important to recognize that rational ways of thinking do not confer moral superiority?

Nazi Germany

What illustration does the author use to demonstrate that technological progress is not the same thing as progress in general?

Moby Dick, Herman Mellville

What novel is the following quote from and who is the author? "All my means are sane, my motive and subject mad."


What technology does the author use to illustrate the uneven process of technological advances

Jacob Bigelow

Who defined technology as, "the principles, processes, and nomenclatures of the more conspicuous arts, particularly those which involve applications of science."?

Jacob Bigelow

Who published 'Elemets of Technology' in 1831

Henry Ford

Who said of his firm, "If we have a tradition it is this: Everything can always be done faster and better."

Albert Speer (Hitler's Minister of Armaments)

Who said the following quote? "The criminal events of these years were not only an outgrowth of Hitler's personality. The extant of the crimes was also due to the fact that Hitler was the first to be able to employ the implements of technology to multiply crime."

William Ogden

Who said the following quote? "The whole interconnected mass (i.e. social institutions, customs, technology, and science) is in motion."

Jacob Bronowski

Who said, " to quarrel with technology is to quarrel with the nature of man - just as if we were to quarrel with his upright gait, his symbolic imagination, his faculty for speech or his unusual sexual posture and appetite."?

C. S. Lewis

Who said, "Man's power over nature is really the power of some men over others with nature as their instrument."?

Julian Freund (French sociologist)

Who said, "With the progress of science and technology, man has stopped believing in magic powers, in spirits and demons; he has lost his sense of prophecy and, above all, his sense of the sacred. Reality has become dreary, flat and utilitarian, leaving a great void in the souls of men which they seek to fill by furious activity and through various devices and substitutes."?

Marie Antoinette

Who was Edmund Burke referring to when he said, "Little did I dream that I should have lived to see such disasters fallen upon her in a nation of gallant men, in a nation of men of honor and of cavaliers. I thought ten thousand swords must have leaped from their scabbards to avenge even a look that threatened her with insult. But the age of chivalry is gone. That of sophisters, economists, and calculators, has succeeded; and the glory of Europe is extinguished forever."?


_________ implies objectivity; coolness and detachment are part of this approach to understanding and changing the world.

Law of the Hammer

a new technology may in fact create its own need

Daedalus Project

a successful attempt to build a human-powered aircraft capable of flying forty miles across the open sea


a system created by humans that uses knowledge and organization to produce objects and techniques for the attainment of specific goals

Feedback Principle

instead of the economic system being guided by a centralized authority, an economy might best be organized through the operation of a self-regulating market with the actions of independent buyers and seller providing the feedback.

Sigmoid Curve

s shaped curve or pattern of change

Technological Determinism

the belief that technology acts as an independent force in our life, unaffected by social forces

Social Constructivism

the emergence of particular technologies, choices between technologies, and the way these technologies are actually used owe a great deal to socially grounded forces like political power, social class, gender, and organizational dynamics.


the linguistic roots of the word "technology" can be traced to what Indo-European stem which seems to have referred to woodworking?


the philosophy that holds that every event, action, and decision results from something independent of the human will


the transference of an idea from one area to another

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