Hst 131 Rogers Final

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What amendment was Prohibition and when was it repealed?

18th, 1933

When was the first draft?


What was the Teapot Dome Scandal?

A bribery incident that took place in the United States from 1921 to 1922 that allowed the Attorney general to use his position to accept money from criminals.

What was the Bracero Program?

A government program that contracted Mexican migrant workers to work in America.

Which of the following is NOT true about suburbanization from the late 1940s through the 1960s? A. Despite discriminatory practices among real estate developers, agents, and bankers, interracial neighborhoods actually increased white Americans' property value. B. Real estate developers, agents, and bankers routinely colluded to prohibit the sale of suburban homes and deny home loans to African Americans and other non-white groups. C. By the 1960s, many businesses had relocated to the suburbs, which led to economic decline in urban centers. D. Restrictive covenants prohibited the occupancy of homes in particular neighborhoods by certain groups of people, including African Americans, Jewish Americans, Asian Americans, and others.

A. Despite discriminatory practices among real estate developers, agents, and bankers, interracial neighborhoods actually increased white Americans' property value.

Which of the following is NOT true about the National Security Act of 1947? A. It created the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a security pact between the U.S. and eleven European countries that said an attack on any one member was an attack on all members. B. It created the Central Intelligence Agency to develop the federal government's espionage capacities and the means to deter Communism through covert activities. C. It created the National Security Council to collect data on foreign nation and give advice to the President. D. It created the Department of Defense to make the U.S. military more efficient and increase communication.

A. It created the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a security pact between the U.S. and eleven European countries that said an attack on any one member was an attack on all members.

Which is not an indicator of economic crisis? A. Low tariffs B. Chronic debt C. Demand declined D. Lack of government regulation

A. Low tariffs

Match the following quotation with the proper policy: "Practical and ideological considerations therefore both impel us to the conclusion that we have no choice but to demonstrate the superiority of the idea of freedom by its constructive application, and to attempt to change the world situation by means short of war in such a way as to frustrate the Kremlin design and hasten the decay of the Soviet system." A. NSC-68 B. Marshall Plan C. Truman Doctrine D. United Nations Charter

A. NSC-68

Which of the following is NOT true about the First New Deal? A. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) was created to build dams along the Ohio River in an effort to supply cheap electricity to wealthy urban dwellers. B. The National Recovery Administration (NRA) was intended to work with groups of business leaders to establish industry standards for output, prices, and working conditions. C. The Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) provided funds to feed the hungry as well as create jobs in public works. D. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) offered the unemployed, mainly men, a chance to earn wages while working to conserve natural resources and create vast new recreation areas.

A. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) was created to build dams along the Ohio River in an effort to supply cheap electricity to wealthy urban dwellers.

Which of the following is NOT true about the sit-in movement of the early 1960s? A. The students who had participated in the sit-ins formed the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) to facilitate sit-ins in other cities across the United States. B. The sit-in movement began in February 1960 when four African American students in Greensboro, North Carolina requested service at a whites-only lunch counter in a Woolworth's store. C. Sit-ins were a non-violent direct action tactic. D. Ella Baker took a special interest in students because she found them receptive to her notion of participatory democracy.

A. The students who had participated in the sit-ins formed the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) to facilitate sit-ins in other cities across the United States.

Which of the following is NOT true about Supreme Court cases that extended the rights of African Americans during the 1940s and 1950s? A. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas was immediately successful in desegregating public education in 1954. B. Smith v. Allwright eliminated the all-white Democratic primary. C. Morgan v. Virginia banned segregation on interstate transportation. D. Sweatt v. Painter required the desegregation of University of Texas Law School unless the African American law school in Texas could be made quantitatively equal to that of UT.

A. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas was immediately successful in desegregating public education in 1954.

Which of the following is NOT true about Calvin Coolidge and his administration? A. Coolidge argued for greater regulation of the economy. B. Coolidge signed the Revenue Act in 1926, which drastically decreased revenue to the federal government and forced the downsizing of bureaucracy. C. Coolidge wanted to limit the size of the federal government. D. The Kellogg-Briand Pact was signed by 61 nations that agreed to solve diplomatic problems through negotiation rather than war.

A. Coolidge argued for greater regulation of the economy.

Identify the author of the following passage: "The United States, heeding the suggestion of the General Assembly of the United Nations, is instantly prepared to meet privately with such other countries as may be 'principally involved,' to seek 'an acceptable solution' to the atomic armaments race which overshadows not only the peace, but the very life, of the world." A. Dwight D. Eisenhower B. Franklin D. Roosevelt C. Douglas MacArthur D. Harry Truman

A. Dwight D. Eisenhower

Identify the author of the following passage: "Now, we have organized a society, and we call it 'Share Our Wealth Society,' a society with the motto 'Every Man a King.'" A. Huey Long B. Eleanor Roosevelt C. Frances Perkins D. Franklin D. Roosevelt

A. Huey Long

Which of the following is NOT true about the U.S.'s "cultural" and "social" Cold War? A. National security agencies loosened the federal government's censorship of Hollywood productions. B. The C.I.A. funded certain artists to demonstrate to the world that American art embodied the free, individual expression denied to artists in Communist countries. C. To try to improve the international image of American race relations, the federal government sent jazz musicians and other black performers abroad, especially to countries in Africa and Asia. D. In 1954, Congress added the words "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance to "strengthen our national resistance to Communism" and to draw attention to the Soviets' opposition to organized religion.

A. National security agencies loosened the federal government's censorship of Hollywood productions.

Which of the following is not true about 1920 politics? A. Tariffs were lowered. B. 20% high of unemployment. C. NYC passed London in World's most active finance. D. Business boosts.

A. Tariffs were lowered.

Which of the following is NOT true about American immigration policies in the 1920s? A. The Chinese Exclusion Act was repealed, allowing Chinese immigration to the U.S. B. The Johnson-Reed Act established the category of "illegal alien." C. The goal of the Johnson-Reed Act was to decrease the number of immigrants coming to the U.S. D. The Johnson-Reed Act did not limit immigration from the Western Hemisphere, but did establish the Border Patrol to police the U.S.'s land boundaries.

A. The Chinese Exclusion Act was repealed, allowing Chinese immigration to the U.S.

Which of the following is NOT true about American involvement in Korea? A. U.S. troops were led by General Dwight D. Eisenhower. B. After World War II, Korea was divided at the 38th Parallel. A Communist government was established in the North, and an anti-Communist government was established in the South. C. The United States engaged in police action in Korea when the North Koreans invaded South Korea. D. At the end of the Korean conflict, the border between North and South Korea remained the 38th Parallel, and U.S. troops remained in South Korea.

A. U.S. troops were led by General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

What is not true about welfare capitalism? A. Workers taken less care of. B. Improved sanitation and safety. C. Discouraged unions and protests. D. Pension and vacations provided.

A. Workers taken less care of.

When did congress repeal the neutrality acts?

After U-boat attacks.

What is the cash and carry policy?

Allies had to pay cash for any goods and transport them in their own ships (Made in USA)

What is the Lend-Lease Act?

Allowed the president to sell, lease,lend or otherwise dispose of war materials to any nation whose defense he felt to be vital to American security

What was the largest manufacturing business of the 1920's?

American Cars

What is the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928?

An agreement to not use war to resolve disputes or disagreements.

Identify the author of the following passage: "I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue." A. Martin Luther King, Jr. B. Barry Goldwater C. George Wallace D. Lyndon B. Johnson

B. Barry Goldwater

What is not a response to the Great Depression? A. Hoover developed negative reputation because his policies didn't work. B. Demand increased. C. Public works helped unemployed. D. Authorized the Reconstruction

B. Demand increased

What is not true about Japanese discrimination? A. Sent to internment camps B. Didn't lose constitutional rights C. Few Americans spoke out about it D. Japanese Americans still faced strong discrimination

B. Didn't lose constitutional rights

What is not true about Direct Relief? A. Hoover didn't believe in it. B. Farm Bill did not give direct relief. C. Gave dependence on government.

B. Farm bill did not give direct relief.

What was not an achievement of the New Deal? A. Authoritarianism views shunned. B. Raise in communism views. C. Less socialism threatening democracy. D. Republicans wanted deregulation.

B. Raise in communism views.

Which of the following is NOT true about the Scopes Trial? A. The Scopes Trial was meant to test Tennessee's Butler Act, a law that made it a crime to teach evolution in the public school system. B. William Jennings Bryan, an avowed agnostic, defended John Scopes after having run for president three times as a Republican. C. At its core, the Scopes Trial revealed fundamental divisions among Americans during the 1920s: traditionalism versus modernism, religion versus science, and the country versus the city. D. The American Civil Liberties Union argued that Tennessee's ban on teaching evolution violated academic freedom.

B. William Jennings Bryan, an avowed agnostic, defended John Scopes after having run for president three times as a Republican.

Which of the following is NOT true about African Americans' experiences during the 1930s? A. In the rural South, New Deal policies often favored land owners, who pushed African American sharecroppers and tenant farmers off of the land they worked. B. All African Americans gained access to New Deal relief programs. C. As head of the Division of Negro Affairs in the National Youth Administration, Mary McLeod Bethune became the highest-ranking African American official in the Roosevelt administration. D. About half of African Americans in cities were jobless, more than double the unemployment rate of white Americans.

B. All African Americans gained access to New Deal relief programs.

Which of the following did NOT lay a basis for the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s? A. Citizenship schools helped to discover local community leaders who would become civil rights pioneers, such as Rosa Parks. B. Civil rights agitation and organizing before the 1950s was limited to African Americans and included no white Americans. C. Citizenship schools like Highlander Folk School, led by Myles Horton and Septima Clark, taught reading and writing to help African Americans register to vote. D. The NAACP Legal Defense Fund enabled a group of constitutional attorneys to specialize in undoing segregation and black disfranchisement.

B. Civil rights agitation and organizing before the 1950s was limited to African Americans and included no white Americans.

Which is not true about Herbert Hoover? A. He won the election of 1928. B. He had held an elected political office before. C. He was progressive republican. D. Had a reform agenda.

B. He had held an elected political office before.

Which of the following is NOT true about the Voting Rights Act of 1965? A. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 increased federal enforcement over voting rights by requiring states to gain preclearance with the federal government before changing voting laws. B. In Shelby County v. Holder (2013), the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the preclearance requirements of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. C. After "Bloody Sunday" in Selma, Alabama, President Lyndon B. Johnson pushed Congress for voting rights legislation. D. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 banned all barriers used to deny African Americans access to the franchise, including poll taxes and literacy tests.

B. In Shelby County v. Holder (2013), the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the preclearance requirements of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

What is not true about prohibition? A. It initiated a 14 year period of law-breaking. B. It was overfunded. C. Enticed the rise of speakeasies. D. The only amendment to be repealed.

B. It was overfunded.

Identify the organization most associated with the following slogan during the 1920s: "Native, white, Protestant supremacy." A. United Negro Improvement Association B. Ku Klux Klan C. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People D. National Women's Party

B. Ku Klux Klan

Which of the following is NOT true about women's political activism in the 1920s? A. The League of Women Voters was a moderate organization that favored protective legislation. B. The National Women's Party was a radical organization opposed to the Equal Rights Amendment. C. Many women opposed the Equal Rights Amendment because it threatened state laws that provided women with special protection. D. Women's most significant national legislative success was the Sheppard-Towner Act, which extended federal assistance to states seeking to reduce infant mortality rates.

B. The National Women's Party was a radical organization opposed to the Equal Rights Amendment.

Identify the author of the following passage: "I am having nothing to do with this so-called civil rights bill... The liberal left-wingers have passed it. Now let them employ some pinknik social engineers in Washington, D.C., to figure out what to do with it." A. Barry Goldwater B. Richard Nixon C. George Wallace D. Ronald Reagan

C. George Wallace

Which is not true about the Crash of 1929? A. People bought on credit. B. Could only pay off loans if stocks did well. C. Hoover said stock speculators were incorrect. D. Banks created artificial stability by buying stocks.

C. Hoover said stock spectators were incorrect.

Which of the following is NOT true about the First Red Scare? A. The First Red Scare was partially a reaction to the threat of Bolshevism, even though a Communist revolution in the U.S. was extremely unlikely. B. A. Mitchell Palmer targeted men and women whose ideas he thought might lead to violence, even if those individuals had committed no illegal acts. C. In Schenck v. United States (1919), the Supreme Court established the "clear and present danger" test, which provided a formula for expanding free speech. D. A. Mitchell Palmer initiated a series of raids intended to round up alleged subversives.

C. In Schenck v. United States (1919), the Supreme Court established the "clear and present danger" test, which provided a formula for expanding free speech.

What is not true about Hitler? A. Wanted to redefine socialism. B. Had a mission to rebuild German power. C. Not concerned about revenge for defeat. D. Promoted anti-semitism

C. Not concerned about revenge for defeat.

What is not true about Margaret Sanger and birth control? A. She brought the birth control to discussion first. B. She tied it into Eugenism. C. She impelled the birth control movement. D. She made birth control respectable for public discussion.

C. She impelled the birth control movement.

Which of the following is NOT true about the Glass-Steagall Act? A. The Glass-Steagall Act was largely a measure designed to secure the confidence of bank depositors. B. The Glass-Steagall Act established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which guaranteed bank customers that the federal government would reimburse them for deposits if their banks failed. C. The Glass-Steagall Act required the unification of commercial banks and investment banks to insulate the finances of Main Street America from the risky speculation of Wall Street. D. The Glass-Steagall Act prevented banks from investing in real estate, the stock market, and insurance.

C. The Glass-Steagall Act required the unification of commercial banks and investment banks to insulate the finances of Main Street America from the risky speculation of Wall Street.

Which of the following is NOT true about the black freedom struggle in Mississippi during the 1950s? A. African American leaders such as Amzie Moore and Medgar Evers saw young people as agents of change and encouraged their activism and leadership. B. The lynching of Emmett Till brought the plights of black Mississippians into the national spotlight. C. The sit-in movement began in cities across the state of Mississippi. D. Through organizations like the Regional Council on Negro Leadership (RCNL), African American leaders attempted to poke holes in the white supremacist belief system that governed the "closed society" of Mississippi.

C. The sit-in movement began in cities across the state of Mississippi.

Which of the following is NOT true about the post-World War II consumer economy? A. Many Americans had traditionally associated consumption with women, but publications like Playboy magazine demonstrated that consumption could be a masculine virtue. B. The auto industry boomed, which led to the expansion of the travel and fast food industries and chains such as Holiday Inn and McDonald's. C. Women's presence in the labor force decreased as men took on all responsibility for securing new consumer products for their families. D. Television altered Americans' leisure time as they consumed entertainment programs, serious dramas, documentaries, and news.

C. Women's presence in the labor force decreased as men took on all responsibility for securing new consumer products for their families.

Which of the following did NOT contribute to economic growth in the United States during the 1920s? A. The radio revolutionized the marketing of consumer goods. B. American companies used planned obsolescence to encourage American consumers to replace manufactured goods even if they still functioned. C. Demand for American agricultural products in foreign countries increased, leading to increased exports. D. Americans became increasingly comfortable with personal debt, fueling unprecedented consumerism domestically.

C. Demand for American agricultural products in foreign countries increased, leading to increased exports.

Which of the following is NOT true about criticism of the First New Deal? A. Huey Long criticized the New Deal for not going far enough to help everyday Americans and proposed the Share Our Wealth program. B. Some Republicans argued that the programs of the New Deal unnecessarily increased the size of the federal government. C. Democrats were united in their support for the New Deal. D. Republicans argued that the programs of the New Deal increased government spending to an alarming degree.

C. Democrats were united in their support for the New Deal.

Identify the author of the following passage: "A small group had concentrated into their own hands an almost complete control over other people's property, other people's money, other people's labor—other people's lives. For too many of us life was no longer free; liberty no longer real; men could no longer follow the pursuit of happiness. Against economic tyranny such as this, the American citizen could appeal only to the organized power of Government. The collapse of 1929 showed up the despotism for what it was. The election of 1932 was the people's mandate to end it. Under that mandate it is being ended." A. Huey Long B. Herbert Hoover C. Franklin D. Roosevelt D. Eleanor Roosevelt

C. Franklin D. Roosevelt

Identify the author of the following passage: "The reason why we find ourselves in a position of impotency is not because our only powerful, potential enemy has sent men to invade our shores, but rather because of the traitorous actions of those who have been treated so well by this nation... This is glaringly true in the State Department. There the bright young men who are born with silver spoons in their mouths are the ones who have been worst... In my opinion the State Department, which is one of the most important government departments, is thoroughly infested with communists." A. J. Edgar Hoover B. Richard Nixon C. Joseph McCarthy D. Harry Truman

C. Joseph McCarthy

What is not true about Calvin Coolidge's presidency? A. Cut taxes. B. New rules for federal trade. C. Kept progressive principles. D. Promoted international peace.

C. Kept progressive principles.

Identify the author of the following passage: "... the Universal Negro Improvement Association calls upon every Negro in the United States to rally to this standard. We want to unite the Negro race in this country. We want every Negro to work for one common object, that of building a nation of his own on the great continent of Africa." A. W.E.B. Du Bois B. Booker T. Washington C. Marcus Garvey D. Frederick Douglass

C. Marcus Garvey

Which of the following is NOT true about Prohibition? A. Bootleggers, primarily from Appalachia, typically distributed alcohol by driving small, fast, and often modified vehicles to better evade the police. B. Patrons often flocked to speakeasies, or illegal drinking sites often run by organized crime. C. The Fourteenth Amendment banned the manufacture and sale of alcohol. D. The Volstead Act of 1919 was meant to enforce Prohibition, but it did not go far enough to prevent the consumption of alcohol.

C. The Fourteenth Amendment banned the manufacture and sale of alcohol.

Which of the following was NOT an objective of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's initial proposal for a "New Deal?" A. The New Deal would foster the economic recovery of farms and businesses, thereby creating jobs and reducing the need for relief. B. The New Deal would reform the government and economy in ways that would mitigate the risk of devastating consequences in future economic slumps. C. The New Deal would reject capitalist solutions to the economic crisis. D. The New Deal would provide relief to the destitute, especially the 25% of unemployed Americans.

C. The New Deal would reject capitalist solutions to the economic crisis.

Match the following quotation with the proper policy: "I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures... I believe that we must assist free peoples to work out their own destinies in their own way." A. Marshall Plan B. NSC-68 C. Truman Doctrine D. United Nations Charter

C. Truman Doctrine

Who defended Scopes in the Scopes Trial?

Clarence Darrow, agnostic

What resulted with the communist party from the Great Depression?

Communists saw the Great Depression as a communist fail, 100k joined communist party, believers thought it was the only way to save America

What did people rely on during this new era of abundance?


What is not true about the impact of the economy on American lives? A. Unemployment rose to 25% B. No help for impoverished. C. Scapegoats arose. D. Affected family structure positively.

D. Affected family structure positively.

Which of the following is NOT true about Mississippi Freedom Summer of 1964? A. Many white Mississippians resisted Freedom Summer with violence, most notably with the murders of three civil rights workers. B. Freedom Summer responded to Mississippi's poor record of African American voter registration—the worst in the entire United States. C. Freedom Summer was an effort coordinated by several civil rights organizations including the SCLC, SNCC, CORE, and NAACP. D. Freedom Summer consisted of mostly black college students from Mississippi who volunteered to register voters and educate people on how to pass literacy tests.

D. Freedom Summer consisted of mostly black college students from Mississippi who volunteered to register voters and educate people on how to pass literacy tests.

Which of the following is NOT true about the Cold War policy of containment? A. The policy of containment contended that the U.S. should be active in preventing the spread of Communism into additional territories. B. Containment became the basis for American foreign policy for over forty years, through much of the Cold War. C. An American diplomat, George Kennan, first proposed containment, but later argued it was a mistake and ultimately detrimental. D. President Harry Truman disagreed with the policy of containment and argued that it would be dangerous for American foreign policy.

D. President Harry Truman disagreed with the policy of containment and argued that it would be dangerous for American foreign policy.

What is not true about mass production? A. Made automobile production efficient. B. Invented the assembly line. C. Manufacturing rates increased. D. Wages decreased.

D. Wages decreased

What is not true about "the new woman"? A. Women became more politically active. B. Women began to work more. C. Women began to shape the political landscape. D. 1930 ratified the 19th Amendment.

D. 1930 ratified the 19th Amendment.

Which of the following is NOT true about the Second Red Scare? A. Joseph McCarthy claimed to have a list of people in the State Department who were Communists. B. The House Un-American Activities Committee investigated Alger Hiss for his alleged espionage. C. Joseph McCarthy accused Army officers of being Communist spies for the Soviet Union. D. Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer had thousands of suspected Communists arrested and deported.

D. Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer had thousands of suspected Communists arrested and deported.

Which of the following is NOT true about the Second New Deal? A. Congress passed the Social Security Act. B. Roosevelt proposed that the size of the Supreme Court be expanded to allow him to appoint an additional justice for every sitting justice over the age of 70 who had served 10 years on the court. C. Roosevelt issued an executive order that banned discrimination in WPA projects. D. Congress passed the Wagner Act, which completely stripped workers of their right to unionize.

D. Congress passed the Wagner Act, which completely stripped workers of their right to unionize.

Identify the author of the following passage: "I regret, however, to say that there has been revived in this campaign a proposal which would be a long step to the abandonment of our American system, to turn to the idea of government in business. Because we are faced with difficulty and doubt over certain national problems which we are faced — that is prohibition, farm relief and electrical power — our opponents propose that we must to some degree thrust government into these businesses and in effect adopt state socialism as a solution." A. Eleanor Roosevelt B. Woodrow Wilson C. Franklin D. Roosevelt D. Herbert Hoover

D. Herbert Hoover

Which of the following was NOT part of NSC-68? A. NSC-68 recommended an increase in military spending. B. NSC-68 recommended that the U.S. push for internal security organizations. C. NSC-68 recommended that the U.S. organize civil defense programs at home. D. NSC-68 recommended that the U.S. engage in direct military action in the Soviet Union.

D. NSC-68 recommended that the U.S. engage in direct military action in the Soviet Union.

Which of the following is NOT true about the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 or the "Indian New Deal?" A. The Indian Reorganization Act was partially intended to give Native Americans greater control over their own affairs. B. The Indian Reorganization Act restored Native Americans' right to own land communally. C. The Indian Reorganization Act largely reversed the Dawes Act of 1887. D. The Indian Reorganization Act provided immediate direct economic aid to Native Americans.

D. The Indian Reorganization Act provided immediate direct economic aid to Native Americans.

Identify the author of the following passage: "America's present need is not heroics, but healing; not nostrums, but normalcy; not revolution, but restoration; not agitation, but adjustment; not surgery, but serenity; not the dramatic, but the dispassionate; not experiment, but equipoise; not submergence in internationality, but sustainment in triumphant nationality." A. Hiram Evans B. Edward Earle Purinton C. Calvin Coolidge D. Warren G. Harding

D. Warren G. Harding

When did the US enter WWII?

Dec. 8, 1941

What were the Neutrality Acts of 1935 and 1937?

Forbade Americans from traveling on ships that hung flags of nations in war

Who led the Spain civil war?

Francisco Franco

Who said "We have nothing to fear but fear itself?"

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Who fought against the courts for Japanese discrimination?

Fred Koramatsu

Who were the Axis Powers?

Germany, Italy, Japan

What was not a later reform of the New Deal? A. limited bureaucracy B. new government spending program C. farm reforms D. Arms security administration E. Food Stamps F. National Housing Act G. Fair labor standards act H. unemployment raise

H. unemployment raise

What is the Revenue Act of 1926?

It forced the downsizing of bureaucracy.

What made some women less interested in protective legislation?

Less women worked in factories and hard labor jobs.

What was the Smith Act of 1940?

Made it illegal to advocate violent overthrow of the U.S. government. Aimed towards the Communist Party of the U.S. and led to the imprisonment if several members of that party in 50s. All residents had to be registered and fingerprinted.

Who brought birth control to public discussion?

Margaret Sanger

What led to Black Tuesday?

Over trading and overvaluing of shares

What were fireside chats?

Radio speeches by Franklin D. Roosevelt designed to reassure and inform by appealing directly to the American public

What was the image of a flapper?

Red lips, short hair, fancy dresses, pedicoat, etc.

Women divided over what two issues?

Rights to equal protection and the equal right amendment to the Constitution (protective legislation).

What were some reasons Harding was considered the worst president in history?

Scandals, small town congeniality, his 3 appointees went to jail, etc.

What were considered "women's jobs"?

Secretaries, librarians, nurses, teachers, etc.

What is the Sheppard Towner Act of 1921?

The Sheppard Towner Act of 1921 extended federal aid for maternity and child care to states of lower infant mortality rates.

The US wanted to stay isolated from WWII? True or False


What was the Five Power Treaty?

U.S, France, Italy, Japan and England agree to limit the size of each nations navy to make the world safer for trade.

FDR thought helping the _____________ would keep US out of war.


Who became president after Harding died?

VP Calvin Coolidge

What is the Bonus Army?

Veterans who marched to Washington in 1932 to demand immediate payment of World War I bonuses

Who was considered the worst president in history?

Warren G. Harding

Who won the Scopes Trial?

William Jennings Bryan

Who prosecuted the Scopes trial?

William Jennings Bryan, religious fundamentalist

What were the outcomes of A. Philip Randolph's protest on DC against segregation?

called off march to comply with FDR, FDR banned job discrimination, refusal to desegregate military

International buyers wanted ___________ goods, not _____________ goods.

consumer, agricultural

Benito Mussolini supported _________________.


What were some examples of high quality consumer goods?

silent films, jazz, flapper fashion, etc.

What is the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act?

the highest US tariff, protected US manufacturing, enticed Americans to buy American goods

Was the Great Depression international?

yes except for the Soviet Union

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