HU 141 Final Review
Art movement from artists that valued industrial civilization and the power of urban accomplishment. Exemplified by Sinclair Lewis and his novel Babbitt. This novel shows the hero becoming synonymous with mindless materialism in love with gadgets and comfort.
Form Follows Function
Buildings should be made for what they are used for. There is no point to make a temple of a post office in Nebraska.
Nietzsche's Four Theses
Called The Four Great Errors. The error of confusing cause and consequence The error of a false causality The error of imaginary causes The error of free will
Harlem Renaissance
Cultural movement that included African American artists with a conspicuous body of work. Explores of African American culture that took place in Harlem, New York City.
Dadaists were trying to protest the war by being completely nonsensical. Duchamp created the LHOOQ which was a defecation of the Mona Lisa.
Expressionism was a style of art that was used to affect not only the viewers eyes, but also their heart. Pieces such as The Scream, used the power of color and lines to create a sense of emotion within the painting.
Three movie joins
Fade, Dissolve, and Wipe
Frued's Map of the Mind
Iceberg with Ego, Id, Conciouss, and super ego. only the concious is above water
What were the Impressionists trying to do? How?
Impressionists were attempting to achieve greater realism using real light and color. They were not necessarily focused on the form, but how it felt on the eyes.
Abstract Expressionism
It is art with the lack of recognizable content and the use of colors, lines, and shapes to express experience. Hence combining abstract art and expressionism. Started in the United States. Jackson Pollock is a famous abstract expressionist.
Frank Lloyd Wright
Most influential American architects of the 20th century. He was famous for using form follows function and focused on organic architecture.
Olympia, Berlin 1934
Potemkin is considered important because he was the first to use a montage in his film, something that has been used over and over by filmmakers.
Salvador Dali, dreamlike quality of juxtaposition with photographic realism. The Persistence of Memory, with melting watches and ants crawling out of one.