HUM 259

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Poseidon appellations (nicknames). Choose all correct answers:

1. "unifying powerful one" 2. "unifying powerful one" 3. "Tamer of horses" 4. "Rescuer of ships" 5. "Lord of below" 6. "God of oracles" 7. "Earth shaker"

The major Trojans in the Iliad? Choose all correct answers:

1. Andromache 2. Hecuba 3. Paris 4. Hector 5. Priam

Begotten from the castration of Uranus:

1. Aphrodite 2. The Giants

Which gods sided with Troy during the Trojan war? Choose all correct answers:

1. Apollo 2. Aphrodite 3. Artemis

Children of Agamemnon when he returns from Troy (choose two):

1. Electra 2. Orestes

Creatures associated with Poseidon: choose all correct answers:

1. Gorgons 2. Medusa 3. the Sphinx 4. Nereids

What was a contributing factor to the independent, questioning attitude of the ancient Greeks?: (Choose all correct answers):

1. Greece's topography 2. Greece's geography

In the Judgement of Paris, what did Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite promise to Paris as a reward for his judgment? Choose 3 correct answers:

1. Hera promised him political power. 2. Athena promised him military glory 3. Aphrodite promised him the most beautiful woman in the world

Choose all correct answers pertaining to archetypes:

1. Jung 2. theoretically universal 3. part of humanity's collective unconscious 4. can be individuals, concepts, and institutions

Who warned against admitting the wooded horse and was not believed? and who was the priest of Apollo, who hurled his spear at the horse and said it should be destroyed?: Choose 2 correct answers:

1. Laocoön 2. Cassandra

What are the qualities of guilt vs. shame culture?: choose all correct answers:

1. guilt means "to owe" 2. guilt is private 3. guilt necessitates responsibility 4. guilt necessitates free-will 5. guilt can result in redemption

According to "Oedipus at Colonus," what happens to Oedipus after his death: choose all corect answers?:

1. he became a hero 2. he became more than mortal

Athena most important accomplishments (choose all correct answers):

1. helped construct the Wooden Horse 2. invented the chariot 3. inventor and patroness of wool-working 4. goddess of carpenters 5. built the first ship 6. invented the bridle

Choose all correct answers pertaining to Athena's birth

1. her mother was Metis 2. she was born fully grown 3. she was born out of Zeus' head

What happened to Odysseus at the island of Thrinacia?: Choose all correct answers:

1. his men ate the Cattle of the sun 2. Zeus sank Odysseus' ship when it set sail 3. all of Odysseus' men perished when they set sail 4. Helios asked Zeus to punish Odysseus and his men

Choose all correct answers pertaining to Hermes' childhood:

1. invents the lyre 2. steals Apollo's cattle

Why was Greece so innovative compared to other civilizations?: Choose all correct answers:

1. its colonies throughout the Mediterranean 2. its inability to take anything for granted 3. its geography and topography 4. its cosmopolitanism

What did Atreus do to Thyestes' children? choose all correct answers:

1. killed them 2. fed them to their father

Characteristics of Zeus' nature

1. lustfulness 2. sexual appetite 3. disrespect

Choose all correct answers pertaining to Gaia (what she represents):

1. matriarchy 2. Theotokos 3. fertility

Choose all correct answers pertaining to Pandora:

1. necessary 2. fertile 3. beyond good and evil

Choose all correct characteristics about the geography of Greece:

1. not conducive to agriculture 2. rugged 3. surrounded by many islands 4. isolated city-states

Choose all correct answers pertaining to the Titans:

1. personified forces of nature 2. symbolic of nature's untamable powers 3. children of Uranus and Gaia

Among other things, Apollo was the god of:

1. pestilence 2. healing

Greek inventions: Choose all correct answers:

1. philosophy 2. drama 3. history 4.democracy 5. aesthetics 6. beauty

Characteristics of Athena's nature: Choose all correct answers:

1. phronesis 2. wise 3. virgin 4. sexually unapproachable 5. prudence 6. compassionate

The two meanings of pharmakon:

1. poison 2. cure

Choose all correct attributes of Athena:

1. protector during war 2. honorable 3. goddess of prudence 4. goddess of nearness 5. loyal 6. sexually unapproachable 7. mother 8. goddess of hope 9. goddess of mourning 10. virgin

Choose all correct key characteristics of Eros discussed in class:

1. represents erotic love and desire 2. represents love, passion, and sexuality 3. is a kind of energy or force 4. represents the complex nature of love and sexuality 5. mischievous

Choose all correct answers: connected to the cult of Dionysus:

1. satyrs 2. maenads 3. felines

Two key abilities of Hermes:

1. secrecy 2. cunning

Choose all correct answers concerning Scylla?

1. she was a monster with a girdle of six dogs 2. she was changed into a monster by Poseidon's wife, Amphitrite 3. daughter of the sea deity Phorcys

Choose all correct answers pertaining to Freud:

1. studied myth as related to human repression of natural desires 2. concentrated on the repression and effects of violence and sexuality on humanity

What is the essential role of the Sphinx in the story of Oedipus?: Choose all correct answers:

1. the Sphinx provides a way to display Oedipus confidence and perhaps arrogance 2. the Sphinx provides a symbolic threshold that must pass in his journey 3. the Sphinx provides a sexual dimension of seduction 4. the Sphinx provides a test that must be passed by Oeadipus

Choose all correct examples of an aporia in ancient Greece:

1. the family 2. love 3. sexuality 4. violence

According to the Greeks: examples of aporias: (Choose all correct answers):

1. the family 2. love 3. violence 4. sexuality

What natural forces were connected to Poseidon:

1. the sea 2. storms 3. weather 4. earthquakes

Two celestial bodies associated with Apollo:

1. the sun 2. the moon

Choose all correct definition for the concept of the Sacred:

1. the transcendent 2. the metaphysical 3. what affects awe, terror, and respect in humans 4. the religious realm 5. the Holy 6. what is beyond the senses 7. the mysterious 8. the all powerful

Three attributes of Hermes as Hermes klaptein:

1. thievery 2. luck 3. grace

Hermes is the god of: (multiple correct answers possible):

1. thieves 2. heralds 3. graves 4. herdsmen

Why does Athena institute justice?: choose all correct answers:

1. to end moira 2. to end blood-revenge among mortals 3. to institute responsibility 4. to end curses among mortals 5. to institute a system of punishments and redemption

Choose all correct answers pertaining to ritual practice:

1. use of music or any rhythmic pattern 2. intoxication 3. sacrifice

The culture of shame in ancient Greece:

1. was public 2. included family curses 3. was based on moira 4. preceded the culture of guilt 5. included blood revenge as justified

The meaning of the term metaphysical:

1. what lies outside of scientific perception 2. beyond the physical

The Theban Trilogy consists of these tragedies (choose three):

1."Oedipus Tyrannus" 2. "Antigone" 3."Oedipus at Colonus"

What do Dionysus and Demeter have in common?:

the feminine

What takes place at the beginning of the Iliad?

the feud between Agamemnon and Achilles

Choose all correct answers that pertain to the Greek gods:

the greek gods were immortal

A key theme in the interpretation of the myth of Pygmalion:

the impossibility of negating the Dionysian impulse in humans

Celestial body connected to Dionysus' mother:

the moon

What celestial body was Poseidon connected to?:

the moon

A key theme in the interpretation of the myth of Cupid and Psyche:

the mysterious bridegroom

A key themes in the story of Cupid and Psyche that is repeated in fairy tales, folk stories, and literature:

the mysterious nature of sleep

Appellation of Zeus

1. "All powerful" 2. "Shaker of Earth" 2. "Lord"

How did Odysseus disguise himself when reaching Ithaca?

a beggar

Aphrodite's appellation(s): choose all correct answers:

1. "born of the sea" 2. "celestial" 3. "earthly" 4. "of the magic girdle"

Hera's appellation(s)

1. "cow-eyed" 2. "goddess of marriage"

What transgression did the mortal Tantalus perform to earn his punishment by the gods?:

he served his son to them

What is the name given to the human condition that is illustrated in the story of Oedipus?:

the Oedipal complex

Poseidon's appellation(s): choose all correct answers:

1. "lord of the deep" 2. "tamer of horses" 3. "rock" 4. "god of oracles" 5. "rescuers of ships"

According to Plato, the source of all things in the universe:

the One

The concept of the holy which affects awe, fear, and respect in humans:

the Sacred

What work of Plato provides the most profound analysis of the manifold nature and power of love?:

the Symposium

What event precipitated the sacrifice of Iphigenia?

the Trojan war

Athena's emblem and armor:

the aegis ("goat-skin")

What is the metaphoric interpretation of Demeter's anger:

the anger of women for the violence and violation of men

A key theme in the interpretation of the myth of Aphrodite and Anchises:

the debilitation of the male as he fertilizes the female

Principal theme in the Mycenean saga:

the establishment of justice

How did Hermes' finally befriend Apollo?:

through music

A common natural event that would have influenced the fear of Zeus by mortals:

thunder and lightning

The etymology of "cult":

to cultivate

The etymology of "mystery":


What is the etymology of the word "cult"?

to cultivate

Athena's appellation(s): choose all correct answers:

1. "owl eyed" 2. "glaukopis" 3. "grey-blue eyed" 4. "Pallas Athena" 5. "of the aegis" 6. "mourning Athena"

The etymology of Poseidon:

"Lord of the Water"

What did Odysseus say was his name to Polyphemus?


What is the best source for the meaning and interpretation of the Dionysian cult?:

"The Bacchae" of Euripides

At the end of the story of Hippolytus, was is Artemis' judgment?:

"The gods have no joy in the deaths of the good and the reverent but those who are wicked we destroy, children, house and all."

What was Penelope's usual epithet?

"periphron," "circumspect "


"poison and cure"

Etymology of "cult":

"to cultivate"


"to turn away"

Fought on the side of Zeus during the Titanomachy:

1. Prometheus 2. Themis 3. Hecatonchires 4. Cyclopes

What creatures did Poseidon claim to have fathered: choose all correct answers:

1. Sea creatures 2. Sea monsters 3. Sea nymphs 4. Medusa 5. Gorgons 6. Scylla and Charybdis 7. the Sirens 8. the Sphinx

Choose all correct appellations for Athena:

1. Tritogeneia 2. glaukopis 3. owl-eyed 4. Pallas

Choose all correct definitions for the term aporia:

1. a contradiction 2. a paradox 3. a problem without a clear solution 4. a question without a clear and definitive answer

Choose all correct answer pertaining to the term aesthetics:

1. a religious concept in Ancient Greece 2. the study and analysis of beauty 3. based on proportion and ratios 4. the philosophy of beauty

According to the ancient Greeks, myths are: choose all correct answers:

1. always based on truth 2. a retelling of something that happened

Choose all correct answers that pertain to Greek religion:

1. anthropomorphic 2. genealogical 3. polytheistic

Nature of Greek Gods

1. anthropomorphic 2. immortal

Choose all correct answers pertaining to Greek religion and the Greek gods:

1. anthropomorphic 2. rational and irrational 3. affected by Moira 4. immortal

What are Penelope's principal qualities as a character?: Choose all correct answers:

1. arete 2. wisdom 3. self-control

Choose all correct attributes of Poseidon:

1. arrogant 2. bisexual 3. unpredictable 4. almost as powerful as Zeus

Why was the horse so significant to Poseidon?:

1. because horses had the strongest energy of any animal according to the Greeks 2. because Poseidon claimed to have fathered horses

Characteristics of Poseidon's nature:

1. boastful 2. impulsiveness

Choose all correct qualities of Poseidon:

1. boastful 2. jealous 3. impulsive

Two key attributes of Hermes:

1. breaker of taboos 2. god of transgressions

Choose all correct answers that pertain a ritual:

1. can be violent 2. marks a transition or a threshold 3. often includes music, dancing, and intoxication 4. repetitive 5. rhythmical 6. is generally presided by an extra-ordinary person 7. follows rules and parameters

Qualities of the Apollonian: (choose all correct answers):

1. civilization 2. wisdom 3. light 4. ethics 5. intellect 6. morality 7. reason

What does Telemachus eventually gain by the end of the Odyssey? Choose all correct answers:

1. courage 2. independence 3. wisdom

Choose all correct answers pertaining to Prometheus:

1. cunning 2. realistic 3. rebellious

What were some of the inventions of the ancient Greeks?:

1. democracy 2. aesthetics 3. philosophy 4. drama

Characteristics of Aphrodite's nature: Choose all correct answers:

1. earthly and human-like 2. jealous 3. unable to fall in love with mortals 4. double natured 5. celestial and divine

Choose all correct definitions for the term moira:

1. fate 2. what the Gods have given you at birth: "the hand you were dealt" 3. literally, "a portion" 4. what the Gods have decided

Choose all correct answers pertaining to Apollo's nature:

1. god of light 2. tragic lover 3. god of limits

Choose all correct answers pertaining to Hermes' nature:

1. god of thieves 2. flatterer 3. intelligent 4. smart 5. ingenuity 6. god of commerce 7. trickery 8. cunning 9. sexual

What is necessary for their to be justice?:

1. guilt 2. personal choice 3. free will 4. responsibility

What was the source of the curse on the descendants of Pelops?:

the chariot race between Pelops and Oenomaüs

What is the etymology of the word "culture"?

to cultivate

Who was fatally wounded in the heel by Paris?:


Temple complex dedicated to Athena:


Clytemnestra's lover:


Who accompanies Oedipus is his exile from Thebes?: choose all correct answers:


Which god was responsible for the plague that the Greeks troops suffered at the beginning of the Iliad?:


The art of interpretation attributed to Hermes:


Literally, "sacred marriage":

hieros gamos

Son of Apollo and god of medicine:


Poseidon battled with this god over the dominion of a major city in Greece:


In this myth, Athena display's her jealously:

Athena and Arachne

What city is Poseidon and Athena connected to?:


The sons of Pelops who quarreled over the kingdom of Mycenae (choose two):


City connected to the cult of Demeter:


In the Mycenean saga, curses are no longer a part of human affairs.


The motivation behind Tantalus' actions is quite clear.


In the story of Apollo and Hyacinthus, what did Apollo neglect to be with the Spartan youth?:

his duties as a god

In the myth of Aphrodite and Anchises, what was Anchises afraid of?:

his sexual depletion due to having intercourse with a goddess

In the story of Antigone, what is the principal conflict?:

human law vs. divine law

What is the key issue in "Antigone"?:

human vs. divine laws

Sacrificed by Agamemnon:


Who was sacrificed at Aulis by Agamemnon?


Formulated notion of the Hero's Journey:

Joseph Campbell

Who was Helen's husband?


Who cursed Pelops?:


Who found Odysseus on the seashore of the Island of the Phaeacians after his raft was destroyed?


Along with Nestor, the second great war councilor and orator was:


In the story of Oedipus, who is the most ironic character?


Who causes Echo to be torn to pieces so that only her voice remained?


The main temple on Acropolis dedicated to Athena:


In the version by Pindar, who fell in love with Pelops?:


Escorted by Hermes, who makes his way to the hut of Achilles, and there ransoms Hector?:


In the story of Hermaphroditus, the name of the magical fountain at the center of the story:


Which evil did Odysseus choose to confront when passing the wandering rocks?


What did Achilles' mother do to try to make him immortal?

She dipped his body in the river Styx

The Theban Trilogy was written by:


the term for a story about the genealogy of the gods


Who instilled desire for a mortal within the heart of Aphrodite?:


What was Apollo's essential age?:

a man in the flower of youth

What type of story is the Odyssey?:

a nostoi

Who were the Laestrygonians?

a race of giant cannibals

What animal was used by Hermes to create the lyre?:

a tortoise

The study and analysis of beauty:


What was Poseidon in terms of the family aporia?:

an kind of uncle

How did the Sirens tempt Odysseus?

by promising the gift of knowledge

the power of the Caduceus:

causes men to sleep or wake up as Hermes wills

A key theme in the interpretation of the myth of Pygmalion:

creativity as a fulfillment of desire

A key theme in the interpretation of the myth of Aphrodite and Adonis:

death and resurrection

A key principle in Greek thought (means a division or contrast between two things):


A key concept in Greek thought: the conception of concepts and ideas into opposites:


What does arete mean?


A dichotomy that the ancient Greeks held as a key principle was Good vs. Evil.


According to the ancient Greeks, the universe is divided into Good vs Evil.


Greek mythology concentrates on the rational side of human nature.


In Greek mythology, conflicts are usually resolved at the end of the myth.


In ancient cultures, a god was someone who was believed to be provide comfort and compassion.


In the myths of Hermes, does he often lie?


Like all Greek myths, the story of Cupid and Psyche does not have a happy ending.


Religion has always been about having a personal relationship with god(s).


The ancient Greeks believed an individual's life was shaped by the choices he or she made during their life.


The ancient Greeks believed that every individual was responsible for their own actions.


The ancient Greeks believed that justice was a universal idea that had existed throughout the ages.


The ancient Greeks believed that the irrational was a corruption of the human mind.


The themes in the myth of Cupid and Psyche are very rare among human stories and folktales.


Then ancient Greeks believed the world was rational and predictable.


The opposite of moira:


What do the furies represent in terms of Orestes?:

guilt and shame

In the story of Oedipus, what is the principal interpretation of the role of irony?:

humans are always aware of their own secrets

What did Calypso promise Odysseus in exchange for his love?


Plato's theory of love:

in quite compatible with modern physics

What was the source of Adonis' birth?:


In the history of the rulers of Thebes, what is a critical issue that is raised concerning human beings?:

individual responsibility

According to the ancient Greeks, the function of history is to: choose all correct answers:

is to teach about past mistakes so that you will not repeat them.

How was Oedipus' role in the revelation of the truth concerning the plague in Thebes ironic?:

it was Oedipus who was adamant about finding out the truth

What did the Greeks do after sacking Troy?:

killed its male inhabitants

Original name of Persephone:

kore: "girl"

What plant or tree was Apollo significantly connected to?:


Apollo was the god of:


A key theme in the interpretation of the myth of Aphrodite and Anchises:

love and desire conquer all, even the gods

According to Plato:

love is literally the energy of the universe

Athena's essential age:




What links myth and ritual?


Literally, "beyond the physical":


The Greek term for disease, pestilence, or pollution:


A theme in the myths of Artemis that is a key interpretation of her nature:


The opposite of free-will, according to the Greeks:


A key dichotomy in ancient Greece:

moira vs. free will

According to Plato, everything in the universe is:


What is the profound analogy at the heart of humanity's invention of agriculture?:

nature is a woman

Meaning "navel," & kept at the sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi:


Apollo was deeply associated with:


The anthropomorphizing of non-human creatures, natural forces, or concepts:


A key power attributed to Hermes:


An attribute of Athena, meaning "practical wisdom":


The term for the most profound and oldest questions that humans have asked:


What is the term for the most fundamental and profound questions that humans have always asked?:


A key concept in Greek thought, means "with measure":


According to Plato, beauty is based on:


A key principle in Greek thought (means "with measure"):

proportion or symmetry

From what interpretive structure does the Oedipus complex originate?:


What type of interpretive structure has been used to understand the story od Oedipus?:


What is a key theme in "Oedipus at Colonus":


What is/are the principal theme(s) of Oedipus at Colonus?: choose all correct answers:


What emotion did Oedipus experience when he heard the taunts that spread through Thebes that he was not Polybus' natural son?:


What did Calypso eventually do?

she helped Odysseus built a raft to sail home

Why was Artemis known as the goddess of childbirth?:

she helped deliver her twin brother Apollo

What was the trial of the bow?

string it and shoot an arrow through 12 axes

What interpretative model based on psychoanalysis explains Electra's motivation?:

the Electra complex

Why was the laurel sacred to Apollo?:

the Greek word "daphne" means laurel

What symbol of peace did Athena place on the Acropolis?:

the olive tree

What part of the theater was linked to circle rituals invented by Dionysus?:

the orchestra

A key metaphoric interpretation of Artemis' sacred grove:

the sacred grove as the female body

What is the principal theme of the Theban Saga?:

the shift from shame to guilt

Aesthetics is:

the study of beauty

A key theme in the interpretation of the myth of Aphrodite and Adonis:

the theme of the Great Mother and her lover

The abduction Chrysippus violated what ancient code?:

the ties of guest and host

A key theme in the interpretation of the myth of Cupid and Psyche:

the triumph of romantic love

According to Plato:

the universe is moved by the power of Eros

Why was the reason for Aphrodite's rage in the story of Pygmalion?:

the women of Cyprus who refused to admit her divinity

According to Plato, when humans fall in love:

their souls vibrate in harmony

According to Plato, when humans fall in love:

they experience unforgetting

Soon after his birth, what did Dionysus undertake?:

travels to eastern lands

Hermes was the god of commerce.


In general, the ancient Greeks believed that everything was decided and predetermined by the Gods.


The contest between Athena and Arachne:


The interpretation of Artemis' femininity:

women's need for men's protection

What was the effect of eating the lotus-fruit?:

you forgot everything else and only wished to stay

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