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"Before Christian Era" replaced the "BC" designation (Before Christ)


"Christian Era" replaced the "AD" designation (Anno Domini)

Pablo Picasso quote and meaning

"we have learned nothing" shows how advanced he thought the images were at Lascaux, France. (This popular quote may be apocryphal)

Which of the Golden Age playwrights wrote "The Persians" which detailed the great events of the Persian Wars? The playwright chose his subject well, because the generation that fought the last of those wars would have been in the audience at the premier.


Which of the Golden Age playwrights wrote the only true trilogy that all three parts survive to this day?


Name the Great playwrights/poets of Athens Golden Age

Aeschylus, Euripedes, Aristophanes, Sophocles, and Pindar (Odes)

The most complete version existing today is preserved on 12 clay tablets from the library collection of 7th-century BC Assyrian king?


Who was chosen as patron?



Does the Greek Corinthian column have a single layer or a multiple layer of acanthus leaves?


Does the Roman Corinthian column have a single layer or a multiple layer of acanthus leaves?

With which civilization if this art associated?

Dolphin frescoes from the Palace at Knossus, Minoan Crete

After Empire/Fall

Dominated by Libyans - Nubians --who adopt most of Egyptian culture Persians Macedonians & Alexander the Great Cleopatra VII (Last of the of the Ptolemaic dynasty) Province of Rome

God of freshwater, crafts, and wisdom, a patron of mankind, lives in Aspu, the primal waters below the earth


Gold leaf used as rays of divine sunshine tie the three figure of the Trinity together.

Few "nativity" works include the entire holy trinity, and none prior to Lippi's. What feature ties the three members of the Trinity together?

Ramses the great's mummy shows that he stood over 6 feet tall in height with a strong juttting jaw, thin nose, and thick lips; most likely died from old age or heart failure; was known to Egyptians as the ______________

Great Ancestor

Who was Thucydides?

Greek historian who recorded the events of the Peloponnesian War.

What did Solon do?

He created a series of laws which equalized the political power of the citizenry and, in so doing, laid the groundwork for democracy in Athens in 594 BCE.

Who did the sculptor Phidias created his great works for?

He created his great works for: the Parthenon on the Acropolis and the Temple of Zeus at Olympia during the time of Pericles.

goddess of love and fertility as well as the goddess of war, frequently called the queen of heaven, capricious and mercurial, sometimes a nurturing mother figure, other times she is spiteful and cruel, she is patroness of Uruk, where she has a temple. Tries to seduce Gilgamesh, but is rejected. Thus angered, she becomes Gilgamesh's greatest enemy other than himself.


the goddess _______ had given equal rights to men and women and therefore men had no right to dictate how a woman should attire herself; children wore little or no clothing until puberty


What is the purpose of this story? Is it merely a morality play?

It demonstrates how mankind can be cruel and selfish, but human beings are changeable, and can be redeemed. Learn to be happy with what you have.

Who was this written by and what was it called: Thou still unravished bride of quietness, Thou foster-child of silence and slow time, Sylvan historian, who canst thus express A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme: What leaf-fringed legend haunts about thy shape Of deities or mortals, or of both, In Tempe or the dales of Arcady? What men or gods are these? What maidens loth? What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape? What pipes and timbrels? What wild ecstasy? (This is only the first stanza) The final two famous lines are: "Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know."

John Keats; Ode on a Grecian Urn

Why does the story still resonate with readers?

The lessons that Gilgamesh learned--gaining knowledge of self, and learning to appreciate the time he was given. It also shows the universal experience of loss and how that can transform us.

___ was engaged to Amenhotep IV around the age of 11, she was an adherent of the cult of Aten, a sun deity, and may have influenced his decision to abandon the worship of the gods of Egypt in favor of a monotheism centered on Aten


____ wielded more power than any woman in Egypt since the time of Hatshepsut


_____ name means the beautiful one has come


_________ is the most recognizable queen of egypt


___________ was four feet, six inches tall, the height of an average Egyptian woman


in her role as part of the divine couple ______ may also have been co regent


_________ was the wife of the pharaoh Akhenaten of the 18th dynasty of Egypt

Nefertiti (1370-1336)

mother of gilgamesh, also called Lady Wildcow Ninsun, minor goddess, noted for her wisdom, husband is Lugulbanda


Old Kingdom 2700 - 2200 BC (Pt 2)

Pharaoh Sneferu The Bent Pyramid is an ancient Egyptian pyramid located at the royal necropolis of Dahshur, approximately 40 kilometres south of Cairo Vizier Sphinx

________________ family ruled egypt until the roman conquest of 30 B.C. - they represent the last dynasty of egypt


Red land?

The 'red land' was the barren desert that protected Egypt on two sides. These deserts separated ancient Egypt from neighboring countries and invading armies. They also provided the ancient Egyptians with a source for precious metals and semi-precious stones.

What was Herodotus's great work called that recorded all the events of the Persian wars?

The Histories

Also called the stalker, discovers Enkidu at a watering place in the wilderness and plots to tame him

The Hunter

What did Schliemann base his chosen excavation site on?

The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer

Altered states of consciousness

The New Paradigm: The ancient cave painters were seeking to capture on the walls and ceilings of caves what they saw in trance-like states or during periods of sensory deprivation in the deepest recesses of the caves. This explains the grid-line and dot patterns on many of the paintings, especially those of the San people and those found in the deepest, most inacessible areas of European caves.

What symbolizes the golden age of ancient Greece?

The Parthenon on the Acropolis

In what war was Athens defeated at the height of its "Golden Age?"

The Peloponnesian War.

With the help of Plataeans, who did the Athenians defeat at the Battle of Marathon? What year was it?

The Persians; 490 BCE.

1st Alphabet

The Phoenicians improved on the existing writing forms to create the first alphabet, where what we now call letters were assigned to specific sounds. In its original form it had 22 letters. Since it was the Phoenicians that gave us this alphabet, they are credited by the use of the terms phonetics, phonology, etc.

What is the concept of that flowering of Western art and architecture, and a rebirth of the Classical Ideal in human expression in all its forms known as?

The Renaissance

Black land?

The Rich Fertile soil (kemet) stretches approximately 6 miles out from each side of the river bank.

Gold leaf for the halos around the Christ Child and Mary, as well as the divine sun rays that tie the Trinity together.

The dark setting helps what feature "pop" from the imagery and reflect light in interesting ways depending on the angle of viewing?

What did the Dorian's do?

They by-passed the city, allowing the Mycenaean culture to survive.

Egyptian Civilization The Importance of Geography Nile River flows from central Africa "Black Land" & "Red Land" Nile Delta = Lower Egypt Miracle = Flooding is predictable Food surpluses Transportation and Communication Natural barriers create isolation

Thin ribbon of arable land along the banks of the Nile. In ancient times the Nile River flowed through Nubia first and then through Egypt. The "Miracle": The Nile River flooded every year between June and September - in a season the Egyptians called Akhet: - "The Inundation."

Sumerian Kings List

This ancient manuscript originally recorded in the Sumerian language, lists kings of Sumer (ancient southern Iraq) from Sumerian and neighboring dynasties, their supposed length of their reign, and the locations of the kingship. Gilgamesh appears as one of the Antediluvian rulers (most ancient), a King of Sumer on this artifact.

Fra Filipo Lippi

This artist was a Carmelite friar, raised in a convent as an orphan, so his profession was chosen for him, rather than having made the conscious choice to serve God. This may explain his tendency to stray into sin with infamous results.

______________ upon taking the throne abandoned the religion of Aten and returned Egypt to traditional practice


Lascaux and Pech Merle

Two locations in France where cave paintings have been found.

The artist's signature.

Unusual for paintings of this period, what did Lippi add to the axe handle shown in foreshortening to the lower left of the painting.

Edward Solly

Upon the triumphant return to power of the Medici, the painting was returned to the family and lived a quiet life for three centuries. Eventually, the painting ended up on the market due to the heavy taxation of wealthy families by Napoleon I and was purchased by this man for a few pounds--becoming a part of the largest private collection of Western art, especially Renaissance art, in the world.

Guardian of the mysterious stone things, pilots a small ferry boat across the waters of death to the far away place where Utnapishtim lives, loses this privilege when he accepts Gilgamesh as a passenger, so he returns with him to Uruk


King and priest of Shurrupak, his name translates as "he who saw life", by the god Ea's connivance he survived the great deluge by building a great boat that carried him, his family, and one of every living creature to safety, the gods granted eternal life to him and his wife. Convinces Gilgamesh that Eternal life is out of reach.


Unnamed woman who plays an important role in the story, softens her husband towards Gilgamesh persuading him to tell him the secret of the magic plant called How-The-Old-Man-Once-Again-Becomes-a-Young-Man

Utnapishtim's wife

Ceramics were initially hand-turned but then increasingly made on the potter's wheel. Pottery finds reveal a wide range of vessels, including _______________.

Wafer-thin cups to large storage jars (pithoi).

What did the people think was more valuable, the olive tree or the water?

The people thought the olive tree more valuable than the water (as, according to some versions of the story, the water was salty ,as was Poseidon's realm)

It was understood that human beings were an important aspect of the creation of the gods and that each human soul was as eternal as that of the deities they revered. Death was not an end to life but a ______ of the individual soul with the eternal realm from which it had come


Upper paleolithic people

first people to begin expressing themselves in art as seen in cave paintings of Altamira, Spain and Lascaux, France.

One of the many unfortunate results of Akhenaten's religious reform was a neglect of ____________

foreign policy

_____ was considered a gateway sin


What is Agamemnon most known for?

is believed to have been not only king of Mycenae but of all of the Archaean (ancient) Greeks and leader of their expedition to Troy to recapture Helen.

by claiming Tuthmosis I, the strong, successful pharaoh/god, had named her his successor, Hatshepsut was able to

justify her claim to the throne

the mummy was created to preserve the individual's physical body, _____, without the soul could not achieve immortality.


the Egyptian concept of the soul regarded it as being comprised of nine parts:the _____ was the physical body, the ____ was one's double form, the _____ a human-headed bird aspect which could speed between earth and the heavens, ___ was the shadow self, ___ the immortal transformed self, ___ and _______ aspects of the akh, __ was the heart, the source of good and evil, ______ was one secret name

khat, ka, ba(image), shuyet, akh, sahu, sechem, ab, ren

Egyptians believed that the ________ was intimately tied to their personal salvation and they had a deep fear of dying beyond the borders of Egypt. those who served their country in the army, or those who traveled for a living, made their provision for their bodies to return to Egypt should they be killed.


Akhenaten's religious reforms may have been the first ever instance of _____________


worship of one god


Neolithic Revolution

most important development in human history: becoming farmers and herders; giving up the hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Took different forms in different regions, with different indigenous plants being exploited as domesticated crops. Rice in China; wheat and barley in the Mesopotamia, etc. 1940s CE Australian archeologist named Gordon Childe in order to reflect the deep impact that agriculture had over the human population popularized this term

means new


From time immemorial a royal daughter from Egypt has been given to______>

no one

What is the political organization of the city of Uruk?

nobles, bureaucracy, priests->merchants->farmers, with the priestly class essentially co-equal with noble class.

How is nature depicted and what is the setting of the epic?

something to be overcome; dangerous and chaotic

to be accepted and to govern successfuly Hatshepsut needed to surround herself with_________________who would support her cause

powerful military, civil, and religious officals

During Hatshepsut's reign egypt experienced a period of great

prosperity, expansion of trade, peace, and profilic building programs

5 New technologies that changed the domestic scene during Neolithic Revolution

Weaving of plant fibers = textiles; Dyeing, using animal and vegetable dyes; Tanning = leather-curing and leather-working; Pottery-making, both plain and kiln-fired; Lighting by oil lamps.


What Greek order is present at the Lincoln Memorial?


What Greek order is present at the Supreme Court Building?


What Greek order is shown at the Thomas Jefferson memorial?

Filippo Brunelleschi

What architect completed the dome of Il Duomo?

1. Architrave 2. Frieze 3. Cornice

What are the 3 layers of the entablature?

Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian

What are the 3 types of Greek columns?

A pantheon

What has a Greek entryway and Corinthian columns?

Powdered pigments are added to egg yolk and then quickly applied before drying.

What is tempera?

The architrave

What is the bottom part of the entablature?

The frieze

What is the middle part of the entablature?

The peak on either end of the roof.

What is the pediment?

The cornice

What is the topmost part of the entablature?

An acropolis

What is this image showing?

The pediment

What is this image showing?


What part of the entablature were the Elgin marbles primarily part of?

Robert Browning

With the Romantic movement in art and literature, Lippi's works and personal story became very popular again. There was even something of a "Lippi Cult" among young artists and men of letters. What poet published an imaginary monologue in which a drunken Lippi tottered through the backstreets of Florence proclaiming his libertarian creed : "You should not take a fellow eight years old, And make him swear to never kiss the girls. I'm my own master."

_____________ in which the poor laborers were encouraged to regard the fingers of their left hand (the hand they reached with daily to harvest field crops) and to consider the five things they were most grateful for in their lives

the five gifts of hathor


wooden handle

____________ was an important part of egyptian culture and children were taught this at a young age


after death, one would still enjoy one's own ________, one's own daily walk by the water, in an eternal land of peace granted to those of egypt by the gods they gratefully revered.

sycamore tree

Who was Hippocrates?

He was `the father of medicine'

What alerted Evans to the possible presence of an ancient civilization on Crete?

Surviving carved seal stones worn as charms by native Cretans in the early 20th century CE, were common. (Image shows the Bull-jumping or Bull-leaping that may have been a ritualistic activity associated with Bull-worship)

Metal, stone, ivory, and ________ work reveal a high degree of craftsmanship?

faience (glazed earthenware or pottery, especially a fine variety with highly colored designs.)

there was never a prohibition at any time in Egyptian history on ______________

female fashion


fine arts and philosophy, totality of expressions and behaviors, that characterize a readily identifiable group of people in a specific place and time. Often applied to the artifacts left by lost societies.

paleolithic or old stone age

first and longest stone age period from 2.5 million years ago to about 9600 BCE. Divided into Lower, Middle and Upper (Upper = most recent)


human use of signs and symbols

One who throws down icons


A likely reason for the kings style of art is

the Kings religious beliefs

Ancient Egyptian philosophical text dating to the Middle Kingdom about a man deeply unhappy with his life. It is part of the so-called Wisdom literature and takes the form of a dialogue between a man and his ba (soul).

"Dispute between a man and his Ba" or "Dispute between a man and is soul."

A quote attributed to Cosimo that suggests both his religious nature and his deepest fears.

"I will never have enough money to have God as my debtor"


"Sumer's most inspirational king." Ruled about 2700 BCE. Built the city of Uruk. Immortalized in the poem, The Epic of Gilgamesh.

the term _____ was used in each age to represent dying.

"going to one's ka"

the average age of a bride was ____ and that of the groom was ____-____. a contract would be drawn up portioning a man's assets to his wife and children and this allotment could not be rescinded except on the ground of adultery.

13, 18-21

a tomb inscription from ________ reads " may i walk everyday on the banks of the water, may my soul rest on the branches of the trees which i planted, may i refresh myself under the shadow of my sycamore.

1400 BCE

When was the early Mycenaean period?

1550 - 1100 BCE

Akhenaten was of which Egyptian dynasty?

18th (Rule 1353-1336 BCE)

three age system

19th century CE by the danish scholar Christisn J. Thomsen, who came up with a framework for the study of the human past (Stone, Bronze, and Iron). Thomsen was not a field archaeologist, but a numismatist. See:

Hatshepsut ruled egypt for ___years


When was the Peloponnesian War, and who was it between?

431-404 BCE; between Athens and Sparta

What year was the Battle at Salamis, and what happened there?

480 BCE; During the second Persian invasion of Greece, a numerically smaller Greek fleet lured the Persians into a narrow channel where their numbers were of little use and so the Athenians easily defeated Xerxes navy.

Medieval period

500-1500CE. Often divided into 3 periods itself: Early Middle ages (500-1000CE); High Middle ages (1000-1300CE); Late Middle ages (1300-1500).

Lapis lazuli

A deep blue semi-precious stone prized since antiquity for its intense color. Common in the sculptures, jewelry and other art forms of Mesopotamia. Had to be acquired by trade. Lapis lazuli was mined in the Sar-i Sang mines and in other mines of northeast Afghanistan as early as the 7th millennium BC.

Lucrezia Buti

A major scandal that might have ended the career of any other friar and very possibly resulted in a death sentence, took place when Lippi asked the Reverend Mother of the Prato Nunnery if a certain lovely young novice of the Order could sit for him as a model. When the Reverend Mother agreed the two absconded. Lippi would eventually father two children by this woman. Only Cosimo's money and influence saved the artist from this scandal.

George Santayana

A philosopher, essayist, poet, and novelist. Originally from Spain, Santayana was raised and educated in the United States. He wrote in English and is generally considered an American man of letters. Santayana is popularly known for aphorisms, such as "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it", "Only the dead have seen the end of war",and the definition of beauty as "pleasure objectified".

"A table of hard-wood was set out, and on it a bowl of carnelian filled with honey, and a bowl of lapis lazuli filled with butter." What is carnelian?

A semi-precious gemstone. A variety of the silica mineral chalcedony colored by impurities of iron oxide. The color can vary greatly, ranging from pale orange to an intense almost-black-red coloration. It's closest abundant source would be what is now India.


A terraced kiln-fired brick and mud-brick pyramid that served as the center of worship. Shrines to the patron deity of each city were part of the base of the structure.

What feature found on Crete lends itself to the mythology of the Labyrinth and the Minotaur

According to legend, the labyrinth was an elaborate structure designed and built by the legendary artificer Daedalus for King Minos of Crete at Knossos. Its function was to hold the Minotaur eventually killed by the hero Theseus. Daedalus had so cunningly made the Labyrinth that he could barely escape it after he built it. Some archaeologists suggest that the elaborate tunnels of ancient mines near the center of the island of Crete may have lent themselves to the legend of the labyrinth. Others say the extensive palace complex itself could have been the inspiration for the labyrinth in the ancient myths. Silver coins and other artifacts from the first Millennium B.C.E. show engraved labyrinth motifs.

A citadel or fortified part of an ancient Greek city, typically built on a hill. The ancient citadel at Athens, containing the Parthenon and other notable buildings, mostly dating from the 5th century BC is the best example. (Acro = high, polis = city)


The Gemäldegalerie, Berlin

After being housed in several different galleries around a divided Berlin, it now occupies a room designed especially for it at what museum?

When was Greece conquered by the Roman Empire?

After the Battle of Cynocephalae

Who was Atreus' son?


Most notably, what artifact discovered by Schliemann, and almost certainly misnamed by him, was the crown jewel of the recovered golden artifacts?

Agamemnon's death mask Discovered in 1876 by Heinrich Schliemann during his excavations at Mycenae in Greece. It was found covering the face of a body in a burial shaft. Schliemann thought it belonged to the mythological king.

It is/was the central public space in ancient Greek city-states. The literal meaning of the word is "gathering place" or "assembly". It was the center of athletic, artistic, spiritual and political life of the city.


Amenhotep IV changed his name to _________


Who became famous as the heretic king who abolished the traditional religious rights (worship of Amun) of Egypt and instituted the first known monotheistic state religion?


____________ legacy of monotheism was a part of the world's culture since he instituted what remains a potent aspect of daily life in the present day.


The 5 wounds Jesus Christ would sustain during crucifixion

All around the infant Christ Child are five-petal flowers representing what?

"Gilgamesh lamented; seven days and seven nights he wept for Enkidu, until the worm fastened on him. Only then he gave him up to the earth, for the Anunaki, the judges, had seized him." What were the Anunaki? What role did they play?

Anunaki are a group of deities that appear in the mythological traditions of the ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, and Babylonians. The texts disagree on their number. In the earliest Sumerian writings about them, which come from the Post-Akkadian period, the Anunnaki are the most powerful deities in the pantheon, descendants of An, the god of the heavens. In Inanna's Descent into the Netherworld, the Anunnaki are portrayed as seven judges who sit before the throne of Ereshkigal in the Underworld.

Correspondence found in city if Amarna between the kings of egypt and those of foreign nations

Amarna letters

Akhenaten's reign is known as the ________ because he moved the capital of Egypt from the traditional site at Thebes to the city he founded, Akhetaten

Amarna period

Usury/Money lending

Among his many sins/crimes, Cosimo de Medici was most concerned about the fate of his mortal soul due to what business practice?

Hatshepsut claimed that _______ had named her as a ruler of Egypt


the worship of ______ was more widespread than that of any other god in the Nile Valley, and the Priests of ________ held great power. (Same word in both blanks)


Fertile Crescent

An arc of land that contained most of the fertile soil in the Near East--one "cradle of civilization." Primarily the flood plains of the Nile in Egypt and the Tigris and Euphrates rivers of Mesopotamia.

Multi-regional hypothesis

An early hypothesis about the origins of the first modern Homo sapiens. It suggested that modern humans were descended from groups of Late Homo erectus populations that left Africa and fanned our across Asia and Europe. As these populations evolved they became the diverse ethnic groups we see now. Another old paradigm, now discarded. As we saw in the video, the Chinese were the last to abandon this paradigm after extensive genomic research revealed they too were "out of Africa."

Historical periods used to divide the Western Tradition

Ancient, Medieval, and Modern

awe-inspiring, trial

And finally, the setting shows a duality of Christian views of nature in general. It is a testament to the grandness of God's creation that is at once beautiful and _____________________, while at the same time forbidding in that it presents a challenge or __________________ to the faithful.

The little that is known about the Mycenean religion includes _____________.

Animal sacrifice, communal feasting, pouring of libations, and offerings of foodstuffs.

Willendorf Venus

Another type of art from the Upper Paleolithic. A rotund female figurine that was almost certainly a fertility symbol or "mother goddess."

The father of the gods and the god of firmament (heavens)



Any monumental gateway in Greek architecture is known as a/an _________. (Image shows the one of the Acropolis in Athens.)


As a young man, the artist witnessed first hand the work of a master when the convent was decorated with religious iconography by what early Renaissance artist? It was even said that the spirit of this man entered the body of Lippi and his earliest works clearly echo this artist's style. (Inset is the master's "Tribute Money")

Which of the Golden Age playwrights was famous for his comedies, including those that satirized Greek society and its leadership?


Which Greek Philosopher said of tragedy (Greek Drama) that it served a noble purpose by allowing its audience a "release" of emotion.

Aristotle in his Poetics

Goddess of creation who fashioned Enkidu from clay and her spittle


What happened at the Battle of Cynocephalae?

Athens conquered by the Romans in 197 BCE. (Prior to this they were subject to Macedonian rule)

The soil around Athens was not suitable for large scale agricultural use, with small family owned farms, orchards, and vineyards the norm. What did Athens turn to for it's livelihood?

Athens turned to trade and, mainly, to sea trade.

When was Athens defeated by the Macedonians?

Athens was defeated in 338 BCE by the Macedonian forces under Philip II at Chaeronea.

Who was the succeeding ruler and what was his dynasty?

Atreus, and the Atreids

This is the historical region that encompasses the city of Athens. The historical region is centered on the peninsula of the same name, which projects into the Aegean Sea.



Attribution of human traits, emotions, and intentions to non-human entities--as in the gods of a polytheistic belief system; and is considered to be an innate tendency of human psychology.


Babylonian famous as the Lawgiver = The code of Hammurabi (pictured in the stele, the god, Shamash, gives the code to Hammurabi)


Based on the Latin word for city or citizen. Largest unit within which any one person might feel comfortable. its an organizing principle that implies common institutions, economic systems, social structures, and values that extend over space and time--made possible by the Neolithic Revolution.

This battle took place between the forces of the Egyptian Empire under Ramesses II and the Hittite Empire under Muwatalli II at the city on the Orontes River for which the battle is named, near the modern Syrian-Lebanese border. The battle is generally dated to 1274 BC in the conventional Egyptian chronology, and is the earliest battle in recorded history for which details of tactics and formations are known. It was probably the largest chariot battle ever fought, involving perhaps 5,000-6,000 chariots. As a result of the multiple inscriptions focused on this battle, it is the best documented battle in all of ancient history.

Battle of Kadesh

First great victory over the Persians that ended the first invasion of Greece by the Persians in the time of King Darius I

Battle of Marathon

The great final battle of the second invasion of Greece by Persians under King/Emperor Xerxes I, that effectively ended the Persian invasion.

Battle of Plataea

Famous naval battle during the second Persian invasion of Greece in which a numerically inferior Greek fleet completely destroyed the larger Persian fleet.

Battle of Salamis

This very famous battle where a small band of Spartans under King Leonidas, aided by other Greeks, delayed a massive Persian Army under Xerxes for several days during the second Persian invasion of Greece. The story has been glorified in the graphic novel and film '300'

Battle of Thermopylae

Bronze age

Began 3300 BCE in near east, and signaled the end of the stone age. Bronze tools come into use. An alloy of copper and tin.

Iron age

Began about 1200 BCE. Iron begins to replace bronze. While copper was common, tin was rare and relied on trade networks. Iron more readily available, but harder to work with. Addition of carbon makes iron into steel--much harder than bronze, holds an edge much longer.

Ancient period

Begins about 3000BCE in Mesopotamia; ends about 500CE with the fall of the Roman Empire.


Belief system in which many gods and goddesses compete with one another for power. Mortals are often pawns in the struggle between the gods.

The mysterious end of the Mycenean civilization (as possibly credited to earthquake, invasion or in-fighting) brought about what era?

Bronze Age Collapse followed by a Grecian Dark Age.

Among their many functions, palaces were also equipped with 'theatre' areas for large public spectacles. Central to these public spectacles was what athletic event, which may have had religious purposes?

Bull-leaping. (As depicted in frescoes and numerous other art forms.)

What was Aristotle's term for the great "release" that Greek Drama provided its audiences?


"Creative explosion"

Cave paintings suddenly began at about 35,000 years ago, yet modern humans have been around 150, 000 years or more. The sudden emergence of the need for human kind to express itself.


Central engineering achievement of all civilizations that were founded along river systems with annual flood cycle and long dry period.

"To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child."

Cicero, 1st Century BCE; Roman philosopher, politician, lawyer, orator, political theorist, and consul.


City considered the heart of the 15th century Italian Renaissance, and home to artist and patron of this painting.

What happened in the aftermath of the coup?

Cleisthenes was appointed to reform the government and the laws and, in 507 BCE, he instituted a new form of government which today is recognized as Democracy.

Identify the following.

Corbel arch.

New Kingdom 1800 - 1100 BC

Create Empire--Most powerful State Famous Pharaohs: Hatshepsut (Regent, Queen, Pharaoh) Thutmose II (Husband of Hatshepsut) & III (Son of Hatshepsut) Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten)--Monotheism--Amarna Period Nefertiti --Egyptian queen and the Great Royal Wife (chief consort) of Akhenaten Tutankhamen--Son of Akhenaten--restored worship of Amun and the old gods. Horemheb, sought to erase the entire Amarna Period from history. Ramses II

Hatshepsut's temple is at

Deir el-Bahri

Who envisioned an atomic universe—forerunner of John Dalton's atomic theory?


By wearing male clothing and representing her image dressed in male clothing Hatshepsut wanted to

Depicts herself as a true Egyptian pharaoh with the authority of a pharaoh and not as a mere queen.

What functions did all of these large palace complexes probably serve?

Each of these sites, large, complex palace structures of two or three stories and covering several thousand square meters, seem to have acted as local administrative, trade, religious and possibly political centers.

Who wrote this: Helen, thy beauty is to me Like those Nicéan barks of yore, The weary, way-worn wanderer bore To his own native shore.On desperate seas long wont to roam, Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face, Thy Naiad airs have brought me home To the glory that was Greece, And the grandeur that was Rome. (These are only the first 2 stanzas)

Edgar Allan Poe

glass working, metallurgy in both bronze and gold, and furniture were other advancements of _________ and their art and architecture are famous worldwide for precision and beauty. Personal hygiene and appearance were valued highly and they bathed regularly and scented themselves with perfume and incense, invented the practice of shaving, wig, and hairbrush.

Egyptian culture

___________________________ could own land, homes, run businesses, and preside over temples and could even be pharaohs (example Queen Hatshepsut 1479-1458 BCE) or earlier Queen Sobeknofru 1767-1759 BCE.

Egyptian women

________ developed the ramp and lever, geometry, advance's in mathematics and astronomy, improvements in irrigation and agriculture, ship building and aerodynamics, the wheel, and medicine; invented toothpaste, toothbrushes, the toothpick, breath mints, bowling, improved brewing of beer.


____________ did not travel far from their places of birth and usual lived their lives and died in the same locale, as it was believed that one's afterlife would be a continuation of one's present


Companion and friend of Gilgamesh, hairy-bodied and brawny, raised by animals, even after he joins the civilized world he retains many of his undomesticated qualities, looks like Gilgamesh and is almost his physical equal, aspires to be Gilgamesh's rival but instead becomes his soul mate, the gods punish him by giving him a slow painful death for killing the demon Humbaba and the Bull of Heaven


god of Earth, wind, and air, superior diety, not very fond of human kind


terrifying queen of the underworld, also known as Irkalla.


The Perseid dynasty ended with what ruler?


Minoan civilization in Mythology

Evans discovered extensive ruins which confirmed the ancient accounts, both literary and mythological, of a sophisticated Cretan culture and possible site of the legendary labyrinth and palace of King Minos.

The Prussian governemnt

Eventually, personal financial difficulties forced Solly to sell the bulk of his art to what entity?

Ramses II has been popularly associated with the pharaoh of the biblical Book of ________, but there is no evidence


Middle Kingdom 2200 - 1800 BC

Expansion of Kingdom Into Nubia Building Projects: Irrigation - Canal connecting Nile to Red Sea God Osiris Supreme Pharaoh (Shepard of People) Book of the Dead becomes guide to the Afterlife Dispute Between a Man and his Soul (ba) written.

The ancient Egyptian Tree of Life was the ______________ _________________(scientific name), a fruit bearing fig and almost certainly the same as determined by the Hebrews for their Garden of Eden account, given the handy proximity of fig leafs in that version of events. The tree and it's fruit was particularly sacred within the Cult of Hathor and is often seen in tombs in the context of providing nourishment for the dead, thus it had association with eternal life.

Ficus Sycomoros

Altamira, Spain

First cave-paintings discovered here, 1879.

Akhenaten's tomb was uncovered by the great archeologist ____________ in 1907 CE and Tutankhamen's tomb, more famously, by ________ in 1922 CE

Flinders Petrie, Howard Carter

Pottery was decorated with what designs?

Flowing geometric designs in Kamares ware, and later, vibrant naturalistic depictions of flowers, plants, and sea life in the later Floral and Marine styles.

Hallmarks of the Early Middle ages

Frequent barbarian invasions and political chaos ending with some stability in the far west with the Carolingian Dynasty and union of Roman Church and secular authority (1st Holy Roman Emperor crowned 800CE).

High quality pottery and what form of wall paintings indicated an elite presence in the acropolis?



From Latin: means man as in mankind. Genus name of the human species.

Hallmarks of High Middle ages

General stability and considered zenith of medieval culture. Romanesque and Gothic styles dominate.

What follows would be purely a bonus and meant to be fun--so don't sweat it: What modern day evidence suggests that Minoan and Mycenean culture/history still resonates in our own culture?

Giant Squid--A metal band founded in Sacramento, now relocated to San Francisco has created an entire album dedicated to this period. (Image: Album cover)

"Anyone who cannot give an account to oneself of the past three thousand years remains in darkness, without experience, living from day to day."

Goethe, 19th century German writer and statesman.

Objects found in this gold hoard include ______________.

Golden masks, diadems, jewelry, ceremonial swords and daggers.


Greek word meaning "between the rivers." The rivers are the Tigris (eastern) and Euphrates (western).

_____________ was a female pharaoh in 18th dynasty egypt who rose to prominence as ruler after the death of her husband Thuthmosis II. She initially served as regent for her son Thutmose III.


who was the first female pharaoh


What did Hippias (Solon's son) do?

He instituted a reign of terror which finally culminated in the overthrow of the Peisistratid tyranny in the Athenian Revolt of 510 BCE

What did the Roman general Sulla do?

He sacked Athens in 87-86 BCE, slaughtered the citizenry, and burned the port of Piraeus, but refused to allow his soldiers to burn the city itself.

What did Poseidon do?

He struck a rock with his trident and, as water gushed forth, he assured the people that now they would never suffer drought

Who was Herodotus?

He was the 'father of history' who lived and wrote in the Athens? Wrote the history of the Persian Wars.

Who was Socrates?

He was the `father of philosophy' that taught in the marketplace-the agora

Cosimo de Medici Latin byname Pater Patriae (Father of his Country)

He was the city's (Florence) most wealthy and powerful man, and was the patron who commissioned and collaborated on the painting's design. Through his patronage of the arts he hoped to make his wealth "religiously respectable."

In mythology, what was Eurytheus famous for?

He was the instigator of Hercules' famous 12 labors.

According to legend, what did the Athenian King Cecrops name the city after?


What 2 great epics portray the Mycenaeans as great warriors and seafaring people?

Homer's Iliad and Odyssey

_________ inscriptions listed him as the succesor to Amenhoptep III and made no mention of the rulers of the Amarna period


King of Uruk, strongest of men,personification of all human virtues, brave warrior, fair judge, ambitious builder, he surrounded the city of Uruk with magnificent walls and erects its glorious ziggurats or temple towers, 2/3 god and 1/3 mortal,saddened by his friends death he travels the ends of the Earth in search of answers for the mysteries of life and death

How is Gilgamesh described?

In April 1945 American troops found the art treasures. And soon the American authorities made a stunning decision. The art, they said, should be treated as reparations and taken to the U.S. on the basis of a so-called trusteeship. The Monuments Men were now told to ready it to be shipped out. In an unprecedented turn of events they refused. It is 'the only known case in the whole of the Second World War of American officers refusing an order.' Anne Webber, (Commission for Looted Art in Europe): 'The Nazis had committed the greatest art thefts in history, seized hundreds of thousands of works of art and they were to be prosecuted at Nuremberg..the Monuments Men said there was no distinction in their minds between what the Germans had done in 'safeguarding art' and what the Americans were doing on the same pretext.' Eventually though, amidst threats of courts martial the Monuments Men gave way and 202 of the very finest artworks, Lippi's Adoration among them, were picked out and prepared for shipping to Washington. It would eventually be returned to Germany in 1949.

How was Lippi's Adoration embroiled in a "mutiny?"

Fearsome demon who guards the cedar forest forbidden to mortals, his seven garments produce an aura that paralyzes with fear anyone who would withstand him, the personification of awesome natural power and menace, his mouth is fire, he roars like a flood, he breathes death, much like an erupting volcano, in his last moments he acquires personality and pathos when he pleads cunningly for his life


Upper Paleolithic/Late Paleolithic

Important to understand this is when human beings began to express themselves in art with cave paintings dating to as early as 40 thousand years ago in places like Altamira Spain and Lascaux France.

In what year, and who invaded the Greek archipelago of the Aegean from the south?

In 1200 BCE, and the Sea Peoples (Early Phoenicians)

Elgin marbles or frieze of the Parthenon

In 1801, Thomas Bruce, the 7th Earl of Elgin, took these sculptures from the Parthenon, Propylaea, and Erechtheum. This still brings conflict today as Greece demands that England return them.

According to mythology, who founded Mycenae?

In Greek mythology the city was founded by Perseus, who gave the site its name either after his sword scabbard (mykes) fell to the ground and was regarded as a good omen, or as he found a water spring near a mushroom (mykes).

"Behold the Lamb of God"

In Latin, John is holding a scroll which reads:

A meat cleaver embedded in the back of his head, the object and his expression suggesting that his profession and temperament were not well suited.

In a early work by the artist of Adoration, done for Cosimo de Medici, the artist shows himself as a young contrarian with what object oddly placed in relation to his self portrait?

John the Baptist, shown at about the age he left home--seven years, and Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, founder of the Cistercian Order of monks whose practice included an intense devotion to Mary, and who believed in solitary meditation.

In most "nativity" works, Joseph, the Wise Men, shepherds and other biblical standards populate the painting, but Lippi omitted many of these standard characters and instead placed what two Saints on the painting's left side?

What did the might of the Athenian Empire encourage?

It encouraged an arrogance in the policy makers of the day which grew intolerable to her neighbors.

Based on archeological evidence, what is known about the function of the palace complexes?

It is clear that the palaces exerted some kind of localized control, in particular, in the gathering and storage of materials - wine, oil, grain, precious metals and ceramics.

What did the early Mycenaean period see?

It saw massive fortresses rise all over Greece

What does Athens, Greece with its famous Acropolis symbolize?

It symbolizes the whole of the country in the popular imagination, and not without cause.

Minoan--origin of the name?

It was Sir Artur Evans who coined the term Minoan in reference to this legendary Bronze Age King, Minos.

Who was the famous Battle of Thermopylae fought between?

It was fought between a small band of Spartans commanded by King Leonidas, along with other Greeks, against the Persian army in what was a delaying action

When Athens sent their fleet to help defend its ally Cocyra (Corfu) against a Corinthian invasion during the Battle of Sybota in 433 BCE, how was their action interpreted by the Spartans?

It was interpreted as an aggression instead of assistance, as Corinth was an ally of Sparta.

Cosimo de Medici had Lippi locked in a tower.

It was said of Lippi that he loved life, and this love of life actually led to what extreme measures by his employer to insure that the artist would finish a painting?

Old Kingdom 2700 - 2200 BC

King Menes first unites upper and lower Egypt. Foundation of Old Kingdom. Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops) Built the Great Pyramid at Giza Pharaoh Khafre Built the Great Sphinx Built 2nd Great Pyramid at Giza Pharaoh Menkaure Built 3rd Great Pyramid at Giza

Why is there uncertainty about the functions of these palace complexes?

Knowing exactly the relationship between the palaces and the power structure within them or over the island as a whole is not clear due to a lack of archaeological and literary evidence. A complete deciphering/translation of Minoan script has still not been completed.

Göbekli Tepe

Late stone-age site in modern Turkey where initially large quantities of flint tools were found and then large religious complexes were excavated with carvings and engravings of many of the same animals depicted in cave art. The shear number of people required to build such a site may have required new solutions like organized agricultural practices--among the earliest ever discovered.

Who was Leonidas

Leonidas (c. 530-480 B.C.) was a king of the city-state of Sparta from about 490 B.C. until his death at the Battle of Thermopylae against the Persian army in 480 B.C. Although Leonidas lost the battle, his death at Thermopylae was seen as a heroic sacrifice because he sent most of his army away when he realized that the Persians had outmaneuvered him. Three hundred of his fellow Spartans stayed with him to fight and die. Almost everything that is known about Leonidas comes from the work of the Greek historian Herodotus (c. 484-c. 425 B.C.).

Why does Gilgamesh want to find immortality?

Like all human beings, Gilgamesh fears death. He does not want to die. The death of Enkidu forces Gilgamesh to examine his own mortality for the first time. It begs one of humanity's universal questions: "Is this all there is?"

What is the Minoan written language called?

Linear A

What was the Mycenean written language, which has been partially deciphered?

Linear B

What architectural feature greets the visitor to the modern ruins of Mycenae?

Lions Gate

third king of Uruk after the deluge (Gilgamesh is the fifth), hero of a cycle of Sumerian poems and a minor god, he is a protector and sometimes called the father of Gilgamesh


Which of the plays of Aristophanes revolved around a plot by Athens' women to force an end to the Peloponnesian War by withholding sex from the men of Athens?


Ancient Egyptian concept of universal harmony


the concept of ____ (harmony) governed Egyptian culture and, whether of upper or lower class, Egyptians endeavored to live in peace with their surroundings, and each other. Embodied as the goddess Ma'at.


From the video, extensive archeological and geological evidence now suggest what event most likely led to the downfall of the Minoan civilization?

Massive volcanic eruption on Thera (the modern island of Santorini) and an accompanying tsunami. The resulting destruction of the Minoan navy and major population centers made them vulnerable to outside invasion. most likely from Mycenae their long-time rivals.

What was the central hall of the palace complex?


There were temples to the Aten in ______ and _______

Memphis, Heliopolis

In the titular tract from their album, the following lyrics would refer to which culture of the Bronze Age? Centuries of brine bestow upon us endless power and meat Tides are all the fortifications we need To trade with thee, you must sheath your swords Share your bounty or your bones will feed the coral All of the Aegean sea bows in the shadow of Crete Salinity births our prosperity Behind unassailable sands lie uncanny luxuries Centuries of bronze bestow upon us endless peace and meat Dominate the waves and fortress walls become obsolete


The absence of fortifications, especially defensive walls, also suggests what about Minoan military capabilities?

Minoan frescoes and other artwork suggest a powerful navy was a component of the civilization. Also, Minoan art and artifacts have been discovered throughout the Mediterranean and the near East, suggesting a vibrant waterborne trade network.

What were the four principal palace sites on Crete, in order of size-largest to smallest.

Minoan settlements, tombs and cemeteries have been found all over Crete but the four principal palace sites (in order of size) were at Knossos, Phaistos, Malia and Zakros.

Sigmund Freud, in his 1939 work _____________________, argues that Moses was an Egyptian who had been an adherent of the Cult of Aten and was driven from Egypt following Akhenaten's death and the return to the old religious paradigm

Moses and Monotheism


Most famous of the Akkadian Kings. Perhaps the first ruler to be dubbed, "The Great." According to legend he, like Moses, was of lowly origins and abandoned in the reed marshes as an infant.

Mycenean capital?


How was Mycenae described in Homer's account of the Trojan war in the Iliad?

Mycenae (or Mykene) is described as a 'well-founded citadel', as 'wide-wayed' and as 'golden Mycenae'.

Athens began as a small _________________ community.


The lyrics below begin by lamenting a catastrophe, as in: "progress splintered upon the reef" What group are these lyrics referring to in the line: "Impatient nations north of here, hunger to make history?" The means of our dominance washes about our feet Our Bronze Age of progress splintered upon the reef Five days or fifty years, we'll soon be fate's debris Impatient nations north of here, hunger to make history With no means of trade, crushed is our maritime might Foreign sandals upon our sands, will we last the night? Five days or fifty years, we'll soon feel fate's teeth Impatient nations north of here, hunger to make history What Gods do we turn to, which priestess do we believe? The ones who clutch snakes, or those who point to the sea? Every ship and sail swallowed by the generous one A naval nation's stay of execution What will the Greeks think when they see what we've become? Delusion, chaos, and cannibalism


Homo sapiens neanderthalensis

Named for the Neandertal region in Germany where the first fossils of the type were discovered. A species or subspecies of archaic humans in the genus Homo. Recent genomic studies show Neanderthals and modern humans share 99.7% of their DNA. Neanderthals left bones and stone tools in Eurasia, from Western Europe to Central and Northern Asia. Fossil evidence suggests Neanderthals evolved in Europe, separate from modern humans in Africa for more than 400,000 years. They are considered either a distinct species, Homo neanderthalensis, or more recently as a subspecies of Homo sapiens (H. s. neanderthalensis). The two groups undoubtedly co-existed in Europe for an extended period, ending with the extinction of H. s. neanderthalensis about 40,000 years ago.

From archeological evidence, it is clear that there were two periods of building in the Minoan palace complexes. Why?

Natural disasters such as earthquake and fires. (Or possibly invasion.)

What other archeological evidence indicates an extensive marine trade network?

Near East and Egyptian influences in their early art but also in later export trade, notably the exchange of pottery and foodstuffs such as oil and wine in return for precious objects and materials such as copper from Cyprus and ivory from Egypt.

In the sixth year of Akhenaten's reign Nefertiti changed her name to ____ which means "beautiful in beauty is Aten"; her beauty was legendary


After the death of Amenhotep IV, ________ became queen of Egypt



Often characterized as the "Ice Age" The geological epoch which lasted from about 2.5 mya to about 10 thousand years ago, spanning the world's most recent period of repeated glaciations.


Oldest stone tool culture--Lower Paleolithic. Very simple choppers and flakes, associated with Homo habilis (Homo erectus is associated with Acheulean culture)

Out-of-Africa hypothesis

Once known as the Mitochondrial Eve hypothesis due to the earliest research of this type, which looked exclusively at mitochondrial DNA across all ethnic groups. Now supported by many similar studies using genomic DNA as well, it establishes quite unequivocally that modern human populations all trace their lineage to a relatively small group that migrated out of Africa during a brief period when climate changes made large desert areas much easier to cross over, and possibly lower sea levels made escape from Africa possible at a couple of different places.

Invention of the plow

One of the great innovations leading to the "Neolithic Revolution," greatly increasing crop yields. First attributed to Mesopotamia about 3500 BCE.

Schliemann's excavations were famous for the discovery of __________________________.

Over 15 kilograms of gold objects recovered from the shaft graves in the acropolis.

What dynasty began with Perseus?

Perseid dynasty

Who was Pheidippides

Pheidippides (Greek: Φειδιππίδης) is the central figure in the legend that inspired a modern sporting event, the marathon race. Pheidippides is said to have run from the battlefield at Marathon to Athens to deliver news of the military victory against the Persians.


Philology is the study of language in written historical sources; it is a combination of literary criticism, history, and linguistics. It is more commonly defined as the study of literary texts and written records, the establishment of their authenticity and their original form, and the determination of their meaning. A person who pursues this kind of study is known as a philologist.

Mesopotamian Religion

Polytheistic, Anthropomorphic, Pantheistic. The gods were divided into Sky gods and Earth gods. Many of these gods play important roles in the Epic of Gilgamesh. So, Mesopotamian gods were believed to be very interested in and often interfered in the affairs of mortals.

Describe the architectural form of the Lions Gate.

Post and lentil forms the opening, with a corbel arch above.

Ozymandias, is a sonnet written by English Romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. What does it tell us about power and fame?

Power fades, no greatness of man is ever more than dust. Ozymandias I met a traveler from an antique land Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed: And on the pedestal these words appear: 'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!' Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Mycenean Civilization

Pre-Classical Greek civilization that flourished from the 15th to the 13th century BCE. With its capital at Mycenae on the Peloponnese, its influence extended throughout Greece and across the Aegean, in particular, on Crete and the Cycladic islands.

Minoan Civilization

Pre-Classical Greek civilization that flourished in the middle Bronze Age on the Mediterranean island of Crete from ca. 2000 BCE until ca. 1500 BCE and, with their unique art and architecture, the Minoans made a significant contribution to the development of Western European civilization as it is known today.

What suggests strong links to Minoan religion?

Presence of double axe carvings and horns of consecration in art works and architecture.

Henri Breuil

Proposed that the cave paintings were about hunting, or possibly even a hunting cult.. Old paradigm still often used.

"Egypt is the Gift of the Nile"

Quote from Herodotus (Greek Historian 400B.C.)

____________ (1279-1213 BCE) was known to the Egyptians as Userma'atre Setepenre which means 'Keeper of harmony and balance, Strong in right, Elect of Ra'. He is also known as Ozymandias and as _______ the great; third pharaoh of the 19th dynasty


Both written and physical evidence of the temples and monuments argue for a very stable and prosperous reign; ______________ was one of the few rulers to live and rule long enough to take part in 2 Heb Sed festivals which were held every 30 years to rejuvinate the pharaoh; he secured the countries borders, increased its wealth, and widened its scope of trade

Ramses II

Many historians consider ________ reign as the pinnacle of Egyptian art and culture and the famous tomb of Nefertari with its wall paintings is cited as clear evidence of the truth of this claim; Nefertari was ____ first wife and his favorite queen

Ramses II

Ozymandias is another name for

Ramses II

The vast tomb complex known as the Ramesseum at Thebes, the temples at Abu Simbel, the hall at Karnak (image), the complex at Abydos and literally hundreds of other buildings, monuments, temples were all constructed by _________

Ramses II

________ lived to be 96 years old, had over 200 wives and concubines, 96 sons and sixty daughters, most of whom he outlived

Ramses II

_________ during the Battle of Kadesh made the first peace treaty in 1258

Ramses II

_________ was surrounded by his enemies at the Battle of Kadesh (1274 BCE), and calling upon the god Amun for aid found the strength to fight his way to safety.

Ramses II

_________ was the son of Seti I and Queen Tuya, and was named co-ruler with his father; with his father he built a new palace at Avaris

Ramses II

_________________ was famous for recording histories of his accomplishments and for embelishing the facts when they did not quite fit history as he wished it preserved

Ramses II

The "West" or Western Civilization"

Refers to the unique cultural history, contributions, and traditions of peoples who have lived in the region of the planet north of the African continent and west of Asia and Asia minor. This study is NOT confined exclusively to Europe, but includes the forerunners of the West in Egypt and Mesopotamia as well. What we call Western Civilization began in Mesopotamia and Egypt beginning about 3500 BCE.

Goddess of wine making and brewing, the veiled tavern keeper who confronts Gilgamesh and who, though she knows his quest is futile, helps him on his way to Utnapishtim


What modern day Island/mountain is described in these lyrics from the second tract on that album--and featured prominently in a video we watched? Listen closely when mountains speak And skies turn gray like elders Thera quakes to clear her slate We will itch her skin no longer Our island spits in disgust, not enough ships for us If only we had gills, we may have escaped Thera will be felt still thousands of years from now We have her ash in our pores still to this day Flocks of fire nested upon these homes Like the hooks we bait, Akrotiri was swallowed Millennia have passed and we still trip over her ash Thera will be felt still thousands of years from now We have her ash in our pores still to this day


Homo sapiens sapiens

Scientific name of modern humans, in existence for at least the last 150,000 years.

Guardian, with his wife, of the twin-peaked mountain called Mashu, which Shamash the sun god travels through every night, upper parts of their bodies are human, and the lower parts end in a scorpion tail, familiar figures in Mesopotamian myths


Swimming and rowing were extremely popular sports, wrote the roman _________ as he observed common Egyptians at sport in the Nile river. He had been sent to Egypt for his health. Historians believe his symptoms were due to a form of asthma or possibly tuberculosis.

Seneca the younger

during her reign Hatshepsut was responsible for an expanded and vigorous building program throughout Egypt with the significant support of her chief architect


sun god, brother of Ishtar, patron of Gilgamesh, wise judge, and law giver


Temple prostitute who tames Enkidu by seducing him, though her power comes from sexuality it is associated with civilization rather than nature, she represents the sensuous refinements of culture-the sophisticated pleasures of love-making, food, alcohol, music, clothing, architecture, agriculture, herding, and ritual


What roles do women play in the story, and what do their representations suggest about the significance of women in this ancient culture?

Shamhat was a prostitute sent to tame Enkidu. In general then, women have a civilizing influence on domestic life, but little or no power.

What did Athena do?

She dropped a seed into the earth which sprouted swiftly as an olive tree.

What does Ishtar threaten to do if her father will not give her the Bull of Heaven to punish Gilgamesh?

She says she will "break in the doors of heaven . . ., bring up the dead to eat food like the living." Basically, threatens to bring on a zombie apocalypse.

Which of the Golden Age playwrights wrote the "Theban plays," which were not a true trilogy because they were written out of order, with "Antigone" being written first?


god of vegetation and fertility, also called the sheperd, born to a mortal, husband of Ishtar


Heinrich Schliemann

The "archaeologist" credited with discovery of the ancient city of Mycenae.

In what battle and year did the Greeks defeat the second Persian invasion.

The Battle of Plataea and Mycale in 479 BCE (The final scene of the dramatic version in the film '300' is the beginning of the Battle of Plataea.)

The Gold finch feeds on seeds from the type of thorn bush used to make the crown of thorns placed on the head of the Christ by his tormentors.

The Gold finch represents what?

Greece; Rome

The Corinthian column is rare in _________________ but is common in __________________.

Who came down from the north into mainland Greece?

The Dorians

Florence Cathedral Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore (Italian name) Il Duomo or Il Duomo di Firenze (Common local name)

The Florence skyline was/is dominated by what structure--also a product of the Renaissance. It's dome was a major achievement in engineering for the time.

When Athens sent troops to help Sparta put down a Helot rebellion, what did the Spartans do?

The Spartans refused the gesture and sent the Athenian force back home in dishonor, thus provoking the war which had long been brewing.

Who refused to sack the city or enslave the citizens upon conquering Athens?

The Spartans, Phillip II of Macedon and later Rome


The Sumerian achievement of an abstract writing system where wedge-shaped symbols took the place of the pictograms, ideograms and primitive phonograms of earlier systems. Began about 3000 BCE.

Tuscan Column or Tuscan Order

The Tuscan order is in effect a simplified Doric order, with un-fluted columns and a simpler entablature with no triglyphs or guttae. It was not one of the three orders of classical architecture described by the Roman architect Vitruvius; these were the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. (The five orders, engraving from Vignola's Regola delli cinque ordini d'architettura, 1562; Tuscan on the far left.)

Based on archeological evidence, what does the absence of fortifications indicate about the interactions between Minoan communities and neighbors?

The absence of fortifications, especially defensive walls, in the settlements suggests a relatively peaceful co-existence between the different communities within the sphere of Minoan influence.

Sir Arthur Evans

The archaeologist credited with discovery of the ancient civilization on Crete, excavating the capital at Knossos.


The concept that everything, animate (alive) or inanimate (non-living) is suffused with its own spirit or power, which descended from the gods of creation or patron gods associated with the specific thing or place.

With which civilization if this art associated?

The fine palace pottery called Kamares ware, and the Late _________________ all-over patterned "Marine style" are the high points of the __________________ pottery tradition.

Why does the flood happen? Why is Utnapishtim saved?

The gods punishment on the evil; he was the chosen because he had always shown proper respect and observance to the gods.

Who was called upon to modify and revise them (the Draco)?

The great lawgiver Solon

Who wrote this: "There is no little irony in the fact that one of the things we most admire in the ancient Greeks is their love of freedom - and yet one of the chief manifestations of that love was their constant striving to control in some way the futures of their neighbors."

The historian Waterfield

Assassin's Creed

The painting even appears in this popular video game series where it conceals a hidden lever that opens secret doors on either side of its place in the Medici palace.

Wild flowers with 5 petals and the Gold finch

The painting includes some foreboding images as well. What two elements foretell the Christ Child's future?


The painting was produced in what medium?

What other archeological evidence exists that indicates the power of the Minoan military?

The presence of weapons such as swords, daggers and arrow-heads and defensive equipment such as armour and helmets.

Experimental Archaeology

The sub-field of archaeology concerned with experimentally determining how ancient cultures achieved certain tasks by trying to replicate those tasks. Examples include flintknapping and methods for recreating cave paintings.


The term "Recent" (often capitalized) has often been used as an exact synonym of "Holocene", although this usage is discouraged in modern science usage. The geological epoch that began after the Pleistocene at approximately 9,700 BCE and continues to the present.

Blue Nile & White Nile

The two great tributaries that merge to form the true Nile. The Blue Nile lies to the east, originating at Lake Tania in Ethiopia. The White Nile lies to the west, originating at Lake Victoria, which lies deep in the middle of the African continent along the borders of Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. It Flows over Victoria Falls, the largest waterfall in the world.

Who held control of both the land and the government?

The wealthy aristocrats

The setting is a dark, mountainous, forest giving the painting a mysterious, somewhat Gothic feeling.

There had been countless "nativity" paintings done by many artists before and after this one. Most are set in a manger or stable as in the scriptures, or in an idyllic pastoral landscape. What was unusual about the setting Lippi chose for his version.

What did the gods feel that the city's name deserved?

They felt it deserved an immortal name

In contrast to the Minoans, the presence of extensive fortifications around Mycenae indicates what about their circumstances?

They lived under constant threat of war/invasion.

What were the Draco considered, and why?

They were considered too severe because the penalty for most infractions was death—thus the term Draconian, which means excessively harsh

Who were the first series of laws written to address these problems were provided by, and in what year?

They were provided by the statesman Draco (also known as Dracon/Drakon) in c. 621 BCE.


This style of painting, where Mary and the other figures gaze in awe at the newborn Christ child is referred to as an ________________________, and is considered part of the Christmas cycle of religious paintings.

Historian Samuel Kramer, "History begins at Sumer."

Three successive cultures define ancient Mesopotamian civilization: Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian.

How is death regarded in this epic?

To be feared and not understood

Why was a contest held among the gods on the Acropolis, with Cecrops and the citizenry?

To determine which deity would win the honor of naming the city

Hallmarks of Late Middle ages

Transitional period leading to much greater heights of expression for the individual that would become the Renaissance.

"And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire." KJV Matthew 3:10 "Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire." KJV Matthew 7:17-19

What scriptural references tie the the setting of the painting to the spiritual concerns of its patron?

The Parthenon

What temple has columns surrounding the entire surface?

The Parthenon

What temple is this?


What troubled Shakespearean character is another famous money lender in search of justice, and then mercy?


What type of column does Monticello have?

Ionic column

What type of column has a curved scroll design, has a base, and is greater in elegance?

Corinthian column

What type of column is decorated with acanthus leaves and has very little tapering?

Doric column

What type of column is really heavy and has no true base?


What type of column is tapering, massive, heaviest in appearance, the capital is almost non existent, the top if the column is very plain, and it rests on the floor?

Corinthian; acanthus leaves at top

What type of column is this?

Corinthian; because it has acanthus leaves at the top

What type of column is this?

Doric; because the top of the column is very plain and it has no curved scroll design or any acanthus leaves

What type of column is this?

Doric; top is plain

What type of column is this?

Ionic; because it has a curved scroll design at the top

What type of column is this?

Ionic; curved scroll design at top

What type of column is this?

The Medici family were patrons of a monastery founded in the 11th century of the Carmelite Order, which made their money in the mountains east of Florence as harvesters of timber. So the Medici family would immediately recognize the setting.

What was the connection of the setting to the painting's patron?

Who was Miltiades?

When Darius I of Persia expanded his power into Europe, Miltiades was reduced to the rank of a Persian vassal. When the Ionian revolt against the Persians broke out in 499 bc, Miltiades decided to join the insurgents and to enter into friendly relations with the newly established Athenian democracy. When the Persian Army landed at Marathon, Miltiades was chosen from 10 commanders to lead the Athenian Army immediately against the Persian landing force. His decisiveness caught the Persians off guard, and Marathon became a huge victory for the Greeks.

A government chapel

When the Medici were overthrown, the painting became the alter piece where?

How do humans come to term with death?

When we realize we need to appreciate the here and now


Where the White Nile and the Blue Nile converge.

On a hill

Where was the acropolis usually located?

As the alter piece in the chapel within Cosimo de Medici's Florence home.

Where was the painting intended to be displayed?

In the acropolis

Where were most Greek buildings, temples, and homes that were usually made of mud brick?

Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives program (A.K.A. The Monuments Men)

With the annexation of Prussia into a Greater Germany, the painting found its way to Berlin where its fame grew. With the rise of the Nazis, war, the bombing of Berlin and the approaching allied armies, Hitler ordered all the art of Germany, and that which he had stolen from across Europe, hidden. What special unit of the U.S. armed forces was tasked with locating and cataloguing all the hidden art? (Inset shows Eisenhower viewing a discovered art cache, 1945)

How does Enkidu represent the other side of Gilgamesh; is he a mirror of Gilgamesh?

Yes because they both have strength and are chaotic and beastly at first, and when Enkidu dies Gilgamesh realizes that he will eventually die as well.

Who is the leading proponent of the Nefertiti-as-Smenkhkare theory

Zahi Hawass--Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities and Director of the Giza Pyramids Excavation

How is a Sumerian King supposed to behave?

a Sumerian king should show humility, and be a servant of the people

the egyptian culture was life_________


Why include the emphasis that Gilgamesh is a demi god and how does it effect his character?

all kings were supposed to have divinity in them; starts off feeling like he is above everything

The Epic of Gilgamesh

an epic poem from ancient Mesopotamia that is often regarded as the earliest surviving great work of literature. The first surviving version of this combined epic, known as the "Old Babylonian" version, dates to the 18th century BC. Only a few tablets of it have survived. The later "Standard" version dates from the 13th to the 10th centuries BC. Approximately two thirds of this longer, twelve-tablet version have been recovered. Some of the best copies were discovered in the library ruins of the 7th-century BC Assyrian king Ashurbanipal. Recent discovery of what is known as tablet 5 adds new information not in previous versions.

Through their temples, sculpture, and pottery, the Greeks incorporated a fundamental principle into their culture, which meant to strive for excellence in all things and achieve one's full potential. What was the Greek term for this fundamental principle?


How far does evidence of human habitation on the Acropolis and, below, in the area around the Agora date back to?

as far as 5000 BCE and, as early as 7000 BCE.

stone age

began 2.5 million years ago in Africa and ended about 3300 BCE. Divided into three parts: Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic.

mesolithic or middle stone age

begins about 10,000 BCE at the end of the ice age and ends in 9000BCE when agriculture starts. As recent as 5000BCE in some areas.

neolithic or new stone age

begins in 9000 BCE with the introduction of farming in the near east, cereal cultivation and animal domestication were introduced, ended when the bronze age started


evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of one's own culture.

the egyptians were obsessed by life and its __________


___________ epitomizes the prime importance of gratitude in egyptian culture

cult of hathor

what was the Aten

depicted as the disk of the sun in ancient Egyptian mythology, and originally an aspect of the god Ra. In his poem "Great Hymn to the Aten", Akhenaten praises Aten as the creator, giver of life, and nurturing spirit of the world.

___________ was as valid a belief structure as any accepted religion in the modern day

egyptian mythology

atop a small hill known as the Ben-Ben stood the ________ who spoke creation into being through the creation of _____, __________god

great god Atum, Ptah, the creator god

to those who came after Akhenaten he was the ________ and _________ whose memory needed to be eradicated

hertic king, the enemy

gardens and simple home adornments were ___________ by the egyptians

highly prized

By claiming divine birth, Hatshepsut, in addition to declaring that Amun had stated that he wanted her to rule, was able to

legitimise her rule

means stone


Akhenaten outlawed the old religion and proclaimed himself the _____________________

living incarnation of a single, all powerful, deity known as Aten

the tomb was the _______ and the dead was a _____, a transformed spirit.

mansion of eternity, akh

A hallmark of monotheistic belief system is that it encourages the belief that in order for it to be right, ____________________. This means that religious intolerance was very likely born with monotheism. Prior to this, even when one polytheistic culture would completely conquer another, the old gods would often be incorporated into the belief system of the conquerors.

other systems must be wrong

means old


the hieroglyph for a corpse was translated as ______.

participating in eternal life

Some fifteen years after the the great chariot battle, hostilities were ended by an official _________ _____________ in the 21st year of Ramesses II's reign (1258 BC in conventional chronology), with Hattusili III, the new king of the Hittites. As established, it was inscribed on a silver tablet, of which a clay copy survived in the Hittite capital of Hattusa, in modern Turkey, and is on display at the Istanbul Archaeology Museum. An enlarged replica of the agreement hangs on a wall at the headquarters of the United Nations, as the earliest ______________ _______________ ___________________ known to historians. An Egyptian version survives on a papyrus.

peace treaty; international peace treaty

There is no evidence to tell who defaced Hatshepsut's images but it is beleived that it was Tuthmosis III may have defaced her images for ______________

political reasons

there was a _________ rule from Thuthmosis II to Hashepsut


all Egyptians enjoyed playing games such as the game of _____ ( a board game popular since the pre-dynastic period 5500-3150 BCE)


How do you define the concept of heroism in Sumerian culture?


The 4 theories as to the reason Nefertiti disappeared are:

she fell out of favor with her husband because she could not produce a male heir; she abandoned the religion of the Aten and was banished; she commited suicide in grief over the loss of her daughter; she continued to rule under the name of Smenkhkare until her step son took the throne

What does the name Akhenaten mean

successful for or of great use to the Aten

What was the 1st large-scale palace complex, known for its monumental circular building and corbelled roof?

the celebrated tholos tomb, the Treasury of Atreus

Hatshepsut was the only queen to receive _______

the double crown of Egypt and the title of Pharaoh of Egypt


the shaping of flint, chert, obsidian or other conchoidal fracturing stone through the process of lithic reduction to manufacture stone tools, strikers for flintlock firearms, or to produce flat-faced stones for building or facing walls, and flushwork decoration. The original Germanic term "knopp" meant strike, shape, or work, so it could theoretically have referred equally well to making a statue or dice. Modern usage is more specific, referring almost exclusively to the hand-tool pressure-flaking process pictured.


the study or collection of coins, tokens, and paper money and sometimes related objects (such as medals) As an academic discipline, the study and interpretation of ancient coins and mediums of exchange. As a modern avocation, the collecting of rare coins.

Instituting monotheism and proscribing the old religion would have completely restored power to?

the throne

among the lower classes homes were built of mud bricks baked in the sun, the more affluent a citizen the ________ the home


Kings and dignitaries were buried in special vaults known as ___________.

tholos tombs (aka beehive tombs)

Why did the Greeks form the Delian League?

to create a cohesive Greek network among city-states to ward off further Persian attacks

criticism of three age system

too technologically orientated, has hardly any meaning when applied outside Europe. For example, in the New World civilizations stone tools remained dominant from right up to first contact with Europeans.

How are the gods described in the poem? What is their function and how do they intervene in human affairs?

vengeful, quick to anger, jealous, covetous; bring punishment

by 1600 BCE the _________ was in use in egypt, as was the ________

water clock, calendar

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