Humanties Final Exam

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Match the characters with how they died in HAMLET.

Question Selected Match Hamlet F. stabbed with a poisoned sword while dueling with Laertes Claudius G. stabbed with a poisoned sword and forced to drink poisoned wine Polonius H. stabbed behind a tapestry Ophelia B. drowned Gertrude E. drank poisoned wine, perhaps to save Hamlet Rosencrance C. killed in England when Hamlet outsmarted him by changing the letter he carried saying to kill Hamlet to a letter saying to kill the bearer of the letter. Laertes A. killed by poisoned sword in a duel with Hamlet Fortinbras D. didn't die, you idiot!

What role did each of these people play in the premiere of RITE OF SPRING?

Question Selected Match Nijinski D. Helped keep rhythm over the noise of the audience by leaning out over the stage and yelling the counts to the dancers Diagelev C. Happy Producer of the Ballet Russes who told the conductor to keep playing the music no matter what happened. Stravinsky A. Composer of the score who had to leave his seat and run backstage. Rimsky-Korsakov B. Wasn't present, but taught Stravinsky everything he knew

Match the characteristic of the time period with the appropriate time period.

Question Selected Match Rural A. Middle Ages Urban B. Renaissance dangerous to travel out of your village A. Middle Ages trade flourishes B. Renaissance lots of wealth B. Renaissance Self

Match the term with its definition.

Question Selected Match harmony B. two or more musical notes played or sung together adagio A. slow, tranquil allegro C. fast and lively pitch D. highness or lowness of a tone duration E. period of time a note is sustained timbre F. the tonal quality that distinguishes one musical instrument from another dynamics G. volume

Match the characteristic of the time period with the appropriate time period.

Question Selected Match rural B. Middle Ages urban A. Renaissance dangerous to travel out of your village B. Middle Ages trade fluorishes A. Renaissance lots of wealth A. Renaissance Self

Match the component of language with its corresponding component of music.

Question Selected Match syllable A. note word E. motive clause B. phrase sentence C. period paragraph D. double period

Put the four movements of Beethoven's EROICA in order of their content: which was the first movement, second, third and last?

Selected Answer 1. LIFE youth, joy, energy! 2. DEATH with all its public and personal implications 3. THE FUTURE and the joy of creativity 4. SHOW OFF piece, fluffy and uses simple themes

En plein air" means _____________.

Selected Answer: c. in the open air

The peak of Modernism was __________________.

Selected Answer: e. between 1910-1930

Divisionism is ___________________.

Selected Answer: e. painting primary colors into swirls, lines, dots or patches that blend optically with distance so the painting looks different up close than from a few feet away

What made it possible for artists to move out of the studio and into the countryside to paint?

Selected Answer: e. the invention of the foil tube for holding and selling ready-mixed paints

A column of the Parthenon is equally distant from the neighboring columns with differences in distance of less than 1/20th of a millimeter.

Selected Answer: False

The Parthenon contained a temple to Hera.

Selected Answer: False

According to the An Introduction to the Italian Renaissance movie, what is chiaroscuro?

Selected Answer: Use of the contrast between light and dark in visual art

Modernism is _____________.

Selected Answer: a. a rebellion against the traditional thought of the 19th century because the Industrial revolution and the political and social conditions of the 19th century made us question the ideals of ROMANTICISM and the religious trends of the time

The chief (and mostly bloody) rivalry in England for the several hundred years before, during, and after the English Renaissance was between _____________.

Selected Answer: a. Catholics and Protestants

Beethoven's music can be classified as __________________.

Selected Answer: a. Classicism early in his career and Romanticism in his late career

How did a composer or musician get money in Beethoven's day?

Selected Answer: a. He would have a rich patron who would basically hire him to play for parties and such.

Who is the antagonist of A DOLL'S HOUSE?

Selected Answer: a. Mrs. Linde, Torvald and Krogstad

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov was ________________.

Selected Answer: a. a great Russian composer and Stravinsky's teacher and mentor

Yeats's SECOND COMING is written in _______________.

Selected Answer: a. a rough iambic pentameter, the same verse Shakespeare wrote in

When do you applaud at a symphony performance?

Selected Answer: a. after the entire symphony (keep track in your program where you are in the piece)

In ANTIGONE, Creon changes his view of the throne from Sophocles's other plays in which _____________.

Selected Answer: a. he did not want power or the title of king

Henrik Ibsen is known as _______________.

Selected Answer: a. the Father of Modern Drama

Which of these would be considered "pop" music?

Selected Answer: b. Alternative

If you were a composer in the late 1700s and early 1800s what city was the place to be?

Selected Answer: b. Vienna

What is sfumato?

Selected Answer: b. a blurring of the edges of figures in paintings, often between high contrast darks and lights, to give an aspect of reality and/or distance.

The difference between program music and absolute music is _______________.

Selected Answer: b. absolute music has musical patterns that don't conjure up any pictures, stories or other connotations like program music does.

The "Rite of Spring" was just one result of a movement by Russian artists to _________.

Selected Answer: b. find art styles and forms that were uniquely Russian

To make his point on the state of the world in THE SECOND COMING Yeats uses _______________.

Selected Answer: b. religious imagery, Christian and mostly pagan

One of the great things about being a middle to upper class Renaissance woman was that ____________________.

Selected Answer: b. she was allowed to become educated

Modernism was most predominant in ________________.

Selected Answer: c. 1910-1930

How did Stravinsky mimic the quality of home-made instruments used by the villagers in his RITE OF SPRING?

Selected Answer: c. He used instruments not normally used for melody to play the melody, and made them play out of their normal ranges.

Which of the following is alive at the end of HAMLET?

Selected Answer: c. Horatio

Two famous female humanists from the Renaissance were ______________.

Selected Answer: c. Laura Cereta and Lucretia Marinella

Henrik Ibsen author of A DOLL's HOUSE believed _______________.

Selected Answer: c. husband and wife should live as equals

Polyphonic music always has ______________.

Selected Answer: c. more than one melody line

Which of these painters were known for more theatrical poses for their subjects, creating their works in the High Renaissance period?

Selected Answer: d. Michelangelo and Raphael

Which is a larger musical form than a symphony?

Selected Answer: d. None of the other answers is correct

What is the strict definition of "classical" music?

Selected Answer: d. anything written between 1750 and 1820

The peak of Modernism was __________________.

Selected Answer: d. between 1910-1930

If you are drawn and quartered, you have been ____________.

Selected Answer: d. cut into four pieces as a punishment

Which of the following is NOT where Shakespeare got his ideas for his plays?

Selected Answer: e. he made up his own plots from his brilliant mind

In the pediment of the Parthenon in ancient Athens, you'd have found __________________.

Selected Answer: e. high relief sculpture

While living in Vienna, Beethoven was best known for ___________.

Selected Answer: e. his improvisations on the pianoforte at parties

How do you identify the melody in a symphonic piece?

Selected Answer: e. it is repeated and elaborated upon throughout the work

Which of the following options were available as vocations for the Renaissance woman? Choose all that apply. Service tasks: , , textiles, cooking, healthcare

Selected Answers: c. cooking d. Marriage g. healthcare h. Religious service in a Convent i. innkeeping j. Midwifery Receiving and education Work in the textile industry

According to the An Introduction to the Italian Renaissance movie, Masaccio's innovation to visual art was that he _________________.

Selected Answer: dimensionality through light and shadows

Which of these is NOT a theme of A DOLL'S HOUSE?

Selected Answer: e. All of these themes are themes of the play

Which of these is NOT a symbol used in A DOLL's HOUSE to communicate an idea?

Selected Answer: e. Torvald's bowler hat

If you were a composer in the late 1700s and early 1800s, what city was the place to be?

Selected Answer: e. Vienna

Yeats has a ___________ outlook on humanity in his poem THE SECOND COMING.

Selected Answer: e. bleak

Post-Impressionists concentrated on building on Impressionism and ______________. (Choose all that apply)

Selected Answers: a. retaining the bright colors b. moving toward greater gradations of color c. using science to create perceptions of color from a distance that were not the same when viewing the painting from close proximity d. bringing more order and structure back into the works, sometimes with black outlines e. dealing with less trivial and more substantial subjects f. reducing objects to their basic shapes

Characteristics of Impressionist paintings include ____________. (Choose all that apply)

Selected Answers: a. took the act of painting out of the studio and into the modern world b. emphasis on light and its changing properties d. emphasizing overall effect over detail e. ordinary subject matter f. open composition i. giving color more emphasis than line j. visible distinctive brush strokes k. breaking the conventional rules

Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring" was revolutionary because ____________________. (Choose all that apply)

b. the meter changes from measure to measure, creating asymmetrical rhythms c. it has the best dissonances anyone ever thought up d. musically, it is mostly tension with very little release e. it changed the course of music from harmonic romanticism to widespread use of dissonance, creating unity through the complex rhythms rather than tonal purity

To the ancient Greeks, the most ideal form of beauty was ________________.

Selected Answer: d. a nude young man

Drama of the Middle Ages was predominately _____________.

Selected Answer: d. religious morality plays

Which of these Renaissance humanists argued that it was better to be feared than loved by the people you rule?

Selected Answer: d. Nicolo Machiavelli

Match the artist with the movement s/he is best associated with.

Question Selected Match Impressionist F. Renoir Father of Post-Impressionism G. Cezanne Cubism B. Braque Fauvism A. Matisse Pointillism C. Seurat Cloissonism H. Van Gogh Surrealism E. Dali Contemporary D. Christo

Match the artist with the movement s/he is best associated with.

Question Selected Match Monet A. Impressionism Gaugin B. Cloissonism Paul Signac E. Pointillism Picasso D. Cubism Andy Goldsworthy C. Contemporary Julia Geiser C. Contemporary

Match the painter with the famous painting he is known for.

Question Selected Match Munch A. The Scream Picasso D. Guernica Monet E. Rouen Cathedral Seurat B. Sunday Afternoon on the Island of the Grande Jatte Van Gogh F. Crows in the Wheat Field Christo C. The Gates

Match the characteristic, painter, or school to the appropriate period or periods of painting.

Question Selected Match You can see the brush strokes A. Both Reduced objects to basic shapes B. Post-Impressionism Changing qualities of light C. Impressionism Bright colors A. Both En plein aire A. Both Van Gogh B. Post-Impressionism Cloissonism B. Post-Impressionism Seurat B. Post-Impressionism Renoir C. Impressionism Monet C. Impressionism Unusual visual angles C. Impressionism Open, often unbalanced composition C. Impressionism

Put the following events from Beethoven's life in order that they happened.

Selected Answer 1. Born in Bonn, Germany, 1770 2. First public performance at age 8 3. became a court music apprentice 4. left Bonn in 1792, never to return 5. Moved to Vienna and made valuable contacts among the aristocracy 6. studies with Haydn 7. Began losing his hearing 8. went to the country and wrote The Heiligenstadt Testament, a sort of suicide note 9. finished the Eroica Symphony 10. wrote the 9th Symphony, putting Schiller's poem "Ode to Joy" to music, perhaps the most famous piece of music in history. 11. Beethoven dies in 1827 in Vienna

Shakespeare's plays can be separated into three categories:

Selected Answer: a. the comedies, the tragedies and the histories

A protagonist is ___________________.

Selected Answer: a. whom the events revolve around

Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring" was developed from an initial idea of Stravinsky's in which _______________.

Selected Answer: a. wise elders seated in a circle watch the dance of a young maiden they will offer as a sacrifice

According to the An Introduction to the Italian Renaissance movie, one of Masaccio's innovations to visual art was that he _________________.

Selected Answer: added emotional and physical weight as well as psychological depth to his subjects

How did Stravinsky mimic the breaking and untrained voices of the village singers in his RITE OF SPRING?

Selected Answer: b. He added extra "grace" notes to simulate breaking voices.

Who did Beethoven write the Eroica symphony in honor of, but later changed his mind?

Selected Answer: b. Napolean

o The subtitle of Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring" is __________________.

Selected Answer: b. Pictures from Pagan Russia

In iambic pentameter, the sort of verse Shakespeare (among others) wrote, the iambic refers to ______________.

Selected Answer: b. Stressing every second syllable starting with the second syllable of the line: duh DAH duh DAH duh DAH

To research "Rite of Spring" Stravinsky got background for this piece by ____________.

Selected Answer: b. visited country villages to listen to folk songs and mythology

In music, tone denotes _____________.

Selected Answer: c. a sound of definite pitch and duration, caused by the fixed frequency of vibrations at a specific volume

A triptych is _____________.

Selected Answer: c. a three

Blank verse and iambic pentameter ________________.

Selected Answer: c. closely approximates natural speech

What does Radical Perspective refer to, regarding Italian Renaissance perspective?

Selected Answer: c. foreshortening of features for a more realistic perspective

Actors in the Middle Ages and Renaissance were considered to be ____________.

Selected Answer: c. morally depraved

Theatre in the English Renaissance was funded by _____________.

Selected Answer: c. patrons like wealthy nobles and sometimes royalty

Sergei Diaghilev was _________________.

Selected Answer: c. the owner and producer of Les Ballets Russes in Paris

According to the An Introduction to the Italian Renaissance movie, what are guilds?

Selected Answer: clubs of skilled craftsmen and artisans

Which of these statements about Beethoven is true?

Selected Answer: d. He was completely deaf during the last 20 years of his life, when he achieved his greatest and most creative work

What are the themes discussed in HAMLET? (Choose all that apply)

Selected Answers: a. when we evaluate or act on one another's actions, we take for granted too many unknown quantities, never really knowing for sure exactly what is going on inside their heads b. our actions are based on emotions and psychology as well as rational considerations c. what happens after we die, both spiritually and physically e. the health of a government is tied to the moral health of its rulers f. the uncertainty that our lives are built upon

"Virtu" is a renaissance ideal that requires you to cultivate _______________.

Selected Answers: a. fortitude b. talents c. skills d. the notion that man can do anything he wants if he bothers to learn how to do it e. determination of one's destiny f. ingenuity

During a walk down the street in 16th century London, you might _____________. (Choose all that apply)

Selected Answers: a. hear a cannonshot indicating there would be entertainment on the south bank of the Thames River b. see an old buddy's head stuck on a pike on London bridge c. celebrate the defeat of the Spanish Armada d. try to keep the lice from crawling out a tight cuff at your wrists e. step in human excrement

Which of the following is true about Modernism? Choose all that apply.

Selected Answers: a. it is the beginning of "modern thought" b. It was a cultural movement of the late 19th and early 20th century, and ended as late as 1960 d. It's main tenet was realism e. It came as a sort of revolution against the Romanticism and idealism of the 19th century

Who ruled Italian renaissance cities? (Choose all that apply)

Selected Answers: a. petty nobility b. the pope c. the bishop d. mercenary generals e. wealthy middle class families

Nijinski was ______________.(Choose all that apply)

Selected Answers: a. the choreographer of "Rite of Spring" b. a famous ballet dancer, known for his deep and intense characters c. one of the very few male dancers who danced ballet on his toes

According to the An Introduction to the Italian Renaissance movie, Botticelli's innovation to visual art was that he _________________. (Choose all that apply)

Selected Answers: moved away from Christian Bible depictions looked at the beauty of the body through new subject matter like mythology was the first to use architecture to add dimensionality was the first to use chiaroscuro

Why did the audience riot at the 1913 opening of THE RITE OF SPRING? (Choose all that apply)

a. There were none of the pretty melodies and harmonies they were expecting b. The music was all tension and no release c. The instruments sounded unfamiliar because they were being used differently d. The dancers were not scantily clad, as they usually are for ballets e. Rhythms were sometimes confusing because different parts of the orchestra were playing in different rhythms g. The melodies, when there were any, were short and played on top of each other for frequently chaotic mixes i. There were very few themes, mostly rhythmic urges and gestures in most of the piece j. The dance was not in the air, like ballet should be : it was all on the ground!

Why was A DOLL'S HOUSE so revolutionary? Select all that apply.

b. It has more than one antagonist c. It was written in prose instead of verse. d. It featured normal people in real situations. e. Rather than simply entertaining the audience, it dealt with social issues and sought to enlighten as well as entertain.

Drama in 16th century London was _________________. (Choose all that apply)

b. secular d. like TV is today: popular entertainment e. not allowed in town, but had to be seen across the river f. a penny for standing room, and up to 6 pence for a box by the stage

In Renaissance Perspective, what does Atmospheric perspective refer to?

e. gives the illusion of distance, adding a smokiness to the objects represented far away

Cubism is ______________.

presenting the subject from all angles intertwined on the same canvas

Pointillism is _______________.

using Divisionism so that small dots seen from a distance become a picture

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