IA 459 - Test 1

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What does it mean to be a low explosive

- Deflagrate < 3300ft/sec - Propellants - Smokeless & black powder

Blood agents: What do they affect, what are some different types?

- Deprive the blood and organs of oxygen - Cyanide or cyanogen

What does it mean to be a high explosive

- Detonate > 3300ft/sec - Primary -- very sensitive - Secondary -- less sensitive - Tertiary -- most stable

List the 4 agents and what they affect

- Riot agents: Temporary affect - Choking agents: fluid in lungs is pulmonary edema - Blister agent: risk to inhalation, skin to blanch, inflammation - Nerve agents: block normal functioning

Riot control agents

- Tear gas - Irritants - Harassing agents - Lacrimators - Eyes: Burning, lacrimation, injection, blepharospasm, photophobia - Noes: Burning, rhinorrhea(nose running), sneezing - Mouth: Burning of mucous membranes, including palate

Blister agents: what do they do, what are some different types?

- They irritate the skin - Mustard, lewisite, phosgene oxime(CX)

What is the advantage of using Ricin?

A little bit goes a long way

Choking agents: What do they affect, what are some different types?

Affect our airways Chlorine and Phosgene(CG)

Do associations or agencies make regulatory polices?


what are the 4 different types of radioactive material

Alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays, neutrons

What are alpha particles

Alpha radiations cna travel two inches and has to get inside you to hurt you

What are some protective actions when it comes to a hazardous waste spill?

Assess the situaiton, isolate and deny entry, evacuate, shelter-in-place


Biological Agent Dissemination: Solid Availability: Naturally occurring: Widespread usage in labs Route of entry: Inhalation, contact, ingestion, or injection Signs and symptoms: Early symptoms are flu-like - chills, fever, nausea, and swelling of lymph nodes Mortality: early treatment of cutaneous anthrax is usually curative Basic treatment: three types of antibiotics are approved for anthrax: ciprofloxacin, tetracyclines, and penicillin

the plague

Biological agent Dissemination: Aerosol Naturally occurring Routes of entry: inhalation, ingestion, or injection Contained on the west coast

What are the tactical elements of a threat? (3)

Bombings, incendiaries, physiological sabotage

What does an IED look like, what does it stand for?

Can look like anything, improvised explosive device

What are the different categories of biological agents

Category A: 1st priority, anthrax, plague, smallpox Category B: 2nd priority, ricin, q fever Category C: 3rd priority, Nipah virus, yellow fever, the unknowns, the ones that haven't been studies yet

What is CAS?

Chemical abstract service - social security number for chemicals

Where can TICs be found?

Chemical manufacturing plants Food processing facilities Transportation assets Storage takes/facilities Airports Barge terminals Pumping station Mining operations

What are the UN/DOT Hazard classes?

Class 1 - explosives Class 2 - Gasses Class 3 - flammable liquids/combustible liquids Class 4 - Flammable solids Class 5 - oxidizing substances and organic peroxides Class 6 - toxic and infectious substances Class 7 - radioactive materials Class 8 - corrosive substances Class 9 - miscellaneous hazardous

what is the most likely use of radioactive material?



Dissemination: Aerosol 33% fatal No longer naturally occurring Route of entry: inhalation Extremely contagious

Nerve agent characteristics

Dissemination: Liquid Availability: Not commercially available Not volatile at all Routes of entry: Inhalation or absorption Relative lethality: Sarin is 200 times more toxic than chlorine

Blister Agent characteristics

Dissemination: Liquid Availability: Not commercially available Volatility: Most are relatively persistent NOT A GAS IT IS AN AGENT Odors: Onions, garlic, or horseradish


Dissemination: Solid, liquid, or aerosol Naturally occurring Routes of entry: contact

Chlorine Characteristics

Dissemination: Solid, liquid, or gas Availability: Commercial available Volatility: Nonpersistent

Blood agent characteristics

Dissemination: liquid or gas Peach pit seeds, apple seeds contain a compound that has cyanide Route of entry: inhalation Odor: Bitter almonds Fires produce cyanide gas, cigs

Who will be the first to notice the use of a biological weapon?

Doctors/health care workers

What is the lone offender?

Embraces the philosophies/doctrines of domestic/international groups, but acts on his own initiative, May jump from cause to cause, Difficult to detect

What is the difference between exposure and contamination

Exposed: you were near the source but now you're away, you aren't a risk to others Contamination: material on a person place or thing in an area you don't want it

Which type of radioactivity is electromagnetic?


What are the 4 most common threat indicators

Gathering target audience, acquiring materials necessary for an attack, preparing materials, first steps of executing an attack

what sets off explosives?

Heat, friction, impact, electrostatic discharge, radio frequency

What does Yellow 3 mean? (radiological)

Highest levels of radiation

What does IDLH stand for?

Immediately dangerous to Life and Health

What are the routes of entry? (4)

Ingesion, absorption, inhalation(mean bad guys like this one), Injection

What is the important number for low and high explosives

Low explosives deflagrate in less than 3300 ft/sec High explosives detonate greater than 3300 ft/sec


Low mortality high morbidity Dissemination: solid or aerosol Naturally occurring Routes of entry: inhalation, contact, or injection

Is a restaurant a key resource?


where can biological agents be found?

Nature/agriculture Hospital, veterinary, and diagnostic laboratories University research Food production plants Industries Garbage disposal plants

What are signs and symptoms of radiation exposure

Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea Burns

Can you see radiation?

No, you can't taste, smell, or feel it either.

What are some regulatory agencies

Nuclear, OSHA, Department of transpertation, EPA

What are indicators of possible CWA attack?

Numerous dead animals, lack of insect life, mass casualties, unexplained physical systems, pattern of casualties

What could signal that a person is a terrorist?

Out of season/baggy clothing

Improvised explosives

Potassium chlorate -- white crystal or power form Peroxide-based IED -- in dry form, similar to crack cocaine Powdered ammonium nitrate and aluminum powder - common cold pack TATP - the terrorist's choice, the mother of Satan (TriAcetone TriPeroxide)

How to recognize toxins

Potent chemicals produced by almost every known major category is a living organism

What is PIES

Power source, initiator, explosive, switch, maybe shrapnel

What are the three categories of explosive devices

Primary - Single, salt grain-sized silver azide crystal Tertiary - ammonium nitrate Secondary - TNT, C4, dynamite

Pros and cons of using chemical agents as WMD

Pros - Easy to make, available, cheap, immediate effect, hard to detect, easily spread, tie up resources Cons - required large quantities, production and deployment hazardous to terrorist, less difficult to prepare for

pros and cons to biological agents

Pros: Available Hard to detect Used correctly Easily spread Tie up resources Cons: Delayed effects may be counterproductive Production and deployment hazardous to terrorist Outdoor releases may be hampered by weather and other environmental factors Less predicted results with respect to the target population

What are some general precautions?

Protective action, evacuation, isolation, shelter-in-place

What are the 3 explosive characteristics

Pyrotechnics, propellants, explosives

Why has the rate of terrorism increased?

Radical ideas, access to information, better technology

which type of WMD can have external contamination?


What does RAIN stand for?

Recognize Avoid Isolate Notify

NFPA Diagram

Red - flammability Blue - health risk Yellow - volatility White - special class Numbers go from 0-4

Nerve Agents: what do they do, what are some different types?

SLUDGEM S - Salvation L - Lacrimation(eyes watering) U - Urination D - Defecation G - Gastric distress E - Emesis(vomiting) M - Miosis (eyes dilated) Types: Tabun(GA), Sarin(GB), soman(GD) VX

What are the most telling features of a container and what it might be carrying?

Size and shape

What are the elements of threat? (6)

Surprise, means of attack, target of the attack, significant dates, forknowledge of the community response, tactics

What is the terrorists choice of improvised explosive?


what are explosives

TNT, C4, dynamite

What is an ERG?

The emergency response guidebook that tells you what the material is, how lethal, and what to do about it

What is the most important part of the pipeline markings?

The phone number and what's in it

What are Radical Extremists?

They may operate in a group or alone, not directly affiliated with on nation or organization, usually not well funded

What do the different material labels mean when it comes to radiological?

They tell how lethal the radioactive material is

How to recognize Viruses

Think of a bebe pellet on that beach ball Much smaller than bacteria and use the reproductive mechanism of host cells to create more viruses

How to recognize bacteria

Think of it as the big beach ball Can live on its own if it has what it needs Single celled organisms that cause a variety of diseases in animals, plants, and humans

What are three important things to do when there is a radiological hazard>

Time - don't spend a lot of time near it Distance - move Shielding

When looking at the diamond placard, what do the different numbers and colors mean?

Top - Flammability rating (red) Right - Instability rating (yellow) Bottom - Special Hazard (white) Left - Health rating (blue)

What does TIC stand for?

Toxic industrial chemicals


Toxin Solid, liquid, aerosol Commercially available Inhalation, ingestion, injection Death in 36 to 72 hours

What is a UN number?

UN - United nations number. It tells you exactly what material is being transported

What are the three Ups?

Up wind of gas Up hill of a liquid Up stream of a creek

Phosgene Characteristics

Vapor density: heavier than air, and settle into low places Odor: Specific odor (newly mown hay) Routes of entry: Inhalation

Whatever talks about the zepa virus, answer is C? i think

Whatever talks about the zepa virus, answer is C? i think

Critical infrustructure and key resources

agriculture and food, commercial facilities, dams, energy, IT, postal and shipping, banking and financing, communicaitons, Defense industrial base, Government facilities, National monuments (they are symbolic), Chemical, Critical manufacturing, Emergency services, Healthcare and public health, Water

What should you always anticipate after a bombing

another one

what are propellants?

black, smokeless powder

what are beta particles

can penetrate soft tissue

What does Type B mean? (radiological)

contains life-endangering amounts of radioactive material

What are pyrotecnics?

fireworks, road flares, smoke grenades

what are neutrons

love child of alpha particle and gamma ray

What does Yellow 2 mean? (radiological)

low levels of radiation

What does White 1 mean? (radiological)

lowest levels of radiation

What does Type A mean? (radiological)

means contains non-life threatening radioactive material

Does it cost a lot to produce biological weapons?


What are some potential terrorist targets?

schools, sports arenas, malls, concert halls, high rise residences, office buildings, places or worship, special events

How to use the ERG

step 1 - identify the material, 4 digit UN ID number, Name of the material Step 2 - identify the 3-digit guide number Step 3 - locate within orange pages Note: if green, go to green pages, the material is an ihalation hazard

What is hazardous material

substances that when transported are a risk to health, safety, property or the environment

What section is the most important in the ERG

the white one

what are gamma rays

they come from the sky and ground, photons or electromagnetic, can travel up 200 ft, heavy metal, concrete will block it

What should you NOT do when around a potential threat/hazard?

touch it, taste it, smell it

What can control zones be affected by?

wind, buildings

Are gamma and neutrons whole body hazards?


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