IHUM 243 - Topic 1-6

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Why was the oral tradition so important to ancient South Asians? All of the statements are true The Vedas—the religious foundation of the culture—were transmitted through the oral tradition High levels of illiteracy required oral practices in cultural transmission Traditions like making Ralli quilts depended on the oral transmission of techniques passed down from mother to daughter throughout the generations

All of the statements are true

The Ramayana is told and performed in India All of these locations Indonesia Spanish Fork, Utah Thailand

All of these locations

Which of the following statements regarding bodhisattvas is true? They could enter Nirvana but have chosen to stay behind and help others They are similar to Hindu avatars and Catholic saints They bring divinity within the reach of everyday people All the statements are true

All the statements are true

The Noble Eightfold Path

Calls for individuals to lead balanced and moderate lives, rejecting both the devotion to luxury and the regimes of extreme asceticism. (Buddhist Belief).

Ajanta Caves

Caves in India that have frescos inspired by the Buddha upon their walls. 200-500 CE

Fa Xian

Chinese monk who visited India and recorded much of what he saw in a Diary that later become a main source of information about the Gupta Dynasty


Collections of hymns, songs, prayers, and rituals honoring the various gods of the Aryans.

Why were the sounds of the orally transmitted Vedas so important?

Correct pronunciation was essential to coerce the gods to provide for the people

The Hindu religion is the only one of the world's great faiths dedicated to the idea that the ...

Cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed an infinite, number of deaths and rebirths.

Deserts of Rajasthan

Desert located in northwestern India.

The main principle taught in the performance of the Bhagavad-Gita is



Divine Trinity of the three high gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.

When in her warrior persona, Shiva's wife, Parvati, is referred to as:


Durga's Story

During the time of the gods, a terrifying buffalo-demon, Mahisha, was destroying everything in his path. All 33 gods came together and breathed out their power in flames. The flames came together and fashioned a new deity, the goddess Durga. She was given all the powers of all the gods and went to attack the demon. She cut off his head with the sword of Vishnu, but the blood spurted out in all directions, each drop becoming a new demon. Durga called upon the Sapta-matrikas (Seven mothers) and they lapped up the blood before it could reach the ground. In this way, Durga destroyed the demon and put the universe back in order.


Dynasty that succeeded the Mauryas in northwestern India

The Theravada sect

Each person must work out his/her own salvation


Elephant god, remover of obstacles

What types of scholars typically study oral traditions? Ethnographers and Folklorists Psychologists and Sociologists Literary and Art Historians

Ethnographers and Folklorists

one of the best sources for information about life in India during the rule of Chandragupta II comes from the diary of a Chinese Buddhist monk named ___

Fa Xian


Fables from the Gupta period of ancient india

According to Foley, Hip Hop and Slam Poetry are not examples of oral traditions. True/False


According to Thapar, Indian historians should emulate Western historical traditions when engaging in historical research. True/False


The presence of bodhisattvas may be seen as an influence from Catholicism. T/F


According to Richman, Female perspectives have been communicated through song traditions females are often able to cross dress as males in public performance Male dominance has been prescribed through song traditions

Female perspectives have been communicated through song traditions

Gandhara Style Buddha

First representation of Buddha in human form with Hellenistic traits due to Alexander's expeditions and colonies

Chandragupta I

Founder of the Gupta Empire

Hinduism was reinstated as the state religion in India during the ______ period and the Brahmins regained political control


In the same way the grandson, Ashoka, became the most important of the first three rulers of the Maurya Dynasty, so Chandragupta II--the grandson--was the most important ruler of the ____________

Gupta Dynasty

Head of Buddha

Gupta Period, 474 CE

The Seated Buddha at Sarnath

Gupta Period, 474 CE

Chandragupta II

Gupta emperor, he ruled India during the height of Gupta power.


Hand positions with meaning

What did Siddhartha Gautama do in order to attain enlightenment?

He forsook his family and fortune

According to Palmer, which of the following statements about Shiva is false?

He is often painted blue

According to Palmer, which of the following statements about Vishnu is false? He rides the bull mount known as Nandi He has 9 incarnations, with one yet to come He is likened to a white horse Is the most popular of the divine figures

He rides the bull mount known as Nandi

Hindu temples embody sacred space as dwelling places for deity, ranging from wayside shrines to _________

magnificent complex structures found throughout the subcontinent

the story about the transformed mouse

marry within your own caste fools


merchants, petty landowners

The _____ became a way of communicating doctrine without having to rely on either spoken or written language


[ Mamallapuram ] Note the ...

multiple structures

When the White Nuns conquered the Guptas,

north India was divided into a number of warring kingdoms


official language of Pakistan


one of two classical Hindu epics telling of the banishment of Rama from his kingdom and the abduction of his wife by a demon and Rama's restoration to the throne

In Hinduism it is believed that the god Brahma cannot be reached directly...

only through other gods who are avatars of Brahma's divine essence


peasants, artisans


philosophical system

In the Gupta period, poetry was so much a part of court life that ____

poetic competitions were held, at the request of the emperor himself

The Buddhist structures demonstrate an important Buddhist concept: living rock is the matrix that contains the _______

potential for all forms even though the rock itself is unformed

Even with only two caves retaining much of their original decoration, the paintings we have are ________________.

priceless depictions of life among the wealthy during the Gupta period.


revered teachers in Hinduism


scholars, religious leaders (most distinguished of all the castes

Even though all the arts were required for worship in Hindu temples, ________ was considered the central art associated with these great edifices.


[ The Kandariya Mahadev Temple at Khajurajo ] The movement from ___________________ reflects a fundamental concept in Hindu religion and therefore in art.

sensual to abstract and spiritual

Brahmins still held control of _______________ and they reasserted themselves politically as Kushan rule ended

social organization


son of Chandragupta Maurya and his successor

To be is to _____


Siddhartha called upon ______ to vow that he did give alms

the Earth


the Hindu concept of the cosmos

[ The Kandariya Mahadev Temple at Khajurajo ] Using fractals in the construction of these roofs preserves unity amid an otherwise overwhelming variety of detail and alludes to ...

the Hindu idea of the time wheel—that time and life repeat.


the caste system—the Hindu social arrangement that is the living embodiment of the Hindu ideas of difference


the classical language of South Asia


the concept of the individual self


the creator of the universe

Gupta scientists knew ______________

the earth was round and rotated on its axis

As holistic, all-inclusive embodiments of Hindu culture, temples are thought to be replicas of ____________

the entire universe in stone

Perhaps the most scientifically provocative idea in Hindu thought, however, is the Vedic assertion that ...

the entire universe is infinitely cyclic and self-similar in structure.

According to Richman,

the first and last books are "late" additions


the holiest city of Hinduism that is found on the Ganges River. Also known as Benares.


the longest single poem in the world, about a war fought between two branches of the same family. One of India's greatest epics written between 1000 and 700 BC


the mother goddess

[ The Kandariya Mahadev Temple at Khajurajo ] The multiple spires that increase/decrease in size are an example of fractals, which, as explained, is ...

the repeating in miniature the form of the whole.

Buddha preached until he was 80 in the Ganges Valley. At that point he entered Nirvana, _____

the state where he would be released from Samsara, the Wheel of Life, or reincarnation, and would not be born again.

this idea, which holds within itself all potential of form, is realized and celebrated in Hindu temples.

the stone matrix


the type of geometry that creates broken patterns out of a smaller version of a design

The one area where Buddhism made a lasting impression on Hindu culture was in _______

the visual arts

The ancient Dravidians had a female fertility god whom the Aryans suppressed. In the post-Kushan Hindu revival in north India, ...

there was ample evidence of a renewed interest in a female deity.

[ The Diagram of the Temple at Elura ] Because of the presence of Nandi, we know that ____________.

this temple is devoted to Lord Shiva.

[ The Kandariya Mahadev Temple at Khajurajo ] The roofs, like the foothills, move us up ...

to the peak.

Ralli Quilt

traditional quilts made by women in the areas of Sindh, Pakistan, western India, and in surrounding areas

In addition to the rich tradition of Buddhist sculpture that influenced Hindu artists, another Buddhist artistic tradition also emerged during the Gupta period, _____

wall paintings


wanderer in search of truth


warriors, rulers

_____________________ also originated in India and traveled later to the West, introduced—but not created— by Arabian mathematicians

"Arabic numbers"


A Hindu god considered the destroyer


A Hindu god considered the preserver of the world

Sanskrit is an example of

A classical language


A group of Indo-Aryan languages and dialects spoken primarily in the state of Rajasthan and adjacent areas of Haryana, Punjab, Gujarat, and Madhya Pradesh in India.


A holy city to Hindus, buddhists, and Jains, located in India on the banks of the River Ganges.


A monumental entrance or gateway to an Indian temple complex.

Who was Valmiki?

A poet who transcribed the Ramayana in the first century BCE


A religion in China which emphasizes the removal from society and to become one with nature.

Which of the following statements about the 1987 Hindi television version of the Ramayana is false? Viewers bathed before watching, garlanding the tv as though it were a shrine It became the most popular television ever shown on Indian television American viewers became enamored with the Ramayana Sanitation workers went on strike because the program ended prematurely

American viewers became enamored with the Ramayana

In the earliest period of Buddhist art, Buddha is represented by which of the following?

An empty throne


An example of oral tradition, this is a song sung in Northwestern India to contemplate/comment on hardships in married life.

The Nambudiri sect of Brahmins in Kerala are known for which of the following?

An unusual form of communication that is not like ordinary language


Another sculpted panel at Mammalapuram, highlighting Shiva's wife, Parvati, in her warrior's costume.

Reincarnation, Transmigration, or Rebirth

As part of the concept of karma, this idea means that the individual transmigrates from one body to another in the next life.


Avatar of Vishnu

Entering Nirvana means

Becoming released from Samsara—the Wheel of Life


Beings who have earned the right to enter Nirvana but have given up this goal to stay behind and help others; intermediary figures who bridge the gap between mortal believers and Buddha.


Belief system that started in India in the 500s BC. Happiness can be achieved through removal of one's desires. Believers seek enlightenment and the overcoming of suffering.

Buddhism/Hinduism? A requirement of self-discipline and self-awakening


Which of the following statements about Hindi and Urdu is false? They are mutually intelligible Both languages are written in the Devanagari script Urdu speakers are found primarily in Pakistan and Hindi speakers are found primarily in India

Both languages are written in the Devanagari script

According to Foley, how is oral technology similar to internet technology?

Both operate through webs of options and depend on multiple, distributed authorship

Buddhism/Hinduism? Achieving enlightenment is available to all, which removes some of the challenges associated with the caste system


Buddhism/Hinduism? One can achieve enlightenment/release from rebirth in this life


the stupa

Buddhist shrine that is shaped like a dome or mound

Why are the wall paintings at Ajanta so important in studying the Gupta period?

Hindu South Asia lacks funerary objects because the dead are cremated, leaving no tombs that would yield examples of material culture


Hindus believe in many different types of _______, different for every age, occupation, and class.


In Hindu belief, a person's religious and moral duties

Sinbad the Sailor and A Thousand and One Nights

Influential stories that originated from the Gupta period in India.

Which of the following statements about the Ramayana is false? It exemplifies Lord Shiva's prominence It is an example of being faithful to one's dharma It is a story about Prince Rama and his wife Sita It begins with a council among the Hindu gods about how to vanquish Ravana

It exemplifies Lord Shiva's prominence

Which of the following statements about enculturation is true? It is an activity or process that promotes socialization or the teaching of social values It is the same as cultural syncretism All statements are true It is only relevant for children and non-literate people

It is an activity or process that promotes socialization or the teaching of social values

According to Foley, which of the following statements about the oral tradition is false? It is used primarily with non-literate people It is the most widespread mode of human communication It is often contrasted with literacy It is a means for transmitting knowledge, art and ideas

It is used primarily with non-literate people

According to the information contained in Topic 2, which of the following statements about cultural syncretism is true?

It often occurs when there is some level of congruence between the different ideas or elements

Which of the following statements about the recitation of the Vedas is true? It represents the longest continuous oral tradition in the world It was practiced by the earliest inhabitants in the Indus Valley It was recorded on the Dravidian animal seals It ended with the Aryan invasion

It represents the longest continuous oral tradition in the world

The first images of Buddha were made during the _______________.

Kushan period

Buddhism lost its state support after the fall of the _______



Language of southern India; also the people who speak that language


Leader of the Mauryan dynasty of India who conquered most of India but eventually gave up violence and converted to Buddhism.

Which of the following elements of Kushan art was influenced by the Roman empire?

Long, straight noses

______ evil influence was conquered and Siddhartha became enlightened


Mathura Style Buddha

Mathura Buddhas are generally unadorned and closely resemble traditional representations of Indian gods.

[ The Diagram of the Temple at Elura ] The diagram of the inside of this temple shows the centrality of _______

Nandi, Shiva's bull mount.


Official language of Bangladesh


Official language of India

Stoddard argues that visual patterns found on modern Ralli quilts are similar to

Patterns on ancient pottery from the Indus Valley period

The Vedic Age

Period of India's history from 1500 B.C. to 1000 B.C.

According to Richman, Rama is banished because Queen Kaikeyi becomes convinced that her fortune will be adversely affected Rama does not want to be the king's heir and successor Ravana has convinced him to relinquish his birthright

Queen Kaikeyi becomes convinced that her fortune will be adversely affected

Following the fall of the Guptas, which group was the only one to maintain some level of cultural continuity for the next millennium?


The Buddhist concept of "living rock" refers to which of the following ideas?

Rock contains the potential for forming all things even though rock itself is unformed


Second ruler of the Gupta Empire. Expanded the Gupta Empire and was ruler from 330 to 380. He forced the conquered kings to pay tribute to him and allowed them to remain rulers.

Many scholars believe that Dravidian natives migrated to which part of the subcontinent?

The Deccan Plateau

The cultural syncretism of Aryan and Dravidian beliefs and cultural artifacts took place during the millennium known as

The Dravidian Age


The Hindu concept of the spirit's 'liberation' from the endless cycle of rebirths.

During which period did Ashoka adopt Buddhism as the state religion?

The Mauryan Dynasty

The way to eliminate desire is to follow _______

The Noble Eightfold Path

The Ramayana and the Mahabharata are similar to which ancient epics?

The Odyssey and the Iliad

Speculative questions regarding the nature of the universe and the human soul are found in which of the following?

The Upanishads


The belief that actions in this life, whether good or bad, will decide your place in the next life. To the Hindus, this is a natural, inexorable law similar to gravity.

Which of the following is the best example of cultural syncretism? The blending of Aryan and Dravidian beliefs in the emergence of Hinduism Learning the pronunciation of the Vedas from Brahmin priests The council in Heaven where Vishnu agreed to come to the earth to vanquish Ravana The development of Aryan visual arts

The blending of Aryan and Dravidian beliefs in the emergence of Hinduism


The captial of both Muryan and Gupta empires

Considering the important developments during the Gupta period, which of the following is false? The use of iron and steel The emergence of cotton as a textile The introduction of Arabic numbers The discovery of the Silk Route

The discovery of the Silk Route

The Mahayana sect

The divinity of Buddha was sufficient to save people from the cycle of rebirths


The first Indian civilization; also known as the Indus Valley civilization

How was the Gupta dynasty connected with the older Mauryan dynasty?

The first emperor of both dynasties had the name of Chandragupta


The hindu concept of __________ is a revolving circle without beginning or end.


The indigenous inhabitants of the Indus Valley Civilization, an agricultural people who dwelt in cities along the Indus River.

Which of the following statements about the Hindu concept of reincarnation is false? The soul gathers the good or evil fruits based on acts of previous lifetimes The desire of all Hindus is to attain Moksha and stop the cycle of reincarnation The individual transmigrates from one body to another in the next life The individual will always be reborn into the same caste in every reincarnation

The individual will always be reborn into the same caste in every reincarnation

What is the Panchatantra?

The name for a collection of fables

Which of the following is evident in the Ajanta paintings?

The opulence of the Gupta court

Siddhartha Gautama

The prince who is said to have founded Buddhism.


The social process by which culture is learned and transmitted across generations

Why were the Brahmins anxious to regain political control?

The state-sponsored Buddhism promoted by the Kushans undermined the social and religious superiority of the Brahmin caste.


The system of ethics, education, and statesmanship taught by Confucius and his disciples, stressing love for humanity, ancestor worship, reverence for parents, and harmony in thought and conduct.

The Mahabharata is

The true epic of India, representing the mythology and religion of the Hindu people


The white bull Shiva sometimes rides upon, who also makes music to which his master dances.

[ Mamallapuram ] Descent of the Ganges Myth

These figures—animal and human—are rejoicing at the prospect of having water.

According to Thapar, which of the following statements about historical traditions in South Asia is false? They depend on Western historical methodologies They often rely on oral forms They reflect the social and intellectual background of the various compilers They vary according to the preferences of different generations

They depend on Western historical methodologies

Which of the following is one of the ironies implied by the Ajanta Cave paintings?

They depict the flamboyance of the Gupta court, yet the stories behind the paintings are Buddhist

Bejeweled Man

This figure is decked out with precious jewels—an ironic depiction of a person in a Buddhist morality tale.

Diagram of the Temple at Elura

This is the ground plan for the temple at Elura in Central India, just south of Ajanta

The Kandariya Mahadev Temple at Khajurajo

This temple in the north/central part of continent is built on a high platform and is considered the World Mountain in temple form.


Traditional dance drama of India

Ayurvedic medicine

Treatments include herbs, nutrition, toxin cleansing, meditation, massage, and yoga.

According to the Richman reading, Ramanujan argues that the many renditions of the Ramayana are different "crystallizations" based on a pool of signifiers that include plot, characters, names, geography, incidents, and relations. True False


Gupta India was the most advanced civilization on the earth at the time. T/F


Milman Parry and Albert Lord discovered how oral poets in the former Yugoslavia used formulaic phrases, scenes, and story patterns to enable their memories in performance. True/False


T/F: Similar to Christianity, Buddhism became more popular outside its country of origin than it did within its country of origin.



Untouchables, outcasts

What is the primary language spoken in Pakistan?


cultural syncretism

When an aspect of two or more distinct cultures blend together to create a new custom, idea, practice, or philosophy.

The _____________ from Central Asia eventually toppled the Guptas

White Huns


a Buddhist monastery or dwelling place for mocks


a building with a barrel-vaulted roof; a Buddhist shrine or prayer hall with a stupa at one end

What makes the use of fractals unique in the building of Hindu temples is that recursive elements represent ...

a fundamental creative principle of Hindu cosmology


a group of military-minded aristocrats from Rajasthan

Hindu Kush

a mountain range extending west of the Himalayas

The visual patterns evident in modern Ralli quilts demonstrate

a reliance on the oral tradition from mother to daughter

The Indo-Gangetic Plain

a rich, fertile and ancient land encompassing most of northern and eastern India, the most populous parts of Pakistan, and virtually all of Bangladesh.


a section of the Indian epic the Mahabharata; The most important work of Indian sacred literature, a dialogue between the great warrior Arjuna and the god Krishna on duty and the fate of the spirit.

Hinduism maintains that ____________________ since everything in the universe is one

all art is religious, and yet it is secular, too,

Mara told him that he (Siddhartha) had refused to give

alms in a former incarnation


an isolated emotion

According to Palmer, bodhisattvas

are Buddhas-to-be

According to La Plante, female figures on Indus Valley pottery are believed to represent a mother goddess came with the Aryan conquerors represented the first artisans responsible for the Ralli designs are believed to have been ancient rulers

are believed to represent a mother goddess


are pilgrimage sites for followers

Yet, Buddhist ____ continued to be highly influential during the Gupta period


The Four Noble Truths

as taught by the Buddha, the four basic beliefs that form the foundation of Buddhism

The idea of the bodhisattva may be seen as the influence of a Hindu concept—the role of _______


After 49 days, Mara (an evil being), tried to stop Siddhartha by tempting him with his

beautiful but evil daughters

Bodhisattva Padmapani

c. 475 CE.South Asian Art [Gupta period]


capital city in both the Mauryan and Gupta empires

India was probably the most ________ region in the world from the fourth through the sixth centuries.

civilized and happiest


collection of speculative questions regarding the Vedas

Unlike Western drama, there were no tragedies or tragic heroes—a play was supposed to __________

convey peace and serenity

[ Mamallapuram ] The roofs on the rectangular buildings are not straight-sided but _______________________________. These buildings go back to the Buddhist chaitya halls for their inspiration.

curved to reflect the exterior shape of the barrel-vaulted interiors

The cause of suffering is ________


[ The Diagram of the Temple at Elura ] The paths and courtyards on the periphery allow ...

devotees to circumambulate while meditating.

According to La Plante, the Aryan invaders.

did not make images or embody their deities in visual form

There were also 33 other rasa—subtle refinements or sidelights of the 8 basic ones, including _________

discouragement, weakness, dreaming, etc

The bodhisattva in Buddhism and the avatar in Hinduism were expressions of a humanism that brought ______

divinity within the reach of everyday people!

[ Mamallapuram ] This complexity is one of the ____________________ that continued for centuries to come.

earliest expressions of a style of temple building

To eliminate suffering one must __________ _______

eliminate desire

According to Parry and Lord, The Iliad and the Odyssey exhibit many of the principles of oral performance that they discovered in their work with Yugoslavian bards were written by Homer are examples of literary epics and not oral performances are Yugoslavian in origin

exhibit many of the principles of oral performance that they discovered in their work with Yugoslavian bards

Chandragupta Maurya

founder of the Mauryan Empire

One of the most obvious artistic embodiments on the notion of a recursive, self-similar universe is the presence of _________ in the architecture of the Hindu temples


Examples of Hindu imagery include depictions of ...

gods, animals from folk myths, and human figures

Chandragupta II is recognized as an even greater ruler than his __________.


In addition to the spectacular Ajanta frescoes produced by skilled painters, Gupta authors also produced __________

great literature in the Sanskrit language, including fables, fairy tales, lyric poetry, and drama

Large temples throughout the subcontinent became multi-chambered complexes where the inner sanctum ...

housed the replica of the temple's deity

[ Mamallapuram ] This temple was created from ....

huge boulders on the southeastern coast

[ The Kandariya Mahadev Temple at Khajurajo ] The sides of the spires expand in the four directions ...

in a repetition of the form of the whole spire.

Even though Buddhism was not a major religious or social force at the time of the Guptas, the Mahayana sect (that had been practiced by the Kushans) continued to ...

influence the visual arts and created many artworks of Buddha.


influenced the development of the Devanagari script

Deccan Plateau

large plateau in southern India


liberation; to reunite with Brahman or the cosmos, the goal of all Hindus

Hindu artists infused their work with a combination of ...

lofty spirituality and earthy exuberance.

Traditionally there were 8 basic rasa:

love, laughter, anger, sadness, pride, fear, loathing and wonder

The Kushans had converted to the Mahayana sect of Buddhism and _______________ after taking over north India, even though the majority of South Asians were Hindu

made Buddhism the state religion

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