II. Verbi ed espressioni segiuti dalla preposizione 'a' - Parte A (davanti a nome o a un pronome)

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*raccomandarsi a

to ask favors of

assistere a

to attend

servire a (1.) when used transitively, its compound tenses are formed with the auxiliary AVERE. (2.) when intransitively, compound tenses may be formed with either AVERE or ESSERE, although the meaning changes depending on which auxiliary is used. (3.) in pronominal usage, the auxiliary is ESSERE.

to be good for

fare bene (male) a

to be good/bad for

*interessarsi a

to be interested in

credere a

to believe in

dare torto a

to blame

dare fastidio a

to bother

dare noia a

to bother

dare la caccia a

to chase

dare da mangiare a

to feed

*mescolarsi a

to get mixed with

*abituarsi a

to get used to

fare un regalo a

to give a present to

rinunciare a

to give up

contravvenire a

to go against

dare un calcio a

to kick

dare retta a

to listen to

*stare bene a

to look good on

partecipare a

to participate in

badare a

to pay attention to

fare attenzione (caso) a

to pay attention to

giocare a

to play (a game or a sport)

fare piacere a

to please

dare un pugno a

to punch

ricordare a

to remind

assomigliare (somigliare) a

to resemble

stringere la mano a

to shake hands with

fare vedere a

to show

pensare a

to think about

tenere a

to value, to care about

fare visita a

to visit

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